


Treating Asthma

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Treating Asthma with Aromatic Essential Oils

Having suffered with Asthma since childhood,I decided to research the benefits of treatmentwith essential oils.

Before treatment can begin, an understandingof the respiratory system and the disease itselfare in order.

In my research I will attempt the following:1. Explain the respiratory system2. Define Asthma3. Devise a treatment plan using essential oils.4. Discuss why specific oils were chosen fortreatment.

THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEMRespiration is an exchange of oxygen andcarbon dioxide between an organism and theenvironment. The respiratory system can bethought of as a pathway for air between theatmosphere and the blood. Externalrespiration, or breathing, is when oxygen istaken from the air by alveoli in the lungs andcarbon dioxide is released from the blood.Internal respiration is the process whereby theoxygen in the blood is absorbed by cellsthroughout the body. Waste product carbondioxide is absorbed by the blood to betransported to the lungs.

Organs of the Respiratory SystemNasal Cavity- Conducts air to pharynx,mucouslining filters,warms & moistens air

Sinuses - Reduces weight of skull,resonantchambers,spaces for conditioning of air

Pharynx - Reduces weight of skull,resonantchambers,spaces for conditioning of air

Larynx - Passageway for air between thePharynx and the Trachea, houses vocal chords

Trachea - Passage way for air,mucous liningfilters air

Bronchial Tree - Conducts air from the tracheato the alveoli, mucous lining filters air

Lungs - Contain the air passages,alveoli, bloodvessels and other tissues of lower respiratorytract

Phases of ventilation

Inhalation is considered active and is theprocess of drawing air into the lungs. Thediaphragm presses the abdominal organdownward and forward. The muscles of thediaphragm and intercostal muscles contract inthe chest.

Exhalation is passive and is the process ofexpelling air from the lungs. The diaphragmrises and recoils to resting position.

As air enters the respiratory system through thenose, it is warmed, moistened and filtered. Theair then travels to the Pharynx, (throat) andagain it is warmed and moistened by the mucuslining. Next, the air travels through the Larynxor voice box where it is warmed, moistened andfiltered once again. The air then enters theTrachea, or windpipe which is a continuationof the Larynx. Around the fifth thoracicvertebrae, the trachea divides into two bronchi.The bronchi then continue to branch out anddown into bronchioles, terminal bronchioles,respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts.There are several alveolar sacs on the end ofthe alveolar duct which are made up of thealveoli.

Most of the gas exchange occurs in the alveoli.

DiffusionThe movement of molecules from an area inwhich they are in higher concentration to anarea in which they are in lower concentration.

Diffusion takes place in the tissues as oxygenleaves the blood and carbon dioxide enters.Blood flowing into the lungs is low in oxygen.Air in the alveoli is rich in oxygen, hensediffusion causes movement of the alveolar airto the capillary blood. The blood is carriedback to the heart and enters general circulation.Carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood andinto the air of the aveolus.

Gas TransportMost of the oxygen that diffuses into thecapillary blood in the lungs is bound to thehemoglobin of the red blood cells. In order toenter cells, oxygen must separate fromhemoglobin. Oxygen is released as blood travelsinto the areas where the oxygen is low. Theability of blood to carry oxygen is seriouslyreduced with just a small amount of carbondioxide.

Carbon DioxideCarbon dioxide diffuses into the blood to betransported to the lungs in 3 ways:- 10% dissolved in plasma- 20% combines with the protein portion ofthe hemoglobin & plasma proteins- 70% is an ion known as bicarbonate

Carbon dioxide is important in the regulationof the acid-base balance (pH) of the blood. Theblood will become more acidic as the amountof carbon dioxide in the blood rises.

The regulation of respiration depends onmoment to moment changes in cellular oxygenrequirements and carbon dioxide production.The Medulla which is a part of the brain stemsets the basic pattern of respiration.

ChemoreceptorsChemoreceptors play a vital role in the controlof respiration. They contain numerous smallblood vessels and sensory neurons that respondto increases in carbon dioxide and acidity andto decreases in oxygen supply. Carbon dioxidehas the most immediate effect in regulatingrespiration.

How do essential oils enter the bloodstream?Essential oils and oxygen pass through thecapillary walls and into the bloodstream. Mostof the essential oils are absorbed into the cellslining the respiratory passages and this may bean indicator why they work well on respiratoryailments. Some of them pass with oxygen intoblood capillaries where they enter into bloodcirculation. Essential oils are easily absorbedand can diffuse throughout the body. The oilswork with the mucous secreted by the mucosato expectorate foreign bodies from therespiratory passages.

How do essential oils enter the bloodstream?

Essential oils and oxygen pass through thecapillary walls and into the bloodstream. Mostof the essential oils are absorbed into the cellslining the respiratory passages and this may bean indicator why they work well on respiratoryailments. Some of them pass with oxygen intoblood capillaries where they enter into bloodcirculation. Essential oils are easily absorbedand can diffuse throughout the body. The oils

by Lori Torquati


work with the mucous secreted by the mucosato expectorate foreign bodies from therespiratory passages.

What is Asthma?Asthma as defined by Barron’s dictionary is “Arespiratory disorder characterized by recurrentepisodes of difficulty in breathing, wheezing(especially on respiration), cough and thickmucus production, caused by spasm orinflammation of the bronchi. Most attacks areprecipitated by infection, strenuous exercise,stress or exposure to an allergen (e.g. pollen,dust, food). Treatment involves the use ofbronchodialators, corti-costeroids, andelimination of causative agents. Betweenattacks, respiratory function is normal.

Asthma is a chronic disease in which the liningof the airways in the lungs (bronchi andbronchioles) becomes inflames, swollen andproduces extra mucous. The airways narrowand breathing becomes difficult. The symptomsof Asthma can be mild or severe. Asthma causesthe following conditions in the bronchi andbronchioles:

1. Swelling of respiratory mucosa lining theairway2. Thicker & increased mucus secretion intothe airway3. Contraction of the smooth muscle lining thebronchiolar walls

These three changes are obstructive andoccurring together, it leaves very little room forair to pass through.

Early or mild episodes of Asthma includecoughing or mild chest tightness that can entermore severe stages of wheezing, anxiousness,extreme fatigue and respiratory failure. Duringan attack, expiration is often more affected thaninspiration.

Asthma is also characterized by airwayinflammation which leads to a heightenedsensitivity to pollen, air pollution, tobaccosmoke, mold, animal dander, the common coldand cold and dry air.

Asthma can be triggered by fear, nervoustension and anxiety, cigarette smoke, animaldander, dairy products, dust, molds, pollen,cold air, chemicals and exercise. It can be verydifficult to identify the particular culprit.

According to the Center of Disease Control,Asthma kills 6,000 Americans annually and asa nation we spend about $14 billion treatingthe disease. The prevalence of Asthma is

rapidly increasing in many of the industrializedcountries throughout the world.

There have been a few studies done linking theincreased exposure to the ultraviolet lightresulting from the thinning ozone layer to aweakened immune system. Breathing highlypolluted air and a gradual weakening of theimmune system may be the primary cause forasthma.

The general principles involved in managingchronic asthma are:

· Treat the underlying pathology. The mainfocus should be to prevent or reverse the airwayinflammation which is the principle factor inthe airway hyperresponsiveness thatcharacterizes asthma. Leukotrienes have beenimplicated as the primary cause ofinflammation of asthma. Leukotrienes are agroup of chemical compounds released by whiteblood cells. This group of chemical compoundscan also cause the mucous membrane to swell,the airway muscles to constrict and increasedmucus secretion. Anti-inflammatorymedications are a key component of asthmatreatment.

· Treat the individual patient! Thetreatment plan should address the severity ofthe disease, tolerance to medications, emotionalstate, sensitivity to environmental allergens/pollutants.

· Treat the triggers and special problems.Exposure to known allergens must be kept to aminimum if not eliminated altogether. Ifexercise is a trigger, then treat before exercising.

· Seek consultation from a specialist forpulmonary function studies.

· Use the optimum medication needed tomaintain control with minimal risk for adverseeffects.

· Monitor the condition continually.Pulmonary function tests and regular visits tothe doctor are necessary to ensure propermedications and dosages. A peak flow meter isan important part of asthma management. Apeak flow meter measures expiration. Thisdevice can warn of an upcoming asthma attackeven before the symptoms appear.

Asthma MedicationsIn 1997, asthma drugs were re-classified as“quick-relief” medications and “long termcontrol” medications. All of the medicationsin both groups are anti-inflammatory agents or

bronchodialators. The anti-inflammatory medsinterrupt the development of bronchialinflammation and have a preventative action.

Anti-inflammatory medications are· Oral corticosteroids and are used for both

short term and long term treatment.· Inhaled corticosteroids which are used for

long term care.· Cromolyn sodium for long term control· Leukotriene modifiers are the first new

class of asthma medication in twenty years.They have anti-inflammatory propertiesand are less potent than corticosteroids.

Bronchodialators are used to dilate the airwaysby relaxing bronchial smooth muscle. Thereare short- acting and long- actingbronchodialators.

Most of the new asthma drugs being studiedare anti-inflammatory and will probably reducethe need for the daily use of corticosteroidinhalers in long-term treatment.

As I have learned throughout my research forthis paper, there are many alternative ways ofpreventing and treating asthma . Some of thesemethods include breathing exercises, roomhumidifier, negative ions or air cleaner, salinenasal spray, diet and exercise.

My hope is to create a treatment plan utilizingessential oils and disposing of the inhalers Ihave used for over twenty years!

The short acting inhaler I currently use isAlbuterol and the long acting is Flovent. TheAlbuterol is used when I have shortness ofbreath. The Flovent is to be used 2x a day forpreventative measures. I have always utilizedthe Albuterol 2-4x daily and forget to even usethe Flovent. Studies indicate that the prolongeduse of Albuterol may result in diminishedcontrol of asthma .

The essential oils chosen for the various asthmablends were based primarily on their chemicalconstituents

I have provided a very basic phytochemistrychart on the following page which outlines thebasic groups of chemical compounds and theirtherapeutic effects.

Preventative treatment

Inhalation of an “air pollution” blend to reducebacteria in the air. The blend may be used in adiffuser, on a tissue or in a spritzer to mist the

Treating Asthma with Aromatic Essential Oils continued


air. This recipe is from Aromatherapy, Acomplete guide to the healing art by KathiKeville & Mindy Green. I am thankful to theseauthors as their chemistry chapter helped meto further understand the importance ofchemical constituents.

Disinfectant Room Spray3 drops Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus citriodora1 drop Peppermint, Mentha x piperita2 drops Pine, Pinus sylvestris1 drop Tea-Tree, Melaleuca alterifolia2 drops Bergamot Citrus bergamiaadd to 1 ounce of filtered water.

Asthma Preventative Inhalation SynergyInhalation from the bottle or on a cloth for 2-3 minutes at a time, 3-5x daily. May also add 3-5 drops in the bath. This blend is approximately21% Esters, 36% Sesquiterpenes and 26%Alcohols. This synergy will be relaxing to theCNS, have anti-inflammatory and spasmolidicactions and be toning and stimulating to therespiratory system.

28 drops Cedarwood, Juniperus virginiana12 drops Clary Sage, Salvia sclarea

2 drops of Ravensara aromatica applied to thechest just before a morning shower. This is tostimulate the respiratory system, and aid inexpelling mucus.Another preventative treatment is inhalationof Inula, Inula graveolens and Khella, Ammivisnaga right out of the bottle. The use of Inulais to block the actions of histamines. Khella isan antispasmodic and helps to clear deepbronchial congestion. Khella masks the outputof the mast cells that line the respiratorymucosa, thereby blocking allergic reaction inthe nasal mucosa and in the bronchial tubes.Cromolyn, a mast-cell-stabilizing drug, acts asa bronchodialator and was originally derivedfrom the Khellin plant.

I also believe it is essential to maintainemotional balance and incorporate breathingexercises into a daily routine. Just ten minutesa day of breathing exercises can bring relief anddeeper breathing. An essential oil blend toaccompany a breathing regime would helpfacilitate expansion of the bronchiole tubes andincrease expiration.

Breathe Easy SynergyInhale deeply and slowly for 2-3 minutes priorto breathing exercises. There is a practice inYoga known as prana yama , or breath workthat stimulates and strengthens the respiratorysystem.

This synergy may also be utilized during a mildasthma attack as it helps to open the airways.

8 drops Peppermint, Mentha x piperita28 drops Lavender Lavendula angustifolia20 drops Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Smithii

Anti-Virus InhalationIt is very important to boost the immune systemand avoid viruses during the flu and coldseason. Many times a flu virus turns intobronchitis and other respiratory ailments. Thisblend is approximately 67% phenols for theirbactericidal and immune modulatingproperties and 20% aldehydes for their anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory properties. Iwould never have thought to mix these two oils,however I do find the aroma pleasant. When avirus may be lurking around the corner, inhalethe blend 3-5x a day. Put 1 or 2 drops on ahandkerchief or inhale from the bottle.

3 drops Clove Bud, Eugenia caryophyllus1 drop Lemongrass, Cymbopogon flexuosus

What to do in case of an attackAbove all, remain calm as I believe it has savedme a few trips to the emergency room. Anasthma attack can come on anytime, anywhere,so be prepared. One evening a few monthsago I had an asthma attack late in the eveningand for the first time I can remember, I did nothave my Albuterol inhaler as I ran out and didnot pick up the prescription. My fiancee wasvery concerned and thought we may need togo to the hospital. I told him very calmly, don’tworry I know I will be all right. I then proceededto use an aromatic asthma blend I had madein school. Within 5 minutes I was breathingnormal and went right to sleep.

I made this blend based on an article I read byRachael Shapiro entitled“Psychoneuroimmunology”. In a nut shell, PNIis a conditioning of the immune system. In aone-time treatment, Olness and Ader (1992)paired taste and odor with an anti-cancer drugin the treatment of an eleven year old girl. Herbody learned to associate the drug therapy withthis particular odor and taste and therefore,the use of the anti-cancer drug itself was onlyneeded 6 times out of twelve treatments! Thesuccessful pairing of an odor with an immuneresponse in a subject can be achieved with onlyone trial. This conditioned response may onlyremain effective for up to 48 hours. For myself,the conditioned response seems to still be ineffect.

Every once in a while I have reconditioned myself by inhaling Albuterol and then the blend.

Now whenever I smell Angelica my breathingis calmed and I am able to breathe easier. I madethe blend in a salve and rub it on my chest aswell as just inhale it. .

Asthma (PNI) Salve - 2oz12 drops Angelica, Angelica archangelica16 drops Lemon, Citrus limon12 drops Clary Sage, Salvia sclarea

Other ingredients:Sunflower and Olive Oil, Bees wax, Centella,Echinacea and Calendula herbal oils.

Another trick I have learned over the years fora mild to severe attack is to breath into ahandkerchief or piece of material or even yourcupped hands. Try to concentrate more onexpiration than inspiration. This has a verycalming effect and has restored my breathingmany, many times. A drop of calming essentialoil such as Lavender or Ylang Ylang mayenhance this treatment.

Asthma Face SplashDuring an acute attack, remember to stay calmand try this face splash. The use of sedative-type and antihistamine-like essential oils canbe quite effective in helping to restorerespiration. This blend is also calming to theCNS. The blend is approximately 23% Esters,21% Sesquiterpenes and 35% Alcohols. Fill abasin with cold water. Add 2 drops of thesynergy and swish. Splash on the face with eyesclosed several times, pat dry and repeat 2 moretimes. This recipe can also be made into a facialmist and kept in the refrigerator. Another usefor this remedy would be to simply inhale fromthe bottle.

7 drops Lavender, Lavendula angustifolia5 drops Cedarwood, Cedrus atlantica2 drops Marjoram, Origanum Majorana

Asthma SalveAsthmatics tend to fight low level congestionon a regular basis. The purpose of this salve isto fight congestion, calm the CNS and reduceinflammation and spasms in the bronchialtract. Although my goal when developing thisblend was to achieve approximately 20% Esters,20% Sesquiterpenes and 20% Monoterpenes,I ran shy of German chamomile and the blendwas born! I have found in the past that when ablend changes course for whatever reason, Iusually need it either physically or emotionally.Although I do not care for its aroma, I will useit with an open mind and heart!

Treating Asthma with Aromatic Essential Oils continued


Treating Asthma with AromaticEssential Oils continued

Asthma Salve4 drops Frankincense, Boswellia carteria4 drops Sandalwood, Santalum album4 drops German chamomile,Matricaria chamomila8 drops Clary sage, Salvia sclarea4 drops Ginger, Zingiber officinalis

After the breath of life returns to “normal”Often times after a prolonged attack orbronchitis, the back, shoulder and chestmuscles are very tight and sore from laboredbreathing. A massage oil to decreaseinflammation of the bronchioles, reducemuscle spasms and calm the CNS is to beapplied to the entire back and shoulders as wellas the upper chest and feet. Great at bedtimetoo. This recipe is from “Aromatherapy, Alifetime guide to healing with essential oils byValerie Gennari Cooksley, Pg. 109

Asthma Massage Oil16 drops Lavender, Lavendula angustifolia3 drops Peppermint, Mentha x piperita3 drops Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus smithii3 drops Ylang, Ylang, Cananga Odorata2 tablespoons vegetable oil (Almond)

ConclusionsIt is the authors opinion that in order toevaluate the efficiency of treating asthma withessential oils, a treatment plan must berigorously followed for a period of a least 3months. During that time period, new blendsand remedies will evolve to treat the diseaseappropriately. I have already begun theAromatherapy treatment plan as outlined inthis paper and I will write and submit a follow-up paper with the results. I am hopeful that atthe end of three months I will be off theprescription inhalers and breathing easier.

Bibliography1. Aromatherapy - A-Z , Patricia Davis2. Aromatherapy, A complete guide to the healing art ,Kathi Keville & Mindy Green3. Aromatherapy - A life time guide to healing with essentialoils, Cooksley4. Aromatherapy - The essential blending guide, Rosemary Caddy5. Asthma survival - The holistic medical treatment program forasthma, Robert S Inker, D.O. &

Todd Nelson, N.D.6. Atlas of Anatomy, Barron’s (Respiratory photos)7. Medical Aromatherapy, Kurt Schnaubelt8. Natural Ways to relieve allergies and asthma, Romy Fox9.The Aromatherapy Book, Jeanne Rose10. The encyclopedia of Aromatherapy, Wildwood11. The human body in health and disease, Memmler’s12. The Institute of Dynamic Aromatherapy, Jade Shutes(Respiratory & Chemistry modules)13. Psychoneuroimmunology, an article by RachaelShapiro