Archangels Oracle Reading




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Archangels Oracle Reading


My name is Catarina and i am a angelic reader and holistic therapist.

This beautiful Arcangels cards will give you a spiritual in depth reading that will help you to clarify your souls jorney on this planet.

I will send you a complete reading with messages and exercices from the Archangels that will help you to sense and develope your conection to them and the angelic and divine nature that already exist within you; also i will tell you wich Archangel is more close to you.

You can also ask three questions if you wish (The reading is sent in a beautiful full-color PDF report to the email indicated by you or the email on the your Etsy acount.

All of my readings are conducted by hand at the time they are ordered.You will receive your reading in two days or less.

I look forward to connecting with you and the Archangels!The Archangels love you and they want to help!

Angel Blessings!!!

When you ask for this reading please send me your name, birth date and email ( thank you!

Disclaimer: This reading is not intended as professional advice of any kind, particularly medical, legal or business. If you make choices that normally include consulting with a licensed professional, it is suggested that you continue to do so; you take full responsibility for any decisions you make.

In accordance with the law, when you order this reading you are stating that this product is for entertainment purposes only and that you are legally an adult of 18 years or older. You are a physical being and the non-physical beings that enter during a readingare not recognized by Federal, State, or Local Governments, and accordingly, are not issued licenses to render professional opinions or advice.
