ARE *-' .. gentlemen honey-combed|j >i iB/ ks..dtu.., fes ...€¦ · coixetonrbitters....


Citation preview

coixetonr bitters.rpHESE jiiBtly celebrated BITTERS are purely a vegXeiable compound, and will be found a safe and sovereignreraedv for Dyspepsia, Nervous Weakness, and

'. General Debility. They have been triumphantly t-sted,

not only by the most respectable families and 'physiciansin the Sonih. who have furnished ample testimony rs to

their decided excellence, but also hy the proprietor, whofor ten years suffered all the gloom incident to that stubbornand distressing disease.

:- For th« satisfaction of those who may not otherwise feel*-' .1-.u .roLronn.. mnHm

dispose" to try tnis vauiau e (.-uiup'uuu, ............ .. ...

by permission, to the following highly respectable gentlemen!Rev. THOS. J. YOUNG, JWiM. YATES. 1M. D., [D T.CAiN, 31. D.. SALEX, ROBINSON, Esq., ]col. F. LANCE. JDr. T. M CURTIS, Johns Island.Gov. W. B. SEABROOK, T , .

II. F. BAILEY. Esq., \ ldlst0 l!>iandCHAS.G- CAPEILS. Esq.. Beaufort.Rev. J. B- SEABROOK. Bluffton.

Sole agents for the South.llaviland. markal&co.,

No 2 Hayne-st., and 25 King-st., Charleston.Retail price, 7 cts- per bottleWhere th?article can be had bv 'he gross dozen, or

single bottle. E. A. JENKINS.March 15 22

13OTIE TESTIMONY.of THE COLLETON BITTERS, " purely a vegetableCompound, and, which, from the confidence I have

in the character and integrity of the maker and proprietorthereof. I verily believe to be true, I entertain the most

favorable opinion- Several of my personal friends and

acquaintances, long afflicted with Dyspepsia, have assuredme that th»*y have found these Bitters better thanany other medicine they ever tiied for that distressingdisease. And 1 take pleasure further to state that I havewitnessed the excellency of these Bitters in Nans a.

..." .1 ., ,Sick Head Ache, and uowen <oinpj.mii*. m m- M1,r,, ,

have seen tlie Colleton repeatedly a-td successfully testedamong the children of my own household. No familyought to be without this invaluable medicine.

Siened, HEV. A. WOODWARD,Pastor of St. I.uke's Church. Hilton Head, S. C.

For sale by HAVILAND, HARRAL <fc CO,26 King and 25 Hayne-st..

Wholesale and Retail Agents.Z.J. DEHAV, A cent Camden S.C.

March 15 22

wliraiie9ig&(ILate Planter's Hotel Camden, S. C.)

THE subscriber liaving purchased this extensive andwell known Establishment, and having added

largely to its convenience and comfort, by a new additionof FURNITURE, and thorough and completeREPAIRS, begs leave to inform the public thut lie is

prepared to entertain all who may favor him with a

call in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camden.He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, onlyo far as to say that liis Table will be supplid daily as

WELL AS ANY JN THE STATE; attended by politeand attentive servants.His Stables will be bountifully supplied with Provender,and attended by the VERY REST 11ostlers.No pains will be spared to V^ep a quiet and orderly

House. JL IIOLLEYMAN.Camdon, June 4, 1851. 45tf

mansionhousetTHE undersigned begs leave to return his grateful

thanks tohis friends, and the travelling Public, forliheral sunDort which he has received since he has been

opened, (four montlis) and has entered upon his dmics for J1851, with renewed energy to endeavor to please all thai

my call upon him, both rich and poor. His House willbe found one of the most desirable, situated, and best furnishedHotels in Camden. His servants also will hefound respectful and attentive, and the table will be suppliedwith the best the market affords.His Stables and Carriage Houses are roomy and always

fully supplied with Provet der.and an experienced Hostler.An Omnibus calls at the House every morning for passengersfor the Railroad. Give nic a call and test my motto.

As you find me,Sore-commend ine.

E. G. ROBINSON.Proprietor.

Camden, February 7th, 181. 11 tf

jLME»teA« lofEi,,CORNER OF



SgT'O'IIanlou's Omnibus will be ready at the RailRoadstations to carry Passengers to this House, (or to

any point desired,) where they will find good accommodationsand kind attention.December 3. 91tf

Darliugton-Court House.

THE above llouso having been purchased and liltedup anew by John* Dote.v, is again opened for the

accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to thewants and comforts of his guests will be given, and 110

effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who mayfavor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared.

All that the market and surrounding country affordwill be found upon the Table.

JSgrComfortable Rooms, for Families or individuals,are prepared.The Stables will be attended by careful and atten-

tive Hostlers.DROVERS can be well accommodated, as any numberof Horses and Mules can be kept in the Stables

and Lots expressly prepared for them.Nov. 1, 1850. 86tf

To Travellers.TTHK subscriber having recently purchased that largeJL and commodious Building in the town of Camden,S, C., known as McKAIXS HOTEL, and recently occupiedby Mr. J. B. F. Boone, is prepared to receiveand accomdatc TRAVELERS and BOARDERS, andwill thank the traveling portion of the country to giveLira a cal}. JOHN INGRAM.Camden, S. C. January 27, 1852. 8 tf

CARPETING, Printed Druggets, Rugs and Haze,hiA. M. & R. KENNEDY'S

Dry-Goods. Groceries, Crockery &c.f|*M!E subscriber continues to keep on hand a comXpleto assortment of Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries,Crockery, <fcc., which he will sell very low for cash.His stock of Groceries consists, in port, ofSugar, Coffee, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Ac.

Among his Dry Goods will be found a good article o

pure Irish Linen, which he will warrant to bo genuine,and soil as cheap or cheaper than it can bo bought intins market.

Purchasers would do well to give him a call.Jan. 2. J. CIIARLKSWORTII.

Constantly on Hand,

CEMENT, Calcined Plaster of Paris, for buildingpurposes; Gypsum or Land Plaster, for agriculturalpurposes, and Stone Lime, all of good quality and

in quantities to suit purchasers.A very supcnor article of White Lime for whitewash"

ing. C. L. CUATTEN.March 9. 20tf

17^BENCH Worked Handkorehioi s, Louiurs, and Undersleevos,just opened at liONNEY'S.April 20. 32tf

PATENT METALIO BURIAL CASES.THE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for the

Motalic Cases. Also, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut andother plain articles in the liuo, with mountings, and engraved,if desired.


WAGON Bridles, ef my own manufacture, onowarranted to last as long as two of Northern

mako. Also,Tror-o fhains of various dualities for sain low ix*

cash. F. J. OAKS. |


THE subscriber is receiving and keeps constantly on

hand, a large assortment of the Purest Medicines,Chemicals, and Dye-Stuffs. Also, an extensive varietyof the very best Hair, Tooth, and Paint Brushes,(J miners and Blenders. Always on hand Window Glassof ail sizes. Paint Oil, Lamp Oils. Turpentine, Trusses,Surgical Instruments, Patent Medicines of every kind. jHere may be had. all the delightful Extracts of Lubin ]

for the handkerchief. Oils, Ox Marrows, and Eau Lus-trals tor tQe Hair. itair uyes tor gentlemen wno navebecome prematurely Grey. Colognes of all sizes, and ofthe very finest quality. Shaving Creams and Soaps ingreat variety Transparent Halls. Tooth Pastes andPowders. Pens. Ink and Paper. Besides China Vasesfd other irnnments for the Centre Table and Mantle .i:d such a 'ot of Toys I HAll who de«ire pure and honest articles at low rates,

would do well to give us a cull.FRANCIS L. ZEMP.

rept. 16 181. 73tf7.Is EXCII Hli \ NiJYTMoiloira Wine and oldi PORT WINK, for medical purtioscs. Just receivedand for sale by F. L. /KM P.

Tliompsonian J>1 edgeincs.NUMBER SIX. Composition, Lobelia. Gum Myrrh,

Alcohol. Cayenne Pepper, Nerve Powder. Hemlock,Spiced Hitters. Golden Seal. Barberry Powder,Bitter Root, Cholera Nyrtip. Third Preparation. Freshand for sale by FRANCIS L. ZEMP.

Oils, Burcing Fluid.1 OA GALLONS oi Lamp '>il at 88 cents pergallon1 V/ 40 gallons Burning Fluid, at 88 cents nor gallonJust received and for sale hy F. L. /EMI

Spices, Gelatine.r)LACK Pcpjicr. Bed Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmegs.J Mace. Allspice, Ginger, While Ginger. Cooper's Gelatine,French Gelatine, Isinglass, Black Mustard 8'ced,

White Mustard Seed. Cooking Soda,Washing Soda.Inst received and for sale by f. I.. ZEMP.

New Family Grocery k Provision Store'TMIE subscriber is just receiving and now opening a

JL complete assortment <>f(liKOCERIfilS,

Consisting in part as follows : i

Preserves, Mranity r runs ami pickics,Olives, Capers ami IVpper Sauce,Tomato. Walnut ami Musbroon Catsups,John Bull. Harvey and Rending Sauco.Essence of Anchovies,

_jExtracts of Rose. Is-mon, Nutmeg and Vanilla,Citron, Jiiiupe Paste and Gnnva Jelly,Lobsters. Salmon and Sardines. !

Prunes. Raisins and Almonds '

Brazil Nuts and Naples Walnuts 1Table Salt, in bags anil boxesCandles, Soap ami SlarcbSoda, Wine and Butter CrackersBrcnia and Corn Siarch IAmerican and London .Mustard ICinnamon. Cloves and Nutmegs :

Pepper. Spicc. (iinger. Coperas and Saltpetre JPowder. Shot and Lead '

I.naf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar iBrown Sugar, Rio and Java Coftee, i

Rice. Hour and Lard jAanis and Bacon SidesSuperior Sugars and Tobacco

A full and comple assortment of (

Wiuos and Liquors.. ALSO

Crockery nu<l jjnvs ware. [will be sold at tbe lowest prices for easli. <

R. W. ABBOTT,Opposite McKain's Drug Store.

Oct. fi. ?'Jf1




Tsetl by Niysieians of High Standing,Those BITTERS removo all morbid secretions, purify )

the blood, give great tone and vigor to the digestiveorgans, furtify the system against all future disease, can

be taken with safety, at no time debilitating the patient.beiT~ grateful to the most delicate stomach, and rv- '

maskable for their cheering, invigorating, strengthen- '

nig, and restorative properties, and an invaluable and 'sure remedy for j 1

DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. |Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, Costive- J

ness, Kaintness, Disorders of the Skin and Liver, Loss jof Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, ^Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and fullness of Weightat the Stomach, and all other diseases caused by an im- ^pare state of the blood, liver, etc., which tend to debili- ^late and weaken the system.


Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition will Ifind this Medicine of £



THOUSANDS tHave tested its cflicacy.and thousands more are now un Ider treatment; and not one solitary case of failure hoi £

yet boen reported. Volumes could bo filled with ccrtifi \

oates of those who have been pefmancntly cured.1Call on tbe Agent, and get a PAHPHLET, '

Containing the Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and th<high estimation in which this Medicino is held by theTublic Tress.can be had of tho Agents, free.Sold by all tho Genuine Medicine Depots in the United

States and Canada. yF&- Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle.|Principal Office, 122 FULTON 8T., N V., up stairs. ;i

For sale by THOMAS. J. WORKMAN, t

Camden, Oct. 17, 1851. 1_________________£

FLO I K and Lard. For sale by *O ,sif R.W.ABBOTT <

SADDLE A IIAUNESS .HAK undersigned eontinucshis bushier* ;\t tlio old i

1 stand, returns his thanks (or past favors and hopes ;]for a continuance of patronage. All work in hi* linowill bo done with punctuality, and where the cash ispaid, at the time el' delivery, a discount el' ten per cont '

will lie made. JJan (J, [2-1 v] F. J. OAKS. '


Stewart's Crashed 1K>. New Orleans .MOLASSES,RIO COFFEE; a few pockets super, old GovernmentJAVA COFFEE, Ibr family use. Received and for sale.

by MeDOWALL & C'UOl'KR.\ b) AAA I7BS. clioicc new liACOX SIDES. c

\' Rccoived and fur sale by7 March 2.1852. SHAW & AUSTIN. i

1 XAA LBS- Na 1 LEAF LAUD- (Now.) |If)' M ' Received and for sale by (March 2, 1852. SHAW & AUSTIN


Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,TX)R the cure of all diseases or disorders geneJjrated by impure blood. Its great success

justly entitles it to the name of the Great Americanspecific.So far as it is known it is universally apprecialed,and many eminent physicians use it daily in

their practice with the most happy effects, andcertify that it is the best extract in existence, andthe only one that stands the test of time.Every year adds to its great popularity, and

multiplies its astounding cures. The victim ofHereditary Scrofula, with supporting glands, honey-combedflesh, and caries eating into his bones,finds Gu\sott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla balmfor his affliction. His horrible torments are assu-

aged, ami his malady not only relieved, but perfectlycured.It may be safely asserted, from the results of

past experience, that "Dr. Guysott's Extract otYellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," is, beyond all comparison,the most wonderful remedy on earth forthe following diseases, and a'l others proceedingfrom vitiated blood: Scrofula, or King's Evil,Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions,Pimples or Pustules on the face, Blotches, Boils,Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, ScaldHead, Enlargement and Pains of the Bones andJoints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Lumbago, andDiseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury,Aeites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudencein Life, Liver Complaint, Ague and Fever, IntermittingFever, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrlicea,Plethora of Blood in the Head, Piles, Painsin the Back, Sides, Breast or Loins, and all formsof Muscular, Glandular, and Skin diseases.

It is a sovereign specific for General Debility,and the best renovator for a Broken Constitution.It braces and roinvigorates every organ, promotesactictitv and regularity in every function, andproduces that condition of the whole physical systemwhich is the best security for long life.Let all who wish to purge the blood from the

impurities contracted froin tie free indulgence ofthe appetite during the winter, and to prepare thesystem to resist summer epidemics, resort now to

'Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilln,"which is proving itself an antidote for inalyof the most malignant diseases that flesh isli'ir to, and they will never be disappointed, tor in

Ids remedy the public Jaith has never wavered.lever can waver; lor it is founded on experience,ust as their want of faith in other and spuriouscompounds is also founded in experience. Theyly from mineral nostrums to seek hope, life, andrigor from this purely vegetable remedy. Thereore,however broken down in health and spirits,lowever loathesonie to himself and others, let no

>ne despair of recovery; let the patient only nnlerstandthat this hope of physical restorationies only in " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dockind Sarsapariila," and persuade him for his life's=ake to try it, and we have no hesitation in prclictinghis speedy restoration to health.As a means of regulating all the functions ot

voman's delicate organization, it has no equal innaterin mcdica, and at that ciitical period of lifevhen the first stage of her decline commences,ts cordial and invigorating properties will enablejer to pass the crisis safety.[IT None genuine unless put up in large

tontaining a quart, and name of the .Syrup \

n the glass, with the written signature S. F !!ic-tt on the outside wrapper.Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for So.

Sold by SCOVIL & MEAD,113 Chartrcs street, New Orleans.

Sole General Agents for the Southern States, tovliom all orders must be addressed.Sold by Z. J. Dellny. and at Workman's Orsig Store.

>aniden, 8. C., Halt «i. Hopes!, Winnsboro', S. C., A.' iteli. Columbia, S. C.. beach Ar Eliney. Orantrchurg. S.1., llaviland Ilarrall A: Co.. and I'. ,M. Cohen's, Charleson,8. C.

Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar,V SAFE and certain cure for Coughs, Colds,

Croup, Asthma, Consumption of the Lungs,fitting ot Wood, iironcijiiis; uooping ernugn, anai!l Pulmonary Allbctions.\ Lovoly Young Lady cured of Consumption.O" Tim following is from tlie pen of Win. II.

[jvvison, Esq., tlio distinguished editor of the U?. Military and Naval Argus, under date Newfork. January 2t>, 18o0. What could he more:onchisive ?"It is seldom w? permit ourselves to occupy

1 space in these columns to speak in praise of anyirticle in the patent niebicine way: hilt when we

=ee the life of a fellow-creature saved l>y the use of111y medicine whatever, we consider it as our

ight, it not our duty, to give a simple statementif facts, that others may, in like manner, lie beneittcd.The case which lias induced us to penhis article was that ofa young lady ol'our acquainance,wlio by frequent exposure to the night air,jontracted a Cold which settled 011 the I.tings heoreits ravages could he stayed. (This occurredWO years «igu mi» wiuiriy « ciiiuu» it-uiuuies

,vere used, but with very little effect or benefit..f'be Cough grew worse, with copious expectoraion,and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow cheeks,old plainly that pulmonary disease was doing its.vorst on her delicate frame. The family physi:ianwas consulted, and although he would not adnitto the young lady that she really had the Consumption,vol he would give no encouragement as

o a cure. At this crisis her mother was persua-led to make use of a bottle of J)r. Rogers' Com-round Syrup of Liverwort and Tar, and we are

lappy to state she was perfectly cured in less thanhree months by this medicine alone, a Her even

rope was destroyed. It is useless to comment on

tuch a case as this, for the simple truth will reachvherc polished fiction never can. If any doubtlie authenticity of this statement, let them call athis office.. U. S. Military and IS'a vol Argus, Am.!) Chatham street, N. Y.

Testimonies of the N. Y. Press.Frmu tlit* New York Courier. Aug. 13. |8f»0.

Dit. Rogers' Sviitii' ok Livehwort ,ui' Ta;AC have hoard of so vera I iniporl.ii; »i. >

y oiroctod hy litis excellent medicinal |>r. j ..i: is.

ind in one instance that eaino under our <!> t va- j,ion, we can speak confidontly. One of urem-

iloyces, who had suffered sevi rely from a longlanding cold, during the past week commencedhe use of this medicine, and his Cold has entirelylisappeared.

From die New York Mirror, Sep. 2, 1850.Livekwoiit and'I'ak..Of the virtues of I)r.

togers' Cough .Medicines prepared from the aboveuticles,tt is needless now tospeak; itscflicacy inipoedily curing Coughs, Colds, and other lung:omplainis, which too frequently, if neglected, re.uiit in ('oie umption, is too well established in pubicconfidence to need eulogy now. - i

ID*The genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, onlie steel plate engraved wrapper around each botle,and is sold wholesale and retail by i

SCOV1L & MEAD,113 Chartresst, New Orleans,

Solu general agents for the States, to whom <"

inters and applications for agencies must1rosso (1.Sold ut Workman's Drug Store. Camden, s. ( !

lo|>eiit, Winnnboro', S. C.; Itenrli I'.liney. Or5.C.;A. Filc h, Columbia, S. C.; Sold ni whole*..:'. M. Cohen «fc Co., Havilnnd. Itnrrall Co., Charleson;IlavilanO, Keasc & Co., New York.April 1. U7 3m.''


dr. j. s-hou^^

|j >i iB/Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth STOMACHOF THE OX, after directions of BARONLIE BIG, the great Physiological Chemist, byJ. S. IIOUGIJTON, M. D. Philadelphia. Pa.

This is a truly wonderful remedv for INDIGESTION,DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, LIVERCOMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and DEBILITY,Curing aftelfcNature's own method, byNature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice

j£gCTIalf a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in water,will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of RoastBef in about lu:o hours, out of the stomach.PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great DigestingPrinciple of the Gastric Juice.the Solvent of

the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and StimulatingAgent of the Stomach and Intestines. It isextracted from the Diffpstive Stomach of the Ox.thus forming an ARTIFICIAL DIGESTIVEFLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice inits Chemical powers, and furnishing a COMPLETEand PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for it.By the aid of this preprration, the pains and evilsof INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA are removed,just as they would be by a healthy Stomach.It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing casesof DEBILITY, EMACIATION, NERVOUS DECLINE,and DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION,supposed to be on the verge of the grave. TheScientific Evidence upon which it is based, is inthe highest degree CURIOUS and REMARKABLE."

SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!BARON LIEI3IG in his celebrated work on

Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial DigestiveFluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may bereadily prepared from the mucous membrane ofthe stomach of the Ox, in which various articlesot food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, chang.ed, and digested, just in the same manner as theyxcuuld be in the human stomach."

25?"Call on the Agent, and get a DescriptiveCircular, gratis, giving a large amount of SCIENTIFICEVIDENCE, similar to the above, togetherwith Reports of REMARKABLE CURES,from all parts of the United States.Agent.Z. J. DeIIAY, Camden, Wholesale

and Retail Agent,CIIARLES S. WEST,

Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Equity,CAMDKJJ, S. C.

EsfOftice in the rear of the Court House.

Witt. M. SIIA\>OX,.Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,


W. THE ISLOW CASTOR.Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity.

camden', s. c.

Ofiiccon Broad-Street near the Crart House.CLINTON & PK1CL,

Attorneys at Law.Nr. Clinton*, Lancaster. C. A. Prick, Camden

Office in in Camden.that formerly occupied by JM. DeSaussure, Esq.."Will attend to legal business inthis and the adjoining Districts.


VTTORXEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IXEQUITY, Camden. S. C. Will practice in Kershawami adjoining Districts. Office in rear of the

Court House. May 18.


1 'V EQUITY, Camden. S. C. Will attend the Courtsof Kershaw, Sumter, Fairlield. Darlington and LancasterDistricts Office on Broad Street.


J V EQUITY, Camden, S. C Will attend the Courtsni uarimgum ana cutmer instincts. umce m tneCourt House.

e. w. bonnet,Bank Agent and G-tnoral Merchant,

CAKDiifr, S. C.





C*10AClf<MAKKR, on Broad Street, near the PostJ Office. Camden, S. C. Builds end repairs Vehiclesof all descriptions, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,

Wheelbarrows, Ac. May IS.ROBERT J. McCREIGHT,/COTTONGIN MAKER. Butlodge Street, onedoor East of M. Drueker fc Co.. Camden, S. C.IIUUHAUOTTL U. BKO.YSOV.


/^ONTINl'KS the manufacture of TIN-WARE, <f-cnv./' attends to (julluriug ami Hooting Houses, puttingup and making Stove ripe, and

BHWIUS KVKKY AttTlCI.E IX HIS I.IXK.oid i l' -v . Lead, Copper and Brass taken in exi-haugotor i .1 t'.:

l'hanki , ts| favors, lie solieits a continuuneoof the same, a I I lie old Stand, opposite the PostOffice.Mai eh 10. 22tf


OFFliltS his services to the citizens ofCamden andvicinity as AUCT10NKKR. His charges will be

moderate, and when required, ho will attend sales inthe country.£5?"A11 orders left with Mr. J. S. DcPass, will be

promptly attended to.May

Cash System.r|MlK subscriber is still engaged in the "WAGONX MAKING and BLAGKSM1THING BUSINESS.Lie is thankful lor (lie liberal patronage heretofore be-stowed upon him. lie must however say. that he istired of the credit system, and horenfter the Cash, or

its equivalent, will be required at the time work is delivered.An approved note, bearing interest from day,will answer. Kor CASII, he is willing to work low, j

>1/ low, and those who want any thing done in hiswilfoblige him by calling upon him.>-e indebted to him are requested to make early

>:i\ ent. and save cost. N. B. ARRANTS.Vpril 30. 352m

/ * PACKAG ES (-10 lbs. each) Jenny Lind TOBA COL)Just received by R. "W. ABBOTT.


SHAW & AUSTIN. IllARE now receiving and opening their Fall eupplieeotFo.eign and Domestic Groceries, which that HBHer at wholesale and retail, consisting in part of the fol iowing articles: Hi

Sugars. Guava do. "&Loaf, Crasned, & Powdered Gooseberry, Strawberry,and HJBhVX.I...V.U «». i, j <mij,PortoRico, Extract#. ' > fW9iNew Orleans. PvSlhf**̂ JShCoff ' ! HermlS.s",e4jHks..dtu.., fes-'tvaaashlHTeas. ( and quarter boxes,Clioice of all kinds. I Lobsters in 1 and 2 lb. cans.

Molasses. 5Roast Beef, Anchovies "v"Muscovado and Porto Rico,Shysters, Fresh Cove Bait. *. ^M9SN. Orleans and \V. Indies. j Cordial#. * '^^H|

Candles. sCoracoa, MaruchineWax, white and colored ?Annisette, Noyan jRAdamantine iGinger Brandy. * flHjSpertn and Stearin > Fish.fl|

JFrnit. jSalraon, >; HHFigs and Raisins, sSmoked Herring, ## IHHAlmonds, Bonleaux & Halibat,Currants and Citron, $ilr ,

Cod Fish, ^HgEEnglish Walnuts, Mackarel No. 1, 2, and 3 i*W|Filberts and Brazil Nuts, f 'vhole,JiaIf, and qu. bbls.Fie Paste, "a new article ana mutts. HH

Nniccs 1 Provisions. ^BAllspice, N«u«e8* Clove., »««*Cinnamon,Ginger& Pepper.$_ .monpn#M s, Dried Rpj.f'

Powder Uosben, English and Pina, BHPickles. Apple Glitesc. ^HS|English and Dorrcslic of all- wiQe8 and Liquors. Hc ce 5Brandy, Hennessey Exr. fin. '^BKelchnps and Sauces. < do. otard, Dupry and CoWalnut, Mnshroom,Tomato,j do pallevoisin's wHR e a d i u g Sauce, sWhiskey, Scotch and Irish* HIlarvv do. < jo. Bourbon, Mononga'U jj^^lJohn Bull do. i jo. funk's Old Rye HHWarwickshire do. Wines, South side MadeiraWorcestershire do. i do. DuffGordon Sherry 1Paoli Vinegar, i do. Port on draugntEssence of Anchovies, > do. do. for Med.parposes,Anchovy Paste, do. Sparkling Hock '*

Potted Bloaters. > do. Tenenfte, and S; M.preserves. {Kirshwasser, AbsynthfejCitron, Oranges, lames, ^ Punch Es*nce.Pine Apple and Ginger. slleidseick,Express, Cardina

Brandy Fruits. ! and Victoria ChampagnesPeaches. Cherries, j Ale and PoJter. jfflfLimes and Pine Apple. j Choice Segara and Tnhar ,Jellies and Jams, ico of all kinds, all of which .Red & Black Currant Jelly,Swill be sold low for carfi.Oct. 10, 1351. l80 B

CHEAP GROCERIES. Br n'H'DS. SUGAR; 50 sacks RIO COFFE; mat B0 JAVA COFFEE; 10 sacks CUBA DO. >p <

911 Inrrnlu V.w ftrlnana \ITlT. A Q.QT7-Q. hogs West India DO830 barrels New Orleans WHISKEY. 9 ||10 do Monongehela DOH. casks old Rye DO 10 yeara oldJH3 1-8 casksFRENCH BRANDY' W .r fl5 barrels best LEAF LARD̂ cmH

10 barrels MACKAREL25 barels Baltimore FLOURH50 boxes English Daily CHEESE *.H10 kits MACKAREL No. 1 T



<:10 cases CLARET WINE, for Table use S10 do MADEIRA DO |5 do PORT DO8


Ginger, Peach, Plum and Chow Chow PRE3ERVES 1200 quarter and half boxes SARDINES850 cases SALMON and LOBSTERS B

With many other articlestoo numerous to mentioB. Forsale low for cash, or to punctual customers on the usual <

time. W. C. MOORE, Red Flag. |WORKMAN & BOONE, jJlaiuifacturere, Wholesale & Retail 1|DEALERS IN J


HAVE now on hand and will continue to receivethe fullest and most complete Stock of all the articlesusually kept in their line, that has ever been j

kept in this market.1 laving purchased from the best manufacturersabroad

and entirely for cos/i, in addition to their own manufactures.They feel well assured that they can supply ^any quantity or quality of Goods in their line, and uponas favorable terms as the can bo bought at any wholesaleestablishment in this State. y '

Merchants and others are respectfully invited to ox*amine their stock, before purchasing, under the assurancethat it shall be to their interest to do so.

Sept. 23. 73tf -qPreserves, Brandy Peaches, Ac,

17^ I. Ginger Preserves, W. I. do. (assorted,)J* Brandy Poaches, Lemon Syrup -*

Curacoa, Maraschino, and other Cordials, *

Maderia, Sherry, and Port Wines,Pliirnt nml V f! "Rlnr>1.-hr>rrv iln

.1IKIDSEIC1I CIIA.VPAIGKE.Gauva Jelly, Catsups and Sauces,Rose Water, Chocolate, Prunes and Raisins,English, French, and American Mustard,

do. do. do. Pickles,Imitation English Chce3e, Macaroni, 4c.

ALSO.Englis Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Shell Barks andSoft Shelled Almonds. ROBT. LATTA.

July 1, 1851. _52tf

CRASHED SUGAR.*.10 Bbls. Stuart's Su- |perior Crashed Sugar. For sale by

W. C. MOORa i


The subscribers bavo just received their new assort* ]raent of "

Spring and Summer Goods,which consists partly of

Calicoes, Ginghams, plain and embroidered Lawns,Fancy Muslins, at all prices, Linen Cambric, assortedcolors, Cambrics and Musliu3, plain and checked, '

Crapes, Bareges, Challys, DcLaines, Tissuo Silks, anda great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies' 4Drosses. 4LS0.A large assortment of Linen Cambric Il'dkfs., Heo*

Uie-worKt'U uouars ana ^uus, unemiseiRs anu vAijn,Muslin and Lace Sleeves, Cajws and Mantillas, Lace >1and Muslin Edging and Inserting, Bonnets nd Rib- Ibons, of the newest styles, Ivory Black and FeatherFans, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a great variety of


other Fancy Articles, to numerous to name. ^Thev recommend their stock of bleached and brown

Shirting, alue and striped Ilomcspuus, Cotton andLinen Oznaburgs, Bed Tick, and eveiy kind ofTowellingand Table Linen. A very largo assortment ofHosiery of ever}- description, Linen, Thread Lace andSilk Gloves, Mitts, Ac. Ac.They invito their friends to call at their Store, feeling

certain to bo able to satisfy them in every way, aawell in the prico as in the assortment of the Goods.

April 1852. M. DRUCKER & CO.

Novels, Periodicals, &c. '

- fHARPER'S Monthly Magazine for May; Interna- ^

tional Magazine for April; Madeleine; a Tale of ' va nvmw "Vnllnronlnsh Pnrinrs hr Thankapav s«,omn4VU»VI»V| * v«w .. J H OU1JISteed, or Days of Marion and his Merry Men; Love in "

High Life; Woodrevo Manor, or Six Months in Town;Story without a Nome, by James; Bleak House, No. 1,Dickens; . Self-Deception, No. 2; Warcus Warland,or the Moss Spring, a Tale of the South; Dan Marble;Simon Suggs; Twenty-Fifth May Day, School for Husbands; Quintin Matsys; Margaret Cecil; Regulators, %

a Romance of Kentucky; Wild Western Scenes, 4c.May 14. A. YOUNG.

Cigars! Cigars!!A Lot of the most choice Brands. For sale by 0

W. C. MOORE,May 7. 38

