Astro-Vision Digitell Numerology [DigiTell]...Astro-Vision Digitell Numerology [DigiTell...


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    Astro-Vision Digitell Numerology [DigiTell]

    FirstName PRIYANKA GANDHI Sex FemaleDate of Birth 12 January 1972

    Your personality characteristics, destiny and the planetary position at the time of your birth are closelyinterconnected. Scholars all over the world have undoubtedly established this fact. The decimal number system usingdigits 1 to 9 and zero is the universally accepted system and we use these numbers hundreds of times every day.However the numbers related to your birth and name have special significance for you. The hidden meanings in thesenumbers, can reveal your personality characteristics, as well as predict your fortune.

    ASTRO-VISION DigiTell Numerology has been computerized, on the basis of numerous authentic works, on thesubject and expert findings. The 'Birth Number' derived from the date of birth and the 'Name Number' derived fromthe numerological equivalent of the letters in the name are the important aspects considered. The compatibilitybetween 'Birth Number' and 'Name Number' is analysed. The numbers assigned to the letters of the alphabet are:A,I,J,Q,Y=1 B,K,R=2 C,G,L,S=3 D,M,T=4 E,H,N,X=5 U,V,W=6 O,Z=7 F,P=8. Number 9 is not assigned to anyletter.

    Numerological Analysis of Name and Date of Birth

    Priyanka Gandhi

    You are known by the above name. As far as you are concerned, this is the SOUND repeated most often. It is said byIndian scholars in numerology, who believe in magic incantations, that sound waves exert great influences on humanlives.

    1. Name Number (Nama Sankhya)

    Numerologists assign numeric values to every letter in the English alphabet. Thus each letter of your name has avalue. The sum of these values is reduced to a single digit root number. This is taken as your name number. Pleasenote how the calculations are made based on your name.

    Priyanka Gandhi821115210315451

    Total = 404 + 0 = 4

    2. Compound Name Number (Samyuktha Nama Sankhya)

    Compound Name Number is the higher level number from which your 'Name Number' is derived. Please note thesteps involved.

    Priyanka Gandhi821115210315451

    Total = 40

    3. Birth Number (Janma Sankhya)

    The DATE on which you are born is reduced to a single digit root number. This is your 'Birth Number'. (Month andyear are not considered).

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    1 + 2 = 3

    4. Fate Number (Vidhi Sankhya)

    Your fate number is the total of the value of digits in the DATE, MONTH and YEAR of your birth, brought to asingle digit root number. Please see the steps involved.

    1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 232 + 3 = 5 5. Compound Fate Number (Samyuktha Vidhi Sankhya)

    Compound Fate Number is the higher level number from which the 'Fate Number' is derived.

    1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 23

    Effect of Birth Number and Ruling Planet

    There are only 9 important planets in our solar system. Similarly, there are only nine numbers by which all ourcalculations are made. All the other numbers are mere repetitions only. Each number is assigned to a planet, byexperts in Occultism, Chaldean, Hindu, Egyptian and Hebrew.

    The secret of Numerology is the mysterious law of vibrations. Your birth date can be reduced to a single digit keynumber. This number represents a planet. You and the planet attached to your number will have the same vibrationswhich lasts all through your life.

    Your Birth Number is 3.

    This number, 3, stands for the symbolism of the planet Jupiter. This planet plays a very important role, both inAstrology and Numerology. It has a special relation with every third number in the series. Persons with numbers 3, 6,and 9 are all sympathetic to one another.

    You are decidedly ambitious. You can never feel satisfied by being in the 2nd position. This is evident right throughyour school and career life. Your main target is to rise above everyone else and establish managerial control andauthority over others. You love to dictate and enforce commands on everyone. You are a strict disciplinarian and astickler for rules and regulations.

    You have all the opportunities before you, to reach the highest rank, of your organisation. You may excel in positionsof command in the Defense. You are extremely conscientious in fulfilling your duties.

    Your natural tendency is to be dictatorial, especially in the absence of safeguards. You may deviate from establishedpractices and try to implement your own ideas. You may not necessarily be quarrelsome by nature. But you arecapable of making a number of enemies inadvertently.

    You do not want to be obliged to anyone. You are singularly proud, and exceptionally independent. You do your bestwhen there are no restraints.

    Effect of Birth Number and Name Number

    Let us now look at the effect of the 'Birth Number' and 'Name Number' on your character and future.

    To achieve the best possible results, these two numbers should be compatible. The general rule is that all thenumbers affecting your life should be in mutual agreement with one another.

    In your case, the 'Birth Number' and 'Name Number' are not compatible.

    The 'Birth number' of a person is a fixed number, as his date of birth cannot be changed. But it is possible to changeyour Name Number by suitably adjusting the way you spell your name. Alternately you can adopt a totally new name

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    and achieve a 'Name Number' more compatible with your permanent 'Birth Number'. Thus you can hope to achievebetter efficiency in your performances. Such a change will produce very favourable results and set up entirely newvibrations. In turn your life will become more enjoyable. This has been experienced by many people.

    ASTRO-VISION DigiTell software has the special feature to help you identify the appropriate 'Name number' toimprove your effectiveness. You are welcome to view the screen for alternate suggestions.

    Since your name starts with the letter P, it has special significance for you

    You fail to display or let others know what you really feel. You can be identified even among a crowd. But you loveto be left alone, most of the times. You have your own independent taste. You allow yourself to be influenced byothers.

    Your 'Birth Number' is 3 and since the letter 'G' is present in your name, good fortune is indicated. You work roundthe clock, for the happiness of your husband and children. You are good at helping and guiding your relatives whennecessary. You can successfully overcome any crisis, because you are exceptionally self-confident. You are clever atmaking new plans to tide over obstacles and adverse circumstances. You will be a lady of patience and endurance.You seldom care about the ailments that affect you. Strangely enough you recover soon. You prefer to minimize theuse of medicines. You consult your husband on everything, before you act. When necessary, you can think deeply,like a man and even give your husband good counsel. Your faculty of intuition is remarkable.

    Your 'Birth Number' is 3. So you will be a girl with remarkable qualities. You will be adversed in the eyes of thepublic. Therefore you will grow up to be a confident lady with the capacity to command respect. From your earlygirlhood, you will be neat and disciplined. You give importance for human qualities rather than money. You are notunduly afraid of your enemies. You will become a bold woman of self-respect who would rather die than live indread. You seldom try your fortune by adopting short-cuts to success. You are always prepared to share yourknowledge with others, but you will most likely disappoint those who come to collect funds and ask for monetaryhelp. You are a woman who resigns yourself to fate and the will of God. Thus you find consolation. You do not likethe idea of anyone simply sympathising with you. You can sometimes be dogmatic and force people to directly orindirectly obey you. This will awaken your enemies who are otherwise dormant. Better be careful.

    Important Persons With Birth Number 3

    Swami Vivekananda, Rajendra Prasad, Winston Churchill, Sir C.V.Ramaswami Iyer, Gen.Manekshaw, BismillahKhan, Marlin Brando, Vedh Mehta, Florence Nightingale, V.K.Krishna Menon, Golda Mayor, Anthony Quinn,Dr.Carni Singh, Queen Elizabeth, G.Shankara Kurup, George Fernandez, Javed Miandad, Bimal Roy, IsmathChugthay, Vijay Merchant, Dr.Salim Ali, Andre Malroe, Frank Moraes, Homi Baba, Raja Rao, Irman Capote, VijayaRaghava Rao, Mulk Raj Anand, Raman Maharshi, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Franklin D.Roosevelt, JamesMitchner, Nawang Gombu, Y.B.Chawan.

    As you are born on the 12th, you will be a girl with clarity of thought. You are indeed good at your studies. Besides,you love to work in the public interest. You are likely to be away from your mother in your early girlhood. You lovea life of luxury. Generally you will be a good speaker, if you try.

    As you are born between December 21 and January 20 when Jupiter is in debilitation, the above good qualities maynot necessarily be applicable in total, at all times.

    The Effect of Fate Number and Compound Fate Number

    In calculating your 'Fate Number', the MONTH and YEAR of birth are also considered whereas 'Birth number' iscalculated from the Date of birth only.

    The basic single fate numbers, 1 to 9, represent worldly aspects. This number denotes what you appear to be in theeyes of your friends, colleagues and those you deal with closely. But the double or compound fate numbers representthe hidden influences that play behind the scene. Your destiny or future can be better understood by analysing suchcompound numbers. So they are said to denote the spiritual aspects. Your birth number gives information about the

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    physical and material side of your life. While the fate number reveals more of occult or spiritual side of your life.The findings based on your 'Compound Fate Number' are as follows:

    Your 'Fate Number' is 5, and your 'Compound Fate Number' is 23. This number is called "the Royal Star of theLion". It promises success for you. You can expect, out of the way help, from your superiors. Persons in seniorpositions will be help you from crisis problem situations. Your future plans are sure to succeed.

    Your artistic talents will be manifested, even when you are a school girl. You are sure to go abroad with yourhusband. A government job or military service suits him. You will lead a happy married life. You will be known as acareless woman. You invite problems due to the lack of caution. You can always expect help from your family.

    The Effect of Name Number and Compound Name Number

    The sages of ancient India brought forth the theory for the first time, that letters of the alphabet are related tonumerical figures. A theory popularized through the English language by Western Numerologists. Thus, each letterof your name spelt in English is assigned a numerical value. All these numbers are added to get your NAMENUMBER. One can predict your personality characteristics, on the basis of your Name Number and its CompoundName Number.

    Your 'Name Number' is 4 and your 'Compound Name Number' is 40. Hence you will become a lady who will occupypositions of high respect. Fame and honours will come to you in due course. Different ways and means of makingmoney will dawn on you and your husband, who will be really daring. You are advised to do good deeds, when youare a girl, so your old age will be happy. You should not give yourself a chance to feel that this world has forsaken ormisunderstood you.

    Number 40 makes you remain self contained and lonely most of the time. You prefer to spend your time in isolatedplaces. This is not a very fortunate number merely from the worldly point of view.

    Married Life

    You will enjoy a happier married life blessed with adorable children. If your husband's birth number is 3 or 9. A manwith a 'Birth Number' 2 will also be well suited.


    There is the possibility of skin diseases and rheumatic complaints. You could be susceptible to nervous debility aswell. Hence you are advised to include wheat, figs, pomegranates, currants, almonds and apples in your diet. You areadvised to take special care of your health during the months of February, June, September and December. Further,you should find enough time for leisure and enjoyment.


    Further, you or your husband is most likely to be employed in the public or private sector in a good rank. You can besuccessful in the Judiciary or in the area of training. You will definitely a tactful administrator, whatever be your life. You are a lady more concerned about your social acceptability and status than monetary compensation. Youmay have an instinct for services and products that need good advertisement. You can be a good advocate andreformer for the welfare of the nation. You can also be a good teacher, a religious leader, lawyer or a politician.


    The purpose of the study of DigiTell Numerology report is to analyse and understand how to improve yourpersonal effectiveness in life. The following guidelines will be useful for you.

    Favourable Days

    Your 'Birth Number' is 3. This is the most significant date for you. Any appropriate series of this number as well asother numbers harmonious with 3 can also be utilised as good dates. The dates 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30are good for you.

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    As your 'Birth Number' is 3, the best days of the week for you are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. When you fix datesfor vital matters, remember to choose these days.

    Find out the real dates that satisfy both the conditions. (ie. good date as well as day of the week). Give top priority toexecute your most important plans and ideas on these days only.

    Harmony of Numbers

    The numbers affecting your life are,'Birth Number','Fate Number' and 'Name Number'.

    In your case they are 3 , 5 and 4

    Remember that other numbers in harmony with your 'Birth Number' are 1, 2 and 9. Also, the letters C G L are goodfor you.

    As far as possible, all your numbers should have the same vibrations as your "Birth Number", in order to produceharmonious vibrations. Or else, there may be a clash of numbers affecting your life thereby resulting in poorperformance.

    Ideally, the number of your house or vehicle should vibrate with your favourable number. If the number of yourhouse or vehicle cannot be changed due to other reasons, you can evolve suitable names for your house and vehicle,which produce the similar vibrations.

    The name of the town, city or country where you stay should also produce the same harmonic vibration as that ofyour Birth number. This can be determined by the use of 'DigiTell'.

    Compatibility with Others

    Those born under 'Birth Numbers' 1, 2 and 9 are compatible. They will be able to get along with you. A person with'Birth Number' 8 is not bad for you. Remember this fact when you enter into business partnerships or marriagealliance.

    Favourable Colors

    Make sure you dress yourself in colours most favourable for you. Lilac is your lucky colour. Also shades of violet,purple and mauve. Blue,crimson and rose are not bad for you. That these colours, have an excellent effect onsoothening your nerves. You will also be able to rest and sleep better in rooms having your favourable colour shades.You should at least employ them the recommended colour in your neck ties, shirts or handkerchiefs.


    Number and music show very decided affinities. Listen to the kind of music that stimulates and energizes you.

    Since your 'Birth Number' is 3, you should listen to martial, inspiring or what may be called "full blooded" tones.

    Favourable Directions

    The abode of Jupiter, the lord of number 3, is North-East. You are advised to take important decisions facing thisdirection. See that your office table is also placed North-Eastwards. Then your intellectual power increasetremendously. Also, when you initiate a journey for something vital remember to take the first few steps in yourfavourable direction.

    Prayers and Mental Tuning

    Since your 'Birth Number' is 3, you will be fortunate if you worship Jupiter, the preceptor of Gods. Chanting thethousand names of Vishnu and meditating on Brahma, the creator, will also be very good for you and you helpovercome all evil effects.

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    The effectiveness of your Birth Number can be further improved by suitably employing your inborn capabilities. Youare clearly bestowed with the power of concentration of your mind. This can be developed and utilised to any leveldepending on your determination. You should also grasp the meaning and symbolism of your 'Birth Number'. Youshould think and emotionally attempt to merge with that number and the symbol. In time, you will become part andparcel of your number. This aspect of the science is well developed by the ancient Indian culture. Our learned Gurushave developed mantras and poojas, with the repetition of the names of Gods and Goddesses to facilitate your powerof concentration.

    Await eagerly the date you have fixed for action, based on the guidelines for choosing dates. Focus your mind on theprogramme and do not hesitate. Head straight to your topic and do the job well.

    As you begin to follow these suggestions, do not expect to find any dramatic change in your luck instantly. Change isa slow process which requires patience and determined effort. With confidence, you are sure to succeed and becomemore effective.

    With the best wishes



    This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far. Butwe do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis ofthis report.
