Autobiobraphy Online




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1. When and where were you born? How old are you now?I was born in the Misericordia hospital on January 1, 1999. Currently I am 15 years old.

2. What is your earliest memory?One of my earliest memories is sitting in my highchair in the kitchen and letting chocolate pudding cover my face while attempting to lick it off.

3. Who are the other people in your family?There are four people in my family including me. My mother, my father, my younger brother and myself.

4. What books and magazines do you like to read?I absolutely love to read comedic romance novels such as The Fault in Our Stars because I love to picture myself being in similar situations as the main characters.

5. What person has had the most influence on you? How?My mother has had the biggest impact on my life because when I was in grade four she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was the one who opened my eyes to the real world and would always tell to live a life of happiness because you never know when your life may end.

6. Describe your hobbies (what you do on weekends and afterschool.)My biggest hobby is playing the piano. I can spend up to three hours a day just practicing. On Saturdays I go to church to practice with our worship band in order to play for the Sunday service.

7. What is your favorite TV show? Why? Or what kind of music do you like? Why?I really enjoy indie pop music because I find the lyrics of the songs more meaningful than regular mainstream pop which usually involves sex or drugs. Also, I enjoy the fact that not many people listen to the bands that Im listening to because then songs dont get annoying and overplayed on the radio.

8. What is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to you?When I was younger I was diagnosed with macrophage activation syndrome which is a potentially life threatening disease. I was miserable while confined in the ICU for what seemed like an eternity and finally getting discharged from the hospital after two months was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.9. Where have you traveled? What interesting places have you seen?I have travelled to many different places such as Mexico and Hawaii but the place that was the most interesting is definitely the Philippines because there are so many islands that make up the Philippines and each one has their own unique landscape, such as The Banaue Rice Terraces or the chocolate hills in Bohol.

10. Describe your particular talents. What do you do well?One of my biggest talents is music. I am able to play six different instruments which include the piano, the guitar, the bass guitar, the violin, the ukulele, and the drums. Out of all these instruments I find that I play the piano because I have been playing since kindergarten.

11. What career will you pursue when you are finished school? Why?When I graduate high school I will most likely pursue a career in medicine because I feel that with the experience that I have had as a patient inside a hospital, I could understand the perspectives and symptoms of a patient better. Also, I would like to go back to the Philippines as a doctor and start a health care clinic for all the homeless children on the streets because they have been neglected of the care that they desperately need.

12. What do you like best about school? What do you like least about school?What I like most about school is the fact that I get to see my closest friends every day. I also enjoy art class (even though I finished art last semester) because Mr. Eschack Is honestly the most inspirational teacher that I have ever had and has helped me improve my art skills. What I like least about school is probably having to wake up early in the morning to catch my bus because I am not a morning person and waiting for the bus in -32 degree weather is not the best way to start the day.

13. If you were to be granted one wish, what would you wish for? (Do not write more wishes!!)If I was to be granted one wish then I would probably wish for magical fairies that had the ability to grant me an unlimited amount of wishes (loophole). I would then proceed to wish for things that made the world a better place such as wishing that everyone on this earth lived in comfort and happiness, everyone has a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs, and that everyone no matter who they are or what they look like would get along well with each other (etc.)
