appreciate everyone’s patience and grace during this time of


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Sunday School 9:15 – 10:15 am

Sunday Worship 8:30 & 10:30 am

395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470

395 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ 07470


Director of Music

Church Office Email

Phone: (973) 694-8316

The Rev. Kimberly Cooper

Caroline Parody

Office hours: We do not expect to have an office manager in the month of January. Pastor Kimberly will maintain her same office hours of Mon-Thu 9am-noon, but will be checking the voicemail regularly outside of those hours. All members of St. Timothy are also welcome to call/text her cell in an emergency. If you are interested in assisting with covering the office phone on a limited, volunteer basis, please let her know. We appreciate everyone’s patience and grace during this time of transition.

Church Council

Dr. Lori Bleeker …………….. (201) 485-7384

Bob Davidson …………….. (973) 299-5284

Ken DeAngelis …………….. (201) 289-0641

Colleen Duffy …………….. (973) 280-9773

Cindy Gaffney …………….. (973) 694-1595

Fallon Goskowski …………….. (862) 485-2651

James Koppenal …………….. (973) 406-7405

Hailey Oosterwyk …………….. (973) 872-9767

Karen Sajban …………….. (973) 229-4624

Eddy Schloesser …………….. (973) 402-1464

Lori VanDerStad …………….. (862) 203-9549

Barbara Westerberg …………….. (973) 696-1471

Beginning Tuesday, January 4 at 2pm, Pastor Kimberly will

be leading a sermon meditation (aka discussion) followed

by a sharing of communion. This is a good opportunity for

those people unable to attend Sunday mornings, to gather

with others and feast on the Word. It’s also a good

opportunity for people that do come on Sundays to delve a

bit deeper into the word.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1

2 10:00 am Lessons & Carols No Communion

3 9 am Mon Morn Crew Heart ‘n Hands 7 pm Boy Scouts

4 1 pm Mediation Group 7 pm Worship Committee

5 7:15 pm AAFH (AA in Fellowship Hall)

6 7 7 pm AAFH (AA in Fellowship Hall)


9 9:15 am Sunday School 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship

10 9 am Mon Morn Crew Heart ‘n Hands 7 pm Boy Scouts

11 1 pm Mediation Group 7:30 pm Council Meeting

12 10 am Angel Circle 7:15 pm AAFH


14 7 pm AAFH


16 9:15 am Sunday School 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship

17 9 am Mon Morn Crew Heart ‘n Hands 7 pm Boy Scouts

18 1 pm Mediation Group 7 pm CEC Meeting

Confession of Peter

19 7:15 pm AAFH

20 10:30 am Adult Book Group

21 7 pm AAFH


23 9:15 am Sunday School 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship

24 9 am Mon Morn Crew Heart ‘n Hands 7 pm Boy Scouts

25 1 pm Mediation Group

Conversion of Paul

26 10 am Angel Circle 7:15 pm AAFH

27 28 7 pm AAFH


30 9:15 am Sunday School 8:30 & 10:30 am Worship

31 9 am Mon Morn Crew Heart ‘n Hands 7 pm Boy Scouts

January 2022

TIPS Deadline!

Date Altar Guild Ushers Reader Assisting Minister

January 2

Alice Huizinga Mary Laverack

Lori VanDerStad Bob Davidson

Art DeRose Bob Davidson

January 9

Karen Sajban Cindy Gaffney Ethan Gaffney

Josh Abrahamson Frances Ochart

January 16

Terri Loftus Lori VanDerStad Pat Kaplan

Jennifer Andersen Lori VanDerStad

January 23 Valerie McGrath Ken DeAngelis Doug Zangrilli

Laura Dec Josh Abrahamson

January 30

Nancy Farina Tom Sajban Karen Sajban

Marie Beyer Fallon Goskowski

January 2022

Worship Participants

“For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.”

Romans 7: 12

This is the time of year, that many people try to come up with New Year’s

resolutions. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been all that successful with

them. I can relate to Paul’s words to the Romans: I don’t do the good I want to

do! To some extent, we can point to COVID and it’s fall out. Every time I start

to make plans to do anything, they seem to get derailed by a new strain (I used

to love the Greek alphabet!). This year instead of a list of goals, I’m just going

to start paying more attention to the good in the world. I’m going to be

intentional about seeing all the beauty and kindness of everyday things. Beyond

that, I’m going to try and point these things out to others. There are already more

than enough critics in the world.

Over the weekend, I squeezed in a grocery shopping trip. As I moved through

the aisles looking for the things on my list, I saw some people rudely pushing

past others. I also saw shoppers waiting patiently and helping one another. It

was a mixed bag of kindness and rudeness. When I got in line to pay, I saw that

the person at the head of the line was having an in-depth discussion with the

cashier. She kept referring to something on her phone. Other employees also had

gathered around – apparently to accomplish getting this woman checked out and

on her way. The next customer in line turned to me and said, “this has been

going on for a while.”

I looked around and didn’t see a line that looked any better, so resolved to just

wait my turn. It really wasn’t too much longer before the next person in line had

her turn. I heard her say to the cashier, “can I put my phone number in for the

reward points?”

The cashier, replied, “I don’t know. Can you?” He then turned to the bagger and

said, “Where’s an English teacher when you need one? Let’s page an English


My eyes just about bugged out of my head. I couldn’t believe that he would be

that terribly rude to a customer that had been waiting patiently for so long just

to purchase the food she needed. She, however, didn’t show any anger at all.

She paid for her purchases and made her way to the door with a wave and a

“Happy Holidays!”

When it came to be my turn, I asked, “May I enter my phone number?” His eyes

widened and he said, “Oh, you heard that?” I just nodded and he did whatever

needed to be done for me to enter the number. He was perfectly polite to me and

my kid throughout the check out process and then told us, “Happy Holidays!”

as we left. That previous customer, who had refused to allow his rudeness to

affect her, had provided a reset to his attitude.

I’ve been thinking for quite a while about when and how we each extend grace

to others. I think since COVID began, we’ve all had our patience taxed to the

max. I have received requests from many people that I extend them grace, but I

haven’t experienced nearly as many people extending grace. That is why the

customer in the grocery store stood out to me so boldly. She didn’t allow the

store employee’s rudeness to impact her behavior. To the contrary, her extension

of grace to him, did impact his behavior to the degree that he was much kinder

to me and the customer than came after me.

I want to be that kind of person. A person who doesn’t allow others’ rudeness to

change my behavior. I want to be the kind of person, whose grace can give

someone a better day. So, maybe I am setting a resolution after all.

Angel Circle

The Angels have donated quilts to the nuns in

Morristown and the Navajo Indians. Thanks to Debbie

Andersen for making this possible. Quilts were also

donated to Vohra Wound physicians Center, formerly

the Atrium, in Wayne.

Our next meeting dates are January 12th and 26

th, weather permitting.

We wish everyone a Healthy New Year,

Barbara Kaplan


St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470


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❑ Weekly – Mondays

❑ Monthly on the 1st

❑ Monthly on the 15th

❑ Semi-Monthly – 1st & 15th


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❑ Building




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❑ Checking Account (attach a voided check below)

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Signature (as it appears on the card): __________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________

If using a checking account, please attach a voided check over the credit/debit card section above.

AGREEMENT I authorize St. Timothy Lutheran Church and Vanco Service, LLC to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.

Authorized Signature:_________________________________________ Date:___________

Adult Book Group ~ January 20th

Join us the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 in the morning. We would love to have you join us. We will be in the parlor. Art DeRose is our leader so you know it's a mixture of study and laughter.

Art, Sandy, Nancy, Mary and Barbara


Our book selection for January is The Storyteller's Secret by Sejal Bedan. Upcoming selections are: February: The Book of 2 Ways by Jodi Picoult March: A Women is no Man by Etaf Rum For more information call Barbara Westerberg.

Happy reading,

Colleen, Nancy, Carolyn, Elsie and Barbara

You can help the Youth Group raise

money for their summer trip AND eat out

at the same time. Just go to:

Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza

@ 1600 ROUTE 23 NORTH,

WAYNE, NJ, US 07470

on January 27, 2022 and tell them you're there for

St. Timothy Lutheran Church.

Let all your friends know too!

Heart ‘n Hands Mission

Happy New Year!

With your support, our Ninth Annual Blessing Bag Project was a great success. We provided more than 400 Blessing Bags filled with personal

size toiletries, to the homeless in Hoboken, Passaic, Paterson, Elizabeth, Palisades Park, Newark, and Clifton. and over 1500 full-size toiletries to families. We delivered these blessings to: Broad Street Benches, Elizabeth Catholic Charities Supportive Services for Veteran Families,

Paterson, Passaic, and Clifton Community Outreach Services, Inc. Food Pantry and Clothing

Ministry, Paterson Union Baptist Church Food Pantry, Passaic Global Emergency Response and Assistance: GERA, Paterson Helping Hands Food Pantry, Passaic Iglesia Vision Celestial Church, Newark Light Up Project, Palisades Park St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church Lunchtime Ministry, Hoboken St. Paul’s Community Development Corp., Paterson

Since 2013 we have distributed over 4,500 blessing bags with the support and generosity of many individuals, congregations, youth groups, clubs, scout troops, schools, and businesses. Our most sincere thanks to all who donated to our 2021 project. Lord, we ask that you watch over those in need, that they may find shelter when they seek it, food when they are hungry, clothing and comfort when they are cold, and Your grace and loving encouragement in their darkness.

Should you be on this list, and you’re not??

Please email the office at

or call 973-694-8316!

1/2 Elsie McKenzie

1/3 Tanner Purcel

1/4 Nancy VanHorn

1/6 Brandon Kratky

1/8 Robert Kratky

1/10 Melissa Pardalis

1/10 Robert McHugh

1/10 Tanya Kellstrom

1/12 Kaylee Tango

1/14 Andrew Koppenal

1/15 Danielle Dittmer

1/16 Deborah Andersen

1/17 Edward A. Cleaver

1/23 Barbara Westerberg

1/25 Lori Van Der Stad

1/26 Ethan DeRose-Travia

1/27 Leonard Smith

1/29 Scott McGrath

1/12 Clifford & Nancy Konnerth

1/24 Elizabeth & John Koch


Since November 15, we have received a gift to the Flanders Scholarship Loan Fund in memory of: Susan DeRose, niece of Art and Sandy DeRose

No Memorial Garden pavers were purchased this month, so our paver total stands at 116. The price of a paver is $300.00. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Memorial Garden” on the memo line. Pavers may be engraved with the names of deceased loved ones, or left blank for future engraving. Paver application sheets are available in the narthex. See Pat Winters for further information

or assistance. The Memorial Garden is self-supporting; gifts are welcome at all times! We hope to plant another tree in the Spring, in memory of George Terembes. This is a beautiful way to honor someone special. We also welcome contributions to the fund for restoration and enhancement of our Church organ. This work is on-going. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Organ Repair” on the memo line.

We are grateful to all who have given to the St. Timothy Memorial Funds – the General Memorial Fund, the Music Fund, the George Laubscher Monday Morning Fund, the Memorial Garden Fund, the Eternal Light Candle Fund, and the Flanders/Schleer Scholarship Loan Funds – and for the faithful repayments to the loan funds. We welcome additional contributions to the loan funds as we assist families with the high price of college.

Happy New Year! My prayer and wish for 2022 is that we no longer have to wear masks. Viruses have always been with us. Every year most of us get an injection for the seasonal flu and now we are up to a third shot against this virus. I want to get back to praying for peace and cures for cancer. I want to be praying for people we can help through organizations like WIN and Heart n’ Hands. I want to pray for support for our wonderful new Pastor who prays for us to hear from her words what we need to hear. Does that make sense? We are a very welcoming, kind and generous congregation. Do you make resolutions for the new year? I haven't lately. Every new virus scare has us back in our homes and masked if we go out. Are we afraid? Life is always full of challenges. There is only so much you can control. Look at the awful tornado that just went through Kentucky and Arkansas. What we can control is how we can help. This year my resolution is to help where I can. And to try to lift the spirits of people I meet. To smile (hope they can see me) and be generous with compliments and thanks. To be brave against this virus and go out and be with others. That's the kind of resolutions that make sense and sometimes are just as hard to keep as ones like watching my diet. I hope to be brave and remember God is always with me no matter what happens. Remember the definition of being brave is to be afraid of doing something and doing it anyway. Happy new year. Hope and Joy surround us especially during this Christmas season.

More “Make Life Easy” next Tips Barbara Westerberg

Make Life Easy

St. Timothy’s Sunday School Christmas Program was a big hit this year!

It was so nice to see the students act out the Nativity in person. As I looked

out over our church family, the pews were filled with families and friends

who came to enjoy the “Reason for The Season”. And, all you could see

was great big smiles and the feeling of joy that this season brings. The

Catechism students helped each class get ready. Thank you to Pastor

Kimberly, Caroline, our teachers, our Catechism class and students for

making this most wonderful time of the year happen.

In His name,

Laura Dec

Dates to Remember:

Jan. 2 – No Sunday School

Jan. 9 – Sunday School classes resume


Consider honoring a birthday, anniversary, baptism,

marriage, or the memory of a loved one by

sponsoring flowers for worship. You are invited to

celebrate and remember the special people and

occasions in your own life, and in the life of the

church. We purchase two bouquets each week and

you may sponsor one or two bouquets for the

sanctuary at $25 each. To reserve a Sunday, you

may sign up on the poster in the hallway near the

elevator. The 2022 flower chart is up. Please

indicate the person whom you are honoring or

remembering with your gift and, if you would like, your relationship to that person.

Checks should be made payable to St. Timothy - Flowers. We only place two

bouquets per Sunday on the altar, so we ask that if your date is already filled, you

consider sponsoring the closest available date. You may take the flowers home

after the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.


Another way to celebrate and remember the special people in your

life is to sponsor the eternal light. You may make a donation to

the Eternal Light Fund, either in memory of a loved one or in

honor of friends, family, or a special occasion. The donation for

an eternal light is $5.00 and we ask that we have one sponsor per

Sunday. There is a poster in the hallway near the elevator where

you can sign up to sponsor an eternal light. Please indicate the

person whom you are honoring or remembering. Please make

your check out to St. Timothy Lutheran Church and write,

“Eternal Light” in the memo line. The 2022 list is available now.

Your gift will be acknowledged in the Sunday bulletin and your loved ones will be remembered in the Prayers of the Faithful on the Sunday that you have designated.

The SonRise Bistro has not yet re-opened. Sunday School

parents and others are invited to join together in the

Fellowship Hall while Sunday School is in session. Nancy

Farina and Valerie McGrath have been setting up a really nice

spread of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks. So please come

and hang out with each other safely in Fellowship Hall from

9:15 to 12 noon each Sunday morning. There are plenty of tables and chairs to

social distance and gather together for some much-needed fellowship.

Dear St. Timothy,

We would like to introduce ourselves as the St. Timothy Youth Group. We are thrilled for our 2022 because we have the extraordinary opportunity to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

We would absolutely love your help in raising money to help offset the cost of our trip as well as providing the church with many chances to participate in spectacular events.

Get ready to order your Sunday Subs for football championships! You can put in orders for 6” sub sandwiches for the college championship game (Mon. 1/10). Pick up will be on January 9th (orders due by Jan 8th). Order here:

AoxyJgjxEKUtPzIexg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 For the Superbowl we’re adding veggie platters - $10; and single-serve chips - $1. Pick up will be February 13th after church (orders due by February 6th).

Other planned events include: • Parents’ Night Out - February 12th • Flocking in March • Retro Game Night with Pancake Dinner – Shrove Tuesday (3/1) • Purple-Haired Pastor Contest - April 8th

o Voting starts Shrove Tuesday

We appreciate all your support and prayers as we work toward some great goals!

- St. Timothy Youth

Would you like to be part of a prayer chain? If you are interested, please contact me at the number listed below.

Here’s how it works: When someone calls me with a request you will be contacted to pray for that person, you will then pass the request on to one other person

who will do the same. These requests will not be published.

To ask for prayer, call me and I will start the prayer chain. Requests can be as simple as “please pray for my neighbor who has to move into a nursing home?” or it can be “please pray for my daughter Ann”. Feel free to give as many or as little details as you feel comfortable. Your request will be on the list for 4 weeks unless you call to continue.

Those calling with requests will be asked if it is confidential or if it can be shared. If you get my answering machine, you can simply say something like ‘this is for prayers’ and leave a phone number and I will call you when I get home.

Please call for any additional information, Barbara Westerberg ~ 973-696-1471

Wayne Interfaith Network

Currently WIN is serving 160 clients and their

families. Approximately 70 children are served each

month. The pantry is now open to accept donations

by appointment only. Please call 973-595-1900 for


Monetary donations are still the best way to donate

at this time. They are greatly appreciated and may be

made “in memory of” or “in honor of”. Mail to Wayne Interfaith Network,

PO Box 3341, Wayne, NJ 07474-3341.

Thank you for your generosity.

Dear St Timothy,

This month I'd like to share with you a portion of GERA's 2021 Newsletter. Refugee assistance opportunities are ramping up as families are resettled into the community. Please especially note the Amazon Wish List of holiday toys and essential items where you can order items

requested by the families and have them shipped directly to GERA's office. 119 Genessee Ave, Paterson New Jersey 07053 Thank you for your support of our new neighbors. God's Peace, Cliff

2021 in Review...

Dear Friends of Global Emergency Response and Assistance,

2021 was an extremely difficult year for families around the world, we saw lives uprooted

and changed completely. Ever since the founding of Global Emergency Response and

Assistance, we have thought to welcome, to protect, to promote, and to integrate

refugees into our society. We believe we have a shared responsibility to uphold the

human rights and dignity of refugees.

These past months, GERA shifted into high gear to assist and ensure a dignified

resettlement process for Afghan refugees. Before even the first Afghan evacuee arrived

at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Sikandar Khan, the Executive Director of GERA,

knew the first step to take was advocacy. GERA contacted the New Jersey Governor's

office, Senators, Members of Congress, and local elected officials to advocate for a

smooth transition through the Office of New Americans. GERA's goal was to establish

that the Afghan families would live in homes that would ensure their dignity and safety

once resettled.

In the last five months we have been able to accomplish the following:

• GERA, in partnership with other local organizations, has delivered 40 trucks full

of donations to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst which includes men, women, and children’s clothing, sanitary items, baby formula, baby food, and wipes.

• As part of our community engagement and community integration efforts, GERA provided entertainment to 10,000 evacuees at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, by organizing "Kabab Friday," inviting every evacuee on the base to a cookout. The event was featured in the New York Times. GERA also organized a

morale-boosting concert with Afghan legend Ustad Mangal, pop star Mozhdah Jamalzadah, and multi-platinum songwriter and singer Meghan Kabir.

• GERA has aided with settling independent departures and is working with resettlement agencies to process benefits for families. Currently, our organization is directly assisting 15 refugee families to ensure a dignified resettlement process.

• Along with local Afghan-American-led grassroots organizations and other non-profits, GERA has set up families in AirBnb's guaranteed apartments and provided furniture, groceries, and other basic necessities. Eight families under GERA’s care have been placed in temporary accommodation through Airbnb.

GERA Winter Drive: Holiday Toy Drive and Essential


This Holiday season we have created an Amazon list consisting of toys and essential items for Afghan households. Items can also be mailed or

donated to 119 Genessee Ave, Paterson New Jersey 07053.

Amazon Wishlist

Welcoming New Advisors and Team Members

GERA is thrilled to welcome two new Advisors. Gene Gitelson, management and leadership consultant, and Freshta Taeb the Refugee Interventionists Program at Cornerstone Family.

GERA is also excited to welcome Dr. Jabeen Ahmed is a Doctor of Pharmacy and Commissioner of the Passaic County Board of Social Services who will be serving as GERA's Medical Doctor and Sofia Nadar a Marketing expert and activist who will be serving as GERA's Program Manager. We look forward to their expertise and support as we carry on our mission.

The mission of Global Emergency Response and Assistance is to protect human rights, and restore the dignity, well-being, and safety of those physically, emotionally, and mentally affected

by conflicts. We provide aid and assistance to refugees, new arrivals in host countries, and internally displaced persons. By providing such individuals with immediate relief, supporting their

resettlement process, and advocating for their rights, we help support the values of human dignity and human rights.

Saturday, January 1 Numbers 6:22-27 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:15-21 Sunday, January 2 Jeremiah 31:7:14 Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18 Monday, January 3 Job 42:10-17 Luke 8:16-21 Psalm 72 Tuesday, January 4 Isaiah 6:1-5 Acts 7:44-53 Psalm 72 Wednesday, January 5 Jeremiah 31:7-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18 Psalm 72 Thursday, January 6 Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 Friday, January 7 Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 2:1-10 Psalm 29 Saturday, January 8 Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 Psalm 29 Sunday, January 9 Isaiah 43:1-7 Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Monday, January 10 Judges 4:1-16 Ephesians 6:10-17 Psalm 106:1-12 Tuesday, January 11 Judges 5:12-21 1 John 5:13-21 Psalm 106:1-12 Wednesday, January 12 Numbers 27:1-11 Luke 11:33-36 Psalm 106:1-12 Thursday, January 13 Jeremiah 3:1-5 Acts 8:18-24 Psalm 36:5-10 Friday, January 14 Jeremiah 3:19-25 1 Corinthians 7:1-7 Psalm 36:5-10 Saturday, January 15 Jeremiah 4:1-4 Luke 11:14-23 Psalm 36:5-10 Sunday, January 16 Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 Monday, January 17 Isaiah 54:1-8 Romans 12:9-21 Psalm 145 Tuesday, January 18 Acts 4:8-13 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 Matthew 16:13-19 Wednesday, January 19 Song of Solomon 4:9—5:1 Luke 5:33-39 Psalm 145 Thursday, January 20 Isaiah 61:1-7 Romans 7:1-6 Psalm 19 Friday, January 21 Nehemiah 2:1-10 Romans 12:1-8 Psalm 19 Saturday, January 22 Nehemiah 5:1-13 Luke 2:39-52 Psalm 19 Sunday, January 23 Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21 Monday, January 24 Jeremiah 36:1-10 1 Corinthians 14:1-12 Psalm 119:89-96 Tuesday, January 25 Acts 9:1-22 Galatians 1:11-24 Luke 21:10-19 Wednesday, January 26 Jeremiah 36:27-32 Luke 4:38-44 Psalm 119:89-96 Thursday, January 27 2 Chronicles 34:1-7 Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 71:1-6 Friday, January 28 2 Chronicles 35:20-27 Acts 19:1-10 Psalm 71:1-6 Saturday, January 29 2 Chronicles 36:11-21 John 1:43-51 Psalm 71:1-6 Sunday, January 30 Jeremiah 1:4-10 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Luke 4:21-30 Monday, January 31 1 Kings 17:8-16 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 Psalm 56


St. Timothy Business & Service Directory





Evalyn Johnson’s Granddaughter:

Tastefully Simple

Laura Dec, Consultant

Simplified Lifestyles through

Convenient & Unique Gourmet Foods

(973) 835-2348 ID# 0059231

Sandy’s Art Studio Come join us and experience the joy of art!

• Oil painting • Pen & Ink •

• Color Pencil • Drawing • and more •

We get kids to think out-of-the-box, learning creativity

Age 5 to Adult

1st lesson free • Wayne, NJ Call: 973-956-7654 • Email:

20% off

St. Tim


St. Tim’s Business/Service Listing

contact Laurie Crowley at 973-694-8316

or email at

505 Saddle River Road

Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
