August/September 2020 Volume 39 Issue 6 ©2020 Temple Beth ... · and ethical life. This contrasts...


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August/September 2020 Volume 39 Issue 6 ©2020 Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075

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Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services—6:30 PM

Saturday Morning—10:00 AM

Preparing Your Heart for the

Holy Days

Mysteries of the Machzor: A Four-Week Online Adult Education Program

from Alden Solovy, Liturgist

Week 1 – The Power of the Day

We’ll open our Mysteries of the Machzor series by exploring the Unetaneh Tokef, a four-part masterpiece echoing the themes of the High Holidays. Enter the prayer that is a study in contrasts, and the inspiration for

Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Who by Fire.’

Week 2 – Confessions Past and Present This week in our Mysteries of the Machzor class, we'll examine the unique language of the two traditional confessionals,

together known as Vidui – the alphabetic acrostic (Ashamnu) and the longer “For the Sin” (Al Chet) – contrasting them with modern alternatives.

Week 3 – Mystic Doorway

In our next Mysteries of the Machzor class, we'll look at the Kol Nidre, the dramatic mystical doorway into a full day of deep reflection and prayer, a day with the promise of forgiveness.

Week 4 – A Spiritual Compass

Our final Mysteries of the Machzor class will explore the Aveinu Malkeinu (Almighty and Merciful), a haunting set of supplications which are also a reminder of our relationship to G-d as the source of our blessings.

Thursdays @ 12:00

Aug 20—Sept 10

Register at:

Pg. 2 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


It’s a Brave New World (this year) High Holy Days will be like none other before. Because of the still rising numbers of COVID-19 cases and with an abundance of concern for the health and safety of all our congregation we announced a few weeks ago that we will not be holding in-person services in the manner that we have done so in the past. As such, we are in the process of creating a broad spectrum of spiritual opportunities for the entire month of Elul, Selichot, the 10 Days of Awe and the festivals Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah. While we still have a solid 7 weeks to make additions and/or changes to our plans, we want to give you a sneak peek of some of the projects in play. Elul: The 30-day period preceding the High Holy Days, a time to prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the Yamim Noraim. Beginning on the 1st of Elul (evening of August 20th), and every day leading up to Rosh Hashanah, there will be opportunities for spiritual engagement. From mindfulness moments on Facebook Live, that will include brief teachings, musical offerings and a Shofar blast, to daily digital classes on an assortment of topics, TBT is joining with a variety of partners; Congregation Dor Tamid, The Women’s Rabbinic Network and Jew It At Home to bring to you a plethora of spiritual growth opportunities leading up to the Holy Day period. Many incredible scholars will be at your finger tips. One in particular begins on August 20th, Alden Solovy’s 4-week class Treasure’s of the Machzor will take place from his home in Jerusalem. You don’t want to miss this opportunity. See cover page for a description of this Adult Learning session! Of course, as we do every year, we will send out reading recommendations. But to get an early jump on your reading, two books you might want to order now are: Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27 and This IS Real and You Are Totally Unprepared! Selichot: Temple Beth Tikvah’s annual Selichot service (September 12th) will shift to a Zoom format this year, with Congregations Kehillat Chayim and Dor Tamid’s clergy and musical team coming together with our own to create just the right setting for this year’s Holy Day season.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: At this writing, we are working on creating special holiday services to touch the heart and soul. Some of these services will have pre-recorded elements to them and this is where we need every one of our TBT family members to help out. All you will need is a smart phone and a willingness to share your love, your joy and your gratitude. In the coming days, everyone will be receiving an email invitation to submit a short video of themselves doing or saying something. * It could be you kindling candles with your family gathered around the table * You might be asked to share a word, a phrase or a holiday greeting *You might be invited to record yourself sounding the shofar, dipping apples in honey or raising a kiddush cup Whatever you are invited to do, we hope you will respond with a big "Hineini, YES, I am here!” While we can’t all be able to be together physically in our sanctuary this year, we want to see each other and to celebrate with one another in a beautiful and meaningful way. In early September you will receive a special 5781 High Holy Day Edition of the Kol Tikvah with all of our Holiday offerings; Digital, small group, family and youth programs and any live IN-sanctuary services that we can safely conduct. In the meantime, the more that each one of us does to help mitigate the spread of the COVID virus the faster we will (hopefully) be able to gather again as a full congregational body, together at TBT. A BIG Todah Rabbah, thanks to all who have been so supportive of our efforts to keep TBT vibrant even when we aren’t physically together within the walls of our building! Wishing all a very meaningful Elul and I look forward to ushering in the NEW year of 5781 with each and every one of you.

Pg. 3 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

NOTES FROM THE Cantor Absence has made my heart grow fonder! Absence has made my appreciation for what I have increase.

Absence has made me re-evaluate my personal and professional priorities.

I have missed seeing you in the foyer before and after services. I have missed praying, studying and making music together - in person. I have missed seeing our students of ALL ages fill the synagogue, halls and classrooms.

I am pained by how what I love most, singing… has become public enemy #1.

But I turn to the name of our synagogue “Temple Beth Tikvah” – a synagogue that is a “House of Hope.” I keep these words from Psalm 16:8 close to my heart and mind: “Sh’viti Adonai l’negdi tamid”: “I place Adonai before me always.” It is a way to keep God’s presence near me, and when I do this, I feel the presence of those whom I love and care about close to me as well.

Our community was created within our synagogue walls but now we have experienced that our sacred community extends and can even flourish beyond those walls.

Chazak. Chazak. V'nitchazeik: Be Strong. Be Strong. Strengthen one another. At all times but especially now, these words resonate with: 'I' need you. 'TBT' needs you. We need each other! I am a creative person by nature and I welcome your encouragement and support for me to think out of the box in how I can continue to have Judaism and Temple Beth Tikvah touch your lives. I invite you to be a co-creator with me, the rabbi, all professional staff and lay leaders. It starts in realizing that we are co-creators with God, a daunting idea at first, but one that requires that we really OWN it in how we care for one another, care for the earth and care for our families and circles of community. These things we can do regardless of being inside or outside of the synagogue walls, but I do pray for the time to come, speedily, when we can all be together inside TBT!

I hold you all in my prayers for good health, healing when needed and overall ‘shalom’.

August 5 Rabbi Josh Warshawsky

August 19 Lexie Nuell

8:00 PM

Register at for the zoom link

Pg. 4 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he

that rules his spirit than he that takes a city” Proverbs 16:3

I am sure you have noticed that as the COVID pandemic

lingers, people’s resentments and frustrations are beginning

to turn to anger. I first felt it about a month or two ago

when the COVID restrictions were being slowly lifted but life

did not return to normal as I hoped it would. The news cycle

went from wall to wall COVID coverage to the racial strife

that was so emotional. Nothing but bad news and

gloom. The chance of watching sports, a diversion I enjoy,

never materialized and the hope that it would start soon

began to fade. Even as sports slowly begun to emerge with

few or no fans, it just wasn’t the same feel. The return to

normal that I wanted never materialized to any comforting

degree. Feeling trapped, my frustration was slowly turning

to anger about something I had no control over.

I began to realize that I was not alone in my growing

anger. Within my family and circle of friends, I sensed the

same. In dealings with congregants of TBT, I could feel the

growing frustration about having to operate our Temple

virtually and I began to hear anger emerging. You could

sense the mood from the questions we received. “Why can’t

we try in person services?” “How do you plan to conduct

religious school?” “Why aren’t we doing more?” A lot of

questions, but no solutions to offer. A natural reaction to a

sense of helplessness.

I have had to ask myself: What good comes from being

angry? In short, not much.

A couple of years ago, Rabbi Shuval-Weiner led an

introductory class in Mussar which is a Jewish spiritual

practice that gives instruction on how to live a meaningful

and ethical life. This contrasts with Halacha, which is rule-

based. In Mussar, there are several Middot (Jewish values or

virtues) of which one is Middat Ka’as, anger. We are

encouraged to explore theses middot in order to grow and

ultimately transform one’s being.

There is also Pirkei Avot, a compilation of

the ethical teachings and maxims from Rabbinic

Jewish tradition, which includes thoughts on the Middah

Erech Apayim (slowness to anger). Some of the gleanings

from these sources:

From a article on the Middah about


“Just as it is necessary to control one's words, it is also

important to control one's emotions. Notice that we are

not told that it is wrong to feel angry or to express that

anger - only that we must have control over our anger.

The Talmud adds to this understanding by suggesting

that "if a clever man is angry, his wisdom quits

him." (Talmud, Nedarim 22b)”

“In Pirkei Avot, we learn that there are four kinds of

temper: there is the person easy to provoke and easy

to appease—the loss is cancelled by the gain; hard to

provoke and hard to appease—the gain is cancelled

by the loss; easy to provoke and hard to appease—

that person is wicked; hard to provoke and easy to

appease—that person is saintly. (Avot 5,11) Once

again, there is an assumption in this passage that

everyone loses his or her temper and becomes angry

on occasion. It is the degree to which one is able to

control one's temper that makes all the difference.”

From “The Sefer Erech Apayim

writes that one way to deflect anger is simply to think:

‘In the long run, will this really matter?’ Indeed, if it is

really a short-term issue, one can think: ‘Tomorrow, will

this really matter?’ “

What we can gather from these readings is that anger is a

self-destructive and non-productive emotion that we need

to try and avoid or at least control. In other words, it is okay

to be angry, just try to not display it or take it out on another

person. Learn to let it go.

My personal practice for dealing with these feelings of anger

is to participate in one of our Friday night services, whether

virtual or (hopefully soon) in person. The sense of peace and

calm that the services instill is for me the perfect antidote

for dealing with anger. Perhaps you too will find such calm.

Hoping you are all doing well and are staying safe.


Pg. 5 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Register at:


For the past few months, it seems like the world has been

spinning in the wrong direction. COVID has taken over every

aspect of our lives. Masks should be worn wherever we go,

shaking hands and hugging friends at the supermarket is no

longer common practice. Eating at our favorite restaurants

and sharing an appetizer or a sip of someone’s drink is a

thing of the past.

On the bright side, we opened our Outdoor Summer Fun

Program. We were able to see if we could manage carpool,

social distancing and wearing masks for a couple of hours in

the outside heat. It was a tremendous success!! The children

got to be children in a safe and fun way.

The first week went well. The children played outside, a bit

hesitant at first, but then “the child in them” took over and

the real playing began. The biggest change was all the safety

precautions which include the constant wiping and bleaching

of toys, paint brushes, balls etc. These changes were

apparent to us, but the children did not seem too fazed. They

just wanted to play and play they did!

We all, both teachers and children,

enjoyed the company of others

especially others who were not in their

immediate family. Who would have

thought a few months ago that a two-hour “camp” of

outdoor play would bring such smiles on the faces of not only

the children but us as well?!

A BIG THANK YOU to Rabbi Shuval-Weiner for giving us her

blessing to open and having the faith to know that this would

be a success.

Joe Dunn, Beth Asher, the Board of Ed, Kim, Becky, and Eric

were all so supportive and amazing. The term “it takes a

village” is very apropos here!

I cannot thank all the incredible teachers and teens (Abby,

Faye, Alicia, Marla, Josh S. and Josh W.) enough!! They

stepped up and worked Outdoor Summer Fun and put the

children first. We are looking forward to opening our school

and seeing all the smiling faces not only on our children’s

faces, but the teachers as well!!

Lola is a rising junior at River Ridge High School. Lola is a student and madricha in TBT's religious school and was confirmed in May. She is actively involved in HOTTY, serving as TYG President this year. She is a leader in gun violence prevention efforts and is the co-state Outreach Director of March for Our Lives.

Lola is always warm, friendly and helpful to everyone around her.

Yasher koach, Lola!

We invite the TBT community to join us on Zoom as Lola is honored.

Sunday, August 9 at 2:00 PM

Temple Beth Tikvah has chosen

Lola Bessoff as our honoree for the annual

Hadassah Chesed Atlanta Student Awards.

Pg. 6 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


If you haven’t registered for Religious School yet, please do so

TODAY on our membership portal at

Pg. 7 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

High Holidays are just a few weeks away! Beth Tikvah clergy and staff are hard at work creating what we hope will be meaningful and memorable

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. This year in particular, we need YOU to help us make High Holy Days 5781 incredible!

We invite you to be part of the action. Choose one or all of the following ways to participate in our online celebrations, by making short video clips

and sending us pictures of you and your loved ones engaged in Jewish living.

If you wish to participate you are asked to submit materials by Friday, August 21. Need help? (Please visit our website for FAQs.)

Shanah Tovah Videos

Record a 3-5 second video saying “Shana Tovah!” or “Happy New Year!” or both. Link to Upload the Shana Tovah videos

Kindling Holiday Candles Videos

Record yourself or your family around the holiday candles, lighting them, drawing the light in, and holding hands over your eyes, or other traditions you might have as a family. (Blessings are not needed)

Link to Upload here

Sounding Shofar Photos Please send us photos of you or members of your family blowing the shofar.

Link to Upload

Torah Photos Please send us photos of you or members of your family either holding, reading from or dancing with the

Torah. Link to Upload Torah photos

Our Families L’Dor V’Dor

Send us pictures of you, your children, or multi-generational family photos. Send in all those beautiful bimah, beach or front porch pics!

Link to upload

Life During Covid-19 Share with us snapshots of your life during the pandemic, whether you baked challah, made masks, took

long walks, participated in drive-by birthday parades, held socially distant gatherings or spent all your time in Zoom meetings! We want to share your stories of resilience and creativity.

Link to Upload

Thanks to Dave Shapiro & Ilene Alter of David Shapiro Enterprises for their expertise in creating this year's

holiday events. For questions, you can contact Ilene at or 404-273-4778.


Pg. 8 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Mayah Gabrielle Loventhal will be called to the Torah on August 1, 2020. She is the daughter of Michal and Gary Loventhal and sister to Ellie and Talia. She is granddaughter to Naomi and Richard Binenfeld, Rita and Bill Loventhal and Dana and Yuval Harpak. She is the great granddaughter of Dora Moran.

Mayah is an 8th grader at Hightower Trail Middle School where she volunteers with the Lunch Bunch, which is a time each Friday that she spends with children with special needs. She has been dancing at Rhythm Dance Center since she was 3 years old and this year, won the Dancer of the Year Award. Camp Judaea in Hendersonville, NC has been a huge part of Mayah’s life since 2nd grade. And although she misses it terribly this year, she has been keeping in touch with her friends and looks forward to next year. Needless to say, the world has been a crazy place over the past few months. Since shelter-in-place, she has found many ways to contribute and help. With the many deliveries we have received, Mayah set up a snack station for the hard working delivery people. In addition, she attended rallies for racial justice and is making friendship bracelets to fundraise for the NAACP. Mayah would like to thank Rabbi Shuval-Weiner and Cantor Kassel for helping her reach this important milestone. She would also like to thank her bat mitzvah tutor, Risa Mendelson, for laughing, supporting and uplifting her during these challenging times.

Zachary Bergman will be called to

the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on

August 8, 2020. Zachary is the son of

Harris and Suellen Bergman and

brother to Stephanie Bergman.

Zachary is the grandson of Sharon & Peter Jedel, the late

Steven Winick, Linda Bergman, and the late Abner Bergman.

He is an 8th grade honors student at Dickerson Middle

School, where he plays trumpet in the school band. His

hobbies include playing bridge and piano, video games,

swimming, activities with his Boy Scouts troop, and attending

URJ Camp Coleman. Zachary has spent this summer earning

several Boy Scout badges.

Zachary is excited to share this milestone with his friends and


Lucy Weindorf will be called to the Torah on September 5, 2020. She is the daughter of Kim Weindorf and Steve Weindorf and sister to Sammy Weindorf. She is the granddaughter to Frank and Sandy Wasserman and Sharon and the late Leroy Weindorf.

Lucy is in the 7th grade at Mabry Middle School where she plays percussion in the band. Lucy has been playing the drums since the 4th grade. She loves swimming on summer swim team…certainly something she missed during the crazy summer of 2020! Lucy has a love of animals, especially her dog Max and turtle Havana. For one of her mitzvah projects, she collected items to donate to the dog rescue group, Releash Atlanta.

While things have not been going exactly as planned, Lucy has found ways to enjoy herself during this time.

Lucy would like to thank Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Cantor Kassel and all of her TBT teachers— Age 2 through 6th grade who helped her reach this milestone!!

Ryan Levin is being called to Torah

August 29, 2020. He is the son of

Debbie and Rob Levin and brother to

Jace Levin. Ryan is in 8th grade at The

Galloway School. He loves playing

basketball and his new hobby of

running with his dad.

As part of his 13 mitzvot, Ryan collected books for Amy’s Holiday

Party, and also assembled summer themed smile bags, both

activities were through the Creating Connected Communities

organization. Amy’s Holiday Party provides children and families

in need with a reprieve from their often-challenging daily realities

through a DJ dance party with carnival games, craft projects, and a

visit to the “toy store”. The Summer Smile Bags Initiative is a

program to help support agencies over the summer while also

following social distancing guidelines. The bags contained chalk,

bubbles, jump rope and other fun summer activities to connect

with the kids and still put smiles on the faces of children in need.

The Creating Connected Communities organization was able to

distribute 2,438 bags to 25+ agency partners. Ryan is excited to

share his Bar Mitzvah with family and friends.

Pg. 9 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Hayden Trebon will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 12, 2020. Hayden is the son of Jenni and Roman Trebon and brother to Maggie Trebon. His grandparents are Sheila Baum and Judy and Tom Trebon.

He is in the 8th grade at Hightower Trail Middle School. Hobbies include fencing, basketball and watching the Pittsburgh Steelers and any other Pittsburgh sports teams play.

Hayden’s Mitzvah project is to benefit The H.A.S. Foundation, which stands for Helping Athletes Score, was founded in March 2015 to provide need-based scholarships to young athletes in Cobb County. “Our mission is to make sure any athlete who wants to play a recreational team sport in our community, regardless of household financial situation, doesn't have to sit on the sideline and watch the other kids score.” Hayden has been collecting gently used sports equipment for donation to The H.A.S. Foundation. He doesn’t want any child to be unable to experience the joy he has experienced by being able to participate in sports.


Lynda and Jon Bennett became

grandparents with the birth of their

granddaughter, Austyn Rose, on May 2,

2020. Parents are Aimee and Zach


Rachel Bennett, daughter of Lynda & Jon Bennett,

graduated from the University of Georgia School of Law on

May 16. She will become a prosecutor for the Hall County

District Attorney’s office upon passing the bar exam in


Bill and Marge Segal welcomed a new granddaughter, Sofi

Eden Wise on July 8, 2020.

Jennifer Gerson, daughter of Steve and

RoseAnn Gerson was married on July 31,

2020 to Corey Farris.

Daniel A. Schweber, son of Rhonda

Schweber was married on July 20, 2020

to Allyson Cedrone.

Ivie and Harlan Graiser welcomed

Jonathan Boaz Graiser on June 22, 2020.

Parents are Brian and Alaina Graiser.

Cameron Ross Bauman, son of Steve and

Alisa Bauman was married on July 24,

2020 to Risa Nicolle Hayet.

Are you interested in owning your own

beautiful set of Holy Day prayerbooks?

Mahzorim & Siddurim


For a limited time, the CCAR Press is offering 20%

off Mishkan HaNefesh with discount code

MHN2020 to individuals.


Pg. 10 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


ANNUAL CAMPAIGN in memory of Jerry Kaufman from Colleen Burns Joy Cohen from Felice & Dean Myers Irene Milligan, mother of Waynah Dunn from Joe & Waynah Dunn Joy Cohen, mother of Stephanie Joseph from Mark & Gail Rudel Sheldon & Joy Cohen from Ron & Leslie Swichkow

Dana Mermelstein from Ron & Leslie Swichkow Ruth Berney from Sandy & Nancy Simon

Leo H. Ebstein from Dr. Dale & Wendy Bearman Ruth Kaufman, mother of Ilene Monat-Fader from Gary & Ilene Fader

in honor of Marla Rosenberg from Jaime & Michael Dunn

BUILDING FUND DONATION in memory of Thelma Rosen from Steve & Linda Steinberg and family

CANTORS FUND in appreciation of Cantor Nancy Kassel from Irv & Gail Laddin

in honor of Pam Alterman's milestone birthday from Marsha Mathis the birth of a granddaughter to Ivie and Harlan Graiser from Peter & Sharon Jedel Pam Alterman's birthday from Shirley Sear

in memory of Jules Joseph Aaronson from Andrea & Joshua Berman Jerry Weiss and Morris Greifer from Debbie & Mark Weiss Jerry Kaufman from Debbie & Mark Weiss Jules Aaronson from Glenn, Richard and Andrew Aaronson Jules Aaronson from Karen & Stephen Trager Rose Berg from Marcy Kaufman Roy Meeks, father of Pam Alterman from Pam Alterman Sam & Esther Grosswald from Phyllis Madans Jerry Kaufman from Ron & Leslie Swichkow Dana Jo Mermelstein from Sharon Mermelstein Marvin Fine from Steve, Amy, Jennifer & Ellen Fine

CARING/KEHILLAT CHESED FUND in memory of Ann Efruss from Aaron & Sheila Stieglitz Max Kaufman from Marcy Kaufman Sylvia Perling from Max & Carol Wolf Cindy's Father, Phillip Kaplan from Robert & Cindy Goldstein April Laddin from Ron & Leslie Swichkow

Speedy Recovery of Herb Williams from Kathy & Mike Levin

GENERAL FUND in appreciation of the synagogue for the wonderful Torah Study Series on Zoom from Joyce Wice

in memory of Helen Pollard from Andrew & Jane Glickman Jules Aaronson from Andy Siegel & Caryn Hanrahan Jerry Kaufman from Cory & Minette Hillebrand Naton Simons from David & Christine Toltzis Jeanne & Irving Bloom from Don & Gail Neder Miriam Warshofsky from Fred & Carol Warshofsky Danny Ellison's brother, Eli Ellison from Harlan & Ivie Graiser Matt Albert, son of Doris Albert from Harlan & Ivie Graiser Jerry Kaufman from J. Richard & Peggy Bernstein Jerry Kaufman from Judith Levine Joyce Cohen from Lori Shapiro and Cary Goldenthal Jules Joseph Aaronson, father of Andy Aaronson from Lori Shapiro & Cary Goldenthal JJ Aaronson from Mark & Cathy Berman Jerry Kaufman from Robert & Dale Israel Jules Aaronson from Terri & Barry Steinberg Julius Joseph Aaronson from Todd & Jennifer Boehm Dana Jo Kahn Mermelstein mother of Evan Mermelstein from Todd & Jennifer Boehm

Speedy Recovery of Christi Dahlquist from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

LEVIN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in memory of Frank Glickman from Andrew & Jane Glickman

MICHAEL ZALKIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND in memory of April Laddin from Hedva & Keith Wiener Jules Aaronson from The Zalkin Family

PRESCHOOL FUND in memory of Esther Kirchheimer from Barry & Shari Alhadeff Al Malkin from Sidney & Lois Malkin

As of July 15, 2020

Pg. 11 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah



Rabbi Shuval-Weiner's flexibility and guidance with Jonathan's "bris" ceremony! from Brian Graiser RSW from Irv & Gail Laddin the wonderful Torah Studies series on Zoom from Joyce Wice Rabbi Alex Shuval-Weiner and Jay Weiner for the Melton Class Learning from Mike & Kathy Levin

in honor of

the wedding of Ben Weiner, son of Jay Weiner from Bruce & Bonnie Walkes RSW making services so meaningful from Peter & Sharon Jedel

in memory of

Dana Jo Mermelstein from Betty Rickles Bessie Wixman, grandmother of Bonnie Walkes from Bruce & Bonnie Walkes Jerry Kaufman from Bruce & Carol Waldman Lola Mamberg from Bruce Turiansky & Mariann Mamberg Jerry Kaufman from Gary & Ilene Fader Jules Aaronson from Glenn, Richard and Andrew Aaronson Sylvia Williams from Herbert & Marsha Williams Minnie Friedman from Jerome & Margie Cohen Jules Joseph Aaronson from Josh & Andrea Berman Jules Aaronson from Karen & Stephen Trager Harry Solomon from Mark & Sally Vosk Sophie and Leonard Madans from Phyllis Madans Harriette Seifstein from Robert & Adele Toltzis

Edward Gralnick from Seth & Ellen Zimmer Mr. Sid Sissel from Sharon Snowiss Saul Plotkin from Shirley Plotkin Helen Reiber from Steve & RoseAnn Gerson Gertrude Gerson from Steve & RoseAnn Gerson Resilotte Lisser from The Faupel Family


Ilana Cohen and Dvora Herold from David & Ellen Herold


Chuck Freedman from Harvey & Natine Rosenzweig


Jerry Kaufman. Our thoughts and prayers for the family, Jerry was a larger than life man with a heart of gold. He will be missed from Bernice & Bruce Mellman

TIKKUN OLAM FUND in memory of

Jack Stieglitz from Aaron & Sheila Stieglitz

Thanks so much for all the support of last year’s Annual Campaign. Apart from our Campaign, we are grateful for our members’ regular dues and recognize everyone is going beyond in different ways from building fund to religious school and other Tzedakah. And many of us are also engaged with other charities. So thank you, it truly sustains us! We raised $101,500 from the Campaign including pre-bookings and sponsorships for our Casino Night (we haven’t forgotten, and hopefully that show will go on). As we consider other / more permanent ways to secure our future, we rely on the Annual Campaign to offset challenging demographics and declining membership nationally. And we have some excellent stewards in Joe Dunn, the Officers, Board of Trustees and staff managing our resources very judiciously.

Our 2020-21 Annual Campaign will kick-off right after the High Holidays this year – and we look forward to reconnecting with our past and future donors. Again – thanks for going the extra mile for Temple Beth Tikvah.

Mark Rudel

Philanthropy Chair

Pg. 12 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Pg. 13 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges

with sorrow the passing of:

Jules Joseph Aaronson

Eliyahu “Eli” Ellison


Every Monday

7:15—8:30 PM ONLINE

Contact Jeff Schultz

TBT Needs You—Get Involved!

9955 Coleman Road Roswell, GA 30075

Budget & Finance

Ron Swichkow

Camp/Israel Scholarship

Marcia Haber

Chavurot/Affinity Groups

Brian Rubenstein

College Outreach

Susan Wynne


Marlene Cohn

Family Promise

Tony Rosenberg


Ted Nathan

Human Resources

Seth Zimmer

Kehillat Chesed (Caring)

Leslie Swichkow


Ilana Zalkin

Membership Recruitment &


Tony Rosenberg

Nominating Committee

Dalia Faupel


Mark Rudel


Rick Winer


Jay Sausmer


Steve Mahan


Ilana Zalkin

Social Action/Social Justice

Michele Gergans

Will Shields

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus Donald A. Tam

Preschool Director Linda Siegel

Religious School Director Suzanne Hurwitz

President Joseph Dunn

Vice President Caryn Schilstra

Vice President Todd Boehm

Vice President Mark Greenberg

Treasurer Karen Korshak

Secretary Dalia Faupel

Board of Education Beth Asher

