Autumn 2013 Installation Dinner 4 October –Haberdashers’ Hall · The first Haberdashers’ hall...


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The Installation Dinner will be held at Haberdashers’ Hall, 18 West Smithfield, London EC1A 9HQ on Friday 4th October, 2013 at 7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. The cost of the dinner will be £90 as per last year. Please respond to the Clerk by Monday 23

rd September at the latest.

Mr Simon Bartley, the present Upper Warden will be installed as Master at the Court Meeting prior to the Dinner. Further information relating to guests attending will be circulated at a later date.

The first Haberdashers’ hall 1461—1666

Installation Dinner 4 October –Haberdashers’ Hall

The second Hall 1671-1940 The third Hall 1956—1996 The new Hall 2002

The Master has extended an invitation for up to eight Livery-men, Outside the Court, to lunch with him on the 4th September at the Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly. The idea of the lunch is to give Liverymen the opportunity to ask questions about the affairs of the Company. The cost of the lunch will be on a payment basis (not usually more than £30 - £40). Should you wish to attend, please contact the Clerk by Friday 30thAugust – first come, first served!

Lunch with the Master and Wardens - 4 September


Inter-Livery Tennis—Queen’s Club

Queens Club, Palliser Rd London W14 9EB

11th September 2013 The Inter Livery Tennis Competition is being held on Wednesday 11th September 2013 at the prestigious Queens Club in London hosted by us, the Feltmakers. It begins at 11am. The Competition is open to all Livery Companies and each Company may enter one or two teams of mixed doubles of which at least one member in each pair will be a member of the Livery. Last year’s tournament was won by the Tallow Chandlers. The tournament is followed by a dinner. If you would like to help or come to the dinner please contact Simon Millar on 07717 516315.

The courtyard of the Tallow Chandlers’ hall

Election of the Lord Mayor - 30th September 2013

The election of the Lord Mayor will take place on Monday 30th September. Please let the Clerk know by Monday 16th September if you would like a ticket. The election will be followed by lunch priced £60 with the Tallow Chandlers’ Company at their hall. Cheques to the Clerk please made payable to the ‘The Feltmakers Company’ The gated entrance to the Hall is at the top of Dowgate Hill, just off Cannon Street

Carol Service 2013—10th December 2013

The Carol Service will be held on 10th December at St. Mary Moorfields, 4-5 Eldon Street, London, EC2M 7LS, courtesy of the parish priest Fr Peter Newby and conducted by the Very Reverend Colin Semper. The service will be followed by supper, details to follow. Put the date in your diary. The church was opened on 25th March 1903. The architect was George Sherrin, who also designed the dome of the London Oratory as well as several Underground stations.


Visit to Treloar College—27th September 2013 The Livery Society is taking a party of up to 30 people on Friday 27th September, when we will be shown around the college, to meet both staff and students and see the excellent work they do with these severely disabled young people. They will very kindly be putting on a light buffet lunch for us afterwards. If you wish to join this educational trip, please contact Simon Millar, 07717 516315

Biennial Red Cross Fair 18-19 November 2013

Enjoy an atmospheric Christmas shopping experience, with a fantastic range of gifts and live entertainment in the magnificent setting of Guildhall.

There will be over 80 stalls including the Feltmakers stall with a unique selection of merchandise not found on the high street. Choose from men's and women's clothing, stylish home interiors, stunning crafts and bargain designer items. You can also sample a mouthwatering selection of food stalls offering festive delights. There really is something for

everyone. Further details from Past Master Susan Wood.

Inter– Livery Skiing 24-25 January 2014 Morzine

The Inter Livery Ski Championships is enter-ing its 5th year. In the first four years we have seen over 400 liverymen and women, freemen and women from 40 livery compa-nies have entered teams, but not yet the Feltmakers. Skiers in the Feltmakers, why

not form a team for 2014?

The Ironmongers' Company is pleased to an-nounce that the annual inter livery ski champi-onships will take place in Morzine, Portes du Soleil, France on 25th and 26th January 2014. All livery companies are invited to send a team of 3 or 4 or individual members of their Compa-ny who may be liverymen/women, freemen/women, apprentices, journeymen/women etc. to race in slalom and giant slalom events to be held over two days.

Each company would be responsible for their individual travel arrangements and accommoda-tion for the event (however they do have an ap-pointed travel agent who can organise this for you if you prefer, please contact them for de-tails). Entries will close on 1st January 2014 and will be limited to 150 on a 'first come first served basis.' Priority will be given to those who attend-ed previous Championships.

Are there any Feltmakers?

who would be interested in organising a team.

If so, please contact the Clerk .

Further details from


© Worshipful Company of Feltmakers 2013

Editorial Committee

Chair: Jeremy Brassington, Committee: Judy George, Elaine Howard, Chris Horsburgh, Eric Shawyer, Peter Shirley & Nicholas Hilliard

Newsletter Editor: Chris Horsburgh .

Our Website To keep up to date with news and events for the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers, visit our website at

Inter-Livery Tennis tournament, The Queen's Club on Thursday, 11 September 2013

Visit to Treloar College on Friday 27 September

Election of Lord Mayor on Monday 30th Septem-ber, followed by lunch at the Tallow Chandlers

Installation Dinner, Haberdashers' Hall on Friday, 04 October 2013

Biennial Red Cross Fair, 18-19 November at Guildhall

Carol Service, St Mary Moorfields on Tuesday 10 De-cember,

Inter—Livery Skiing 24th to 25th January at Mo-rzine

Forthcoming Events (full listings in the Members Diary)

Some 3 years ago the Feltmakers Company was contacted by a Professor Harry Duckworth a retired professor of chemistry at the University of Manitoba. It transpired that he had carried out considerable research of the Beaver industry and had followed through in some detail what happened to the pelts when they arrived in London, this led to further research into the London feltmaking and hatting industry from the 13th century onwards. Past Master John Bowler arranged a series of meetings with Harry Duckworth who fortunately visited London on a number of occasions. These meetings resulted in a decision to produce a series of Research Papers and, with the strong support of Past Master Bowler and editing by the Historical Committee’s adviser, Stephen Freeth, the first paper has been published as a very attractive illustrated booklet.

The Paper contains much new information particularly dealing with the 16th century and explains how the Feltmakers joined the Haberdashers in 1502 and then, later in the century, made considerable efforts to break away and found their own Company, succeeding as we know, in 1604.

The Historical Committee believes the content will be of great interest to Members of the Livery. The number of copies available is limited and these can be obtained from the Clerk for £10 + £2 postage (cheque payable to: The Feltmakers Company).

Further details from Tony Skrimshire, Secretary Historical Committee.

Historical Committee
