Barriers to communication


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Barriers to communication

By Tom Allen

Sometimes if there is lots of background noise,

people will find it hard to concentrate when doing their work or are in a meeting.

One way you can overcome this barrier is to but some sound cancelling headphones, they completely block out the noise even if there is building work going on next door, the headphones will block it out completely.

Background noise

One barrier to effective communication would

be accent As some people come from different country's

they will have their own accent and you may find it hard to understand some things that they say and vice versa

A voice activated translator would be a good way of overcoming the accent barrier


Some people will find it hard to concentrate

when the speak is talking due to the way that person talks. Some people will speak in a very dull tone (monotone) saying one thing at a time and some people will find it hard to concentrate

The tone of your voice