


Photos taken in Québec - Canada during a trip to Rivières du Loup - Summer 2013. All film Photography. The center photo is a poster 60x36 poster. Pdf version of a 30x36 cm printed on Newspaper All photos are © LDNV to order a print online check www.louisdavidnajar.com

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A Photo Journal by Louis David Najar

About the author Louis David Najar is a photographer based in Paris. Specialized in Still Life photography, he’s nonetheless using film, and processing it the oldschool way, in the dark room, making his own prints when time and money allow it. Passionate about quality work, his photography emphases the human aspect of crafts-manship. In his leisure time, he customizes motorcycles and manufactures leather items under the name “UtopiaCuir©”

Louis David Najar www.louisdavidnajar.com

Nov 24 2014 : “I connected with Alex Beaulieu through Instagram and his chopper blog called 86cy-cles. We started shipping each other moto related stuff for a while. The idea of meeting for real came up, and Alex and his friends told me I was welcome to their town; so I packed my gear in August 2013 and traveled to Montreal, rented a car without insur-ance, and drove 6 hours North to gather with some of the funniest and nicest people I have ever met. I knew back then I had a good feeling about this whole trip, but I was far from imagining how cool it would turn out. Alex and his friends opened their homes, lent me motorcycles, taught me how to use a lathe, and basically took care of me for the whole time .

People from Québec have this reputation of being friendly, but there’s much more. Their sense of humor and open minds have no limit, and I can’t thank them enough for the hospitality.

This journal is the result of a 2 weeks trip to a small town of Québec called Rivière du Loup.”