Ashwagandha Root




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Ashwagandha Root – A True Ingredient For Healthier Life

Oriental medicine is mostly based on various herbs and plants that have a beneficial impact on health. But in last few decades, science has also proved that such herbs are indeed healthy and that they can be used as a supplement or even a full replacement for some medicaments. One of the herbs with numerous benefits for human health is surely Ashwagandha, a typical plant found in eastern and southern countries. Ashwagandha is a plant that is mostly spread in India, but it can also be found in Nepal, China and even Yemen. Sometimes people call it a winter cherry or Indian ginseng, and it is characteristic of its ripe orange-red fruit. In India, people have used it for centuries as a cure for all kinds of illnesses and in present times, its popularity has started to spread once again. In Sanskrit, Ashwagandha means “the smell of a horse", and if people would know the fact, its popularity would probably become a little bit shaky.

What parts of Ashwagandha are beneficial?

Most of the active ingredients used in treatment can be found in leaves and roots of this plant. It has a peculiar and strong smell and taste as well, so it should be the best to take it as a hot drink or tea, for example. Its bitter taste should not prevent one from taking it since it can also be used as a supplement to food and beverages. That is the reason one can find it in different forms such as liquid tincture, or a very light brown powder, or even in a shape of a pill. Ashwagandha can also be used with a warm milk and the users can thus avoid the odour smell.

Benefits of Ashwagandha Root Are Numerous

Ashwagandha root has been used as a medication that greatly helps in treating many illnesses. Research has shown many positive effects coming from Ashwagandha plant. The first thing to mention about the root of Ashwagandha is that it is a powerful adaptogen. Therefore, it can help with reducing stress levels and make one adapt more quickly to the new surrounding and to cope with everyday situations. What is more, Ashwagandha root may boost one's immune system and provide the body with enough energy for the whole day. Some researchers have investigated the influence of Ashwagandha root to anxiety and depression and thus discovered that the medication significantly reduces signs of both of these.

It has also been reported that according to one human study, Ashwagandha root is an excellent pain killer in cases of regular use. Hence, should one take the Ashwagandha medication three times per day, physical as well as emotional issues can be significantly diminished. Also, the regular use of Ashwagandha can considerably contribute to reducing insomnia, and moreover reducing the weight of tumor.

Side Effects Caused by Taking Ashwagandha Root Medication

Many research about Ashwagandha and its efficiency has been made so far now, but none of them proved any of the major side effects. At the matter of fact, a few minor side effects have been reported, and they refer to drowsiness (after taking the medication for the first time). However, it is of crucial importance to consult a medical practitioner before deciding to take Ashwagandha medication. It is because pregnant women, those who breastfeed or those who are already on medications should be at caution.

Therefore, Ashwagandha root is a very helpful medicine that improves one's health, reduces stress and contributes highly to an immune system.
