Arctic; winter temps to -50 F Pop 22,000-27,000. Live on/near floating ice packs


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•Arctic; winter temps to -50 F

Pop 22,000-27,000

•Live on/near floating ice packs

•Eat ringed & bearded seals (often pups), walruses, belugas

A polar bear with a fresh seal kill, probably a bearded seal. Note the gull nearby, it is an ivory gull - one of the few true Arctic birds. It never gets below about

70 degrees north latitude in its entire life.

Ringed Seal

Bearded Seal

Well adapted to life on the ice:

•Large paws w/bristles for traction, claws

•Good swimmers; paddle w/forelimbs

•Streamlined, small head for heat conservation

•2 layers of dense fur; colorless, refracts light so it looks white

•Blubber 10 cm thick

•Males to 8-10 feet; 550 – 1700 lbs •Females 6-8 ft; 200 – 700 lbs

•Lifespan 15 – 18 yrs
