ASTON COFFEE · -v '*VCTMSjfW » .*; *: O f* MW n l W rratl Pair* 8— W ed. Jan. 11,...


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-v '* ■» .*;■ *:VCTM S jfW

O f* MW n l W rra tl P a ir* 8— W e d . Jan. 11, 1959*--------------------- -------------

* ! Gunmen Rob Bank; law Seeking Clues

H1ALEAII' (U P I)-T be FBI and local aulhorltle* today acarchcd |a r due* left behind by two hold gunmen who erraped wilh alraoit $20,000 from a Hialeah raving* and loan aitodation.

Th* two men gained entrv tnlo 0ia Cltlien'a Federal Savins* and Loao Ann. ahortly after eloring Hme Ttteaday on the peetrnae of■ iking a drpoait

At Aral the pair were iteniodentry by bank official*. But a law minute* later they were »d milled after 'r ilin g branch man­ager Mr* Laura Rowrll they •anted to make a depoalt.

Hr*. Howell la id they forced the door a i aoon a* ahe turned the fcry Both men wore ahort aleeve ggmrt ahtrti and faded blue Irani . One laid. "Do what we tell you «r we’ll blow your headt u f f "One of the cun men. ihort md

fwartby. atood near the door While hla ta ll, blond partner walked behind the counter and Rued »l* women and one man■ gain*! the wall. The ilx were ordered l« lie on the floor after $he bandita trooped IIB.IM In caih and cheek* from the r»ih drawer*

The pair llirn hacked (lowly W t the door, f ’olice and the FBI War* mmmoned a few minute- lite r. AothortUea aald they did aot know If the men eicaprd by ta r or m foot.

David Stuiin, p rrtld rn t of the Mvlnta and loan aaaocialion, laid oM the atoten fund* wrre Iniured

W INN-DIXIE HELPS ME GETQuantify Right* R eurc

PRICES GOOD Thru Thuri. F r i , Sat. Jan. **, 33. U

On Death’s Brink, Found In Gutter, Musician ‘Hazy’, MIAMI ( t r p n - A Miami mud- Man who waa found on the brink of daath with h it body tempera­ture at 7« degree* told phyalclana today " I feel pretty good "

Dpclore at Jackaon Memorial Hotpllal aald cheap whlaky ap sarently helped lo keep Tommy pearre, in. alive-, lie wat found lying In a gutter Monday moraine

He waa believed dead after a

CBimlnary examination found no art beat. I'hyalelan* raid the

piano player went Into a coma, preventing him from generating ■eat by ihlvcring or moving

Normal body temperature l i M 6 and trm p rra tu m much tie few m are uaually fatal

"He had to havr an awfully

i l l rang heart to aurvtve.” one doctor aald.

" I feel pu tty good.'* I'rarce Mid "M y mind'* ■ little haty

and ! Teel all hot and ro lil, Inti I'm okay."

M O R E FOR M Y F A M IL YMore Name Brand Food - More Low Pricesplus TOP VALUE STAMPS




1-Lb. ConLimit oo# with Q « 00

or m or* Food Or dec.

Navy Man Killed As Car Hits Pole

JACKSONVILLE ( I l l ' l l - A Hevy man waa kilted today when b it apeedlng car ran off a road •od I t ruck a telephone pole

County Patrolman H. L. Webb M id the victim , whole name waa withheld unlit next of kin were notified, we* thrown too f t el from the wreckage after the car •truck the pole and overturned •event tlmr> ecu' 1 * nearby Mayport


CVrtlfleil Blue Tag SEFIt


Tuxedo Feed StoreC or. H anford X 2nd

FA 2-2624




Bennett's—for the fiiu-t in Fleh nnd Sen Food

King Mackerel8 m T ro u t

8 m Ih im i

Rod Snapper Flounder

Wim FUh Pompano

Mnngo Snapper P u t F l ih

Frweh Roe Mullet Smoked Mullet

Shrimp — Oyntern Lobster — ClamsFull lino of U. 8. No. 1

Krowh and Cured Meal* Canned (ioudt, Noliona

and Soft Drink*

B E N N E T T ’ SGrocery A 8m f ood

1MB W . 1 0 th P A 1-0998 Open Sundnyu t i l •

OHS Week-Day* ‘tfl 7:»0

D IN N E R R O LLS ss 10’THRIFTY MAFO YELLOW CLING LI86 Wivolc Kernel or Cream Style


Pod PEAS 2 35' PEACHES - 3725






A ir Demlofont

FLORIENTLotge Con 79'


FLAKESi Rro, Pkg* 19'


AJAXReg Con* 33'



F L U F F O Lim it one wilh a S5. or

more Food Order

■ * * V* « .. — • w *. # f- - *.***-**'•■• > " ' .1 * 1 - * * * ’ ■

W-D “ Branded” U. S. Choice LAMBTender, Flavorful


BOUQUETO Reg n n < J Bara / 7

0 ' L A M BCovhmere


Toilet Soop

SWEETHEARTBothBor* 29'Toilet Soop


Delicioui Lamb

Toilet Soop


Bor* 29'Liquid

PINK VEL12-o«.Bor 69*

L O I N C H O P SLeon, Flovorful Rib

L A M B CHOPSW -D "B randed"

L A M B BreastFrcth Ground Lamb

P A T T I E SW O "B randed" Shoulder


\ A / L r35


A R R O WG i o n t

Pkg.O N L Y


U. S. No. 1 White




* • ;


Florida Grade "A" Dr. & Dr. - 3 to 4 Lb Avg.

STEW ING H EN S - 25 RED APPLES 2 29 < )


Smoked (Not Sliced) Bely Cruck#r Canned


O C TA G O N6rantBar 10'

Copeland Hot or M ild Polmcto Farm*




W U k T k k Coupe*

Pk8Of 24

1 0 / OFF

29; RegularPrie*29/

I Lb 35'Delergorvt

A DLor go P h * 33*


V^L,La* O O f 7 7 <Pkg J J Pkg / /

Bo*Itxi Butt Palmetto Form*

PORK ROAST u, 49' COLE SLAW *»Tatty Kmg Palmetto Forme


MORTON FROZEN Beef, Chicken, Turkey or Salisbury Steok


FORM i* ’lm


• • -* ■

Loud O1 SwttthmeOYSTERS 2Swperfcrand

P U R E B U TTER > 5 9 'EG G S Shipped Grade "A*

Larpe Dob 49

T l

Eh? j^ m tfh r b S m t S )' AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER ■

VOL. XLIX 1’nited l»rvn* Leaned Win Kitahliahcd 1008____ T IH ’llSDAY. JANUARY 22. 10,<i» SANFORD, FLORIDA NO. 354

Snow, Storms, Floods Hit U .S .At Least 52 Dead In Icy Onslaught

PROTECTION AO A INST POLIO—March of Dimed leader* get their Salk (thole front Dr. J»ck Thurmond, county health director. Firat on the Rat ia Mr*. Huanell Spencer.

chairman of the Mother*’ March, scheduled Keb 2. Lett to right. Dr. Thurmond, Mr*. S| enter. Mra. Martin Dyer, John Saul*. Wight Kirtley. (Ilendd Staff Photo)

Adults Also Need Those Polio ShotsAdults should hiv* poNo shoU,

too.ThM is lb* m t u iK that lead

• a o( llw Seminole County March nf Dime* arr stressing during January. The latest vie Ikn of the crippling diaeaie wa»

• a woman. ■ y*ara old.Yesterday afternoon John Sauls

chairman of the dried. Wight Kirtley, eo chairman. Mra. Huatrl

Spencer amt Mra Martin Dyer, co- chairmen of ihe Mother's March, all had their polio ahota.

AdulU who have mil been <n norulated with Ihe Salk vaccine • hould make arrangements with their family phytirian i In do ao. Children through the age of la may (el the ahota free at the ‘ounly Health Unit on Palmetto We

Merchants Discuss Aids To Business

I Hanford mrrchanta like Ihe idea of lh« Ratal! Merchant* Division. Thia waa apparant from reports made thla morning at a meeting of the represent* lives of oaeh cate •» ry.

The automobile dealer* suggest­ed that marchauta place at rune

•New s BriefsCuba Recognized

BAGHDAD, Iraq ( U l ' l )— The tack, and prevented reason* why Iraqi government (ormally recog- oiled Cuba'* revolutionary govern menl Wedneaday.

emphasis un beautification of downtown Sanford and m«rr park* ingn ap*ce The dralrra alto re­quested a resolution to the city nnd county, aakinr Ihe two govern­ment* to purchase equipment at homr whenever possible.

Kd Hunt, repreacniative for th« dealer*, cited a recent hid accept ed for city truck*. "When the city buy* from Orlando in a deal that effective vaccine, the door* of amount* to $111,000, it ia taking a good health have been opened to lot of our money over there. The Ihouajnd* of other afflicted chit- local hid war not much higher than d frn and adult*, the added the Orlando bid " ------------------------------

Jewelry atorca look a different

Kundt for the support of Ihr Nalional Foundation and It* pat lent aid program a rr being col Irced throughout the county now*; and will climax with Ihe Mothers' March Feb. 2. The Mothers' March from 7 * p. m. will take in all area* served by the Sanlord post office.

Mra. Spencer la id "The Foun dation belongs to ra th of us Of tiie iunds collected in Seminole County, h2lx per cent slay* here for the Patient Aid Program 37* a per rent goes to the Foundation for research and scholarships tin- Foundation grant* more than d,7i*i scholarship* a year

"While mnre than Jl.ouo waa collected in Seminole County la it year, more than 110,000 w*» spent for patient aid The program I* extended to all children through the age of l i , for research and therapy on birth defect* »nd rheu­matoid arthrlti*. a* well a* the usual lr>alrnrnt and prevention of polio,"

The Foumlwiun ha* not stayed Idle. With the discovery of an

Manager Is SelectedThe Washing tun Senators have chosen the mail who

will mu.mgr Sanford'* team in the Class It Florida Stale Longue this year.

His appointment will la* announced in the very near future, acrnrHinyr to W. K. McKol>erU. Selection of the Sun- ford malinger was made ill the past few days.

McRoherts, who met Sherry Robertson. Senator** farm director, said “everything is progressing nicely.”

The Sanford Rasciadl ('lull, a non-profit organ tuition, will oimrate the t«*am. Me Roberts said that membership now ia often for prosjiective stockholders.

Anyone interested in puttiiiK money in the club should contact MeRolwrt* at FA 2-0GL t.

$1 Million Bonds Sold By Seminole

the State Devrlupmrnt Commit turn today opened tiida fur $1 mil lion In Seminole County roxd bonds

On hand for Hie event ui Tali*

Ike To Join QueenWASHINGTON (UPJ) - I Ted- 1

f dart Elsenhower plan* lo JoinQueen Elisabeth at formal cere moniaa opening lb* J*t. Lawrence Be* » * r In June

•Summit’ Possible

High Will Return For Speeches Here

A highlight af tin- year fur

money. W# should devu iTw r u7« « • " * • » ,°V *ro n u ’ I S S t a S • Sanf in i " * *ailicit nf Parent* ,tWl Teacher*

people shop in another city. It. S'. Hlackweldcr, rrprrvcntuig depart incut *turra tald, “ We are harping loo much on Orlando amt not wurk- mg hard enough on thing* lo cep people hero We can't criticise people fur where they spend their

nnd energy to one placer Sanford.Fraudi l(oumi!lal. chairman uf

Ihe Diuann, told merchant* hr ha* received a number of letter* with suggestions aUiul improvement*. „ , .

LONDON <UPI)- i rune Min Several of ihe tiuiinraamrn felt nu, , n_ ,ister Harold MacMillan indicated that teller* published m the Her Unlay there may be a Western | aid were bail publicity and hurt aummlt meeting lo dia< us* frr*h their nusiut a*

Mill Ik- ol -civrd next Monday andTuesday night*, when t'harlra S High <>r tor State Department of Education hat a return engage-

pmpoaal* to the Soviet*.

• Cole HospitalizedBURBANK. Calif. lU P ll-P ia n -

lot arranger Buddy Cole. 42, w *i reported in *ertou* condition today a$ St. Jo*eph'a Hospital where hr was taken Wedneaday following a heart attark.

Asks Troup RecallRIO DK JANEIRO (U l' l)— War

MinDter Tcxtha Lott lia* urged rm President Jutcrtino KubiDchek to

recall the Brarillan bxttalion now •anting with the United Nation* Emergency Force in Suer

Castro, Take NoteMEMPHIS lU P l i - Dr. P. B

Ruttell Jr., an obstetrician and gynecologist, suggested today that Fidel Caatro seek volunteer* lor medical research among the men faring firing squad* in Cuba.

• Volusia ‘Is Clean’TALLAHASSEE (U P ll - The

stale auditor gave a dean bill of health today to the financial man agrmanl and record keeping of the Vnluaia County la* collector and assessor.

Won’t Invade CubaNEW TURK <U PI)—Fufgrncio

I * Balista, ousted dictator of t uha, 's a id Wednesday night that he ha*

no intentiona of making an armed invasion of Cuba.

No Quorum, No MeetTALLAHASSEE (U P I) - Inc

monthly meeting of tiw Florida S heriff* Bureau was cancelled Wednesday Iwcauae af lack of aquorum.

• Egan ‘Improving^SEATTLE, Wash. i U I ' l j —Go*.

William A. Egan uf Alaaka was reported a “ tittle improved" to­day la ha critical battle for re oovary from a two - how omrr genoy opera!loo.

High received much a-'laint for hi* appearance* here l«>t year, according to Mr? Ira Southward, rouip it president, who said thatKounilllat cummitlevs . ........... , .............. .. . . nunieruua request* for hi* returnwhich ssl t>e chosen at a genera . , .,

meeting of the merchant*. -Ian. Jt*. in the Civic Center. The planning committer will arrange a vis- month sales calendar for all cate­gories, the promotion committee will see that the calcrptar works; the executive cnmmiltrr w ill «e- curr legislation.

There also will Iw a l-uird ot dl rector* composed uf department head* ItoUMlIlat urged all mer-

have l>*eii madeTrie *|ieaker w ill discuss pentn-

etil situations that isccur in th e ; live* of a child fruui tin- element-j ary gradrt through high school Mrs. Noulhward taiidod the cdu calur's ability a* a speaker, with •pedal emphasis on hi* "d wn to earth, practical approach lo In * ' *uhjcc| "

The srs*iunt w ill lu g in at X P in. in Setuinolr High School all

Mikoyan Thinks U. 5. Wants Peace

WASHINGTON (U P I) - Soviet D-puly Premier Anatla* I Mtko yan said today his visit lo the United Stairs has convinced him the American people want lo end the cold war "once amt fur all'* ami establish "good neighbor" re lation* with Russia

Mikoyan said it was Ihe re­sponsibility of Russia amt ihe United Stale* to tee that the lie- lire * of Russian and American people are fulfilled

Hr expressed his views in a 'Thank you" telegram to Secre­tary of Stale John Fo»'.rr llullei. It waa sent trom Argenlla, New­foundland. where Mikoyan'* plane was forced to make an emergen­cy landing because ol a fire In Ih r engines An unofficial trans­lation wav made pnhlir by the Soviet embassy.

Mikoyan told Dulles: "My trip, though not a long on*-, ha- con­firmed our conviction that the American people, like the Sovlrt people, want to do away with the Told war' onrr and fur all. In i'«tahlt*h good neighbor relation* lietwren our countries It i> the grrat rraponathtlity ot huth »ur governments to see that Ihese de­sire* are fu lfilled at soon a* po* Slhle

water were all member* id Ihe County Commission amt Mack Cleveland Jr., county attorney

In a telephone convn aalion trom Tallahassee, Cleveland laid that the Senimnlr bond* were "h id in” by the Florida Sat ion at group nf banka. Jacksonville, at an average Interest ro il of 4 14 per cent. Four firm * submitted bids on the Si-mmole bond*.

"The coinmisdon amt I arr very happy at the number ot bids and the low interest rale on our bonds," Cleveland said. "M e recommended lhal the Deve­lopment Commission. which meets tomorrow in Gainesville, accept the low hid for our bonds "

Cleveland aaid the low interest rate "reflects the good condition ot the Seminole County road pro­gram ." lie added Ihai the St-tnl mile hid wat "as good, or te l­ler than bids on bonds ottered by three other counties” *1 today's meeting.

The huml* will riot be an in ­debtedness against the enmity. They carry the gusrantrr of the sreundary gasoline lax, rw llrrtrd by the atxle lor the conn tie.

The I t million in bond* will mature la IMS.

14 Counted Dead,’ Five Missing In Floods In Ohio

C O L l'M H IO h io (U rn — The grim toll of Hash flood* In Ohio rose to 14 today wtih police re­porting a number of persons miss­ing smt up to to.wx) homeless.

4 cull! wave slopped the record ramlall which dumped up to five inches of rain on the slstr hut Ihe snow and ley pavement* made cleaning up operations d ifllru ll.

Emergencies wi re declaied In a number id elite* Including Coliim Ini* anil Mount Vernon

School*, shirrs, snd factorie* closed in man* areas. S lrrl- tielm rlrd N a tio n a l G u a rd s m e n Joinrd local oftlctats and Coast Guirdsmen in rescue o|>erathins. The Red Cross «*-| up emergency housing fa c iiiiir* in scliools, churches, bulge ball* and private homes.

The la in* came suddenly and continued without letup to cause the worst flood in Ohio In more than 20 year* III some areas, the flood was compared with th r l!H4 fltMvcl, ihe worst in Ohio’ s history,

Ire lilts BridgetThr downpour turned small

streams inlo river* It broke tin­ier in the major rivers, sending rhunks two fret thick amt $0 feel square pounding inlo bridges. A number of tiridgrs cracked under Ihe relentless pressure. The high­way patrol said It wat Impossible lo make ail a rru ra tr tabulation of Hooded roads

Flood damage was high in Col umhus where more than 2..VX) per­sons were rvaruatrd from thetr homes Travel acrutt the city trom east lo weal was almost Im­possible The Scioto River over­flowed, furring evacuation of pub- lie housing units.

t a i le d F i t t s lu lc i n a tio n a lFloods, snow, sleet, rxtn, lor-

nadir wind* slid h ittr r cold hit tbs nation today in the worst on­slaught ot tiie winter. Deaths at­tributed to weather condition* are 11 least $2.

In addition, five persons Were I missing and presumed dru*ued m Ohio s worst Rood In two decides.

I Thousands were left homeless by the Hoods and damage was in the million* of dollar*.

The five m illing weru tossed into Ih r raging Chagrin River to a rescue operation.

At llulfalo, N Y „ a grain boat was ripped from it* mooring* by gale force winds and flood cur­rents and sent crashing into the main span of in important hridg*. Tbe bridge was demolished.

Rivers leave Rank*In Connecticut, an Ire jam sent

Ihr llou ia lon ir River •pilling over its hanks al New Milford. Hood­ing several building*

Al Sharon, I'a , the Shrnango River f o r c e d hundreds fo He# their homr* In the worst Hood in Ihe community's history. The riv ­er. swollen hy two days of rain and a J.Ouu foot tee jam below Ihe city , spilled over more than a ■toren blocks.

Flash Hi* >d(ng in ih r Buffalo

(Vff W rit First St drnl occurred. The th r ll entered his Irfl side, next to I lie heart. In ve iligsting officer* said that Grif ft* already had prepared hunting equipment for a trip.

The gun apparently m ig h t on some clothing In Ihr r ln tr t, as the hunter grabbed R by the barrel.

t ir t ll is wat a partner in thr contracting firm of l ir i f t i* and llu n irr. Mrs Griffis wat In Sealtle Wash , when the shooting uccurr-

r V n‘ ‘ I * ™ * * ,(donum. A* last year, tbe speakerattend the ratification meeting al W(J| dlvMf hi( t ' , lP liptwt. ,n ,rr* i r l te. lure ami open forum periods, with

Charles -Slaubits, Divisiua »dvl* ^ refreshment break between or, urgrd merchants lo plan fur spring promotion*, ami reminded them lhal th r criticism they were receiving wn- constructive. "You have an awful lot here, hut you mutl lake advantage uf It." hr said

The Division's atlcndance wav requested al a Hireling Frt> 7 of Ihe Florida Council ol llu s in i»» and Industry The Council it al temtpmg to abolish thr |>rr*onj| proprri) las.

PTA Schedules Important Session At Seminole High

\ mcrling of "il|n io*l pupor- I a lice" of Ihe Seminole High School IT A lis t teen announced l»> the president, Mrs John Sclursrd

> To ia* held al 7"iO pm. Tuesday, the vetii.m will take place m the muse room id Semlnulr High. Mrs. S iluranl said that thr session will run*dude in time for memlerv to attrnd the tprc io) program to !>r i.revcntid th r tame evening by-

Mrs Kota K Warren. 7b. of u ,r •s' ,nln“ lr ‘ uunfy Council of,mvs,, u- a ' f ’arenlt and Taachert.JirgO huh! A ve., died Vv rdnrsday . , , . , . ■ .’ l l ie high scImkiI group will meetm an Orlando hospital | agr action on plans for the rr-

Among the survivors ire Samuel inxilidrr of the srhool year, Ihe E, Warren of Sanford. Hawthorne president said A ll members and Funeral Hume is in clisrgi' o f ar- prosiwrltve mamlwrs are rrqun t rangrmrnta. *|ed hi be present

Mrs. Rosa Warren Dies In Orlando

Frundizi Sees IkeWASHINGTON ( U l ' l ) krgen

Uae I’resident Arturo Frunditi § * s i espeeted lo outline hi* coun­

try 's economic plans today la • ra il o* I ’resident Eisenhowaa.

Bonds For BuildingTALLAHASSEE ( L I ’i ) - The

c44y af Tallahassee has filed suit la I too Circuit Cou.T fo r valida­tion of I4.SOO.OOO M bond* lo fi- pence eooatructjoa of a new office M ild lnc B fsapaa la raai to itate


Deer Refuses To Sleep; Has Another Day In Zoo

T in Not Bomber' Bright Tells Jury

ATLANTA (Ul'l) — George Bright, a slrndrr, balding man. fervently denied today that hr had anything to do with the bombing of the Jewish Temple here

Bright took th r witness (land end vaht in the unsworn ila lrm rnt permitted liv Georgia law lhal all he knew- nf Ihe Oet t l bombing wav what he read in the newi papers

The defense reslrd its case a lt­ar Bright made his unsworn statemerit

" I am not guilty. I hast mi knowledge of e*en how to handle dynamite" Bright said He *»ld the most powerful etplosivr he has ever used was a firecracker when hr wa* a child

Bright taUl he was with « wu man identified as Martltn Craig from well h rfu rr the Sunday morning dynamiting until lung a ltrr Ihr incident Hr said hi was arn sled and la ilrd without »■ v r w ring a warrant ami did nul hear the charge* until four days Isli-i

lb- said hr never advocat'd vln truce of any kind, has a number uf Jewish tr irn d i, has daii-d a number uf Jewish girls and that hi* Irn tm alr in th r Army wa* a Jrw

At l hr end ui his sUlemrrit Bright stiKid up, raised hi* right hand and said’

" I i » r t r before you t >mi al before thr Judge, I swear before iny parrnt* who are silling in lids munroum and I swrar liefurr God Almighty Hut 1 had nothing lo do with Hut horrible launhing."

War Trials Start For 600 In Cuba

HAVANA (U l’ l ) - H ie "war crim e*" trials of non defeated foes of Fidel Castro, rndorwrl tty Ihe rherrs of more than Mxy.non Cu­bans at Wednesday * ta i l mast meeting here, begin today In Ha­vana's IS.Ono seal Sport* f'alare stadium.

In sis provincial cities, firing squads awaited 17 already con­demned men in a nationwide cam palgn which Castro say * w ill mean death for alHiiil 4nu supporter* nf misled rx-l'resldrnt Fulgrnrln lia tltta

Hie government today threat ened "revolutionary ju t l lre " for UBi riin v lrlrd common criminals who cleaped from prison during the revolution unless they surrrn dered within 72 hours H ire r nf these were said to hr Americans who were evacuated to the United Siatea Jan 1 with U, S tourist*.

Agriculture Minister Humberto Sort Marin, author ol Cuba's new crim inal emir, will prosecute ihr first three defendants *rhrdulrd for tria l here-- army officers charged with the torture or mur der uf mere Hian 200 prison*

Castro, after repeatedly dr- Honoring Ihe U. *i rungreaanien and newsmen whn liad r r it lr l ie d Cuba's mas* esreutirms. lold W rdnrsday s meetings dial Ihe number of "war crim inals" his men expeit to kill amount to only aiaiut one of every I (»*> perton* killed by American A Iwimh* In Jaiian

The remark drew a wild uvaliun Hum Ihe rrmsd.

Stop Hibernating, Ike Urges Repubs

IIES MOINES. Iowa (U P I) - President Elsenhower called on Ihr Rrpiifillran Party today to quit acting like • "hibernating elephant" between rlection ram patent

lie also told the GOP Nationjl Committee that the party must tell the country right now what it stands for In term* of long range goals

Thr President's prescription for a Republican comeback from its defeat* of 191* was contained in a message In Hu- opening set-inn of thr national rominitter's two dav mei-ling which climaxed this w ick'* round of planning for I9t>it

I lied to Alcurn's demand that Hu- GUP login campaigning on a p a l iiu iiid basis, E itrnhowrr told Hie eommlKrr

" I deeply regret lhal sumr pro pie look u)Nm our party ** ■ kind uf lillw-mallng elephant who wakr* wilh s mighty trumpet Idatl al election lime am) then rr-ts ralm ly until the nett ram palgn

"Political activity must tie a matter of u iirc in iiiing rlfo rt It must go on v a day* s year if wr are to maintain thr vitality that has made our nation grrat.'*

TTir tis point buck at the ban ford Zoo will have to endure one murr day of captivity

State Game anil Wildlife o(li rials fired three blanks this mum big in an attempt to capture the deer. The blanks, which were thought to be filled with a Iran quilirer drug, were shot (mm a dart gun

The buck ha* bcciun* loo much for the mo to handle, and w ill be released In the Farmington Game Reserve to spend Ihr rest of hi* Iff* In the forest. Mrs. Arnold Hood, superintendent of the mo, urged Herald reporters lo U ll ihe public that the dear la not going lo ha destroyed.

The Wddlifa Commit >ioa will

try again tomorrow after it hws obtained the drug from Inverness. When Ihe deer ha* been snsrsthe sued, hr w ill be loaded in a covered truck on two mattresses, ami taken lo th r game reserve

The big buck was burn five years ago In thr sou. Thousands nf rh ildrrn fed him as he wand rr rd around the monkey island. When he became ton aggressive for Ihr monkeys, he was moved to thr guat and deer rage Now, too officials feel, the big boy h is become too much for both attendants and his rage mates. The wild instinct*, perhaps w ill he satisfied when hr reaches ihr forest, and liv r • our hi# life wilh Ins own kind.

Actress Admitted To Clinic Again

H O L L Y W O O D ( U P I ) - Twen t ir lh Century For Studios an nounerd today that sultrv scire*t Gene Tierney hat reentrrrd thr Mrtminger < linie in Kama* which •lie left only Iasi summer after els month* ol trra tm rn l

A studio spokesman said HDl Tierney's voluntary return tu the famed r iin lr wat rrpurted to them hy her mother. Mr*. Belle Tier­ney. by telephone from Green- wte)i. Conn. He said she would not appear In “ Holiday Foe Lovers" w it'i Clilion Webb wilh whom she

sLu to sU rn d in ' Laura.''

Could Have Called Game Due To Rain

MEM I ' l l Iff I t l l ' l l Ih ry should have railed the haskrthall e*m» on a< count of rain

lint Treadwell High rwhool t-eat Ea»t High here Wednesday night M 44 a* the sprinkler system went havw irr and covered the fo o t and many of the 7.000 spectators —with water.

Two Cars Collide; Drivers Not Hurt

An unden t at I 47 p ni yes­terday Hed up traffic at ?4Hl and Park bill caused no in junctpolice said

Mur I Edwin dusted Jr t i l lia rn-on Avr fulled lo In-ed the ktnp sign a* hr rnlerrd 2Mh Hi. hy tie F indtnan

H iistrd't *47 sedan tuslairisd dim s get uf $140 when it was hit hi a ear driven try Floyd Spark­man. 1)4 IIum i II Avr Sparkman w *i going rast on 24th Si. ( ‘apt. Arnold Williams investigated

Contractor's Death Ruled Accidental

Tin- death of a local contractor yesterday afternoon wa* ruled ac­cidental liy t'oroner Hugh Duncan.

John Henry Griffis. 47, wa* wounded fatally when he apparent­ly jerked his automatic shotgun from a hook tn a clothes rlo trt,causing it to discharge. . . . . . . . . . .

Grlftis was atone In his hum. " « w“ ' ^ r i l * d a. one of thawhen the arc. . ln. . h r . ^ ‘ ,ory’I ombiits'd Hihh) and wind ilimaga

around Huftatn wa* expected to run close to tu imllhm dollar*.

At Madison, But, laic Wednes­day, a group of school children waded to safety through the ru*h» mg wafer* of a flooded stream when their bus stalled on a tirhlgr. Minutes alter ihe children had reached safely, Ihe bridge buckled.

Flood, wjnd and rain damage was equalled by the snow and bit- tr r rold which swept the interior tn b illia rd like proportions.

Cold Will Arrive 'n Area Tonight

MIAMI fUPI) - A new cold w a rr moved inlo northern Florida today, nothing tempeiatureg down '<* near 'feWng.

Pensarola registered S3 degree weather and Tallahassee had 41 degrees. It wa* a balmy I t tn Miami amt Fort Myers.

The cold wave, accompanied by scattered shower*, was expected In reach South Florida tonight.

Forcrastrr# said Hh* mercury would dip lo 44 In South Florida lonlght ami 24 in the north re­gion# A low of so was predicted for Key W rit.

The cold wave wat rspeclcd ta remain through Saturday.

Thr tatrst frlptd spell enmrl on the heel* of unseasonably warm and humid weather which scnl Vacalionrr* tn the heaebts Wed- n r-day as temtieraturr* rlim licd above no in many cities. Ocala wa* the warmrtt <pot In Ihe na- Bon With an *4 while Fort Myeri hsd an $1 and Jackionville a 10,

ed.Investigating wilh Duncan were

Constable Slim Galloway and De­puty Sheriff Vcrn Brewster

Griffis has Itvrd in Sanford for th r past nine years Hr was born April 21. 1921, In Ration! Hewas * member of thr Elks lauige of Sanford

Also surviving are lour rhildrrn, C athie, Judy, Johnny and David, Sanford. Iwu brother*, Janies G riitl* . Sanford. Rudolph Griffis, Flush*, one sitter, Mr* Evelyn Woods, Sanderson

Funeral servlets -sill lie *1 1 p. m. Saturday a l Ihe Uhurrh of God uf Prophecy, 24lh and Elm. The Rev. J H. M ister w ill offi riale Hurial will Iw In Oaklawn Memorial Park. llrit*on Funrral l lo iiir It in charge of arrange menl*.

After 500 Trips, Atlas Is No More

WASHINGTON ( U P I ) - Amer­ica's Atlas talking satellite ts dead

Thr Defense De par I menl said Hu- I's Ion Allas wilh l i t 140 pound* of Instruments priilubty plunged hack inlo th r ttino-phrre and burned up over the 1'arlHe sometime before 10 a m Wednes­day after circling ihe earth more than .Mmi times

The Smithsonian Aslrapliyslcat laboratory al Cambridge, Mast., *ahl a firry nhjerl wa* teen in Ih* -kies at • M ■ m hy the I ’ S naval hate al Guam and hy the cruiser Rochester halfway be- tween Hawaii and Japan.

When Ihr Atlas, the heaviest satellite ever launched, wat hist led intn orbit from t'a|w Canaver­al. FI*., Dee 1$, scientists pre­dicted it wuuld stay aloft Jn days. It actually circled Ihr glolw 44 days

Cold Drinks, Milk Stolen By Thieves

\n estimated f>ll Udtlrs of cold

stolen from the drink box at June* Tire Shop, Ninth and Sanford, last night.

Vide I Jones told Sgt W K Cut- glove and Howard Whrh hr] of the poller department that Hie thieves evldrntl; had pnro the hoi open with a bar.

Sex N ot Entertainment, Internal Revenue Says

W e a k e rFair and math colder tonight

and Friday with lows lonlght 14 lo to. Southerly wind* betomktg northwest lo lorlh t l la 2* miles per hoar, diminishing tonight.

W o r k s O n D i i t p l a yLONDON (U l*l)— A Tollecllon

of works by Robert Hurna hat gone on display In Moarnw to mark the 2r*Ah anniversary nf theb io ll it i i poet's birth.

WASHINGTON (D PI) — Call girls are not unirrta lm nrnt—al lead lo Uncle Sam's las collec­tors.

The Internal Revenue Service Said Indaj businessmen may mil deduct fre t paid to prostilutes on Ihrir lax rr-lurns under the guise of “ entertainment" or “ public ra- lathin'*** experutilurea.

A Revenue Service official said some firm s had twen nabbed try ­ing to past off sex for-hlra outlays at legitimate bustnesi deduction* Rul he said Ihr practira did not seem lo Iw widespread

He said no luHnetiman had

Captain Nominated By Three Letters

The Herald is welcoming totter* citing Sanford resident* fu r cour­teous acta.

In Hu* mall lids morning, them were three letter* A ll three laud* •d t'apt. Arnold William* of Hm Sanford Pullce Department for hla • uurtesy and consideration.

The letters will appear tn Tha Herald Inmorrow but th r fact that *11 three praised Capt. William* in unrelated rates it worthy of mention today. One cited him /o r patience during an accident on .Veil- nttils* Avr., another fur h it

, . . , . . . , lun tu lr ration when a rlu ld wasInnk . sods quaftlily «.f mP »ere j 4||Uik <m y rrflrh A (r |hpother for Ins rodstant i uurtesy a* a frtrm l and a policeman.

Tiie letters were mailed 111 run* Dection with the J a y r r i i ' Courtssy Week, Jan. 2ft 31.

Even Shoplifter Bargain-Conscious

HUMKHTEAD IU P I) — Even a shoplifter la bargain . annscioua ta \s V irg il Kilpatrick, a Unit &0.

M lien Kilpatrick was arrested Wednesday for taking three Udllea of ahavmr lotion valued at T l ceuta from a super market he told police;

“ It was such a good bargain I couldn't pass tt up."

protested formally when his rati girl bills were d rrla rrd taxable.

At the same time, the agency conceded that th r call girls prnb ably can gvt away without pay­ing Ineome taxes tf they do not go in for big rolls of monry, fancy aparlmenta or furs.

•The only way you ran let! how much they’re making la to dump them upside down to see what’s In thetr pockets,*' an* agent said

The lax spokesmen pointed out that legitimate public relation* and busmen outlays ar* deducti­ble. Hut they said txpente i for anything Illegal—which prostllu turn ia— uia$ out be deducted.

‘Sheriff’ Brady To Have Birthday

I . I . Brady, former Semtmln County sheriff and represent a- < live, mil be n years old to moat

In a pre birthday state menl, Brady said, “ I consider myself one of the young men of Sanford."

Brady has lived in Sanford forhi years.

_ J

tsgfiia j • • ■■ * \ k > ‘ * ^

w j # & ■-■• • * ; .>T h a n , Ja a . t t . 1M »---------------------------------------------------

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Civic, Fine M s Departments|Tjj«| :. " - t'i* *' I * * 1 , ‘ . V; ■' , ■ ■

Combine Meetings This MonthTV , Civic cad Kin* A rt, depart-,e ll. Mr*. H.

■ u U rd Oif Sanford Wom»n'» 1 J A Vounf. Mr». n. T. H *rrrn , _ . 1J_ J IL .I. n .e ..i.r $#d Mr«. W. A. An-Wion. Prcccd-a u b combined Ik f lf rrtutar , ,hp IuJ)chcon , m u i(fll pro.■RMlhly Steeling* with » covered I | r im w il p r r .en ltd . Mri. MilJink I < • ra nkoAn UVJiiPirlil' j_. i #«,- *_ . . .d iih luncheon W'rdnrrday.

I l o i t f i i t i were Mr*. J. I Jew*


The CPO W |*H Uvib initialed It* 1*18 nodal neiurn with an In- atalJation d iner bald In Ibe Naval A ir Uallon ballroom iialurrtar., During the rcrrmanira M r i Bedford M a r ik t ll wai ia ita llcd av S tM dcni w ill, M ri. Richard Ro M f. vice prta ldrn i; Mr*. Marvin Afdar, aeerdary; and U r*. Nor- ■land B tllr fa u illr . in a iu rr r .■ D ianna began at > p m. In

Ik* m um of tb t Am b**M duri. G ucii, marked from a buffet ta* blc of l ia r aaodalcbe*. Muffed celery, chip* and dipt and cof. t$t.

K ie l, offieer wa* pieacnlrri w ith

I roraiga ef camalloai. Thr of- cera Ub|a w ai decorated with

rrangemenl of golden chry- tm um i accented with blue M. Tb# cantarpiaea waa won

l ite r by M r i. Nara W illiam i.»

Past Matrons

Club Mas Meett The P u t Matron* Club. Order

i f the pa tla rn Star, bold It* Jan-

r y meeting on Monday eveningthe M (tonic 11*11.

•Tha meeting wai a tpecial uc- ig fino bl honor of Uie Junior t m Matroo. Mr*. U il le Sbep- fa jd . Who w a i to be laltlated into i i i Hub. Tb* chlefcm and dump]- tag dinner a lio honored b r r hui< land, L. T . hheppard, re tir ing

5*6 p a il patron* win are men,. " tb* chapter were Invited,

•le tted club praaidant,____ , Andertoq, p rr ild rd at

Ike dinner and alio at Ibe rtire l- tag following- Tb* menu Intruded, ta *4dH|Pn lo Ua cWckia durnpl. tag*. ialad. hot ro lli, pie. apple, peach gnd pumpkin, and other

K. MrW h'irlrr. M rt. c iv il de frn ir. She Mated Ihc 1m-" "* -------portanca of an evacuilion pUcr

fo r every town. Sanford i t among the f!v« target area* in Florida. Thr public ibould be taught pro lertlon ara im t thr radio-active fallout (hot follow* a bomb. M r,. Itrubakrr gave Ihc croup initruc- tlon* for th li protection. Channel, 6to and 1210 arc the one, tpat w ill broadta il alert,.

M ri. S. J. N il pre irntrd Mr*.

I i l l p u t I ban of the 1W Mwly I Mr*. J.

After dinner MraSbr ■ rd wa*the club in an Irn-

ra ceremony. Mri, Q ertrudr r, a mambar from another

V W»a eUo admliltd.

AdvUory Meet Held; n » Advlaory Board of Iho Ko-

lilte d M an* Wive*' Club metfaoday nlgbt at the borne ofMan

l ira . Waller Moore.M ri. Ana Mitchell gave a d a m -

ration on tba technique of 11* I cm broidery. Thr women rn-

yd trying Ibu art U ic jn ia lv ti. I fu ll meallag of ibr club a

rty apoaaorlng M ri. MllchelT* ■eodwei w ill be diat un*d.■ Tho hoard eoniidtrtd a e o lfrr

qr u a fo r FVtruary a* a get ac> •qalniad parly for wive* of to - Sated Rian. T n ll Will U brought t|p at tha ra ttling of ibe club amici, la aebcdulrd for FebruaryA

Preach fried poteloe* w ill I * erf Ip * r I f allowed 10 ilin d in cold water about half an hour before fry ln f.

JA N U A R YC le a r a n c e

FallMerchandiseThere arc still plenty of good

buys left.,.• Suits• Hotst Sport

Coots• Sport

ShirtsNice Beleclioa

efSleeks & Belts

Come in! Look Around!

K itfamM I N * W K A R

fsM| U f N am M U M : i w



drrd CUrk. who recently came lo Oilren from Cbarltilon, W. Va., arw-ral «,loi. She w .t icrutnpenlrd by Mr and M r,. Berger Wraler. Following her m |o i, Mr. W rite r pl.-.yed two vio­lin »olo. while b l, wife iccom- p.nlrd him on th r piano,

A ltrr thr luncheon Mri pop Itrub ik ir p rc icn lrd * Ulk

Steplirn M iklcr, Slav!*, why vuokriW'lr

Auxiliary Has Meet

fhe V. F. W. Auxiliary held It. rrgu l.r raccltnc Turw liy night with |ht p rriid cn l. Mri. Ku lyn Dlibrow, presiding Thr meeting w *. opened w ith pledge to iht- f lig and prayer by the cblpUio, Mr.. Margaret D illard.

Thr charter wa, ilr.ped in memory of Be lly Smith, who died on J,nu«ry a. IW . She w „ the Ire,rarer and arcrctary of Ihc lu ii l l t ry . M r*. S illy T’aralto handed In her rrtlgnatlun a* guird ,nd wa, unanlmnuily elect- rd i t tr ta iu rc r fo r Ihr balance nf thr )»»r. M r,. Caroline Pleno I, Ihr nrw guard.

Thr president reminded all member, nf the d lit r ir t mtcting to I* held In Dcband on Feb. I. She thinked thofe w|m helped in Ihr d o n illo rl of rannrd go«1,, clothing, etc . fu r needy velcran, during ibe ChrUtma, holiday,.

She urged Ib r group In Iq r r r i ic Ihrir effort* In recruiting new menber,.

on 1 1| Club work in Sen, on County. She conducted a ik it with

Ih r following g ir l, from Slew,. Shell, ben, Itorothy Dud,. Judy Jekubclu, hh irlry Mtkler. Virginia ltra« lry, Kli/at>r!h M iktrr, *ml Virginia Slanko. Thr thrm r of Ihr *k it wa, la frty m Ihr boute.

M r, C. M. F low n ,. Mr,. ¥. E. Bob. and M r,, b'. H. Whitney were appointed lo a nominating commillee in Ih r riv ic depart mrnt

Youth W ill Conduct Presbyterian Service

The young people of Ihr Junior, You." Th i, theme will be carried Pioneer, »nd Senior High Fellow- ou‘ *■» the evening wirvien.»h!p, of the F ir , l Prr»h>terl,n Thnv* who will p ,r t lr ip , ie a rt:Churth w ill conduct Ihr evening " ^ n Minn. Junior Fellow,hip;

Alev Carman and Lind, W illmm,, Pioneer Feilowihlp; C lifford Mc-worthtp M rt ire Sunday i l 1 p

m. In th r church aanctuary.Tbt* i f rv ire I , an obirrvancr

of Ihr General A »rm bly '» Youth Sunday in the P rcib>lrri*n Cburrb, United Statrv. Thr th rm rof the young p«ople for Ibe year Sharon, Jimmy Touhy. i , *T^t the World S#e C hriit to T tir Junior and .Senior High

rho ir. under Ihr direction of Mr,. George Touhy. m inltter of m u iit, w ill prewnt Ihr fhora! M lrction ,

Kibbin III. John Miller, and Cur II* Uarnci. Senior High Ftllow- »hip. The following boy, from the Pioneer F r||q *ih lp w ill u»btr Bedford Aikrn, W rilcy Barnr,. Tommy King, Jack Ivey, Chip

P **j*m d iMr. and M r*. John William*

have * i U irir gun ta her parent,, Dr. and Mr*. Harry N. Sage, Columbui, Ohio.

Mr. and Mr*. Jerry Mryrra, DdUmDre, l i d , werr weekend gurit, of Mr. and Mr*. A. K. Shoemaker Sr.

Dr. Il»rry S. Woodruff allrndrd lb* dittrict rn tc l,ng of lb* Dental Society * l ibe l-akcaidr Inn In Ml. Dora Monday.

Mr. md Mr*. Eugene T trw illr- grr, Chiller, Pa., are vi.iting Mr. and Mr*. F red Thurtlon, her p ir ta li.

Dr. J .m .* E. Waller, pm ulrnt of Pirdmont College, Ib ino.'r.l, l i t , wa, the ovrrn lghl gum Tuta- day of Mr. and Mr*. Marlin Kline* rlpfarr. Mr. and Mr,. Ralph A. Struchrr, Winter Park, were din- nrr gurtl, at the Stlnriphcr homr that night, Thr twit umpire arc alumni of Pirdmont College.


t i i u m d a tRoyal Ainhatiadorv meet at the

F'irM Mapllit Church* at 7 p. rn.Choir practice at the F ir it Bap-

liv l Church a* follow*: Carol, A: IS p. m.; Concord, 7 p. in.; and Church, > p. in.

Tha Metlu>di»l Men', Club will meet m McKinley H il l at 7 p. m. George M ill, and h i, rommit- lee are to charge of lb* aupper. Rev- Baicora Carlloa, auperio- trndrnt of thr Florida Methodut Children', Home, w ill tie the ipca- ker.

Chancel Choir of the K in l Mrlb odlal Church will rehtarie at 7:10 p. n .

P b fD A tSeminole Aaweiatlon M u a le

K o tik al at the Flrat Raptiil Church at 7.10 p. in. About 21 churchei will be participating.

t htruh Choir practice at Hie F,r»t Mrlbodiat Church at 4:IS p. m.

SATURDAYThe FDat Cbriatiin Church will

have a poiluck aupper at 6.30 p. m.

SUNDAYPinccrral U ip lii l Church Carol

Choir practice at 1:W p. rn.P in trrta l Bapliat Church Chapel

and Concord Choir practice at 1.50 p. m.

P inccrtu Rapliit Church Youth Fellow,hip at' >:M p. m

llig piece, of jewelry cinpha»ur th i, aea.on'l deep decolltl, and wide bell*. Driwehr, are fruin three lo four lacbe, wide, plated at middle front nf lic it, and aim on ahouldcra, ileg ie cuff* and hat*.

Barbecue Party Held

C. H. McKibbrn wav gvitil of honor on h i, birthday Sunday when Mr. and M r,, frving Fein- Ix rg and Mr. and Mr*. J. f, Horlon entrrtaincd.

Friend, and co worker* were Invited to a parly and aleak bar­becue at Winkle Haven on the Weklva It iv r r . Outdoor g.m rv were enjoyed during the after­noon. In Hie evening cvcryom w .t Invited info Ihc living room where a drlicm u, barbecue dinner wa, nerved buffet alyle.

Tbora attending were: Mr. and M r,. C. If. McKIbbcn. Judy. J im ­mie and Donnie: M r,. Charle, M auigU i, Winter Park: M m Clara Edge; U r. and Mr*. Glen O liingcr and ton; Mr. and M r, lu r ry M iller and two ion,. Or Undo: M r,, ltob Ramey, April aod Mark; Mr. and M r,. J. I. Horton Jr.. J l ramie and (beryle Dawn; Chief and M r,. Cbarlci Rone. Melanie aud Nancy: Mal­lory Ann and Richard Fetnbcrg.

Ladies M d Officers InstalledThe Ladia, Aid of the Uulhrran

Churth of thn Redeemer met Thuraday evening al (be church.

The meeting w ai opened with a hymn. Inatallalion of l l » of flr ira wa, conducted by P u to r Herbert Goer,,. M ri. John Sen k in k w, , in ita llcd a, p re ident: H r, Don M > m . trcaiurer: M r, Jamc, Ekrrn . iccrrtary. H r,. 'A llium Holcomb w ill *«rve . , vice p re iid tn l.

M r, Goer., gave the dcvollnn uiing a, her topic "Called lo A it- net. In Iba W orld " Committee report, were given and ibe lame commlilce chairmen were atked lo w in fo r thn coming year.

Supper Served To Navy Men

Enliatcd pertonncl from Ihr Sanford N iva l A ir Station w rrr acrvtd a dclicioui aupper Sunday night by Congregation Rcth lv ra i l at thr USD.

T re n d for the ocia iiun were Marvin M rlUer, prcaidrni of Ihr congregation, and hla wife. Thr menu included homemade chill, aalline,, rookica, and caflre. Serving Ihr bu ffd alyle aupper were Ur. and M r,. M tiU rr, Mr. and M r,. J. Abcrbarh, Mr. aiul M r,. S im Levy, and M r,. L rr Samuel.

After aupper tb* couple, joined in the Informal Sunday night en­tertainment- The evening wa, en­joy td by all p rc c n l.

Toctd iy nlnht Deanna McMa- nu«, from Ihc Deanna School of Dance, taught cha-cha and tango Irvton, lo the men At |ra*t once » month M iv, Mi.Manu, Irarhc. modern dance atepa a l the USD.

A tasuouj jfm viptddim i/Q uptvQ w

TREASURE CHESTYou can make your refrigerator a real **rrcaiureChcM"of UcaU. Have plenty nf good Super Sue ka Cream on hand fo r mealtime, panic,, mack,, all thn brae. Lhooan from many Icm ptini fla­vor, from thn Super Sua ‘T rta iu ia Chen" at your dealer'* Mote today,

eny-Va nillaThiv i» • dclKtoor. creamy Super Sue IVnffhr ka Crura umbtaed with fltvorful Juice- lid tn red Ciumtt. ]i** ■ uper food food tor the whole family - 1 7 itmr!

w Z S n t s W m * * * '

M f i y l m n i ^ i j N M l w i K t i y M i r t e W i l u p i r ,w* T r g p w | Q m ».

When cleaning porcelain link*. M l,a Joan Wilke will play the or- avoid ilrnng, g r illy powder, that

may mar tha finiab. Si our mg pow­der, that bava a audiing action are kinder to the link 11 well a, lo hand.

gan.Thr public I. cordially invited

to hear today’a youth apeak for CHriat.

Paalor Goer*, announced that a M illion Night w ill he held Jin. I f at 7 p. in. at the church. Intire it- ing movie, w ill be ihown. The public l i Inviled. Refrtthmrnt, wilt be M rvtd by the Ladlet Aid.

HOC Has MeetingThe K ldrr Spring, Horn, B,m-

omtralion Club met af- IcnvooR ,1 the home of Mr*. G, C. Warwick.

The mretrag wa, opened with prayer by the p rr iid ta t, Mr*. S, E. Norwood.

There were I t member, pro- rot M u. L. T. Dicka wa, added lo Ihc group

The buimc.t meeting included a detailed divcuumn of thr 1U3 yearbook. M u* Myrtle Wilton and M ri. liuot ibowed two inlercittni fdm , on ih r homr and rolor.

Rcfrcvhmcnt, were aerved fob lowing adjournment.

The dale of April I I a ril net fo r the Spring Smorgaabord. Mrt. Margaret Hendrick w ill anna i t general chairman.

The ler Aid decided ta give an additional aura to the ehuro to be toward a raluiow p r# Ject.

Thn m uting waa elotcd with the U rd 'a Trayer and refrt.b-

’ nrenl, were .erved by ho ila ito , M ri. Ebb, Lee and Mr*. M. G. liodgea.

ewelert W a tch Itcp a lr

J la rg a re t C . ( iw i l ln n y " A t M .ihcr Forniure"

■ ■ 1

Store - Wide

(jja n jju v iy j$ e m a H c e !

Sale Begins January 23 at 9;00 a. m.

& % . 2 f o r 1 D r e s s S a l eThi* l* what ynu'vn btntt wait ing fur Cownn'n Big 'J for 1 Urc.-*s Sale of

entire aeiection of Kali ami Winter JJreaae.,. JiiUXB A FRIEND SHARE THE PRICE! Hires 7 - 13, 10 - '20. 121- . 24!%.

B U Y I D R E S S A T R E G U L A R P R K E . . T A K E A N O T H E R F R E E

Rear. $5.98 - $19.98

RobesVi to Vi off

Belts$1.00 to $1,98

N o w 5 9 cJe w e /ry

Reg. $1.00-$2.00

N o w 6 9 l

Bulky Knit and Regular

S w e a te r sR e g . $ 7 . 9 8 - $ 1 0 . 9 3

Up to OffFlannel

Pajamas & GownsI t e m $ 2 .9 8 - $ 5 . 9 8

Vi to Vi Off

SSL W .!f.L i hoes1 pair for * ^ 4 9 2 pair *2 ,4 9 3 Pair 53 .0 0Odds & Ends MEN’S SHOES

£xJbia J in s fitvtq au u t

U’ ct-' f iu y ’rt

SweatersPantsShirtsCapsOverall & Shirts Coveralls Sporf- Coats


I lo y ’n Reg. $2.9iJ In $11.93

JadwlsV , ell


JacketsV l Price


Shirts & Slacks Vs to off

Sub • Tocn

Dresses . Vs to ’/: off


Pajamas, Robes, Dresses, Slacks, Shorts

R e d u c e d T o C le a r !• Slacks• Gloves• Hats • Belts


R e d u c e d !Long Sleeve

Sport ShirtsReg. $2.98 to $8.95

V3 o f f

WATCHFor Extra Values


Y ,

G c H v a / tA .At


Reg. f33.0d • $49.95

S u itsNow 19.99 lo 24.99

Van Heunen WhiteCentury

S h ir ts2 .9 9

Flannel $3.98 to $5.98

R o b e sV a o f f

S w e a te r sReg. $2.9 8- $8,95

UP to V] O FF213 E . l it FA 2-IBBt

Service With

"Family FaaMons and Footwear*


WpTfj V .T*I*


Longwood * iThurj. J«n. 22, 1959—Pact I I h r P a n fn rb W rr ilb Killing Justified,Episcopalians Elect Schools Assured O f Operating M o n e y officials Decide Vestry Committee

Senator^ Lashes Hostile' WitnessesTALLAHASSEE (LTD — Flo

rid * parents ami teachers hid By JO HAMMOND * m i ranee today that there will

O rbcar VA *-3111 lx tnouju money nest bienniumElected to serve on the Vestry tu provide the essential* of a

Cammiltr* of the C hriit Eplsctpal good education system.Church for ISM were Carlton “ h»> constitute* their rsPelers. senior warden: Daniel J. * ,hr ‘op,f ° f h" ‘Screen**, Junior warden; l harl:» President * designatePastcrbach, secretary: J o h n Deucy Johnion, closing out a Reims. Irea iurer; Charlra Morri- panel discussion among legiila*ion, a itittan t trca iu rer and Wil- *°£* <h.f 'tteetirie of Ihc

_ .. . „ ..... . PTA. laid Wednesday hr thought|iam O Larson and Charlie Males. wouw hr a t,V^ r> ,| f T m i^ f m,nt ( >ab1r Hr noted, however. thatThe election followed a covered

dilh topper held at the new pariah h ill of the church th i» week.

Official "Thank*”The Longwood Fire Department

bat received an official "Thank You” from m rm beri of the La* aelberry deparlmerit for aid given in controlling a houie f ir r Satur­day, Jan 3.

I ' Teenage DanceM ri. Sherry Sammack. dance

Instiuelnr, gave teenager* Irssin*


tim e argument may crop up a definition of the m c n iia lv

Other panel member* were House Speaker -ilr wgnalr i ho in as Heaney. DeFuniak Spring*. Sen Wilton Carnway, Tallahassee and William Gautier. New Smyrna Orach, and Itcpv W. C. I l r r r r l l of Dade and Robert Mann of Hillsborough counties.

Rratley laid present U l t i w ill support an adequate school ay* tcm.

He told the I* I j \ delegate a he would not vote ’ to curtail any ichool function unless lie i« cer­tain a w ill not impair " to any degree’’ the overall education progra m.

The statement was made in reference to recent legislativo at-

I tack* on ipi-eial state 'education

on program* fo r adult*, rvrrptional children ami others.

C'arraway. chairman of the Sen­ate Appropriations Committee.

' pointed out that agencies are aiking for much more money thin the state is exported to take in Rut he added that hr didn'tthink there would bo much trouble Ned t,arltclJ

MIAMI i t PD — A policeman's fatal shooting of a Negro truck thief has been ruled yurttfubte homicide during an mqursi

Herbert Rno*evell Taylor J r , I t Miami wa* killed Wednes­day by one shot from a revolver fired by motorcycle patrolman

cutting the requests downIn reply to questions on how

ritlarn* coultl help the legislator* during the session. Cartaway said votrrs could show some appre­ciation for efforts put forth by Congress.

Johnson suggested the iitu c n t help draw the line between e**en-

Witnesses said Garfield tired without warning but they failed to appear at Ihr inqurtt before Peace Justice Fcanci* Chrislie.

Garfield, his partnrr, Patrol man Maurice Johnson and one vsitnrvs testified that Taylor wa* warned to halt G arfirld and Johnson *atd they bad rrcris rd a

tlal and non rs.enlist spending. I C,a>! tooh0Ul <,,r 4And Gautier recommended lh * l t ,,c lrn trucUoad of poultry, voter* advise their icpresrntatives and senators of their wants Electricity heals about 400,000 before the session oticns. homes in the l \ S,

STARKE ( l PI t—The head of the stales legislative Investiga­ting committer hai warned that sudden "hos tility " among wit- nrsvet may result in a full public hearing on alleged hoimuexualily at the Lniverslty of Elonda.

Sen. I'harley E John* said there was "no foundation" to complaint* Wednesday that wit- nesces" right* had been violated during hi* group’s investigation Hr said the probe had hern con ducted a* courteously at possible.

John*’ remarks were in reply to a letter sent out to l niverslty of Elonda professors by the local chapter of the American Assotia lion of Lmvcrsittc*.

Pr. IV. W Ehimann. president of the chapter, taul Johns' com­mitter had hern conducting an undercover investigation for seven months at the university. Al though John* ha* not inrntioned the nature of the tnvrillgaHnn,

Ehrmann said he definitely knew of professor* "who have been railed before Ihe investigator* and questioned about alleged homo­sexuality.”

Ehrmann said hi* group wa* concerned about the manner In whirh the investigation was con­ducted. The letter said, "faculty members have been called on the telephone or issued a per tonal summons by a mcmlier of the

.university police force to appear before Ihe Johns Committee and have been given no inkling of Ihe rea«on for ihece summons or why they are asked to appear.”

"This investigation has been underway f o r approximately seven months.” the letter addrd,

“ but sit far as wr are aware Its finding* have not hern turned over to university authorities *n that thrv may take step* to

-remedy an* defects wlurh may he disclosed.”

Ehrmann, a professor of socio^logy at the school, istd there were indication* that the tisdlvi- dual* involved were not informed of their legal and constitutional rights "including the right (o’ counsel or that their coming with­out being iutpoened is purely soluntary.”

i Johns *aM he hoped to wind 'u p the Investigation thu week. I lr said he was frying to keep the whole affair a* quiet as possibleso a* not In barm any on* by public disclosure of details.

Rut he taid ” ho«tilii)” among the witnrssr* "could lead to a fu ll committee hearing with public subpoenas ”

Dr J. Wayne Hein, university president, has declined to discus* Ih r investigation until the John* Committee provides him with its finding». or furnishes evidence to support valid rhargrv against faculty members or students.

I piled l*ir*% InternationalDES MOINES. Iowa—GOP Na

liona! Chairman Meade Alcorn, torn..unting on his party's plans

year-round campaign prn to answer Ihr challenge of

labor help to the Democrats "We re net going to be able to

match that, hut we need more staff to work full time We oppose an army of full lime troops with votuntrers w o r k i n g only two months "

in rum bi, polka, fov trot and for J wattr at the weekly Jayrer dance firam for the group held each Friday night

Phil and Steve Johnson provided entertainment with a selection ef guitar and vosal number*.

Sue Campbell and Steve John son took the p r i ir for the fast

-taaee and Betty Sue Balnirr and vlmmy Brown the pnte for the alow dance. Jim m y Brown also held the lucky number for door prlte.

. Jayree chairman. Dick Zart- man. was assisted by Jaycct president B ill LaBrcc and Mrs.La Brer.

IID (Tab MeetingM in Myrtle Wilson, Seminole r«*Hv M r '* * t,a'l I” I'mil

County home demonstration agent struction work to the six 'bowed movie* and spoke on thr

importance of the "Well dressed Home” »nd "Recipe for Color” at th* regular monthly meeting nf Ihe lamgwood club last Thur* day morning

Club president. Mrs. E. P Mull ■ney, presided and Mrs. George Olio led the devotions.

A covered dish luncheon was held immediately following the meeting.

Aailllary Card Parly

MONTREAL, Que, — Construc­tion executive R G. Johnson, on the necessity of lim iting construc­tion activities at Ihe Churchill, Manitoba, air base to daylight hours due to nocturnal visits from polar bears:

"Judging by progress reports, thosr polar bear* don't scare *«

run hour

winter daylight period lit be on the safe sidr ."

NEW YORK—A Brooklyn grand jury’ presentment, in catling fur legislation w h i c h would permit New York ichool teachers to pad d ir unruly students:

"This grand yury has found am pie evidence showing a direct con nrrtmn between the namby-pamby ailitude of ih r rducatinnsl bier archy and the collapse of disci­pline in the schools "* The Woman'a Auxiliary of the

Christ Episcopal Church held their regular monthly card party of the winter season Wednesday night at * p m. al their Parish Hall. Refreshment* were served and two door prizes awarded.

PersonalsMrs. Eauretta Fevorile, Wash­

ington, D. C. and Mr. and Mrs.Grant Langley, Franklin. Miss.

.were recent guests of Eldon Heath is seriously ill ami in "desperate %gnd Mis* Dorothy Heath. financial straits,” surd her rs

Mr. and M r*. Carl Schmidts (ranged oilman husband (or Femindina Beach, owner of a Wednesday

Hedy Lamarr Sues Estranged Husband

HOUSTON. Tex. (CPI t—Movie star lledy Lamarr, claiming *hc

grove, here, visited Mr. and Mrs L'. V. Mtllh-an Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Han Hawkins, formerly of (mngwood. are ihe proud parents of a baby boy weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces. The Hawkins are now living in San­ford,

Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Kcigans Band children have moved tu l»ng

wood from Ocean Springs, Mist. Mrs. Ktigans, th r former Betty LaBrrr, is from Longwood.

Mr. and M r i. Cecil Schanti and son Ricky, Mrs May Force, and Mr. aod Mrs. Harvey House are enjoying a w inter visit with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schrinmings.

Walkout Failu re; V s Called Off

BUENOS AIRES (U PD -Pem n Ik leaders of this week'* un*uc- reisNil "gener»l strike," pul to fltlM by v i g o r o u s police m n iu r t i. announced from hiding Wednesday night that they have decided to call off the walkout

I'nion leaders who had rseaped th* polite dragnet reported by

^telephone from "somrwhere in *A ie llin e d a ” — an Industrial suburb

known for it* support of ousted *»■ President Juan D. Peron—that their derision was reached at a secret meeting

Thr glamorous Mis* l.amarr claimed that her husband, W Howard E rr * misled a separa lion agreement *lgned last Aug r, when they derided to Inc apart

t.r r could not be contacted for comment It wa* believed hr wa* slaying a! the Villa l.amarr rr sort hotel in \t|>en. i olo . which wa* named alter Ills wife and owned jointly by the couple.

Miss Lamarr * suit claimed"As a direct consequentr of the

defendant’s utter failure and rr fina l lo recognize, perform or fill f ill h it obligation* under laid agreement, plaintiff Hedy l-a marr Lee has been catapulted into desperate financial straits. 1 becoming seriously ill "

The suit *aul Mis* Lamarr hat "required constant medical atlenlinn and nursing rare” for several month*

It pointed out that her in year old son "was grievously injured' last Dec. to when his bicycle was struck h> a car and .Mi** t-smarr i< harnrssrd with conttn uing medical expenses for him

The V. S aircraft industr? spent more than one and a half billion dollar* on research, d n r l 1 opuient and production nf civil jet transport* W o rt the plane was delivered '




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• «


i l

ialsNavy And Lake Mary Firemen Win Battle

Two home* destroyed by fire, but the eutxlivialon »nvrd. THU w u the record of firemen from the Nnvnl Air Station and Lake Mary Tuesday night when an alarm wai rounded in (ha Lockhart Subdivision.

The fire started from an oil heater, which exploded in a large, two-story frame houae. it quickly apread to a neigh* boring dwelling; soon the whole subdivision was endangered.

A Navy water tanker and the Ijike Mary volunteer de-

Krtmenl aped to the scene. Within SO minutes, the blate d been contained.

* Navy Fire Chief C. M. Whitten had much praise for Lake Mary volunteers; the Navy crew, in turn, was lauded

.f« r Ita quick and efficient action. J. Q. (Slim) Galloway, constable, said the prompt arr.’val of the two departments aaved the subdivision.

• The two homes that were destroyed were Ixyond sav* ing when trucks arrived. As many pointed nut, other frame houses surrounding the area easily could have become ignil- !

, This fire sarses aa anothei reminder to those who don’t appreciate fully the protection given by local fire dapart- ments.

Firemen, in many cases, are pictured as a lasy lot. They play checkers and cards, have much time off. Yes, they do.

8ut, they also ere ready when the occasion arises. They are ii best example of the old adage: "They also serve."

• The Lake Mary department deeerves special commends*• tion. It is made up of volunteer*, men who work full-time at 2 other jobs. When tha need arises, they leave their work and ‘ speed off to answer the call to duty.

This also serves aa another excellent example of this ; area’s close lies with the Naval Air Station. Once aguln, the • Navy has demonstrated that it i* a part of Seminole Court*; ty. It is not Just a place where pilots are trained, (lather.■ iL’ia an important and human element in our community.. '. * • •

j.No Time For Dallying

.1 . { . T<s-. vy- v -ft ■- .'S V' HJfc*fK -\ 7*" •




Ines Robb Says

S p * v



b y iN g z R on itA t in old sons beater from

! 'way bark fo r American fa ih lon i and American de tiinen . I am now readying a 21-gun salute for the ru th Avenue Association

1 which at long last has decided to present American fashions to

‘ the world in a manner I t ) com­mensurate w ith Its Importance and ( ! ) calculated to giv* the Frem-b and Italians a run for their money.

From now on. the association will present semi-annually. In January and September, the cream of the American fashion crop, without reference to lace, tweed, color or price. The firs t of these elaborate shows, which could turn out to be the Magna Carta of American fashion, w ill be held In the ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Thus Ihe American couture w ill lie presented in a glamorous frame work almost one week be. forr the usual mid-winter open­ings in Paris and almost simul-

' t e c / ~ U ™ Y

u c

Stamp For CastroHAVANA (L 'P Ii— The revolu­

tionary government w ill issue i»o million two cent stamps neat Wed­nesday commemorating Cuba's

i Jan. 1 liberation.The stamps w ill be red and

Mark, the colors of Fidel Cas tro s movement, and will depict a bearded rebel guerrilla raising Ins rifle aloft against a spangled background.

Only about on# per rent nf West German's 200,000 engineers are women.

laneouslr with the openings IngHome. This spotlight m i American design comes tard ily, but better late than ntver.

And perhaps, with the American show off and running before the Paris openings, this nation can see Just how good Its own cou­ture is and how much Paris bor­rows from IL Borrowing isn't a one-way street, as has been popu- i larly supposed. It's a two way stretch. Hesven help us. there is even dsta to prove that the French were balmy enough to copy the sick from us, and not vice versa:

However, | mention Hill with bowed head, and feel that Ihe accusation Is ju«t a sneaky for­eign contention to get the Pans off the hook

Since lb* memory of mm runneth not to the contrary, the American designer, no mailer how talented, has always had to play fifth flddlr to Paris. There are American designers every bit a t good as those in Pans, in one woman's opinion.

But year a lter year, the frus­trated American designer has tern the headlines and the front page space monopotired by any male twerp in Paris who design­ed something sufficiently ugly or ridiculous to make women look subhuman,

American newspapers, and 1 love each and every one like a mother, and American magaifnes have nerved *11 iheir Page One spare for French fashions — good, bad or indifferent. In my lifetime, thsnel, Schiaparelli and the late C. Dior had only to snerie and it was front-page stuff. The most obvious mi it ikes of the French designers, and they

make hideous ones from time to are rrporled w ith loving rare by an idolatrous fashion press.

What I am campaigning for,I guess, is equal time for lh»o talented American designer, o f* which there Is a slew. Why the press w ill rush into pnnt with anything about the French cou­ture and regard aa r r a i t commer­cialism the mere mention of the name o f an American designer beats me. I f my profession can mention the brand name o f auto­mobiles day a ftrr day. 1 don't see what ethical code is busted t f the American clothes designer get* a n ^ occasional legitimate break. ™

Now- that somebody cares, and that the American couture is to have a proper stage, perhaps the ice w ill break in Ihe Yukon. What the American designer has always needed was recognition and a lit tie gimp in bis Backbone. The current ahows will go a long way toward providing both, in the opinion nf Adam Gimbel. head of Saks F ifth Avenue, who is one , of the pillars of the present plan. 4

“ Paris has genius," says Mr. Gimbel, “ but so do w e:"


H E R T ZF A 2 - 7 7 2 3

Evening* FA 2*7300

HERTZVic Kobe Mu, Agt. tiOl E. lat

Washington Calling


A government auditor yesterday revealed that the Ten* j Magee Valley Authority (TVA) had purchased 940 million 2 worth of generator* which do not function correctly,! '•'* According to auditor*, the TVA i* atudying the poa- • aibllity of filing *uft for damegea against W e * t ln g h i iU * r , 2 which built tha generator*. Waatinghouae. auditor* *njd, ! h*d mad* aom* repairs on the defective equipment.‘ __Study, in many cases, la neeamry. In thl* Instance,

however, we fail to comprehend the delay." TVA I* an agtncy of the U. S. A* such, it is public pro-

Kly. If 146 million of the government'* tax money ha* n apent for defective equipment, there *hould be no de­

lay in filing auit. The longer such Incidents are allowed to dangle, the more difficult it is to collect,

i TVA should file suit immediately. It should demnnil full 2 damages. I f the agency dailies, one of the many U. S. at* ; torneys on the public payroll should ha put to work a* a pro* - aocutnr In the case.

This type of busineas operation, characteristic of many • phases of government, is not in the best interest of the pub* I lie.

Cor Wreck Fatal To Champ DriverLONDON ( l P it— World them

plan re tina d riv tr M ikr Haw­thorn was killed today an a I-on tlon highway, thr Royal Automo­bile Club reported

The RAC said Hawthorn, a , w * i killed la a n r smash on ihe Guildford b y p iit , hist amiih of London, la s collision with i truck Ilia Jaguer sports cer turned a double somersault

die. lie had survived the deadly game of Grand P rii sutu raring without a really srrinuv ln)ury. an.1 derided In retire this year ■ Iter seeing some of hi* best friends die in rrarkupt on thr world'* speed circuits.

He wen the rnveted in k lis t y t i r by narrowly beating bis countryman and friend, Slrrting Moss. The fo rm rr titlrho ldrr wa* Ihe Argentine driver, Ju in Man

It was an Ironic w»y for him lo iue l Fangio, who retired lis t year.


L' i


I . Chatter i cello* I

4. Swedish aim *

I . Cubic meter I I . Part a t

pedestali pees, i

I I . laadrsaee13. Invest ie . Young g irl 11. Wet etrthIS. Radium

isym iIT. {Single unit I I . To cheat

i slang i( I . It u icnsttr >10. Rign. ae

correctI t . tssifil exile.

eiv* sound SI. Residue

" f cigar Si R u le .

m itiaa S3, le lina

iM auy arth.i

ST. Dreams t* . Jolt :» Buddha30. Suitable 3t. forbid St. A spring

ilp. Am.)S3. Four * ftosh.)31. Noah's son•1. The shankas. ('emneuter11. Retried 3>. Trap40. Complies41. Obtains


C R O S S W O R Dd! Chief deity

tRabyl i DOWN

t. Web-footed bird*

I . Macaw a I River

hottern | . Ancient

Greek theater

3. IneemMrk 4 Append T. Indtpend.

race Day I Hot ilnnic

nf ealep I. Navemher

it . m i

I I . Of sene I I . Chart !*. Arch1*. ikK.

inn*SI. Miner *

kettle ! ! . Rites*U Havel 34 Light

brown 31 Perth**,

• i low)31 A preserve10 oniferous

trees >1 Urge

bundle*31. Ray w indawr

UMf* i i i i ru ' g i t m is ; n . i s i - ’ i i ' i l t i* i i . i m ; i ii' T tH ran i.tnc ifj w


I-IS.teaseedss'e Seseee

34. Mel* red deer

33. Third power imath i

3T. A Liberian people

I I . Mr. Hope

By Maiqals < Mild.WASHINGTON — With Ihr P fr

s tdrn l'i budget under im m rd iitr attack from thr Democrats while at Ihe tim e lime it i* loudly de­fended by Ihe Republican!, ihr polHiiel pot is roming to in ca r-} ly boil

The Republican* are regrouping their fortes in Des Moines. Iowa. The very selection of this sl»r wxs an act of bravery, since in ome safely Republican Iowa the GUP last November tost three ■ Congressional seats and failrd to 1 unhorse a Democratic govt nor. So at a kind of Waterloo, Chair­man Meade Alcorn i t treking t<s rally the troops around a widely heralded new strategic plan.

The Democrat* in the national cuinm tltrr herr are still trying earnestly la hold o(f thr sheriffs mm who In behalf of various creditors want in foreclose on the furniture. This being almost l i ­terally (me Is an Irnn lr situation for a party that Just wnn one nf th r most sweeping victories in American political history.

The explanation la to be found, in pari, in Ihr Democrats' lamilv quarrel ami partly It goes lu rk to a personal feud between Chair­man Paul Duller and Treasurer Matthew McCloskry of Philadel­phia. McCloskry holds that Ihn national ro m m lllr r should virtual­ly tlm l up shop in th r Intervals iM-lwern rlrrlions keeping only a room or luo as a mailing ad­dress

duller has. mi Ihe nthrr hand, argued lhat Ibis ia nut enough m a day and age when elec lions are not derided hy a few speerhrs at campaign time. Hr has insisted on trying to maintain a reiser;!; staff and a going nrgamraiitm rrsdlly expandable in elfrlinn year*. While it lias been tough, duller says that things havr be gun In look up since Novrmbcr and he Is hopeful lhat mare inn my will roll In to pay back debts as well as ru rrrn i bills.

A special organisation — Ihr For the big fund raising dinner7Ks Club — has been srt up lo on February 21 Butler and h it try lo pay off the tfKMNQ drbt Half have wanted In honor Sen Out of Ihe UK* campaign Cndrr s ir Majority Leader Lyndon the chairmanship of Edward II Johnson Thr dinner in tDST was Foley, fo rm rr I ’nder Secretary of built around Speaker Sam Hay- the Treasury, prominent Demo- j burn and in 31 around fo rm rr crate around Ihr enuntry arc be- President Truman. Hut thus fa r ing ashrd tu give or lo r i i ic It,- it lias not been possible to com 00Q cads. pusc Hie various factions around

In return the contributors will Lyndon as honor**, g rt two choice seat* for the The powerful Senator from TeaDemocratic contention, which Ie who won hii own f«rnou« %ic- to be held in the ‘ ports arena in lo o ,h f senate rule* fight, tais Angrles beginning July I t . Baa been critical of the national 1MO They also w ill enjoy club committee. He refused to become in the arena now under ,u r t of ,h . Democratic Advisory

Council, arguing that Ihe leader­ship in Congress would set th r record for the nation and that such a rouncil was a superfluity.

construction and other special privileges The hope ia that this bad w ilt bring In enough money to wipe out the deficit

J r ' 1 ,Vh: " ' “ S V T K 11 Win. lose or draw. Ihe two big L ^ t parties have always had the ir in

* ' ■ « " • ( ‘ roubles and two ,111 be gan routing (nr U s Angeles as nf> rsrrpUon Bll, for lh r u rm 0 .a convrnilon m y a. early as lis t rfa |1 it jook% ,ike Jn e» ,n Use- October, has won many viclurles. ,hln , , , ,Hiv view prevailed in Ihr relen l i , r fo nlCU th>n fN ff M a rr tion uf Camille F, Gravel Jr, asnaiional committeeman f r o m At 40 miles an hour, one gallon Louisiana over that nf pro segrr- of motor fuel today will move one

Iga lim tia li who wanted to put in ,ton o f auto nearly 41 miles, com- fh r ir own man This angered Ihe j pared w ith 23 miles in 1930.

' South.There is an implied Ihrrat lo

ca rry the case for the ronvrn tion c ily to the fu ll rommlltre w ith a requevi that thy pine I rhaven to select a * i l r be nvcrrul rd Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago said he would do ihis In the interest of Chicago's bid. But his c ily offered only l . ’K'.tvo In cavil while U v Angrles and two other uinvrnllon biddets cam" through with C.'AOO't and other prerequisites, Il could mean a showdown nn flutter s role as chairman when Ihn lu ll Democra­tic rom m itlrc meets here Feb ru s ty 21.

That role Is incredibly difficult.The chairman must try to rule a half Hnren horses, each nn* rat- jloping off in a different dirrrlinn and alt thr time h r must smile t and smile ami smile.

TheFirst Baptist Church

invites you to hear

D r. E . A . DillardSunday J a n u a ry 23th

at 7:30 P. M.

on the Subject

"The Spiritual Approach to Alcoholism”


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Thursday, January 22, 1050

vviLraa a tttM m . K4ls.. *.e s*wbis*aee J s Y k s \V. aWITVS. ssa ila 'aa S'-all.r ►: 4. i t SHI VO, k lq i l l i ls l S is u n

vs J i ov.v is s .irsN s fr ii s . i i h iawwsasr *:an.f

. •■aiiakea naiie --------- a * Cirsai•sissl Isisrtss, IssSii, a*4 l hrIsiMas easwNlaa

■a. r-« i oitsvoa, sara.

a i l l ‘„ I. asilllaa rsrla.* Mwa psias*4 la sal*

as p a tm m o v i t t a sSS« par a l t k

•t»■aUT1■aa ss.aik *s.»*

Oaa s t i r 11144

Week-end SpecialFirst Quality Sheer

NYLONHOSIERYpapular shades, 59*

W hile They La s t!

6 0 -gouge15-denier • a l | * Tana.

Z i ’ i u i / U Z e J / i;i»<< }»« Men

Roumillat & AndersonFA 2-039S

"On T h e Corner B y The C lock”

,«■ B,I Aif Sp*f s**m viA Oe twwmfn t , frtiM Soda »'»,i • ( « i l* / . m fararotwa ChaaraiaSa,

CHEVY’S OUT WITH A HEW HARDTOP AT A NEW LOW PRICE!ffare'a lA» fufesl atltlitinH vcut'fffind ni your (A a ira fr l t/aafar'a 4)/>.n /fou l* Jaaaary 22 (Arnugfi I f . fi's ■ nesr i-tlanr tpnrl irilnn in fAe ft »l Ait i « l« - e « ( f f l i /w r li ■ fnserr p rin Ing lhan nnr other (A e rr hantlnp, Hring ikn family anW Inmk U orer. And gat she fu ll Harr on all she other t lr ii in g model* nose ntnitahl*. Hrmrmltrr, prodarlion (a railing nod stiu ran m uni on prompt d rlire rr! .

J u it wait t i l l you am what’i waiting far you—a glittering ronstillation of aleck-lined exciting new Chevrolet* in a wide choir* of color*, models, engine* and drive*. The spotlight w ill h* on th * naw Bel A ir 4-door hardtop—and you 'll want to check it* ultra-reasonable pric* against any other hardtop. When you do— and whan you are how much rnor* Chevrolet give* you In atyling, in es tr*-roomy Bodies by Fisher, in

tha iupar-«*fta«ga of Full C *il springing, in Laay-Ratio atMriog - then you'll know that this ia th * happirat surpris* of th * y * tr . Cora* on in; don’t mia* thta Open Houae!

7 he marl iv i uk tile Ike ' i t L'kaegf

noA— see the wider selection of models at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's!

Corner 2nd A PalmittoH O L L E R M O T O R S A LES

Sanford FA 2-0711

# Thun. Jan. >1 1959—rag* l

No Pay Cut Eve r/ M antle Declares j in Track Feature ! Dodgers Need Better Hurling'Simla Is FavoredBy FRED DOWN

Called Press tsternalioaitMickey Mantle, the Yankees'

lamed long-rinse bomber, tired a | hot potato Irom D allu , Tea., to

New York today — «nd dropped It right In the middle of (ienrral Manager George Wet**’ lip .

' ‘Ju it say I'm dissatisfied, peri* od," growled the 27-year old home run king alter announcing that he hat returned hi* umignrd con­tract lo Ihe Yankrei. “ You can add that I II never lake a pay cut. I'm planning on a ra il* ."

The lire of Ihe pay rut offered$ -------------------------------------

Tenn. State KeepsSmall College Lead

NEW YORK (L 'P li—The Ten neuee Slate T ise ri, who alerted Ih ii week w llh a 26-gamr victory •trtak carried over from ta il ira -

| Mg| today topped Cntted Prrvs Internattonal’ i email rollrge has- kethail ra ting i for the f o u r t h atralghl vvrrk.

The Steubenville < Ohio * Barons, undefeatrd in their ta il 34 garnet before thla week's action. re* mainrd second. Evanavllle find.). Wheaton ( I I I . '. Soulhweal Mistou- r l Stale and Louisiana Tech rank­ed 3-4 S I.

Akron (Ohio), which won eight i straight game* after loving its

opener to Weatminaler t l ’a.i, ad­vanced from ninth lo seventh. Teaas Southern, beaten lavt week by Grambling (La.), slipped Irom seventh to e i g h t h . Chapman i Calif. I, beaten only by San Diego State In 14 starts, advanced Irom 13th lo ninth and made its lirs t appearance In the top 10.

Western fliino i* and ((rambling tied for 10th. Grambling. which

. swept Its firs t 13 gamri and Ird all NCAA schools — large and ■mall—In scoring lis t week with a IS 2 point average. al»o showed

'in the lop to for iho first time.SI. Michael's (V I.) was 12th.

S o u th Dakota, Fresno (Calif.I Slate. South Dakota State. Ken- luckey W e s le y a n . Wittenberg (Ohio), McNrese (I.S.), Regis (Coin i and A d e lp h l <N. Y.) rounded out the lop 20 In that order. South Dakota wai luth last week.

Celtics, Pistons To Welcome Rest

I'n ltrd Press In lrn a llo n ilThe Boston Celtics and Detroit

Pistons today hoped that a two- day “ break’* fo r the National Baa- kelball Association's All • S t a r game w ill give them a chance lo r r group their forces for the pen p in t push.

noth learns can use a rest while Ihe All-Stars get together for their annual game al Detroit Friday night. The Celtics have three men. including Boh Couiy. on Ihe Injured list The Pistons are comparatively h e a l t h y but currently are caught in a four- game losing streak.

Playing wtlhoul Couiy. Jim Los cutoff and Io n Tsloropouloi. the Celllct suffered a 134-112 setbark Wednesday night by Ihe Nationals al Syracuse, while ihe Philadel­phia Warriors downed the Pistons. 112 103.

Richie Guerin and Frank Selvy eath contributed 23 pointi In lead­ing ihe New York Knickerbockers lo a I 3n l«o victory nvrr the Roy­als at Cincinnati. Arlrn Bockhorn totaled 27 (or the losers.

Mantle, woo earnest an estimated 1173,000 last season, ranged from 1 • “ token cut" of 33.000 to a huge \ bite of 313.010. Weiss did not say whether Mantle would be offered a cut In his press conference Tuesday but he did say a few of Ihe world champions would be un- pleasantly surprised when they saw their contracts.

Averages Fall OHMantle's average in t938 f r l l nil

In .301 compared lo his .363 of 1137 but he led Ihe league wllh 12 homer;, knocked in 97 runs and

/a n argue he Is Ihe American league s No. 1 drawing card both at home and on the road.

It Is still too early to tell wheth­er Mantle and Weiss are about tu carry on one of those old • time dispute* In the tradition of Babe Ruth and Kd Harrow, but it la possible that they arc as much as 327,000 apart at present, t ’ntll re­cently It was believed Mantle w as, hoping for a $13,000 raise lo 390.- 000

The Y'ankets are used to trou­ble in signing their high priced perennial champions but they haven't had a real 'page-oner''

Pro Gridders Push Loop Pension Plan

PHILADELPHIA (L’P li — The National Football League, its draft of 360 slats completed, met with Ihe Player. Association to­day to discuss the pension plan asked of the league by Hie pro gridders.

The players, headed by end RlUy llowton of Green Hay and attorney Creighton M iller, hailed the m erlin ; as their “ firs t dlrec' contact" with the owners In their campaign width began In 1936 In provide a pension with health, ac­cident, bospilallration and allow­ances for permanent In jury.

The players represent all teams hut the Chicago Bears. Commis­sioner Bert Hell announced that "a ll of the ow ner* said t h c y would attend Ihe meeting "

The players said Ihrv hoped for Ihe appointment by Hell of a com­mittee of owner* "w ith the auth­ority lo a d ." The plan bad con­siderable opposition among ihe owners with Ihr pertinent question “ who will psy for it? "

Bell's earlier opinion was “ not the owners" as he cites! that de­spite a record attendance of more than three million farts this year, two of Ihe clubs lost money, one was a border line ca*e and two were saved by big gates at the end of ihe season.

since 1937 wnru Joe DiSiaxxiu held out until the closing weeks of spring training.

From a tactical point o( view, offering Mantle a slice I* a dou­ble edged sword. The Yankees ob­viously would gam Ihe upper hand with every other player on the club if they can gel Mickey to agree lo a cut. On the other hand, it Is unlikely that many other Yankee stars w ill come to terms until Ihry have a fair Idea how viantle fared.

Tank* Fun hate RichmondThe Yankees, meanwhile, an­

nounced that they have purchased Ihe stock of the Richmond V ir­ginians In the Inter n a t i o n a l League and said they have taken over operation of Ibe club “ In Its entirely." I t marks the first lime the Yankees have owned a triple- A team since 1934 when they sold their Kansas City franchise to the Athletic*.

On other fronts:—live Cleveland Indians an

nounerd Ihe signing of outfielder Larry Doby and rookies Dale Ben- nelch and Hay Webster.

—Catcher Sherman Lollar and two rookies brought the Chicago While box' cuntentrd list to srv- cn. The o ilie r signers were pitch­er Claude Raymond and outfielder Jim McCann,

—Pitcher M ill Pappas, a 19 year old right hander who had a to ld record last season, slgnrd with the Baltimore Orioles.

Toe fast white and brindlc Sim­la is r ile d a H o t favorite in to- nighl'a featured Grade A ninth race at Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club.

The 37 pound lady will lake o ff from the eighth post position, and won’t have lo compete with track champion Indurall She twice ha* run irrond to the big Irark cham­pion. to tonight she may have an easy trip In ihe wire ahead of (he park.

'Simla's record shows two firsts and seven places m 11 Journeyt to the starting bog ibis season. Iter best lime It a hullrt-like 31.06-se­cond march over ihe five-sixteen- ths mile distance.

Hut In order to uiumph. the sleek lady will have in outrun the game Crt Tears, operating (mm the sixth spot at 3 to l early odds.

Another lopnotchrr capable of beating the tw it is Elaine Nog m Ihe fourth post position. Morning line odds give Elaine a 4 to I chance.

Other speedsters in Ihe ninth are Pin Cheek, Casual Sue, Mo­dest Elsie, Golden Glide and Mid right Cheek.

Races start at * 10,

Gustafson Talks To 2 Army AidesFootball Coach Andy Gustafson says he Is "seriously Interested" In hiring two assistant coaches atArm-

Dale Hall. No. 1 aide lo retiring Arm y Coach Earl Blalk, and Defensive Line Coach Frank Laulerbur arrived here Wednes­day to ‘ talk football" with Gus­tafson.

Hall has been mentioned as a possible successor lo Rialk as bead coach at Ihe M ilitary Academy.

" I am aerinusly Interested In both Hall and Laulerbur," said Gustafson. “ Rut neither is looking for a Job . . . nor applying at Miami, They came here al my invitation,"

Miami has made a number of changes In Its roarlilng staff dur­ing Ihe last month. Henry Strain, backlield coach at N'otrc Dame, was named backlield mentor at Miami last week and Olio Gra­ham was hired In work with Ihr Hurricane quarterbacks during *pr<n*r practice.

Venturi, Demaret Tourney Favorites

PALM SPRINGS. Calif. (D P I) —Defending champion Ken Ven­turi and former champ Jimmy Demaret were installed as the fa­vorites today as 41 selected pro­fessional golfers teed off in the eighth annusl ilVonu Th unde third pro am tournament.

Venturi and Demaret Imth play this course so well that the rs peril went over (he heads of such 1933 sensations as Art Wall, win­ner of th r Crosby tourney ; Ernie Voider, wlnnar at Tijuana, and young John Mrkfullin, a top mon­ey winning threat in every tour­ney Ih li year.

Ring ResultsWASHINGTON (CPI>-Laheuart

Godih, 139' i, Algeria, outpointed Eddie Frrklns, 131, Chicago (I0J.

The Olympic gaoirs of I960 w ill tit held In Home,

EDITORS NOTES This Is Ibe ninth af I I dispatches by the major league manages* giving mid winter appraisals of their teams.

R> WALT ALSTON Manager. Isis Angeles Dodgrn

M rttlrn For I T !OXFORD. Ohio (C P U — The

Dodger* should be bcucr nevt season, hut well Just have to watt and see how- much.

i As wtlh most hall clubs, an aw­ful lot depends upon our pitching.

National Slates 296 Night Games

CINCINNATI I CPU — The N* tlonal League today announced a record of 29* night hasrhatl games for the coming 1939 season — a mark directly traceable lo heal In the i.o i Angeles Coliseum.

Because It gets almost h o t enough to fry an egg on homr ptatr when the midsummer sun Is Mailing Ihe floor of the scooped

out Coliseum. Ihe l« s Angeles Dodgers have announced they will play a league record *3 games at night this year.

That's a jump of 17 over Ihe lo la l of arc lighters played by the Dodger* Is il year and represent*

most of the Imrrase of 22 night games In the league schedule an­

nounced todayOthers lo Mla-dulc a Mh iii in

night play were the SI. I anil* Car­dinals, who jumped from tt to id, and the Pittsburgh Pit ales, who weld up s to 37. Thr Philadelphia

Phillies bucked Ihr trend, drop ping from 47 to 4<i. The Cincin­nati Rrdlcgs Hand pal at 43, Mil­waukee holds at 3h, San Francis­co remain* at 2t, anil Inc Chicago Cub* once again w ill be the only team in Ihr hig leagues wltlvh will piay ail Its home games In day­light.

The I9i» N l. scasun w ill open vn April I with one gsmr—Pittsburgh at Cincinnati in the afternoon All other trams will open Ih r follow­ing day with two altrm oon game* — Milwaukee al Pittsburgh and Lo* Angrlta at Chicago, and two night games — San F ranrlico at St. l-ouis and Cincinnati at Phila­delphia.

-I know- that worries me a t much as anything. (3ur ataff had a lot of bad luck last year and that was Ih r reason for our low finish as much as anything.

A lot of our trouble came from *oce arms that just wouldn't come around Ed Roebuck was out all of Ihe araton and Don Res sent a good port of Ihe year. Those two boys have donr good Job* In re­lief and It really hurt to have them out of there.

On top of that Don Drysilale was in service and dldn t get a real good spring trsmlng,

lias Same StallThia year, w e ll have practically

the same stall, and it should lie a pretty good one If everybody is sound. It is a relatively young staff em itte d around Drysdate, Sandy Koufav, Johnny Pudirs and f i r m I-abwe. l-ih inr was out with Injuries a lot last summer. Take him off th r stall ami It makes a big difference.

In Ih r curb ing department, I ’m pretty high on John Roseboro, who has alt the toots, equipment, speed and power lo make ■ great catch-

Godih Seeks Bout With Kenny Lane

WASHINGTON (CI*I3— Lahouart Godih, Ihe spunky substitute wha upset young Eddie Perkins in their TV figtit, yelled today for a return bmd with top lightweight lo n trn d rr Kenny Lane.

“ Lane won « split drtlsb in over me on Nov. 7," said Algerian Godih, former lightweight s h in i­

er. I.J>t year, our pilcning Half was young and so was Roseboro. but we were pleased with Ihe way he raine through. He'll give us a heller catching Job this year. We know hr ran hit.

Hacking him up with be Joe Pig nauno, who probably Is a belter rrcclver Ilian Roseboro bul he doesn't have Rose boro's power.

Going around our tn lirld, wr have plenty of twwer al first base with t i l l Hodges — and Steve till Vo hacking him up. Hodge* had a bad yra r last season, although he did have a short left field fence as a target,

M iurlrr Right FieldMe are bringing in that long

right field fence this season, which It *ure to help tome of our left handed power hitlers such at Snider, Roseboro and young Norm l.a tkrr. barker, incidentally, will help out at first at well at in Ihe uutiicld.

At scvonil base, Charlie Neal Is a steady influence and has thr power, especially at home, lie also hit* a long ball to right- earner. Junior G illiam will back up Neal at second. We won a cou­ple pennants with Gilliam there, ami be can do just about every­thing that Nral can du except maybe the double play.

Don Zimmer did a good job for us at shortstop fa it year. I f ■ youngster we brought up from- St. Paul—Bob L ilb t—tomes through, Zimmer may go to third. Lillis la a fine d c fen tlrt man who eon buat and drive in runs far you. Ho doesn't have quite n much poorer as Zimmer, (hough. • *

I t could be almost anybody at th ird. Although It's undecided, th ird base t i the least of my wor> ries It could be Dick Gray, who would supply some rs ira power, or even Gilliam If Zimmer fta y t al abort.

Solder'* Kate BetterIn (he outfield, Snider report*

hit knre la coming along a lot bet* ter after an operation. kVa caa reasonably expect he w ill be bet* ter. Ha definitely was handicapped In 1931 by thr knee and he played a lot of gamrs he shouldn't havi played. Duke, of course, I* going to be hrtped most by the shorter fence in right field.

Cor! Furtlto will continue la -bo a fu tu re in our out field, but don't expect him to play every day, Wally Moon and Rip Repulgki, whom we arquirra in trades, should give ut a little more of the power that wr mined last yaar. Overall. I would say we w ilt havi a pretty good outfietd.

Legal Notice

plan of Frame, “ anil I want an­other chance at him because I know I can heal him and jump Into the ranking, up high "

Meanwhile. 22 • year • old Per kins of Chicago, who claimed he'd hern the victim of a “ had deci

I sum,'' demanded a return bout with 29 • year old Godih. Eddie was favored al 3 1

Perkins, whose winning streak was broken al four straight bouts, insisted be had scored a clean knockdown over Godih In I h r ninth round, but ihal r e f e r e e Charlir Reynolds had lost him Ihe fight at the New Capitol Arena hy ra iling It a “ slip" Instead ol ■ knockdown.

Yet, Reynolds was Ihe only of­fic ia l who favored Ptrklna In thr to point voting

s s .m x n is : i o i m v a is M x i, « o w w is s io x \m% I* »r N f l H l I

T*a * i .i itian * i.iu trn! _ . . i iH i,W*n, 0 ,0 l l ttew >*ru*t»< « wllh .NtCtH'A|K- /.sslillifc CfttuUll.tll* IhBt 4 v»u»4»»t ly u l»- PUlM# f* ri n , « ft ..I tr r i- t i 't UtiUB list ItiAutiflu l. tT*e #• Cauvttv

* 4 well 'it l •*!*> ll hat da lot ml nr,I |n r«« umntMil la* tta#«Mtn ’ * *

Mill*.»* Iiilllt i# « ■ au.III > I "wifitltla#|t|H Ilia | 111# l " l *11»4'f in# ti i n *

t I-Mifal M-l indaiBli lal; Thai l> I* 1*T1A-41 J t

a u iti mufti}M U - .1.1 - 1 1.1 u i I I I * * j ss it i IT a IV •* • l u r ft r* 1 hi # fi i *>4 l l 0# d,

Ixff*Mtxn a i 'A ii aka ** 111* llu iil, *»n ill# .V»lUl ItJjT * It* 111■ n * t ox l«> f ' l l i a i ll**a‘J an*! a Mt4*Jt< Iff lilt fcftlltr ItWt• * tifii* llia t i ,V»sf ir h ai«l i|t Aha HolitU lid• **f A. It, i l l- . # ft'iviin ffc» huhl!| I'ti !»'»#• »*f Mt» 31* 31 *§ ■ Af**ai l * i gimi a • ff«*>iu**J Im 1*1*1 Rr»t»k #. I ' t i f t * ! IM I i

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Mr* mi hot# i .V iriy Xah in i C#i*inlMi»a ,l l • Nnt»#rt H H fg *n *lit m I »iul# C i'in iv Portia* l)U «c l«r 9

M.MiMM i; t ill m inviva vnuMiMtnii ^•llra #f r«fcH* l l t i r l i a

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(ti*- /.oH iii Mo#vgi#at**n« i ia i k/»*a »n>t OarJtAjr Pja rM iiM iN Ifiai ill# oita.rii.o4 #r«>»trir Ha i ^rH T I Tral[«P Npp#ino irh i a ii I*}#* i i*i aptrlal ft*jiilr*n<tfii# nf tha 7 -n|n| CPMUlll* aia»n VII «f a’saaiat U m t Pul*4l%Iflon, l4k« 4 lir t Ntv4.

fu u i. D o a ilr# ia |tl i.a ho|a III IP * ««MI|nal# I 'o u n f r r « v H il-M itt « ru in it I •*tn»tii«a!«»n#ra n»»*iiv. tV H n » l4 i i . > t f» iu c f f I t . I IA f at A M I*. M ur # • ih a i# « ( i# r i i p*«»aihU. IU APtmUiflt Cafunivr Ca>Mm!itl«fn (

Mr lUPirt P. Ilrgwivf* tin Inula CatniY XvPlnp UlfPclor

Sugar Ray Wants To Fight Archie

Cage ScoresCalled Press lalcmUeaal

EastArmy 79 Ithaca 63 Villanove 62 Preset Tech 46 Niifira ft Buffalo Tchrs. 34

RoulkAuburn f t Genrgl* Tech 31 Appalachian 7Z Eton 3ri Kentucky Rl. 97 Lane M

MidwestDo Paul 76 Western Michigan U

NEW YORK (UI’ll—Sugar Ray Robinson announced unexpectedly today, “ I want to fight Arrhic Moore instead of Carmen Haul lo."

The 34 year old mlridlcwclghl champion tossed that bomb Into cauliflower canyon Just a few* hours before his scheduled con­ference with Truman Gibson of the IRC about a return defense against Raslllo

“ I want to fight Moors- because he * tne hottrst attraction in box Ing right now." Robinson ex­plained. “ And I won t he happy t i l l I win Ihe light heavyweight crown—my third," .

Sugar Ray we* welterweight champion before he won iho mid­dleweight lllle. He tried lo lakr Ihe tight heavy rruwn from Joey Maxim on June 23. 1932; bul wav overcome by the 106 degree Jieal In Yanktc Stadium and losl on a 14th round technical knockout.

Wlirn Gibson was told of Rabin- son's statemenl. he declared, '.Say! th a t* Ih r first ! heard of It ll's really something to think about. Isn’t it? "

Jack Krarns, manager of 42 or 43-year-old Moorr. almost did a buck and wing, lie s p o u te d “ That's great. Thai's the hnttrst match In the world today — the Iwo old masters — Moore and Rohlrwnn. in a tit Jr fight. That's gut everything — a million dollar itu lch "

But isn’t Kearns and Nick Tro Ho of Pmlarlrlphla negotiating for a (.ondon or Toronto fight with England's Henry Cooper, new Hniish Empire champion?

“ Ye*, wc are.” said Jar*. “ But there's no particular rush about Ihr Moorr-Cooper fight. Cooper has In w ail awhile, anyway, lo heal Ihe ruts ha got while licking Brian London the other day."

TheW elcom e W agon

HosteaaWill Knock on Your Door

with liiftii k (ireelinga from Friendly iiuilncai Neiirhljor* *nil Your

Civic ami Social Welfare l-caileri

On the O c e a n ia n of:I hang* of r*9idv*ae« Arrivals of Nawcanara lo

SanfordPhoot FA 2*1754

Ruth U alU flwf/fa ids* m i

"'".V 0/' A

RACINGNightly (except Sun.) 8:10 P. M.

Matinee Wed. Gr Sat.# 2 P. M.★ SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY• Luxurious Clubhouse • Heated Stands

Jerry Collina, Ope rut or Sorry, No Minors

Located * Mllea South Of Sanford On Highway 17*42

D O N 'T M I S S .. .Holler M o to r Sales'


O P E N H O U S EThurs. - Fri. - Sat............. Jan. 2 2 ,2 3 ,2 4

j * ihe unveiling nf >he AILNavr ftenaaltonal "•*, 4-Dnor Hardin#, Chevrolet'*HKI, AIK SKDAN . . . Anri sou’ll thrill in Ihe fabulous IIISCAY.N K, 1 IIK IM I'AI.A and (he new IB59 Slallnn Wagona and Trueka.

330G A L L O N S

of G A S


6THE RULES ARE: SIMPLE: I. You mini own a 19.V1, IBS|. IMS. 1934. 19AT nr 1957 model rnr (any

make). One winner **lll he chosen from e«uh year group.2. Come in any lime during Ihe 3-Day Open Home and road test the IB.iB Chevrolet.9. Regixter your name, addrewa and lha car you now own.

j1. Drawing will he held in our show room at ,’i p. m. Sal., Jan 2ilh. You netd nol Ian present In win. The winner In each xear group

will receive a xnucher good for V. gallona of gasoline al Ihe nervlr# station of hia choir#. Namea will he drawn by S*f. lien Sutler of (he Sanford Police Department.

HU OUR (JUESTOPEN HOI SE KOM K a. m. lil f :3ll p. m. Thursday and Friday . , . from S a. m. 'Ill 5 p. nt. Saturday. Drawing nl S p, m. Saturday,


H O L L E R M O T O R S A L E S2!9 E. Second *SL i t Palmetto FA 2*0711


A y.*; t ■% < 1*7..-vV

Storms Hit Dixie As Cold Moves InATLANTA ( C P I ) - A um pir­

ing squall line raked moit of

'k» *


ErfltooMNMetfr wnw a .capital Kaye !

M E A n d t h e C o l o n e l

FEATURK: 1 :Ort - 3:11 5:11 • 7:17 • 9:20

Swing Thin Wonderful Movie In Hello In*.

Pay For One Admlnnion Glp Thin Ad & firing

A Friend Free.


"AJU. M IN E S■ S J b G i V E

* o

f c s x s s z E s im♦ < *1 ▼

FEATURE: 1:22 . 1:37 7:52


Future: 3 :10.6 :25.9 :40

In wr with lormtJiiei. h i l l and thunderstorms Wednesday a n d early today, followed liy the lead- In r edre of a M Utr raid vate.

Temperature! plummrlcd wtlh the passage of the violent front, which left at tra it four persona

Jesse Winningham Dies In Hospital

J r i ie M. Winningham Sr., W, died in Seminole Memorial Hot- pital at I I p m , Wednesday after a abort Illness.

Horn on Feb. ■:», I AM, In Bon- ncau, K. he made hit home In Orange CHj lie wav employed by the Florida Tower and l.irn t Co for the pait .1.’ veara.

Mr. W'lnnlnsham was a member of W'oodmrn of the World, Celery Camp No. r>J5. Sanford, and the International Brotherhood of Elec­trical Worker*.

Survivor* are three children. Jesse Winningham J r , with the A ir Kune in Bermuda; Mra. Edna Markham. l-akc c ity ; Mra. liiiby f in f f i i . Sanford; ai* grandchil­dren; three lirotherc, < harlie Win ningham, Johnny Winningham and Edward Winningham, all o f Lake Butler; one abler, Mra. U llie Net- Ilea. I j i te Butler.

Funeral services will l« held al < pm . Sunday at Briaaon Funeral Home Burial w ill be in Sylvan Lake Cemetery.

Contract Is SignedM IA 'l l I d ' l l —■ Eastern A ir

Mnea haa algnrd a new one-year contract with the A ir Ltnta Stew­ard* and Stcwardeait* Alan.

Company o ffic ia l! aaid the new agiccmrnt p fu .liirs improved pay and working mndiliona for East- ern'a I.IOU atrvvarda and atewatd raaea. The old pact eaptred Sept I, HIM. The new one eatcr.da to Jan. 31, m o .V • . —

The C. S Department of Com merce consider* that 17 dllfrrent counties — eight of them in New Jcraey — make up the New York metropolitan area.

dead and inflicted widespread property damage. The mercury dropped 25 degreea in leia than 34 minutes in parts of Mississippi.

The chill was all the more b it­ing heeauae of balmy tempera­tures that preceded tn r storm line.

Heavy rain eombinrd w i t h thawing iee to push rivers out of their bants in the western half of N oiih Carolina, and some high waya were cloied. Kock and mud slides were reported in the moun­tains.

Tornadoes hit viciously across Mississippi and Alabama, and winds of 60 to M miles an hour

Retarded Children Hospital Sought

* , w r ic in ipcTALLAHASSEE (CPU - The Wednesday

rgislalive Interim committee on Driving v

were reported a ll a lo n g the squall's path, which stretched from Kentucky and Virginia to luiumana and the southern parts o f Mississippi, Alabama a n d Georgia.

A twister near Caneyvllle, Ky . killed at least two persons, and a fa lling television tower killed a station rcreptioniit near Is l in g ­ton. Ky.

A 20-monlh old g ir l drowned in a flash-flooded creek at Jackson. M iss, and s - year - old boy burned to death when wmd-whip- ped flames destroyed his home near Klomaton in Southern A la­bama.

Weathermen said that by A ra lly or Saturday the ra id is eipectrd to spread well dowrt the Florida peninsula, w h e r e temperatures were in the high Tim and low 10a I

P*jr« 6 - Thura. Jan. 22, 1959 Vfr fta fg rl ( f r i l l

legimental health will o lfr r a bill this year for construction of a million dollar mental hospital in Broward Counly for trealmrnt of emotionally disturbed children.

Sen. J. Emory Cross of Alachua Counly, a committee member, said the need for such a hospital la pressing because there are no state facilities for treating dis turhed children under TJ years of

............... Lowery J r . U , faces tr ia l nettlie told the annual slate I T.\ monlh on char< f» 0f dnstrg while

meeting here Wednesday that (here , . . . jare "thousands of children" in 1>n<|fr>. IU>pcndct! by U

Driving winds damaged homes, knocked down powrrlines and an­tennal and cracked automobiles. There was flooding at a ra llr rrd | low points, and hall was reported j iii parts of Tennessee.

Suspended Judge To Face Charges

STl'AIIT I CPU — Suspended Marlin County Judge Harris R

the state who need psychiatric treatment. Hr recommended that the hospital have at least 41 beds tn start with.

lie noted that the Sunland Train­ing Center at Gainesville is caring for LOCO retarded rh ild rrn and a nrw institution at Fort Mycra haa another Ton. But he said there are more than 1.000 on the waiting list at Ihrsr institutions.

Smile, Smile, SmileWALPOLE, Mass. ( C P I i - The

Walpole prison newspaper, the Mentor, has advised inmates to keep smiling.

"You'll feel heller." the paper said, "and besides i t ' l l make all the guards wonder what you've been up to."

Roy Collins Iasi November on charges of drunkenness and tn-j cu.npctrncr on the bench, was arrested here last week The Senate will review the suspension In April.

l-owcry will he tried before his successor to the henen. Judge Evans Crary.

Salesman KilledDELPHI. Ind. t CPI I - Lionel 1.

0. Dohrlno. 50. Miami, was killed here Wednesday when his ci swerved out of control on a hi and trashed into a parked truck

Dobnna was a salesman for a New York firm.

Since H i). VVO.OOOOUt in gold has hern mined In California

: ■

i room


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"7, s, Min" \0°/e i J....* « KlAV

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,^ L 6 0 V M ^ E

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UtHtlW"hnwert V u r c * " ^ *

CLOSEOUTS -8ontp l„ R. Suites

Odd Chains Odd Sofia licds

up to


119 8. M ttn o ll*


FA 2-6321 \


/ .




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OOSH.HOUSW CU V 11 c n k j c o : V.O. .;»,'T L X t l

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/ I W TAW I N it--- J APlCUJk't OC


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f- r ' T

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Dust Catchers Can Become 'M o n e y Catchers' If You Use A n Inexpensive W a n t A dCLASSIFIED INDEX




GROVES7—REAL ESTATE WANTED * - m is c k l l a .n e o u s »—FLOWERS • TLANTS







7, 3 Uld 4 bedroom house* and im il l apartment.

ROSA I - PAYTON. BrokerPhone FA 2-1MI


Cotta tie on Twin t-aket. H i par month FA 14*391.

For talc nr r rn t—modern A room house with 1 a rr r* of land on

(VELAKA APARTMENTS: room* [*kr *oq“ ‘ re * lrrtva t* baths. IU W. F ira i St. Ositcn Dr. Bradm I place

O l|t # i * f * i> i n i t f e Thura . J a il. 2 . 1930— Page 7


Five bedroom borne. 7 tiled baths . ^n ti.h a d r o o m1700 Magnolia Avr FA 12331. FA 2 7101.

Beautifully furnished room. Private home. Phone FA 2-7304.

Z bedroom cement block home, unfurnished. FA 2 4UM

Unfurnished 2 bedroom home, kit






Room with adjotnina' powder room private lu lh —clove i n - 333 Palmetto. FA 2 6439.

chcn equipped. FA 2 6400

3 lldrm. unfurnished 17vo. Magnolia. FA

apt. 2 3931.


OSTEEN; furnished house »Pimo 3rd. house on Lemon RluU Road.

Colonial 2 story home FA 2 7304.

RENT OR SALE: 3 At re farm. I m e 3 bedroom home. large barn. Faiy term i. Joseph ft I-evjr. I’ h. FA 21223

Network Refuses To Aid Sex Probe

1 -L O lT * FOUND— ------------- ----

LOST-LEASE. Bis Sale 08 Everything. Furniture Center.

LOST: Masonic Ring, downtown. Reward. Ilasky Wight, FA 2 0939


New Golf Course Open To Public

A newt dally fee Rolf rourae Joined the Seminole family laat Saturday w ith the opening of the Mid Florida rourae on Stair Route 431. (our m ile* w o t o( Lung- wood.

Tlie ne» course. under manage- ^ ment n| M r. and Mrs K. P. Cut- • Irr. i< an IS hole la>out will*

four w a ltrho lrt and eight dog­leg*

For ordinary duba and armi duba the rrsu la r playing rourae i t a comfortable #623 yard*, with ladle* lera provldrd. *o the (atrer sex nerd hike only 3.900 yard*. For llic expert amateur and Ihe professional. Ihr rourae It expandable lo 7.W0 yard*. A» uaual. par fo r ih r 14 hole* la

0 72 lor the men, du lfrr or pro. The ladle* have a par of 74.

In the center of the rourae are two prartlre arraa, one for put­ting. and the other providing a driving diatanre td morr than &oo yard*, w ith plenty of room lo practice hooking and slicing without loo much danger of lot- ing the hail.

The longed hole on the courir

NEW YORK l Ul*I * — A Colum­bia llroadiaatmg Stair in executive arid luday that the network would Furn Apt not give police the name* of call Stria, madam*, and buvlnea* exec- ulivca who cooperated in a radio rxpoac of big time prostitution.

"W htrc tourers are concern ed. CBS will not reveal name a." u ld Irvin C.itlln, direelor of public affair* for the CHS new* dlvlaton which ataemliled Ihr rualrrial for “ The Rusirtcts uf Sex ', a ipccia l rxpoac of < xpcnac account i r x broadtail Monday evening

A local radio atation interview (3V.NF.3Vi <|uoled Fdward It Mur- row. narrator of the *how. a< sav- ing that hr would “ go lo Jail firs t'* before revealing the aourrra of In­formation which linked 323 to *!»■» an hour call girl* In lomc of the

Furmahed Apt. 702 Palmetto.

1 l i t )UM furmahed apartment with hath, water furnished, R iven '*» Ave. l'h. FA 2 SOIL Rfte-r 1 M

• p. m. FA 2-3331.ALTAMONTE: I-ovely new 2 bed­

room duplex, water fum lihed, ch ild ren w e l c o m e l?3 l'h . MIDwav 7 .'.312

Clean downstair* furnilhad opt . oil beat. 6U Park

Double Room — private e n ira iu r.' private hath. l'h. FA 2 t*n*

Ironing, loc 1 13r. FA 2-7211.

2.3— h pedal nervier*

3—REAL ESTATE FUR » ALE 21-Work Wanted


SEE Ihia large modern apacioii*3 bedroom CB homr with all ihe trimming*. Modern York Town kilchrn with pantry, two attractive tiled hatha, attic fan. extra lar*e u tility room, large family room, circular paved pa tin and many extraa for (hoar who enjoy comfort and convenience* Priced at only lll.K M with convenient terma

W. II. "B ill" S T E M I ' t i l Agency Realtor k loturir

Aiaor. Laura B Oiler, It. F. T a fftr Arlelt Price. Evtrett Harper

Phont FA 2 1291 t i l N, Park

13 A — Bt'JLntNG-RKPAm i n t i n g

FI AX) It landtag and La i* hing Cleaning, w a x in g . Sere tag Seminola County i-nco 192V,

H, M. Gleason Laka Mary

I.Ml'LHIAL DECORATORS*painting aid papering

FA « 3719 or FA 2-7010 a fta r i |i ,

Ruild to )«ur plan*. Remodeling and Additions

DON L IK E Pimm FA 2-3324

Painting A t. FA 2 7928.

WELL DRILLING Fatrhanka M urio Pump* a ll make* HOB 3RD W. M INI.

207 F, Conirnrrelal Ave. Phont FA 2-2313


ton S. Park ----- FA 2-1211


PIMPS - SPRINKLERSTs TIM N — ■ ■ ■' ■ — m m

type, and awe,. In,tailed » -N O T IC E S -P i:H R t.N A L R

For the Beit Ruts in Real EstateSEK CULLEN Jk IIAHKEY

W, A. Cagle, Jr. Satnn-an I Id N. Park A **. I t - FA S-MJt


S T I N E ' I i t hlnr and Supply Co.

29T 33, : nd St. Ph. FA 2 6132


111! Celery Ave. FA 1-1394 Closed Sunday


Raymond Fund,..1st, A t . * . W lnd«hleM lU f k C l* . .Door Qla«* \ ent Gl-i*i


I A I 3111 Atlantic Bank Bldg.

ROSA L. PAYTON s k u \ i c i ;K»d*tcrfd R*ai i . iu tc Hrokar .Senh irik I .U m a n il P a in t Cn. BARGAINS IN u s e d HEATERS

"T h a t * p e rfec t, K a thcr— now s ide w a ys !"

Ph. FA 2 2fco — 3— UK 31. ESTATE TOR SALB

Brand neve duplex. 231 Concord Drive. Casselberry. M3 mo.

Day* GArden 3 1W93 Night* CHerry 1 3733

funm hrd duplex

nation'* biggest cor|>oratlon*Holh Gilfln and Murrow indicat­

ed (heir aland waa ha*ed on new** men*' traditional "freedom of the press'* immunity in naming new* aourrea. New York atate law due* not provide thi* inumimly, a fact pointed up by the rrre til it) day- ja il violence given TV columnist Marie Torre for refuting lo name a CHS rxrcu tiv r in a lawsuit brought by entertainer Judy Gar

l - m S I K h IQ m en r

Room A Uoard—Close lo town Phone FA 2 7163 Mon. thru Fri


CUSTOM BUILT IIUME• CB — Terrains Flnora• 3 Bedroom — 2 Bath• Paneled Den• Cualom Kitchen• Encloaed Garage• Fenced Hack Yard• 2 Easement* to lake 1l »oo Down — MortgageBY OWNER FA 2 3634


F lo rida Hoorn

- F .IL A . -

$280<>o(Include* Hoeing)



I ............................ ............................ ...P A R A I H O t - IT - l i «Tma*wItha 1 111 I I W. 2nd 51. Ph. FA 2 1422

Large houac very rraaonaldc. Teteeiiien lubes Tratcd Fraa. suitable lor apatlmenla or large HOLLINS HOBBY SHOPfamily. 33 It Albert, D rawrr The Sign Of Thn Totem poleV, tirneva, Fla SMI Sk Freneh A?e.

Cotton A Wool Varna Natiaoa, Thraada, Tapes.

IIH I.I.INS UORBY SHOP A t Tha Sign ( if The Tolant Pal*.

2617 8. French A . . .

Mott Any Make I A R M I I'RE CENTER II# W. I at at FA 2 3ISI

FOR SALE. Ilcautllul 2 Bedroom CB Home Kitchen pa ttu lly furniitu-d 1(30, m> cquitj, 3-37. p tr month. I I I A approved. Us r ated at U l t uunlry Club Circle, juyt off 33cal goth.

New 2 bedroom home, terrarro floori, large ■ ar poric and u lilll* room. I t loo. t3.uoo lo r r<tulty balance 132 per mcmlh. Phone FA 2 2371

OuiCa l.auniiramat Service Shuli tm iih fd In 4s iluviii

Saiiitone Dry Cleaning F " lib St. Fuodmart Ride,


I RFlJRHDM. 2 hub home.DON'T P IT IT H U ’

DO BUY’ A HOME SOW 33< have a u|de range ol loca mna.

tynca nf hom o and a price loauk you.

*8 2 8 0only m ,50 m onthly

• B latki W i l l Of Frtncb Aainu i an Win Sir*at,


IF IT IS I lK A L E S T A T Eaik Crumley A Montcith

at 117 South Park Ph. FA 2-4613

Legal Notice

BY UWNFH: 1 hedroum t U home on iliadcd loti ideal location t an be financed 911 Calabria Dr Phone W. B Wyit H I 3 322# Oviedo after I 10 p m

X«M II • i l l *1 II* r * i '- i>a* p u m t i ix t«i

Engineer Rescued, 'aV.' ; V * a ' ^ .V,*l, • . , * i rn . i. - iu |;ii i i i .i .i i : Halt

Condition Fair ....... •’ "

i t the par ftxe llra lg h U a a d ie 9 11th, whlrh run* down the middle

of the rmirae for MO yard*. The xhorleat I* the 16th. a 1M yard, par Ihrer.

Pro fnr the new Seminole lay­out tn genial Terry PeMar*. fnr merly aialatant ta Arthur Mille#, Ihe profeaaional at the Tine H ill* Country Club.

DeMara aerved in 33ortd 3V*r II. and lovt h it left leg in the Ratlin of the Bulge in Belgium.

9 Hr had atartrd h it golf career at the Tcdeaco Country Club at Swampieott. M a il., and alter the war waa advised lo go hack to golf hy Arm y doctor*.

U r naw rourae offer* yearly, monthly and weekly playing privi Irgea al reduced rale*, but the primary aim ie ta provide a good, sporty course for the general pub- lie. according to DeMara.

fcdw l'ABedding Specials




• 10 Y e s r Guarantee

• C h tiic r o f C olor*

• M edium o r F irm

Allow an re F o rOld M a t lre M N ailM HI

EachanseT rice *39 50

MalchinR lk>\ Spring Same Price

See Our BARGAIN’ HAL* CONY For llargains In Card And DivonlinurdF u rn i lu r t .

fcfJwl'AlUddiag Co.

119 Sa. Magnolia TA M M

JACKSONVILLE i t PI — A «.vt lian engineer rescued t »e* by a Navy helicopter ***• reported lofa ir condition by hoxpital autho­rities today.

Robert J. Harrison. 3t, vu ffrrrd a stomach hemorrhage Tuesday aboard a veixel about Km m il'* from ahorr An emergency call waa an*wrred hv the local Naval A ir station an>l ibe hrtiroptcr went <>ut. accompanied by a Navy tranxport plane.

Thr he 11 ropier delivered Ihe patient to the bath door of Ihe hoipilat. landing on a golf course at the rra r entrance

Legal Notice" no th ’ i ; M in MLRV <#IVKN Hint !»>• |lu«f ! * • i» • »»*tt|( i* !*• it#’ f « uf h# triiiuL • I l i l l ,Kl HU WMl I • r l*| !• ••(lift. • f t ) r M* Ion • L * Ik# th ' •' I l f IftlUB* Bt •••! Ml

o M<K W II

III l.i \ * II \l:i.F>T*ri\ V s T.%YU(tl IJA7.I

f:t IIV \ \T t> w il . l UlIH LtflOY i *■ * %I.».V INN T I Tf:>4 |I

I ' lT T f i M LN T/U IN i n ' i i:. m a t h i* im

- \i fiitiTM u Ain i i »i -lt\SM»>l It A I ’ l* I I* II r.lit*»i .i!i i .a »■ iiKua^. a v \ i i : rIII ai».w I \ l M t It IMP' V I # *


U\S h I I AI I ALIjLN llr t 'A I \ ST MKItTlI % I* »' «' IMION »* • • i m i: \ I f \ yi ■ u uiiXT. «f

• ilk f I l f I f '** !*# * II *«a u u k lY "** i i * f ! I f II - A ft I* A ak r. -) |.f 4 f - -1 II* r fftia-r-f 111# link * n lift' * *1*

4 " iiiM i li# 1" *I f 1 u t l M l i j f l ' t M '4*J «tl***'»'* •laiiMirtB Ui, mi mu c ;> litd*'f *-t it a ■ I > i ■ l ta i l f * fjit i th *• n#n * aaltnifanta M tllU l n t n ' l i L ' :- i iA f t l i f v\ r iu n iM r;». i f•* f» nlfLA.Nt■*» KUSM.IlV s i t' IIA.N<*Li f K I SNK|, | la fklfaf'tHMLSj 4* l it u t» a 'I r - Ol II I* bar iibi>*n>l m l l.KK I* U lMTSffy ah-I JMlMlIf: Y W ill i * LT. til l « if*. if a l l • Hf| if -i»j'*l IN* r r *(*#*'l l i t imknow *1

• 'I# Y l | f f a a f « It | f « t •T II - IMI Ir evarf » Cff J it'-I* tf liltfa * alftil at >• •ul «1| u# i *■» *1 • * laktt.lna tv.’ iiu tiif - i •■•Ifn i t«iJ r♦

• |'r« t|i*> 114 |3IF*1 »tf f* till# n i l T i l l !* 11 n v H k n iiw n i f km<i*t||««i w ra ri^ '• «ilat<««9 U***r f •(fllftra a 1 I a » \\

H O M E • S E E K E R SSpaeloin and lovely 3 bedroom

CB home, located In very tiler lection of Sanford, and tilua lril oa a large tut Feature* Include Urge living room, a dining an a with "elbow room” , an I extra tire fully tiled haih will) built in vaml). 3 nice tire tied roomx. and equipped e lr r t iir kilchrn

Heater, hot water tank H in d i.and roof anlrnna are included, with larger than average ear portc and utility room The v#rd needi working hut tome thru liber v and tree* help lo make Hut a moit attractive home.

Spaviuu* 2 RR Block homr, 2 hath. Florida room. 413,300

NAS olliver ira n ifrrrrd A tru ly fine 3 HR Ulock horn* 111.730 00

Cool >nadc l arge frame home in Geneva. 1 acre lot. 116,300.

Near itmppmg area. 2 MR block 11.700 00

^V . J ju u A/»w4jt CmmfMMy1.6 S. Paig Ave. Ph. Fa 2-6124

UY uV3M .lt—3 hedroom buntr. kitchen equipped, frm rd yard, home itra ii exemption. t i l l i ' i . I'inrv r u l phone before 3 p m or after 7 p. m FA 2 0i32.

1 BKAI. EH I A T I: DRIVE IN 2614 I'rench A*eJ. W. HALL

Itra lla r- l *11 H a ir Phone FA 2-.KJ4I

M3JIIR nnOIVN Kl. 31.TV Realtor

I.3KU MARYrn, FA 2 3247 ur F A 2 t'K I

LN3 U l.dl’Ml, l etterhead,. »!ate-,, .. . , , menu. Invoice*, hand 1,111 ■ am)l.L equipped k i l l lirn. -m lng pi0.r m rW J« . r t *room, Hurida room and 4,1 -inorttage Owner transferred 612 Otrrola Dr. FA *3392.

h llU m PINECRFhl t iHdiooin homr, P i hath, low down pajmenl. 117 month It7 3V.Woodland Dr. F \ 2 2*31

FACTORY 4 ft YOUa l u m in u m •»<

YENETlA.N BUND,4 T Enclosed head Sag proof bottom

ra il with pintle cuds. P in t le or rayon taper, Cotton o r kgloacord*.

Scnkitrik Gin** unit I ’ninl C«.H I 114 3V 2nd St. Ph. FA *-4#U

piouranii e tc . P ro jre ltive -,«e»ei, - l lo v t i. Tent* - L u rg ig i Printing Co Phone VA i a i l - ARMY NAVY SURPLUS 306 33e*t 13th SI. ®l® fiir.ferd Avenue

ROLL4W4Y. H u p .ia ! and Hihy KLNMORE elenric te w in g -m i- Redi. D iy, Week nr M onth- m ine Rlond* C ih ln rt, excellent T il. F4 2 .3111. Furm tur* Center «ondil|on, FA 2 4021.

H I VVe.t F ir . t 51. _ LIVING Room l u l l * -Fiiroiiurr Vloving A Storage I rc ro r,f pi*>cr. all brand Re*,

r . I . PHILLIPS. Went w . 1*1. SI, Api. U .


WASHBURN VAN LINKS l'(M French Ave FA 2 19JI CPU It Market Hock

ment, So SanfordamtFA

equip. 2 7*43.

LOTS FOR SALK: l arge 62 x 149 Good land, cleared, tome land leaping. Path or vmall payment dawn, balance 113 per month.

I - B. MANN Tim it a *ur*t pass lo the llltr i . . . . . v , "But 63 lake M unir* Ih e ilre (or II (iu rd*. Kxp dale 1 ‘ n ; . l

Phone FA 2 3*13 Feb 3. 11 !i.!ion FA 2 ( U * ’* f ° n'

1h(v i t a guru p * i* to tha Bit* Theatre for 11 Carlton. Exp. dale Feb, 3, ‘31.

7 Room home, hardwood floprt, PRKSKR3K juur baby » ,hoc*kilchrn eleelrle, spare heat, air cundllloncd Inqutre 711 Ueilonvillr.

3 llm Home, furnished, Venetian bltndt, garage, hit,, ph-arani eommunll). Im p ilir 417 W. 1,1.

2 HI I ) llOt!M llom r FTtA financ­ed. 137 munliil) Ph. FA 2 1970

goldrvrtla iiing brume, l i l t r t —Write

Mill KRAI r*(» NuMh Heath M lliylona Itra rh . I la



F o il

» - r u m E » 8 . p l a n t s PLUMBING

, ■ ■ • u a r , " TAT M ill an I in »!;!• H IM

F A R M E l l ’S A G E N C YV 3 Farmer, Rrallnr D. It. M hilm orr, Aaioc.

F o r a ll o f th is , Ihe e n tire price I K ^ f r e n c h A ve Ph F A 1 l i l t o f t i l l , home IV o n ly 311,4»n .■ml ! A f lr r h o u r* F A * 2611 o r F A 2 (921ra n t>e pu rchased fo r a , l it t le ........ ......... ........a, 1l#.'<n down. »nd payinrntv U H L A M Y \ U | , l l N L( I IU N lr»v than rent (Term * on down S 8 5 0 D O W Npaymrnt if de.irr.P Call 3 | | | . | i | | ,k >m , „ |„ linP r i im rnfur an apimlntmenl lo *r<- d today' Ready to move in'


All k ind, and alte* i.u p c v illr Ave FA 2 09*6

Mamin Maikel C A R B A f lK PLANTS f-.r sate. Fred Tliura

I 1 - >r. FA 2 3990

334)01 l i l t F t K I aim A Darden ( enter

ANNUALS #01 Uelery Aee

POTTED Pf.ANTS l'h FA M M 2 or I A 2.0270 S 3 N T O R D FLOWER SHOP 33. telecraph.


32 Hi.IIS l onvertahle Motor |>er ferl rondltlon l'h FA 2*023

33UIIKCALI, i ) r r r Kslltnatei)

T IT I'S Y II.L i:I'M MIIINt, A III: YTING INC. I.binved — Ihmded — Imured SANFORD — Phone FA 2 7611


M I L US YOU! FURNITURE• 3 3 RUY the lln»|• 33.- SELL the M»*t• 33 e PAY the Mom


I'l.U 'M IllN liCuiiti at ting A Repaid

I t re Estimate,R I II l i t V IA '

.h i Sanford Avi phone FA 2 33*3


WILSON - MAIIOKNew Ami l ie d Furn iture

.III E Fir»( SI. FA “

UkUf i T T i m nIII VM M .

In,f a|. i i t * - Uo* ' « p iulu ^ i j lT l j , i * Ift’» n*H I I . I I .N X . *.l MIN*.i *i i in k ** t*• mi: i m :i * iiv t i i i *9*1 it N T V T \N %MI*I>*H»II N N I• T.W » m I.I.L* I " ’ ’ •* ^* M IN ' » l . (Til \ rv k(M 'M |,|. K1 .* »1: 11» N K**»t |*\T * V|»|N*. T ill 4 • 4*' \ T VT \ \ f »■ I f a n t» I ' l t l r v: I N il I ’U IN T V T A T b U T L M F .N T .V 1, Non*l« i**» f i f» r fet vhcitr-l Z. TP# flu i in ul a " - r f p b i • i • » *

1 -»ft* It * i * n ill i *i ' itlftrt t h it In v iu l I »r ft 11 n # i ik ix u , l»*'i nidi h i« i ■■ |vp »■ **««**

r« iff tl# «ir#'IS. I ‘ PBM«3 * mu I t ■ i i •* ■■

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* ’ * * ’ 4 i l l r*f r • .*■ « ♦ »• 1 !|> • r cT ' V T iL , y fl'lt" ep ■ ft ft 111* •*,-l »»M Y ----


r AIAHI'Nro h n iiT »

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t f t i i H a fp iiiiftt*HmIILLT I L l t -LI \U • ft,I* II HMliCLT* i f | MMK ft L.NTKLL ■■ *-•!• Bun Ik litp *|ir ■ |

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i l i l b i ' ta il ilM , ml a n i • <lf*(f',*iiYYIIVHI. lt"MTZ -,.r| %c

#* »•• I !| f p*I •, • '••!*■ IH***I •»** T il l it M.FvIftV fe« •(■]• turYlklMin * atf nf t n n t «f.«« f • n » ■» t**i Ir'jftttft* «iff Ph m a'ii• *l *:•(•!*» • "BU'MU. • 4la«ot««4 I'lfttI o'jIm .1 <a * ' • *p« • • 1 *1 a * i a *liin anA IT^lrlfOl *TIItnfechfeniam b u - ma*f. allv »:t*TATi;j» i 'OJi I* A N V a ri«»Boha<1• Mar# *r, *' 1 1 k i * - a I m »I * ' i f **p I'lrtflrla • nr t>Mr«tl< t< a tvel t l i * uni» " Iftlil' • «ff P"lt ktn.«t| «••)*?<* • iiir tt in fa In• hpe* in a) Ihnienl «*|fh bf*. le ie li |(.h k h,*li|»f • Iru*• *f * '(I* 'f a l ' l # 1 1 * l' i k a i >4 a • (p i • a t a n tra * a i i l i i i r e * ||r||** tgMull f ( l t i |M t i r*J | * i#i a nr Isarlie* i |.a ei, -l-6f * » I !<• k ' i p ff■>i l##*lillil« fn i In iArnuflit »in*irr *.r «« * i•#■•

** ’ i i|»f«M*im«ifet m>• >i am n i | bH i!| f ' l l l l l ' i ' l f ** la * a ' • * l» asrfi* 99 f.ft e.f , 19 IP I ) t f 1 , jI * tp 4 ■ ’ • r I * t • » »! '>■#»'*# • - lie afek f i f ' . f I i 1 i# nf Ini t f • t ' i fi I• Lat cftili I-il f t iu i* <* » t fanM, h in r *u-l I'* in i m RptnlimittUklP'l q * • a, • fe * Bill a 1 tia anil 1. *l.a fn||»ik Mb* I inrarrat full *»i*» K lm lil* i,».**u- K L ..fI-umIu n til i - ih # T -* t syy 1, **1 n * • •!<•>! • *f«»#nftliln i f I

pf a f 11*91*1 . I r . "•■ill. lUtifla L-» • t flfeftft fe,,.1*1. I1 *1 "Mnlri a I a• Ta I T!»l| !• "*• '* f*9i |h rf to f 1 Haai |» »

W r#l f a e ( ia ln i « f X ' ' i f Ik & I • Gains » f N YY ' , *.f ?<YY‘ t , YY •, ,,fn k s »*f nyy ’ t n r . '* i ;» , ,.fM . f N YY ' e of F*F*l# YY 9 ft f ♦'t *»:** f m :«. . un ** ,.f p i:*, |* I# *• H»B k ‘ ii'ff I ‘ * Mil.1', f t|9ff .-.f »

jft \Y , bf NLU, S | , «f f» i; 1 * « ii i)

Sli-nsfroni KualtxI I I .K il l KT .STI NSTRIlM

RealtorI.V.NN ItlSNER

l u n i i : IIIIOAD33 11 KEN TURHETT

AvvnelaletI I I N. Park - Ph FA 1 D!<

r i tan <1*4I « T# ft * k # *■ » |J n * a , f k * * f . * r a 9 ■ |

k•*k *' I |i* a . f ftnt**l I# p*aI krai * a*| li t i l l 9 - r 1*3# • * ten e Ma m vlrrxi i#»i-k#v • 111 * c rr aifi in#

M l-.k. li.( ... i , uw T»O l l i l I fu r ills i t | l |• •■li t.* ,. .|.»III aft l.| li|fV|ifp| 4 | § like # t

l ’’ f yt 11 < |l or-1 • . Iht'#M "fi t * '<r ua > * Jr-I 'i? . AH»*r r* c lie re., i M , , *

J#»Hn Krill* r «V«aiirran

S U N L A N DEstates


P IN E C R E S T3rd Addition.i lm i ic i D ea iirnc tl F o r

F in ritln L iv ing.

Iriil lo naval air atallun, vihooli, and vhoppme Has rat pmte. u tility room, laige Flor Ida room with sliding glass iluorv, fen ird lia ik )* fd , tile bath, vrnrlian blindi. and is k itih rn cipnppcil Imiuedlale posseialon. Phone 1 A 2 2429.

PINECREST .1 hr. u> hath. CB home on large surnrr Ini, F lor­ida m i , rarpnite, utility torn , A hilly rquijq ird kitehrn I jiw downpaymrni, low munihly pay- ■nrnlx, FA 2 L"J6


Ihud St. A Dark Avenue. South V all Call Hall

Phone 13 7 3611

2 hr I I I homr. aerren (uirch, k it­ehrn rqulpjved, small down pay­ment. F IIA financed t,’-7 a month, l arge nu'< ly landscaped lot vrnrlian blinds Call Colby F 3 2 I1VI ext, CJ6 * to I p m a llrr I UA 2 0MJ

1930 I ' lv in o i l lh S tation 1193 I A : -

33 agon

41 It.

XIR t UNDI HONING PONTRAt | and REPAIR VAtlhRI0«7 Sanford 3ve. PA 2 4112

I 'L l MBlNIi A II I PAIRSJor C. IHolllas

l»:.t Sarila SI. »'3 2 n«n!'»37 KNi i X house trailer1 M r" ’ ,r r r lrn #lh :i~ P U N O SI 0 3 1(1------------ -—mg 310U ur he»l offer on equity ca.nrt H K \ u *.___________

and take over payments Ph PIANO TUNING A REPAIRING I A 2 0473 \v. I , HA It MON

11(1 I I I DM IN sedan UAH. per (eel A llc r 5 >’ 111lire , j.Mid mnditinn. »2E'> F tT^H TTM TsiTT l»N I R M 'fn t is IA 2 3023 ■ - ■

l i- R o C M and MlrfORS

"Lairway In the Waterway'1 Your PvioMule Dealer

ItilllaON SPURTING GUDDB SOI 6-6 F. 1st I bona FA 2-3961

I t — 1‘rls 'ueglis,______

PEKINESE Utah — I weeks old -A K i l ’h 13 i

lu ix i.n sft m alrs

llegnlered, male* $70. W21 1 3 2 7690.


I h r,, i n h o m e , r le r t r le k itc h e n eq u ip m e n t ( lie ha th . Ja lousie w indow a, u l i l l l ' t in , laud i r a p t-* la w n , la rg e n r ir k l ia r Jl r j VKI f l Irons N a v a l Rase. H .D hu FA 2 3179

ns.fR M ISO t.*- • ,M,a *lai» ul ) ( i.

■ ' 1*111111 v i •:I ■ 79 *Yr I time «a|i•n m r. l’ l l A S T IIO S V M - IM O S

i ix * i M ina i: " ’**•■*' • • ' • • • ' • " P t a l i l l f f a a rrw rna i U K fiu n d o .- .- , i , .... ,, , , , . h m -i .i (» jn

o ' : 1/ ' ” * " "■> ■ >7-* fhfe H - . . . I I ’ Jn rlB * . f^#t#lna|f i • un it, I’lr-fi I# . f ,* «|Ml I k f # ft | t k u >' t ft * || 3 (H e ' • * a

1 a •*' »»»# Kata'# *• fJnM.9’11 l\r i|M N V IN.m k- l • i .-»i# i *

i f lL \ 9 »««*•* ftt*»t> #11,73 fa. T 9I I f J it I## t d « 11 n « i »t i tt# fti * ' 1

► q *'f NW" ** ft) f tf ft ■ I lift ## *1,. Tftkftlls• i.ih . • «ftw«fttftia it«* ft# J> > 4»i in iyy it , # k i i ' i , i.f Si. linn at t <*» i.qi * ;# fi, •nth J: ft it • ip

Vmu ftit'1 * 4t It i*f mil, *)#• h#r#-I k (i !• f t f j r <1 I I, At 4 #flll lift# |sf«i(« * W9|A 4E ia r ftgftlnftT k,,l| („ the l'h * Ml’• ii i I*i ft *4 f r Nil m l# CgniihV' i *• »»' * hfti * r j i n t l l 1*1' IIY iif.M »* llf.4M.kl ftf* plft|,,s|ff v » ( T n \||.t \PO.N 9| »l |*9f#ns|ant9. ftrnl k oil, ft*k>1 #«< h " ftfft 99.)«jlP9t| ir. fit# k tr tj f M-*«#[ tfi piftlfkf ifTp I *e? f fi lit 4 | n l «a I7fr«h# ' I f rW * • fel«l 7 feiirf ftT"! I f f t i

I* iil*« •<t4r»*i i« I* i>h-.k 1 91 < ^ ft Tifflirt I lesflala * » .1.3

7 •« ■< ##•* #r t *% *»f r.9#..r» 4‘||.ff# #f* 4 I* f • • • «*i# ifv S |ft l f 9| ||'S * ft I' f»< hfo f i l l

ff*” •■* "• ill Nf #»*f t f #*| «B 9in#f | mi• •! 4ft i l l ff f „ r th# * • | |«f 4«>

Utl In #4 hi 7 'tt fulfill

ot her ail’w liliira tliin o» .si,I [sre. aid r.,r . „r ,t.r dlseliarelnch*r lie #tm h ff; |e, i| p 11aan!*A T " q . " lk ,,,,f ,,f u "

l^ .K U A X IID IH ASS * . |V . *■ K lS '( I ' l l of fh* IJalx'a

STl«?i"#Vi0 r*V '* * M tlftT triM ^ w o T . * .I , V ,u ' ,uaajsXwril. yiuaida

Tl i hat.ii* - this soil I- |n oulrl lb* tuts |a Ih* «|«ot* dt.cribadland

VV o,r hand an,I araln f said i-p o rt *< Aaof->itl Keml- ■--Is 1’,-i-hI s r i ir Ms. Ihl* Jstli Oss -* I'eu iS '.l,, Is, D tl.■ t'euri t i i i i ,

• > p. iir .n s iso ys’leek at M l* C H I'"» aria 2. f.oMounrI>snutr d a rk

•IRS's -3 eDKKII J it g ,,h .||,r In- h iatnlirf r i ‘ Hoi us a nwatsrd. f ls n la ,


l II 1.1)ROOM — : HATH HOME S 4 1 Herirooms— I & 2 I I . i t h.N Beautiful, aparioue on (hire Jots

I >ouhie rarjHirte, KtUhen equip­ped. Central heat and air eon ditlunrd ItardwiKxl floor* ex erpl Florida Room whteh is rork tile, F lrrp ltcc Plus Imat port THIS IN THE REST BUY IN .SANFORD.

V A . F H A *FHA In Service Conventional

FinancingDown Payments

L o yv As $100Immediate Occupancy

YV« Guaru iteo IVraonal Hotufactiuii or Your

Money Cheerfully Hef untied.


Cor. Ilwy. 17-02 & 27th St. — - Phone FA 2-1501

Sanford, Movt 3| ,»lr e tt lleauty baton

Ndt tValer T 3 Stampi II U l i l l l . M Js RI k l T V NOOK

103 So Oak FA 2 3742


Fit rarpentry, ta in ting , teraen- tug, inufitig, and plaster repair, 1asphalt tile, asbeslo* xtdiog. | m l'u tuy or wood ateps, laveltop »od lepatring gofagra amt wrecking call )■ x 2 1699,


3 31 I UM ( LEANT:It REPAIRSParis for all make* d 'Iranctv,

fleetruluv. Hoover. Kirtry. r tr Free pIrk up. 33'urli guarartterd. FA 2 47U

llou'e VVIrinj E ectrlc Servltr S'iI 3 tllleo

It 3SII 31.'. Kl E l T ills ' ( it 112 Migno.ia t 3 .’ u913

$ S A V K $New A l '* e i l

l uinilurc and AiiplinncM .Mather of Sanford:»1 209 r . Fir t t SI. Ph. FA :-09U

Used furniture, appliance*, toala ete. Reight-sold. f,a rre ’a M in 213 S infoH Ave rh . FA I-41M.

I inter ( oaxlrurtloa


A q l ILT COMMUNITYN'i*r Golf Courst#

Quality HomesM n ilK I I .Y T K L Y P l t lC F l )

. 9

Low Down Payment.Monthly Payment#

Less Than Kent

3 BEDROOM — t IIATII HOME Corner tot. Kitchen Equipped

Very goosi financing. Down pay ment only 4#se>.

2 B E D R O O M — t R A TH H O M E K n optionally nice home on

shaded corner Jut. Fenced sard Fairly pnead. Mce aecllon.

3 RED ROOM PINECREST Home Fenced yard. I I . imo down. Move in in 3 m inu lri.


Ellr. Methv in—Velma Gonraler, Adelaide H Motet — A vto rla trt. 1M1 Park Ave. __FA j-W l

WANTED, Retired sir temt retir- ei| man tn cn llr it negro dablt 1 Experience helpful hut not ne< rsx jt) . Should require atiout :i da>i a week i.oosl opitorlunlly fnr a future Tine It not an in aurancs' m Write llox OM, Hanford Herald.

LOCAL rompany has ujienlng fur routrman Write Hug SS, San foul Herald giving qualifica­tions

Meat miters helper — rxpen tn r- n l prefrrresl but no( necessary. Apply W adri Market.


llabysit nr iron. FA 2 7921.

SIGN Lettering. TA 2 792*.

Work wanted as pu .lrr, Janitor or dlthwathrr. 7W Hay Ave.

Housework by day or xt**k. Mary Long. Ph. FA 2 1179.

Buy NowCIhiokc Your Own Tile

And Paint Colors

ShoemakerC u n n lru d iu n CuM In c .

I l l V3e*l 23lh K e e n Phone rA 1-3103

Experienced truck driver; re lrr- encet, w ill relocatr. Ph. Orlan do U ic rry I-33U.


331 inxlla you In Ii* our Rurwtn nbaolulclv free wilhuut tiliURkliun nl tine of hnnford'i kudini:Mol*]* while yuu Incute auilalila homing for ) oil and your family, Hick up your kty at lb«Salr* Office.

Odham & Tudor, Inc,UHAILEY ODHAM, Hr**.

Corner llwy. 17-92 A 27lh SI. Phon* FA 2-144U


• -

Pag* 8—Thurs. Jan. Sat. 1959~T“

Vlpa Iw rfiri '9 m l

First Federal Reelectsa i l v:. *. «* wi-«. ■ * %i *.

Officers And DirectorsAt Um* membership m crtlnr it

F ir i t Federal Savins* and Loan Association Wednesday, three dl rector* were reelected and sub aeqjently, the hoard reelected Ilia ■late of offieers that hai been serving the local thrift organic*- Won la the pait year.

T V Director* sleeted for three

Car te rm i are H. Jame* Gut, A. Shlnholier tpd George Touhy.

Money Is Offered For Dropping Suit

ATLANTA lU ID — A Nefro leader reported today that a member of hi* rare haa admit­ted o ffe rin t Negro parent* »um» of "from 500 to several ihoutand doll a r t" to withdraw their putdlc school Integration suit In Atlanta

Dr. C. Clayton Powell, acting Atlanta chapter president of the National Aasn lor the Vdvante- went of C o l o r e d People, said there wea evidence the man *'wai representing some in te rfiled par- tie* In Georgia who want to -*e W it suit dropped "

Powell said offer* w m nude •artie r this week to all to plain* Nfft in the ault, riled in federal ■ourt here a year ago and tenta­tively acheduled for a hearing •arty tbta year. In approaching the parent*, the man did not give hi* tnae Identity, according to

The plaintiffs reported tue of­fers to the NAACP. Powell ssld. *•*04 Immediately they were in- strueted to atrtng along with the Khemr tn the ealent that the approach could be proven."

When NAACP investigator* rou- feonted the man with their find- Inga, he admitted making the of* fe n "w ith the idea of making a law easy buck* for himself," Paw- ■S said.

"Sufficient avidence has now been secured to show conclusively ■ u t he contacted these petitioner* with offers of some too to several feouaand dollars to have their tame* stricken from the suit." Powell said. Investigation le coo- Inning, he added

Gut, a former mayor of Sanford la operator of an Insurance agea- ry bearing his name. Shlnholaer I* an attorney and Touhy la the operating officer nf the associa­tion.

Howard Faville. president, to hi* report of the past year'* ope­ration said. "Your association may not be the biggest one. but it ta among the safest in the nation.”

The report revealed over 17 million in saving* account* on Dec. I I , on which a three and one hair per cent a year in dlvl*j dt-nda had been paid

Loans exceeding 12 million "represents money poured into the payroll* of builder* and book* of material suppliers It rrp rrw n t* a substantial boo*t to the local economy. Money laved and loan rd here help* all builnei* in our communlly." the report read

Faville complimented the staff on II* effort* lo he of icrvlee to association member* and lhankrd the director* for their Intereat In eitabthhlr.c sound operatlnc poll- elei.

The comment* iion-d with an i expreaiion of confidence *t> eon tinued growth In IBM

Rev. Stone To End Pastorate Sunday

KKM1N0I.K (.KTS TROPHY — Coaches, football player* nnti atudenta gathered in Seminole High auditorium for presentation of a Florida Tnm**-Unlon trophy to the school, which won the 1 Orange Kelt

Conference foot l>all title. I.o/t to right.Coitch Jim Plgott, Coach Dave [.nude. Co- Cttpt. David Stanley, Fullback Harold Stone nod Hob Price, who made the presentation.

(Herald Staff Photo)

The orchid grow* from the small- ■ seed in lh* world.

Unlaid1' smallest colony Is thr On* out of five Americana Rock of Gibraltar. I l.angcd residence during Hitt.

The Rev. Perry L. Stone will close his Jlv year m inistry at the J'irat Christian Church Sunday'

Neat week, he w ill leave San­ford to assume the pastorate of th« Rhett Ave. Christian Church, North Charleston, S. C.

As h it parting aermon at the 11 a. m. service. Rev. Stone has chosen Paul's p irting message to the Ephesian elder*. Tbe choir w ill aing thr anthem, “ God's House." by Loucks, under the direction of Mr*. John C. Dicta,

The Kiwanis Club w ill attend the service in a body, in recog. n iliun of tbe minister’* departure. Rev. Stone has been a member of the local civic organisation since his arrival in Sanford

The church will have a pot- luck supper Saturday night at 6;30, Mrs. Vincent Larson. iefv* ice chairman, la to charge of arrangement! Thote attending are asked to bring Iheir own sil­ver and pistes, as well a t a cov­ered dish of food.

The Rsv. Gilbert g Counts, De- I.and, will fill the pulpit until a

new pastor is found. George W. Morgan is chairman of the pul pit committee.


—Dr. Elite Strang L'Etperance. 10, who founded several cancer prevention clinics at the Memorial Center for eancer and allied dis­ease*, died Wednesday.

MAPLEWOOD, N. J (DPI) — Hugo A Oswald. SO, former lec retary-treasurer and a director of S t a n d a r d Brands, Inc , d i e d Wednesday.

UPPER MONTCLAIR. N. J. (U P li—Prank G. Henry, 88. re ­tired manager of the New York M e r c a n t i l e Kachange, died Wednesday after a long lllneaas.

The world's large*! retractable dome - iU feet to diameter —will rover the new Pittsbargh C iv­ic Aren*.

« l,0BO-tea topertank. era being built today can carry enough petroleum to power 28,kg automobile! fo r a year'* driving.


Now available to you fo r first tin rescript->i

new drug called ODRINKX!without a doctor's p re sc rlp tn ^ our newYou must lose Ugly fat in T days or your money back No more starvation dicta, *trenuous ever- cite, laxatives, massage «r tak­ing of so-called reducing candies, cracker- or cookies, or chcwirg gum. OPHINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Absolutely harm!***. When you take ODRIN- EX. you still enjoy your me*l», still eat the foods you like, but >oj^ simply don’t have the urge for cJP ra portions heravi-e OPHINEX de­presses your a jye tlte and drrrcat- rs your de-ire fo r food. Aut.-mat. ieally your weight mu-t comedown, because as your own doc­tor will tall you. when you rat leas, you weigh less. Get rid of r i- rets fat and live longer. OP it IN- EX is sold on this GUARANTEE; You must lose weight within f days or vour money back. Jod return the package to your drug­gist and get your fu ll money bacH ODRINEX coal* 13.00 and I* -"Id with this strict money beck r»*e- ante* by.

TOUCHTON DRUG STORC I I E, 1st St. Mail Orders Filled

____than I,QUO soldiers fromtarslgn countries have attended feta D. I . Army's Infantry School at Port Henning, Ga., line* the Wetotag program brgan to IBM.

Truck Tires Blow Vehicle On Road; Crash Kills One

LA BELLE (UPI) — One man was killed and another seriously Injured Wednesday night when their car slammed Into a trac tor tra iler parked «•» the high way

Atlon William Delbert, 21. Mu using, Mich., was killed when h« was thrown against the windshield of the auto driven by James J Williams ol Illinois. Both men were employed by the U. S. Geoln giral Survey Wililama was ho* pitalited with multiple fracture*

Jame* Andrew Pavl* of Winter Haven told police hi* truck, load ed with tomatoes, had two blow oul* of right rear lire* on High way 28 near here. Ita aaid he parked the truck on the highway because there wat no ahouldr* along tlx road.

Davis said he placed our Hare each to Ibe rear and front at the truck while he went to get tires Police said the flare to the rear of the truck apparently went out b rfu rr the Wttllama ear approach­ed.

Boost celery yields, control diseases with Du Pont "Manzate”Du Pwst "MuitfoU" ta highly effective fo r eon* taii at mrig Might and kite Might of eck-r*. Start applications when plant* arv aatabliahcd ta Mm floid nod oonttnua im frequently ns re­quired. "Mananta” ta mlW on planU, but tough on Might*. Order "M-miaUi" today I

< w m•llll* j*MANZATE*

■meet /■■g-eut*

Hnu n-iMot sot nnn uv-no tt.scuoa csscsuiii

Boost yields of celery, sweet corn end cucurbits,

spray with Du Pont “ Parzate”Du Pont “PariaU" otter* effective. low-coal •oiitrul of Holtninlbunpoelum Might ut twin* corn, leaf apot dineaaca of celery, ami anthrue- nnaa, downy mildew and certain other lenf dieeoacu of cucurMla. "Panata" ta mild ta action . . . rvniata washing off by ruin*. Order •‘Pnrinta" bcchiyl

PARZATE*MytitJ sskSM /w-gM-d*

atm* tMiHOt rot gnu uvsmo


for higher yields, stop blights with Du Pont “ Zerlate" or “ Formate’ '

DuPont "Zartata” airam and "F-*rrnnU“ farhab. fungicides can ba uaed an sprays or dust* for Hi*- effective oontroi of eaily and late blight and damping-off of celery. Th«y protect grow­ing celery plants without danger of burning or stunting. Fpr low-coat discs** prevaotion, mb fUr "Zeriata" or "Fermata** today!

b h h t

The Smart Investment




Rem itifu l 3 Bedroom, 1 £■ 2 Baths Homes

Priced $12,5011 to $15,000. Homes Completed

and Heady For Immediate Occupancy

Others Under Construction That Will He

Completed Within One To Three Weeks

Homes Are Equipped With

These Plus Features —• Cu-toni Hull! Calilnrta• Ternu./o Floor*• UK Stove• (* K. Hefrigerntor• ft K llol Water Heater• Tile Itath• Venetian Blind*• Wall Furnact

Cll) Sew era Paved Nlrreta Sidewalks Street l.ighta I ter real ion Arena Tennis Couria ILiskellmll Court Drdlcnled Park*





We Can Qualify Yrou For One Of These Plans In Thirty Minutes!

On Highway 17-92 —

2 Miles South of Sanford Conveniently located

near shopping centers- Close to good fishing and hunting -

Less than an hour from the Beaches!


m low as $4 0 0MONTHLY PAYMKNTS

M low M Q

A taauranaa

I f1r y■



) *

u *1•

W * Sju tvu u d ss finAAonal


d h a m & T u d o r , I n c .Salas O ffic e — Cor. 2 7th & Hwy. 17-9 2 Phona F A 2-1501


COURTESY WEEK PROCLAIMED — Mayor Ai Wilxun signs the proclamution for Courteay Week, which Ix 'tfiiu Sunday in Sanford. Chairman Dave Thru*her of the Jay. ee«v offer* polite encouragement. The state-wide prunm- Ron will mn Jan. 26-31. (Herald Staff Photo)

'Sanford Gets Set For Courtesy Week

On Sunday. Courteiy Week be­gins officially throughout Florida, and especially in Sanford, the atate'a moat courteous etty.

* 'Broke, Scorned/ Hedy's Had Enough

BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. (UPl) —Hcdv Lamarr, claiming ahr la ‘•broke'* and ha* been ecorned by the only man »he ever loved, aayi the now w ill fight like ■ It-

m grr to itralghlen out her life.• " I gave myaelf to Howard 100

per cent, but everything I did for him waa taken for granted,” Ihc beautiful Vienna-born a d rew raid at her rented home here where die IIv m with her eon. Tony. 10. and daughter, Denlae, 14. and a aervant.

Her attorney fUed a auit In federal court at Houatoo. Tea.. Thuraday against her estranged husband, oilman W. Howard l*e .

9 "There comas a moment when you say enough t# enough," said the ttye a ro ld actress who was •nee the glamour queen of Holly­wood. She charged L rr Is to,WO behind In support payments, mon­ey she needs to live on

" I have been qu ilr 1U." the H id. "Then Tony was struck by an automobile while riding his bi cycle. He almost died. 1 Just haven’t been able to accept any

H film or television offer* made to n w .'

The ravenhaired beauty said her fifth husband. Lee. was the"one man I loved—loved more •tan anyone In the world. Hut t ean see no ohenee of a reconcil­iation

Hr paid absolutely no attention to me or the children, except when aumeunr else was present," she said. "Then he was attentive

• and wonderful — until wr were •lone again."

News Briefsinstitute Okayed

TALLAHASSEE (U P l) — The U. S Office of Education has ap proved a Florida guidance insti­tute fo r tra.hers

Visit ScheduledDAYTONA BEACH tU I ’l l ~

Mrs. Fulgencio Batista was sched ulrd to arrive here today to visit her ailing 17-month-otd daughter, j

Teacher Pay MailedTALLAHASSEE (UPD — Some

nine m illion dollars In tearher salary money was in the m all to Florida counties today—two w eeks late

Living Custs DropWASHINGTON (UPl) — Lower

food prices sent the cost of living down in December for the first lime since August, the govrrn mont said today.

ITondizi Visit EndsWASHINGTON (CPI) — Presi­

dent Arturo Krondtii of Argentina today prepared to wind up his three-day stale visit In Washing­ton.

Eight Die In CrashAMMAN, Jordan (C P I) — An

Gov, LeRoy Collins and Mayor A ir Jordan airtiner crashed In the AI Wilson both have signed pro- rugged h ill country near the Dead clamaDon* advising Floridians to Sea late Thursday and reports

(SUt § > m tf0 r fo f f i m t l f cF a n INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER *

VOL X L IX United Pres* Leased Wire K*t*l>H*hed *1008 FRIDAY. JANUARY 23. 1969 SANFORD. FLORIDA NO. 365

observe the rules of courteous be­havior.

The Sanford-Seminole County Jaycera are sponsoring the cam­paign locally, with the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce. Store banners were going up to­day all over Sanford, and friendly cltUcns were practicing their most appealing smiles.

Chairman Dave Thrasher has not revealed the nature of Court­esy Week's special promotions, but announced that 125 Savings Bonds tiave been obtained as price* for courtesy contest win­ners. The winners w ill he select­ed by a secret committee, which la circulating now through down­town Sanford

Selected will be the most court­eous act, policeman, saleslady, talesman and waltreai.

Seamstress Sews Finger To Machine

reaching here today ta id right persons had been killed.

Bishops AppointedBUCK H IL L FALLS, Pa. (UPD

— Bishops Arthur J. Moure of Atlanta and Rny H. Short of Nashville have been appointed to supervise the Methodist Church’s Jacksonville area conference.

Blaze Hits PlantWAYCROH, Ga. (UPl) — A

largr part of (hr Snivrly Groves box factory here was destroyed by f i r r early today, but the main plant and most of the equipment was saved.

Ted Williams SignsBOSTON (U PD —Ted vYilliams,

six-lime American league bai­ting rh^mplon, today signed his tilth contract with the Kcd Sox at f l i ’S.ooO to remain baseball's high­est salaried player in history.

Virginians WarnedRICHMOND, Ve. I U Pl) — the

Richmond limes ■ Dispatch said editorially today that Virginians 'may as well realise" that a cer­tain amount of school Integration seems inevitable.

Solon Says Reds Lead Arms RaceLittle Hope For Miners Trapped B y Icy Waters

PITTSTON. Pa. tU I’ l) — Hope filled today fo r 12 miner# trapped by Icy watcra in an anthracite mins after the swollen Susijuehan ns River breached a hole in a

WORCESTER. Maas. (UPD - A professional seamstress seel- dentally sewed her finger to an

S : la, L r hiwi T , Transfer Opposedhad to drag the « pound object TALLAHASSEE tU I’l ) Gov.twice across a room to get help, Collins has aiinountrd that

T just kept perspiring from p rirr- lta lng power* e l the retail

Librarian Thinks ‘Rags To Riches* Books Should Go

TAIJAHASSEE (U P l) - Tbr itnrv of Horatio Alger'* rise Irom rags to riche* may tie denied to Florida youngtlera If the state librarian has her way.

Such classic as the Horatio Alger aeries, the Robhsey Twins, the Wlrsrd of Or. Tom Swift snd the Rover Roy*, among others, would disappear from Florida library shelve*

State Librarian Dorothy Dodd has advised county libraries in the slate that "there are plenty of other hooks which give broader and wider hack grounds for chll dren to read."

She said "the libraries should

«nd distributor levels must be abolished before he approves a transfer u f milk control to Ilia .State Department of \grleulture.

pain." Mrs Alexander Adamiak,Si), said Thursday after her ordeal " l used the sheet as a towel and kept wiping my lace and my eyes."

The woman was trapped lor 40 M i k o y U D G l'C ’C tC t l agoniring minute* the electric needle and thread pinning her | m in e r Anastas Mlkuyan return finger last to the machine cabin e,| irum the U. S. today to the

Limousine Looms As Political Issue

WASHINGTON (U P lt-Joe Mar tin's spanking new 111 WO llmou- slnr, an "au ld lang syne" gift from the House membership, »p peirrd today to have become a political issue.

Rep. W illiam H Ayres lR- Ohio) Is te lling the voters back home that Democrats got the House to provide the chauffeur- driven Cadillac tn Ihe ousted GOP tenter "just to emharrass Repub­lic* n i "

Ayres said 22 cvinslltulcnls have written him to prolrst the decision to keep M artin supplied al lax- payer expeme with the limousine and extra clerical help that nor­mally goes only with the floor leader’s position.

Democratic Leader John w .McCormack (M a ts ) said there was no f o u n d a t i o n to Ayres' charge " I thought It was the de cent and proper thing In do." he tohl a rrporte r

Ayrr* wrote his conililutynia Hist McCormack's resolution to provide M artin with the car was approved at the very' time that "a movement was under way among fore finding a light and safety Republicans to prrwnt a car to " | wouldn't g<> back down Mr Martin through private con, the niinea lor a m illion."

tunnel below Mve m ac bed and swirled Into the honeycomb af diggings.

Under the unwritten law of the coal mine fields, " n rvac leave a buddy down delow," rescuer* spared no effort or expense In a frantic effort to reach thrm Their only hope was that the men man­aged to crawl into air porkrt* alwne the still rising water level.

The volunteer rrscue crews, d i­rected by federal, slate and com pany experts, dug throughout the night In rrn iu tr shafts and tunnels In efforts to break through to some still-dry subterranean corri­dors where the missing may have found refuge.

Forty-four of the miners work Ing deep underground managed to reach • safety after the ice- clogged river drained through a hole 20 Iret In diameter into the quarter mile long tunnel like an emptying b a t h t u b Thursday. They were greeted with whoops of Joy by relatives and friends stand­ing vigil around the numerous rnirancr*

line mine engineer estimated It would lake two yeara to pump out the water if such a huge pro­ject could he fmanerd.

"You never saw such a mess at there Is down there," veteran m i­ner Anthony Krywlckl. 53. taid, "Everything la so caved in Whole sections are caved in It'a a terrible mess."

Krywlckl was one of a group of men who wandered fur hour* through the dungeon darkness he-

Good Points Needed!*™1™U. 5. Far BehindWhnt'a right with SunfmU7 Wa'va hud quit* a hit

uf comment from * hopper* about our local store*.Now, it’s time to turn the coin. The other side of

the issue needs discussion. Mr. Merchant. The Herald requests your letters. You have seen and heard sugges­tions. comments and "gripes" from the public.

Now is the time to tell the world about the "ex­tras'* that Sanford merchants give their customers. Sanford offers many advantages to consumers in Se­minole County, and the surrounding area.

As « starter, how about the lack of that "big city** traffic problem absent in Sanford? Or the municipal lutrkitig lot?

The public has become interested in Sanford as a shopping center. This interest is genuine. Otherwise, the |ieop!e would not have taken the time to write to The Herald and to the Retail Merchants Division of the Chamber of Commerce.

While interest is ' >'gh. Mr. Merchant. SAnford shotdd capitalize on it.

Naturally, most of the letters cited what shop)>era lielleve to lie shortcomings. They were asked to tell why they shopped outside Sanford. The satisfied customer, of course, had no "gripe," no reason to write.

As in the case of the public. The Herald will with­hold names, if this is desired. However, letters must lie signed. Permission also must be given The Herald to supply the name of the author if such is requested.

Now is the time.

trlb'ition*."Therefore, h* wrote, "the reso

lutlon was clearly political and calculated to embarrau Republi­cans I,et u* hope It Is no Indica­tion of the mariner In which your money w ill be appropriated dur­ing the next two year* by the Sf-tli Congress **

McCormack* ofllce said the Democratic leader ha* received about 50 letter* cummentlng on

dOSClUV i l l ' l l Far»t Deputy ||lr House action two wri-k* ago MIAMI it,' I ' l l — Cloudinesssnd "90 per cent ot them were threw an unexpected blanket lit favorable"

vowed. " I 'm finished I don't want no more of that. Forty-two year* of It Is enough."

Clouds Take Edge From Cold Wave

hbe dragged the entire machine across the room to reach a tele phone and rail poller When they arrived she had lo pull the heavy object to the other side of the room to pres* a bum-r releasing the door lock She had been sew­ing a sheet when the accident hap pened and her family was not home.

The needle patted through the nail and forefinger of her Irft hand Police Norte Richard J. Hebert removed the needle from the machine and then attempted to take the needle from her fin­ger

The needle broke, however, and had lo he taken nut later by a physician

a rkum c of a crowd of Russian* in holiday mood who greeted him in English and asked his son al-iul Marilyn Monroe

Caracas CelebratesCARACAS, Yenrturla (U l ’ l ) —

Caracas took on a festive air to­day to relehratr the arriva l of Fidel Castro and Ihe firs t anni­versary of the overthrow of Venr- luclan D irtatnr Marcus I ' r r r i Jimfnei.

Perjury Testimony Read Into Record

Big Show At End; Sentence Is Death

warmlh over much of Florida during the night, taking the worst nf the chill from the cold wave.

Temperature* were live lo 10 degrees higher than ripec lrd in many sertlons of Ihe state

Free ting wrather was rr|>ortrd only in a few sactlun* of extreme North Florida. Frost ami a light

HAVANA ( l I ’ D — Tbr tenleme of death came almost as *n anti­climax at dawn today at the trial of Halida Via) Jesus Susa Htanro, (J)(, who went before Ills Judgr* in the Havana Sports I ’ alare

The tr ia l began Thursday after noun before 30.000 Cubans who re pratedly shouted "coward" *ml "murder" at the prisoner The sentence ra ine I I hours and 19 minute* la ter. Just al the sun ip


Get Call, Gets Jail

Seanor l.yd ir. I I . was In Jail within K> rnlnulei a lter Binning ham iMtlirr notified Sanford that hr had stolen two suits In Ihe

2 Sanford Ladies In Sanford, N. C.■ So far, two people have visited Sanford, N. C. from Sanford. Fla

Mrs. W V. Swlgonski of Elder Springs said that she hsd dis­cussed the Iwo .Hanford* with Ihe proprietor of a Sanford. N, C. ra fr Mrs Swlgonski. a Navy widow, visited the North Carolina town Aug 27 with her three children. Kathryn, 13. Mary Alice, It and Paul 4

Mrs Earl Faust met and talked with the editor of The Sanford Daily Herald Newspapers were exchanged and comparisons made. Conclusion of IkiRi women: "San bird Is a nice little town "

Mr* Swlgonski teems to be Hie lady who Inspired Editor Char- let I 'r r t le r to write The Sanford (Fla 1 Herald requesting an ex-f r r r ie had la-rii fore, asl all the

way down Into Die Central Florida change of article* and pictures cllru* twit ]i,.ill women make wonderful

Marianna and Pensacola were representative* of the Chum tier

Jaycecs To Climax 'Week' Tomorrow

BARTOW (U P l)—Thr perjured * 7 ^ , " t im e . M T .h o w wastestimony of a former Polk County deputy sheriff tn a grand Jury _ _ .wo* read Into the record here Jl’ f , 10 ! 'today tn the perjury tr ia l of for

R v r i i v i n n A w n r H Srn , , m > K,n*t—- - - - - - ----- Dy O l V i n g M W a r a Ex Deputy James llu.bee adStock liettcr books but cinpha- Presentation of Ihe Distinguish nutted last week that hi* testl Slitd her views are strictly a Awards w ill r llm a i Na mony Iw-fore a grand Jury ataiutmatter of personal preference and ljon, | Uyrtr Wrck tomorrow »hc has mi power of control over n|Khtthe county libraries. The award will be made al Ihe

She added there I* a "Demi .layer* banquet al 7:.'W> p in In the In good library practice that these ; Shrine Club. Reservations for the book* are not desirable. banquet may I * made until noon

The stale librarian admitted lomorruw al the Jayeee Informs- the read most of the hooks as a n,m Jiootlt

Past president were guests and speaker* al the luncheon ye itrr day. Each man told a few nf the highlight* durlvg hit term as head


Buck Is Drugged, Token To Forest

The buck at the xoo was raplurrd this morning and taken to the Game Reserve In the Farmington area.

Stair wildlife officials shot him with a dart fu ll o f sleeping potion. When the six-point bock awakens, ha w ill he safe in the Florida for- •at.

H m deer waa removed from the ■oo because he had become too hard to handle.

of the Sanford SemmoIr County Jayrer*. Speaking were Floyd Palmer. M. L. RaU>rn f ir , Gor­don Bradley, Hill Steadier. C liff Able*. Tommy Peterson, G. An­drew Speer, and M I. (Sonny) Rshorn Jr.

the sm.(ssi Polk pay o ff seandal nf 195*1 was false.

Ruvliee t Irillm nny was read by Polk County Circuit Court Reporter Holland Kelley before the court today.

In the testimony, Husbee claimed that hr and former Depu tv Rollle Arnold were assigned hy former Sheriff Pat Gordon. King's ro defendant, tn work w ith King In the rase

Chief D rfrn tr Counsel Chester ltrde ll unsureeiifully objected to the admission of Ihe transcript as evidence.

Kelley was Ihe first witnesstoday in the fourth day of the Crim inal Court trial of King, who

ovrr Most uf Ihe spectator* had even nrarlv all the

IVi foreign newsmen who had

cities wllh readingsof 29. Jacksonville and Tails has tee reported I t . It was generally In Ihe to'* in Central Florida, amt, at usual. Key West was the warmest with a balmy fn

Hie Weather Bureau r t edited an unriperlrd i loud rnvtring ovrr the southern half of Ihe peninsula with keeping In some uf the heat allsr a mid front passed down the peninsula Thursday

The Weather flurrau said II would warm up gradually during

of Commerce for Sanford (Fla.)

rnrne In rover Ihe trial had left. |hp nM| t>i>, or M) A (Inly a few of u* remained to (0 northeaslerly was ex

reiord the final Invective hut id , , |h r renter of Ihe rnliffront ovrr the Mississippi Valley moves toward the Atlantic.

Isiw t tonight w ill range from 32 to 4(1 In r i lr tm e North Florida. In the 40** In Central Florida and in (he 30't In Soullt Florida

al the prisoner s i he was led away to the ancient Spanish fprt res* where tie will he shot

Spirit CrushedThe man who was led away wa*

far different from Ihe Hatbla of flrer who stood defiantly lie for* the screaming crowd and com

“ r i i i w ' ^ - i w ' i ' . " IS Hudson Child Dies " T L ... m .... In Local Hospitallllanco looked at the ground and Valrie Hudson. 2 tiled In Semi refused even to turn to look at un|«> Memorial Hospital at 2 30 newsmen who walked liesidr him a m today after a short Illness and asked i f he had anything to She was Ihe daughter of Mr,


Another National Jayire Week is accused of conspiracy to com- activity included movie night at mil perjury and subornation of the Movieland Drive in Theatre; perjury in connection with the last night I pay off.

say lie just shook his head

C l i o r u H T o U c h c u r H t *Ihe Sanford Male Chorus »ill

rehearse Monday night at a in Ihe t 'H ir Center William Brown will act * * conductor All mem- l-crs are urged to alb ad

Retail Merchant Committees Chosen

and Mrs Hirhard I. Hudson. Ovirdu She was born Frb 7X. I Is V> in Sanford

Surviving art- her parent* one brolher, Hirhard I. Hudson Jr., fK irdo. and her grandfather, Ro land Hudson, Camdentnn, Mn

Graveside services will tie held 2 30 p m Sunday at ( ’bulimia Cemetery. Thr Rev. Delbert Reas- lev will officiate-. Huston Funeral Home Is in rlia rg r of arrange meats.

Committee* of the Retail Mer- and Venetian blinds), Miss Dol through A aU rtll). c(,in (, fy(vislon have been revral *I ’uwell (g ifts, office supply and

ed by the chairman, Franrls RouRather coal this afternoon and to­night becoming a little warmer ms

% rttlnrday. High this afUrnoaa 34 to 12. law tonight 14 to 43. North la aartheast wtodt |l to M miles gar hoar.

Blank Check StolenI t was a quiet night in Sanford.Evan tba parson who broke a

window at Cnapman Concrete Co. waa not bant oo destruction He en­tered the office and helped himself to one Hem only: a blank check

• f t * * * '

m illa l Jr.Serving on the Board o( Direct

ora w ill he E. C. Ilarper Jr. (ap plianre), Ed Hunt ( automobile). Bud Talley (building supplies), R. N. Blackweldrr Id a p a r t m e nt store*), C. L Ridding ( d i m e stores), Herman Jarohson (dress shops), Francis Roumiltat (drug stores). Wally I’hlllps, dry clean era and laundry).

H. D Thompson (feeds and ), Chester Musa (furniture

printing i, Ben Wade (groceries and baking. Independent), R. W. Cassuhc (groceries and bakeries, chain), Harry Rnhson (hardware ar>d sporting goods). Bob Cushing (Jewrlry slorrs), Jim Spencer (liquor dealrra). Brack Perkins (men's wear and shoes), Frank Donahue (miscellaneous), Iwwis Dinkins fo il companies), Frank Durro (restaurant*!, W illiam Wla- bold! 'photographers).

Roumillat Is rhsinnan of the rxerutlve committee. Serving with him are R. dj Biuman. Ralph Cowan, John D. Ivey, Horan a a

Jacobson, Brack Perkins and Gene Tucker.

Chairman of the planning com miller is Ralph Cowan Other* are It. N H lackwddir. Marshall t^ngston, K. C. Harper J r , Ed Hunt, Dot Powrll and C. L. Red ding.

The proinotlon ecmmlttrr Is beaded by Chester Mute, K N. IlU ekwrldrr. W allrr filclow. John Keeling, .Myron A. Reck and Al Wilson.

Serving on publicity and public relations are Uielow, Marion Har- r.ian. Frank Jones, George Mor­gan. Chester Muaa, Reek and B4U Stempar.

Citizens Council

Monday Will Bring Chanticleers Here

••The thanbe leers'* w ill sing Monday night at the Hanford Civic l> liter

The h«-II known male ipiaitet will |.ti*enl (lie fir* t parfurmanre in the varies iponsori-d by the San bird Mutual Concert Association

Thr program will begin st K:3U lirk e t i for th r r i ib r r aeries niay lw obtained ai the door Monday night, nr individual performance ticket* may he purrha»ed fnr those who havr not joined, Ms*mher» who have riol recelvrd their Drkrt# will also find them at the door.

Chester Rearick o f l)t llary is at .tsbng in ararngrmrhl*

Chairman Frank Mruanc has asked all mem teri to support Ihe Hirer trls-tt|on*. which include the Dame Drama. Feb. 2. and Nelson and Neal. Mar '20.

Student in k .,* at I t ' . " and adult tickets for **> for Ihe series are still available.

Seminole Invests In Savings Bonds

Seminole County residents are putting more money than ever Into government lia b ility , through the pun have of Saving Bonds,

Purchase* for 1954 wrre $317, *57, so im reave nf »OJi per cent from the year before.

Alabama city a couple of months ago

Birmingham police pul the finger on l.ydir when hr tried to collect the suits from s pawn shop by in all Detrrliv r L. II. K irk, Birmingham, said that Ly- d ir mailed Hie pawn ticket and money order from Sanford, te ll­ing Ihc shop operation In ship Ihe lulls to him at a Sanford address.

The suits were •• aiued at I t to.ComUlrir Mini Galloway appre­

hended lb* suspect, since h it ad. dress wai outside city llmlla, and brought aim to Ihe county Jail. Kirk Is . .mlng to Ssnlurd lo ask for t.ydlc's extradition on a grand larceny charge

Lydir came lo Sanford wllh a carnival which has been operating In Guldilioro His address listed as (lie Southwell Hoad.

On 'Honest Count'WASHINGTON (U t’ l ) — Sen.

Stuart Symington (D -M o.l said la- day "an honest count" w ill show Russia with a four to one trad over the United States in long range, m ilitary m ltsilr* hy 1MI.

Symington. Air Force secretary In the Truman administration, spoke out after Defense Secretary Nell H McElroy told reporters ha does not believe Russia has aa Intercontinental ballistic missile ready for operation against this country "a l this tim e.”

Symington charged that the Elsenhower administration Instead of rl.ulng Ihe missile gap la "ac t­ually allowing It (n widen."

Hr said In a Senate speech that a Senate Investigation of lha whole missile *110.11100 la In the offing But hr said this country’s intercontinental m ls tilr inventory w ill lw "lr»» Hum 25 per cent" of Huiila's In 19A1.

" I personally have studied this matter (or many muntbs, and be­lieve that these figure* actually much underestimate the Soviet tong rangr mb site now and aver the nrxt few yeara." he taid.

Mr Elroy lotd reporters lata Ttumday there la "no positive evidence" that Ihe Soviets ran pul Interrnntinrnlal ballistic missiles Into romhat units ahead of the United States. Hr said this coun­try 's first few combat-ready Atlas ICDM's will be Installed at launch­ing sites by next July.

Sy mington said U S. production line i could make "many more** missiles during the next two yeara If money was appropriated and allocated now.

"H iif our government does not plan In mn these lines oa a fu ll production hasli,'* he addrd.

Final Plans Made For Band Barbecue

Party Is Planned For New Squadron

lldhain and Tudor will stage a giant "welcome aboard" party to­morrow for VAll-1 at the Sun- land Eslalei put k

Invited a ir all YAH I squadron personnel, t l ir ir families and real, drill* of Hunt and Fatales. County and <ll) o ffic ia l* and representa­tives (lorn Ihe rhsmber of Com* merer *!*o w ill be present.

The celebration will start at ( p m „ ut weather (promised hy the Navy) featuring rt&dtgree tem- pe rat urew. Kanrhhurgrri. baked brans, potato chips ami cold drinks comprise a portion nf Hie menu.

A eoniilr> music band lg coming, and when corn meat Is poured on Ihe basket hall tolirt. the g lle il* will enjoy- squarr dancing While Ihe construction firm has th r ut must confidence in Navy report*

The Seminole Band Association, composed nf parrnts of band mem- (wri, met l i - t night to work out

| final details for tta Saturday bar­becue.

The ehlikrn barU-cu* w ill tie held at the Elk a grounds, with supptra available lo take ouL I.meg will form at Ik:30. Thr meals w ill be prepared under tha super­vision of Cotton Brown.

P • sstoelallon I* sponsoring tha supper to raise fundi fo r the pur­chase of hand Instruments. Tickets are available through mcinlwra o f the lumd aiwwlation or at tha bar- Ic i Ue.

Dir Seminole High School band will be In a concert from (1:14-0:46 p m. at the Elks ground*.

In action lakrn at Hie meeting, pa ir nt* dwided to make milk available fur rhildren at Ihe bar­becue. la the past, < offer was tha only bevrrage served. The assorla- tin also okayed the purchase of a has* elarment fn r the band

'Seal' Again Asked For All Cigarettes

PIERRE. SD. Dakota Senate

<U P l)—A South committer b aa

it IS no. ..k ing an, chances. Tan 1 J?* *grove healer* arr lined up around **■•** °* J?'1 hrJ 1 ’ r * * * *the tennis courts, when- dinner all parks af r lga rrltrs .

A skull and nwill he scrvid If Ihe weather turn* cold, the healer* will be flrt-d up, and Ihe erlebratlon continued. . .

V A II -1 was transferred recenllj j ry 10 f,* ' r l [’r * n<

Tlie seal bones

Iwglilatnrs failed In Ihelr firs t

In tn r Nan old Naval Air Station from Jacksonville, thus c mplat- rng the family of Heivy Attark ■Squadrons on thr east coast.

Seven I'urty TonightHeavy Attack Squadron Seven

will hold an "A ll llandl" party In night In (he N. A. 9 ballroom. The evening Include* dinner, danc­ing and enlrrtalnmrnL

l«Kies stamped on ever/ pack (if cigaretlrs sold In the slate, along with Ihe inscription "The use (hereof may rause death from heart disease or cancer."

The reference lo heart disease and cancer was d r lr lrd from tba current proposal which atilt cans for Ihe "death'a head" stamp and the word*: "the use of this prod­uct l i not rrcuin mended by tba state of South Dakota.**

Borge Show Sure Audience-Pleaser

When Victor Rorgr bring! M iDie announcement was made by . l omrj , u, M u ilt" ta Sanford

L i n n ,,S k,ehrirmTn'* r S r iX J* " ,J ’ H” rt r ^ ‘«p , i j . - | | .1*0 revealed that 44 Florida rotin *** * ,n ,n * ‘10 " ** * nowniers Meeting Mere ties had e*e.rde«l Ihelr dollar unparalleled auceesa In one man

Die Citlien's Council of Florida koali, wllh only 1® ° f them fall ihuwi.Some might eonstdar tha **ona-

man" term unfair. Borge seemshai called • meeting of the %ot ,n* helow 1937 figure*, ers and taxpayers of .Seminole County, Jan. 29, at > p. m. In the courthouse.

State* rights and racial Intr g rily , which the council endorse*, w ill be discussed. The council i i against centrallratlon of power and law making hy court decreet and executive orders.

Vice Chairman Leon I . Base announced tha meeting.

To i\ttend MeetingA targe delegation from SarTord

will attend (he conference of the Orlando Slake of tha Church of Latter-Day Sa.nta to Tampa to­morrow and Sunday.

The Mormom* w ilt hear two high ranking Cfficiala from 8ek Lake Ctty. U lU .

to be two—an excellent pianist and a hilarious comic. So far. lha airline*, which hava c irrled him thousand* of miles to let* thun ten yetr*. hava never charged him double for hi* talent*.

With Sanford the im illeet city every played by Borge. Heart Fund teedera hope that tha Civic

Borge fan* ire expected from over I'en ttil Florida.

Tlckrl* ire oei sate at Touch- ton's Drug Store, Roumillat and Anderson, lha Jaycae Booth and Dellary laundromat. Jayceaa and Jayeee Wlvaa are a t i it i ln g tha Seminole County Medical AualUaty w llh arrangements and tkkak j ■ale*.

Heading tha concert drtea la Mr*. Leonard Munson Proceeds w ill go to tha Heart Fund. Tha show goes on at >:M Jao. U . Whet w ill happen? No ana know*.Tfia co-uje leave* that nQ to hlafinger* nkaa bo lita a o w T a t tha