Avos 2


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    Ethics of the Fathers Chapter 2

    Published by Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch

    South Africa '"

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    BH Preface

    There is a widespread custom to say on the Shabosos between and some continue this recital throughout all the summer , & Shabbosos (up until Rosh HaShana). Although these chapters are generally said as part and parcel of the Mincha prayers, rather than being studied; the Rebbe encouraged that since the oral Torah must be understood, one should study at least one Mishna in depth. On the 28th of Nissan 5751, the Rebbe entrusted every one of us with the mission of bringing Moshiach. In subsequent weeks, the Rebbe explained that this is accomplished primarily through the study of Torah, citing as an example, the study of at least one of the Mishnayos of the weekly Pirkei Avos in depth. In order to make this easier to accomplish, we at Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch of Johannesburg, endeavor to make the weekly chapter of Pirkei Avos available with linear English translation, and the explanations of the classical commentaries (Rashi, Bartenura, Rabeinu Yona, Rambam, Gemoro & the Rebbe) intertwined into the English translation. In addition, we have made one Mishna (in this case the 1st) available in greater depth than the rest.

    Pirkei Avos is a tractate which does not entail specific laws, but is rather dedicated to the teachings of ethics that are beyond the letter of the law known in the Talmud as objects of Chassidus. Yet, emphasizing that these too, are part of the Torah given to Moshe Rabeinu at Mount Sinai, and transmitted throughout the generations. The , therefore, begin with the order of transmission of the Torah from one sage to the next. In Pirkei Avos, as in the rest of the Mishna, when we quote a sage, we say he says, rather than he said. This is based on the fact that the teaches, that every time we say over a teaching in the name of the sage who said it, he himself says the same words at that time as well.

    The Rebbes explanation At every Farbrengen of the summer Shabbosim, the Rebbe woukd expound upon one Mishna of the weekly , in his unique style. Many of those explanations have since been compiled and published in various volumes. There are some points that one should bear in mind regarding the Rebbes approach at explaining Mishnayos (and similarly, with regards to the explanations on Rashi, the Rambam etc.):

    1. Every word (of the etc.) is exact, therefore the precise choice of words sheds light on the entire content.

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    2. Every teaching must be understood in accordance with the general purpose of the text (in going beyond the letter of the law).

    3. Every teaching must have a practical lesson in serving Hashem. 4. There is an inherent connection between the teaching and the one

    who taught it. Chapter 1 & 2

    The first chapter of goes through the succession of the transmitters of the oral Torah, quoting a teaching from each of them, ending with Raban Shimon Ben Gamliel, the father of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi. The teaching of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi himself, however, doesnt appear in the end of the 1st chapter, rather at the beginning of the 2nd, which contains the teachings of Rabbi Yehudas son, as well the students of Raban Yochanan Ben Zakai (a student of Hillel & Shamai) and their students, who were very important figures in the oral Torah, but not the actual transmitters of the tradition (enumerated in Chapter 1). In addition, Rabbi Yehuda is not referred by his name, rather as . The Rebbe explains that the lesson from this teachings appearing at the beginning of the 2nd chapter is also connected to the different times in which the 2 chapters are recited. The first chapter is said in the month of Nissan, when we celebrate the exodus from Egypt, which is a result of the strength given from above. At that time we study the teachings of the sages who transmitted the Torah as it was received from Moshe Rabeinu, who received it from Sinai (given from Above). The second chapter is said in the month of Iyar, the time when we count the Omer, symbolizing a persons own input in refining his character traits. After internalizing the teachings of the transmitters of the Torah in the first chapter, Rebbe (the teacher of every Jew) teaches us how to utilize the information on our own to increase in our own efforts of serving Hashem Which is the straight path that man should chose!

    Conclusion Much time and effort has been put into this publication, in the hope that you, the reader, study it and share it with others; which will make all the work worthwhile. We hope and pray that this publication serves as an additional rung in the dissemination of the wellsprings of Chassidus, thus hastening and bringing about the immediate coming of Moshiach, who will teach us The new Torah that will come forth from Hashem and bring about the complete and final redemption NOW!

    Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Emor 2nd of Iyar, Tiferes ShebTiferes

    birthday of the Rebbe Maharash Lechatchila Ariber

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    , , , :

    Mishna 1 '

    Rebbe {Yehudah HaNassi} {the Rebbe of every Jew the Rebbe} says:


    Which is the straight path {best way to do Torah & Mitzvos} for man to choose for himself {by choice, not only because he must the Rebbe}?


    That which is glorifying for the one who does it {doing glorifies the one who does it, in Hashems eyes},

    and glorifying from mankind {by performing in a glorious time & manner Rabeinu Yona. Enjoying the beauty of Torah &, in a way that it is noticeable to others as well - the Rebbe}.


    {A person who is very stingy, glorifies himself, but other people do not glorify his behavior. On the other hand, if he spends money excessively, those who are on the receiving end glorify him, but it is not glorious for himself since he will be reduced to poverty. The straight path is (what the Rambam calls) the middle path; not spending excessively, hence being glorious for the one who does it, yet not being excessively stingy, thus earning the glory of others. Bartenura}

    Be as careful with a minor mitzvah as with a major one {despite performing Mitzvos by choice (as explained previously) do not differentiate between minor & major the Rebbe},


    for you do not know the reward {true worth} of mitzvos. {The rewards for positive mitzvos are not specified in the Torah, as are the punishments for transgressions Bartenura.


    A king who hires workers to beautify his garden will not inform them which trees will fetch a higher reward, so that the others do not remain untouched. - Rashi}

    Consider the {monetary} loss from a mitzvah against its reward {which is greater in both this world and the next},


    and reward {pleasure} of a .

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    transgression, against its {future} loss {punishment suffered - Bartenura}. {The material gain or loss are temporary, whereas the spiritual reward / punishment are eternal. - the Rebbe} Contemplate three things, and you will not come to {even a minute level of} transgression:


    Know what is above you: , a seeing eye, a listening ear, , and all your deeds are inscribed in a book.


    Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, about whom the Gemoro says, If Moshiach is from those who are presently alive, it is certainly , for despite being on the highest level he suffered, just as Moshiach suffers the pain of the. says the following statement: When one has reached the level of , the name that describes a person who has attained the highest possible level, for he has already rectified everything and yet there remains a minute amount of residue at the edge of his garments which has not yet been rectified (the reason being that the darkness is rooted in a level which is higher than light and is not yet able to be internalized and revealed in physical containers.) himself was on this level, on one hand he had reached the ultimate of perfection, and yet he suffered as a result of that minute amount that could not be fully rectified (being that Moshiach had not yet arrived). In our time, at the very end of Golus, every Jew is on this level, since everything has already been completed and rectified, yet we are still in Golus, being that the great light of the redemption has not yet been internalized and revealed in the physical existence. Hence, Rebbes question can be understood in the following manner: For one who has reached this level of perfection (as himself and every single Jew of our generation), what is the straight (easiest & quickest) path from all the teachings of the Torah, to bring about the revelation of Moshiach? Rebbes answer is: Tiferes (harmony) which refers to the study of Torah, which brings harmony between the spiritual & the physical; the G-dly light which is above the world, and the world. Hence, through the study of Torah in general, particularly that which pertains to Moshiach & the coming of the redemption, the G-dly light which is higher than revelation, the light of Moshiach, becomes revealed and internalized in the physical existence!

    The Rebbe

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    Mishna 2 ' Rabban Gamliel the son of Rabbi Yehudah HaNassi says:


    Beautiful is the study of Torah together with the way of the world {a business profession},


    for the toil of them both {Torah study weakens a person & labour breaks his body} cause sin to be forgotten.


    {One may say; Let the toil of Torah study itself cause sin to be forgotten, therefore the Mishna continues:} Ultimately, all Torah study that is not accompanied with work {The explains that work means involvement in }


    is destined to cease and to cause sin {since it is impossible for a person to survive without a livelihood hell end up robbing people and forgetting his Torah Bartenura}.


    Those who work for the community


    should do so for the sake of Heaven;


    for the merit of their {the communitys} ancestors shall aid them {to succeed},

    and their {ancestors} righteousness endures forever.


    {Another explanation: The ancestral merit assists them to give larger amounts of than it seems possible, and this then endures forever.} And you, [says G-d,] I shall credit you with great reward as if you have achieved it {even though the achievement was not accomplished through your actions rather as a result of the communitys ancestral merits}.

    , :

    {The RaMBaM explains; if you dont manage to do a different due to communal

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    work, Hashem will consider it as if you did it. Bartenura}

    Mishna 3 ' {Those involved in communal affairs (in the previous Mishna) may need to make use of government connections. It is for their benefit that the Mishna warns: - Bartenura}

    Be wary of the government, , for they befriend a person only for their own needs.


    They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them,

    ! "#$"%& .

    but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress.

    ! &%$#"! "#$"% !"# "$%& !"#$%&:

    {This also refers to the governing powers in a person intellect & emotions; which must be used, but beware, at times they seek only their own benefit & pleasure. It can also refer to the who tries to appear as a persons friend. - The Rebbe}.

    Mishna 4 ! "#$%

    {Raban Gamliel} would also say: !"# !"#"! ! "#$% , Make His will be as your will, ! "#$% !"!# $% !"#$% "&( , so that He should make your will to be as His will.

    ! "#$% ! "#$%& "( !"#$% "& !"!# $%& .

    Nullify your will for His will, ! "#$% !"#$% "& !"#$%& !"!# $% , so that He should nullify the will of others {who seek to harm you; alternatively others refers to Heavenly decrees Bartenura} for your will.

    ! "#$% ! "#$%& () !"# $% !" #$%& ( !"#$%& !"#$% & .

    Hillel says: !"#$% ! "#$% , Do not separate yourself from the community.

    !" !"#$% & ! "# !"#$%& ,

    And do not believe in yourself until the day you die.

    !"#$ ! "#$% & ! ! #"! )$&%$#" "#$% ,

    Do not judge your fellow !"#$ %& ! "# ! "#$%& until you have stood in his place. !"# !"#$% !& ( !"!#$"%& , {Perhaps it is his place situation (circumstances) tat caused him to sin Tanya}

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    Do not say something that is not readily understood

    !"#$ ! "#$% & !"# ! $" "#$%& !"#$ %& (

    in the belief that it will ultimately be understood

    !"!# $% ! "# $%&() .

    {Another explanation: Do not say something that ought not to be heard even in the strictest confidence, for ultimately it will be heard Bartenura}. And do not say "When I free myself of my {business} concerns, I will study,''

    !"#$ ! "#$% & !"#$ "% "&()* !"# $% "& ,

    for perhaps you will never free yourself.

    %$#"! "! &:

    Mishna 5 ! !"#$

    {Hillel} would also say: !"# !"#"! ! "#$% , A boor {who has no knowledge at all; even in business matters Bartenura} cannot be sin-fearing,

    !"#$ !"# ! "#$% ! "#$% ,

    an ignoramus {in Torah} cannot be pious,

    !"#$ !"# ! "#$%& !"#$%& ,

    a bashful one cannot learn {he is ashamed to ask questions, for fear of being mocked Bartenura},

    !"#$ ! "#$%&&( ! "#$% ,

    a short-tempered person {who gets upset at every question} cannot teach,

    !"#$ ! "#$%&&( !"#$! "# ,

    nor does everyone who does much business grow wise.

    !"#$ !"# !"# $%&&! ! "#$%&() !"#$%& ( .

    In a place where there are no men {to stand up and teach others},

    !"#$%&( !"#$ %& !" #$%& ( ,

    strive to be a man. ! "# $% &() !"#$%& !"#$: Mishna 6 ! "#$%

    {Hillel} also saw !" !"# !" #$ a skull floating upon the water. !"#$ %( !"#$ !"#"$ %& !"# !"#$% !"#$%& . Said he to it: ! "#$ !"# , Because you drowned others, you !"# !"!#$%& () ,!"#$%& .

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    were drowned;

    and those who drowned you, will themselves eventually be drowned.

    !"#$% !"#$%& ()&* !"#"$%&:

    {According to the Arizal, Hilel was a spark of the soul of Moshe Rabeinu, and the skull was that of Pharaoh. Hilel told the skull, You were drowned because you drowned Jewish children. He then directed his words to the Jewish people saying: All those who fight against you will suffer the same fate (as Pharaoh). This teaches an important lesson to every Jew. Sometimes a person feels despondent as a result of the tough state of Golus, and Hilel says; Dont worry; all those who start up with the Jews, even if it is someone as powerful & mighty as , will receive their just dessert. The Rebbe} Mishna 7 ! "#$%

    {Hillel} would also say {too much of anything material is not good}:

    !"# !"#"! ! "#$% ,

    One who increases flesh {by eating too much}, increases worms;

    !"# $%& ! "#"$ !"# $%& !" #$! .

    one who increases possessions, increases worry {of theft};

    !"# $%& !"#$%&( ,!"# $%& !"#$%& .

    one who increases wives, increases witchcraft;

    !"# $%& !" #$%& ,!"# $%& !"#$ %&( .

    one who increases maidservants, increases promiscuity;

    !"# $%& !"#$% & ,!"# $%& !"#$% .

    one who increases man-servants, increases thievery;

    !"# $%& !"#$%& ( ,!"# $%& !"#$% .

    {however,} one who increases Torah, increases life;

    !"# $%& ! "#$% ,!"# $%& !"#$%& .

    one who increases study {with students}, increases wisdom;

    !"# $%& !"#$ %&$ ,!"# $%& ! "#$%"& .

    one who increases {to seek} counsel, increases understanding;

    !"# $%& !"#$% ,!"# $%& !"#$% & .

    one who increases charity, increases peace.

    !"# $%& !"# "$%& ,!"# $%& !"# $% .

    One who acquires a good name, acquired it for himself;

    !"#"$ ! "# !"# ,!"#"$ !"#$%& .

    one who acquires the words of Torah, has acquired life in the

    !"#"$ !" ! "#$%& ! "#$% ,!"#"$ !" !"#$% !"#$%"& !"#$%:

  • 10

    World to Come.

    Mishna 8 ! "#$%

    Rabban Yochanan the son of Zakkai received the tradition from Hillel and Shammai.

    !"# $% !"#"$%& !"# !"#$#% !"#$% !"#$%"& !"#$ #%&( .

    He would say: !"# !"#"! ! "#$% , If you have learned much Torah {such as R Yochanan himself who did not leave any part of Torah unlearned},

    ! "# !"#$%&! ! , %$#"

    do not take credit for yourself--- !"#$%& ( !"#$% ! "#$%&$( , it is for this that you have been formed.

    !"# !"#$% !" #$!%&:

    Mishna 9 ! "#$%

    Rabban Yochanan the son of Zakkai had five disciples:

    !"#$! "# !"#$"#%& () !"#$ !" !"# $%& !"#"$%& !"# !"#$#% , !"!"#$ !"#:

    Rabbi Eliezer the son of Hurkenus,

    !"# $% !"#"$%& () !"# !"#$% $& ( ,

    Rabbi Joshua the son of Chananya,

    !"# $%& !" #$%&( !"# !"#$%&% ( ,

    Rabbi Yossei the Kohen, !"# $%& !!"#$ !"#$ % , Rabbi Shimon the son of Nesanel, !"# $%& !"#$% & !"# ! "#$% &$% , and Rabbi Elazar the son of Arach.

    !"# $%& !"#"$%& ( !"# ! "#$% .

    He would recount their praises: !"# !"#"! !"#$% !"#"$ %& . Rabbi Eliezer the son of Hurkenus is a cemented cistern that loses not a drop {does not forget one word of his studies};

    !"# $% !"#"$%& () !"# !"#$% $& ( ,!"# !"# !"#$% & !"#$%& !"#$% .

    Rabbi Yehoshua the son of Chananya---fortunate is she who gave birth to him

    !"# $% !" #$%&( !"# !"#$%&% ( ,! "# $%& !"#$%&! .

    {it was his mother who caused his greatness because she would keep his cradle in the study hall so that he should constantly hear the words of Torah};

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    Rabbi Yossei the Kohen---a chassid (pious one) {who goes beyond the letter of the law};

    !"# $% !"#$! !"#$ % ,!"#$%& .

    Rabbi Shimon the son of Nesanel fears sin;

    !"# $% !"#$% & !"# ! "#$% &$% ,! "#$% ! "#$% .

    Rabbi Elazar ben Arach is as an ever-increasing wellspring {he adds from his own logic to what he learned from his teachers Bartenura}.

    !"# $%& !"#"$%& ( !"# ! "#$% ,!"#$%&$( !"#$% & ()$* .

    {Rabbi Yochanan} used to say: !"# !"#"! ! "#$% , If all the sages of Israel were to be in one cup of a balance-scale,

    ! "# !"#$%" !"# ! "#$%& ! "# $% &() !"!"# !"#$%&() * ,

    and Eliezer the son of Hurkenus were in the other,

    !"#"$%& ()"* !"# !"#$% $& %$#"! ) & ,

    he would outweigh them all. !"# $%& !( ! "# !"#$% . Abba Shaul said in his name: !"#$! !"# $% ! "#$% !" #$%" , If all the sages of Israel were to be in one cup of a balance-scale,

    ! "# !"#$%" !"# ! "#$%& ! "# $% &() !"#$% !"#$%&() *

    Eliezer the son of Hurkenus included,

    !"# $%& !"#"$%& () !"# !"#$% $& ( !" !"#$%& ,

    and Elazar Ben Arach in the other, would outweigh them all.

    !"# $%& !"#"$%& ( !"# ! "#$% !"#$% !"#$% & , !"# $%& !( ! "# .!"#$%

    {In memory Rabbi Eliezer was greater and in sharpness & Pilpul Rabbi Elazar was greater Bartenura} {In earlier generations the Avoda was mostly in the manner of a cemented cistern, in an orderly fashion. However, Aba Shaul said in the name of (the leader of his generation) Rabbi Yochanan, that that Avoda no longer suffices, and it must rather be that of an ever-increasing wellspring, beyond limitations. Similarly, the Rebbe of our generation taught us that the Avoda must be beyond all limitations, based on the teaching of the Rebbe MaHarash Lechatchila Ariber. The Rebbe}

    Mishna 10 ! "#$% [Rabbi Yochanan] said to them: ! $#"Go out and see !"#$ which is the best trait for a person to acquire.

    !"#$%!& ! "# "$ ! "# "$%& !"#$%& () !"# ! "#$"% .

  • 12

    Said Rabbi Eliezer: A good eye {satisfied with what he has, not jealous of others who have more Bartenura}.

    !"# $% !"#"$%& () ! "#$% ,!"#$% !"#$% .

    Said Rabbi Yehoshua: A good friend.

    !"# $% !" #$%&( ! "#$% ,!"#$% !"# .

    Said Rabbi Yossei: A good neighbor.

    !"# $% !"#$! ! "#$% ,!"# $% !"# .

    Said Rabbi Shimon: seeing what is born [out of ones actions].

    !"# $% !"#$% & ! "#$% ,! "#$%&! ! "# !"#$%& .

    {.explains; recognizing that the world is constantly being born from nothing } Said Rabbi Elazar: A good heart. !"# $% !"#"$%& ( ! "#$% ,!"# !"# . Said {Raban Yochanan} to them: I prefer the words of Elazar the son of Arach to yours,

    ! "#$ !"#$%: ! "#$% !"#$% ! "# ! "#$%& !"#"$%& ( !"# ! "#$% !"#$ %& ( )* )+,

    for his words include all of yours. !"!#$%& ( !" #$#%& !"#$ %& ( )* . {The heart encompasses and controls all the other limbs and faculties Bartenura} {Raban Yochanan} said to them: ! "#$ !"#$% Go out and see which is the worst trait, the one that a person should most distance himself from.

    !"#$ !" #$! !"#$%!& ! "# "$ !"# "$ !"# $% &() *+ !"#$%& ! "#$"% .

    Said Rabbi Eliezer: An evil eye. !"# $% !"#"$%& () ! "#$% ,!"#$% !"# "$ . Said Rabbi yehoshua: An evil friend.

    !"# $% !" #$%&( ! "#$% ,!"#$% ! "# .

    Said Rabbi Yossei: An evil neighbor.

    !"# $% !"#$! ! "#$% ,!"# $% ! "# .

    Said Rabbi Shimon: To borrow and not to repay;

    !"# $% !"#$% & ! "#$% ,!"#$%! !"#$%& !"#$!"# .

    one who borrows from man is as if he borrows from the A-mighty,

    !"#$% !"#$%! ! "# ! "#$"% ,!"#$%& ! "# !"#$%& ,

    as is stated: ``The wicked man borrows and does not repay;

    !"#$%& &( !"#$ ! "# "$ !"#$ !"# $%& ,

    but the righteous one is benevolent and gives''.

    !"#$%&( !"#$% ! "#$%& .

  • 13

    Said Rabbi Elazar: An evil heart. !"# $% !"#"$%& ( ! "#$% ,!"# ! "# . Said {Raban Yochanan} to them: I prefer the word of Elazar Ben Arach to yours, for his words include all of yours.

    ! "#$ !"#$% , !"#$! !"#$% ! "# ! "#$%& !"#"$%& ( !"# ! "#$% !"#$ %& ( )* )+ ,!"!#$%& ( !" #$#%&

    .!"#$ %& ( )*

    They each said three things: !"# !"#$% ! "#$ %# !" #$%& ( . Rabbi Eliezer says: !"# $% !"#"$%& () ! "#$% , The honor of your fellow should be as precious to you as your own,

    !"#$! !"#$% ! "#$%& !"#!$% !"#$%& !"# $%& ,

    and do not be easy to anger. !"#$ !"# $% !"#$ !"#$%& . Repent one day before your death.

    !"#$% !"# !"#$% !"#$%& ! "# "#$%& .

    "Rabbi Eliezer would say: Repent one day before your death. Asked his disciples: Does a man know on which day he will die? Said he to them: So being the case, he should repent today, for perhaps tomorrow he will die; hence, all his days are passed in a state of repentance. Indeed, so said Shlomo in his wisdom: 'At all times, your clothes should be white, and oil should not lack from your head'" (Talmud, Shabbos 153a). Warm yourself by the fire of the sages,

    !"#$% ! "#$% & () !"#"$%& ! "#$% ! "# !"#$%& ( ,

    but be beware lest you be burned by its embers;

    !"#$% !"#$%& ! "#"$%&%() !" #$ !"#$% & ,

    for their bite is the bite of a fox, ! "#"$% &() * !"#$ %&( !"#$% , their sting is the sting of a scorpion,

    ! "#"$%&()*+ !"#$%& ( ! "#$%& ,

    their hiss is the hiss a serpent, ! "# "$%&()* ! "#$%& ( ! "# "$ , and all their words are like fiery coals.

    !"#$% !"#$ %& ( )* !"#$%&() ! "#:

    Mishna 11 !"" #$%& Rabbi Yehoshua says: !"# $% !" #$%&( ! "#$% , An evil eye, the evil inclination, and the hatred of one's fellows,

    !"#$% ! "#"$ ,!"#$%& !"! "# ,!"#$ % !"# $%&() ,

  • 14

    drive a person from the world. !"#$"#%& ! "# ! "#$"% ! "# !"#$%"&:

    Mishna 12 !"" #$%& Rabbi Yossei says: !"# $% !"#$! ! "#$% , The property of your fellow should be as precious to you as your own.

    !"#$! !"#$# ! "#$%& !"#!$% !"#$%& !"# $%& .

    Perfect yourself for the study of Torah,

    !"# $%&$( ! "#$%& !"#$%&% ! "#$% ,

    for it is not an inheritance to you. !"#$%& ( ! "# $%& !"# . And all your deeds should be for the sake of Heaven.

    !"#$% !" #$%& ( !"#$%" ! "#$% !"#$% $&:

    !"" #$%& Rabbi Shimon says: !"# $% !"#$% & ! "#$% , Be meticulous with the reading of the Shma and with prayer.

    #"! &%$#"! $%&$( ! "# $% !"#$% &$() .

    When you pray, do not make your prayers routine,

    ! "#$% &()* !" #$%&!"# ,!" !"# "$ ! "#$%& "( !"#$% ,

    but [an entreaty of] mercy and a supplication before the A-mighty,

    !"#$! !"#$%& , &%$#"! &%$#"! )

    as is stated: !"#$%& &( ``For He is benevolent and merciful,

    !"# !"#$% !"# $%& !"#

    slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness,

    ! "# "$ !"#$%$& ! "#$% !"#"$

    and relenting of the evil decree''. !"# !"# "$"! . And do not be wicked in your own eyes.

    !"#$ !"# $% ! "# ! $" "#$%&:

    {Doing so would bring depression and inability to serve Hashem joyfully Tanya} !"" #$%&

    Rabbi Elazar says: !"# $% !"#"$%& ( ! "#$% , Be diligent in the study of Torah. !"#$% !"# $% !"#$%&% ! "#$% ,

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    Know what to answer a heretic. ! "#$% ! "# !" #$ %& ( !"#"$%& ()* .

    And know before whom you toil, ! "#$% !"#$%& ! "# ! "#$% ! "#$% . and who is your employer who will repay you the reward of your labors.

    ! "#$ !"# !"#"$ ! "#$%& ($) !"# $%& "% !"# !"# $% ! "#$%&():

    !"" #$%& Rabbi Tarfon would say: !"# $% !"# $%& ! "#$% , The day is short, the work is much,

    !"#$% !"#$% !"#$"%&(!&) !"# $%& ,

    the workers are lazy, the reward is great,

    !"#$%&()*+, !"#$%& ( ,!"# "$%&( !"# $%&! ,

    and the Master is pressing. !"#"$% !"#$%$& !"#$%: [A person who behaves merely according to the letter of the law can rest with the knowledge that he has certainly been given enough time to accomplish his mission. But one who realizes that he must go beyond and bring the flame of his soul to light on its own, will feel pressed for time The Rebbe}

    !"" #$%& He would also say: !"# !"#"! ! "#$% , It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task,

    !" !"#$%& !"#$"%&(! !"#$%& ,

    but neither are you free to absolve yourself from it.

    !"#$ ! "#$% !"# !" #$%& ! "#$%&(! !"#$%&! .

    If you have learned much Torah, you will be greatly rewarded,

    ! "# !"#$%&! ! "#$% !"# $%&! ,!"#$ %&$ !"# !"# "$ !"# $%&! .

    and your employer is trustworthy to pay you the reward of your labors.

    !"#$%&() !"# !"#"$ ! "#$%& ($) !"# $%& "% !"! !"# $% ! "#$%&() .

    And know, that the reward of the righteous is in the World to Come.

    ! "#$% ,! "#"$ %& ! "#"$ %& ! "# !"#$"#%& !" #$%& ( !"#$%:

    :!"#$ $%&( )* $%++, %*! ,!"#$" %&"! %( %)&% *+,-( ,(.&/, !. !"+0( ."% *"&) /"12% %#&

    !"# $ :%&().!"#$"% &!% ("#)" %*#+ ,-.(

  • 16
