Athlete Beware!. * Fungal infection * Peeling, cracking, redness, itchy * Warm,moist environment-...


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Athlete Beware!

*Skin Infections

Tinea pedis-athletefoot

*Signs and symptoms

*Fungal infection

*Peeling, cracking, redness, itchy

*Warm,moist environment- shoes, socks, pools, locker rooms, public showers

*Severe case athletes foot

*Oral and topical antifungals

*TX – allow feet to breathe daily, replace shoes, air out footwear, wash socks, thoroughly dry feet, flip flops in showers!

*Tinea cruris-”jock itch”

*Warm, moist environment of genitals, inner thigh, and buttocks.

*Red, itchy, burning rash that is often ring shaped.

*Lamisil or Lotrimin

*Mildly contagious through direct contact and indirectly through clothing

*TX – antifungal cream and sprays, use a clean towel after every shower, change and washing of all athletic wear. Keep area dry!

*Tinea corporis- ringworm

*Not a worm but a fungus

*Ringworm on torso

*Circular, red, flat sores with a raised outer boundary.

*Contagious to people and animals

*Clothing and furniture may transmit the fungus


*Later stages of ring worm include scaly skin surface

*Prescription antifungal works best.


*Inflammation of hair follicles caused by a staph infection

*Hot tubs – contaminated water

*Vinegar compress – silvadene medication

*Red pustule rash


*Caused by bacteria – streptococcus or staphococcus

*Common on face around mouth and nose

*Tiny blisters that burst into grainy, gold crusty edges


*Common among wrestlers

*MOI – physical contact

*Need antibiotic prescription to cure

*MRSA- resistant bacterial infection

*Contact – skin to skin

*Cleanliness – poor hygiene, cover all wounds

*Compromised skin integrity – breaks in skin from wounds

*Contaminated objects – razors, towels, etc

*MRSA of foot

*Crowded living conditions – large # in small areas

*Capsules – resistant to antibiotics – staph infection!

*Dangerous – seek medical assistance!

*Cauliflower ear

*Cauliflower ear

*Direct blow causes a hematoma

*Permanent swelling results in tissue necrosis

*Deformity of outer ear

*Common among combat sports - wrestlers
