Baihaki M. Yahya CV


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Personal Biodata

Contact Info

Full Name : Boihaki M Yahya, S.Sos.i Place Of Birth : Blang Pulo Pemkot Lhokseumawe Date of Birth : November 05th, 1985 Height : 170 cm Gender : Male Nationality : Indonesia Ethnic : Aceh Marital Status : Single Mobile Phone : +628126913143 E-Mail :

Current Address: Jln Bakti Lr Rambung, Nesue Aceh No 67 Banda Aceh, Aceh Province (Indonesia) Permanent Address : Jln. Medan Banda Aceh Pintu II Blang Pulo Pemkot Lhokseumawe (Indonesia) Tel : +6264558411






Islamic Broadcasting Communication Department of Dakwah Faculty Ar-Raniry State. IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Aceh Province. Modern Islamic College of Misbahul Ulum Paloh Pemkot Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province. Indonesia. Elementary School of Padang Sakti Lhokseumawe SD 2 Blang Pulo. Pemkot Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province. Indonesia.

Course And


August 2010

Training of Disaster Risk Reduction by UNDP and Dinas Perhubungan

Komunikasi dan Telematika Provinsi Aceh (Dibhubkomintel) for Baseline survey ▪ Knowledge of disaster mean ▪ Prevention of disaster before and after ▪ Disaster risk transfer ▪ Disaster Mitigation ▪ FGD (focus Group Discussion)

October, 2009

Desember, 2006

December 26 - February 12, 2006

Mart 31, April 02, 2006

Desember 26,

February 12, 2005

November 01- 10, 2004

▪ selecting the sample and population

Training of PDA Program And End Line Survey, by TANGO (Technical Assistant non Government Organization) for end line survey of American Red Cross plant.

▪ Learning about and PDA how to use it ▪ Making data file ▪ Entering data file ▪ Add data file ▪ selecting of sample and population

Marketing And Management Training for Traditional Art, by LSM Aceh and BRR Nad Nias. at Wisma Regina, Banda Aceh. ▪ Basic of Management ▪ Pengemasan Kesenian ▪ Management Production ▪ Management Marketing ▪ Fundraising and Promotion ▪ Proposal Writing ▪ How To Get a New Link of art

Rising Above the Tsunami, Restoration an Recovery Through Reviving the Achene’s intangible culture heritage, by UNESCO and Sacred Bridge a Foundation for Culture. ▪ Rediscovering The Root ▪ Sensing The Art ▪ Understanding of the logic of Art ▪ Basic Child Psychology ▪ Practical Pedagogy for Children ▪ Basic Event Management

In House Training Pres Mahasiswa Aceh, By Aji- Inter news, at Hotel Vina Vira Lhokseumawe Photography Course at Dakwah Faculty IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, by communication Islamic Broadcasting. Computer Course at Business Collage of Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia (LP3I). Banda Aceh. On:

▪ Microsoft Window ▪ Microsoft Word ▪ Microsoft Excel ▪ Microsoft Power Point ▪ Internet.




May, 2009


October, 2008

September, 2005

Augusts, 2005.

2004 - 2005

2005 - 2007

2004 - 2006

President of Sanggar Genta Purna Prakarya Muda Indonesia (PPMI) Aceh Member of Jambore Pemuda Indonesia (JPI) at Lapangan Exs STQ Air Sebakul, Bengkulu. Member of Bakti Pemuda Antar Provinsi (BPAP), Lampung destination Member of Jambore Pemuda Indonesia (JPI) at Taman Rekreasi Wiladatika Cibubur, Jakarta. Member of “Malam Amal Seni Budaya Aceh. Pengumpulan dana untuk korban tshunami di Aceh” at Kampong Baro Kuala Lumpur. Member of Rapa’i Geleng Dance at “Pertemuan Perempuan Di Panggung Teater Indonesia” event at Taman Isma’il Marzuki Jakarta.

Business Development Staff of Sectary Cooperation IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.

Promotion Cooperation Product Maintaining The quality of Product Working Through partnership with local student organization, and

Indonesia Government.

Human Relation Of Sanggar Seni Seulaweuet Mahasiswa Ar-Raniry Planning And Implementing of organization Programs Monitoring, And Programmer Evaluation Working Through Partnerships with local Student Organization of Art, and

NGO has Making good Partnership with Seulaweuet such as : UNESCO, Plan International, ERM (Prance) Act.

Collecting data and Analysis The New Members. Designer/ Lay-outer for Seulaweuet Web, and Bulletins news

Sectary general of Student Organization Misbahul Ulum Paloh Collage (FOKALMUPA). Banda Aceh Typing All Letter for Organization Needed Conduct Weekly and Monthly Meeting Organization Report Writing

Work Experience

August - October 2010

January-Mart 2010






Enumerator of Baseline survey at Bener Meriah distric for UNDP and Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan telematika aceh province on Penanggulangan Resiko Bencana project

▪ Making the questioner for baseline survey ▪ How to choice a sample ▪ Collecting data ▪ Entering data

Supervisor for end line survey by American Red Cross on CBHFA program.

Managing the team, for one district like such as Sabang Conducting file every day Get meeting with the team Giving idea is the are getting the problem at field

Enumerator by American Red Cross.

Get training how to collecting a data file, sampling, and act. Collecting data file survey for some program ARC Selecting sample and population

Lay-outer for history book Bakti Pemuda Antar Provinsi Dispora Provinsi Aceh Event Organizer of MAN (Musabaqah Alqur'an Nasional) Telkomsel, by Niburu Production.

Making the schedule

Be Master of Ceremony for some event Be informant Be guide

Journalist and head Coordinated Tabloid Modus Aceh (consent about Politic and Criminal). Banda Aceh

Received news report from regional reporter Arrange reporting desk to central reporter Arrange weekly, monthly and yearly main meeting Deciding Headline news weekly Advice regional reporter for actively engaged in reporting activity

Field Coordinator and Supervisor “Anak-anak Pengungsi” Continually Plan Project at 21 camp Shelter Aceh Besar.

2008 - letter Journalis for Aceh Feature (online media)


2006 – Letter


2005 letter

Field Coordinator “Pelatihan Anak-anak pengungsi dalam bidang tari” at 21 camp shelter Aceh Besar (PLAN) I dan II Journalist of Sumber post Magazine at Dakwah Faculty Ar-Raniry state Institute for Islamic studies (IAIN) Banda Aceh. Master Of Ceremony at children day event. By ERM (enfant Refuges du Monde) Prance and Announcer, Radio kampus 107,7 Ar-raniry FM. TOT for Aceh dance for BPAP Aceh (Bakti Pemuda Antar Provinsi). At Dispora (Dinas Pemuda dan Olah Raga) Aceh Province

Computer Skill

Microsoft Window, Microsoft Office Application such as Microsoft word, Excel, and PowerPoint Internet Explorer, and E-Mail Adobe Photoshop Cs Corel Draw

Langguage Skill

Aceh : Excellent Indonesia : Excellent English : Good Arabic : Good Malay : Good

Self Quality

Ability to work in and manage team Ability to make Work plan and Report Have good understanding of community– based organization Have good knowledge and understanding of communities in Aceh Have good communication skill both written and orally Ability to work effectively and harmoniously in an multi cultural environment Hard working and sharp learner


Quinli, Han. Director a. I UNESCO office, Jakarta.

o Mobile Phone. +6211 68316361 Fairus M. Nur Ibrahim Pimred Of Aceh Point Magazine

o Mobile Phone: +628126906404

Iskandar Norman (nyak’kaoy) Secretaries of Tabloid Modus Ache

o Mobile Phone. +6281360042212

Irwansyah Yahya MBAIT. MA.

o Mobile Phone. +625959776659

I declare this Curriculum Vitae’s is right and true, if any false document and data found in this CV the owner could take responsibility and punish by legal laws of the country. Sincerely yours Baihaki M. Yahya

and Redactor Harian Aceh.

Monitoring and Evaluation. (M & E) Logica 2