Austin LoBasso. The New York Rangers My favorite hockey team and also a symbol of my pride for where...


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Austin LoBasso

The New York RangersMy favorite hockey team and also a symbol of my pride for where I’m from.

Odd FutureMy current favorite musicians.

Scott Mescudi aka Kid CudiThe man I look up to as of right now.

Frank SinatraI had a rough childhood because of my parents. My dad left basically at birth and my mother was young with a lot going on. As a young boy I would escape with my grandfather and his music is a symbol of that bond me and him share.

Vesuvio Est. 1953I’m currently employed here and even though it’s just a job it means a lot more to me. The people there have taken me in as their own and are now like my second family because I’ve never had an official family.

I like to do a lot of things. I love being with my friends and playing sports. I work out too but mainly I just like to kickback and relax when I have free time because between school and work sometimes life is a little bit overwhelming. Music is the most

important thing to me because it’s all I have.

I’m taking a technology elective because I’m interested in being more computer savvy. Also I’m excited to be able to receive a net

book, thank you!
