Application for Disabled to Control a Multi Coloured Lamp Using Arduino and Android


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  • 8/2/2019 Application for Disabled to Control a Multi Coloured Lamp Using Arduino and Android






    Submitted By:

    1. Aluri Yasaswy (CB.EN.U4CSE11303)2. Gowtham Raj.P (CB.EN.U4CSE11317)3. Hiran.S.H (CB.EN.U4CSE11318)4. Nirmal.G (CB.EN.U4CSE11332)5. Sachin.P.C (CB.EN.U4CSE11343)

    Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

    Dept. of English

    1st April 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Application for Disabled to Control a Multi Coloured Lamp Using Arduino and Android




    I hereby declare that the project work entitled Controlling a Multi Coloured

    Lamp using Amarino, Android and Arduino. Submitted to the dept. of English,

    Amrita School of Engineering is a record of the original work done by our team.

    This project has not been performed as the basis for any degree or diploma or

    associate ship or fellowship and similar project if any.






  • 8/2/2019 Application for Disabled to Control a Multi Coloured Lamp Using Arduino and Android




    First of all, we would like to thank everyone who let us use or modify their codeor Arduino libraries to create the projects and who gave technical assistance oradvice. Thanks to Rhio Labs for providing us with parts and for letting us usetheir images. Thanks also to the Arduino core team without whom the fantasticArduino and its community would not even exist. Finally, thanks to all thosepeople on the Arduino Forum, Arduino IRC channel, and Twitter for your help,advice, and encouragement.If we have missed anyone, my apologies and thanks to you, too.

    PLACE : Ettimadai, Coimbatore.DATE : 31st March 2012.

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    1 Abstract 1

    2 Chapter 1

    Introduction 23 Chapter 2

    Definition of Various Terms 44 Chapter 3

    Configuration of the Project 155 Chapter 4

    Conclusion 24

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    Normally Smartphone events are tightly coupled to your phone device

    itself. When your cell phone is ringing, your phone speaker plays a ringtone.

    When you get a new text message, your phone displays it on its screen. Wouldn't it

    be thrilling to make those phone events visible somewhere else, on your wearable,

    in your living room, on your robot, in your office or where ever you want it to

    occur? Or would you like to use your Smartphone sensors, like the accelerometer,

    light sensor, compass or your touch screen to control other devices? 'Android

    meets Arduino' is a toolkit, basically consisting of an Android application and an

    Arduino library which will help you to interface with your phone in a new

    dimension. Your Android phone can even be made to sense external factors like

    temperature, light intensity remotely. Deadly disease like Polio and old age make

    many people disabled and make it difficult for them even to walk. So it makesthem dependent on others for all the works they desire to do. For example, they

    must be dependent on others even to Switch on and off, a light. As budding

    engineers it is our responsibility to find a solution for this problem. So we

    have developed an Android app to remotely control ordinary electrical lights by

    using an open source board known as Arduino and a software interface known as

    Amarino( for Android platform). Our project also addresses the problem of power

    consumption as we can control the intensity of the light source. Usually our home

    lights (LED or tube lights) have only two states, i.e. ON and OFF state and has

    no provision to change its intensity of light as required. This can result in

    constant usage of power even when it is not required. Our project handles this

    problem also as we can control the intensity of light. Basically Arduino is an openSource (both in terms of software and hardware) board which comes with an

    Integrated Development Kit (IDE) which is used to write user defined programs

    for Arduino. Arduino can be used as a controller or as a sensor. Arduino can

    receive external inputs from Android mobile by using a Blue Tooth module known

    as BlueSmirf. Our project is shown in the figure. Here as a prototype, we are

    showing how to control 3 different colored LEDs as per the input from ourAndroid phone. The communication takes place via Bluetooth. Control signals are

    sent to the BlueSmirf and based on it, Arduino varies the power to the LEDs and

    hence the intensity of the light varies.

    Key words: Arduino, Amarino, Android, Blue smrif gold adapter, Baud rate.

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    The capabilities of smart phones are increasing day by day with loads of newfeatures. But all such features are limited within the small box. Only a very fewinnovative techniques are available for smart phones to gain access and controlexternal interfaces like hardware devices.

    Even the most powerful smart phones, with access to worldwide information

    network, still focus attention on a single box

    - Mark Weiser

    When we were looking for ways to connect temperature sensors to our PC so wecould make a Cloud Detector we found Arduino. We wanted to try out a clouddetection concept wed read about on a weather forum, and as it was

    experimental, we didnt want to spend a lot of money on it in case it failed. There

    were many solutions on the market, but the Arduino appealed to us the most. Notonly did it seem to be an easy and cheap way to connect the sensors we requiredbut it could be used for other cool things. Thousands of projects in blogs, videosites, and forums showed the cool things people were doing with their Arduino.There seemed to be a huge sense of community with everyone trying to help eachother.

    For the smart phones to control a hardware device or to act as a heat or lightsensor we need an external circuitry that communicates between the phone andthe client device (like LEDs in our prototype). There are 3 frequently used i/o

    boards for this purpose. They are

    Arduino Netudino Beagle board

    And also we need a software interface that can bridge the board and our android

    mobile. AMARINO serves this purpose; it has many pre defined libraries in itwhich can be used to control the board with little coding knowledge.

    Since the Arduino Project started back in 2005, over 150,000 boards have beensold worldwide to date. The number of unofficial clone boards sold no doubtoutweighs the official boards, thus its likely that over half a million Arduino

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    boards and its variants are out in the wild. Its popularity is ever increasing as moreand more people realize the amazing potential of this incredible open sourceproject to create cool projects quickly and easily with a relatively shallow learning


    The biggest advantage of the Arduino over other microcontroller developmentplatforms is its ease of use; non-techie people can pick up the basics and becreating their own projects in a relatively short amount of time.

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    Wikipedia states An Arduino is a single-board microcontroller and a software

    suite for programming it. The hardware consists of a simple open hardware

    design for the controller with an Atmel AVR processor and on-board I/O support.

    The software consists of a standard programming language and the boot loader

    that runs on the board.

    Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple input /output board and a development environment that implements the Processing /Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objectsor can be connected to software on your computer or even operated wireless byBluetooth controlled by an Android mobile. The Arduino can be used to developstand-alone interactive objects or it can be connected to a computer, a network, oreven the Internet to retrieve and send data to and from the Arduino and then act

    on that data. In other words, it can send a set of data received from some sensorsto a website, which can then be displayed in the form of a graph.

    To be precise, its a physical Input / Output board (I/O) with a programmable

    Integrated Circuit (IC). It also has anIntegrated Development Environment(IDE)

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    for programming. Basically, the programming language of Arduino is based on C

    language but is largely modeled upon the Application Processing Language (API)

    created by www.processing.organd its well documented for beginners to learnand there is a large community supporting it.

    The Arduino can be connected to LEDs, dot matrix displays, buttons, switches,motors, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, distance sensors, GPS receivers,Ethernet modules, or just about anything that outputs data or can be controlled. Alook around the Internet will bring up a wealth of projects where an Arduino hasbeen used to read data from or control an amazing array of devices.

    This is the Arduino IDE

    Arduino is open-source both in terms of software and hardware. Its basic modelcosts about $35 (~ Rs. 1700). It can communicate with a computer via serialconnection over USB or by a Bluetooth. It can be powered from USB orstandalone DC power. It can run standalone from a computer (programmable IC)and it has memory (32 kb flash memory). Separate Arduino IDE is available forWindows, MAC and Linux. It also has a built in Resistor to control the voltagevariation that can occur during its working.
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    A dot matrix display controlled by an Arduino

    The Arduino board is made up of an Atmel AVR Microprocessor, a crystal oroscillator (a crude clock that sends time pulses at a specified frequency to enableit to operate at the correct speed), and a 5-volt linear regulator. Depending onwhat type of Arduino you have, it may also have a USB socket to connect to a PCor Mac for uploading or retrieving data. The board exposes the microcontrollers

    I/O (input/output) pins so that you can connect those pins to other circuits or tosensors. The latest Arduino board, the Uno, differs from the previous versions ofthe Arduino in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, ituses an Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to serial converter. This gives theboard several advantages over its predecessor, the Duemilanove. First, theAtmega chip is a lot cheaper than the FTDI chip, bringing the prices of the boardsdown. Secondly, and most importantly, it enables the USB chip to have itsfirmware reflashed to make the Arduino show up on your PC as another device,such as a mouse or game controller. This opens up a whole array of new uses forthe Arduino. Unfortunately, moving over to this new USB chip has made it a lotmore difficult for clone manufacturers to make Arduino Uno clones.

    1.1.1 What is Arduino used for?

    Arduino can prove to be very useful when you want to move beyond thetraditional Mouse, Keyboard and Monitor to develop novel and custominteractions in your project work. It mainly proves handy in

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    Physical Computing projects / research Interactive Installations Rapid prototyping

    1.1.2 What it can act as?

    Sensors ( to sense stuff ) Push buttons touch pads, tilt switches. Variable resistors (e.g. volume knob / sliders) Photo resistors (sensing light levels) Thermistors (temperature) Ultrasound (proximity range finder)

    Actuators ( to control stuff ) Lights, LEDs Motors Speakers Displays (LCD)

    Anthros art installation by Richard V. Gilbank controlled using an Arduino

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    Windows 7 & Vista Installation

    Once you have downloaded the latest IDE, unzip the file and double-click theunzipped folder to open it. You will see the Arduino files and sub-folders inside.Next, plug in your Arduino using the USB cable and ensure that the green powerLED (labeled PWR) turns on. Windows will attempt to automatically install thedrivers for the Arduino Uno and it will fail. This is normal, so dont worry.

    Click the Windows Start button and then click Control Panel. Now click Systemand Security, then click System, and then click Device Manager from the list onthe left hand side. The Arduino will appear in the list as a device with a yellowexclamation mark icon over it to show that it has not been installed properly.Right click on the Arduino Uno and choose Update Driver Software.

    Next, choose Browse my computer for driver software and on the next windowclick the Browse button. Navigate to the Drivers folder of the Arduino folder youunzipped earlier and then click OK and then Next. Windows will attempt to installthe driver. A Windows Security box will open up and will state that Windows

    cant verify the publisher of this driver software. Click Install this driver

    software anyway. The Installing Driver Software window will now do itsbusiness. If all goes well, you will have another window saying Windows hassuccessfully updated your driver software. Finally click Close. To open the IDEdouble-click the Arduino icon in its folder.

    1.2WHAT IS AMARINO?Amarino is a toolkit that connects Android-driven mobile devices with Arduinomicrocontrollers, making it easy to control objects in the environment with aphone.

    What Arduino does

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    Smart phone boxes engross and isolate us with their power to capture our

    attention. This may lead to negative social and physical consequences. Ambient(based on surroundings) and tangible (touchable) interfaces can solve many of

    these problemsthey can leverage a wide range of our existing physical skills

    and can convey information without demanding all of our visual and cognitive

    attention. Amarino is the cheapest solution for this problem.

    But, while tangibles have many advantages, they arent as common as

    traditional GUI systems in part because they are difficult to design and construct.

    Ambient interfaces to smart phones are especially rare, perhaps because they are

    particularly challenging to build.

    1.2.1 Goal of Amarino:

    Amarino aims to facilitate the development of tangible interfaces to smart

    phones by eliminating several of the developments steps that are required to build


    In particular, Amarino allows Android-based mobile phones to communicate

    seamlessly with Arduino-based microcontrollers. It also allows tangible

    developers who would like to employ phone-based sensing in their projects to do

    so without engaging in any mobile device programming.

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    1.2.2 Present Research in Arduino:

    1. WeWrite

    WeWrite which employs mobile phones and the LilyPad Arduino [enables

    users to send text messages or some visual information to a T- shirt that then

    displays them on a built-in LED display. Presently IDC is working on this kind of


    Man working with LilyPad

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    2. United-Pulse

    Another wearable-based project, called united-pulse, uses electronic rings, heart

    rate monitors and smart phones to communicate heart rate across distance. The

    rings communicate with the phone and monitors to enable two people to feel each

    others pulses remotely. Currently MobileHCL is working on this project.

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    1.2.3 AMARINO - Android Interface

    Each of the four quadrants shown in the figure corresponds to one of Amarino's

    core functionalities.

    The Bluetooth Manager is used to connect the wireless Bluetooth

    module (Bluesmirf Gold) with our android phones Bluetooth. For security purpose

    we can also set authentication password to establish a safe connection and then

    pair the devices together.

    The Monitoring part keeps a record or log of all the recent activities that have

    been performed in the Amarino.

    The Event Manager contains a set ofpre-defined events that can be used for our

    project. This simplifies our work as we need not waste time in coding separately

    for these events.

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    In the Settings tab, we can change the name of the new event and assign a new

    Bluetooth address to it for the BlueSmirf to communicate with our phone.

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    1 Multi Coloured Lamp using Arduino and Amarino:In this part of the paper we will explain in detail, the complete installation

    of Amarino and Arduino IDE and coupling them to an Android mobile to

    wirelessly control a Multi Coloured lamp using a Bluetooth device.

    To start the project we need the following things (Both Hardware and


    Android Smart Phone. Windows 7 Operating system. Arduino Duemilanova ATmega 328 Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Android sdk Amarino Toolkit Bluetooth ModemBluesmirf Gold Three LEDs- Colours: RED, BLUE and GREEN.

    1.1 Installation

    Before starting the project make sure that you have installed the followingsoftwares in your mobile or P.C

    a. AmarinoAndroid Application- to be installed on phone.

    b. Amarino Plug-in Bundle- to be installed on phone.

    C. Amarino Library- To be kept in computer- needed while installing theapplication on phone using Eclipse.

    Download the MeetAndroid Library and place it into the libraries FolderArduino.

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    After placing the folder into the libraries folder, you should be able toaccess all the Amarino files through the Arduino programming environment asshown in the figure.

    1.2 Setting up Bluesmirf gold adapter

    Connect the BlueSmirf gold Bluetooth adapter with the Arduino in the followingway:

    CST1 to RTS0



    TXRX (digital pin 0 of Arduino)

    RXTX (digital pin 1 of Arduino)

    Now, we must set the baud rate of the Bluetooth module to 57600 (else it wontwork properly). Baud rate is the rate at which the device determines the speed,

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    code transfer level of the incoming data. It allows accepting data from a variety ofdevices operating at different speeds.

    To change this, first you must add the BlueSmirf as a device from ControlPanel>Hardware and Sound>Add a Device. Then enter the device paring code forsecurity purposes. Then go to Bluetooth settings and change the baud rate.


    Eclipse is a multi-language software development environmentcomprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-

    in system. It is written mostly in Java and can be used to develop applications in

    Java and, by means of various plug-INS, other programming languages. You need

    to install Android Development Tool (ADT) for Eclipse.

    Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that isdesigned to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to buildAndroid applications.ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly

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    set up new Android projects, create an application UI, add components based onthe Android Framework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK

    tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) .apk files in order to distribute your

    application. Here are the steps to configure eclipse with Android developmentTool

    1. Start eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software

    2. ClickAdd, in the top-right corner.

    3. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name

    and the following URL for theLocation:

    4. Click OK, and select the Developers Tool and click NEXT and accept thelicence agreement.

    5. Click Finish and restart eclipse.

    Download the Multi Coloured Lamp Tutorial available in Amarino website

    which provides the necessary templates for interaction with the board and theArduino IDE and our android mobile. This package saves lot of time because weneed not program individual components in HDL to interact with the board.

    1.4 Developing our App in Eclipse:

    Go to Eclipse and right click your project panel, and select new android

    project. At the bottom panel select the required android version as per your phones


    Select create from existing source. Use the browse button to find your Multicolor Lamp folder that you just


    Select android 2.1 OR any other versions as the targeted device from the list. Itdepends upon the phone you use.

    Click Finish.
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    Ignore any yellow warnings you get. If you are not successful and you get a Red

    Coloured critical warning then you may have to download


    To include the file, right click on your Multicolor Lamp folder and click build

    path > configure build path > libraries > add external jar > and browse for the

    AmarinoLibrary_v0_55.jar file. > Ok.

    Open the file in Eclipse and place your BlueSmirf

    device number inside this line of code (private static final String


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    Changing AndroidManifest.xml file. Go to Application and set Debug gable as


    1.5 Phone Side Installation:

    Your phone should already be connected via usb to your computer, inyour phone settings, developer debug mode, and install from unknown sourceschecked. In my phone, it was in settings>applications>USB debugging.

    Next, right click on your Multicolor Lamp folder and > Run as Android Application.

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    When the dialog box of the AVD manager launches select your phone as the

    targeted device. It will be the one that does not say emulator and probably have some

    device number to it. Launch This will install the Multicolor Lamp app to your phone

    and run it.

    If your application is not installed on phone, then there is a possibility

    that your phones device driver is not installed on computer. Go to Device

    manager and install the driver for your phone. If you have internet

    connection, it searches itself for the driver.

    1.6 Arduino Side

    You can get Arduino code file on one of the folders of MultiColorLamp. Set thebaud rate to 57600 and write it to your chip.

    While uploading the sketch to Arduino, remove the RX and TX connections ofBluetooth module.

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    The Arduino set up is very easy. You just need to connect 3 LEDs across DIG 9- GND,

    DIG 10- GND and DIG 11-GND

    1.7 Future Work:

    Arduino board can also be made to act as a sensor by doing the reverse of

    our project. So this increases the scope of using Arduino in various fields. It is

    also capable of recognizing human voices and responds according to it (e.g. LED

    can be made to glow when a person says Light). Some of our concepts are

    1) To develop a light sensor by using Arduino board that can be implemented in

    cricket stadiums. The sensors can sense the amount of light in the stadium and

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    send report to the Umpires mobile to switch on the focus light when needed and

    to abandon the match if the light goes beyond the threshold level.

    2) To develop a temperature sensor using Arduino and Android which is capable

    of sending SMS to the owners mobile phone or activate the mobiles vibration

    motor when the temperature increases beyond a limit. This can be used as a

    temperature sensor in industries. It can be placed near hazardous machines and

    can be coupled to a GSM that can send an emergency SMS to the concerned

    person during some fire accident.

    3) Arduino can be implemented in burglar alarm system. It can be connected to an

    invisible laser source with external power. When some burglar enters the store

    illegally, the laser is disturbed and the Arduino can be programmed to report this

    to police or to the owner of the store.

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    Open source electronics and Android are some of the notable field in

    recent developments. There are still many unexplored areas in these fields. These

    fields provide a very good platform for those who want to make something more

    than a smart phone and control almost everything using their mobiles.

  • 8/2/2019 Application for Disabled to Control a Multi Coloured Lamp Using Arduino and Android


    Works Cited:

    [1] The complete online reference for the Arduino

    [2] Developers online guide for Application Programming Interface (API) of


    [3] IDE programming documentation.

    [4] Online Android Developers forum


    [5]Michael McRoberts,"Arduino" in Beginning Arduino,MichelleLowman,Eds.,New York : Apress, 2010 .

    [6] Simon Monk, "Arduino" in 30 Arduino Projects for Evil Genius, New York

    :The McGraw-Hill Companies,2010 .
