ARTICLES What are articles? article nounDefinite Article – The Some rules to remember. To indicate...


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Class - 3 English worksheet - 7


What are articles?

An article is a word that comes before a noun.

They define whether something is specific or unspecific.

There are two types of articles:

Indefinite Articles - A and An

The words a and an are called indefinite articles. We can use them before singular

nouns to talk about any single person or thing. Deciding which indefinite article to

place in front of a word depends upon the initial sound of the word, not the first letter

of the word.

When to use “A” When to use “AN”

‘A’ is used before words beginning The article ‘an’ is placed before

with a consonant sound. words that begin with a vowel sound.

The initial sound should be a, e, i, o, u.

For example: For example:

A man An apple

A hat An egg

A lamp An article

A teacher An island

A cat An umbrella

A book An hour (the ‘h’ sound is silent)

Definite Article – The

Some rules to remember.

To indicate a particular person, thing or event, or something already

referred to; Example:-

This is the book I wanted.

I dislike the fellow you are talking about.

To represent a whole class; Example:-

Help the poor and the needy.

The dog is a faithful animal. (Every dog is faithful.)

Before name of rivers, seas, newspapers, books, groups, islands, gulfs

oceans, etc. Example:-

The Ganges is a holy river.

The Himalayas stand in the north of India.

The plane crossed the Indian Ocean in four hours.

With comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives; Example:-

The higher we go, the cooler it is.

He is the best boy in the class.

He proved the better of the two.

Before common nouns which are names of unique things; Example:-

The sun rises in the east.

The moon revolves round the earth.

The sky is blue.

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with a, an or the:

a) The doctor said that it was ______ hopeless case.

b) She is ______ untidy girl.

c) Always help ______ poor.

d) Banaras is ______ holy city.

e) I like to live in ______open air.

f) French is ______ easy language.

g) Which is ______ longest river in India?

h) She told ______ lie.

i) Honesty is ______ best policy.

j) He is not ______ honourable man.

Exercise 2 Complete the story with the help of a, an or the:

Once upon _____ time, there lived some mice in _____house. There was plenty of food in _____ house. _____ mice ate, sang songs and made merry. One day _____ cat came to this house and saw _____ mice. Every day _____ cat killed _____ mouse and ate him. _____ mice became very unhappy. They started leaving _____ house one by one.


Class - 3 Hindi Worksheet - 7


Class - 3 S.ST Worksheet - 5

I Love My India

Introduction: We need government to run our country. Government looks after the needs,

welfare and safety of the people of our country. In India we have two types of


Central Government:

India became independent on 15th August, 1947. Independence gave us the

right to choose the people who would govern us. This is done by having an

election. During an election, people cast their vote and choose some people.

These people then form the government. Only those whose age is 18 years and

above can vote.

The Central government makes laws for the entire country. It has its offices in

New Delhi, the capital of India. The President, the Vice President, the Prime

Minister, other ministers and the officers of the central government live and

work in the capital.

Types of Government

The Central

Government The State


The President of India is Shri Ram Nath Kovind.

The President of India lives in the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

State Government It is difficult for the Central Government to solve the problems of all the people.

Therefore, each state elects its own government. It is called the state government. The

state government looks after the welfare of the people living in that state. The Governor,

the Chief Minister, other ministers and the senior officers of the state government live

and work in the state capital.

Raj Bhavan (Punjab)

Union Territories

There are some parts of India which are not included in the 28 states. These are called

Union Territories. They are governed by the Central government.

For more information kindly click on the links given below:

Question 1 Read the above content and answer the following:

a) Which are the two types of government in our country?

b) Why is our country divided into states?

c) How are Union Territories different from states?

Question 2 Fill in the blanks:

a) The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh lives and works in _________.

b) The Union Territories are governed by the _________.

c) The people of _________ have the right to choose the government.

d) The offices of the central government are in _________.

Question 3 True and False:

a) India has one central government and many state governments.

b) No person above the age of 18 can vote in India.

c) The Prime Minister lives and works in New Delhi.

d) Our country got its independence on 15th August, 1947.

Activity Which government looks after the welfare of the people of Chandigarh? The state

government or the central government. Give reasons for your answer.


Class - 3 Science Worksheet - 6


Children, in the previous worksheet we studied about the parts of a plant- roots,

stem and their functions. We shall further study about the leaf, flowers and



Leaf is the most important part of the plant. They come in different shapes and

sizes. The flat and broad part of the leaf is called the leaf blade or lamina. In

the middle of the leaf is the main vein. A number of side veins branch out from

the main vein. The veins carry water to the leaf. The leaf is attached to the

branch by a stalk. The leaf has many tiny pores called stomata through which

plants breathe.


A green leaf makes food for the plants with the help of sunlight, water and

air. This process is called photosynthesis. That is why a leaf is called the

kitchen of a plant.

The food made by the leaves is sent to all parts of the plant through the


Leaves of some plants such as cabbage, spinach and lettuce store food and

we eat the leaves of such plants.


The most beautiful part of the plant is the flower. Flowers are of many colours,

shapes and sizes. Flowers of different plants grow into fruits. They have

pleasant fragrance that is used to make perfumes.


Fruits have seeds inside them. Some fruits have one seed inside them like

mango, some fruits have few seeds like orange whereas some fruits have many

seeds like papaya. Most new plants grow from seeds. When the seed gets

enough air, water and warmth, the baby plant starts growing till it grows into an

adult plant. This is how the life cycle of a plant goes on.


For more information, please click on the

source links below:

A farmer feels happy when he sees flowers on his

trees as he knows that these ______ will turn into


Question 1 Match the statement with the correct pictures:

a) It makes food for the plant.

b) It changes into a fruit.

c) These grow into new plants.

d) We eat the leaves of this plant.

Question 2 Write true or false:

a) Plants breathe through tiny pores on their leaves called stomata.________

b) Stem is called the kitchen of a plant. ________

c) The leaf is attached to the branch by a stalk. ________

d) All fruits have the same number of seeds inside them. ________

Collect leaves and flowers of different types.

Do not pluck from plants or trees.

Pick only fallen ones.

Press them in the folds of old newspapers.

Put something heavy like a book over them.

The leaves and flowers will become dry in few days.

Paste them on a sheet of drawing paper.

Carefully tie the pages together.

Make a pretty cover for your album.



Class - 3 Maths Worksheet - 7

Hey friends! Do you remember me? I am Pingu and I am

back with the next set of exercises based on Addition of

three digit numbers.

Well, it is as simple as Addition of 2 digit numbers covered

in the previous class.

Addition of 3 - digit numbers:

1) Addition Without Regrouping: In this type of addition of 3-digit numbers,

always add digits in the ones place first, then the tens place, and finally the

hundreds place.

Let’s take an example:

1) Addition With Regrouping:

Now, let us do some exercises based on the topic discussed:

A. Find the sums:

When there are

more than 9 tens,

regroup 10 tens

into 1 hundred..

For more information, please refer to the link provided



B. Fill in the blanks:

a) 758 + ______ = 758

b) 486 + 123 = 123 + ______

c) 625 + ______ = 626

d) ______ + 150 = 150 + 300

e) ______ + 1 = 835

f) 463 + 0 = _______

Children, all of you must have seen and used a music

system. The parts like CD, DVD etc which you can

touch are hardware whereas the songs or music

recorded on CD cannot be touched because they are

software installed on CD/ DVD.

Class - 3 Computer Worksheet - 5

Please refer to the links provided below:


Unlike hardware, software is that part of a computer which cannot be touched. To

make the hardware work, we need to have software installed in it.

Thus, we can define Software as a set of instructions given to the computer to do a

particular work.

Types of software:

1. System software

2. Application software

System software:

It is a set of program that controls the overall working of a computer. For example,

Operating system is a part of System Software that makes a computer run. It manages

all the input and output operations.

application software:

The software that helps us to do a specific type of work is called Application Software.

Microsoft Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Paint are few examples of

Application Software.


There are three stages in the working of a computer:

This Input- Process- Output Cycle is also called IPO Cycle.

Example: Let us see how we can make tea using IPO Cycle:

INPUT: The data and the instructions, which we

enter using a keyboard or a mouse into a computer,

are called Input.

PROCESSING: After entering data and

instructions in a computer, the CPU works on the

input to give us meaningful information. This is

called Processing.

OUTPUT: The meaningful information that we get

after processing is called Output.

Children, let us recapitulate what we have studied earlier and do some basic


A. Mark these devices as Input or Output Devices:

B. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. A computer displays _______ after processing the data.

a. Input b. Process c. Output

2. The _______ monitor consumes least power.

a. LCD b. CRT c. LED

3. ________ keys are either used alone or in combination with other keys to

perform certain actions.

a. Control b. Typing c. Navigation

C. Complete the IPO Cycle:


Class - 3 Punjabi Worksheet - 5 (for Mohali & Zirakpur Branches Only)


Answer Key to Previous Worksheet


EXERCISE 1 Give plurals of the following nouns:

a) Armies

b) Men

c) Photos

d) Lives

e) Teeth

EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks with the plurals of the words given in brackets:

a) Cats, mice

b) Storeys

c) Thieves

d) Roofs

e) Classes, days

EXERCISE 3 Match the masculines (he-words) with their feminines (she-words):

a) Niece

b) Mare

c) Empress

d) Actress

e) Queen

EXERCISE 4 Rewrite the following sentences after changing the gender of the

words in italics:

b) My aunt has two sisters.

c) A lady and her daughter came to buy a house.

b) I saw a lioness and a tigress in the zoo.

c) The girl said, “May I come in, madam?”





Question 1 Read the above content carefully and answer the following: a) The five neighbouring countries that surround India are:-

Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Bangladesh. b) The water bodies that surround India are:

Bay of Bengal in the east, Arabian Sea in the west and Indian Ocean in the south. c) At present there are 28 states and 8 union territories in India.

Question 2 Fill in the blanks:

a) India b) New Delhi c) China

d) Ranchi

Question 3 Match the following:

a) Patna b) Gandhinagar c) Chandigarh d) Chennai e) Kolkata



Question 1 Choose the correct option:

a) Fibrous root

b) Root

c) Neem

d) Flowers and fruits

Question 2 Fill in the blanks:

a) Shoot

b) Stem

c) Money

d) Roots


Rose flower



Activity: -

Fill in the blanks and learn how to plant seeds:



Which key I am?

a) Typing Keys

b) Page Up

c) Backspace

d) Delete

e) Caps Lock

f) Numeric Keypad

g) Space Bar

h) Navigation Keys/ Direction Keys



A. Circle the even numbers in each set of numbers given below:

B. Circle the odd numbers in each set of numbers given below:

C. Identify Even and Odd Numbers and put them in the specific location:

















Answer key of this worksheet will be given with the next one.
