Backup of · - Use hacking tools such as Metasploit,...


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Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing

Defending against the malicious

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIUWHAT YOU WILL LEARN FROM OUR COURSES

- Install hacking lab (works on Windows and Linux)- Discover vulnerabilities & exploit them hack into servers- Hack & secure both WiFi & wired networks- Hack secure systems using client-side & social engineering attacks- Use hacking tools such as Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, SQLmap.....etc- How to discover and exploit web application vulnerabilities to gain full control over websites- Install Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system- Install windows & vulnerable OS as virtual machines for testing- Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal- Learn Network Penetration Testing- Network basics & how devices interact inside a network- Practical attacks without knowing the key to the target network- Control connections of clients without knowing the password.- Create a fake Wi-Fi network with internet & spy on clients- Gather information about networks like their OS, opened ports ..- Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions using a number of methods.- ARP Spoofing/ARP Poisoning- Launch Various Man In The Middle attacks- Gain access to any account accessed by any client in network- Sniff packets to extract important info such as: passwords, cookies, urls, videos, images ..etc.- Discover open ports, services & vulnerabilities on systems- Gain control over computer systems using server side attacks- Exploit buffer over flows and code execution vulnerabilities- Gain control over computer systems using client side attacks- Gain control over computer systems using fake updates- Gain control over computer systems by backdooring downloads- Create undetectable backdoors- Backdoor normal programs- Backdoor any file type such as pictures, pdf's ...etc.- Gather information about people, such as emails, social media accounts, emails and friends- Use social engineering to gain full control over target systems- Send emails from ANY email account without knowing the password for that account- Read, write download, upload and execute files on compromised systems- Capture keystrokes on a compromised system- Use a compromised computer as a pivot to gain access to other computers on the same network- Understand how websites & web applications work- Understand how browsers communicate with websites- Gather sensitive information about websites- Discover servers, technologies and services used on websites- Discover emails and sensitive data associated with a website- Find all subdomains associated with a website- Discover unpublished directories and files with a target website- Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website- Exploit file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control- Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities- Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities- Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities- Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections- Writing SQL queries to find sensitive data such as usernames and passwords using SQL injections- Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections- Learn the right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections- Discover reflected XSS vulnerabilities- Discover Stored XSS vulnerabilities- Hook victims to BeEF using XSS vulnerabilities- Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user

Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Module 1 : You will learn extensive hands-on with installation and configuration of Virtualization and Kali Linux.

---- Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Pentesting---- VMWare Installation---- Installation of Kali Linux---- Kali Linux Configuration and VMWare Tools---- Introduction to Kali Linux---- Concept of Operating Systems

Module 2 : Master your commandline skills to navigate and administer Kali Linux and Windows Command lines

---- Linux terminal basics---- Kali Linux editors---- Kali Linux administrative commands---- Windows and Networking command

Module 3 : Prepare Your Lab

---- Changing IP address and setting up Wireless Adapter---- Creating Bootable Kali USB---- Important Networking Terms---- Important Hacking Terms---- Few Things to Do After Installing Kali Linux---- Changing Our Mac Address - MacChanger

Module 4 : Footprinting

---- Google Hacking---- Working with Nikto---- DNS Footprinting---- The Harvester---- Shodan---- Zone Transfer With Dig

Module 5 : Scanning

---- Installing Metasploitable---- Working with Nmap---- Working with Zenmap---- TCP scans---- Nmap Bypassing Defences---- Nmap Scripts

Module 6 : Phishing Attacks and Mass mailer attack

---- Introduction To Social Engineering and information Gathering---- Types Of Social Engineering---- Social Engineering Attacks---- Spear Phishing Attacks---- Phishing Attack---- Phishing Attack Consequences---- Mass Mailer Attack

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing - Stage I

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Module 6 : Phishing Attacks and Mass mailer attack

---- Introduction To Social Engineering and information Gathering---- Types Of Social Engineering---- Social Engineering Attacks---- Spear Phishing Attacks---- Phishing Attack---- Phishing Attack Consequences---- Mass Mailer Attack

Module 7 : Arp Poisioning, DNS & DHCP Spoofing & Port Stealing

---- ARP Poisoning---- DNS Spoofing vs DNS Poisoning---- Advanced Concepts on DNS Spoofing---- DHCP Spoofing---- Port Stealing

Module 8 : Backdoors and Rootkits

---- Backdoor Overview---- Backdoor Process and Functions---- Backdoor Gaining Access---- Backdoor Maitaining Access---- Introducing Command Prompt Backdoor---- Meterpreter Backdoor---- Gaining Root

Module 9 : Jack the Ripper, Embedded Trojan Horse, Java Applet Attack, MITM Attacks, ICMP, Driftnet and EvilGrade

---- Jack the Ripper---- Embedded Trojan Horse---- Introduction To Java Applet Attack Method---- Man in the Middle : MITM Attack---- ICMP Redirection---- Killing a Network---- Ddosing Unauthorised Network---- Working with Driftnet---- Working with EvilGrade

Module 10 : Meterpreter, MsfConsole and MsDConsole

---- Meterpreter Overview---- Activating Payloads---- MsFconsole explained---- MsDconsole Commands---- Exploits---- Payloads---- Generating Payloads

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing - Stage II

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Module 11 : Password Cracking

---- Introduction To Password Cracking---- Password Cracking Strategy---- Windows Password Cracking Overview---- Nuts And Bolts Of Windows Password Cracking Strategy---- Introduction To Linux Hash Cracking---- Linux Hash Cracking Strategy---- Generating Wordlist Overview---- Generating Wordlist Process and Functions---- CeWL Cracking

Module 12 : DDos Attacks on Windows & SAM Hacking

---- Introduction To Denial of Service---- DoS Vs DDoS---- Levels Of DDos Attacks---- Preventing DDos Attacks---- Introduction To DDoSing Windows 7---- DDosing Windows 7 Methods---- Hacking Win7 SAM database

Module 13 : Cryptography

---- Introduction To Cryptography---- Basic Concepts On Cryptography---- Hash Func and Oracle Method---- Birthday Theorem & Digital Signature---- Pros and Cons Of Cryptography

Module 14 : SQL Injections Attacks

---- Introduction To SQL injection---- SQL Injection To Google Dorks---- SQL Mapping Via Kali Linux---- Gathering Password And Cracking The Hash---- Website Hacking - SQL Injections with Sqlmap

Module 15 : Wireless Attacks

---- Introduction to WEP and WPA---- 802 1X Standard---- Wireless Cracking Overview---- Wriless Cracking Via Kali Linux

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing - Stage III

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Certification partner of MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU

Ethical Hacking &Penetration Testing Training from theAward Winner in Network Security Education.

MIS AcademyA unit of Technology Incubation Center CIU
