APRIL 2017 THE WAY chose to be one of us. He wore the crown of our sins. Jesus chose to forgive us....


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APRIL 2017



“Working, playing, and praying together

on our faith journey to share Jesus Christ with everyone.”

Page 1 THE WAY — April 2017

We are a Stephen Ministry

Caring Congregation


Wednesdays through April 5 ~ 6:00 - 7:00 PM

This Bible study by Max Lucado examines the gifts that Christ gave at his crucifixion. These include, not only the gift of the cross, but also the gift of the thorns,

the nails, and the empty tomb. The cross is rich with God’s gifts of grace, and as we unwrap them, we will hear him whisper,

“I did it just for you.”

Bring a covered dish, share a meal, and enjoy the fellowship. (Plates, silverware, napkins, and beverage are provided.)

Holy Week

April 9 Palm Sunday 9:30 Worship Service Children’s Procession of Palms

April 13 Maundy Thursday

6:00 Dinner. Bring a covered-dish. 7:00 Worship Service

April 16 Easter Sunday 7:00 Sunrise Service 8:00 Breakfast 9:30 Worship Service 10:30 Coffee Time 10:45 Sunday School

Page 2 THE WAY — April 2017

The Gifts of Easter ---- Max Lucado has given us a new perspective of Lent. He describes the icons we are so familiar with as

gifts. Below is the season of Lent and Holy Week in picture. May you reflect on them and rejoice with a

renewed Easter celebration.

Jesus chose to be one of us. He wore the crown of our sins.

Jesus chose to forgive us. He took our lists of sins and nailed them to the cross.

Jesus chose to invite us into His presence. He ripped the veil that covers our heart and

opened the door to God’s heart. Just for us!

Jesus chose to Love us forever with the cross – one beam to represent the width of

God’s love and the other beam to reflect the height of his holiness.

Jesus chose to give us Victory. Through the rags of death, John saw the power of life. In

order for the cross to be the cross of our lives, we need to bring something to the hill.

Holy Week

Page 3 THE WAY — April 2017


Joy Circle met on Monday, February 27 with eight members and two guests present.

Chris Grabert (UMW District President) was present, along with Carrie Pennington of the Sophia Women’s Center in Salem. Ms. Pennington presented a program explaining the services that the center provides.

Following the business meeting, cards were signed and sent to those who are sick and in need of prayer. A membership drive is underway. We are looking for new members and collecting dues for 2017.

We are looking forward to UMW Sunday and a bake sale on April 23. Donations of baked goods will be greatly appreciated.

Our Spring District Meeting is Wednesday, April 26 in Poland. Mary Pryor will be speaking on Joy.

We have a Rummage Sale planned for Thursday and Friday, May 4 & 5. There will be a bake sale and lunch (hot dogs, chips, cookies).

Hope Circle met March 16 at the home of Deann Davis with four members present.. We are still working on plans for the Choir Appreciation Dinner on April 23 and the Mother-Daughter Banquet on May 13. Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 20. Check the Sunday bulletin for more details.


1 hand towel (15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 in. No kitchen towels)

1 washcloth 1 comb (sturdy, longer than 6 inches. No pocket combs or picks)

1 metal nail file or nail clippers (No emery boards)

1 bath-size soap (3 oz. and larger) No Ivory or Jergens

1 toothbrush (Adult size only, individually wrapped)

6 adhesive bandages (¾ inch to 1 inch-size)

1 plastic bag (gallon size sealable bag)

$1.00 (to purchase toothpaste)


The shoe box items for April are washcloths and little packages of Kleenex.

If you would like to help with postage, there is a container in the foyer

for loose change.


Suggested Donations

Gum Chex Mix Lollipops Puppy Chow Snacks Candy Crackers Postage Cookies Hot Chocolate Apples Microwave Popcorn Granola Bars Easy Mac Microwave Oatmeal

Donations may be left in the box in the upper hallway, by the mission board, at the church. (We have 18 college students – 7 boxes for mailing, 11 for pickup)

Page 4 THE WAY — April 2017

Finding Your Way Out

The Lord’s Supper – Do this in remembrance of me – Luke 22:19

A friend shared this story with me. It was Communion Sunday and they had a guest speaker. He was a

missionary who had recently lost a child at birth. As he spoke the excruciating pain of their loss was

written all over his face. My friend and her husband had also experienced the loss of a child. As her

heart broke for them, she heard God say, “That’s what it’s about – losing a child.

For her the meaning of the Lord’s Supper grew deeper in her heart. It’s a time when we remember the pain God

experienced as he allowed his one and only son to die so that you and I might live. But it also a time of joy, knows

that even as each tiny baby who has died is resting in the arms of the Creator. Jesus is alive!

Judas betrayed him. Peter denied him. The rest abandoned him. Yet Jesus went willing to the cross for the simple

yet profound reason that God loves us.

What the Prophet Foretold – We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us

has turned to our own way: and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. – Isaiah 53:6

About 700 years before Christ was born, the prophet Isaiah, guided by God, wrote a

compelling version of the life of Christ. His account [Isaiah 52:13-53:12] speaks of Jesus’

life but centers more on his final days. Isaiah gives us a verbal picture of Christ’s suffering

by using these words: despised, rejected, bore our suffering, oppressed, afflicted.

Take some time and read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12. Imagine yourself in the crowd when Jesus

was brought in before the Sanhedrin. Why doesn’t he defend himself before his accusers? In what way does Jesus

fulfill Isaiah’s words that “he was led like a lamb to the slaughter”? Thank God that – for you – Jesus “bore the

sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors”.

Every Morning, Easter Morning – the stone the builders rejected has become

the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. – Psalm 118: 22-24.

The crowd chanted “blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” That was on Palm Sunday.

The next Sunday became a day of rejoicing in victory. “The Lord is with me; I will not be

afraid…The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Read Psalm 118.

Because Jesus rose on the first day of the week, the early church changed the weekly day of

worship to Sunday. As songwriters Richard Avery and Donald Marsh put it, every morning is

Easter morning from now on!”

Soon the world was turned upside down with the promise – and fulfillment – that the Holy Spirit

would come in a mighty way and empower the church. That happened on Pentecost. And the

church began taking the Good News of the resurrected Christ around the world. Celebrate Jesus’

resurrection every day! What can you do to keep spreading the news?

Rev. Sue

Page 5 THE WAY — April 2017



at East Fairfield United Methodist Church Saturday, April 8

9:00-12 Noon

Menu: Eggs, Pancakes, Bacon, Juice, Coffee, Baker’s Milk

If so moved, we will accept donations, however this is an opportunity for us to share the joy of Easter with the community.

Bring your family, tell your friends and neighbors. You can also get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny!


at 11:00 AM

All children in the community, ages 1-12, are invited to join us for our Community Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00 AM

on the church lawn, following the breakfast

Sunday School Teachers

for Children’s Department

Substitute Sunday School Teachers are

WANTED to fill in when teachers are unable to be here.

The Children’s Department has three classes:

Preschool-K, Grades 1-4, and Middle School Grades 5-8

If you are willing to fill in once in a while,

please contact Carol (Sparky) Vollnogle

330-402-3622 or CAVollnogle@gmail.com

Matthew 26:36-45

Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground

and prayed. Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” He went away a second time and prayed. When he

came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time.

Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting?”

We notice that when Jesus needed to talk to the Father, He went to a place where he could prostrate Himself before God – the Garden. Meanwhile, the disciples couldn’t stay awake. Which one are we most like – the Son prostrate before the Father, or the disciples asleep and missing a valuable opportunity??? Praying takes time. Praying takes practice. And praying takes commitment. During this season of Lent please make the commitment to take the time to practice perfecting your prayer life so that you don’t miss out on a valuable opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Things you might pray for:

● Our country and our leaders at all levels ● All public servants – police, fire & EMS ● Spiritual growth as individuals, as a church, and as a nation ● Revival and renewal during this season of Lent

May you see the face of Jesus at the tomb on Easter Morning. Blessings while you pray in your Garden,

Sue Kariher and Cindy Ridzon

Page 6 THE WAY — April 2017

Mahoning Valley SPRING District Conference Sunday, April 2, from 2:30-4 pm

at Boardman First UMC

Bishop Tracy S. Malone will speak at the worship service and bring greetings to the conference.

Church Council Members and Lay Servants are expected to attend, Let Rev. Sue know of your intentions.

Page 7 THE WAY — April 2017

Prayer, Care, and Share

PRAYER REQUESTS To start the prayer chain, please call Thelma 330-424-5434.

♦ Lois Dickey - was moved to Covington, but is back at Cleveland University Hospital. ♦ Marci Sipe - stomach and digestive system problems. Goes to Cleveland Clinic again on March 29. ♦ Evalyn Morris - at Parkside. ♦ Linda Spears (Chris Baker’s mom) ♦ Father of Deb Winters

♦ Bernie - end of life care ♦ Kyle - his father has late stage cancer ♦ Charles (4th grader with knee cancer) - possibility of knee replacement. ♦ Tim B. - pulmonary fibrosis, possibility of lung transplant. ♦ Frank - late stage kidney cancer. Has young children.

If you desire a home visit or a hospital visit, please call Church Office 330-457-2465 Pastor Sue 330-846-0070 Barb DePillo 330-692-3805

CONGRATULATIONS ● Tim & Erin (Neiheisel) Ridzon had a baby girl, Camilla Rose, on February 17. Camilla was 7 lb. 4 oz.

Grandparents are Lenny & Cindy Ridzon. ● Jason & Kasey (Baker) Hudson had a baby boy, Jett Frain Hudson, on March 1.

Grandparents are Kevin & Debby Baker. ● Kyle & Emily (Crook) Gotch had a baby boy, Hunter Terrance, on March 3. Hunter was 9 lb. 15 oz.

Grandparents are Barry & Chris Crook. ● Jon-Lee & Courtney DePillo had a baby boy, Layne Allen DePillo, on March 17.

Grandparents are Joe & Barb DePillo. Great-grandmother is Harriet Carlisle.


We want to thank you for praying for our little girl Amoriah when she was in the hospital. Your prayers brought us much comfort and surely were a huge part of her recovery. For that we are truly grateful. Thank you for your kindness and compassion to one of His little children, who we dearly love.

- In Him, Keith & Rachell Baker We would like to thank you for your prayers, cards, and phone calls. Please keep us in your prayers.

- Chuck & Lois Dickey We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and concerns during our recent illnesses and

surgery. - Charles & Char’Lette Sauerwein I want to thank God for answered prayers. - Joanie Ready


Page 8 THE WAY — April 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Pick Up Pepperoni Roll orders


9:30-10:30 Worship Service 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

Pick up Pepperoni Roll Orders


10:00 Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Blankets 6:00 NAMI Support

6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group 7:00 TRUSTEES


6:00-7 Lenten Supper Series 7:00 Choir Practice 7:30 Student Ambassadors




9:00-12:00 Breakfast with Easter Bunny 11:00 Community Easter Egg Hunt

9 PALM SUNDAY 9:30-10:30 Worship Service

10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School 4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

10 10:00 Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Blankets 6:30- 7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee 7:00 COUNCIL


7:00 Choir Practice







7:00 Sunrise Service 8:00 Breakfast 9:30-10:30 Worship Service 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts


10:00 Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Blankets

6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group

Newsletter Deadline

6:30 4H 7:00 Missions


7:00 Choir Practice


9:00 Mailing Committee

6:00 Hope Circle 7:30 Student Ambassadors


6:00 Guardian Angels


5-6:30 4H (Jamie Stacey)


UMW SUNDAY & BAKE SALE 9:30-10:30 Worship Service

10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

12:00 Choir Appreciation Dinner

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts


10:00 Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Blankets 12:00 Joy Circle 6:30- 7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group


7:00 Choir





Fellowship Hall in use (Louk)


9:30-10:30 Worship Service

10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School 4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts


Page 9 THE WAY — April 2017


Apr - Loyal Workers May - New Beginnings Jun - Pairs and Spares


1 Kermit Chamberlin 2 Cindy Schmidt 4 Shawn Magill, Matt Whitten 6 Richelle Kyle, Aubree Peppel 7 Caleb Hill, Joanie Ready 8 Ray Chamberlin 9 Bethany Fristik 10 Shanea Beiling 11 Joe DePillo, Marge Sponcil 12 Clara Evrard, Dylan Hart 13 Donny Adams, Linda Cook 14 Mark Chamberlain, Kenne Peterson, Mark Wolfgang 15 Keith Chamberlin, Bria Donovan 16 Jerry Jones, Andrew Magill 17 Tracey Hively, Jean Smith, Katie Wilson 18 Lucy Baer, Denise Fieldhouse 19 Nyneave Fetty, Sue Olmstead 20 Adam Roberts, April Turvey 22 Chuck Wellman 23 Karen Namy, Tammy Saphore 25 Linda Burkey 26 Zachary Henderson, Ellie Louk, Tim Smith, Lois Zarnosky 27 Tyler Morris, Courtney Waters 28 Ron Kyser 29 Brianna Baker, Adalyn Sell, Jeffrey Smith 30 Brianne Henderson, Kara Porter, Preston Straney

APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 4 Kermit & Sue Chamberlin 11 Mitch & Carol Hennessey 13 Scott & Pam Veiock 16 Keith & Rachel Baker 22 Dave & Verna Jo Jones 29 Mark & Cindy Graffius

4C’s item for April is

peanut butter and jelly

9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Services

Date Nursery Jr Church Greeters Liturgist Acolytes

Apr. 2 Miranda Barnett Tammy Saphore Larry & Maralyn Porter Missy Roberts Olyvia Barnett & Meredith Hart

Apr. 9 Susan Baker Anita Cusick Gary & Denise Fieldhouse David Vollnogle Brianna Baker & Kailey Baker

Apr. 16 EASTER no nursery Sparky Vollnogle William Marriner Jon Vollnogle Gracie & Alaina Auer

Apr. 23 Tana Fetty Cyndi Straney Thelma Adams & Janet Caleb Hill Henry Fetty & Mitchell Auer

Apr. 30 Susan Baker Sparky Vollnogle Dick & Elaine Sell Richard Saphore Bailey Barlow & Shelby Barlow

PEPPERONI ROLL ORDERS will be ready for pickup at the

church on April 1 and 2




THE WAY — April 2017

Return Service Requested We’re on the Web!


East Fairfield United Methodist Church

Rev. Susan D. Antolik, Pastor 45675 State Route 558 New Waterford OH 44445-9754

Phone 330-457-2465 Fax: 330-457-1116 Email: efumc@comcast.net

Issue: APRIL 2017 Printed: March 22, 2017 Editor: Denise M. Webber

Deadline for the MAY 2017 Issue

is Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

Email articles to: efumc@comcast.net

Working, playing, and praying together, on our faith journey, to share Jesus Christ, with everyone.”

We are a Stephen Ministry

Caring Congregation


Meat Loaf (Sarah Berger’s recipe)

2 lbs hamburg ½ lb. sausage 3 eggs 2 oz. applesauce 1¼ c. cracker crumbs Chopped onions 1 tsp. salt ¼ c. ketchup

Mix well. Makes two loaves. Bake at 350° for 1½ hours.

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30 - 10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Time 10:45 - 11:45 Sunday School for all ages

Page 10

Inside this Issue …

Lenten Supper Series 1 Holy Week Events

Pastor’s Message 2

UMW News 3 College Boxes Health Kits Shoebox Items

Spiritual Page 4

Breakfast w/Easter Bunny 5 Community Egg Hunt Need Substitute Teachers

Spring District Conference 6 Pray for America

Prayer, Care, Share 7 In the Mail

Calendar 8

Birthdays, Anniversaries, 9 Liturgists, Acolytes etc. 4C’s Item

Cookbook Corner 10 - Meat Loaf
