Architectural Dessertation - A bicycle friendly city, a liveable city



Formulating strategic planning to promote and enhance cycling in Greater Curtin master plan 2030. Methodology - using architecture for automobile, carchitecture as research background to design architecture for bicycles, bicycletecture. More works at:

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A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture Faculty of Built Environment, Art and Design

A Bicycle Friendly City, A Liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin

E MIN LOKE 13250034

This dissertation is presented for the degree of Bachelor of Architecture of Curtin University of Technology

Unit Coordinator: Annette Condello

Supervisor: Joo Hwa ( Philip ) Bay

Date of Submission: 18th November 2014

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Philip Bay for his patience, dedication and guidance that triggers a steep learning curve on my part while conducting the research of my dissertation. His exceptional supervision allows the expansion of my critical thinking to formulate practical methodology that has contributed to the completion of this dissertation. My deepest appreciation to family members for their financial backing and endless emotional support. Special appreciation goes to my fellow course mates, Mir, Tze Wei, Sonam and Fairuz for their precious, valuable help and priceless advice.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Contents Cover Page 1 Title Page 2 Acknowledgement 3 Content 4 Abstract 5 Objective 6 Chapter 1 : Introduction 1.1 Dissertation Background 1.2 Activity Centres 1.3 Movement Network 9 Chapter 2 : Research 2.1 Methodology 2.2 Case Study : Architectural Design for Automobile 2.3 Lessons From Architectural Design for Automobile 18 Chapter 3 : Site : Greater Curtin 3.1 Site Introduction 3.2 Superlot 19 Chapter 4 : Design Brief and Outcome 57 Conclusion 58 Reference 60 Appendix

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



This dissertation topic was developed from my interest in the ever-increasing popularity of the bicycles as a catalyst for better architectural design and development in Perth City. This new movement has made the bicycle as the driving force of new architectural typologies that are bike-specific, the way architecture was design to accommodate the arrival of cars during the modernist era and machine age. The bicycle is experiencing a global revival as more than just an alternative mode of transportation; it is a practical, rational form of mobility that has been embraced as a radical symbol of progress to inform and characterizes our urban cityscape in a positive manner. This dissertation aims to explore the involvement of architects to look towards the bicycles as the yardstick of excellence to embrace and integrate bike-friendly architectural design for the design of future sustainable and liveable cities. One of the primary attentions of the research was to study architectural design for automobile, and apply the extracted lessons to propagandise and promote active transportation to regulate and battle the era of peak oil and post fuel era in Perth.

Figure 1: City of Perth.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



- To develop and promote cycling as an attractive, convenient and popular mode of active transportation, contributing towards the creation of a sustainable, vibrant and livable city condition.


- To address the increasing demands for bicycle friendly facilities and planning to embrace the bicycle as an alternative to motorized transportation. - To demonstrate bicycle-specific architectural integration through case studies investigated and adapted from architectural design for automobile.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Dissertation Background Perth is often regarded as one of the most car dependent cities; however the city’s greatest untapped potential such as its inviting weather and flat topography allows the city to be regarded as one of the most bike friendly cities in the world (Ludlam 2012, 16). Western Australia has an increased popularity of bicycling participants with significantly better rating figures than the national average (WABNP 2014, 12). The amount of Perth people who cycle to work or for pleasure has gradually escalate more than fivefold over the past 15 years and this progression is expected to continue as more Western Australian will profit from the environmental, economic, social and health benefits offered by commuting on bicycle (WABNP 2014, 12). An extensive survey was carried out by the Department of Transport and concluded that 47% of every car trips in Perth could be substituted by other transiting modes such as public transport, cycling or walking (Ludlam 2012, 17). The same survey also discovers that 29% of every private car trips were replaceable by bicycle (Ludlam 2012, 17). Australian Bureau of Statistics discovers the average daily traveling distance of almost half (44.5%) of Perth population commutes less than 10km to the location of their work or study, which is a decent distance to be able to traveled by bike within half an hour (Ludlam 2012, 17). Data from the same statistics indicates that the most popular riding distance to work by 77% of the daily cyclist is less than 10km, hence proving the potential for people who live within short distance of their place of work or study to be less car dependent (Ludlam 2012, 17).

Figure 2: Perth rideable Distance and proportion of replaceable car trips in Perth

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


1.2 Activity Centres The government of Western Australia has establish the strategic planning and framework known as Directions 2031 to establish proper planning that anticipates the future growth of the metropolitan Perth and Peel region (Directions 2031 2010, 10). The Commonwealth Government population forecast the population of Perth will reach 3.5 million by 2056, hence justifying the urgency to plan for urban expansion management strategy to ensure sufficient supply of resources and land for the liveability and sustainability of its occupants (Directions 2031 2010, 11). Directions 2031 have highlighted three main integrated networks that set the foundation of the spatial framework for Perth as a connected city model that expects medium-density future expansion scenario (Directions 2031 2010, 12).

Activity Centres Network – A network of centres with hierarchy that ensures the supply of equal dispersal of employment and facilities throughout the city (Directions 2031 2010, 12). Movement Network – Composition of public and private transport network system intended to upkeep and support the activity centres network (Directions 2031 2010, 12). Green Network – A chain of parklands, reserves and protected area for green that reinforces biodiversity, maintain natural amenity and defend the priceless natural resources (Directions 2031 2010, 12).

Figure 3: Activity centres network

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


1.3 Movement Network The efficiency of a transport network has a huge impact to the daily function and movements of people and goods around the city. Based around the principles of Transit oriented development, the public transport connection in Perth and Peel plays an important role to ensure the effective movement across the activity centres networks. The strong connection within each centres shall be reinforced with the provision of safe path and routes that promotes active transportation such as walking and cycling to reduce congestion from private transportation.

Figure 4: Diagram of ToD relationship with movement network

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Chapter 2: Research 2.1 Methodology Architects have always practiced the role of visionaries that revolutionized humanity’s way of life and to ensure the creation of a better future. Architects in the past were largely influenced and embrace the arrival of automobile as the guidance of their design and inspiration. The influence of automobile towards the architectural design and urban morphology of our cities was evident during the twentieth century, dictating the form and volume and the way we experience them (Bell 2001, 126). The methodology of this dissertation intends to conduct a series of case studies by exploring the architectural responses towards automobile by architects. The lessons extracted from these case studies will set the foundation of essential design guidelines to integrate bicycles into architectural design of our cityscape.

Figure 5: Marina City

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




City Planning Frank Lloyd Wright 1918 – 1958

Figure 5: Broadacre city model

Figure 7: Broadacre city masterplan

1. Visionary aspect

objective methodology illustration

Planning - Idealistic view to plan a city that expresses the freedom of individual, American Democracy. - Decentralization principles, one acre of land ownership per person as means of freedom and survival. - A Utopia inspired through emerging technologies of that era. (Car, radio, telephone, machine invention, etc.) - sprawling combination of houses, business, agriculture lands and government buildings. - Network of broad highway without rail transport or train station (Wikipedia, 2014).

Figure 8 and 9: Broadacre city model view

Figure 10: Broadacre city illustration

2. Propagandise aspect

objective methodology illustration

Automobile - Strong reliance on automobile and quiet radio controlled helicopter taxis. - Automobile as means of providing retreat to nature. (decentralized lifestyle)

Figure 11: Broadacre city illustration

Typology - Introduction of gas service station as essential shopping place. - Gordon Strong Automobile Objective, expressing driving experience through spiraling ramp. - Form the design basis of Guggenheim Museum spiral ramp circulation.

Figure 12 & 13: Gordon Strong Automobile Objective

Figure 14: Guggenheim Museum


strength - Introduce a new way of life for Americans. - Celebration of automobile contributed to new building typology and morphology. - Unbuilt, but help to shape similar cities. (Los Angeles, Houston, Janesville, etc.)

weakness - Contradicts principles of Transit Oriented Development. - High dependency on automobile. - Land use. - Lack of human scale, lack human scale spaces.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




City Planning Le Corbusier 1924

Figure 15: Radiant city model

Figure 16: Radiant city plan view

1. Visionary aspect

objective methodology illustration

Planning - Idealistic city planning through radical, symmetry, well-ordered arrangement and standardization environment. - Centralized, high communal density, high-rise housing typology, surrounded by park-like settings. - Linear organization upon abstract shape of human body with head, spine, arms and legs (Wikipedia, 2014).

Figure 17: Radiant city axonometric Figure 18: Radiant city building plan

2. Propagandise aspect objective methodology illustration

Automobile mobility & manufacturing

- A planned urban scheme that suited and accommodated the automobile. - Promote giant superhighways to transport residents around. - Large underground garages as division to unsightly cars from large green spaces. - Prefabrication and standardization of buildings through car manufacturing techniques.

Figure 19 & 20: Radiant city artist impression

typology - Realization of urban planning design through Brazil’s capital, Brasilia. - Form the design basis of Unite d’Habitation.

Figure 21 & 22: Radiant city illustration


strength - Utopian dream to reunite man within a well-ordered environment. - Propagandize machine-age, automobile, prefabrication manufacturing technique into architecture. - Proposed to be built on existing site of demolished vernacular European cities. - Contradicts to decentralization.

weakness - Lack of human scale and connection to context and its surroundings. - Wastage of spaces between high-rise. - Heavy criticism for built projects that embodied similar ideology. - Brasilia - lack of public spaces for urban encounters. - Unite-inspired housing typology – poorly maintained - incubators of poverty and crimes.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




Housing Le Corbusier 1924

Figure 23: Mainson Citrohan

1. Celebration aspect

objective methodology illustration

Automobile Manufacturing

- Advocating the manufacturing process of the automobile industry through mass production and standardization. - To achieve quality and value by offering less choice – mass produced building components that are precise, cheap and well-made (Wikipedia, 2014).

Figure 24: Maison Citrohan model Figure 25: Maison Citrohan model


strength - Naming the project after automobile brand, Citroen, to gain interest from investors of car industry.

weakness - None.


Housing Le Corbusier 1931

Figure 26: Villa Savoye

1. Celebration aspect

objective methodology illustration

Automobile Agility

- Arrival of the car forms integral part of the ground floor plan – based on the turning circle of the car (Wikipedia, 2014).

Figure 27: Villa Savoye axonometric

Automobile Metaphor

- The ramp forming a central element of the spatial design, establish seamless connecting between storeys. - Abstract expression of a never ending road.


strength - Recognize the car as most popular analogy of modern technology of that era. - Understood car stylistic components are not necessary from technical viewpoint. - Applying same analogy towards architecture, reducing buildings to bare necessity and essentials.

weakness - None.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




Parking + Mixed use developmet Herzog and de Meuron 2010

Figure 28: 1111 Lincoln Road Project

1. Tectonics aspect

objective methodology illustration

Planning - Defamiliarization of the typical utilitarian car park structure (1111 Lincoln Road/ Herzog de Meuron, 2010). - Creation of a landmark and added value destination through mixed use development, provision of urban space, commercial area, penthouse and car park. - Creative placement of oblique, fin-like columns, differential floor to floor heights to promote various spatial experiences. - Enhance spatial experience with rewarding ocean views.

Figure 29: 1111 Lincoln Road project section

Figure 30: 1111 Lincoln Road project oblique columns

Figure 31: 1111 Lincoln Road project retail shop

Figure 32: 1111 Lincoln Road project Figure 33: 1111 Lincoln Road project ground retail event space

Material - Paying homage Le Corbusier’s view on automobile primary expression of core essential components, stripped to bare minimum, a skeletal structure. - Uncompromised usage of concrete and minimal building components and fixtures.


strength - Ability to blend in and adding social economic value and enhance urban experience to surroundings. - Radical.

weakness - Not to everybody’s preference. - Odd placement of isolated fashion shop, more exposure opportunity on ground level.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




Apartment dwellings Bjarke Ingels Group 2008

Figure 34: Mountain Dwelling apartment

1. Tectonics aspect

objective methodology illustration

Planning - Creative programmatic and spatial planning to merge dwelling units (1/3) and car park (2/3), forming symbolic relationship - Design based on metaphor of a mountain, to fit in with adjacent apartment without compromising views (Van Uffelen 2011, 304)

Figure 35: Mountain Dwelling apartment section

Figure 36: Mountain Dwelling apartment parking and diagrams

Automobile - Embracing the arrival experience of residents’ car through the abstract representation of driving up the slope of a mountain (Van Uffelen 2011, 305)


strength - Responding to context and existing conditions. - Densify suburban intensify social qualities.

weakness - Elevating importance of cars in Danish suburb context.


Parking + Mixed use development NL Architects 1994 - 1995

Figure 37: Parkhouse model

1. Provocative aspect

objective methodology illustration

Functionality - As a catalyst to bring parking and programme closer together (Henley 2007, 233). - Reduce conflict of parked cars on the ground level of limited space of heritage site (Henley 2007, 233). - Planned on constrains of polygonal site. - Proposed incline deck modules at slope of 6%, and mirrored the same for decent (Henley 2007, 233). - Combination of mixed used programme of commercial, offices, apartments, restaurants, Conference centre and hotel. - An overall 1km extension of site’s main road that also doubles as roadways to shop fronts.

Figure 38: Parkhouse study diagram Figure 39: Parkhouse study diagram

Discussion strength - As a study, trigger vital considerations and understandings when designing a parking structure.

weakness - Out of context in relation to historical 14th century site in the core of Amsterdam.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




Automobile Corporate Group Foster and Partners 1998 - 2004

Figure 40: McLaren Technology Centre

1. Celebration aspect

objective methodology illustration

Automobile Manufacturing Technology & Technique

- Expression of McLaren’s core values and brand identity through showcase of car’s technology and innovation (Yoshida 2007, 49) - Usage of aerospace and Formula One engineering technology to optimize performance of building. - Minimal yet strong wind blade structure of glass façade inspired by sports car. - Usage of similar material and construction technique of sports car on structure of building.

Figure 41: McLaren Technology Centre plan Figure 42: McLaren Technology Centre interior 1 Figure 43: McLaren Technology Centre interior 2

Figure 44: McLaren Technology Centre section


strength - Sustainable and environmental sensitive design features, harness water from pond as cooling agent. weakness - Luxury, not a necessity, expensive to build.


Automobile Corporate Group ONL 2006

Figure 45: Hessing Cockpit showroom

1. Tectonics + Metaphoric aspect

objective methodology illustration

Automobile Movement Manufacturing & designing Technique

- Streamlined building form was inspired by travelling speed of the car (Van Uffelen 2011, 134). - Longitudinal and linear built volume was positioned along A2 Highway, middle consist of workplace and showroom of luxury cars (Yoshida 2007, 86). - Styling based on mass customization and parametric technique, similar way of designing sports cars (Yoshida 2007, 86). - Production and construction of building components, based on precision of automobile manufacturing process.

Figure 46: Hessing Cockpit axonometric Figure 47: Hessing Cockpiy interior


strength - Strategic location to enhance surroundings.

weakness - Luxury, not a necessity, expensive to build.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. Celebration & Propagandise Aspect

Objective Approach Scenario Illustration

Speed and movement

- Manipulation of the ground plane to accommodate the agility and motion of the bicycle.

- Implementation of upward ramps for the arrival of the bicycle, gradually reducing the speed and allowing the bike to stop naturally without wasting the kinetic energy generated to move it in the first place. - Implementing downward ramps for the departure of the bicycle, aiding the bike to accelerate upon leaving.

Figure 48: London Olympic Velodrome Figure 49: Fukita Pavilion

Figure 50: Yokohama port terminal interior Figure 51: Bicycle Parking with rounded entrance and ramp

- Distribution of programme and spaces along a linear or circular organization by considering the movement and speed of the bicycle.

- A bicycle has the ability to travel and cover a further distance by pedaling with the same amount of energy used by walking.

Status The Bicycle - Elevating the importance of the bike in the space. The Cyclist - Expressing the bike culture and identity of the community and commuters on wheels. The Activities - Promoting and engaging bike related activities to interact with the users.

- Highlighting the presence and existence of the bicycle in the space by making it the focal point and the centre of attraction. - Creating a new identity of the place by using the bicycle as the iconic and central element. - Integrating cycling elements into the context to promote and generate more interest and public awareness about the joy and benefits - Introduction of bike sharing program. - Enhancing café culture within the cycling communities - Bike theme centre to gather and meet likeminded individuals.

Figure 52: Fleet of bicycles in Japan Keirin school

Figure 53: Wheelers Yard bicycle cafe Figure 54: Cyclist café culture

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


2. Tectonics + Metaphoric aspect

Objective Approach Scenario Illustration

Aesthetics - Adopting elements of the bicycle as a source of design inspiration.

- Using the functional essence of the bicycle components as an abstract representation or practical approach as design solution.

Figure 55: Bicycle components

- As a visual communicating instrument to express design intent to the public.

Figure 56: Bicycle club by NL Architects Figure 57: Union Station bicycle Parking

Characteristics & performance

Technology & Innovation - Adopting the manufacturing and construction technique of the bicycle.

- Expressing the dynamism and lightness of the bicycle through usage of material and structural elements - Customization, standardization and mass production of building material. - Usage of bicycle components or material finishes and properties.

Figure 58: Bicycle display in Glasgow Riverside Museum Figure 59: Bicycle parking with dynamic curve roofing

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Chapter 3: Site: Greater Curtin 3.1 Site Introduction Within the planning structure of Directions 2031, Curtin University is identified as a Specialised Activity Centre that forms a close link to Technology Park (GCMP Part A, 52). The development of Greater Curtin Master Plan creates the opportunity for the current traditional Curtin University campus site to advance and mature into a vibrant, diverse, contemporary metropolitan hub that carries multiple and wider range of activities and land uses. Through the execution of the master plan, the delivery for these new purpose and functions will elevate Curtin’s reputable character and reestablish itself to evolve as a better, new, enriched Greater Curtin city for 2031 (GCMP Part C 2013, 22). Greater Curtin divided and defined by three distinct neighborhoods (GCMP Part B, 58) Greater Curtin North – as major arrival point and blend of multiple activities. Greater Curtin Central – as focal point to conduct civic, cultural and leisure activities.

Greater Curtin South – as location for innovation center that reinforce research and commercial activity. 3.2 Superlot Within these three neighborhoods, Greater Curtin master plan is further divided into several superlots in order to control the efficiency for development and land use. This dissertation intends demonstrate integration of architectural design for bicycles into the planning guideline of selected superlots where essential information such as proposed configuration, dimension and land use activities has been identified.

Figure 60 Diagram of Greater Curtin superlot Figure 61 Diagram of Greater Curtin with selected sites in hatch

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Chapter 4: Design Brief and Outcome `

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



Figure 62 Superlot N-06 (GCMP Part C 2013, 53,54)


SUPERLOT N-06 is part of Greater Curtin North neighborhood. Serving as one of the key points of arrival, among the diverse building typology that occupies the site includes the cluster of residential, retail, offices, commercial area. The site has been identified in the Greater Curtin Master Plan to serve as transit interchange for light rails and as part of the movement network.



- Provision and integration of an end- of-trip facilities for cyclist. - Arrival space for users with active and passive recreation.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin





Figure 63 Tour de France Jerseys (Drinkell 2014, 16)

- Division of programme and spaces based on the colors of the competition leaders’ jersey in the Tour de France. - The Yellow Jersey, The Green Jersey and Polka Dot Jersey.

Figure 64 Diagram of EoT facility

The Yellow Jersey Building - Primary secure bicycle parking area. Green Jersey Building - Shower, locker and changing room Polka dot Jersey Building - Bicycle theme Restaurant and café.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin





Figure 65 Diagram of EoT facility planning layout

- Adopting the racing lines on the track surface of the velodrome and apply them as the main circulation spine of the facility.

Figure 66 Velodrome race track

- Defamiliarising the notion of the racing track as a private zone when the original usage was readapted to be used as a public space as a way finding instrument. - Usage of Carbon Fibre structural element and construction method as a way of expressing lightness and strength adopted from the bicycle manufacturing process.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. The Yellow Jersey

Figure 67 Tour de France yellow jersey (Drinkell 2014, 16)

- Awarded to the overall winner of the general classification in the Tour de France (Drinkell 2014). - Honoring its prestigious status in the Tour, forming the design foundation for the EOT facility’s primary parking area. - A framed original Tdf yellow jersey signed by Tdf 2011 Australian winner, Cadel Evans hangs in the facility as a source of inspiration as well as representing the facility with a unique character.

Figure 68 Cadel Evans in yellow jersey

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




2. Parking Layout

Figure 69 yellow jersey building plan

Figure 70 bike parking layout

Passive approach of encouraging more usage of the bicycle as alternate mode of transportation.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. The Green Jersey

Figure 71 Tour de France green jersey (Drinkell 2014, 16)

- Awarded to the overall winner of the intermediate sprints point classification in the Tour de France (Drinkell 2014). - Honoring its prestigious status in the Tour, forming the design foundation for the EOT facility’s shower, changing and secure locker area for the users. - A framed original Tdf green jersey signed by three times winner, Robbie McEwen hangs in the facility as a source of inspiration as well as representing the facility with a unique character.

Figure 72 Robbie McEwen in green jersey

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




2. Paris Roubaix Shower Cubes

Figure 73 Team Sky rider in shower cube

Figure 74 Paris Roubaix

- Paris Roubaix is one of the hardest single day bicycle road race in the northern France known for its multiple cobbled stone route. (Wikipedia 2014)

Figure 75 Roubaix showers - Using similar design and Shaghai plaster as material of the shower cubes from the Roubaix velodrome as a nostalgic and metaphoric approach to applaude and encourage the commuter’s determination to commute on a bicycle. - Elevating the user’s experience of the facility by rewarding them a sense of accomplishment as a worty Paris Roubaix finisher may experience. - Brass plates in the shower cubes with engraved names of the individuals who have contributed to the development of Greater Curtin, differentiating itself from the actual Roubaix shower cubes with the names of past edition winners of Paris Roubaix.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




3. Paris Roubaix Cobblestone Trophy

Figure 76 Paris Roubaix cobblestone trophy

- Creating an element of surprise in the locker area by ‘retiring’ one of the locker slot and replace it with an actual Paris Roubaix trophy with its unique cobblestone appearance. - Promoting interest and develop sense of excitement to discover other ‘hidden jams’ in other facilities located in other Superlots.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. The Polka Dot Jersey

Figure 77 Tour de France polka dot jersey (Drinkell 2014, 16)

- Awarded to the overall winner of the ‘King of the Mountains’ point classification in the Tour de France (Drinkell 2014). - Honoring its prestigious status in the Tour, forming the design foundation for the EOT facility’s themed dining and resting area.

Figure 34: Mountain Dwelling apartment

- Inspired by the perforated aluminium plates on the façade of BIG’s Mountain Dwellings, the holes on the plates let in air and light and forms a huge rasterized image of the Mount Everest.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




- Adopting similar approach, the roof of the café is constructed by sandwiching of 3 layers of components. Top and bottom layers of perforated aluminium with holes and a industrial grade red Perspex as the middle layer, allowing the play of natural light to penetrate and forming red polka dot patterns on the cafe and dining space.

Figure 78: Polka dot roof and interior diagram

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




2. Customized bicycle docking table

Figure 79: Bicycle and dining table combo

- The dining area of the café consist of customized tables that doubles as a docking bay to allow cyclist to ‘park’ into the table and use their bikes as the ‘mobile’ furniture while dining in. - The row ‘slot-in’ bays for bicycles encourage interaction between the commuters and practice its role as a catalyst to develop more interest to cycle and increase the numbers of bicycle users.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



Figure 80 Superlot C-05 (GCMP Part C 2013, 80,81)


SUPERLOT C-05 is part of Greater Curtin central neighborhood which primarily focuses on civic, cultural and leisure activities. This creates the informal opportunity to provide event space to enjoy the outdoors within the concentration of student accommodation. Among the infrastructures that has the opportunity to be integrated within the site includes provision of green roof and collection of rainwater run-off.



- Integration of an outdoor functional and flexible space for passive recreation among community of residential student that also propagandise the usage of active transportation within Greater Curtin. - As a strategic outdoor learning centre to promote sustainable practice and renewable energy .

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




PLANNING - The layout of this facility was inspired by the present outdoor cinema on the site of Henderson court as well as the temporary leisure outdoor sitting space in front of the library compound.

Figure 81: Diagram for energy renewable centre

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. Energy Harvesting Tower

Figure 82 : Ai Wei Wei Stacked vertical bicycle sculpture

- The design of the towers was inspired by Chinese architect and artist Ai Wei Wei’s art installment of vertically stacked bicycles. - The energy harvesting centre consist of three towers that acts resource regenerating and harvesting infrastructure to to promote sustainable practice and usage renewable energy. - Each tower will be equiped with solar panels and plays different role of storing, harvesting and generating resources. - Tower 1 geothermal to heat and cool the student accomodation, water recycled from tower 2 to be used as washing and watering plantation. Tower 3 and student farming on the ground provides locally grown food supply for the student community.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




2. Outdoor Cinema

Figure 83: Henderson Court outdoor cinema impression

- A kiosk consist of stationary bikes will conduct spinning classes that will generate electricity to be stored in a generator to be used for charging the electric bike pod as well as the outdoor cinema screen located adjacent to each other within the facility. 3. Outdoor Kiosk

Figure 84: Robertson Library outdoor pavilion impression Figure 85: Bike stand at Rapha concept store - As a way of promoting and increase usage of the bicycle, each outdoor kiosk shall be equipped with bicycle parking that highlights the status bike as a central focus.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



Figure 86 Superlot S-03 (GCMP Part C 2013, 100,101)


SUPERLOT S-03 is located in the southern neighborhood that flourishes research, business and commercial activities. The open space between the office building blocks acts as the key urban maker of the site, creating the opportunity for passive recreation space.



- Utilising the strategic location of the prominent corner identified in the planning guide to propose an Urban Pavilion that highlights cultural and daily activities, with the role of an engaging and interactive podium for public’s participation.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




1. Main Altar

Figure 87 Shrine of Madonne Del Ghisallo

- The concept of the main altar was inspired by the shrine of Madonna Del Ghisallo, containing a museum for bicycles to inspire and cultivate cycling activities among the community in Greater Curtin. The main altar contains and archives the achievements of Greater Curtin as a thriving learning centre.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




2. Display of bicycle - Award winning bicycles designed through research and development in Greater Curtin will be proudly displayed in the main altar for the public’s viewing will set as a good source of admiration for present and future students and researchers. 3. Checkered flag pattern façade

Figure 88 Lotus House Kengo Kuma

- The façade was inspired by Kengo Kuma’s Lotus House. Adopting similar construction method of thin travertine stone plates that were suspended by stainless steel flat bars to achieve a series of porous checkerboard patterns. This visually appealing façade is an metaphoric approach to express the simplicity and lightness of the bicycle.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




4. Wishing Wheels

Figure 89 Bike wheel with clip of photos Figure 90 Bike number plate

- The wishing wheels in the main altar will be the main interactive instrument to engage the visitors’ participation. - Visitors will be provided with recycled number plates used in cycling events, they will then encouraged to follow the rituals in the altar by writing down their goals in life on the number plates and clip it on the wall of the wishing wheels as a way to motivate themselves. - Setting the foundation of a unique and contemporary urban setting in Greater Curtin that celebrates and propagandises cycling with the integration of elements from cycling. 5. Donation kiosk - The donation kiosk will provide opportunities for residents to donate their old bike parts and components to be collected, repaired and recycled as part of community bike building project for the poor and third world countries.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




6. Water feature and ramp - The ramps and shallow water feature upon arrival path to the altar were used to influence the speed and movement of the cyclist. - These architectural intervention by manipulation of the ground plane creates buffers to gradually reduce the speed of incoming cyclist without the need for them to use the brakes on their bicycle to cancel off the kinetic energy and momentum from the moving bicycles. - As visitors leave the altar on their bikes, the downward ramp helps to accelerate the cyclist up to speed. - This architectural element set the basis to propagandise the unwasteful usage of renewable and sustainable energy in Greater Curtin. - The shallow water feature as a metaphoric way to cleanse the visitors upon arrival to the worshipping altar. Riding across the water feature also cleans debris off the bicycle tires and reduces the risk of puncture.

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A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin



Figure 91 Superlot S-04 (GCMP Part C 2013, 102,103)


SUPERLOT S-04 is closely linked and bounded by both SUPERLOT C-10 on the north and SUPERLOT S-05 on the south. The land use of SUPERLOT C-10 and S-05 were determined as main academic and commercial areas, this provides the open space of SUPERLOT S-04 with great potential to have outdoor learning and exhibition environment that will be the catalyst to trigger a steep learning curve among the students and researchers in Greater Curtin.



- Utilising the longitudinal compound within the superlot boundries to integrate a series of prominent urban pavilions that contributes towards continuous learning, knowledge and cultural exchange within the southern gateway of Greater Curtin.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin





Figure 92 Rainbow Jersey (Drinkell 2014, 16) Figure 93 Olympics Logo

- Distribution of five urban pavilions based on the colors on the world champion rainbow jersey (Drinkell 2014) which shares similar color to the rings on the Olympic games logo. - Each Urban Pavilion embraces architectural design for the bicycle and carries different roles to enhance the learning vibrancy and diversity of the community within Greater Curtin. Blue Pavilion – Informal outdoor learning & exhibition space. Red & Black Pavilion – Commercial area. Yellow Pavilion – Community space. Green Pavilion – Community & cultural space.

- By linking the worshipping altar located adjacent on the western side of the Superlot S-04. These iconic urban pavilions for bicycles forms a series of landmark building that will enhance the identity and character of Greater Curtin.

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- The Blue pavilion is located adjacent to the Main Street of mass transit route, casting it as the focal point and gateway that connects the primary urban spine of Greater Curtin to Superlot S-04. 1. Pavilion Façade - The Façade of each pavilion adopts the similar approach from worshipping altar that resembles a series of checkered board patterns that embodies techtonic aspect of the lightness of well made bicycles.

Figure 94 Pavilion façade diagram

- These mass produced façade were cut digonally on the solid plates as a metaphoric representation of the double triangle from the geometry of a bicycle frame.

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2. Architectural Instalments

Figure 95 mobile bicycle Figure 96 mobile bicycle installation

- Strategically surrounded by academic buildings as well as located adjacent to the main street creates the opportunity for the open space to be the focal attraction of the blue pavilion. - This space will be the learning and outdoor exhibition space for multiple installments of architecture students’ projects such as bicycle mobile homes, small architectural infill that incorporates elements of the bicycle as a method to propagandise and promote the alternate usage of active transportation. - These learning activities offer the potential collaboration among academic students that will certainly reinforce Greater Curtin as a specialist centre for research and exchange of knowledge.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




3. Guild mobile café

Figure 97 white limousine yatai (Tsukamoto, Kaijima 2010, 265)

Figure 98 exploded white limousine yatai (Tsukamoto, Kaijima

2010, 265)

- The red pavilion will be consisting of several mobile café and bookshop kiosk managed by Curtin Student Guild. - The design guild mobile café was inspired by Atelier Bow-Wow’s white limousine yatai, an improvised elongated version of the traditional Japanese street cart (Tsukamoto, Kajima 2010, 255).

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




- The mobile café in the Red Pavilion is piloted by two bicycles with the aid of a motorized engine. - The layout of mobile café allows cyclist to park right into a customized bracket that supports the bike and indirectly transform their bicycle as part of integrated furniture that propagandise the exclusive status of cyclist and their bikes. - The crossing layout between normal seating areas encourages interaction between cyclist and non-cyclist as a passive approach to cultivate interest among the non-cyclist to be less car dependence. - The Guild mobile kiosk provides sales and supply of stationaries and books for the students. - The mobile kiosk features portable canopy framing that allows several kiosks to be linked and appear as smaller pavilion. These framing can be detached and be stored neatly underneath the elongated storage compartment of the mobile kiosk when they are not being used.

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4. Furnicycle

Figure 99 Furnicycle (Tsukamoto, Kaijima 2010, 260)

Figure 100 tea break at Furnicycle (Tsukamoto, Kaijima 2010,


- The design guild mobile café was inspired by Atelier Bow-Wow’s Furnicycle, a result from their study in Shanghai by integrating the features of furniture and standard form of bicycle (Behaviorology 2010, 255).

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




Figure 101 Cycling café culture

- The Black pavilion will be leased out as commercial space for café and restaurant to propagandise the bicycle as a sustainable transportation and the café culture among cycling community. - The Furnicycle in the Black Pavilion could be used as an independent mode of sustainable mobility to travel across Greater Curtin, when assembled together; they form a set of animating urban furniture.

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5. Parkcycle

Figure 102 Parkcycle swarm

Figure 103 Parkcycle swarm configurations

- The Yellow Pavilion will be the docking station for the Parkcycles which adopts the dimensions of a carpark as a way to ‘reclaim’ spaces from automobile to create temporary parklands and advocate peaceful, sustainable community activities (Blyth 2014, 141). - Originally designed by Till Wolfer and John Bela from the Rebar group (Blyth 2014, 141), the parkcycle can be rented and be ridden throughout Greater Curtin to promote and encourage zero carbon mobility.

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Figure 104 Parkcycle swarm assembled

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




- Due to the increase of population and students, Greater Curtin will be home to a diverse and integrated community (Greater Curtin Part B 2013, 52) - The Green Pavilion shall be the hub that gathers a wide range of bicycles based on the diverse background of the international students that lives in Greater Curtin such as the trishaw from the Asian counterparts and cargo bikes from the European counterparts as a way to advocate and celebrate the usage of these foreign bicycles in their own context. - These combination of bikes can be rented or brought from the Green Pavilion to be the platform of a vibrant cultural interchange in Greater Curtin.

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A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin




- Greater Curtin Cycle Fixation is a series of self- service public bicycle work stand with the integration of a vending machine, water machine and air pump stand, while not in use, it can also double up as a bus stop. - These Cycle fixation station adds value and increase the user friendliness of bicycles in Greater Curtin. - The station will be distributed as nodes across the prominent corners identified within every Superlots of Greater Curtin. - Materials used for the construction of bicycles will be used as the cladding material of the cycle fixation as a way to highlight and glorify the manufacturing and technology of the bike building industry. - The varies types of material for the construction of bicycle as the cladding of cycle fixation as landmark signage that enables each typology to distinguish their contextual identity. - Expensive cladding material will be a way for commercial and offices to highlight their cooperate identity, while residential area will integrate recycle bike parts such as used handle bartape and tires as cladding material.

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Conclusion The arrival of automobile in the past has shaped and form our current cities, while the current emergence and popularity of cycling as an alternate mode of mobility offers substantial opportunity for architects to design and integrate bicycle specific architecture as a stepping stone towards creating a new typology that are bike friendly and supports the structure of movement network in the activity centre. The embracement of cycling as active transportation contributes to the improved quality of life and movement network to our society, becoming the catalyst city planners and architects to set goals that optimize integration of bicycle as a source of inspiration and guiding design principle for designing and forming human scale cities in the future.

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Reference “Bicycle Culture by Design: Mikeal Colville-Andersen at TEDxZurich.” YouTube video, 15:26. Posted by “TEDx Talks,” November 28, 2012.

“Episode 01 – The Big Picture – Top 10 Design Elements in a Bicycle-Friendly Copenhagen.” Youtube video, 5:41. Posted by “Mikael Colville-Anderson,” August 12, 2013.

“Mikael Colville-Anderson, Bicycle Urbannism By Design, Studio X Rio.” Youtube video, 1:48:25. Posted by “Columbia GSAPP,” October 5, 2013.

“Jan Gehl on Changing mindsets about urban planning and living.” Youtube video, 18:21. Posted by “EuroFoundationCentre,” Jun 4, 2013.

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Gehl, Jan. 2010. Cities For People. London: Island Press

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Fleming, Steven. 2012. Cycle Space: Architecture & Urban Design in the Age of The Bicycle. Rotterdam: nai010 Publishers.

DoT (Department of Transportation). 2014. Western Australian Bicycle Network Plan.

A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


Ludlam, Scott. 2012. “Bike Vision – The Greens 2029 Perth Bike Plan.

Directions 2031 and beyond: Metropolitan Planning Beyond the Horizon. 2010. Department of Planning Commision

Greater Curtin Drivers For Change Part A: Creating the City of Innovation. 2013. Bentley, W.A: Curtin University

Greater Curtin Master Plan Part B: Creating the City of Innovation. 2013. Bentley, W.A: Curtin University

Greater Curtin Delivering The Vison Part C: Creating the City of Innovation. 2013. Bentley, W.A: Curtin University

Van Uffelen, Chris. 2011. Automobile Architecture. London: Thames & Hudson

Blyth, Gavin. 2014. Velo-City: Architecture For Bikes. Munich. London. New York: Prestel

Bendiks, Stefan and Aglaee Degros. 2013. Cycle Infrastructure. Rotterdam: nai010 Publishers.

Yoshida, Nobuyuki. 2007. “Feature: Automobile Architecture.” Architecture and Urbansim 422 (07): 2007

Tsukamoto, Yoshiharu and Momoyo Kaijima. 2010. Behaviorology. United States of America: Rizzoli International Publications. Inc.

Henley, Simon. 2007. The Architecture of Parking. London: Thames & Hudson

Bell, Jonathan. 2001. Carchitecture. Basel: Birkhauser

Drinkell, Peter. 2014. The Road Cyclist’s Companion. United Kingdom: Cicada Books Limited

Villa Savoye. 2014. Wikipedia.

Broadacre City 2014. Wikipedia.

Ville Radieuse. 2014. Wikipedia.

Kengo Kuma And Associates. 2014. Lotus House. Accessed November 16,

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A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin


A bicycle friendly city, a liveable Perth Formulating Strategic Planning to Promote and Enhance Cycling in Greater Curtin