AzCAS and Advising for the "New Transfer Model" 2003 Arizona Academic Advising Conference...


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AzCAS and Advising for the "New Transfer Model"

2003 Arizona Academic Advising Conference

Casey Self, ASUAmy Fountain,

Arizona CAS Team

Preview! Overview of the ATASS system The Transfer Model – Advantages for Students, Resources for Advisors

Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC)Common CoursesTransfer Pathways

Questions and Contact Info

ATASS Overview - GoalsTo ensure that community college

students may transfer to Arizona public universities without loss of credit toward a baccalaureate degree

Statewide Committees

A ca de m ic A dv is in g A r t icu la t ion T a sk F o rc eA A A T F & T S O s

R e n e D e lga do (M ar ico pa )C a sey S e lf (A S U )

A r izon a T ra ns fe r A r t icu la t ion C om m it teeA T A C

1 M em be r f rom e ach in s t itu t ionM ike H en s le y (A W C )

G e ne ra l E d uca t io n A r t icu la t ion T a sk F o rceG E A T F

com m un ity co lleg e cha ir o pe nB ill F e e (U A )

D isc ip line S pe c if ic A r t icu la t io n T a sk F o rce sA T F

C u rre n t ly 37

A T A S S S ta f fA r t icu la t ion F a c ilita to r

C A S A na lys ts (2 )A S S IS T A n a lys t

A ca de m ic P ro g ra m A rt icu la t ion S tee r in g C om m it te eA P A S C -- A ca de m ic A dm in is tra to r s

R icha rd D u ran (P im a)R o n P it t (N A U )

Jo in t C o n fe ren ce C o m m it teeJC C

2 C C p re sid en ts /2 t rus tee s ( rura l, u rb an)3 R eg en ts /1 p res ide n ts

Note: The Arizona CAS Implementation Team & CAS Users Group also report to APASC via the Statewide Staff

ATASS Overview - Advising

Academic Advising Articulation Task Force (AAATF)

Meets twice a year Met October 6, before this conferenceAddresses advising issues related to transfer

Transfer Student Ombudspersons (TSO)At least one TSO on each campusWorks with other TSOs to solve student transfer issuesTSOs are also members of the AAATF

Statewide Advising DirectoryUnder construction, needs links from your school!

ATASS Overview – Statewide StaffArticulation Facilitator – Dr. Gretchen

SchmidtLeader of statewide Quality Team

CAS Transfer Analyst – Dr. Amy FountainBusiness analyst for CEG and CAS

CAS Technical Analysts – Ms. Rebecca McKay

An additional technical analyst will be hired in 2004

Changes at the State Level

Dissolution of State Board of Directors for Community CollegesArizona Community College Association assuming coordinating responsibilityUniversity Changing Directions InitiativeContinued commitment and oversight by both sectors

Finding Policy Information on CAS “Arizona Transfer Policy Updates”

contain new policy initiatives or changes that might affect advising for the Transfer Model.

Overview of the ModelArizona General Education Curriculum

Best advice for the totally undecided studentUse in conjunction with transfer guides for decided students

Common CoursesDesigned for students who know their major, but not their universityCan also be used by students exploring several majors, common courses are “safe” choices

Transfer PathwaysFor students who have decided on their major, but not their university – or –For students who wish to complete a Transfer Associate’s degree

AGEC - Definition35 Semester hour general education blockEach Arizona Community College has an AGEC

AGEC-A for liberal arts degrees (college algebra or college math)AGEC-B for Business degrees (brief calculus)AGEC-S for Science degrees (calculus, and physics, biology or chemistry)

The only differences between these AGECs are the math and science requirements


AGEC - Advantages

Completed AGEC satisfies all lower-division General Education requirements at ASU, NAU, UA

Completed AGEC guarantees admission to ASU, NAU, UA

Completed AGEC seems to increase student success after transfer!

AGEC - Advantages

Student Type Retention – Fall 2002

Transfer with AGEC 95%

All PCC Transfer 79%

Non-Transfer (first enrolled Fall 2000)


For students from Pima to UA, Transferring Fall 2001 (1 year retention)

Thanks to Dave Padgett of Pima Community College for sharing these statistics!

AGEC - Advantages

Student Type Retention – Fall 2002

Transfer with AGEC 66%

All PCC Transfer 55%

Non-Transfer (first enrolled Fall 1999)


For students from Pima to UA, Transferring Fall 2000 (2 year retention)

Thanks to Dave Padgett of Pima Community College for sharing these statistics!

AGEC - Advantages

Student Type Cum. Graduation Rate thru 2002-2003

Transfer with AGEC 65%

All PCC Transfer 37%

Native (first semester Fall 1998)


For students from Pima to UA, Transferring Fall 2000

Thanks to Dave Padgett of Pima Community College for sharing these statistics!

Common Courses - Definition

Common Courses are recommended lower-division preparation for a major offered by two or more of the public universitiesCommon Courses are decided upon by faculty committees called Articulation Task ForcesCommon Courses will satisfy major, minor, prerequisite or elective requirements for all majors with which they articulate.

Common Courses - Advantages

Common Courses are ‘safe’ choices for a student who’s undecided about which university to attendCommon Courses provide an alternative for students exploring a number of possible majors – they will transfer to all universities as elective or better, and could apply to completion of a major or minor.

Pathways - DefinitionTransfer Pathways are an advising tool to help students identify their best transfer strategy.Most include an Associate’s degree (AA, ABus, AS), as well as an AGEC (A, B or S), and common courses.If common courses are required for the pathway to work for a student, the pathway is an “SR” (Special Requirements)If common courses are recommended, the pathway is a “GR” (General Requirements)Degrees marked as “TG-XR” (Transfer Guide, Exceptional Requirements) may not be able to accommodate an AGEC and common courses before transfer.

Pathways - AdvantagesStudents who complete an SR or GR pathway will earn an associate’s degree.Students who complete an SR or GR pathway will earn an AGEC.Students who complete an SR or GR pathway, and transfer into one of the university majors that articulates with that pathway will have no more than 56 credits left to complete at the university.

Questions & Contacts

Casey Self, ASU ( Fountain, CAS Team (

CAS Advising Tab(

Your CAS Team(
