Applications Drupal Mobility UX & UI Design Development... · We have a team of experienced...


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Web DevelopmentApplicationsDrupalMobility UX & UI Design

At Penceo the IT Department has grown to cater to the specific needs of modern day international organizations. We have a team of experienced Drupal developers, which are ready to create dependable and modern technical solutions. They will work together with the UX and Design team to first create your ideal platform or application after which they build the code in a dependable and flexible manner- always taking into account the mobility by making it responsive for every platform.

Our team is passionate about efficiency in design and optimal usability, which means we first study the User Experience deeply whilst we develop the wireframes for the User Interface. What comes next is building a solid technological solution, tailor made to your specific needs and fully adapted to mobility by being optimized for every device.

For us this is often an ongoing process with solutions further being optimized even after product launch. Whilst the framework might be technical we see it as vital that a creative approach is taken towards the visitor of your platform and the place you have in their digital journey. Eventually your organization aims to create a healthy and well-functioning digital ecosystem that allows the community around it to flourish, we see it as our role to support you in this by offering the most well suited Technical Solutions.

Our team of Drupal development experts is always ready to come up with a dependable solution for you, but it doesn’t stop there, we offer long term maintenance to ensure we can keep your platform in the best shape possible!

At Penceo we are building professional web based solutions for companies and federations related to sport with the world’s most advanced and reliable open source CMS solution, Drupal. ”

– Gabor Peter, IT Director


Given your organization needs something tailor-made, our team is always ready to go the extra mile and create a completely customized solution!

The array of services offer by our IT department has been developed to suit any technical needs a

sporting federation may have.

01 02We won’t blind you with the science behind it. The main point is that we master the

technology so that you may harness its full potential.

Web Development

Here’s the part that matters to you:

We work with flexible technology. We adapt it to suit your needs

You remain in control, thanks to an easy to use CMS (content management system)

We’re on top of the trends, we make sure that your web site is up to speed (animation, architecture, experience)

Positive perception: businesses with applications areviewed more favourably by consumers

A broader distribution channel: consumers can view and purchase 24/7

02 03Applications

What you should know:

Powerful communication is the goal, technology is simply the means to an end. We make it work for you.

Today, over 80% of mobile media time is logged via apps

Let’s give your consumers the full mobile experience!

What advantages can applications bring to your business?

0403Drupal is open-source software, maintained by a vibrant global community of developers.


We can expertly build your Drupal solution.

What’s so great about Drupal?:

The software evolves constantly, always integrating thelatest global trends

It is flexible and easy to extend, so you can build, then add new features, reshape and evolve

Content is easy to find, retrieve and manage

Security – Drupal allows you to minimize security risks

04 05Nowadays, digital communications are viewed and shared from mobile devices such as

smartphones and tablets as much as or more than they are from desktops.


We combine ergonomics, usability, mobile technology and design, to ensure your information and products are fully accessible to everyone, from every location.

The numbers are there to prove it:

50% of mobile phone users use their device as their primary Internet source

80% of time on mobile is spent inside applications

72% of tablet owners purchase online from their tablets each week

User Interface Design ensures a web site achieves its purpose: people find their way and make purchases.

User Experience Design ensures people feel good about the web site. They enjoy the experience and want to come back.

This chart visually represents what comes into the UI and UX process.

We get straight to the heart of it and make it work

05UX & UI Design



Now we are getting technical!

So here are the basic definitions:

It is a complex field












06About Us

Penceo Sport is a Switzerland-based, international agency dedicated to web design, event management, communication and branding in the world of sport.

We exist to bring the finest tools and design to the world of sporting federations. Impact, buzz, mobility: our thinking and our results are always at the cutting edge of technology and design.

They trust us

Digital & Social Media Strategy Social Media ConsultingSocial ListeningVideoYouTube OptimizationInteractive Campaigns

Web DevelopmentApplicationsDrupalMobility UX & UI Design

Brand IdentityVisual Identity & brandingWeb design Print

4, route des Avouillons

1196 GLAND


Phone: +41 (0)22 300 35 79

Fax: +41 (0)22 300 35 79

Contact Us

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Or if you simply would like to know more about us and how we work: send us your request, we will get right back to you.