B. Tech Sem III CE


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B. Tech Sem III CE

B. Tech Sem III CE

S.No Subject Code Name of Subject L T P Assignment TA Total ESE

Subject Total Credit Hours

1 5A.204 Mathematics III 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

2 5A.205 Strength of Material 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

3 5A.201 Fluid Mechanics 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

4 5A.202 Building Material and Construction 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

5 5A.203 Surveying I 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

6 5A.252 Engineering Geology 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3 3

7 40.201 Communication and Soft Skills 2 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 2 2

8 40.101 Life Skill 1*


1 5AP.205 Strength of Material Lab 0 0 2 20 20 30 50 1 2

2 5AP.201 Fluid Mechanics Lab 0 0 2 20 20 30 50 1 2

3 5AP.203 Surveying I Lab 0 0 2 20 20 30 50 1 2

4 5AP.252 Engineering Geology Lab 0 0 2

20 20 30 50 1 2

750 24 28

Note: - * (Qualifying For Lateral Students only)

B. Tech Sem III C E

Sub Code – 5A.204


Unit I

Complex Variables: Continuity, differentiability and analyticity of a function of a complex

variable, Cauchy Riemann differential equations in Cartesian and polar forms. Harmonic

functions, Bilinear and conformal transformations, Complex integration, Cauchy’s integral

theorem and formula, Derivatives, Taylor’s and Laurent’s Series, Poles and Singularities,

Cauchy’s Residue Theorem, Contour integration (Poles on real axis excluded)

Unit II

Special Functions: Series solution of Differential equations by the method of Frobenius. (Roots

differing by non-integer and equal roots), Bessel’s equation: solution and Bessel’s function of the

first kind, Recurrence relations. Orthogonality of Bessel’s Functions, Generating function and

Bessel’s integral. Legendre’s equation: solution and Legendre’s polynomials, Rodrigues’s

Formula. Orthogonality relations, generating function and recurrence relation, Definition of

Henkel’s function, Elliptic Integral of the first and second kind, Jacobi’s form of elliptic integrals

Unit III

Numerical Techniques: Algebraic Equations, Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method and

Newton- Raphson method and Gauss elimination method and Iterative methods-Gauss Seidal

and Jacobi’s method.

Unit IV

Interpolation, Introduction, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Difference operator, relation

between them, Difference Table, Newton’s forward and backward difference interpolation

formulae Numerical Differentiation & Integration, Newton’s forward and backward difference

formulae, Numerical integration. Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd & 3/8th rule

Suggested Reading:

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. Grewel, Khanna Publishers

2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.V. Ramana, Tata McGraw-Hill Education


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5A.205


Unit I

Stress: axial load –safety concept, general concepts, and stress analysis of axially load bars.

Member strength of design criteria, Strain: Axial strain and deformation, strain and deformation

in axially loaded bar, stress strain relationship, poison’s ratio, thermal strain and deformation,

strain concentration and deformation, strain concentration. Generalized Hooke’s law, pressure

vessels, constitutive relationship –generalized concepts relationship between elastic constants;

thin wall pressure vessel.

Unit II

SFD&BMD: Axial force, shear and bending movement diagram, introduction, direct approach

for axial force, shear and bending, bending of beam with symmetrical cross-section.

Torsion: Torsion stress and deformation in circular member s, design of circular member in

torsion, closed coil helical spring.

Unit III

Stresses in Beam: Shear stress in beam, introduction –shear flow –shear stress in beams,

Combine stresses: transformation of stress and strain, analysis for combined loading

transformation of stress and stress and strain –Mohr’s rule for stress transformation.

Defection of beams: Introduction-deflection by Double integration, deflection by moment-area


Unit IV

Stability of column: Introduction –Euler’s buckling load formula Rankin’s formula introduction

to beam column.

Suggested Reading:

1. Strength of Materials, F.L. Singer, Harpe Collins Publishers

2. Strength of Materials, R.S. Khurmi, S. Chand & Company Delhi

3. Mechanics of Structures volume-I, S.B. Junnarkar, Charotar Publishing House,


4. Strength of Material, R.K. Rajput, S. Chand


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5AP.205


List of Experiments:-

1. Tensile test: To prepare the tensile test upon the given specimen (Mild Steel).

2. Compression Test: To determine the compressive strength of the given specimen.

3. Torsion test: To perform the Torsion test on given specimen.

4. Impact Test: To determine the impact toughness of the given material.

5. Brinell hardness test: To determine the hardness of the given specimen.

6. Vicker’s Hardness Test: To determine the hardness of the given specimen.

7. Rockwell Hardness Test: To determine the hardness of the given specimen.


0 0 2 1

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5A.201


Unit I

Introduction: Fluid and flow –definition and types, properties of ideal and real fluids,

continuum concept, Newton’s law of Viscosity, Compressibility, Bulk modulus and Surface

Tension, Pressure inside Drop, Bubble and Jet, Capillary action.

Dimensional analysis: Buckingham’s p theorem; Non –dimensional number and their

application; similitude.

Unit II

Fluid Static’s: General deferential equation, Hydrostatic manometer, Force on plane and curved

surfaces, stability of floating and submerged bodies; Relative equilibrium, Bouncy and Flotation,

Unit III

Kinematics of fluid: Steady and Unsteady flow uniform and Non-Uniform flow ;Stream, Streak

and path line ;continuity equation ;stream function ;irrational flow ;velocity potential ;flow net

circulation ;simple flow around half body circular cylinder with and without rotation ;lift and


Unit IV

Dynamics of fluids: Concept of system and control volume Reynolds transportation theorem,

Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation , Navier stock’s equation to nozzle venturimeter, Orifices

and Mouth pieces time taken in emptying a vessel; Pitot Tube.

Suggested Reading:

1. Hydraulics & Fluids Mechanics, Dr. P.N.Modi& Dr. S.M. Seth, Standard Book House,


2. Hydraulics & Fluids, S. Ramamrutham, DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi

3. A Text Book of Hydraulics, Fluids Mechanics Hydraulics, R.S. Khurmi, S.Chand&

Company Ltd. New Delhi

4. A Text Bok of Fluids Mechanics Hydraulics Machines, R.K. Rajput, S. Chand &

Company Ltd. New Delhi

5. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics with Computer, Dr. JagdishLal, Metropolitan Book

Co. Private Ltd. New Delhi


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5AP.201


List of Experiments:

1. Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem

2. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge for a venturimeter.

3. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge for orifice meter.

4. Determination of met centric height of a boat model.

5. Verification of Reynolds law.

6. Viscosity determination of a liquid by capillary tube method.


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B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5A.202



Unit I

Cement-Introduction, Chemical composition, Types, Tests, field and laboratory, IS specification

for cements.

Stone-Introduction, Classification of rocks, Sources of Stones, Uses and Properties.

Bricks- Introduction, Compositions, Harmful ingredients, Classification, Manufacture, Tests

quality of good Bricks, Shape and Sizes

Timber-Classification, Exogenous and Endogenous, Structure of Tree, Defects, Preservation,

Types of Preservative, Methods of Preservation and Seasoning

Unit II

Mortar-Introduction, Types, Bulking of Sand, Uses of Mortar, Classification, Properties of good

Mortar mix, Tests, Function of sand in Mortar, Guniting.

Concrete- Introduction, Grades and IS codes, Tests, Corrosion, Water-Cement ratio,

Workability, aggregate Proportioning Concrete mixes, Fineness modulus.

Paint and Varnishes-General Painting, Types of Paint, Types of Varnishes and Process


Unit III

Site Investigation and Ground Techniques

Buildings-Introduction Components, Types of Building, Loads Functional Planning of Buildings

Foundation- Introduction, Objective of Foundation, Types, Design Criteria

Masonry work- Brick Masonry, Stone Masonry, Bonds Types of Wall, Partition of Cavity Wall

Door and Windows-Sizes and Locations, Material

Stair and Staircase: Types Material and Proportion.

Unit IV

Painting-White Washing, Color Washing Painting, Distempering

Shuttering: Scaffolding and Centering, Expansions and Construction Join

Suggested Reading:

1. A Text Book of Engineering Materials, Kulkarni, C.J., Ahemadabad book Depot

2. Engineering Materials, Rangawala, S.C., Charotar Publishing House

3. Building Construction, B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Publication

4. Building Construction, S.K. Sharma, Tata McGraw-Hill


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code -5A.203


Unit I

Introduction-Importance of Surveying to engineers-Examples from different branches; plane

and geodetic surveying, control plants, principle of Surveying, classification of surveys, methods

of location of point. Source and types of error, Scales and their Types, Errors due to wrong

Scale, and Errors due to incorrect length of Chain or Tape, Conventional sings surveying

instruments their care and adjustment, Principle of reversal

Measurement of distances-Principle of different methods of measurement and their accuracies,

measurement by chain and tape, Tape Corrections, Limiting length of offset, Source of auxiliary

instruments, modern trend EDM and Total station

Unit II

Measurement of angles and directions-Reference meridians, Bearing and Azimuths declination

and its variations, Use and Adjustment of Compass, Vernier and Microptic Theodolites,

Temporary and Permanents Adjustments, Requirements of Non-adjustable Parts, Measurement

of Horizontal and Vertical Angles by Different Methods

Traversing-Principle of traversing by compass and Theodolites, Field work and checks,

Computation of coordinates, Latitude and Departure, Independent Coordinate, Closing Errors

and adjustment, Different methods of Balancing the Traverses, Sources of errors.

Unit III

Tachometry-Definition principle of stadia systems, instrument constants, stadia and tangential

system, construction and use of reduction Tachometers, range finders, Errors and precision

Unit IV

Measurements of elevations-Different methods of determining elevations spirit trigonometric,

barometric and photogrammetric method, spirit leveling-definition of terms and methods,

Arithmetic Check, Reciprocal leveling, Errors in leveling, Corrections, Sensitivity of Bubble

Tube, effect of Curvature and refraction, Sources of errors and precision of leveling procedures.

Contouring-Contours, Contours interval, Characteristics, Method of locating Contours, Uses,

Direct and Indirect method of Contouring.

Suggested Reading:

1. Surveying and Levelling, N.N. Basak, McGraw-Hill Education

2. Surveying Volume-1, B.C.Punamia, Laxmi Publication

3. A Text book of Surveying, C.L. Kochar, DhanpatRai Publication

4. Text book of Surveying, S.K. Husain, M.S. Nagaraj, S.Chand and Company


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code – 5AP.203


1. Measurement of distance by Ranging and Chaining

2. Locating various object by chain & cross staff survey

3. Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and computation of

correct included angle.

4. To find the difference in elevation between two points using Differential or Fly leveling.

5. Calculation of R.L. for different points involving 2 instrument stations &

reduction by Height of Instrument & Rise and Fall methods.

6. To study different parts of a Transit Theodolite and Temporary Adjustments

7. To measure a horizontal angle by repetition method.


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B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code –5A.252


Unit I

Minerals: Their physical and detailed study of certain rock forming minerals

Rocks: Their origin, structure, Texture and classification of igneous sedimentary and

metamorphic rocks and their suitability as engineering materials

Stratification: Lamination bedding, Outcrop-its relation to topography, dips and strike of bed,

overlap, outlier and inlier

Rock deformation: Folds, Faults, joints unconformity and their classification, causes and relation

to engineering Behavior of rock masses

Unit II

Earthquake, its causes, classification, seismic zones of India and Geological consideration for

construction of building, projects in seismic areas.

Landslides: Its causes, classification and preventive measures

Unit III

Underground water: Origin, Aquifer, Aquicludes, Artesian Wells, underground provinces of

India and its role as geological hazard

Unit IV

Building Stones engineering Properties of rocks, Alkali aggregate reaction, Grouting, Pozzolonic

materials Geological investigations for site selection of Dams and reservoirs tunnels, bridges and

Highways, Principles of Geophysical explorations methods for subsurface structures

Suggested Reading:

1. Engineering Geology, Dr. Anil Kumar Mishra, S. Chand

2. Engineering and General Geology, Parbin Singh, S.K. Kataria& Sons


3 0 0 3

B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code –5AP.252


1. Study of Rock forming and economic minerals, Study of different rocks.

2. Methods of completing the outcrop of rocks on a map.

3. Drawing the geological sections of geological maps.

4. Inter-relation of geological map and sections with respect to subsurface structure.

5. Problems of locating sites of projects like dams, tunnels, highways, etc in the geological



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B. Tech Sem III CE

Sub Code -40.201


Unit I

Introduction to Communication: Objective, Purpose, Process of communication, Importance

of communication in Business, Barriers to Communication, Measures to overcome the Barriers

of Communication, Differences between Technical and General Communication, Types of


Unit II

Listening Skills: Objectives, Listening Process, Purpose, Classification of Listening, Common

barriers to Listening process, Measures to improve Listening, Listening as an important skill at

Work Place Art of Listening: Attention to detail.

Unit III

Introduction to Soft skills: Importance, Selling your Soft Skills, Attributes regarded as Soft

Skills, Identifying and Improving your Soft Skills, Self – Discovery, Importance and Process of

Knowing Yourself, SWOT Analysis- Benefits , Self – Reliance Skill ,Self – Awareness,

Resourcefulness ,Net – Working ability

Unit IV

Application of Soft Skills: Confidence Development, Accept your limitations, Positive

Reinforcement , Accept and Learn from Criticism, Handling criticism and willingness to

improve , Problem Solving , Work Place Etiquette , Critical and Analytical thinking , Conflict

Handling and Decision Making

Suggested Reading:

1. Krishna Mohan &MeeraBanerji. Developing Communication Skills; Macmillan

Publishers Ltd

2. Dr.K.Alex. Soft Skills; S.Chand Publishing

3. Swets, Paul. W. 1983. The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through

to Family, Friends and Business Associates. Prentice Hall Press. New York

4. Lewis, Norman. 1991. Word Power Made Easy. Pocket Books

5. Prof.P.N.Kharu, Dr. Varinder Gandhi. Communication skills in English; S.Chand


6. Col.D.S.Cheema. Communication Skills for Professionals; Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd


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