Background of the Study




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Background of the studyInternet use is spreading rapidly into daily life, and directly affecting peoples ideas and behavior. Internet has an impact in many areas including the higher education system. Internet indicate the development and implementation of new and innovatitive teaching strategies in higher education institutions. Educators who advocate technology integration in the learning process believe it will improve learning and prepare students to effectively participate in the 21st century workplace. Internet use has become a way of life for the majority of higher education students all around the world. For most college students the internet is functional tool, one that has greatly changed the way they interact with others and with information as they go about their studies. They use computers to accomplish a wide range of academic tasks. Many students prepare course assignments, make study notes , tutor themselves with specialized multimedia, and process data for research projects. Most exchange emails their fields on the internet, accessing newsgroup, buletin boards, listservs, and web sites posted by professional organizations. Most acces library catalog, bibliographic, and imagery on the World Wide Web (Asan & Koca, 2006). Usun (2003) mentioned that internet is appealing to higher education for a number of reasons, which is to reduces the time lag between the production and utilization of knowledge, promotes international co-operation and exchange of opinions, furthers the sharing of information and promotes multidisciplinary research.

Asan, A. & Koca, N. (2006). An Analysis Students Attitude Towards Internet. Fourth International Conference on Multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies In Education.Usun, S. (2003). Undergraduate Students Attitudes Towards Educational Uses Of Internet. Interactive Educational Multimedia.
