Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


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  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for EducationTMP r o j e c t P r o p o s a l S u b m i s s i o n F o r m

    P.O. Box 322 New York NY 10040-0322

    Project Name: Date:

    Project Contact Asha ContactName Address

    Phone(s) ax !-ma"#

    Part I: Information about your group/organizationPlease feel free to attach any aitional sheets an/or information such as brochures! press reports etc"

    1. Name of the group/organization requesting funds.2. When was the group estabished!". #rief$ describe the moti%ation for starting this group.

    &. #rief$ describe the aims of $our group.

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm 2

    +. ,oes $our group ha%e an$ reigious or poitica affiiation! -f $es pease describe the t$pe of affiiationand the reason for it.

    . What non education0reated communit$ de%eopment acti%ities is $our group in%o%ed in!

    Part II: Details about your eucational project/s

    . ist the schoo/s run b$ $our group and their ocations. -f $ou are requesting funds for on$ a few ofse%era schoos pease specif$ which one/s.

    3. ocation of schoo/s $r%an &'ra# Other

    4. )pecif$ the t$pe of education pro%ided 5e.g. basic iterac$ %ocationa training etc.6.

    17. 'ease te us about $our teaching techniques 5con%entiona %s. aternati%e6.

    11. What is the iterac$ rate in the oca communit$!

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm "

    12. ,escribe the socio0economic bac8ground of the chidren and their parents 5e.g. educationoccupationa6. -f an$ of $our students are empo$ed pease te us about that as we.

    1". -n addition to education does $our group pro%ide an$ other ser%ices to the chidren in $our schoos heath care cothing etc.6!

    1&. ,oes $our schoo ha%e9ts own %'"#d"ng(s) Yes No N'm%erN'm%er and t*+e o, #assrooms (e.g. P'kka)

    #es No #es No #es Noo"#ets P#a*gro'nd o*s/ha"rs a%#es B#ak%oard "%rar*r"nk"ng water !#etr""t* /om+'tersa%orator* eah"ng a"ds (e.g. %ookss#ates)

    1+. :ow man$ chidren are current$ enroed in $our schoo5s6!a#e ema#e Age &ange

    1. :ow man$ staff are empo$ed at $our schoos!eahers "n"m'm 5'a#","at"onsOther sta,,

    1. A%erage distance the chidren tra%e to attend $our schoo

    13. :ow man$ chidren ha%e gone through $our program in the past fi%e $ears and what are the$ doingcurrent$! 'ease te us about their future education and empo$ment possibiities.

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm &

    14. ,o $ou hep $our students with their future education efforts after the$ ha%e passed out of $our schoo!

    27. Are there an$ other schoos 5;indergarten/#awadi,Eementar$ schoo,:igh schoo)in the area! -f sopease ist the schoos and the range of casses each of them offers.

    21. -s $our program different from that pro%ided at these schoos! 'ease e

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm +

    2". ,o $ou tr$ to in%o%e the parents of the chidren in the running of the schoo 5e.g. in setting the s$abusetc.6! 'ease specif$.

    2&. What are $our e

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm

    Part III: Financial DetailsPlease feel free to attach any information such as annual reports! bugets etc"

    23. What sources fund $our group=s acti%ities at present! ist the sources and the current and futurefunding from each of them. -f these funds are meant for a specific part of $our group=s acti%ities peasedescribe those restrictions.

    24. 'ease pro%ide us with detais of $our pro(ected budget for the ne

  • 7/22/2019 Asha for Education's Proposal Submission Form


    Asha for Education 'ro(ect 'roposa )ubmission *orm

    "1. 'ease pro%ide detais of the fi
