arXiv:1804.00891v2 [stat.ML] 26 Sep 2018 · The von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distribution is often seen...


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Hyperspherical Variational Auto-Encoders

Tim R. Davidson∗ Luca Falorsi∗ Nicola De Cao∗ Thomas Kipf Jakub M. Tomczak

University of Amsterdam


The Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) is oneof the most used unsupervised machine learn-ing models. But although the default choiceof a Gaussian distribution for both the priorand posterior represents a mathematically con-venient distribution often leading to competi-tive results, we show that this parameterizationfails to model data with a latent hyperspheri-cal structure. To address this issue we proposeusing a von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distribution in-stead, leading to a hyperspherical latent space.Through a series of experiments we show howsuch a hyperspherical VAE, or S-VAE, is moresuitable for capturing data with a hyperspheri-cal latent structure, while outperforming a nor-mal, N -VAE, in low dimensions on other datatypes.


First introduced by Kingma and Welling (2013); Rezendeet al. (2014), the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) is anunsupervised generative model that presents a principledfashion for performing variational inference using an auto-encoding architecture. Applying the non-centered pa-rameterization of the variational posterior (Kingma andWelling, 2014), further simplifies sampling and allows toreduce bias in calculating gradients for training. Althoughthe default choice of a Gaussian prior is mathematicallyconvenient, we can show through a simple example that insome cases it breaks the assumption of an uninformativeprior leading to unstable results. Imagine a dataset onthe circle Z ⊂ S1, that is subsequently embedded in RNusing a transformation f to obtain f : Z → X ⊂ RN .Given two hidden units, an autoencoder quickly discovers

∗Equal contribution.

the latent circle, while a normal VAE becomes highlyunstable. This is to be expected as a Gaussian prior is con-centrated around the origin, while the KL-divergence triesto reconcile the differences between S1 and R2. A moredetailed discussion of this ‘manifold mismatch’ problemwill follow in subsection 2.3.

The fact that some data types like directional data arebetter explained through spherical representations is longknown and well-documented (Mardia, 1975; Fisher et al.,1987), with examples spanning from protein structure, toobserved wind directions. Moreover, for many modernproblems such as text analysis or image classification,data is often first normalized in a preprocessing step tofocus on the directional distribution. Yet, few machinelearning methods explicitly account for the intrinsicallyspherical nature of some data in the modeling process. Inthis paper, we propose to use the von Mises-Fisher (vMF)distribution as an alternative to the Gaussian distribution.This replacement leads to a hyperspherical latent spaceas opposed to a hyperplanar one, where the Uniform dis-tribution on the hypersphere is conveniently recovered asa special case of the vMF. Hence this approach allowsfor a truly uninformative prior, and has a clear advantagein the case of data with a hyperspherical interpretation.This was previously attempted by Hasnat et al. (2017), butcrucially they do not learn the concentration parameteraround the mean, κ.

In order to enable training of the concentration parame-ter, we extend the reparameterization trick for rejectionsampling as recently outlined in Naesseth et al. (2017) toallow for n additional transformations. We then combinethis with the rejection sampling procedure proposed byUlrich (1984) to efficiently reparameterize the VAE 1.

We demonstrate the utility of replacing the normal dis-tribution with the von Mises-Fisher distribution for gen-erating latent representations by conducting a range ofexperiments in three distinct settings. First, we show that













our S-VAEs outperform VAEs with the Gaussian varia-tional posterior (N -VAEs) in recovering a hypersphericallatent structure. Second, we conduct a thorough com-parison with N -VAEs on the MNIST dataset through anunsupervised learning task and a semi-supervised learningscenario. Finally, we show that S-VAEs can significantlyimprove link prediction performance on citation networkdatasets in combination with a Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (VGAE) (Kipf and Welling, 2016).



In the VAE setting, we have a latent variable model fordata, where z ∈ RM denotes latent variables, x is a vectorof D observed variables, and pφ(x, z) is a parameterizedmodel of the joint distribution. Our objective is to op-timize the log-likelihood of the data, log

∫pφ(x, z)dz.

When pφ(x, z) is parameterized by a neural network,marginalizing over the latent variables is generally in-tractable. One way of solving this issue is to maximizethe Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)


∫pφ(x, z)dz ≥ Eq(z)[log pφ(x|z)]+

−KL(q(z)||p(z)), (1)

where q(z) is the approximate posterior distribution, be-longing to a family Q. The bound is tight if q(z) =p(z|x), meaning q(z) is optimized to approximate thetrue posterior. While in theory q(z) should be optimizedfor every data point x, to make inference more scalableto larger datasets the VAE setting introduces an inferencenetwork qψ(z|x; θ) parameterized by a neural networkthat outputs a probability distribution for each data pointx. The final objective is therefore to maximize

L(φ, ψ) = Eqψ(z|x;θ)[log pφ(x|z)]+

−KL(qψ(z|x; θ)||p(z)), (2)

In the original VAE both the prior and the posterior aredefined as normal distributions. We can further efficientlyapproximate the ELBO by Monte Carlo estimates, usingthe reparameterization trick (Kingma and Welling, 2013;Rezende et al., 2014). This is done by expressing a sam-ple of z ∼ qψ(z|x; θ), as z = h(θ, ε,x), where h is areparameterization transformation and ε ∼ s(ε) is somenoise random variable independent from θ.


Low dimensions: origin gravity In low dimensions,the Gaussian density presents a concentrated probability

mass around the origin, encouraging points to cluster inthe center. This is particularly problematic when the datais divided into multiple clusters. Although an ideal latentspace should separate clusters for each class, the normalprior will encourage all the cluster centers towards theorigin. An ideal prior would only stimulate the varianceof the posterior without forcing its mean to be close tothe center. A prior satisfying these properties is a uniformover the entire space. Such a uniform prior, however, isnot well defined on the hyperplane.

High dimensions: soap bubble effect It is a well-known phenomenon that the standard Gaussian distri-bution in high dimensions tends to resemble a uniformdistribution on the surface of a hypersphere, with the vastmajority of its mass concentrated on the hypersphericalshell. Hence it would appear interesting to compare thebehavior of a Gaussian approximate posterior with anapproximate posterior already naturally defined on thehypersphere. This is also motivated from a theoreticalpoint of view, since the Gaussian definition is based onthe L2 norm that suffers from the curse of dimensionality.


Once we let go of the hyperplanar assumption, the pos-sibility of a uniform prior on the hypersphere opens up.Mirroring our discussion in the previous subsection, sucha prior would exhibit no pull towards the origin allowingclusters of data to evenly spread over the surface with nodirectional bias. Additionally, in higher dimensions, thecosine similarity is a more meaningful distance measurethan the Euclidean norm.

Manifold mapping In general, exploring VAE mod-els that allow a mapping to distributions in a latentspace not homeomorphic to RD is of fundamental in-terest. Consider data lying in a small M -dimensionalmanifoldM, embedded in a much higher dimensionalspace X = RN . For most real data, this manifold willlikely not be homeomorphic to RM . An encoder canbe considered as a smooth map enc : X → Z = RDfrom the original space to Z . The restriction of the en-coder to M, enc|M : M → Z will also be a smoothmapping. However sinceM is not homeomorphic to Zif D ≤ M , then enc|M cannot be a homeomorphism.That is, there exists no invertible and globally continuousmapping between the coordinates ofM and the ones ofZ . Conversely if D > M then M can be smoothlyembedded in Z for D sufficiently large 2 , such thatenc|M : M → enc|M(M) =: emb(M) ⊂ Z is ahomeomorphism and emb(M) denotes the embedding of

2By the Whitney embedding theorem any smooth real M -dimensional manifold can be smoothly embedded in R2M

(a) Original (b) Autoencoder (c) N -VAE (d) N -VAE, β = 0.1 (e) S-VAE

Figure 1: Plots of the original latent space (a) and learned latent space representations in different settings, where β is are-scaling factor for weighting the KL divergence. (Best viewed in color)

M. Yet, since D > M , when taking random points inthe latent space they will most likely not be in emb(M)resulting in a poorly reconstructed sample.

The VAE tries to solve this problem by forcingM to bemapped into an approximate posterior distribution thathas support in the entire Z . Clearly, this approach isbound to fail since the two spaces have a fundamentallydifferent structure. This can likely produce two behaviors:first, the VAE could just smooth the original embeddingemb(M) leaving most of the latent space empty, leadingto bad samples. Second, if we increase the KL term theencoder will be pushed to occupy all the latent space,but this will create instability and discontinuity, affectingthe convergence of the model. To validate our intuitionwe performed a small proof of concept experiment usingM = S1, which is visualized in Figure 1. Note that asexpected the auto-encoder in Figure 1(b) mostly recoversthe original latent space of Figure 1(a) as there are no dis-tributional restrictions. In Figure 1(c) we clearly observefor the N -VAE that points collapse around the origin dueto the KL, which is much less pronounced in Figure 1(d)when its contribution is scaled down. Lastly, the S-VAEalmost perfectly recovers the original circular latent space.The observed behavior confirms our intuition.

To solve this problem the best option would be to directlyspecify a Z homeomorphic toM and distributions onM.However, for real data discovering the structure of Mwill often be a difficult inference task. Nevertheless, webelieve this shows investigating VAE architectures thatmap to posterior distributions defined on manifolds differ-ent than the Euclidean space is a topic worth exploring.



The von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distribution is often seen

as the Normal Gaussian distribution on a hypersphere.Analogous to a Gaussian, it is parameterized by µ ∈Rm indicating the mean direction, and κ ∈ R≥0 theconcentration around µ. For the special case of κ = 0, thevMF represents a Uniform distribution. The probabilitydensity function of the vMF distribution for a random unitvector z ∈ Rm (or z ∈ Sm−1) is then defined as

q(z|µ, κ) = Cm(κ) exp (κµT z), (3)

Cm(κ) =κm/2−1

(2π)m/2Im/2−1(κ), (4)

where ||µ||2 = 1, Cm(κ) is the normalizing constant, andIv denotes the modified Bessel function of the first kindat order v.


As previously emphasized, one of the main advan-tages of using the vMF distribution as an approxi-mate posterior is that we are able to place a uniformprior on the latent space. The KL divergence termKL(vMF(µ, κ)||U(Sm−1)) to be optimized is:


Im/2−1(k)+ log Cm(κ)− log



)−1, (5)

see Appendix B for complete derivation. Notice thatsince the KL term does not depend on µ, this parameteris only optimized in the reconstruction term. The aboveexpression cannot be handled by automatic differentia-tion packages because of the modified Bessel function inCm(κ). Thus, to optimize this term we derive the gradientwith respect to the concentration parameter:

∇κKL(vMF(µ, κ)||U(Sm−1)) =1





(Im/2−2(k) + Im/2(k)


+ 1



Algorithm 1 vMF samplingInput: dimension m, mean µ, concentration κsample v ∼ U(Sm−2)

sample ω ∼ g(ω|κ,m) ∝ exp(ωκ)(1 − ω2)12 (m−3)

{acceptance-rejection sampling}z′ ← (ω; (

√1− ω2)v>)>

U ← Householder(e1, µ) {Householder transform}Return: Uz′

where the modified Bessel functions can be computedwithout numerical instabilities using the exponentiallyscaled modified Bessel function.


To sample from the vMF we follow the procedure ofUlrich (1984), outlined in Algorithm 1. We first sam-ple from a vMF q(z|e1, κ) with modal vector e1 =(1, 0, · · · , 0). Since the vMF density is uniform inall the m − 2 dimensional sub-hyperspheres {x ∈Sm−1 | e>1 x = ω}, the sampling technique reducesto sampling the value ω from the univariate densityg(ω|κ,m) ∝ exp(κω)(1 − ω2)(m−3)/2, ω ∈ [−1, 1],using an acceptance-rejection scheme. After getting asample from q(z|e1, κ) an orthogonal transformationU(µ) is applied such that the transformed sample is dis-tributed according to q(z|µ, κ). This can be achievedusing a Householder reflection such that U(µ)e1 = µ. Amore in-depth explanation of the sampling technique canbe found in Appendix A.

It is worth noting that the sampling technique does notsuffer from the curse of dimensionality, as the acceptance-rejection procedure is only applied to a univariate distri-bution. Moreover in the case of S2, the density g(ω|κ, 3)reduces to g(ω|κ, 3) ∝ exp(kω)1[−1,+1](ω) which canbe directly sampled without rejection.


While the reparameterization trick is easily imple-mentable in the normal case, unfortunately it can onlybe applied to a handful of distributions. However a recenttechnique introduced by Naesseth et al. (2017) allows toextend the reparameterization trick to the wide class of dis-tributions that can be simulated using rejection sampling.Dropping the dependence from x for simplicity, assumethe approximate posterior is of the form g(ω|θ) and thatit can be sampled by making proposals from r(ω|θ). Ifthe proposal distribution can be reparameterized we canstill perform the reparameterization trick. Let ε ∼ s(ε),and ω = h(ε, θ), a reparameterization of the proposal dis-tribution, r(ω|θ). Performing the reparameterization trick

for g(ω|θ) is made possible by the fundamental lemmaproven in (Naesseth et al., 2017):

Lemma 1. Let f be any measurable function and ε ∼

π(ε|θ) = s(ε)g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

the distribution of the ac-

cepted sample. Then:

Eπ(ε|θ)[f(h(ε, θ))] =

∫f(h(ε, θ))π(ε|θ)dε


∫f(ω)g(ω|θ)dω = Eg(ω|θ)[f(ω)], (7)

Then the gradient can be taken using the log derivativetrick:

∇θEg(ω|θ)[f(ω)] = ∇θEπ(ε|θ)[f(h(ε, θ))] =

Eπ(ε|θ)[∇θf(h(ε, θ))]+

+ Eπ(ε|θ)[f(h(ε, θ))∇θ log

g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

], (8)

However, in the case of the vMF a different procedureis required. After performing the transformation h(ε, θ)and accepting/rejecting the sample, we sample anotherrandom variable v ∼ π2(v), and then apply a transfor-mation z = T (h(ε, θ),v; θ), such that z ∼ qψ(z|θ) isdistributed as the approximate posterior (in our case avMF). Effectively this entails applying another reparame-terization trick after the acceptance/rejection step. To stillbe able to perform the reparameterization we show thatLemma 1 fundamentally still holds in this case as well.

Lemma 2. Let f be any measurable function and ε ∼

π1(ε|θ) = s(ε)g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

the distribution of the ac-

cepted sample. Also let v ∼ π2(v), and T a trans-formation that depends on the parameters such that ifz = T (ω, v; θ) with ω ∼ g(ω|θ), then ∼ q(z|θ):

E(ε,v)∼π1(ε|θ)π2(v) [f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))] =∫f(z)q(z|θ)dz = Eq(z|θ)[f(z)], (9)

Proof. See Appendix C.

With this result we are able to derive a gradient expressionsimilarly as done in equation 8. We refer to Appendix Dfor a complete derivation.


The surface area of a hypersphere is defined as

S(m− 1) = rm2(πm/2)

Γ(m/2), (10)

(a) R2 latent space of the N -VAE. (b) Hammer projection of S2 latent space of the S-VAE.

Figure 2: Latent space visualization of the 10 MNIST digits in 2 dimensions of both N -VAE (left) and S-VAE (right).(Best viewed in color)

where m is the dimensionality and r the radius. Noticethat S(m − 1) → 0, as m → ∞. However, even form > 20 we observe a vanishing surface problem (seeFigure 6 in Appendix E). This could thus lead to unstablebehavior of hyperspherical models in high dimensions.


Extending the VAE The majority of VAE extensionsfocus on increasing the flexibility of the approximateposterior. This is usually achieved through normalizingflows (Rezende and Mohamed, 2015), a class of invertibletransformations applied sequentially to an initial repa-rameterizable density q0(z0), allowing for more complexposteriors. Normalizing flows can be considered orthogo-nal to our approach. While allowing for a more flexibleposterior, they do not modify the standard normal priorassumption. In (Gemici et al., 2016) a first attempt ismade to extend normalizing flows to Riemannian mani-folds. However, as the method relies on the existence of adiffeomorphism between RN and SN , it is unsuited forhyperspheres.

One approach to obtain a more flexible prior is to use asimple mixture of Gaussians (MoG) prior (Dilokthanakulet al., 2016). The recently introduced VampPrior model(Tomczak and Welling, 2018) outlines several advantagesover the MoG and instead tries to learn a more flexibleprior by expressing it as a mixture of approximate pos-teriors. A non-parametric prior is proposed in Nalisnickand Smyth (2017), utilizing a truncated stick-breakingprocess. Opposite to these approaches, we aim at using anon-informative prior to simplify the inference.

The closest approach to ours is a VAE with a vMF distri-bution in the latent space used for a sentence generation

task by (Guu et al., 2018). While formally this approachis cast as a variational approach, the proposed model doesnot reparameterize and learn the concentration parameterκ, treating it as a constant value that remains the samefor every approximate posterior instead. Critically, asindicated in Equation 5, the KL divergence term onlydepends on κ therefore leaving κ constant means neverexplicitly optimizing the KL divergence term in the loss.The method then only optimizes the reconstruction errorby adding vMF noise to the encoder output in the latentspace to still allow generation. Moreover, using a fixedglobal κ for all the approximate posteriors severely limitsthe flexibility and the expressiveness of the model.

Non-Euclidean Latent Space In Liu and Zhu (2018),a general model to perform Bayesian inference in Rieman-nian Manifolds is proposed. Following other Stein-relatedapproaches, the method does not explicitly define a poste-rior density but approximates it with a number of particles.Despite its generality and flexibility, it requires the choiceof a kernel on the manifold and multiple particles to havea good approximation of the posterior distribution. Theformer is not necessarily straightforward, while the latterquickly becomes computationally unfeasible.

Another approach by Nickel and Kiela (2017), capital-izes on the hierarchical structure present in some datatypes. By learning the embeddings for a graph in anon-euclidean negative curvature hyperbolical space, theyshow this topology has clear advantages over embeddingthese objects in a Euclidean space. Although they did notuse a VAE-based approach, that is, they did not build aprobabilistic generative model of the data interpreting theembeddings as latent variables, this approach shows themerit of explicitly adjusting the choice of latent topologyto the data used.

Table 1: Summary of results (mean and standard-deviation over 10 runs) of unsupervised model on MNIST. RE and KLcorrespond respectively to the reconstruction and the KL part of the ELBO. Best results are highlighted only if theypassed a student t-test with p < 0.01.

Method N -VAE S-VAELL L[q] RE KL LL L[q] RE KL

d = 2 -135.73±.83 -137.08±.83 -129.84±.91 7.24±.11 -132.50±.73 -133.72±.85 -126.43±.91 7.28±.14

d = 5 -110.21±.21 -112.98±.21 -100.16±.22 12.82±.11 -108.43±.09 -111.19±.08 -97.84±.13 13.35±.06

d = 10 -93.84±.30 -98.36±.30 -78.93±.30 19.44±.14 -93.16±.31 -97.70±.32 -77.03±.39 20.67±.08

d = 20 -88.90±.26 -94.79±.19 -71.29±.45 23.50±.31 -89.02±.31 -96.15±.32 -67.65±.43 28.50±.22

d = 40 -88.93±.30 -94.91±.18 -71.14±.56 23.77±.49 -90.87±.34 -101.26±.33 -67.75±.70 33.50±.45

A Hyperspherical Perspective As noted before, a dis-tinction must be made between models dealing with thechallenges of intrinsically hyperspherical data like omni-directional video, and those attempting to exploit somelatent hyperspherical manifold. A recent example of thefirst can be found in Cohen et al. (2018), where sphericalCNNs are introduced. While flattening a spherical im-age produces unavoidable distortions, the newly definedconvolutions take into account its geometrical properties.

The most general implementation of the second modeltype was proposed by Gopal and Yang (2014), who intro-duced a suite of models to improve cluster performance ofhigh-dimensional data based on mixture of vMF distribu-tions. They showed that reducing an object representationto its directional components increases clusterability overstandard methods like K-Means or Latent Dirichlet Allo-cation (Blei et al., 2003).

Specific applications of the vMF can be further foundranging from computer vision, where it is used to inferstructure from motion (Guan and Smith, 2017) in spheri-cal video, or structure from texture (Wilson et al., 2014),to natural language processing, where it is utilized in textanalysis (Banerjee et al., 2003, 2005) and topic modeling(Banerjee and Basu, 2007; Reisinger et al., 2010).

Additionally, modeling data by restricting it to a hyper-sphere provides some natural regularizing properties asnoted in (Liu et al., 2017). Finally Aytekin et al. (2018)show on a variety of deep auto-encoder models thatadding L2 normalization to the latent space during train-ing, i.e. forcing the latent space on a hypersphere, im-proves clusterability.


In this section, we first perform a series of experimentsto investigate the theoretical properties of the proposedS-VAE compared to theN -VAE. In a second experiment,we show how S-VAEs can be used in semi-supervised

tasks to create a better separable latent representation toenhance classification. In the last experiment, we showthat the S-VAE indeed presents a promising alternative toN -VAEs for data with a non-Euclidean latent representa-tion of low dimensionality, on a link prediction task forthree citation networks. All architecture and hyperparam-eter details are given in Appendix F.


In this first experiment we build on the motivation devel-oped in Subsection 2.3, by confirming with a syntheticdata example the difference in behavior of the N -VAEand S-VAE in recovering latent hyperspheres. We firstgenerate samples from a mixture of three vMFs on thecircle, S1, as shown in Figure 1(a), which subsequentlyare mapped into the higher dimensional R100 by applyinga noisy, non-linear transformation. After this, we in turntrain an auto-encoder, a N -VAE, and a S-VAE. We fur-ther investigate the behavior of the N -VAE, by training amodel using a scaled down KL divergence.

Results The resulting latent spaces, displayed in Figure1, clearly confirm the intuition built in Subsection 2.3. Asexpected, in Figure 1(b) the auto-encoder is perfectly ca-pable to embed in low dimensions the original underlyingdata structure. However, most parts of the latent space arenot occupied by points, critically affecting the ability togenerate meaningful samples.

In theN -VAE setting we observe two types of behaviours,summarized by Figures 1(c) and 1(d). In the first weobserve that if the prior is too strong it will force theposterior to match the prior shape, concentrating the sam-ples in the center. However, this prevents the N -VAE tocorrectly represent the true shape of the data and createsinstability problems for the decoder around the origin. Onthe contrary, if we scale down the KL term, we observethat the samples from the approximate posterior maintain

Table 2: Summary of results (mean accuracy and standard-deviation over 20 runs) of semi-supervised K-NN on MNIST.Best results are highlighted only if they passed a student t-test with p < 0.01.

Method 100 600 1000N -VAE S-VAE N -VAE S-VAE N -VAE S-VAE

d = 2 72.6±2.1 77.9±1.6 80.8±0.5 84.9±0.6 81.7±0.5 85.6±0.5

d = 5 81.8±2.0 87.5±1.0 90.9±0.4 92.8±0.3 92.0±0.2 93.4±0.2

d = 10 75.7±1.8 80.6±1.3 88.4±0.5 91.2±0.4 90.2±0.4 92.8±0.3

d = 20 71.3±1.9 72.8±1.6 88.3±0.5 89.1±0.6 90.1±0.4 91.1±0.3

d = 40 72.3±1.6 67.7±2.3 88.0±0.5 87.4±0.7 90.3±0.5 90.4±0.4

a shape that reflects the S1 structure smoothed with Gaus-sian noise. However, as the approximate posterior differsstrongly from the prior, obtaining meaningful samplesfrom the latent space again becomes problematic.

The S-VAE on the other hand, almost perfectly recoversthe original dataset structure, while the samples from theapproximate posterior closely match the prior distribution.This simple experiment confirms the intuition that havinga prior that matches the true latent structure of the data, iscrucial in constructing a correct latent representation thatpreserves the ability to generate meaningful samples.


To compare the behavior of the N -VAE and S-VAE on adata set that does not have a clear hyperspherical latentstructure, we evaluate both models on a reconstructiontask using dynamically binarized MNIST (Salakhutdinovand Murray, 2008). We analyze the ELBO, KL, negativereconstruction error, and marginal log-likelihood (LL) forboth models on the test set. The LL is estimated usingimportance sampling with 500 sample points (Burda et al.,2016).

Results Results are shown in Table 1. We first note thatin terms of negative reconstruction error the S-VAE out-performs theN -VAE in all dimensions. Since the S-VAEuses a uniform prior, the KL divergence increases morestrongly with dimensionality, which results in a higherELBO. However in terms of log-likelihood (LL) the S-VAE clearly has an edge in low dimensions (d = 2, 5, 10)and performs comparable to the N -VAE in d = 20. Thisempirically confirms the hypothesis of Subsection 2.2,showing the positive effect of having a uniform prior inlow dimensions. In the absence of any origin pull, thedata is able to cluster naturally, utilizing the entire latentspace which can be observed in Figure 2. Note that in Fig-ure 2(a) all mass is concentrated around the center, sincethe prior mean is zero. Conversely, in Figure 2(b) allavailable space is evenly covered due to the uniform prior,

resulting in more separable clusters in S2 compared toR2. However, as dimensionality increases, the Gaussiandistribution starts to approximate a hypersphere, whileits posterior becomes more expressive than the vMF dueto the higher number of variance parameters. Simultane-ously, as described in Subsection 3.5, the surface area ofthe vMF starts to collapse limiting the available space.

In Figure 7 and 8 of Appendix G, we present randomlygenerated samples from the N -VAE and the S-VAE, re-spectively. Moreover, in Figure 9 of Appendix G, weshow 2-dimensional manifolds for the two models. Inter-estingly, the manifold given by the S-VAE indeed resultsin a latent space where digits occupy the entire space andthere is a sense of continuity from left to right.


Having observed the S-VAE’s ability to increase clus-terability of data points in the latent space, we wish tofurther investigate this property using a semi-supervisedclassification task. For this purpose we re-implementedthe M1 and M1+M2 models as described in (Kingmaet al., 2014), and evaluate the classification accuracy ofthe S-VAE and the N -VAE on dynamically binarizedMNIST. In the M1 model, a classifier utilizes the latentfeatures obtained using a VAE as in experiment 5.2. TheM1+M2 model is constructed by stacking the M2 modelon top of M1, where M2 is the result of augmenting theVAE by introducing a partially observed variable y, andcombining the ELBO and classification objective. Thisconcatenated model is trained end-to-end 3.

This last model also allows for a combination of the twotopologies due to the presence of two distinct latent vari-ables, z1 and z2. Since in the M2 latent space the classassignment is expressed by the variable y, while z2 onlyneeds to capture the style, it naturally follows that the

3It is worth noting that in the original implementation byKingma et al. (2014) the stacked model did not converge wellusing end-to-end training, and used the extracted features of theM1 model as inputs for the M2 model instead.

(a) R2 latent space of the N -VGAE. (b) Hammer projection of S2 latent space of the S-VGAE.

Figure 3: Latent space of unsupervisedN -VGAE and S-VGAE models trained on Cora citation network. Colors denotedocuments classes which are not provided during training. (Best viewed in color)

N -VAE is more suited for this objective due to its highernumber of variance parameters. Hence, besides compar-ing the S-VAE against the N -VAE, we additionally runexperiments for the M1+M2 model by modeling z1, z2respectively with a vMF and normal distribution.

Results As can be see in Table 2, for M1 the S-VAEoutperforms the N -VAE in all dimensions up to d = 40.This result is amplified for a low number of observedlabels. Note that for both models absolute performancedrops as the dimensionality increases, since K-NN usedas the classifier suffers from the curse of dimensionality.Besides reconfirming superiority of the S-VAE in d <20, its better performance than the N -VAE for d = 20was unexpected. This indicates that although the log-likelihood might be comparable(see Table 1) for higherdimensions, the S-VAE latent space better captures thecluster structure.

In the concatenated model M1+M2, we first observe inTable 3 that either the pure S-VAE or the S+N -VAEmodel yields the best results, where the S-VAE almostalways outperforms the N -VAE. Our hypothesis regard-ing the merit of a S+N -VAE model is further confirmed,as displayed by the stable, strong performance acrossall different dimensions. Furthermore, the clear edgein clusterability of the S-VAE in low dimensional z1 asalready observed in Table 2, is again evident. As thedimensionality of z1, z2 increases, the accuracy of theN -VAE improves, reducing the performance gap with theS-VAE. As previously noticed the S-VAE performancedrops when dim z2

= 50, with the best result being ob-tained for dim z1

= dim z2= 10. In fact, it is worth

noting that for this setting the S-VAE obtains comparableresults to the original settings of (Kingma et al., 2014),while needing a considerably smaller latent space. Finally,the end-to-end trained S+N -VAE model is able to reach

a significantly higher classification accuracy than the orig-inal results reported by Kingma et al. (2014), 96.7±.1.

The M1+M2 model allows for conditional generation.Similarly to (Kingma et al., 2014), we set the latent vari-able z2 to the value inferred from the test image by theinference network, and then varied the class label y. InFigure 10 of Appendix H we notice that the model is ableto disentangle the style from the class.

Table 3: Summary of results of semi-supervised modelM1+M2 on MNIST.

Method 100dim z1

dim z2N+N S+S S+N

55 90.0±.4 94.0±.1 93.8±.1

10 90.7±.3 94.1±.1 94.8±.2

50 90.7±.1 92.7±.2 93.0±.1

105 90.7±.3 91.7±.5 94.0±.4

10 92.2±.1 96.0±.2 95.9±.3

50 92.9±.4 95.1±.2 95.7±.1

505 92.0±.2 91.7±.4 95.8±.1

10 93.0±.1 95.8±.1 97.1±.1

50 93.2±.2 94.2±.1 97.4±.1


In this experiment, we aim at demonstrating the ability ofthe S-VAE to learn meaningful embeddings of nodes in agraph, showing the advantages of embedding objects ina non-Euclidean space. We test hyperspherical reparam-eterization on the recently introduced Variational GraphAuto-Encoder (VGAE) (Kipf and Welling, 2016), a VAEmodel for graph-structured data. We perform training on

a link prediction task on three popular citation networkdatasets (Sen et al., 2008): Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed.

Dataset statistics and further experimental details are sum-marized in Appendix F.3. The models are trained in an un-supervised fashion on a masked version of these datasetswhere some of the links have been removed. All nodefeatures are provided and efficacy is measured in termsof average precision (AP) and area under the ROC curve(AUC) on a test set of previously removed links. We usethe same training, validation, and test splits as in Kipf andWelling (2016), i.e. we assign 5% of links for validationand 10% of links for testing.

Table 4: Results for link prediction in citation networks.


Cora AUC 92.7±.2 94.1±.1

AP 93.2±.4 94.1±.3

Citeseer AUC 90.3±.5 94.7±.2

AP 91.5±.5 95.2±.2

Pubmed AUC 97.1±.0 96.0±.1

AP 97.1±.0 96.0±.1

Results In Table 4, we show that our model outperformsthe N -VGAE baseline on two out of the three datasetsby a significant margin. The log-probability of a link iscomputed as the dot product of two embeddings. In a hy-persphere, this can be interpreted as the cosine similaritybetween vectors. Indeed we find that the choice of a dotproduct scoring function for link prediction is problematicin combination with the normal distribution on the latentspace. If embeddings are close to the zero-center, noiseduring training can have a large destabilizing effect on theangle information between two embeddings. In practice,the model finds a solution where embeddings are ”pushed”away from the zero-center, as demonstrated in Figure 3(a).This counteracts the pull towards the center arising fromthe standard prior and can overall lead to poor modelingperformance. By constraining the embeddings to the sur-face of a hypersphere, this effect is mitigated, and themodel can find a good separation of the latent clusters, asshown in Figure 3(b).

On Pubmed, we observe that the S-VAE converges to alower score than the N -VAE. The Pubmed dataset is sig-nificantly larger than Cora and Citeseer, and hence morecomplex. TheN -VAE has a larger number of variance pa-rameters for the posterior distribution, which might haveplayed an important role in better modeling the relation-ships between nodes. We further hypothesize that not allgraphs are necessarily better embedded in a hyperspher-

ical space and that this depends on some fundamentaltopological properties of the graph. For instance, thealready mentioned work from Nickel and Kiela (2017)shows that hyperbolical space is better suited for graphswith a hierarchical, tree-like structure. These considera-tions prefigure an interesting research direction that willbe explored in future work.


With the S-VAE we set an important first step in theexploration of hyperspherical latent representations forvariational auto-encoders. Through various experiments,we have shown that S-VAEs have a clear advantage overN -VAEs for data residing on a known hypersphericalmanifold, and are competitive or surpassN -VAEs for datawith a non-obvious hyperspherical latent representation inlower dimensions. Specifically, we demonstrated S-VAEsimprove separability in semi-supervised classification andthat they are able to improve results on state-of-the-art linkprediction models on citation graphs, by merely changingthe prior and posterior distributions as a simple drop-inreplacement.

We believe that the presented research paves the way forvarious promising areas of future work, such as exploringmore flexible approximate posterior distributions throughnormalizing flows on the hypersphere, or hierarchicalmixture models combining hyperspherical and hyperpla-nar space. Further research should be done in increasingthe performance of S-VAEs in higher dimensions; onepossible solution of which could be to dynamically learnthe radius of the latent hypersphere in a full Bayesiansetting.


We would like to thank Rianne van den Berg, JonasKohler, Pim de Haan, Taco Cohen, Marco Federici, andMax Welling for insightful discussions. T.K. is supportedby SAP SE Berlin. J.M.T. was funded by the EuropeanCommission within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individ-ual Fellowship (Grant No. 702666, Deep learning andBayesian inference for medical imaging).


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Figure 4: Overview of von Mises-Fisher sampling procedure. Note that as ω is a scalar, the procedure does not sufferfrom the curse of dimensionality.

The general algorithm for sampling from a vMF has been outlined in Algorithm 1. The exact form of the distribution ofthe univariate distribution g(ω|k) is:

g(ω|k) =2(πm/2)


exp(ωk)(1− ω2)12 (m−3)

B( 12 ,

12 (m− 1))

, (11)

Samples from this distribution are drawn using an acceptance/rejection algorithm when m 6= 3. The complete procedureis described in Algorithm 2. The Householder reflection (see Algorithm 3 for details) simply finds an orthonormaltransformation that maps the modal vector e1 = (1, 0, · · · , 0) to µ. Since an orthonormal transformation preservesthe distances all the points in the hypersphere will stay in the surface after mapping. Notice that even the transformUz′ = (I− 2uu>)z′, can be executed in O(m) by rearranging the terms.

Figure 5: Geometric representation of a single sample in S2, where ω ∼ g(ω|k) and v ∼ U(S1).

Algorithm 2 g(ω|k) acceptance-rejection samplingInput: dimension m, concentration κInitialize values:

b←−2k +

√4k2 + (m− 1)2

m− 1

a←(m− 1) + 2k +

√4k2 + (m− 1)2


d← 4ab

(1 + b)− (m− 1) ln(m− 1)

repeatSample ε ∼ Beta( 1

2 (m− 1), 12 (m− 1))

ω ← h(ε, k) =1− (1 + b)ε

1− (1− b)ε

t← 2ab

1− (1− b)εSample u ∼ U(0, 1)

until (m− 1) ln(t)− t+ d ≥ ln(u)Return: ω

Algorithm 3 Householder transformInput: mean µ, modal vector e1u′ ← e1 − µu← u′

||u′||U ← I− 2uu>

Return: U

Table 5: Expected number of samples needed before acceptance, computed using Monte Carlo estimate with 1000samples varying dimensionality and concentration parameters. Notice that the sampling complexity increases in κ, butdecreases as the dimensionality, d, increases.

κ = 1 κ = 5 κ = 10 κ = 50 κ = 100 κ = 500 κ = 1000 κ = 5000 κ = 10000

d = 5 1.020 1.171 1.268 1.398 1.397 1.426 1.458 1.416 1.440d = 10 1.008 1.094 1.154 1.352 1.411 1.407 1.369 1.402 1.419d = 20 1.001 1.031 1.085 1.305 1.342 1.367 1.409 1.410 1.407d = 40 1.000 1.011 1.027 1.187 1.288 1.397 1.433 1.402 1.423d = 100 1.000 1.000 1.006 1.092 1.163 1.317 1.360 1.398 1.416


The KL divergence between a von-Mises-Fisher distribution q(z|µ, k) and an uniform distribution in the hypersphere

(one divided by the surface area of Sm−1) p(x) =




KL[q(z|µ, k) || p(z)] =


q(z|µ, k) logq(z|µ, k)

p(z)dz (12)



q(z|µ, k)(log Cm(k) + kµT z− log p(z)

)dz (13)

= kµ Eq[z] + log Cm(k)− log




= kIm/2(k)

Im/2−1(k)+((m/2− 1) log k − (m/2) log(2π)− log Im/2−1(k)



2log π + log 2− log Γ(





∇kIv(k) =1

2(Iv−1(k) + Iv+1(k)) , (16)


∇k log Cm(k) = ∇k((m/2− 1) log k − (m/2) log(2π)− log Im/2−1(k)


= −Im/2(k)

Im/2−1(k), (18)


∇κKL[q(z|µ, k) || p(z)] = ∇κkIm/2(k)

Im/2−1(k)+∇k log Cm(k) (19)


Im/2−1(k)+ k∇k








(Im/2−2(k) + Im/2(k)


+ 1

), (21)

Notice that we can use Iexpm/2 = exp(−k)Im/2 for numerical stability.


Lemma 3 (2). Let f be any measurable function and ε ∼ π1(ε|θ) = s(ε)g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

the distribution of the accepted

sample. Also let v ∼ π2(v), and T a transformation that depends on the parameters such that if z = T (ω,v; θ) withω ∼ g(ω|θ), then z ∼ q(z|θ):

E(ε,v)∼π1(ε|θ)π2(v) [f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))] =

∫f(z)q(z|θ)dz = Eq(z|θ)[f(z)], (22)


E(ε,v)∼π1(ε|θ)π2(v) [f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))] =

∫∫f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))π1(ε|θ)π2(v)dεdv, (23)

Using the same argument employed by Naesseth et al. (2017) we can apply the change of variables ω = h(ε, θ) rewritethe expression as:


∫∫f (T (ω,v; θ)) g(ω|θ)π2(v)dωdv =∗

∫f(z)q(z|θ)dz (24)

Where in * we applied the change of variables z = T (ω,v; θ).



We can then proceed as in 8 using Lemma 2 and the the log derivative trick to compute the gradient of the expectationterm ∇θEq(z|θ)[f(z)]:

∇θEq(z|θ)[f(z)] = ∇θ∫∫

f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))π1(ε|θ)π2(v)dεdv (25)

= ∇θ∫∫

f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ)) s(ε)g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

π2(v)dεdv (26)



(f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))

g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

)dεdv (27)



g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

∇θ (f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))) dεdv (28)


∫∫s(ε)π2(v)f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))∇θ

(g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)



∫∫π1(ε|θ)π2(v)∇θ (f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))) dεdv (29)


∫∫s(ε)π2(v)f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))∇θ

(g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)


= E(ε,v)∼π1(ε|θ)π2(v) [∇θf (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))]︸ ︷︷ ︸grep


+ E(ε,v)∼π1(ε|θ)π2(v)

[f (T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))∇θ log

(g(h(ε, θ)|θ)r(h(ε, θ)|θ)

)]︸ ︷︷ ︸



where grep is the reparameterization term and gcor the correction term. Since h is invertible in ε, Naesseth et al. (2017)

show that∇θ logq(h(ε, θ), θ)

r((h(ε, θ), θ)in gcor simplifies to:

∇θ logg(h(ε, θ), θ)

r((h(ε, θ), θ)= ∇θ log g(h(ε, θ), θ) +∇θ log |∂h(ε, θ)

∂ε|, (31)


In our specific case we want to take the gradient w.r.t. θ of the expression:

Eqψ(z|x;θ)[log pφ(x|z)] where θ = (µ, κ), (32)

The gradient can be computed using the Lemma 2 and the subsequent gradient derivation with f(z) = pφ(x|z). Asspecified in Section 3.4 we optimize unbiased Monte Carlo estimates of the gradient. Therefore fixed one datapoint xand sampled (ε,v) ∼ π1(ε|θ)π2(v) the gradient is:

∇θEqψ(z|x;θ)[log pφ(x|z)] = grep + gcor, (33)


grep ≈ ∇θ log pφ (x|T (h(ε, θ),v; θ)) , (34)

gcor ≈ pφ (x|T (h(ε, θ),v; θ))

(∇θ log g(h(ε, θ)|θ) +∇θ log |∂h(ε, θ)

∂ε|), (35)

where grep is simply the gradient of the reconstruction loss w.r.t θ and can be easily handled by automatic differentiationpackages.

For what concerns gcor we notice that the terms g() and h() do not depend on µ. Thus the gcor term w.r.t. µ is 0 an allthe following calculations can will be only w.r.t. κ. We therefore have:

∂h(ε, k)



((b− 1)ε+ 1)2where b =

−2k +√

4k2 + (m− 1)2

m− 1, (36)


∇κ log g(ω|k) = ∇κ(

log Cm(k) + ωk +1

2(m− 3) log(1− ω2)


= ∇k log Cm(k) +∇κ(ωk +


2(m− 3) log(1− ω2)

). (38)

So, putting everything together we have:

gcor = log pφ(x|z) ·[−Im/2Im/2−1



2(m− 3) log(1− ω2) + log | −2b

((b− 1)ε+ 1)2|)]

, (39)


b =−2k +

√4k2 + (m− 1)2

m− 1(40)

ω = h(ε, θ) =1− (1 + b)ε

1− (1− b)ε(41)

z = T (h(ε, θ),v; θ), (42)

And the term ∇κ(ωκ+ 1

2 (m− 3) log(1− ω2) + log | −2b

((b− 1)ε+ 1)2|)

can be computed by automatic differentia-

tion packages.


Figure 6: Plot of the unit hyperspherical surface area against dimensionality. The surface area has a maximum form = 7.



Architecture and hyperparameters For both the encoder and the decoder we use MLPs with 2 hidden layers ofrespectively, [256, 128] and [128, 256] hidden units. We trained until convergence using early-stopping with a lookahead of 50 epochs. We used the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with a learning rate of 1e-3, and mini-batchesof size 64. Additionally, we used a linear warm-up for 100 epochs (Bowman et al., 2016). The weights of the neuralnetwork were initialized according to (Glorot and Bengio, 2010).


Architecture and Hyperparameters For M1 we reused the trained models of the previous experiment, and usedK-nearest neighbors (K-NN) as a classifier with k = 5. In the N -VAE case we used the Euclidean distance as adistance metric. For the S-VAE the geodesic distance arccos(x>y) was employed. The performance was evaluated forN = [100, 600, 1000] observed labels.

The stacked M1+M2 model uses the same architecture as outlined by Kingma et al. (2014), where the MLPs utilizedin the generative and inference models are constructed using a single hidden layer, each with 500 hidden units. Thelatent space dimensionality of z1, z2 were both varied in [5, 10, 50]. We used the rectified linear unit (ReLU) as anactivation function. Training was continued until convergence using early-stopping with a look ahead of 50 epochs onthe validation set. We used the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-3, and mini-batches of size 100. All neuralnetwork weight were initialized according to (Glorot and Bengio, 2010). N was set to 100, and the α parameter used toscale the classification loss was chosen between [0.1, 1.0]. Crucially, we train this model end-to-end instead of by parts.


Architecture and Hyperparameters We are training a Variational Graph Auto-encoder (VGAE) model, a state-of-the-art link prediction model for graphs, as proposed in Kipf and Welling (2016). For a fair comparison, we use the samearchitecture as in the original paper and we just change the way the latent space is generated using the vMF distributioninstead of a normal distribution. All models are trained for 200 epochs on Cora and Citeseer, and 400 epochs on Pubmedwith the Adam optimizer. Optimal learning rate lr ∈ {0.01, 0.005, 0.001}, dropout rate pdo ∈ {0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4} andnumber of latent dimensions dz ∈ {8, 16, 32, 64} are determined via grid search based on validation AUC performance.For S-VGAE, we omit the dz = 64 setting as some of our experiments ran out of memory. The model is trained with asingle hidden layer with 32 units and with document features as input, as in Kipf and Welling (2016). The weightsof the neural network were initialized according to (Glorot and Bengio, 2010). For testing, we report performance ofthe model selected from the training epoch with highest AUC score on the validation set. Different from (Kipf andWelling, 2016), we train both the N -VGAE and the S-VGAE models using negative sampling in order to speed uptraining, i.e. for each positive link we sample, uniformly at random, one negative link during every training epoch. Allexperiments are repeated 5 times, and we report mean and standard error values.


Dataset statistics are summarized in Table 6. Final hyperparameter choices found via grid search on the validation splitsare summarized in Table 7.

Table 6: Dataset statistics for citation network datasets.

Dataset Nodes Edges Features

Cora 2,708 5,429 1,433Citeseer 3,327 4,732 3,703Pubmed 19,717 44,338 500

Table 7: Best hyperparameter settings found for citation network datasets.

Dataset Model lr pdo dz

Cora N -VAE 0.005 0.4 64S-VAE 0.001 0.1 32

Citeseer N -VAE 0.01 0.4 64S-VAE 0.005 0.2 32

Pubmed N -VAE 0.001 0.2 32S-VAE 0.01 0.0 32


(a) d = 2 (b) d = 5 (c) d = 10 (d) d = 20

Figure 7: Random samples from N -VAE of MNIST for different dimensionalities of latent space.

(a) d = 2 (b) d = 5 (c) d = 10 (d) d = 20

Figure 8: Random samples from S-VAE of MNIST for different dimensionalities of latent space.

(a) N -VAE (b) S-VAE

Figure 9: Visualization of the 2 dimensional manifold of MNIST for both the N -VAE and S-VAE. Notice that theN -VAE has a clear center and all digits are spread around it. Conversely, in the S-VAE instead all digits occupy theentire space and there is a sense of continuity from left to right.


Figure 10: Visualization of handwriting styles learned by the model, using conditional generation on MNIST of M1+M2with dim(z1) = 50, dim(z2) = 50, S+N . Following Kingma et al. (2014), the left most column shows images fromthe test set. The other columns show analogical fantasies of x by the generative model, where in each row the latentvariable z2 is set to the value inferred from the test image by the inference network and the class label y is varied percolumn.
