Art Masterpiece Samurai Suit of Armor · • What do you see in this image? • What are some...


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Art Masterpiece: Samurai Suit of Armor

c. 1750 Japanese


Grade: 4th

Month: September

Lesson: Family Crest


About Gusoku Armor:

Gusoku armor was the predominant style of Japanese armor from the 15th-

19th centuries. The armor was popular because it was easy to reproduce and

repair for extended periods of war. Gusoku armor has two basic structural

components: do (chest protector), and kabuto (helmet). While the basic

design of the armor remained the same, the development of firearms in the

16th century required heavier armors with lacquered metal plates reinforced

with rivets. The armor was used by Samurai warriors who wore it as a

symbol of honor and for practical purposes of warfare.

About the Work:

Samurai Armor: The Samurai armor featured here is five-sectioned in

order to provide versatility and movement. The armor is composed of

lacquered leather, iron, fabric, and horsehair, making it an older type of

armor that does not include steel. The kabuto (helmet) includes a front crest

in the form of a rabbit, and the butterfly mon (family crest) of the

Matsudaira clan.

Boys' Day Armor: The Boys' Day armor is a paper mache' model that is

used to celebrate a Japanese holiday. On the fifth day of the fifth month,

families place flying paper fish outside their door: each fish represents a son

in the house. On this day, boys are also presented with small suits of armor

as a symbol of strength and family pride. This suit duplicated the armor

pieces of a traditional Samurai suit.

Looking and Discussing:

• What do you see in this image?

• What are some differences you see between this Samurai armor and the

armor and military uniforms you see in the movies, on TV or in the news?

• What patterns and colors do you see in the armor? Why do you think thse

patterns and colors were used?

• The Samurai suit has a family crest on its helmet. Why do you think it was

important for the makers of the helmets to include family crests?

• On Boys' Day in Japan, the boys in the family are presented with small sets

of armor. Although this armor is only paper mache', why do you think

families in Japan had this tradition?

Project: Mask

Provide each student with white cardstock mask pattern. Students may

decorate the masks as desire using markers, watercolor paints, feathers,

sequins, paper etc. Samples in the grade level bin.

Materials: white cardstock masks, watercolors, markers, feathers, sequins,

tissue paper, scrapbook paper in various textures and designs, glue sticks and

