Bajko Paul Adela 1985 Poland ECC



missionary newsletters

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Guidance Committee:Kenneth Meade. Secretary

Howard Brammer

Gerald L. Cowan

Carol Kakac

Adam J. Korenczuk

C. Wayne MurphyDanny Pelfrey

J. Thomas Segroves

Charles Steele

Sam E. Stone

William Walker

ms'JAhl 22

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014Phone: 301-734-7250

THE lord's year

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Paul Bajko, Director

January, 1985

The Year 1984 is history already.

For us it was a glorious and a very busy year,and also a year of records: 80Churches were visited where I gave reports about work in Poland, preached theGospel and led several Faith Promise Rallies; 3 Polish preachers and ladiesinvolved in the Christian work visited USA and I traveled with them for se

ven weeks as their interpretor.

In the Slavic Church of Christ I led the prayer meetings and delivered 40messages on the Book of Acts.

In July we attended the World Convention of Churches of Christ in Jamaica.September 14 was one of the greatest days in our lives - celebration of 30thAnniversary of our Polish Ministry.In October we celebrated the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Brother and SisterWinnik.

It was also a year of records as far as having guests in our home from Poland.

In 1984 we received more letters than in any other year with requests for ca-ssets with music and messages from the Word of God, for Christian literature,for medicine, for Bibles, for Song Books and especially requests for our Polish magazine "The Guidepost", and the book "The Harmony of Science and Scripture".In 1984 we were able to publish in Poland another 10.000 copies of "The Harmony of Science and Scripture" and begining January 1, 1985 we increased the

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publication of our Polish Magazine.

Over S 63,000.00 were sent to Poland tdward support of the preachers, buildingsand purchasing of Bibles.

In Poland there was a record of reviv4l meetings in our churches and a recordof baptismal services. IThere was also record of attendance adq responses in the Christian ServiceCamp in Ostroda.The Bible Correspondence Course was started with enrolment of 56 persons.


We also sponsored the coming to Easte:^i|i Christian College of IREK WOLOSZCZYK.Irek is the son of a Polish preacher who now lives in France.Irek is a dedicated Christian, a good|student and he is preparing himself formission work.

Department of Missions-Polish Ministry is taking full financial responsibility for Irek*s education.

With humble hearts we thank God for HI^ guidance and blessings and also wethank God for all those who faithfully labored with us through financial sup-

ifcu^ (3^^port, prayers and encouragements.


"Dear Bro. Bajko. Thank you very much for your letter, books andfinancial support. With God's help w e started a Bible Correspondence Course.I enclose a letter written in English tjo be used in your newsletter and as expression of gratitude for the help from you which enables us to have suchministry.When you will be here in April together with Bro. Don DeWelt and others I wouldlike at that time to bring to Warsaw aljl those who enrolled in the Correspondence Course for a two days lecture by Bro. Don DeWelt on the subject of the HolySpirit.Could you send me some books for our tilaining ministry - Yours, M.W."

Warsaw, November 15, 1984Beloved in Christ,By the grace of God, in October of this year, the Churches of Christ

could begin their Correspondence Bible Seminar. The Seminar is an answer to the

great need for training church workers and to the general interest of many

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irai iyirHiiiaraji


Correspondence Bible Seminar in Poland

church members in deepening their knowledge of the Bible, which we find growingin this country.A great number of applications to the Seminar is a testimony to that. There aremore students than we expected and we could not even take all of them becauseof our limited capacities. So we are at the same time glad and anxious to meetall the needs.

In our Seminar we have 56 brothers and sisters from 16 churches, mostly from theChurch of Christ. Seminar training takes two years and there are sixteen subjects/How to Study the Bible?, Everyday Christian Living, Evangelism and Discipleship,Christian Family, Old and New Testament, and others/. The goal of the Seminar isto acquire the knowledge of the Bible andapply it to everyday life and church ministryThe training goes in the following way: In the beginning of each month the students receive their books to study and do the exercises included in them. At theend of each month they come for two day meeting to hear some additional lectureson the subject /bringing their assigments with them/. Before they leave they gettheir next book and so we go on.The consultative meetings are held in our church building at Pulaska street 114,Warsaw.

Learning at the Seminar is free and is made possible by the generosity of churches and individuals who supply the funds. The expenses include supporting theworkers, editing and printing the books as well as lodging and board for the

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students. The seminar urgently needs acopies after typing out the scripts/. !We are deeply thankful for your help ^o far and ask for your further prayersand support in this ministry."Now he that ministereth seed to the sowiand multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness"/2 Cor. 9:10/. | ,

! With brotherly love,• [Yours, Michal Weremiejewicz

good typewriter /so as to get good xerox

er both minister bread for your food.





A. The Department of Missions recteIndividuals and Mission Groups.

Balance from 1983,


ived from Churches,


S 149,771.61


S 150,152.20

1. Missionary support: Paul Bajko, Dela Bajko, B.Winnik 39,272.202. Housing 9,225.003. Insurances, Social Securities and Hospitalization 12,285.154. Utilities .L 1,674.485. Office and Telephone it 1,813.156. CPA 1,475.007. Promotion 9,082.76

/Newsletter - 1,929.86. Trails - 3,885.10Cars allowances - 2,100.00. Guidance Com. - 1,167.80/

8. Conventions 2,598.009. POLAND: Bibles, Support for preachers. Build, and Lit. 63,729.05

10. Transfer to Designated Acc. r Church buildings in P. 4,800.0011. Scholarship - Irek Woloszczyk 1,347.6012. 30th Anniversasy of Dept. od Missions 1,617.4013. Misc 1,048.55

TOTAL S 149,968.34

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%i8 7S85

Guidance con,mi„ee: Department of MissiousKenneth MeacJe. Secretary Polish MinistryHoward Brammer EASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGEGerald Lcowan P.O. Box 629

TZTZenc... Bel Air, Maryland 21014C Wayne Murphy Photlc: 301-734- 7250Danny Pelfrey

J. Thomas Segroves

Charles Steele

Sam E Stone

William Walker

Paul Bajko. Director

March, 1985

DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS - POLISH MINISTRY is engaged in all kinds of ministriesand it is our privilege to serve the Lord, our Brethren in Poland and win soulsfor Christ.

We preach the Word through cassettes, letters, literature, songs. Bibles, support of preachers and personal evangelism.We are involved 100% in the Christian work and life.We share the joys and sorrows, victoties and failures in the work and personalwell-being of our preachers and others who are in need of medicine, material andspiritual help.We thank God that He entrusted us this great ministry and we thank God for allAmerican Christians who are involved with us in this ministry through prayers,support and concern.

This year. Lord willing, in April I will go to Poland to preach, visit chur -ches, see achievements, bring enocouragement and take part in some seminars.

Many of you responded in a wonderful way to our plea by sending your love offerings toward the trip to Poland and letters wishing me God*s blessing on mytrip. Thank you very much!

It will be an eventful trip. 25 years ago for the first time, Dela, myself andour youngest son, Andrew landed in Poland as American citizens and Christianworkers, where we found churches without proper facilities to worship and meansto preach.There was need for Bibles, literature, song books, etc. At that time I wasalso challenged by Brethren in Poland to start broadcasting the Gospel of Christto Poland and one year later under sponsorship of the Gospel Broadcating Mission

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we started to beam the first radio broadcast in Polish language through RadioLuxemburg, which later was moved to Trans World Radio,

This year there will be in Poland a Seminar on the Holy Spirit which will beled by Bro. Don DeWelt and there will be singing and evangelising by the VernonBrothers. i

After a 30 day long stay in Poland I will go to Leicester, England, to takepart in the conference of the Churches of Christ of Great Britain and Ireland.It will be also a great event for me, because exactly 50 years ago in 1935 myfather, who was a minister of the Church of Christ in Poland, attended WorldConvention of Churches of Christ in Leicester, England.

We ask for your prayers for all meetings in Poland and England.

We pray for you!



"To the Depatrment of Missions - Polish Ministry:Dear Brethren in Christ. We wish you God's blessing in your ministry in the NewYear. , '

mThe Church of Christ in Kolobrzeg

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Those who were baptised received Bibles

We pray that the Lord will reward your work and your remembering our work inPoland. Your work is not in vain, it brings abundant fruit for the glory ofGod.

We thank you for your help and concern for our work and difficulties. We thankyou especially for your prayers which accompany us in our efforts and growthof the Churches of Christ in Poland.

Thank you for sending us regularly your polish magazine "The Guidepost" Wecherish and value much it's spiritual contest with the messages from the Gospel, comfort and encouragement for our people.Also as the Church, we thank you for Bibles and the books "The Harmony ofScience and Scripture" and other literature which is great blessing to people.Also we want to thank you for £ 1000- toward the purchase of a microbus whichwill enable us to bring old and sick to the church and those who live far away,

In the name of lu^^self and my family I would like to thank you for the regularsupport and for the special help in purchasing a house.Your concern, love and prayers in connection with sickness of our son Rubenmoved us deeply and we thank God for carrying all burdens together with us.

When I was in your county, I saw your engagement and the work for the Lord. Thepicture of your dedication and hard work will be in my mind through whole

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life and it is a lesson and example for me and my ministry.

We are confident that our Lord who said: "And whosoever shall give to drink untoone of these little ones a cup of cold water" will reward and bless you.

Yours, Peter Karel"

"Dear Editor: It so happened that I got your monthly magazine "The Guidepost."I must admit that contest of your magazine is very rich and touches the heartsof readers. I am engaged in distribution of Christian literature in Poland, soplease send me several copies regularly each month.I wish you God's blessing and may the I,<^rd give you strength in your ministry.


"Dear Brother in Christ. I am glad to vnite to you and inform you that I amworking in a Christian Bookstore "Logos". God is blessing us in this ministry.We sell many Bibles and Christian literature and Christian books.We thank God for your ministry in publication of the Polish magazine "The Guide-post". It is at the present the best Christian magazine.We pray God's blessing upon you and youij co-workers. E.and W.R."youij

"Respected Mr. and Mrs Bajko. I write to you to inquire about the possibilitiesof receiving your Song books: "Heavenly Sunshine" and "One Song."I am a teacher of music and I lead Church choir. My son is a student of theAcademy of Music and he leads the choir also.We have problems with finding good spiritual songs and when by a chance I gotone copy of your Song Book I liked it - in those songs there is great message.Please send me several copies and we will pay any amount you indicate.May the Lord bless you richly, T. and R. U."

"Dear Editor: Lately I got by chance one of your books. I would like to askyou to send me all books and literature you publish and also if you have cas-setts with Christian music and messages I would like to have it too.We send to you our best greetings. Yours, W.Z."

"Dear in Christ. I just read your magazine "The Guidepost" and I like it verymuch. Is there a possibility to receive jit regularly?. Also I would like to askyou to send me some songbooks for youth and choir. I am in charge of youthgroups and choir leader. We wish you God's blessing in your work. K.B."

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Guidance CommiHee!

Kenneth Meade, SecretaryHoward Brammer

Lee Brack

Gerald L. Cowan

Carol Kakac

Adam). Korenczuk

C. Wayne MurphyDanny PelfreyJ. Thomas SegrovesCharles Steele

Sam E. Stone

William Walker

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014P/ionc: 30l-734-7:i50

Paul Bajko, Director

September, 1985


In Eastern Poland .-inost

people celebrate Resurre-tion of Christ accordingthe Gregorian 'iCalendar.This year it was exactlyone week after our cele

bration, That gave theChristians another opportunity to witness forChrist and preach Hiswonderful Gospel.People overthere usuallycelebrate 3 days andsometimes even a whole


Preaching in Bielki, Eastern Poland

' -- week we moved into_ ^ i •• Jakoniuk and Aleksan-Preaching in Bielki, Eastern Poland der Zegunia are ministe

ring to two larger congregations. There are also smaller churches in Sielc, Czarna Srednia, Bielki and Sze-szyly,Every day we had two services in two different places - one in the morning and onein the afternoon.

After each service there were big Easter dinners and great fellowship around thetables. Each place was packed with listeners.During that week I preached 12 messages and interpreted for Mike Householder /anAmerican preacher/ 6 times.Also it was our great privilege to dedicate ground for the building which willbe errected in Bielsk-Podlaski, where Kostek Jakoniuk is preaching. The work

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began in July.We were able to contribute

another S 5,000,00 towardthe building program inBielsk-Podlaski.

Also we saw how beautifullywas remodeled and enlargedthe church building inSiemiatycze, where Bro.Aleksander Zegunia is ministering.The building in Siemiatycze is the only originalbuilding of the Church ofChrist built before II

World War.

Dedication of the grounds in Bielsk-Podlaski From there we went to a-nother old Church in Mu-

ratyn, where in a remote area, almost forgotten by everybody, live children ofGod and people who need Christ.The weather was not good, almost all week was freezing, the building was notwarm, but with 60 people in the small building it was warm, it was warm also spi'ri tually, when according theold custom 6 people preachedand I was the seveth.

Szymon in his80-ties still preaches theGospel.

From Muratyn we returned toWarsaw to meet Bro. Don De-

Welt and the Vernon Brothers

with their wives and chiIdrea

On Sunday, April 21, I preached in 2yrardow, where Bro.Erwin Karzelek is ministe

ring.Bro. Don DeWelt preached inSiemiatycze and Bielsk-Pod-laski and the Vernon Bro

thers sang and preached inWarsaw Churches,

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Church building in Siemiatycze

Monday, April 22 nd

6 i ^ '—I met with our Po-' " /\f lish preachers in

^ 1 ®confe'OmKiy^g^RP V rence where I was•"_^j^BBHIHBKi '̂" - -I^BbI able to find out a-

' \|^sH| bout their work,growth of the Chur-

^^HlH 'Ijf needsproblems.

workers Olsztyn

On the way to the church in Muratyn We had day-long sessions with evange

listic services at night in area Churches.Bro. Don DeWelt did a superb job. The material he presented stirred the minds ofpeople and gave them a completely new insight of the work of the Holy Spirit.We thank God and Bra Don and for his service.

During the Conference Vernon Bro- mhthers the

down to singing,testimonies and preaching. HI**During that week, despite verycold weather with rain and snow,we went to different church each

..^s^Hpreached in Ostroda, where Paul

Wrobel is ministering, in Olsztyn, ,'̂ '̂'r'.'̂ ^H||Hwhere Sergiusz Kobus Hvand Lidzbark-Warminski, whereMikolaj Makarczuk and Jerzy Fuszczare

Vernon Brothers sang and preachedthe same churches on other

The churches were 1^with people each night.Bro. Don DeWelt spoke on Friday Bro. DeWelt lectures at the seminarBro. DeWelt lectures at the seminar

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to the students of the Correspondence Bible Seminar in Warsaw and then on Sundayhe preached in the Warsaw Church

Don de-

to the IMay ^HU I

they were ^HHIable to churches Ko-> ^HHI ^lobrzeg, ^^Hlmiatycze, Sosnowiec, ^Hl IDabrowa ^HIIand ^BjlFor people was the ^Ell i

which theyperformed. ^HU l|Many of those who were ^HHIChristians , listening to their ^HBl --^songs messages deeply

some them are

now regularly to hearthe

Thank you, Bro. Don DeWelt and Vernon Brothers in PolandVemon Brothers for bringingthe great messages of God*s love to the Polish people in such a powerful way.

To be continued


Poland is one of the Qowitries which is wide open for the Gospel of Christ,

Physioally pecfple in Poland are in good ^^hage. Economy is improving^ nobody ishungry,BUT there is spiritual hunger and people need spiritual food,

yhile I was in Poland I was able to purchase 400 Bibles^ I wish it were 4000,but it was all what I had funds for,I met people who begged me for more songbooks, and Christian literature, andagain we need funds to print them,I was in a church that meets in a little room /the living room of the preacher's appartment/. There was no placebo put pulpit or d table - they needa house of worship. IWe found an adequate building but it will cost over S 20,000,00,

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray and help us to supply thoseneeds, P t /? 'Z

Yours in Christ, fCUJ ^oct/j^^