Basic Bible Exam Eternity (September 1982), 16-21


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Basic Bible Exam

Eternity(September 1982), 16-21

Part 1: Redemption’s Plan

Arrange these events of the redemption of the world in their proper chronology:

(3 points each = 24)

A. The Fall

B. The Giving of the Law

C. The Second Coming of Christ

D. Creation

E. The Prophets

F. Pentecost

G. The Promise to Abraham

H. The Atoning Death of Christ.

Answer:D. Creation

A. The Fall

G. The Promise to Abraham

B. The Giving of the Law

E. The Prophets

H. The Atoning Death of Christ

F. Pentecost

C. The Second Coming of Christ

Part 2: Somewhere in the Bible

Write the name of the book in which you find the following events

(1 point each = 15)

Somewhere in the Bible

1. Peter visits Cornelius where he learns that God accepts both Jews and Gentiles who believe.


Acts 10

Somewhere in the Bible

2. While on the Mount of Olives, Jesus gives a prophetic discourse.


Matthew 24Mark 13Luke 21

Somewhere in the Bible

3. Israel demands a king so it can be like the surrounding nations.


1 Samuel 8

Somewhere in the Bible

4. Those who scoff at Christ’s coming will trouble the church, but the Creation and Flood should convince believers of God’s future judgment with fire.


2 Peter 3

Somewhere in the Bible

5. Israel worships a golden calf made by Aaron.


Exodus 32

Somewhere in the Bible

6. Paul travels to Jerusalem where he is falsely accused and arrested.


Acts 21

Somewhere in the Bible

7. Twelve men explore the land of Canaan, but only Caleb and Joshua are sure that God’s people can possess the land.


Numbers 13

Somewhere in the Bible

8. God’s judgment upon Belshazzar is written on the wall during a banquet.


Daniel 5

Somewhere in the Bible

9. Cyrus permits the Jews to return to Jerusalem and gives them silver and gold utensils for the temple.


Ezra 1Isaiah 45

2 Chronicles 36

Somewhere in the Bible

10. Elijah is taken up to heaven and Elisha receives authority to continue his ministry.


2 Kings 2

Somewhere in the Bible

11. Paul and Barnabas confer with church leaders in Jerusalem on the role of circumcision.


Acts 15

Somewhere in the Bible

12. God’s judgment on Israel is pictured by a prophet as a horde of locusts.


Joel 1

Somewhere in the Bible

13. Elihu enters the debate on the reason for human suffering.


Job 32

Somewhere in the Bible

14. Jesus, as God’s son, is greater than Moses, his faithful servant.


Hebrews 3

Somewhere in the Bible

15. God commands circumcision as a sign of his covenant with Abraham.


Genesis 17

Part 3: Judge a book by its contents

Tell which book of the Bible you would turn to if you wanted…

(1 point each = 6)

Judge a book by its contents

1. The fullest explanation of the doctrine of salvation.



Judge a book by its contents

2. The best New Testament explanation of the meaning of the Old Testament.


Hebrews(Matthew, Revelation)

Judge a book by its contents

3. The history of the early church



Judge a book by its contents

4. The Gospel written to win faith in Jesus the son of God.



Judge a book by its contents

5. The Epistle that shows how you can be sure you know God and have eternal life.


1 John

Judge a book by its contents

6. The book of pithy counsel on everyday affairs for the wise person.



Part 4: What’s your order?

Arrange the following descriptions of Old Testament events in the correct historical order:

(2 points each = 12)

What’s your order?A. Judah is taken captive to Babylon.B. Moses leads God’s people out of Egypt.C. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal on

Mt. Carmel.D. Haggai urges God’s people to complete

the Temple.E. Saul is killed; David becomes King over

JudahF. Isaac is born to Sarah.

Answer:F. Isaac is born to Sarah.B. Moses leads God’s people out of Egypt.E. Saul is killed; David becomes King over

Judah.C. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal on

Mt. Carmel.A. Judah is taken captive to Babylon.D. Haggai urges God’s people to complete

the Temple.

Part 5: What’s your order?

Arrange the following descriptions of New Testament events in the correct historical order:

(2 points each = 12)

What’s your order?A. Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Christ.B. Paul preaches to the Gentiles on Mars Hill.C. The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus like a dove.D. Paul, Barnabas, and Mark are sent out by the

church.E. Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to

Emmaus.F. Peter heals a crippled beggar outside the


What’s your order?C. The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus like a dove.A. Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Christ.E. Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to

Emmaus.F. Peter heals a crippled beggar outside the temple.D. Paul, Barnabas, and Mark are sent out by the

church.B. Paul preaches to the Gentiles on Mars Hill.

Part 6: Antidote to error

If you encountered someone who held the error listed, to which book of the Bible would you refer that person?

(1 point each = 6)

Antidote to error1.

“As long as you believe the right things, it doesn’t matter how you act in your daily life”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus


“As long as you believe the right things, it doesn’t matter how you act in your daily life”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Antidote to error2.

“I’m sure I don’t have a spiritual gift; only special people do.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus


“I’m sure I don’t have a spiritual gift; only special people do.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Antidote to error3.

“We are saved by Jesus, true, but we have to do our part by obeying the law of the Old Testament as well as the New.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus


“We are saved by Jesus, true, but we have to do our part by obeying the law of the Old Testament as well as the New.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Antidote to error4.

“If you are sick, it means you have some sin in your life; good people don’t suffer.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus


“If you are sick, it means you have some sin in your life; good people don’t suffer.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Antidote to error5.

“My money is my own, but I’ll give some to the Lord if there’s any left over.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus


“My money is my own, but I’ll give some to the Lord if there’s any left over.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Antidote to error6. “People who talk

about justice for the poor are liberals. Bible believers know that God is interested in the spiritual side of life. Business and religion don’t mix.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Answer:6. “People who talk

about justice for the poor are liberals. Bible believers know that God is interested in the spiritual side of life. Business and religion don’t mix.”

A. MalachiB. AmosC. GalatiansD. JobE. 1 CorinthiansF. JamesG. ProverbsH. 1 Peter I. Exodus

Part 7: Know your doctrines

Read the verses on the left. Match each one up with the doctrine it best supports.

(1 point each = 7)

Know your doctrines1.

“Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”

1 Peter 1:15

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity


“Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”

1 Peter 1:15

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines2.

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity


“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines3.

“God saved us, not because of righteous things we have done but because of his mercy.”

Titus 3:5

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity


“God saved us, not because of righteous things we have done but because of his mercy.”

Titus 3:5

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines4.

“Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.”

Romans 4:8

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity


“Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.”

Romans 4:8

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines5.

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before on of them cam to be.”

Psalm 139:16

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity


“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before on of them cam to be.”

Psalm 139:16

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines6.

“…the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Titus 2:13

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Answer: 6.

“…the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Titus 2:13

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Know your doctrines7.“Therefore go and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 28:19

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Answer:7.“Therefore go and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 28:19

A. GraceB. AtonementC. ProvidenceD. JustificationE. ImmutabilityF. SanctificationG. InspirationH. The Deity of ChristI. The Trinity

Part 8: Name that chapter

Listed are clues to key chapters of books from the Bible. What is the chapter number and the name of the book in which it is found?

(2 points each = 12)

Name that chapter

1. An Old Testament prophet predicts Messiah’s substitutionary suffering for the transgression of his people. “All we like sheep have gone astray…and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”


Isaiah 53:6

Name that chapter

2. A religious leader hears what he needs: “Except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”


John 3:3, 5

Name that chapter

3. Just as Adam was the head of the old humanity, Christ is the head of the new humanity. “By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.”


Romans 5:19

Name that chapter

4. Moses unveils the Ten Commandments.


Exodus 20

Name that chapter

5. The Holy Spirit comes upon the early disciples in wind, fire, and tongues. Three thousand Jews accept their message; the church begins.


Acts 2

Name that chapter

6. The first human pair turn from God and God begins his search for them: “Adam, where are you?”


Genesis 3:9

Part 9: What did you say?

Answer these questions the way they are answered in the Bible.

(2 points each = 6)

What did you say?

A.What must I do to be saved?


“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household”

Acts 16:30-31

What did you say?

B. Who do you say that I am?


“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Matthew 16:15-16

What did you say?

C. Shall we sin that grace may abound?


“By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?”

Romans 6:1-2
