Associating Numbers With Sets Having 51 Up to 100 Objects or Things


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Associating Numbers with Sets Having 51 up to 100 Objects or things

I. Learning Objectives

Cognitive: 1. Associate numbers with sets having 51 up to 100 objects/things2. Identify and write numbers 51 to 100

Psychomotor: Demonstrate the process of grouping 10 objects to form a number

Affective: Cooperate with classmates in grouping objects

II. Learning Content

Skill: Associate numbers with sets having 51 up to 100 objects/things

Reference: BEC PELC I A 1.14

Materials: Popsicle sticks, straws, rubber bands, bottle caps, other objects that could be bundled, number cards

Value: Cooperation

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

Counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s using the number chart and number line

2. Review

Write the correct number for each set of objects.

3. Motivation

Present objects and ask pupils if they can count then faster than counting by ones. What shall we do to count them faster?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. Have the pupils count five bundles of sticks and ask them how many sticks are there.(There are 50 sticks)

b. The teacher adds one more and asks the pupils how many sticks there are now. (There are 51 sticks.)

c. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you reach 100.d. Group the pupils into 5. Have the leaders choose one strip of paper. (note: write on the

papers 51 – 60, 61 – 70, 71 – 80, 81 – 90, 91 – 100) Give each group a piece of bond paper and have them draw objects representing the number assigned to them.

e. Have each group present their output by showing the drawings and reading the numbers (classmates may read the output presented)

*Valuing:Ask the class how they were able to finish their group work (Possible answer: we helped each other.)

2. Fixing Skills/Practice

Guess My Number (Game)

a. Which number comes after 59?b. Which number comes before 99?

c. Which number is one more than 80?d. Which number is one less than 70?e. Which number comes before 100?

3. Generalization

Ask the pupils how many number is added to the next number.In counting numbers 51 – 100, each number is increased by one or one is added to each number.

C. Application

1. Give pupils exercises in joining the dots starting with 51 up to 100. (Utilize pictures in coloring books and change the numbers.)

2. Give the new number.

(Note: For the above practice exercises, you may change the number on the left to practice identifying numbers up to 100.)

*Valuing: How did you group objects? Did each of you participate?

IV. Evaluation

A. Encircle the correct number of objects for each set.

B. Write the missing numbers.

V. Assignment

Make a number chart in your notebook. Write numberss 51 – 100.
