April 27, 2015


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Review Khan AcademyReview Quadratic Unit

Class Work 4.4 (Last for this Unit)

April 27, 2015

Unreal Numbers in the Real World:

May 2nd, Las Vegas, Nevada:

Warm-Up Section of Notebook

Khan Academy:

Because we did not review the topic, Graphing Parabolas in Standard Form, you have until tomorrow night to finish.

Graph paper, please.

Graph the following

x y-2-1012


What is the axis of symmetry?

Khan Academy: This week

Two Topics Only:

Khan Academy: This week

Name Change:

Khan Academy: This week

Today’s warm-up will review our current unit, quadratic equations & functions.


Write the equation represented by the graph:


Solve or write no solution

6x2 - 54 = 0 Solve by..........? Finding square roots

x = + 3

x2 - 108 = 0 x =Must factor out all perfect squares next.

x = ± 6


x = -5 ± 3


Solve or write no solution


Class Work 4.4: Show all Work!!

14. 2x2 – 2x = 6 18. 4x2 + 3x = 4x

19. x2 = 3x - 1