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AnAutopilotis a system used to guide a vehicle without assistance from a person.

Aircraft required the continuous attention of a pilot.

The constant attention led to serious fatigue for pilot.

So that autopilot is designed to perform some of the tasks of the pilot.


The first aircraft autopilot was developed Elmer Ambrose Sperry, Sr. in 1992.

Demonstrated by his son Lawrence Sperry in 1914.

There are mainly 3 types of autopilot Asingle-axis autopilot usually manages both the ailerons.

A two-axis autopilotmanages elevators and ailerons.

Athree-axis autopilotmanages all three basic control systems ailerons, elevators and rudder.


The heart of a modern automatic flight control system is acomputer.

Computer gather all the details required to control the plane.

From sensors located on the airplane surfaces.

They collect data from other airplane systems and equipment also.

Which includesgyroscopes, accelerometers, altimeters,compasses and airspeed indicator, altitude indicator.

The processors complex calculations accurately , compare it to pilot.

It perform the same duties as a highly trainedpilot.

Autopilots don't just make flights smoother , they make them safer.

It reduce the fatigue to pilot due to constant attention..

Autopilots can and do fail.

It cant be override.

Airplane should be crashes if pilots have failed to disengage the automatic flight control system.

A position sensor can also fail, resulting in incorrect input data to the autopilot computer.

Even if on autopilot mode, pilot need to be active.

Most commercial jets have had autopilot.

Even smaller planes are incorporating autopilot systems.

Garmin, Thales ,Rockwell Collins and Honeywell are some manufacturers of autopilot.

The Garmin bringing true automatic flight control to a new generation.

Autopilots are also used in boats (known asself-steering gear), space craft, missiles.

How stuff works?! How Autopilot Works at .

Autopilot At .
