Bai Thiet Ke He Thong So



Bai Thiet Ke He Thong So

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Ch :m led bnh thng vn dng l sai nh .y l m led ng cho led7 (k nhn r th ln mng tm nh, dp l du chm ca led7, m ny tch cc m nu bng 1 th tt bng 0 th sng)

Trong 1 s bi hin th led 7 c chn den(3 downto 0) v trn kit nap c 4 led7 bt y s cho led no sng ,cn nu mun n gin 4 led sng cng 1 lc th k cn chan den(3 downto 0) cng dc cho n gin.B chia tn(dnh cho my bi m,phi ghp thm chng trnh chia tn vo mi chy c) library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity bochiatan is port( clk : in STD_LOGIC; rst : in STD_LOGIC; cl : out STD_LOGIC );end bochiatan;architecture bochiatan of bochiatan issignal a:std_logic:='0';begin process(clk,rst)variable i: integer range 0 to 50000000;beginif rst='1' theni:=0;elseif clk'event and clk='1' thenif i=25000000 theni:=0;a