August 2011 Baltimore Beacon Edition



August 2011 Baltimore Beacon Edition

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VOL.8, NO.8

I N F O C U S F O R P E O P L E O V E R 5 0AUGUST 2011More than 100,000 readers throughout Greater Baltimore

By Carol SorgenOne might call Maria Broom a Jill-of-all-

trades, at least when it comes to the per-forming arts. The native Baltimorean —who saw her first ballet at the age of 6 andthought to herself, ”This is it” — has madea life, and a living, as a dancer, actress andstoryteller.She is a familiar face from HBO’s

renowned Baltimore-based crime series“The Wire,” along with other TV shows.She has also been a television news re-porter, a Fulbright scholar, a dance thera-pist and motivational speaker. And Broomhas served as a guest dance instructor at anumber of colleges and schools.Now 62, she continues in many of those

pursuits, but sees herself in a new role aswell, that of “wisdom-keeper.”Broom acknowledged that she still gets

requests to “come and do what I do,” butalso sees that her younger professionalcolleagues and students want to benefitfrom what she can pass along on a morefundamental level.“At this stage of life, people turn to us for a

number of reasons…to learn how to be cour-teous, how to be of service, in short, how tobe a good human being….That lies with usnow, and it’s our responsibility to teach oth-ers,” said theWindsorMill resident.Broom, who attended Western High

School andMorgan State University, creditsher mother with both her artistic talentsand her undiminished joie de vivre as sheages. Broom’s mother was a fan of musicand ballet, a painter and craftswoman her-self, and wrote her first book at the age of79 and her second at 90.

“Our culture promotes the notion thatas we age, we go downhill,” said Broom.“But I’ve seen for myself that as we age, weget better and better.”

Beguiled by balletBack to the beginning, though. When

Broom saw the renowned Ballet Russe deMonte Carlo as a child, she experienced avisceral response. “Those are my people,”she recalled having thought.She studied at Baltimore’s Peabody

Conservatory and at UCLA, received aFulbright Scholarship to the Berlin DanceAcademy in Germany, and also studied inHawaii.

In her 20s, however, Broom got side-tracked — which, instead of derailing herperforming career, ultimately enhanced it.Broom had expected to teach dance at

Morgan State after graduating, but whenthat didn’t work out, she was offered a jobas a television reporter for WJZ-TV in Bal-timore and later, the ABC affiliate inMiami.“That was a very big deal,” said Broom,

relating how her face could be seen in bill-boards across Baltimore. After severalyears in the news, Broom started receiv-ing the “big offers” to move on to the na-tional news broadcasts.“I had a decision to make, dance or TV,”

she said simply. “I chose dancing.”

Dancing to a world beatWith the recognition she had earned as

a news reporter, Broom was soon runninga successful dance studio in MondawminMall, while she pursued her own perform-ing ambitions.Her initial goal had been to become an

Alvin Ailey dancer. Alvin Ailey was thefamed African American dancer and chore-ographer who had his own New York-based troupe. But once Broom beganstudying dance again herself in Los Ange-les, her goal shifted.“I realized there that all the movements

I instinctively made with my hands, for ex-

I N S I D E …

FITNESS & HEALTH 4k Hospitals face drug shortagesk Do you need testosterone?

VOLUNTEERS & CAREERS 16k Brewing up a franchise

LAW & MONEY 18k Billions waiting to be claimedk Medicare costs jump for some


A R T S & S T Y L EAudience joins in the fun inXanadu at Toby’s DinnerTheatre; plus, the NationalAquarium celebrates its30th anniversary

page 27

L E I S U R E & T R A V E LA smorgasbord of to-dos inPennsylvania; plus, cuttingyour losses when a trip getscanceled

page 24

Broom sweeps across stages

Maria Broom’s multifaceted career has included dance instruction, television newsreporting, television acting (on series like “The Wire”) and motivational speaking.This summer she is teaching at Centerstage’s camp.













See BROOM, page 28

I truly look forward to receiving lettersand emails from readers. I value your com-ments and suggestions, andam eager to hear what youthink.

That’s really how the Bea-con has grown and changedover the years: by trying toaddress the needs and inter-ests of readers and incorpo-rate their recommendations.

I always like to tell how,within hours of our very firstissue hitting the streets backin 1989, we got a telephonemessage from an angry read-er saying, “Your crossword puzzle cluesare TOO SMALL!”

Of course, I much prefer to read lettersthat praise the Beacon or hear from read-ers who agree with something I’ve written.

But I have to admit that the most valu-able letters I get are those that take me totask for an opinion I’ve expressed. Notonly do I get to learn how others may dis-agree, sometimes violently, with my views.Sometimes I get to see how well (or poor-ly) I’ve expressed my own thoughts.

For example, I learned from a recent let-

ter that I apparently gave the completelywrong impression in a recent column

about Social Security. Thereader objected to an argu-ment he thought I had made,then proceeded to set mestraight by giving a beautifulpresentation of the very pointI had tried to express myself!

Honestly, I think my failureto communicate in that in-stance derived from the factthat I had written twocolumns on the subject of So-cial Security: one in June andone in July. The reader appar-

ently only saw the latter one, which ledhim to misinterpret where I was comingfrom.

But this is itself instructive. Complexpublic policy issues — like what, if any-thing, to change about Social Security orMedicare — cannot be boiled down intosound bites or even 500-word columns.

The background and history are rele-vant. The present issues and potential fu-ture problems must be explored. Possiblesolutions need to be described and theirramifications considered.

It takes time and space to develop andexplain a serious, well-thought-out position— more time (and space) than most peo-ple (and publications or websites) are will-ing or able to devote to writing and/orreading.

As a result, most written arguments —and probably all spoken ones — are inher-ently incomplete and, on some level, mis-leading.

I think that’s why it comes so naturallyto many of us to criticize others for theiropinions and jump to conclusions abouttheir motives.

We don’t really know whether peoplehave thought their opinions through or ex-plored the subject matter deeply. We onlyknow what we take in from a brief en-counter. So we may be judging them tooharshly, or without understanding theirtrue positions.

On the other hand, sometimes peopledo parrot positions they’ve heard else-where or that fall within their “comfortzone” politically speaking, without devot-ing much of their own energy to thinkingabout them.

And ironically, it’s probably most diffi-cult to argue with people who haven’t real-ly thought about the positions they hold. Ifthey’ve adopted an opinion thoughtlessly,then they aren’t likely to let reason sway

them to another point of view, are they?Anyway, I urge you not to jump to con-

clusions about what we should be doingabout Social Security and Medicare untilyou have explored the issues in somedepth.

They are both vitally important pro-grams, extremely costly ones, and onesthat all of us have paid into for most of ourlives.

They certainly shouldn’t be jettisonedor gutted. But they also need to betweaked or adjusted to reflect how Ameri-cans’ work lives, healthcare system, life ex-pectancy and demographics have changedover the years and will be changing inyears to come.

I believe there are any number of mod-est, reasonable revisions that could bemade to keep the programs sound for thefuture. Each one affects one or more con-stituencies: workers, employers, benefici-aries, doctors.

There will no doubt be some pain in-volved in making these changes, but I be-lieve we can, as a society, find a way tospread that pain fairly.

On being misunderstood


2 More at A U G U S T 2 0 1 1 — B A L T I M O R E B E A C O N


I N F O C U S F O R P E O P L E O V E R 5 0

The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915(410) 248-9101 • Email: info@thebeaconnewspapers.comSubmissions: The Beacon welcomes reader contributions. Deadline for editorial is the 1st of themonth preceding the month of publication. Deadline for ads is the 1st of the month preceding the monthof publication. See page 23 for classified advertising details. Please mail or email all submissions.

© Copyright 2011 The Beacon Newspapers, Inc.

2010 OutstandingPublication Award

The Beacon is a monthly newspaper dedicated toinform, serve, and entertain the citizens of the GreaterBaltimore area, and is privately owned.Subscriptions are available via third-class mail

($12), prepaid with order. MD residents add6 percent for sales tax. Send subscription order to theoffice listed below.

Publication of advertising contained hereindoes not necessarily constitute endorsement.Signed columns represent the opinions of thewriters, and not necessarily the opinion of thepublisher.

Dear EditorI read this month’s Beacon thoroughly

and with great interest. There’s still noth-ing like a “good ole newspaper” spread outin front of us while having our morningcoffee. Just want to pass on a good word ofencouragement.

Dottie DeCarloBaltimore

Dear Editor:There is a slow deterioration of the val-

ues of this country. On Flag Day, I onlyheard about it once on the radio when acaller mentioned how his school daybegan with the Pledge of Allegiance to theflag.

When is a law going to be written so that

drugs are eradicated from this country?We can put a man on the moon, but drugscan’t be confiscated from their entranceinto this country.

Over $400 billion of our tax dollars arespent yearly to support education, welfare,food stamps and healthcare for illegal im-migrants.

When is English going to be designatedas our number one language? Every for-eign country I have ever visited, I lived ac-cording to their customs. My parents wereimmigrants, but they came to this countryto become Americanized, but never forgottheir heritage.

Frances C. MartinoDundalk, Md.

• Publisher/Editor ....................Stuart P. Rosenthal

• Associate Publisher..............Judith K. Rosenthal

• Vice President, Operations........Gordon Hasenei

• Director of Sales ................................Alan Spiegel

• Assistant Operations Manager ..........Roger King

• Managing Editor............................Barbara Ruben

• Contributing Editor..........................Carol Sorgen

• Graphic Designer ..............................Kyle Gregory

• Advertising Representatives ............Ron Manno,

........................................................................Steve Levin

• Interns ................Emily Hatton, Jacob Schaperow

Letters to the editorReaders are encouraged to share their opinion on any matter addressedin the Beacon as well as on political and social issues of the day. Mailyour Letter to the Editor to The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring,MD 20915, or email to Pleaseinclude your name, address and telephone number for verification.


Brian Patrick displays his photographs of vintage tackle, anglers’

tools and personal belongings at Gallery 916 N. Charles Street, through Friday,

Aug. 5. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is

free. For more information, call (410) 727-8800.



B A L T I M O R E B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 1 More at 3

New look.Same strongMedicare coverage.



Our new look is on our website and our signs, and in our ads and our brochures.

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MALE MENOPAUSE?Low testosterone can bring onmenopause-like symptoms for some

GO FOR THE GOLDSign up now for the Maryland SeniorOlympics, which begin in August

A SHOT IN THE ARMYou may need up to nine vaccines tokeep you healthy as you age

COOL SUMMER SALADChicken, cantaloupe and strawberriescombine for a quick meal

HealthFitness &

By Lauran NeergaardWait a minute, Doc. You want me to share

my appointment with 10 other patients?Group appointments aren’t just for psy-

chotherapy anymore. Put diabetes, highblood pressure and maybe even Parkin-son’s disease on the list.

Shared checkups aim to help patientswho are battling certain chronic diseases,and they’re far from the typical 15-minuteoffice visit. They’re stretched over 90 min-utes or even two hours, offering more timeto quiz the doctor about concerns, learnabout managing the disease, and get tipsfrom fellow patients.

What’s in it for the doctor? A neurologistfound he learned more about how hisParkinson’s patients were faring by watch-ing them interact with others than whenhe had them one-on-one.

“I can see if you’re getting worse overthe course of the visit, your ability to eat, towalk, to converse and to think,’’ said Dr.Ray Dorsey, who led a pilot study of groupcheckups for Parkinson’s patients at theUniversity of Rochester Medical Center.

“This is a new way of delivering health-

care,’’ added Dorsey, now at Johns Hop-kins University. “People are thirsting forbetter ways.’’

A growing practiceIt’s a small but slowly growing trend

that promises to get more attention withthe tight supply of primary care physi-cians, who find it hard to squeeze in timeto teach their patients how to deal withcomplex chronic illnesses like diabetes.

An American Academy of Family Physi-cians survey found more doctors tryingthe group approach — about 10 percent ofits active members in 2009, up from fewerthan 6 percent in 2005.

Peer pressure among patients helps, saidfamily physician Dr. George Whiddon ofQuincy, Fla. He has about 40 diabetic pa-tients divided into groups for shared check-ups at Tallahassee Memorial Family Medi-cine Quincy, and he wants to add more.

One woman with uncontrolled diabetesfor years confessed to fellow patients thatshe’d ignored Whiddon’s “eat better, takeyour meds” advice for too long.

“Now I only have one toe left. I should

have listened,’’ Whiddon recalled her say-ing. “That had more impact [on the oth-ers] than anything I said all day.’’

Group appointments don’t replace thepatient’s annual in-depth physical. Butmany people with chronic illnesses, espe-cially if they’re not well-controlled, are sup-posed to have additional follow-up visitsabout every three months— an opportuni-ty for shared checkups that stress patienteducation.

As good as, or better than, 1-on-1But how well do these group visits

work?An Italian study published last year

found that diabetics who took part in themlowered their blood sugar, blood pressureand cholesterol more than similar patientswho got regular individual office visits.

A separate study at two Veterans AffairsMedical Centers, in North Carolina andVirginia, tracked people with poorly con-trolled diabetes and blood pressure andalso concluded shared appointments canimprove care for some people.

Those in group visits significantly im-

proved their blood pressure and needed lessemergency care, but there was no differencein diabetes improvement between patientswho had shared checkups or regular ones.

Parkinson’s marks the newest attempt.Dorsey recruited 30 Parkinson’s patientsand assigned half of them to 90-minutegroup checkups, and the rest to regular pri-vate visits that lasted a generous half-hour.During group visits, everyone got a fewmin-utes for private discussion with the doctor.

Then Dorsey gave an educational talkabout a Parkinson’s topic the patients hadpreviously requested — from the newestresearch, to why symptoms vary so widely,to how patients cope at work — and tookgroup questions.

Medically, both sets of patients faredequally well during the year-long study,showing that group visits are feasible,Dorsey reported in the journal Neurology.

What the study couldn’t measure,Dorsey said, was how he watched patients’interactions for subtle signs that theyneeded prescriptions adjusted, things like

By Lauran NeergaardA growing shortage of medications for a

host of illnesses — from cancer to cystic fi-brosis to cardiac arrest — has hospitalsscrambling for substitutes to avoid patientharm, and sometimes even delaying treat-ment.

“It’s just a matter of time now before wecall for a drug that we need to save a pa-tient’s life and we find out there isn’t any,”said Dr. Eric Lavonas of the American Col-lege of Emergency Physicians.

The problem of scarce supplies or evencompletely unavailable medications isn’t anew one, but it’s getting markedly worse.The number listed in short supply hastripled over the past five years to a record211 medications last year.

While some of those shortages havebeen resolved, another 89 have occurredin the first three months of this year, ac-cording to the University of Utah’s DrugInformation Service. It tracks shortagesfor the American Society of Health-SystemPharmacists.

The vast majority involve injectable med-ications used mostly by medical centers —in emergency rooms, ICUs and cancerwards. Particular shortages can last forweeks or for many months, and there aren’talways good alternatives. Nor is it just aU.S. problem, as other countries reportsome of the same supply disruptions.

Health at riskAt Miami Children’s Hospital, doctors

had to postpone for a month the last roundof chemotherapy for 14-year-old CarolinePallidine because of a months-long nation-wide shortage of cytarabine, a drug con-sidered key to curing a type of leukemia.

“There’s always a fear, if she’s going solong without chemo, is there a chance thiscancer’s going to come back?” said hermother, Marta Pallidine, who said she’ll benervous until Caroline finishes her finaltreatments.

“In this day and age, we really shouldn’tbe having this kind of problem and puttingour children’s lives at risk,” she added.

There are lots of causes for the short-ages — from recalls of contaminated vials,to trouble importing raw ingredients, tospikes in demand, to factories that tem-porarily shut down for quality upgrades.

Some experts pointedly note that pricierbrand-name drugs seldom are in shortsupply. The Food and Drug Administra-tion agrees that the overarching problemis that fewer and fewer manufacturers pro-duce older, cheaper generic drugs, espe-cially the harder-to-make injectable ones.

So if one company has trouble — or de-cides to quit making a particular drug —there are few others able to ramp up theirown production to fill the gap, said ValerieJensen, who heads FDA’s shortage office.

Which drugs are in short supply?The shortage that’s made the most

headlines is a sedative used on death row.But on the healthcare front, shortages arewide-ranging, including:

• Thiotepa, used with bone marrowtransplants,

• A whole list of electrolytes — in-jectable nutrients crucial for certain pre-mature infants and tube-feeding of the crit-ically ill,

• Norepinephrine injections for septicshock,

• A cystic fibrosis drug named acetyl-cysteine,

• Injections used in the ER for certaintypes of cardiac arrest,

• Certain versions of pills for ADHD, at-tention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and

• Some leuprolide hormone injectionsused in fertility treatment.

No one is tracking patient harm. But lastfall, the nonprofit Institute for Safe Medica-tion Practices said it had two reports ofpeople who died from the wrong dose of asubstitute painkiller during a morphineshortage.

“Every pharmacist in every hospitalacross the country is working to makesure those things don’t happen, but short-

Hospitals face acute shortages of drugs

New healthcare trend: Group checkupsSee DRUG SHORTAGES, page 5

See CHECKUPS, page 6

ages create the perfect storm for a medica-tion error,” said University of Utah phar-macist Erin Fox, who oversees the short-age-tracking program.

What can be done?The FDA has taken an unusual step,

asking some foreign companies to tem-porarily ship to the U.S. their own versionsof some scarce drugs that aren’t normallysold here. That eased shortages of propo-fol, a key anesthesia drug, and the trans-plant drug thiotepa.

Affected companies say they’re workinghard to eliminate backlogs. For instance,Hospira Inc., the largest maker of those in-jectable drugs, said it is increasing produc-tion capacity and working with FDA “to ad-

dress shortage situations as quickly aspossible and to help prevent recurrence.”

But the Generic Pharmaceutical Associ-ation said some shortages are beyond in-dustry control, such as those caused byFDA inspections or stockpiling that can ex-acerbate a shortage.

“Drug shortages of any kind are a com-plex problem that require broad-based so-lutions from all stakeholders,” added thePharmaceutical Research and Manufactur-ers of America, a fellow trade group.

Lawmakers are getting involved. Sen.Herb Kohl, D-Wis., is urging the FederalTrade Commission to consider if any pend-ing drug-company mergers would createor exacerbate shortages.

Also, pending legislation would requiremanufacturers to give FDA advance noticeof problems such as manufacturing delays

that might trigger a shortage.The FDA cannot force a company to

make a drug, but was able to prevent 38close calls from turning into shortages lastyear by speeding approval of manufactur-ing changes or urging competing compa-

nies to get ready to meet a shortfall.“No patient’s life should have to be at

risk when there is a drug somewhere” thatcould be used, said Sen. Amy Klobuchar,D-Minn., who introduced the bill.

— AP

BA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Fitness & Health 5

Drug shortagesFrom page 4

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WALKING THE MALL FOR EXERCISEFranklin Square Hospital Center sponsors an ongoing senior well-ness walk at White Marsh Mall and Eastpoint Mall every Thursday

from 9 to 10 a.m. The walks are led by a certified exercise instructor; free bloodpressure screening is also provided. Call (410) 931-7100 for more information.




Learn how to avoid caregiver burnout and gain insight on new

caregiving methods for aging parents and loved ones at a free eldercare recep-

tion on Thursday, July 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. Panelists include geriatrician Dr. Andy

Lazris, Eldercare lawyer Michael Hodes of Hodes, Pessin and Katz P.A., and family

caregiver Morris Segall. The event will be held at the Scenic Rolling Road Golf

Club, 813 Hilltop Rd., Catonsville, Md. Lite fare will be served. The event is pre-

sented by Home with You, Companion Care. To RSVP, call (410) 926-9229 or



July 28

































































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cognitive problems or if medications woreoff too quickly. One meeting even devoted45 minutes to the pros and cons of implant-ed brain stimulators to curb tremors.

“Many heads are better than one. Theythink of questions you wouldn’t normallythink of by yourself,’’ said Jim Euken, a retired judge and Parkinson’s patient fromBelmont, NY. He began exercising on a bi-cycle after one of Dorsey’s group visits dis-cussed research showing some patients

still can bike when they can barely walk,for unknown reasons.

Euken joined some fellow study partici-pants who petitioned the hospital, unsuc-cessfully, to continue group visits when thestudy ended: “It’s not that I don’t get goodcare. I do. But I still think I learned moreand I think the process was better doing itin a group format.’’

More research is needed to determinewhich patients fare better with group vis-

its, plus they take a lot of doctor prepara-tion, cautioned study co-author Dr. KevinBiglan of the University of Rochester.

Medicare will reimburse the doctor foreach patient in a shared checkup withproper documentation that the visit in-cludes certain elements, said Florida’sWhiddon. For his office, that means break-ing even, as long as at least six peopleshow up for his two-hour diabetes groups.

— AP

6 Fitness & Health | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

By Dr. J. Taylor Hays, M.D.Menopause refers to the end of menstru-

ation and fertility in women. It’s caused by adramatic drop in production of the femalehormone estrogen by a woman’s ovaries.There’s no equivalent in men.

But men do experience a hormonalchange as they get older. Clear evidenceindicates that they gradually produce lesstestosterone, the primary male hormone,throughout adulthood.

Even taking this age-related decline intoconsideration, the testosterone level ofmost men stays within what’s considered anormal range, and they don’t experiencesigns or symptoms.

However, if a man’s testosterone pro-duction clearly drops below normal levels,say, as the result of using medicine to treatprostate cancer, he may experience symp-toms akin to menopause in women.

These might include hot flashes, fa-tigue, trouble sleeping, difficulty concen-trating, and reduced sexual drive and per-

formance. Erectile function may or maynot be affected.

The underproduction of testosterone iscalled hypogonadism. In addition toprostate cancer treatment inducing this con-dition, hypogonadism can be inherited or re-sult from a past injury or infection of the tes-ticles. It also can occur simply with aging.

Hormone replacement therapyMen who suspect they’re suffering from a

low testosterone level should see their doc-tor. In addition to the symptoms describedabove, the condition can cause a decrease inmuscle mass and loss of bone mass (osteo-porosis), similar to postmenopausal women.

Some men who are diagnosed with hy-pogonadism can be helped with testosteronereplacement therapy, which slows the loss ofmuscle and improves bone density.

Some people worry about the treatment’spotential side effects. They think of anabolicsteroid use in athletes, for example, whichcan cause liver problems andmale infertility.

But our primary concern with testos-terone replacement therapy in older menis prostate growth and prostate cancer, be-cause the prostate gland grows under theinfluence of testosterone.

While there’s not a great deal of evi-dence that patients who receive testos-terone replacement therapy are at in-creased risk of prostate cancer, this possi-bility is an unresolved issue.

Testosterone replacement therapy canproduce other unwanted side effects, how-ever, including the development of ob-structive sleep apnea and the overproduc-tion of red blood cells in some men.

Because of these risks, those consider-ing the therapy should be sure their doctorevaluates their symptoms, measures theirblood cell count, examines their prostate,and checks their prostate-specific antigen(PSA) blood level.

In men whose testosterone still regis-ters in the normal range, there is no evi-dence indicating that supplemental testos-

terone therapy is helpful. Also, researchdoes not tell us if testosterone therapy im-proves muscle strength, muscle mass, orphysical performance measurements.

A doctor can diagnose underproductionof testosterone with a simple blood test. Asample is usually taken in the morning afterfasting and, typically, is measured on morethan one occasion, because testosteroneproduction can vary slightly from day to day.

A diagnosis of hypogonadism is based onthe presence of symptoms suggesting lowtestosterone, and at least two or three ab-normally low testosterone blood tests.Medical Edge fromMayo Clinic is an educa-

tional resource and doesn’t replace regularmedical care. To submit a question, write, or Medical Edge fromMayo Clinic, c/o TMS, 2225 Kenmore Ave.,Suite 114, Buffalo, NY, 14207. For health in-formation, visit© 2011 Mayo Foundation for Medical Ed-

ucation and Research. All rights reserved.Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Do men go through a ‘male menopause’?

CheckupsFrom page 4

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By Arlene WeintraubKathleen Cole was browsing an Internet

drugstore when an ad popped up too tanta-lizing to resist. A company called Synderowas featuring a 14-day free trial of Der-mitage, a cream that promised to fadewrinkles and restore youthful-lookingskin.

Cole, 70, was happy with how shelooked, but what, she wondered, did shehave to lose? So she handed over her cred-it card number with the understandingthat it wouldn’t be charged unless she wassold on Dermitage at the end of the trial.

What Cole didn’t realize was that she’dactually just agreed to pay $99 a month formonthly shipments, and that the free-trialclock would start ticking the day the prod-uct shipped.

Only because she suffered an allergicreaction and called to ask how to returnthe cream did Cole find out about these de-tails — and that she had just five days leftto send the product back in order to avoidthe charges.

“It was so hidden within the jargon ofthe fine print that I missed it, and I have amaster’s degree,” said Cole, a freelancebook editor in Denver, Colo. She did haveto shell out $50 to ship the cream back tothe company’s Canadian warehouse, andto be safe, she put a block on her creditcard to ensure that there’d be no chance ofsurprises later.

A flood of cosmetics and other elixirsadvertised as magic against old age ispulling in consumers on the Internet thesedays, often to their later dismay.

Complaints from consumers like Coleabout tactics often used to sell the prod-ucts — the so-called free trials, the month-ly commitment, an often complicated anddifficult cancellation process — havecaught the attention of federal lawmakers,who are looking into the problem.

“When an anti-aging company said ‘freetrial, give us your credit card,’ it’s almostalways a ‘gotcha,’” said Joe Stanganelli, alawyer in Boston, Mass.

Little evidence of benefitOften, the companies that sell the cos-

metic concoctions, colon cleansers andsupplements make anti-aging claimsbacked by little or no scientific evidence.

In some cases, the pitches even comewith phony celebrity endorsements. Lastyear, Oprah Winfrey and physicianMehmet Oz sued more than 50 Internetvendors for improperly using their namesand likenesses, and in some cases, clipsfrom “The Oprah Winfrey show” to sellproducts.

While both stars have discussed thelikes of Brazilian acai berry and resvera-trol on air, they’ve never endorsed any par-ticular product.

Barbara Summers was persuaded bythe come-ons twice. The retired court re-porter fromMorgantown, W.Va., ordered afree trial of an acai supplement promising

not only to keep her young but also to helpher lose weight. She didn’t realize she’dsigned up for regular shipments until shefound two months’ worth of charges onher credit card.

Later, Summers was offered a free trialof a wrinkle cream in return for filling out asurvey from an online retailer. “I used itfor two weeks, but I couldn’t tell the differ-ence. My kids couldn’t tell the difference,”said Summers, 53. She was able to getthrough to customer service and cancelbefore monthly charges started, thoughshe did get slapped with the return ship-ping costs.

What’s legal?Nationally, the Better Business Bureau

and other consumer protection agencieshave heard so often about bogus free trialsthat the Federal Trade Commission is now

in discussions with Congress about requir-ing online retailers to clearly disclose whatthe deals involve, according to LeonardGordon, director of the FTC’s northeastregional office.

At the moment, retailers can imposemonthly charges as long as they disclosewhat they’re doing in their terms and con-ditions, he said, which they often bury in“mouseprint” on their websites. TheNorthern California BBB office has field-ed more than 300 complaints about SanFrancisco-based Syndero, said Lori Wil-son, vice president of operations for thatbranch.

Andrea O’Brien, Syndero’s vice presi-dent of customer service, stated in anemail that “The information regarding theterms and conditions associated with allDermitage products and offers are clearlystated and provided in full to every con-

sumer.” She also said that Dermitagecream got a thumbs-up from 86 percent ofa test group of more than 250 women,“who told us their skin looked youngerafter using our products for 21 days.”

Research company and conditionsAnyone tempted to buy from an unfamil-

iar Internet retailer should first check thewebsites of the local BBB and the state at-torney general’s office to ensure there areno complaints on record. Even if not, it’snever a good idea to hand over your creditcard information without reading the termsand conditions page to make sure you’renot agreeing to any automatic charges.

If it indicates that the free trial periodstarts the day the company ships the prod-uct, be aware that there’s a risk you won’t

Beware free trials of anti-aging productsBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Fitness & Health 7

See FREE TRIALS, page 8

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get it in time to return it. Typical returndeadlines are just two weeks from the dateshipped.

Also be wary if the company’s return ad-dress is overseas, as you might have to paya large postage bill to return the goods.

Still feel compelled to take a chance on aproduct? Consider protecting yourselfagainst a run-up in charges by using a cardwith a low credit limit. Also, it’s wise tocheck with your card issuer to make sureyou’re allowed to block companies from

charging the card.Many people who file complaints about

online retailers report that when they callcustomer service, they always get busysignals or full voicemail boxes. JohnBreyault, vice president of public policy forthe National Consumers League, suggeststesting a company’s customer service de-partment before you place an order. “Youshouldn’t have to jump through hoops tocancel,” he said.

Arlene Weintraub’s book “Selling theFountain of Youth” was published in August2010 by Basic Books.

© 2011 U.S. News and World Report

You know you should be vaccinatedagainst the flu every year because theviruses that cause influenza — and thevaccines that protect you from those virus-es — change from year to year. But there’smore to staying current with your vaccina-tions than that.

For one thing, you can’t assume that thevaccines you received as a child will pro-tect you for the rest of your life. Somechildhood immunizations require a period-ic booster shot. Work, travel, and changingpersonal circumstances can expose you tounusual infectious diseases.

In addition, overall immunity can fadewith age, increasing your susceptibility toserious disease caused by common infec-

tions. Moreover, from time to time, thereare new vaccines — and new recommen-dations for receiving older vaccines.

The following list summarizes the Cen-ter for Disease Control’s 2011 Adult Immu-nization Schedule for people 50 and over:

1. Seasonal influenza vaccine: onedose per year. Only inactivated influenzavaccine for adults 50 and over; a high-doseversion called Fluzone is available (andrecommended) for those 65 and over.

Who should get it: Everyone shouldbe vaccinated annually in the fall or winter.This year’s flu shot will be a duplicate oflast year’s because the same flu strains arestill circulating. But that doesn’t mean youcan skip it just because you got vaccinated

last year. CDC officials believe that anti-body levels can fall by two-thirds or moreafter a year has passed.

If you’re sick with a fever, wait until yourecover before getting your flu shot. Talk toyour clinician before getting the vaccine ifyou’ve ever had a severe allergic reaction toeggs or to a previous flu shot, or if you havea history of Guillain-Barre syndrome thatoccurred after receiving a flu shot.

2. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis(Td/Tdap): three-dose series and a boost-er every 10 years; one-time Tdap givenearlier to people in contact with infants.

Who should get it: Unvaccinated adultsunder 65 should receive an initial three-dose series with two doses of Td and one ofTdap, then regular Td boosters every 10years, including one with Tdap. A one-timedose of Tdap should be given as soon aspossible to healthcare providers and any-one in close contact with infants (such asgrandparents and childcare providers).

Adults 65 and over who’ve never re-ceived Tdap and who have close contactwith infants should also be vaccinated with

Tdap, no matter when they last received aTd-containing vaccine.

Talk to your clinician before getting thevaccine if you’ve ever hadGuillain-Barre syn-drome. Don’t get Td or Tdap if you’ve everhad a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine.

3. Varicella (chickenpox): one or twodoses

Who should get it: If you’ve never hadchickenpox, or you were vaccinated but re-ceived only one of the two recommendeddoses of varicella vaccine, talk to your cli-nician about whether you need the vac-cine. Don’t get this vaccine if you’ve everhad a severe allergic reaction to it, or togelatin or the antibiotic neomycin.

4. Zoster (shingles): one doseWho should get it: The shingles vac-

cine is recommended for adults 60 andover, whether or not they’ve had shinglesbefore. In March, the FDA approved thevaccine for those 50 and up, but many cli-nicians still recommend waiting until 60because they don’t know how long immu-

Nine vaccines you may need as you age8 Fitness & Health | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

Free trialsFrom page 7

See VACCINES, page 11

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Cantaloupe, strawberries and crispgreens combine to make this colorful,fresh and unique dish. Add chicken andyogurt for a nutritious and tasty summerdinner salad.

Cantaloupe is a member of a plant fami-ly that includes both melon and squash.The melon size varies depending on thegrowing region, but a medium-sized meloncontains only about 200 calories.

Some experts believe that cultivation ofcantaloupes dates back to the Biblical peri-od in Egypt and Greece, while others areconvinced that they were first cultivated inPersia (present day Iran), Armenia andIndia.

The strawberry, a member of the rosefamily, is native to North America. Themost common variety is a hybrid from thewild Virginia strawberry. The plant pro-duces its succulent red, conical berriesfrom tiny white flowers and sends out run-ners to spread and propagate.

They have been around thousands ofyears, but early Americans did not botherto cultivate them because wild strawber-ries were so abundant. They are a goodsource of vitamin C.

White, salty, crumbly feta cheese is tra-ditionally made from sheep or goat’s milk,though now it’s also made with cow’s milk.Although it is considered the model Greek

brined cheese, it may have originally beenItalian. The word “feta” did not even existin classical Greek.

The New Greek word, originally tyriph-eta, means “cheese slice,” but “feta” comesfrom the Italian word fette, meaning a sliceof food.

This is a simple, summer meal saladgreat for weekend brunch or for yourworkday lunchbox entrée.

Chicken and CantaloupeStrawberry Salad

Serves 41/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream2 Tbsp. plain Greek yogurt2 Tbsp. fruit flavored vinegar (apple or

raspberry work well)1 tsp. poppy seedsFreshly ground pepper to taste1/4 tsp. sea salt8 cups salad greens2 cups cooked skinless chicken breasts,

cubed2 cups cantaloupe, cubed1 cup strawberries, halved1/4 cup feta cheese, crumbledIn small skillet, toast walnuts over medi-

um heat for two to three minutes, untillightly browned. Remove from heat andset aside.

Combine sour cream, yogurt, vinegar,poppy seeds, salt and pepper in large mix-ing bowl and whisk until smooth. Reserve1/4 cup of dressing in separate bowl. Addthe greens to dressing in large bowl andtoss to coat.

Divide coated greens among four saladplates and top with chicken, melon, straw-

berries, feta and walnuts. Drizzle eachserving with 1 tablespoon of the reserveddressing and serve.

Per serving: 295 calories, 12 g. total fat (4g. saturated fat), 15 g. carbohydrate, 32 g.protein, 4 g. dietary fiber, 320 mg. sodium.

— Courtesy of the American Institute forCancer Research

Cool and refreshing summer dinner saladBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Fitness & Health 9

MANAGE YOUR DIABETESSt. Joseph Medical Center offers monthly programs for thosemanaging diabetes or caring for someone with diabetes. These

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nity will last, and your chance of shinglesgoes up as you age.

Tell your clinician if you have severe al-lergies. Don’t get this vaccine if you’veever had a severe allergic reaction to gela-tin or the antibiotic neomycin, or if youhave a weakened immune system.

5. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR):one or two doses

Who should get it: Anyone born after1956 who hasn’t been vaccinated needs atleast one dose of MMR. You may need asecond dose if you’re a healthcare workeror plan to travel internationally. Don’t getthis vaccine if you’ve ever had a severe re-action to gelatin, the antibiotic neomycinor a previous dose of MMR.

6. Pneumococcal polysaccharide(PPSV): one or two doses

Who should get it: Adults 65 and overwho’ve never been vaccinated againstpneumonia should receive one dose. Oth-ers who should be vaccinated (with one ortwo doses) include adults who smoke ciga-rettes, live in long-term care facilities, havea cochlear implant, or have certain med-ical conditions, including lung disease, car-diovascular disease or diabetes. Don’t getthis vaccine if you’ve had a severe allergicreaction to any vaccine.

7. Meningococcal: one or two dosesWho should get it: Adults without

a working spleen and those with HIVor complement component deficienciesshould receive two doses. People 65 andover and anyone exposed to meningococ-cal disease through work or travel shouldreceive one dose. Don’t get this vaccine ifyou’ve had a severe allergic reaction to anyvaccine.

8. Hepatitis A: two-dose seriesWho should get it: Adults who should

be vaccinated include anyone who is ex-posed to hepatitis A through work,lifestyle or travel, and anyone with chronicliver disease or a clotting factor disorder.Don’t get this vaccine if you’ve had a se-vere allergic reaction to any vaccine.

9. Hepatitis B: three-dose seriesWho should get it: Adults who should

be vaccinated include anyone who is ex-posed to hepatitis B through work, lifestyleor travel and anyone with end-stage renal

disease, chronic liver disease or HIV infec-tion. Don’t get this vaccine if you’ve had asevere allergic reaction to any vaccine.

© 2011 President and fellows of HarvardCollege. All rights reserved. Distributed byTribune Media Services, Inc.

Q: Is it true Kombucha tea fights can-cer by boosting the immunesystem?

A: Proponents suggestthat Kombucha tea (consid-ered a dietary supplement)can stimulate the immunesystem to provide wide-rang-ing benefits. But we don’thave any human studies thatshow such effects, and forpeople with weakened im-mune systems, this could bea risky beverage.

Kombucha is made by fer-menting sweetened tea with amixed culture of yeasts and

bacteria. The fermentation produces acid,which some say could have ben-eficial effects in the gut. Limitedlaboratory studies show that atleast some of these cultures caninhibit growth of certain illness-producing bacteria.

However, yeast and bacteriacultures vary from one batchof Kombucha to another, as dopreparation methods.

Some Kombucha tea maycontain contaminants such asmolds and fungi, which can actu-ally cause illness, particularly inpeople whose immune systemsare weakened by illness or cer-

tain types of cancer treatment.The Natural Medicines Comprehensive

Database concludes “there is no scientificevidence to support any therapeutic claims”for Kombucha tea.

And Memorial Sloan-Kettering CancerCenter’s Integrative Medicine center warns,“Patients with suppressed immune systemsshould not consume Kombucha beveragesproduced in an uncontrolled environment.”

Q: Should I boost the iodine in mydiet to reduce risk of thyroid cancer?

A: Iodine is essential for normal thyroidhormone production, but there is no evi-dence that consuming iodine above adequatelevels would protect against thyroid cancer.

We still have much to learn about thy-

roid cancer, but so far this does not seemto be a cancer affected as much by diet assome other cancers.

Those at increased risk include peoplewho received radiation treatment duringchildhood (cancer and other abnormalitiesof the thyroid gland can occur many yearsafterward), a history of goiter, or a familyhistory of thyroid disease.

Studies from certain countries wherechildren were exposed to nuclear fallout(and were therefore at increased risk forthyroid cancer) showed that those chil-dren with adequate iodine status seem tohave reduced thyroid cancer risk.

Unproven cancer-fighting supplements



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VaccinesFrom page 8

By Carol SorgenProstate cancer is the most common

cancer among American men, causingmore than 40,000 deaths annually. Al-though it can occur in men of all ages, itmost often strikes those over the age of 65,and is also more prevalent in AfricanAmerican men than in any other group.

For every 100,000 African Americanmen, for example, about 181 will developprostate cancer this year, and 54 of thosewill die from the disease. Prostate canceris the fourth most common cause of deathin black men.

While African American men are al-ready at higher risk for prostate cancer,that risk increases significantly if there is afamily history of the disease. AfricanAmerican men with an immediate familymember who had prostate cancer have aone in three chance of developing the dis-ease.

The risk increases to 83 percent whentwo immediate family members have hadthe disease, and jumps to 97 percent ifthree immediate family members devel-oped prostate cancer.

Why the higher rate?Researchers have been investigating

the factors, including genetic, environmen-tal and nutritional, that may play an impor-tant role.

Blacks in Africa do not have the samehigh rate of prostate cancer and mortalityas blacks in the United States. One hypoth-esis is that a genetic difference and lowerlevels of vitamin D may contribute to thehigher rates of prostate cancer in AfricanAmerican men.

Other theories about the higher inci-dence of prostate cancer in African Ameri-can men include less access to healthcareand a lack of insurance, which may meanthat African American men don’t alwaysget the preventive care they need.

In addition, distrust or negative atti-tudes about screening tests and healthcaremay mean that African American mendon’t get diagnosed with prostate canceruntil it is more advanced.

Studying healthy and ill patientsTo improve knowledge about the factors

that affect the risk of developing prostatecancer, a study sponsored by the NationalCancer Institute is currently examining ge-netic and environmental risk factors forprostate cancer in both African Americanand Caucasian males.

The study is looking for both healthymen and those who have been diagnosedwith prostate cancer. They must be be-

tween ages 40 and 90.Participants must have been born in the

United States and speak English. Healthyparticipants cannot have had any radiation orchemotherapy or have had any cancer otherthan basal cell or non-melanoma skin cancer.

Prostate cancer patients in the trial musthave been diagnosed within the last twoyears and cannot be severely ill or haveHIV or hepatitis B or C.

The study will take place at the Universi-ty of Maryland School of Medicine and theVeterans Affairs Medical Center in Balti-more.

Because the study is seeking to enroll1,200 men, participants are being soughtfrom the Baltimore area, western Mary-land, Washington, D.C, Virginia, West Vir-ginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania as well.

Participants will make several visits tothe study site where they will undergo col-lection of blood or mouth cells and urine.Among the factors to be assessed usingperiodic questionnaires are family cancerhistory, medical history, tobacco and alco-hol use, medication, occupational history,lifestyle, sexual history, diet, socioeconom-ic status and additional risk factors.

Patients who undergo prostatectomy totreat their cancer donate a sample of theirtumor for genetic analysis.

Compensation is not offered for thisstudy. For more information, call (410)328-5512 or visit,study number NCT00556725.

12 Fitness & Health | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON


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The recommended intake for iodine is 150micrograms (mcg.) daily, and in the UnitedStates average iodine consumption rangesfrom 190 to 300 mcg. per day. That’s abovethe level associated with deficiency, but wellbelow the safe upper limit of 1100mcg. daily.

Iodine intake may decrease as peoplework on reducing sodium consumption byadding less salt to their food, since iodizedsalt is an important source.

However, two cups of milk or yogurt eachday supply nearly the complete recom-mended iodine target. Fish and enrichedgrain products are also important sources.

And for those who eat seaweed, thoughcontent varies widely, it is the most con-centrated source in our food supply. Feder-al surveys continue to monitor markers ofiodine status, and pregnant women are theonly ones raising concern.

The bottom line: unless you are in agroup at specific risk of inadequate iodineconsumption, such as vegans (vegetarianswho consume no animal products) orpregnant women (whose needs increase),you are more than likely getting enoughiodine in your diet.

There is no evidence it will change yourrisk of thyroid cancer, and too much iodinecan cause thyroid damage the same as get-ting too little.The American Institute for Cancer Re-

search offers a Nutrition Hotline, 1-800-843-8114, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. This free service allows youto ask questions about diet, nutrition andcancer. A registered dietitian will returnyour call, usually within three business days.Courtesy of the American Institute for

Cancer Research. Questions for this columnmay be sent to “Nutrition Wise,” 1759 R St.,NW, Washington, DC 20009. Collins cannotrespond to questions personally.

By Barbara RubenAre you an ace ping pong player or into

shooting hoops? These and 19 othersports will be represented at the 2011Maryland Senior Olympics, which will beheld from Aug. 13 through Nov. 6 at ven-ues in Howard and Montgomery counties.

More than 2,000 athletes are expected tocompete in over 100 events at this year’sMaryland Senior Olympics, which are opento all Maryland residents 50 and older.

The Maryland games, some of the old-est in the country, began in 1980 as a one-day event with 300 athletes. Success inMaryland helped spur other states to hosttheir own games and helped lead to thecreation of the biennial National SeniorGames in 1985.

The first Howard County competitionthis year will be in volleyball on August 13at Meadowbrook Athletic Complex in Elli-cott City. Basketball events will take placeat the same location the next day.

Track and field events will be held Aug.20 to 21 at Howard Community College inColumbia. Ten-pin bowling competitionsare scheduled for Sept. 12 and 13 atBrunswick Normandy Lanes in EllicottCity. Singles and doubles table tennisgames take place on Sept. 17 at MarylandTable Tennis Association in Eldersburg.

Archery competitors will take aim onSept. 25 at Genesse Valley Outdoor Learn-ing Center in Parkton. Horseshoe throw-ers will gather on Oct. 3 at Centennial Parkin Clarksville.

Singles racquetball is on Oct. 6, whiledoubles competition takes place Oct. 7,both at Supreme Sports Club in Columbia.

Badminton, billiards, lawn bowling, soft-ball, tennis and swimming will all takeplace at various venues in MontgomeryCounty.

Registration is open now. Cost to partici-pate in one event is $20; each additionalevent is $5. Deadline for registration is 30

days prior to your first event start date. Noregistrations will be accepted after Oct. 1.

To register, go to www.mdsenior For more information, or call (240)777-8080.

B A L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Fitness & Health 13

Sign up for the Maryland Senior Olympics

Nutrition wiseFrom page 11

Request free info via coupon on page 5.

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Dear Pharmacist:I started two new medications a few

months ago, and suddenly my choles-terol is too high. It’s so bizarre be-cause I had perfect numbers all mylife, and I eat well and exercise. Candrugs raise cholesterol?

— J.G.Dear J.G.:

Yes, hundreds of them can. Nowadays,people are quick to take statins (like Zocor)and fibratemedications (like Tricor) to lowertheir cholesterol, but you are spot on. Some-thing you take every day for one conditioncan cause your cholesterol to creep up.

People are always shocked when theyfind out they are causing their own choles-

terol problems — either with low carbdiets or with medications — but it’s true.Some dietary supplements can raise it, too.

The type of reaction is very individualand can take weeks or months to occur. Ifyou think that your medication is causinghigh cholesterol, talk to your doctor aboutdiscontinuing it or switching to somethingthat doesn’t elevate your numbers quite sobadly. But do not stop taking any medicinewithout first obtaining your doctor’s ap-proval.

Here are some popular items that causehypercholesterolemia. Some cause slightincreases, while others really spike it.

Rosaglitazone (Avandia). Once upon atime a blockbuster diabetes treatment, this

drug can raise cholesterol. That’s the least ofits problems, as consistent reports of life-threatening reactions have ledboth the United Kingdom andSouth Africa to withdraw thisdrug from use. It is still FDA-approved for U.S. citizens.Hmm.

Vitamin D. I love this an-tioxidant, but some people areoverdoing it. Excessive D cancause excessive calcium inthe blood, and this can causehypercholesterolemia.

Diuretics. These ‘water pills’help reduce blood pressure.The “thiazide” and “loop” di-uretics are known to elevate total choles-terol, LDL and blood glucose.

Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) is sold onits own and also found in dozens of combodrugs under various brand names, usuallyending in “HCT.” And furosemide (brandname Lasix) is quite possibly the world’smost popular loop diuretic. Any med thatcontains HCTZ or furosemide may con-tribute to high cholesterol.

Escitalopram (Lexapro). A popularantidepressant, related to Celexa. A slightelevation in cholesterol levels was shownin post-marketing studies.

Fluoxetine (Prozac). Another popular

antidepressant that may raise cholesterol,cause hypoglycemia and trigger gout

episodes; it may reduce ironand potassium (sparking car-diac arrhythmias).

Creatine. A dietary supple-ment used primarily by sportsenthusiasts, bodybuilders andpeople with muscle disordersand Lou Gehrig’s disease. Itmay cause a slight elevationin cholesterol if you take largedoses.

Prednisone. This anti-in-flammatory drug and itscousins in the “corticosteroid”class can cause high choles-

terol with chronic use; it doesn’t matter ifyou take the steroid orally, inject it or in-hale it.

Olanzapine (Zyprexa). Used to treatschizophrenia, it has caused severe eleva-tions in triglycerides (greater than 500mg/dL) in some individuals.This information is opinion only. It is not

intended to treat, cure or diagnose your con-dition. Consult with your doctor before usingany new drug or supplement.Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist

and the author of The 24-Hour Pharmacistand Real Solutions from Head to Toe. Tocontact her, visit

Supplements & meds that raise cholesterol


14 Fitness & Health | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

5K Run/Walk - 1 Mile WalkJohnny Unitas Stadium, Towson University

Get Ready, Get Set, Get Fit

Sunday, August 28, 2011 8 a.m.

REGISTRATIONMail entry form with check (payable to BCDA) to:Baltimore County Department of Aging611 Central Avenue, Room 325, Towson, MD 21204Attn: Susan Brooks orRegister on-line at


Prior to August 28$10 Seniors (60 yrs & older) & Juniors (6 - 25 yrs)

(Do not mail race application after August 12)



Release and Waiver: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I for myself, my personal representatives, executors,administrators, and assigns, do hereby release and discharge, the Baltimore County Department of Aging, Baltimore County, itsemployees, agents and officials, Towson University, Charm City Run, all volunteers and sponsors of all claims of damage, suits,demands, and actions, whatsoever in any manner arising from my participation in this athletic event. I attest and verify that I have fullknowledge of the risks involved in this event and I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate.The Baltimore County Department of Aging has my permission to take my photograph and reproduce or duplicate it for any and all legalpurposes, including, but not limited to, distribution in electronic and/or print media to enhance the Agency’s programs and services.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________(Parent/Guardian’s signature required if participant is under 18 years of age)

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: _______Zip:____________________

Phone # ______________________ E-Mail: _________________________________

I am a: 5K Runner 5K Walker 1 Mile Walker

Gender: Male Female Age on 8/28/11:________

Shirt Size (Adult Sizes Only): S M L XL

Packet pick-up day of race or in advance at Bykota Senior Center 8/26/11 from 12 noon—4:30 p.m.

For more information call 410-887-2594 or visit

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Dear Solutions:I’m married for the second time. I

had a good marriage be-fore, but my wife died. I’vekept pictures of her withthe children and with metaken at different places.

My present wife and Iare living in my home, andshe has collected all thepictures of my former wifeand asked me to get rid ofthem. I want this marriageto work, but I don’t seewhy I have to throw awaymy past. Should I?

— Second Time AroundDear Second Time:

Don’t throw away your past — give itaway. Give the pictures to your children.They will probably want them for theirfamily history.

Try to understand that your wife is liv-ing in the home that was yours and your

former wife’s, and she’s strug-gling to make it hers. Youdon’t have to forget your past,but you have to live in thepresent, and that’s what yourwife is trying to do. Help her.Dear Solutions:

What to do about an oldfriend of mine who used tohave a lot of money butlost most of it in one ofthose horrible schemes? Ifeel bad for him, but nomatter how much timepasses, he never stops

complaining and whining about it.It isn’t even as though he made all

that money himself. It came to himsuddenly through a stroke of luck fromsome distant relative, and he didn’t

even have it that long before he lost it.He’s acting as though he never lived

any other way, and now he’s complete-ly lost.

— The FriendDear Friend:

Once he was nouveaux riche, and nowhe’s nouveaux poor. Nouveaux riche is bet-ter, so you can’t blame him for moaningand groaning and mourning its loss.

After sympathizing with him and ex-pressing your empathy and understanding

that he was cheated, set a time limit. Takehim out to dinner, where he can whine anddine one more time.

After that, make it clear that you willnow only listen to his plans for the future,not his regrets for the past.© Helen Oxenberg, 2011. Questions to be

considered for this column may be sent to:The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring,MD 20915. You may also email the authorat To inquire aboutreprint rights, call (609) 655-3684.

BA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Fitness & Health 15

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Aug. 4+

By Carol SorgenWhen Jody Youll and her husbandmoved

to Joppa last summer as part of the (BRAC)Base Realignment and Closure effort(Youll’s husband is a civilian military em-ployee), she was afraid she wouldn’t experi-ence the same sense of community she hadenjoyed in her New Jersey neighborhood.But a franchise opportunity has put

Youll in the very midst of her new home-town, and she couldn’t be happier.Youll is now publisher of Coffee News

Harford, a community newspaper servingBel Air and its surrounding neighborhoods.Youll, 54, purchased the franchise in Apriland has just distributed her first issue.Coffee News is an offshoot of a commu-

nity newspaper that was initially foundedin Canada as a vehicle for local businessesto advertise at reasonable rates.In 1995, Bill Buckley became the first

American franchisee of Coffee News, pro-ducing free weekly newspapers that weredistributed to local restaurants.In 2008 Buckley bought the company,

which is now based in Bangor, Maine.There are currently close to 400 CoffeeNews franchisees throughout the U.S., fivein the greater Baltimore area.

Being their own bossesBuckley calls his franchisees “bosses,”

and every eight weeks offers a new three-day training session. Each franchisee is as-

signed a mentor and provided with a freewebsite, software package and an onlinechat group.According to Youll, the content of Coffee

News — which she first became aware ofwhile still living in New Jersey — is madeup of ads from local businesses and snip-pets of light reading, such as horoscopes,quotable quotes, jokes and trivia.“It’s just one piece of paper,” said Youll,

“and it’s fun, clean stuff that will put asmile on your face, in addition to being aneffective advertising outlet for the busi-ness community.”

Coffee News was originally designed tobe placed in restaurants so diners couldhave something quick to read to pass thetime while waiting for their meal. But Youllhas expanded her sites and has been ap-proaching doctors’ offices, barbershops,car dealerships and other places peoplemight have a few spare minutes.“The paper gives people something to

occupy their time and leaves them with asmile on their face,” said Youll. She addsthat the response from prospective distrib-utors has been enthusiastic, which pleasesher both professionally and personally.“I love it here,” said Youll, her concerns

about her new home now laid to rest. “Peo-ple have welcomed me with open arms.”

Becoming a franchiseeYoull had a background in advertising,

but not all franchisees do. Buckley, for ex-ample, had spent 25 years in the bankingindustry before becoming a Coffee Newsfranchisee.What you do need to start any business,

Youll advised, is enough money to tide youover — “there are always hidden fees

when you’re starting up” — and a well-re-searched and executed business and mar-keting plan.“Do your research and have enough

money to last for at least a year,” said Youll.She invested about $20,000 in the businessfrom an inheritance she received from herfather, also an entrepreneur.“You don’t make money right away.” Still,

she said, it has been money well spent, andshe wouldn’t have done it any other way.“I knew I needed a job when we moved

to Maryland, and I didn’t want to work forcorporate America,” she said. “This givesme the opportunity to create somethingthat will make people happy.”To learn more, visit www.coffeenew or

16 More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

CareersVolunteers &Does your

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Relocation inspires franchise opportunity

After a move to the Baltimore area, JudyYoull felt better-connected to the com-munity when she bought a Coffee Newsfranchise. Now she produces the shortweekly publication for the Bel Air area.

MEDICAL MISSION TO ECUADOREcuadent Foundation’s mission is to bring free dental and medicalcare to impoverished children of Ecuador through yearly mission

trips. Volunteer opportunities are available for licensed dental and medical profes-sionals and for volunteers to help with fundraising, administrative duties and sup-ply acquisition. To learn more, contact Nikki Porter at (410) 561-1800, or visit

VOLUNTEER TO HELP CANCER PATIENTSHope Lodge, a service of the American Cancer Society, offers freelodging for cancer patients and their caregivers. Find out how youcan help by contacting Karen Seaberry at (410) 547-2522 or at















By Laurie KellmanFeel like the office geezer? Age may be

an asset at work, or no issue at all, accord-ing to an poll.Nearly half of those born between 1946

and 1964 now work for a younger boss,and most report that they are older thanmost colleagues.But 61 percent of the baby boomers sur-

veyed said their age is not an issue atwork, while 25 percent called it an asset.Only 14 percent classified getting older asa workplace liability.In fact, most of those who have reached

age 50 noted that co-workers seek theircounsel more now than when they wereyounger. And a third said their employertreats them with greater respect.The first post-World War II baby

boomers reach 65 this year. But two-thirdssay they’ll work at least part-time past re-tirement age for financial reasons, eitherbecause they’ll need to or because they’llwant extra spending money. Another 29percent said they’ll keep working just tostay busy.About 1 in 4 boomers still working say

they’ll never retire, and about the samefraction say they have saved no money forretirement.

Some find discriminationOn the question of age discrimination,

82 percent said they have never personallyexperienced it in the workplace; 18 per-cent said they had. But that number roseto 24 percent for unmarried women and to29 percent among boomers reporting jobdissatisfaction.The most oft-cited form of age discrimi-

nation was being passed over for a raise,promotion, certain assignments or achance to get ahead. That was reported by

15 percent of workers 50 and older, al-though those in lower-income households— or those not currently employed — re-ported more instances.David J. Miller, a 55-year-old machinist

in Parkton, Md., said he is “doing a job no-body wants” for a new company after hetried to leave management at his old em-ployer and it subsequently moved its head-quarters away.It shouldn’t be too hard to find a job with

30 years of experience, Miller thought.“But every time I had an interview, it wasI’m ‘way overqualified’ even though I waswilling to start at the bottom,” Miller saidin an interview. “I know what that means:‘You’re too old.’”

Postponed retirementsA Congressional Budget Office report

released in the spring found that whileboomers are expected to begin leaving theworkforce over the next decade, they mayalso be retiring later in life than previousgenerations. And that could “substantiallydampen growth in the labor force”through 2021, the nonpartisan CBO re-ported.The reasons are many: Women, who

tend to live longer than men, have exhibit-ed greater attachment to the workforcethan their earlier cohorts. This group’soverall health is better. And a shift towardfewer jobs requiring physical strengthcould be a factor, CBO said.Institutional changes in pension plans,

health insurance and Social Security alsogive older workers more reason to keeptheir jobs longer, CBO said.The shift in private pension plans to-

ward defined-contribution arrangements,which depend on the total assets accruedby workers, gives added reason to keep

working and keep earning.And employer-provided health insur-

ance for retired workers is becoming lesscommon, giving older workers more rea-son to keep their jobs until at least age 65,when Medicare kicks in.Changes in Social Security, too, provide

incentive to work for more years, the CBOreported. The gradual increase in the fullretirement age from 65 to 66, which ap-plies to the oldest boomers, and to 67,which will apply to the youngest, effective-ly reduces benefits associated with earlyretirement and may give older workersreason to stay on the job.About a fifth of boomers said they were

dissatisfied with their jobs, and about 3 in10 said they were dissatisfied with oppor-tunities for advancement and with levels ofon-the-job stress.But the majority, 71 percent, reported

being satisfied with their job. And threequarters said they were satisfied with theirrelationships with co-workers.The poll was

conducted in March and involved onlineinterviews with 1,160 baby boomers. Themargin of sampling error is plus or minus3.5 percentage points.For more information on the poll, see —AP

Working boomers say age a plus at officeBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Volunteers & Careers 17

HELP THE IGNATIAN VOLUNTEER CORPSThe Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) is a national organization ofmen and women 50 and over, founded (in Baltimore) to provide an

opportunity for retired or semi-retired persons to share their talents, skills, wisdomand life experience in service to the poor. For more information, and click on the Baltimore page, email, orcall Marilyn Dunphy at (410) 752-4686.

ASSIST WAR TRAUMA SURVIVORSASTT provides mental health care and social services to survivorsof torture and war trauma. To learn more about volunteer opportu-nities, contact Maria Brown at (410) 464-9006,, or visit




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CHECK OUT YOUR ADVISERA new government database allows youto review your financial adviser’s record,including complaints, settlements anddisciplinary actions

A WILL AND A WAYWills provide a means to ensure yoursurvivors inherit what you would likethem to have. For retirement assets, don’tforget to designate your beneficiariesMoneyLaw &

18 More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

By Elliot RaphaelsonAccording to the National Association

of Unclaimed Property Administrators(NAUPA), assets worth over $32 billionare held by various states just waiting to beclaimed by their rightful owners.

You may be entitled to some of these as-sets. I will explain how this property endsup with the states, and how you can deter-mine whether you have unclaimed proper-ty you don’t know about.

Unclaimed assets can come from anynumber of sources: uncashed dividends,refunds or payroll checks, savings andchecking accounts, common stocks, trav-eler’s checks, trust distributions, un-cashed money orders, life insurance pro-ceeds, annuities, certificates of deposit, se-curity deposits or safe-deposit contents.

State laws stipulate that under certaincircumstances, financial institutions andother companies must turn over un-claimed assets to the state.

For example, you may have a savings ac-count that has been dormant for three years(the limits will vary by state). The financialinstitution might be required to make apublic notice identifying your name and theinstitution holding your assets.

If you do not see the notice and notifythe financial institution, the bank will thenhave to turn the asset over to the state.After the assets are turned over to thestate, no further interest will accrue.

Free access to databasesMeanwhile, the funds in the dormant ac-

count are listed in a database under yourname. Periodically, states update theirdatabases, which are available on the In-ternet. Anyone can access the state’s data-base, at no cost, and determine if there areassets being held in his name.

Let’s say you check your state’s data-base and see that the funds from your oldbank account are sitting there, unclaimed.All you have to do is contact the depart-ment in charge (usually the state depart-ment of treasury) and supply the proofthey ask for to claim the funds.

Several years ago, I was the executor ofmy aunt’s estate. I filed her will with thestate’s probate office. She had detailedrecords, and I thought I had completeknowledge of her assets and beneficiaries.I distributed all the assets I was aware of.

Apparently, however, she purchasedone certificate of deposit for $3,000 but did

not name a beneficiary, and I was notaware of its existence. Her will stated thatassets in her name would be shared equal-ly by me and my two children.

A few years after she passed away, myson, Mark, did a search on Florida’s aban-doned property website and found the un-claimed assets in her name.

We supplied the state with the informationthey required — a copy of the will, and thenames and addresses of all the beneficiaries,with signatures. Within 30 days, the statesent us our checks. (Mark and I “invested”in the Kentucky Derby. Debra, the conserva-tive one, is saving for early retirement.)

Claim at any timeThere is no statute of limitation for

claiming assets held by the state.There are many ways for you to deter-

mine whether a state is holding assets thatbelong to you. You can go to a search en-gine on the Internet and type in yourstate’s name and “unclaimed property,”and the results will likely show the websitefor the relevant department in your state.

When you find your state’s website, thereis no cost for you to enter your name andthe names of your family members to find

possible unclaimed assets. You may want touse different spellings of your name just incase errors were made in record keeping.

If you have lived in more than one state,you can use another free website:, which contains informationfor multiple states.

NAUPA has its own website, www., which contains a great deal ofimportant information regarding un-claimed property, the consumer-protectionlaws that benefit you, and links to statewebsites.

If you have been named as a beneficiaryin a will or trust agreement by a relative oranyone else, you should enter his or hername on these websites to determine ifthere are any assets under that name thatnow belong to you.

With so many assets going unclaimed, itwould hardly be surprising that somemight belong to you. Next time you’resurfing the net, visit the websites I men-tioned above and see. You certainly havenothing to lose.

Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your questionsand comments at© 2011 Elliot Raphaelson. Distributed by

Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Are there funds waiting for you to claim?

By Mark MillerOver age 50 but under 65? If so, you’re

at risk of falling into the pre-existing condi-tion healthcare gap.

In the current health insurance market-place, it’s very difficult for people with pre-existing conditions to buy a quality policyat an affordable price. The problem dispro-portionately affects older people in thisage group; they’re too young to quality forMedicare yet very likely to have at leastone chronic condition that leads health in-surance companies to turn them down.

The problem impacted 15 percent of allAmericans age 50-64 in 2009, according to arecent report by the Commonwealth Fund— 8.6 million people. Meanwhile, another9.7 million in this age group had coveragewith such high deductibles that they wereconsidered “effectively underinsured.”

Starting in 2014, the new healthcare re-form law will get these folks coveredthrough expansion of Medicaid and the cre-

ation of new private insurance exchanges.In themeantime, the Affordable Care Act

(ACA) put a Band-Aid on the problem bysetting aside $5 billion to fund a pre-existinginsurance program (PCIP) that operatesuntil the end of 2013, when enrollees willshift to coverage via the new exchanges.

This bridge initiative got off to a slowstart in 2010, but significant improvementsare being made this year that are worthknowing about if you’re struggling to findhealth insurance coverage.

The ACA gave states the option of usingfederal dollars to administer their own PCIPprograms, or to offer a plan run by the federalgovernment. Twenty-seven states are offer-ing their own plans. But last year, only 8,000people enrolled nationwide in these plans.

The weak start was due partly to theshort ramp-up time available after the ACAbecame law, according to Jean Hall, an as-sociate research professor at the Universi-ty of Kansas who specializes in healthcare.

Cheaper plans now availableBut in many cases, the plans just weren’t

very good deals. Premiums sometimes ex-ceeded $1,000 per month, with annual de-ductibles as high as $5,000. Finally, en-rollees must be uninsured for six monthsprior to coverage in order to be eligible, arule that further reduced sign-ups.

The plans that did get relatively strongenrollment were in a handful of big states,including Pennsylvania, California, Illinoisand Ohio.

The plans in these states also decided toset their premiums at very affordable rates—which they had discretion to do under theACA. For example, Pennsylvania’s programlast year had a flat monthly rate of $283 perenrollee— for a person of any age—with anannual $5,000 in-network, out-of-pocket limit.

Meanwhile, noteworthy improvementsare being rolled out to PCIPs this year thatwill make them worth checking out forthose struggling to find insurance.

Premiumswill be reduced inmany states.Moreover, the federal program will offerthree plan options, two of which featurelower deductibles for prescription coverage.New child-only premium options also arebeing offered to reduce the cost of coveringchildren with pre-existing conditions.

“I do believe the new federal options rep-resent a significant change for consumers,”Hall said. “People can get prescription costscovered sooner, which is potentially very im-portant for many people with chronic condi-tions. Also, adding the child-only premiumscreates a significant savings for families whohave children with chronic conditions.”

The PCIPs cover a broad range ofhealth benefits, including primary and spe-cialty care, hospital care and prescriptiondrugs. The law requires that they cover,on average, no less than 65 percent ofmedical costs and limit out-of-pocket

Get insured despite pre-existing conditions

See GET INSURED, page 20

By Mark MillerThe new healthcare reform law aims to

cover nearly all Americans and to get ourexploding national healthcare tab undercontrol. But reform also calls for some up-

front investment, and someone needs tofoot the bill. Wealthy retirees — it’s time tograb your wallets.

Starting this year, the most affluent sen-iors are shouldering steep increases in

Medicare premiums mandated under theAffordable Care Act (ACA). This year, thesurcharges affect individuals with $85,000or more in annual income, and joint filerswith income over $170,000.

While $85,000 may not sound stratos-pheric, keep in mind that income typicallyfalls in retirement after paychecks stop ar-riving. Social Security, pensions and retire-ment account withdrawals are the usual in-come sources.

The most affluent seniors have beenpaying higher Medicare Part B premiums(for doctor visits and outpatient services)since 2007. But until now, the income lev-els at which the higher costs applied wereindexed to inflation each year to keep thesame percentage of beneficiaries subjectto the surcharge. The ACA freezes thethreshold at 2010 levels through 2019,starting this year.

Drug plans means-tested, tooAnd the ACA also extends the income

formulas to Part D prescription drug en-rollees for the first time. The changes willaffect just 5 percent of Medicare enrolleesthis year, although that figure will rise to14 percent by 2019 as more seniors jump

past the frozen income threshold levels,according to the Kaiser Family Founda-tion.

High-income seniors who pay both PartB and Part D premiums could see theircombined premiums rise anywhere from$300 to $700 per month by the end of thedecade, according to Juliette Cubanski, as-sociate director of Kaiser’s Medicare Poli-cy Project. “That’s a considerable sum,considering that the base Part B premiumfor most people this year is $96.40,” shesaid.

The new income thresholds also affectpeople who choose a Medicare Advantageplan (Part C), which often covers prescrip-tion drugs.

Advantage enrollees typically pay themonthly Part B premium plus a supple-mental premium to the Medicare Advan-tage plan; now, these premiums are beingadjusted to factor in the higher-incomeamounts for Part B and Part D coverage,where applicable.

The policy aims to help offset the cost ofhealthcare reform by reducing taxpayersubsidies on Medicare services for seniors

B A L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Law & Money 19

Medicare becomes costly for high earners

Ways to cope with higherMedicare premiums

Here are four strategies to considerthat can help you control premiums, andalso hold down overall out-of-pockethealthcare costs in retirement:

1. Avoid the surcharge. “The sur-charges on Medicare premiums startingin 2011 can be steep,” said ChristineFahlund, senior financial planner at T.Rowe Price. “It’s important for retirees toworkwith their tax advisers to try to avoidthem each year, or as often as possible.”

One possible strategy is to take portfo-lio withdrawals from a Roth IRA, whichare not counted in Social Security’s defi-nition of taxable income. Or, alternatewithdrawals from taxable accounts soyou don’t have to pay the surchargeevery year.

2. Challenge the surcharge.The So-cial Security Administration (SSA) willdetermine if you must pay the premiumsurcharge using your most recent tax re-turn — in most cases, 2010. Eligibility isdetermined using your modified adjust-ed gross income (MAGI), which is thetotal of your adjusted gross income andtax-exempt interest income.

If your MAGI is higher than the in-come threshold in any given year, you’llget a letter from the SSA indicating yourpremium.

If your income has fallen since your taxreturnwas filed, youmaybeable to appealunder certain circumstances. Formore in-formation, download a free guide to the in-come thresholds at the SSA’s website:

3. Work longer. Staying on the jobeven a few years longer than planned isone of the best overall ways to improve

retirement security — and health insur-ance is one of the key reasons, because itmeans more years of employer-spon-sored health insurance and delayedMedicare enrollment. If full-time workisn’t possible, try to stay on part-time ifthat will allow you to stay insured.

4. Shop the plans annually. Unfor-tunately, seniors need to re-shop pre-scription drug or Medicare Advantageplans each year to ensure that they’regetting the best price and appropriatecoverage. Insurance companies oftenchange their offerings year-to-year inways that can increase premiums bythousands of dollars, or make it difficultto get certain drugs. And your healthneeds may change, too.

The annual enrollment window runsfromOct. 15 toDec. 7, andwith dozens ofplans available in most parts of the coun-try, shopping can be a complex chore.

For the computer-savvy, the Medicarewebsite offers an excellent Plan Findertool (;morepersonalized help is available from yourlocal State Health Insurance AssistanceProgram, a network of nonprofitMedicare counseling services ( The MedicareRights Center also offers free counselingby phone (1-800-333-4114).

If you’re willing to pay to get adviceand help with paperwork, hire an inde-pendent, fee-based counseling servicesuch as Allsup. For $200 to $300, Allsupassigns an adviser who will provide awritten personalized plan analysis andoffer phone consultations.

—Mark Miller


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spending to $5,950 for individuals. Theyalso cannot impose pre-existing conditionexclusions or waiting periods.

Local plansThe federal website for the ACA has a

page that describes the state plans andlists contact information where consumerscan get current information on 2011 insur-ance options. Visit

existingconditions to learn more.In Maryland, the program is run by the

Maryland Health Insurance Plan. To quali-fy, you must be a citizen or legal residentof the United States and have been unin-sured for the past six months. Rates range

from $141 to $354 per month. There is a$1,500 annual deductible.

To learn more about this program, call1-888-444-9016 or visit

The District of Columbia and Virginiatake part in the federal government’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. Month-ly fees for those age 55 and over in the Dis-trict range from $551 to $742 per month,depending on the level of service selected.In Virginia, the fees range from $498 to$671.

To learn more about the federal govern-ment plan for residents of D.C. and Virginia,visit or call 1-866-717-5826.

Mark Miller is the author of The HardTimes Guide to Retirement Security: Practi-cal Strategies for Money, Work and Living(John Wiley & Sons/Bloomberg Press, 2010).Contact:

© 2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

who don’t really need the help. The stan-dard Part B premium is set annually tocover 25 percent of program costs; taxpay-ers foot 75 percent.

Seniors subject to the new incomethresholds will see that subsidy fall by theend of the decade to just 20 percent. “Theexamples everyone mentions are Bill Gatesand Warren Buffett,” said Cubanski. “Whysubsidize rich Medicare beneficiaries?”

Kaiser estimates that the higher premi-ums will save taxpayers $25 billion for PartB from 2010 to 2019, and $10.7 billion forPart D.

No more doughnut hole in 2020The ACA does provide important new

benefits to retirees that should at leasttake the edge off the higher expenses overtime.

The Medicare Part D prescription drugdoughnut hole will be closed. That’s thecoverage gap that starts when a beneficia-ry’s annual drug spending hits $2,830,and resumes at the catastrophic level($4,550).

This year, pharmaceutical companiesare providing a discount of 50 percent onbrand-name drugs to low- and middle-in-come beneficiaries who find themselves inthe gap. Then, the doughnut hole itself willshrink a bit every year, ultimately disap-

pearing entirely in 2020.The law also contains some important

improvements to traditional Medicareaimed at boosting preventive care.Medicare patients now receive an annualwellness visit — with no co-payment or de-ductible — that includes a comprehensivehealth risk assessment and a long-termpersonalized prevention plan. Deductiblesand co-payments also were eliminated formost preventive care services.

But the new income-based premiums ar-rive at a time when rising out-of-pockethealth insurance costs pose a growingthreat to retirement security for all re-tirees — affluent or not.

Cubanski said the median out-of-pocket

premium expense for Medicare beneficiar-ies as a share of income rose from 11.9 per-cent to 16.2 percent between 1997 and2006 (the most recent year for which datais available).

While Medicare provides strong finan-cial protection for basic services, coveragegaps force beneficiaries to pay relativelyhigh out-of-pocket costs.

Kaiser reports that Medicare coveredjust 48 percent of total per capita medicaland long-term care expenses, which aver-aged $17,231 in 2006. The out-of-pocket ex-penses are distributed between premiums,long-term care, prescription drugs andother costs.

© 2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

20 Law & Money | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

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Af fordable ApartmentsYou· ll Be Proud To Call Home

Costly MedicareFrom page 19

Get insuredFrom page 18


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July 26


Checking a financial adviser’s past forerrant behavior is much easier now with anew searchable database run by the Finan-cial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA), which oversees U.S. securitiescompanies.

Its Internet database allows users to per-form searches by the name of a broker orinvestment firm. The search page is at: .

Previously, details regarding discipli-nary actions were available only by con-tacting FINRA, which would look up the

information and later send summaries ofdocuments.

The new online capabilities enable thecomplete documents to be viewed online,printed or downloaded immediately.

“This will actually allow investors tosearch the database seven days a weekand provide instant access to the actual un-derlying disciplinary action documentsthemselves,’’ said Emily Gordy, FINRA’ssenior vice president for enforcement.

The database lists complaints, settle-ments and other documents associated

with a disciplinary action.The new search tool is linked to

FINRA’s BrokerCheck service, which re-views industry registration and licensingdocuments for background reports on 1.3million registered brokers and 17,000 bro-kerage firms.

FINRA’s monthly disciplinary actionsdatabase also links to the new search tool,providing regular updates.

“Any time you can give consumers andpotential investors the ability to feel moreconfident in their decisions to turn overtheir life savings to somebody, it’s a win,’’said Robert Russell, president of Russell &Co., a financial planning firm.

FINRA is the largest non-governmental

regulator for securities firms doing busi-ness in the United States.

Checking the FINRA database is a goodfirst step to checking out an adviser, but afew other places also make sense.

The National Ethics Bureau, a member-ship organization of financial profession-als, has a searchable database at .

See the Securities and Exchange Commis-sion, which has additional databases of advis-ers at

It’s also a good idea to check with statesecurities regulators or state insuranceboards before you make your final deci-sion.

— AP

Check out your financial adviser onlineBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Law & Money 21

SMALL BUSINESS START-UPReceive information on starting and financing a business, register-

ing a business with the State of Maryland, IRS, business plan in-

formation, credit and additional information that can help a potential business

owner get started. This informative workshop will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 6

p.m. at the Herring Run Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, 3801 Erdman Ave.

For more information, call (410) 396-0996 or email

JEWISH LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDES AIDVolunteer lawyers with Jewish Legal Aid Services provide pro-bono

legal consultation at a monthly drop-in clinic for Jewish community

members with low income. For more information, contact Jewish Community Serv-

ices at or (410) 466-9200.


Aug. 2


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By Elliot RaphaelsonEstate planning is one of those things

everybody knows they should do, but asurprising number of people put it off untilit’s too late, or do it wrong in the first place.

Unfortunately, too many people of allages hesitate to have their wills drawn up.There is no good reason to avoid that. Ifyou die intestate — that is, without a will— you have lost the right to specify who in-herits your property.

In this situation, the state decides howyour property will be distributed, and it isunlikely that the allocation dictated bystate law will match your preference.Moreover, in many states, state law will al-locate your property in a way that may notbe fair to your spouse.

Some individuals feel that because theyare married and own their property jointlywith their spouse, there is no need for awill. What if you and your spouse die to-gether in an accident? Who will then re-ceive your property? If you have youngchildren, who will become their guardian?If your young children inherit property,who will manage it?

Who gets what?It is important for you to know what

property passes by will and what does not.Any property owned with “rights of sur-

vivorship” goes to the other owner(s).

Property with a named beneficiary goes tothe party named. Any property disposedby contract goes to the named owner(s).The provisions of your will do not overridethe preceding specifications.

Any property that you own individuallythat does not have a named beneficiarypasses by will. Your will can also coverproperty you may not be aware of. For ex-ample, if you receive an inheritance or alegal settlement, the provisions of your willcan address these assets.

There are many advertisements sug-gesting that you can avoid legal fees bypurchasing books, legal forms or comput-er programs to create your will. In myopinion, that is foolish. If any mistakes aremade, the will can be disallowed, and statelaws associated with intestacy will prevail.

A straightforward will is not expensive,and many attorneys won’t charge for aninitial meeting. Reputable attorneys willprovide you with an estimate of the cost ofwill preparation after you provide themwith basic information.

A will needs to be detailed and precise inmany ways. A good attorney can help youspecify key provisions such as: who will re-ceive what property; how you should holdyour property; trust agreements; the bestway to name beneficiaries of your retire-ment plans; maintaining consistency withnamed beneficiaries and contracts speci-

fied in other documents; minimizing anyfederal estate tax; and naming an executorand guardians. Make sure you select an at-torney with expertise in this field.

Preparing a will is an essential startingpoint. However, you must make sure thatyou update your will when circumstanceschange. Some events that require updatesto your will would be a move to a newstate, additions to the family, deaths in thefamily, a divorce, or new assets as a resultof retirement.

Account for retirement assetsA very important estate planning issue

for many retirees is related to retirementassets. If you have significant retirementassets such as IRAs, 401(k)s, and/or other

retirement plans, it is very important foryou to select your beneficiaries and with-drawal options with care.

If this is a significant issue for you, makesure your attorney is knowledgeable inthis area. I recommend that you review thebooks written by Ed Slott to help you un-derstand these issues.

Having a will prepared and updated asnecessary is one of the best gifts you canprovide for your family. There is no down-side, and without a will there are many po-tential unintended consequences, none ofthem good.

Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your questionsand comments at

© 2011 Elliot Raphaelson. Distributed byTribune Media Services, Inc.

Wills provide peace of mind for the familyBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Law & Money 23

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By Victor BlockMy recent visit to the Hershey-Harris-

burg area of Pennsylvania revealed a desti-nation of pleasant surprises.

If you think of Hershey primarily as amecca of chocolate, that’s only part of thestory. The nearby Amish community of-fers a fascinating opportunity to experi-ence a different culture.

And Harrisburg is home to a world-classCivil War museum equal to anything theSouth has to offer, plus a number of otherintriguing attractions.

My wife Fyllis and I arranged our trip tothe area as a three-generation family gath-ering. Not surprisingly, upon entering thesprawling Hershey complex, our grand-children thought they had been transport-ed to heaven.

At Hersheypark, they couldn’t run fastenough from ride to ride, clamberingaboard as many as they could, includingseveral of the 11 roller coasters.

More than chocolateOther attractions in the park had more

appeal to us. The Hershey Story is told in amuseum packed with displays, many ofthem interactive, that were more interest-ing than I had anticipated. Fyllis was in-trigued by a touch-screen that allowed herto design a candy bar wrapper and e-mail itto herself (to what end I had no idea).

I preferred following the story of howMilton Hershey, after several failed attemptsto found a candy company, struck pay dirt— or, rather, chocolate — when he began

coating caramels with the sweet substancein 1894. Turning out milk chocolate in bars,wafers and other shapes, and devising inno-vative mass production techniques to lowerthe cost, his company transformed whathad been a luxury item for the wealthy intoa treat that was affordable to all.

Every family member enjoyed the “chal-lenge” of tasting five mini-bars with the goalof distinguishing a wine-like list of textures(from smooth to granular), scents (includingwoodsy and fruity) and tastes (citrus, coffee,nutty). The hardest part was fighting tempta-tion and allowing the chocolate to melt onour tongue, as we had been instructed.

But it was an hour-long sightseeing trol-ley ride around the campus and little townthat left the most lasting impression. Ourgrandchildren were delighted by the Her-shey Kiss lights that line some streets, andeven more so by on-board tastings of fourmore samples.

Their parents and grandparents paidclose attention as our guide described theestablishment and history of the schoolthat continues to carry Hershey’s name.

Beginning with four orphans, whom Mil-ton and his wife Catherine took into theirhome, that institution has expanded to pro-vide free pre-kindergarten through highschool education, and much more, to about1,800 underprivileged children. Graduateswho go on to college receive generous schol-arship support.

Among the AmishIntroductions to a very different lifestyle

await those who visitthe Amish area a shortdrive from Hershey.About 30,000 residentsmake this the secondlargest Amish commu-nity in the country,after one in Ohio.

Amish immigrantsbegan arriving inPennsylvania duringthe late 17th century,seeking and findingreligious tolerance.They evolved into athriving part of thelocal society, mergingcomfortably into itwhile maintaining

their customs and culture, with its focuson religion and family.

Among practices to which they continueto cling are using a horse and buggy ratherthan cars for transportation, eschewing elec-tricity in their home, and adhering to a dresscode that dictates modesty and solid colorsfor women and girls, and dark clothing anda black or straw hat for men and boys.

It’s not difficult to identify houses occu-pied by Amish families, because of the ab-sence of electric wires leading to them,wash hanging outside to dry, and tradition-al green shades covering the windows.

Our introduction to the Amish way of lifeincluded an outstanding multi-media pres-entation called “Jacob’s Choice.” It depictsthe difficult decision faced by someteenagers about whether to remain in thefold or venture into the outside world and,in effect, turn their back on their strict up-bringing.

We also explored a typical Amish home,where guides provided interesting addi-tional tidbits about day-to-day living.

Even more close up and personal was ourconversation with a young, bearded Amishman named Joe, who was our driver andguide during a jaunt with Abe’s Buggy Rides.

He patiently answered the questions wefired at him about everything from whycars are forbidden (Joe explained that they

can carry Amish people too far from theirfamily and community), to the reason thateducation is compulsory only through theeighth grade. (Joe replied, “That’s suffi-cient for our way of life,” which centers onfarming and cottage industries.)

Civil War storiesThe peaceful life of the Amish contrasts

starkly with the bloody story of the CivilWar that is dramatically portrayed at oneof the largest and best collections in theworld devoted to that conflict.

A visit to the National Civil War Muse-um in Harrisburg is especially timely, dur-ing this year’s 150th anniversary of thestart of the fighting.

Information-packed videos and realisticlife-size dioramas that tell the story of thewar are reason enough to plan a visit. Evenmore telling to me were letters from indi-vidual soldiers and similar artifacts thatput a human face on the Civil War and itsterrible consequences.

Also tragically moving are displays ofshackles, metal collars and other imple-ments that were used to subjugate slaves.Not far away stands a realistic depiction ofa slave auction, with the words of the auc-tioneer describing men and women as so

An Amish community near Hershey, Pa., gathers together to construct a barn for afellow family — a feat that is typically accomplished in a few days. The area has thesecond-largest Amish population in the country.


















In Hershey, Pa., visitors sample chocolate at the HersheyStory, which recounts the history of Milton Hershey’s chocolateempire. Hersheypark nearby offers rides for kids of all ages.
















A smorgasbord of to-dos in Pennsylvania


How to cut your losses when you mustcancel a trip. See story on page 26.

much property, interspersed with othervoices denouncing the institution of slav-ery as immoral.

Antique car museumA varied list of other sightseeing options

also awaits visitors to the Harrisburg-Her-shey area. The Antique Automobile Clubof America Museum is a car-lovers fantasy-land, offering a trip back through time foranyone who qualifies for a discounted se-nior’s ticket.

It’s packed with beautifully restored vin-tage cars dating back to the 19th century,plus buses, motorcycles and motorbikes,some of which were manufactured whenFranklin D. Roosevelt was president.

While a re-created 1900s auto machineshop may not look familiar, visitors mayidentify with a 1940s gas station as well asan authentic Valentine diner, of the type thatwere manufactured beginning in the 1930s.

My favorites included a shiny 1895 Ben-ton Harbor car which had a top speed of 23miles per hour, and a spiffy 1902 Oldsmo-bile, packing 4.5 horsepower, that was guid-ed by a steering stick instead of a wheel.

I also learned, and laughed, whilewatching a movie narrated by GrouchoMarx about automobiles and their impacton the country. It skillfully combines histo-ry and humor.

If you’re lucky when you visit the com-pact museum on the Pennsylvania StatePolice Academy grounds, you may be ableto watch cadets practicing at the firingrange or learning crowd control tech-niques on horseback.

Facilities include a large swimming poolthat’s used for life-saving training, and abuilding on the campus that houses every-thing from helicopters to drug-sniffing dogs.

Amateur sleuths can check theirprowess at solving a murder case, usinghairs left on the victim’s clothing and otherevidence to decide which of three suspectsis guilty of the crime.

A very different scene is a portrayal of acell that Al Capone inhabited for a year

after being convicted of a minor crime.After he bribed prison officials, his tempo-rary jail home was furnished with preciousantiques, oriental rugs and oil paintings.

While lacking such man-made luxuries,Indian Echo Caverns is an undergroundNever Never Land of color, shapes and in-teresting history. At one time, NativeAmerican settlements were located alongwhat now is called Swatara Creek, whichruns by the caverns.

The series of caves is estimated to be 3million years old, and is one of many suchcomplexes carved out of limestone beneaththe rolling Pennsylvania countryside.

Near the entrance, the names of severalearly visitors are carved into the stone. Far-ther along, guides lead tour groups into theBlue Room, so named for the hue of itswalls, and the Rainbow Room, colored byareas of blue, green, purple and tan.

It takes sharp eyes and only a little imag-ination to identify a lion’s head, dragon,owl and other familiar shapes pointed out

by the guide.The subterranean exploration, com-

bined with a variety of attractions aboveground, combine to make a trip to nearbyPennsylvania both fascinating and fun.

If you goAfter searching for a hotel conveniently

located to the things we wanted to see anddo, we stayed at the Holiday Inn HarrisburgEast. It offers very large, well-furnishedrooms at rates that usually begin at $119.

Amenities include both indoor and out-door swimming pools and a restaurant thatserves an excellent Sunday brunch that at-tracts many locals. For information orreservations, log onto orcall 1-800-637-4817.

Lunch at the Plain and Fancy FarmRestaurant enhanced our visit to the Amisharea. Typical entrees include PennsylvaniaDutch pot pie ($9.95) and fried chicken($10.95), both served with two sides. Besure to save room for desserts like apple

dumplings ($4.25), apple crumb pie ($4.50)or traditional shoe-fly pie ($3.50). For moreinformation, call 1-800-669-3568 or log

The aptly named Fire House Restaurant,one of several dining establishments alongNorth 2nd Street in Harrisburg, occupiesthe former home of the Harrisburg HopeFire Company, which was built in 1871.

The theme is underscored by wallslined with fire station paraphernalia, anddishes like spiced Tuscan “firebread”served with garlic dipping sauce ($6), Fire-House hamburger ($8), and FireHousepasta with chicken and shrimp ($16). Ifyou’re in the mood to splurge, Hook &Ladder shrimp skewers and a half-rack ofribs, plus two sides, costs $25. For more in-formation, call (717) 234-6064 or log

General information about visiting theHarrisburg-Hersey area is available at itswebsite,,or by calling 1-877-727-8573.

B A L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Leisure & Travel 25

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PennsylvaniaFrom page 24


Enjoy this five-day, four-night trip toRocking Horse Resort in Highland,N.Y., sponsored by the EdgemereSenior Center. Enjoy three deliciousmeals a day, hayrides, shuffleboard,bocci, sauna, paddleboats, trivia con-tests, as well as live entertainmentand dancing. Also included are toursof Hyde Park Estate, West Point anda Hudson River Valley Cruise. Cost:$679 per person double occupancy,$789 per person single. For moreinformation, call Barbara Calvert at(410) 477-2141.


Sept. 19+

For obvious reasons, many Americanswho had booked travel to Egypt or Japanearlier this year had to change their plans,and others who hadn’t yet booked havemade alternative arrangements.

But what about trips to other areas atother times? Nobody can predict where thenext revolution might break out — and cer-tainly not when and where the next earth-quake, tsunami, fire or volcano will hit.

The question then becomes how best toprotect yourself against losses if a destina-

tion you decide to visit suddenly and unex-pectedly suffers a big problem.

Clearly, in such a case, you won’t be ableto enjoy the trip you expected — you can’tundo the problem. But what you can do ismake sure you get all or most of anymoney back from any prepayments anddeposits.

Fortunately, you have several safetynets:

Even after you’ve paid — even a “nonre-fundable” payment — you can usually get

your money back from most suppliers, al-though the terms may be a bit too narrow.

• Airlines. If you alreadyhave a ticket, most airlines willlet you cancel a trip to an im-pacted area and will offer achoice of rebooking the sametrip at a later date or a refund,both without the usual cancella-tion or exchange fees. Howev-er, the re-issue offer is general-ly limited to the same route.

• Hotels, too, generally allowno-fee cancellation. However, ifyour original booking was onsome great deal, you might notbe able to duplicate the original price.

• Tours.TheU.S. TourOperators Associ-ation (USTOA) states that, “most USTOAmembers serving Japan proactively can-celed trips.” Presumably, most other opera-tors take the same approach in such situa-tions.

• Credit card. By now you’ve probablylearned that you can get a charge-back foranything you’ve paid a supplier that thesupplier didn’t deliver. This process cansometimes be a hassle, but it usuallyworks. Always — always — use a creditcard for such advance payments.

• Travel insurance. Trip-cancellationinsurance (TCI) could be helpful, butmany policies are surprisingly restrictive.They refund payments you can’t otherwiserecover, but only in the event the policyspecifically notes each circumstance as a“covered reason” or a “named peril.”

Some policies cover natural disasters,such as the earthquake/tsunami in Japan,but some do not.

And even those that accept earthquakes,hurricanes and such as covered reasons typ-ically subject coverage to such limited situa-

tions as an airline that “ceases all service” ora destination accommodation that becomes

“totally uninhabitable.” Nevermind that the golf course maybe under water; if the hotel isopen, you’re not covered.

Several specifically exclude“nuclear radiation” or leaks asa covered reason.

Uprisings such as occurredin Egypt are typically defined as“civil disorder,” and many poli-cies specifically exclude civildisorder as a covered reason.All in all, given the many

exclusions on standard poli-cies, I now recommend to just about every-one that if they decide they need insur-ance, they should buy a “cancel for anyreason” policy. It may be more expensive,and it might not cover 100 percent of yourprepayments, but the decision aboutwhether to travel or not — and what youget back if you decide not to go— is yours,not that of some insurance company beancounter.

In related travel insurance news, OnCall International just announced special“memberships” for travelers age 77 to 85.Many travel insurance programs refuse tocover travelers of that age, so the new poli-cies could be welcome.

They are, however, really expensive:$425 for an individual, $820 for a couple,covering a trip of up to 90 days. And that’sjust medical emergency and evacuationcoverage, not cancellation. Still, if you’re77 or over, it may be your best bet.

You can reach them at 1-800-575-5014;online at

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26 Leisure & Travel | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON


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SAIL THE BAYSenior Box Office is hosting a Bay Lighthouse Cruise on Sunday,Aug. 14, leaving from Annapolis. The $85 cost includes a box

lunch while seeing three lighthouses. To reserve a spot, call Senior Box Office at(410) 882-3797.

PLAY THE SLOTSJoin the Parkville Senior Center on Tuesday, August 16 on thisday trip to Stanton, Del., for a gambling afternoon at Delaware

Park Casino. The $27 cost includes $30 free play bonus. Call Parkville SeniorCenter at (410) 882-6087 to reserve a seat.

IN THE SWIM OF THINGSFluid Movement is a performance art group that juxtaposes com-plex subject matter with delightful and unexpected mediums.

This month the group presents Mobtown Murder Mystery, “the world’s first (andperhaps last) live film noir-inspired synchronized swimming extravaganza!”Showtimes are Saturday, July 23 at 3 and 5 p.m. and Sunday, July 24 at 5 and 7p.m. at Druid Hill Park Pool, and Saturday, July 30 at 6 p.m. and Sunday, July 31,at 5 and 7 p.m. at Patterson Park Pool. Tickets are $10 ($5 for City Pool passholders) except at 6 p.m. July 30, which is a benefit performance that costs $20.Tickets are available online at, keyword:MOBTOWN.


Aug. 14

Aug. 16

July 23+

Please join theOffice of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) and theMaryland Department of Aging for anOpenDialogue.Wewelcome your input as wework to revise theAssisted Living regulations (COMAR 10.07.14).

Meetingswill be held during themonth of August in Baltimore City,Baltimore County,Washington County andQueenAnne's County.

ForDates, Times, Sites andRegistration information,Call (410) 402-8004or visit


BA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at 27

By Dan CollinsAt first glance, the idea of basing a

Broadway musical on a film that inspiredthe creation of the Razzies — the anti-Os-cars given each year to the year’s worstmovies — might not seem too bright.

Xanadu, Olivia Newton-John’s follow-upto her star turn in Grease, was vilified bythe critics, and if you’ve ever seen it, youlikely understand why. A Greek goddesshelps an out-of-work actor open a roller

disco? A movie where Michael Beck (vet-eran of such…um, “films,” as Warlords ofthe 21st Century) headlines with Gene“Singing in the Rain” Kelly?

Ouch.No one could debate, however, that the

Xanadu soundtrack was a winner, featuringfive top 20 singles: “Magic,” “Xanadu,” “AllOver theWorld,” “I’m Alive” and “Suddenly.”

Xanadu’s premise, played straight, madefor a horrible movie. But played for satire, it

was a hit on Broadway, where it opened in2007 with more than 500 performances anda Tony Awards nomination for Best Musical.

Audience participationThe ever-boisterous, givin’-it-their-all en-

semble at Toby’s Dinner Theatre doesXanadu more than justice, not waitingaround to encourage audience participation,as theater patrons are literally brought on tothe stage towave colored light sticks and pro-vide foils for the actors, adding to the hilarity.

Xanadu is a comedic send-up of the1980s — can someone explain the fixationwith leg-warmers? — as well as the 1980film, as Heather Marie Beck adopts “anAustralian accent” (Ms. Newton-Johnbeing Australian) and wears roller skatesto “conceal her true identity” as the Greekmuse, Clio.

Greg Twomey’s Sonny Malone is thewould-be artist whose chalk drawing ofGreek muses comes alive, bringing Clio toVenice, California, and the opening num-ber, “I’m Alive” to the stage.

He performs in denim short-shorts andtight T-shirts for the entire show.Wikipedia notes that Xanadu the film

amassed a strong gay following. There’s anod to this as well when one of Clio’s sistermuses exclaims, “It’s like children’s the-ater for 40-year-old gay people.”

And Xanadu is definitely geared towardan older audience as younger folks mightmiss some of the ’70s and ’80s references.At one point, Sonny notes that Clio’s sister,Melpomene (Maria Egler) bears a strikingresemblance “to Witchiepoo.”

I’m 48 and it took a moment, but I did re-call “Witchiepoo,” the evil witch from the’70s Sid and Marty Krofft children’s TV se-ries, “H.R. Pufnstuf.”

Particularly amusing are jabs at thesomewhat dismal landscape that was thepopular art scene of the 1980s. WhenSonny imagines “a place where all the artscome together, song, dance, concerts,even athletics” not as a cultural center(like an amalgam of the Guggenheim andCarnegie Hall) but as a roller disco, onecan’t help but laugh.

Hamming it upAs usual for a Toby’s production, don’t

Arts &StyleStrange magic: Xanadu at Toby’s Theatre

The National Aquarium celebrates its30th anniversary. See story on page 29.

See XANADU, page 28

Toby’s Dinner Theatre’s campy production of Xanadu, a pop musical based on the widelypanned 1980 movie of the same name, brings chalk drawings of Greek muses to life.

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28 Arts & Style | More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

expect multi-million dollar-Broadway pro-duction values, and in fact, you wouldn’twant them here. Part of what madeXanadu the movie so wonderfully terriblewas how cheesy it all seemed.

So, yes, give me cardboard and plywoodsets, give me glitter balls, fog and strobe ef-fects, and soap-bubble makers, give me aman dressed as a centaur and aMedusawitha head of glitter-covered snakes. The cheap-er looking, the better— it’s comedy, after all.

Toby’s strength lies in the enthusiasm

and unflagging energy of the cast mem-bers, who were clearly enjoying the oppor-tunity to ham it up and embrace the absurd-ity. When Sonny, who manages to ascendMount Olympus with a $12.98 aluminumladder, accuses Zeus and his fellow gods ofbeing the actors from the 1981 bomb, Clashof the Titans, you can see the cast is enjoy-ing the joke as much as the audience.

David Bosley-Reynolds does a nice turnin the Gene Kelly role of Danny McGuire,the one-time wide-eyed artist who blew hischance at love with Clio in the 1940s andopted instead for riches as a constructionmogul. Still, if you’re going to “fake-play” a

clarinet as Danny does, it’s probably not abad idea to have someone in the orchestrapit actually tooting that licorice stick toback you up.

Kudos to choreographer Laurie New-ton, who somehow manages to keep hercharges in sync despite the fact that onlysome are on roller skates. (Kudos mustalso go to “Specialty Skating Instructor”Lawrence B. Munsey.)

Even if you don’t know Olivia Newton-John from Trapper John, it’s hard not to becaught up in the energy of Xanadu whereactors are tap-dancing and scat-singing inone scene and roller skating and waving

red feather fans in another.Toby’s Xanadu is definitely a colorful

production, and the songs are a delight,particularly for us who can recall whensongs like “Evil Woman” and “StrangeMagic” were all over the radio.

Xanadu continues its run at Toby’s Bal-timore, 5625 O’Donnell St., now throughAug. 28. Tickets range from $49.50 forSunday matinee brunch performances to$55 for Saturday dinner. For more informa-tion and for tickets, call 1-866-99-TOBYS orvisit

Dan Collins is a Baltimore freelancewriter.

XanaduFrom page 27

ample, that were not part of classical dancevocabulary, were part of other dance vocab-ularies such as those from Bali, India, Japanand Java. I wasn’t a modern dancer per se,but rather a world dancer,” said Broom.

And even all these years later, Broomsays the movement, costumes and beautyof dance traditions from around the globecontinue to intrigue her.

While pursuing her dance career, Broomrealized she also had an affinity for the stageand began performing at such Baltimore the-aters as Arena Playhouse, Centerstage, The-atre Hopkins, Cockpit-in-Court and others.

One role led to another, and the stage

eventually led to film and television roles.These included the movie Clara’s Heart, inwhich she appeared with Whoopi Gold-berg, and several TV series in addition to“The Wire,” including NBC’s hits “WestWing” and “Homicide” and HBO’s “TheCorner.”

At home in BaltimoreBroom has spent a good part of her life

traveling the globe, pursuing her fascina-tion with other cultures. In addition to per-forming across the United States, she hasappeared in Germany, Uganda and Ghana.

She has been an artist in residence at FiskUniversity in Nashville and has served as aguest dance instructor at Vanderbilt Univer-sity, University of Hawaii, Johns Hopkins

University,Maryland College Institute of Artand Goucher College. Broom is currently onthe faculty of the Baltimore School for theArts, teaching dance and storytelling.

She finds that the arts scene in Balti-more is blossoming, with young peoplemoving to town, picking up the reins of thecity’s artistic organizations and creatingnew ones of their own.

“People think of Baltimore as a littlecountry town, but there’s a lot going on,”Broom said. “Things are happening. Balti-more is homey enough, but also culturedand sophisticated enough.”

Broom, who is single and has no chil-dren (“but I’m everybody’s auntie!”), does-n’t travel as much as she once did. But herprofessional life is still thriving.

This summer she is teaching at Center-stage’s summer camp. In addition to stintsas a guest instructor at numerous dancestudios, Broom also offers private voicework and coaching, dance and movementsessions for those recovering from grief orregaining physical strength, and medita-tion and stillness classes. “It’s quite a fulllife,” Broom said with a laugh.

As Broom discovered for herself at sucha young age, “arts reach the soul,” and shehopes to inspire others as well.

“There is so much you can learn by par-ticipating in the arts,” she said. “From thefirst time I saw those ballet dancers glideand float on stage, that’s all I’ve ever want-ed. I’ve spent my life getting to do whatI’ve always wanted to do.”

BroomFrom page 1

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Makes a

great gift! GOING TO THE DOGSEnjoy this Thursday night hike at the Baltimore Humane Society.Bring your own dog or walk a shelter resident. Show up at 6 p.m.

at 1601 Nicodemus Rd. in Reisterstown. For more information,

CHANNELING LEONARD COHENMarcus Dagan will perform the music and spoken words ofLeonard Cohen on Saturday, July 30 at 7:30 p.m. during “LeonardCohen: The Priest of Music,” at Germano’s Trattoria, 300 S. High

St. in Little Italy. Tickets are $15. For more information,

ESCAPE WINTER’S CHILLSail from Baltimore’s home port and enjoy 13 days/12 nights onRoyal Caribbean Cruise Lines’ magnificent Enchantment of theSeas, one of the world’s largest and most luxurious ships, starting

March 19, 2012. Exotic ports include Labadee, Dominican Republic, San Juan,St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Tortola. There’s casino gambling, nightly entertain-ment and delicious meals. Call the Edgemere Senior Center at (410) 887-7530for more information and reservations.

IN HER OWN VOICESinger-songwriter Emmylou Harris takes the spotlight performingher own songs on Tuesday, July 26 at Pier Six Pavilion, 731Eastern Ave., at 6 p.m. Tickets range from $25 to $75. For

details and purchases, call (410) 783-4189 or visit

THE MUSIC OF JOHN WILLIAMSThe Baltimore Symphony Orchestra performs your favorite JohnWilliams classics from such films as Superman, Indiana Jones,Harry Potter, E.T. and Star Wars. The July 22 concert takes place

at Meyerhoff Symphony Hall at 7:30 p.m., and the July 23 concert starts at 8p.m. at Oregon Ridge. Fireworks follow the Oregon Ridge performance. Ticketsstart at $25. Call (410) 783-8000 or visit for moredetails and ticket purchases.


July 21

July 30

Mar. ‘12

July 26

July 22+

Last September, the National Aquariumofficially unveiled the National AquariumConservation Center and kicked off its cel-ebration of the Baltimore venue’s 30th an-niversary year.

The Conservation Center is the nextstage in the National Aquarium’s growthfrom a successful attraction with conserva-tion as its primary message, to a national-ly-recognized and respected conservationinstitute that measures success in how itimpacts people and the environment.

“Since opening in 1981, the NationalAquarium has evolved from being oneiconic building in Baltimore to an institute,with conservation at its core, that operatestwo exciting attractions and serves as a dy-namic education resource,” said Dave Pit-tenger, the aquarium’s executive director.

“We have a rich history of conservationinitiatives on the Chesapeake Bay, aroundthe world in places like Bahamas and CostaRica, and through our Marine Animal Res-cue Program. And now this ConservationCenter will build upon our strong legacy ofservice to the environment.”

Global effortThrough pioneering science and partner-

ships with like-minded organizations, theNational Aquarium Conservation Centerwill focus its efforts on the protection ofaquatic ecosystems worldwide through sci-entific research, education and advocacy.

The National Aquarium ConservationCenter will also be a voice and advocate forwork the aquarium already has underway,including long-term initiatives to protectcoral reefs, to control lion fish proliferation,and to restore Chesapeake Bay wetlandsand shoreline.

“This research and advocacy entity givesthe National Aquarium another means totackle pressing issues that impact the aquaticenvironment, and to advance as a global con-servation center of excellence for marineconservation,” explained Dr. Erik Rifkin, thecenter’s interim director.

“In just one year we have establishedsolid partnerships with like-minded organ-izations and already have several excitingresearch studies underway.”

The initial emphasis of the NationalAquarium Conservation Center includescoastal ecosystems and watershed health,ocean health, environmental advocacy andecological aquaculture. Some of this workis already underway.

For example, the Conservation Centeris leading several research initiatives thatwill increase understanding of mercurylevels in wild and captive dolphins, quanti-fy sediment contaminant in the BaltimoreHarbor, protect spotted eagle rays, andpromote the future of aquaculture.

“Human impact on the world’s ecosys-tems is profound. As habitats are de-stroyed or degraded, the diversity ofspecies and the complex relationshipsamong them are threatened, with conse-quences for all living things — includinghumans,” said Bill Roberts, chair of the

National Aquarium Institute board.“Zoos and aquariums have both the ca-

pacity and the responsibility not to simplyincrease public awareness of conservationissues but to take action. The NationalAquarium is ready to do more.”

Celebrate with the aquariumIn celebration of the National Aquarium’s

first 30 years, a four-day festival is plannedfrom August 5 to 8. This family-friendly cele-bration will feature entertainment for every-one, including music, character appear-ances, zumba dance instruction and more.

Hours for the celebration are from noonto 7 p.m. on Friday, August 5 and from 10a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, August 6, Sun-day, August 7 and Monday, August 8. Formore details, visit

Also keep in mind that you don’t have tobe an oceanographer or a fish expert to

volunteer with the National Aquarium. Vol-unteers are an integral part of the aquari-um’s day-to-day operations.

Onsite volunteer opportunities include in-

formation specialists, exhibit guides, certi-fied divers and even office assistants. Formore information, visit vol-unteer.html.

National Aquarium celebrates 30 yearsBA L T IMORE BE ACON — AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 More at | Arts & Style 29




Don’t miss free entertainment and fun-!lled activities on the Pierincluding: lively Waxter Center Steppers, island sounds of St. Veronica’sYouth Steel Orchestra, the moving Rayn Fall Dance Studio, Aboriginal

Didgeridoo performance, Milkshake Trio, Ocean Arts Project,Pam the Kindersinger, face painting and much, much more!

Visit more events!






From page 30.


30 More at AUGU S T 2 0 1 1 — BA L T IMORE BE ACON

Puzzle Page

Scrabble answers on p. 29.

Crossword PuzzleDaily crosswords can be found on our website:

www.TheBeaconNewspapers.comClick on Puzzles Plus

Answers on page 29.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33

34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43

44 45 46 47

48 49 50 51 52

53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67

68 69 70

71 72 73

Down1. Variety2. Polar bear protection3. Reason to call AAA4. 3:10 to ___ (1957 film remade 50years later)

5. Saloon6. USPS delivery7. Deck the Halls syllables8. The oldest English university9. Existed10. “Oh yeah? ___ who?”11. Pair of pitchfork letters12. Experience the wind17. Bibliography abbrev.18. Fragrance19. Optimistic23. Grocery store unit24. Like a non-fiction story26. Director Leone27. Stadium level28. Attacked a nation30. Nobel winner Sakharov32. Tough word for Dan Quayle to spell33. 2010 World Cup champion39. Separate laundry into piles41. Protesters’ labels42. Trap a cat43. One of the A’s in NCAA or NAACP45. Send to smithereens48. Beach toy49. Archaeologist’s discovery50. Play parts51. The Biggest Loser contestant52. End-of-the-week exclamation58. Direction from Eden to Nod60.Manufactured62. Tax maven (abbrev.)63. “Don’t give up!”64. The third part of 52 Down65. Jack Sprat’s restriction66. Jabber on67. Ant. antonym

Across1. Questionable5.Maryland, relative to the Mason-Dixonline

10. Lotion level13. Humdinger14. Tin Man prop15. Dir. fromWinnipeg to Montreal16. Sequel where Dustin Hoffman movesup to a higher weight class

20. Tit tradeoff21. Star-Spangled contraction22. Arafat’s grp.23. Addams Family cousin25. Bustling29. Desert relief spot31. Sequel where Fred MacMurray triesfor a bigger payout

34. Currency of 33 Down35. Push down on the accelerator36. Gloomy37. Swimming tournament38. Comprehend40. Pro ___44. “___ was going to St. Ives...”46. “___ deer” (octet starter)47. Drops a pop-up48. Sequel where Charlie Chaplin loses hisobjectivity53. It can make cans54. GI’s necklace55. Its Big in London56. Suffix with chlor or fluor57. “I joined the Navy to ___ the world...”59. Philanthropist Hogg61. Sequel where Audrey Hepburn stayshungry

68. Gym unit69.Mattress maker70. June 6, 194471. Federal cryptologic org.72. Rendezvous73.WNBA broadcaster

Unnecessary Sequels by Stephen Sherr

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