Appendix A Additional Related Literature978-3-642-0424… ·  · 2017-08-23Hsu et al. (2006) Huang...


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Appendix AAdditional Related Literature

Table A.1 Literature on aspects related to product substitution


Stochastic inventory control with substitutionBassok et al. (1999) Bitran and Dasu (1992)Cai et al. (2004) Chand et al. (1994)Chen and Chen (2004) Deniz et al. (2005)Duenyas and Tsai (2000) Gallego et al. (2006)Hale et al. (2000) Hsieh and Wu (2009)Hsu and Bassok (1999) Ignall and Veinott, Jr. (1969)Liu and Lee (2007) Pasternack and Drezner (1991)Silver and Moon (2001a) Silver and Moon (2001b)Tang and Yin (2007) Yadavalli et al. (2006)Yao and Zheng (1999) Yao and Zheng (2003)Hsieh and Wu (2009)

Inventory control with random yieldsBirge et al. (1998) Bitran and Dasu (1992)Duenyas and Tsai (2000) Gerchak and Grosfeld-Nir (1999)Hsu and Bassok (1999) Liu and Lee (2007)Ng and Lam (1998) Rao et al. (2004)Yadavalli et al. (2006)

Inventory control for perishable productsKaraesmen et al. (2008) Lystad et al. (2006)Nahmias (1982)

Flexible bills-of-materials / material compatibilityBall et al. (2003) Hohenegger et al. (2007)Pels (2006) Ram et al. (2006)Ramdas (2003) Woss (1997)



234 A Additional Related Literature

Table A.1 (Continued)


Customer-driven product substitutionAgrawal and Smith (2003) Bitran et al. (2005)Chen and Plambeck (2008) Chong et al. (2004)Ernst and Kouvelis (1999) Gaur and Honhon (2006)Honhon et al. (2006) Kok and Fisher (2007)Li et al. (2006) Mahajan and van Ryzin (2001)Netessine and Rudi (2003) Rajaram and Tang (2001)Shah and Avittathur (2007) Shah and Avittathur (2007)Smith and Agrawal (2000) Yang and Schrage (2009)Zhang and Chen (2004) Ganesh et al. (2008)

Component commonalityBoysen and Scholl (2008) Fixson (2007)Jans et al. (2008) Ma et al. (2000)Silver and Minner (2005) Swaminathan and Tayur (1998)Swaminathan and Tayur (1999) Thonemann and Brandeau (2000)van Hoek (2001)

PostponementChen and Chen (2004) Kerkkänen (2007)Ma et al. (2000) Silver and Minner (2005)Swaminathan and Tayur (1998) Swaminathan and Tayur (1999)van Hoek (2001)

Inventory rationing and multiple demand classesArslan et al. (2007) Benjaafar and ElHafsi (2006)Duran (2007) Kleijn and Dekker (1998)Kocaga and Sen (2007) Kranenburg and van Houtum (2007)Moon and Kang (1998) Teunter and Haneveld (2008)

Revenue management of substitutable/flexible productsBirge et al. (1998) Faber (2005)Gallego et al. (2004) Gallego and Phillips (2004)Karaesmen and van Ryzin (2004) Shumsky and Zhang (2007)

Assembly-to-order / build-to-orderDeCroix and Zipkin (2005) DeCroix et al. (2005)Gunasekaran and Ngai (2005) Lu and Song (2005)Thomas and Warsing (2007)

Remanufacturing and disassemblyBayindir et al. (2005) Bayindir et al. (2007)Inderfurth (2004) Li et al. (2006)Li et al. (2007) Schultmann et al. (2002)

Supplier selection and multiple sourcingAissaoui et al. (2007) Basnet and Leung (2005)Benjaafar et al. (2007) Burke et al. (2007)Degraeve et al. (2000) Degraeve et al. (2004)Demirtas and Üstün (2008) Elmaghraby (2000)


A Additional Related Literature 235

Table A.1 (Continued)


Freling (2003) Gupta and Krishnan (1999)Hsu et al. (2006) Huang and Keskar (2007)Sonmat (2005) Tempelmeier (2002)Xia and Wu (2007) Zhao and Klabjan (2005)

Emergency ordersAxsäter (2007) Axsäter (2006)Gallego et al. (2007)

Resource substitutionBegnaud et al. (2006) Henrich et al. (2007)Klein and Luss (1991) Klein et al. (1993)

Product, product family and portfolio designBalakrishnan and Chakravarty (2008) Boysen and Scholl (2008)de Weck et al. (2003) D’Souza and Simpson (2003)Gupta and Krishnan (1999) Hardung and Kollert (2005)Hölttä-Otto (2005) Jiao et al. (2006b)Jiao et al. (2006a) Krishnan and Ulrich (2001)Lang et al. (2008) Nepal et al. (2009)Ramdas (2003) Simpson (2004)Suh et al. (2004) Suh (2005)Thonemann and Brandeau (2000)

Substitution, APS and ATP/CTPChen et al. (2001) Chen (2006)Dickersbach (2006) Ettl et al. (2006a)Ettl et al. (2006b) Faber (2005)Zhao et al. (2005)

Flexibility in production and logisticsNaim et al. (2006) Petkova and van Wezel (2006)

Pickup and delivery problemsBerbeglia et al. (2007) Desaulniers et al. (2002)Parragh et al. (2008a) Parragh et al. (2008b)

Coordination of pricing, production, and procurementKarakul and Chan (2008) Kuyumcu and Popescu (2006)Levis and Papageorgiou (2007) Tang and Yin (2007)Yano and Gilbert (2004)

HypergraphsAusiello et al. (2001) Gallo and Pallottino (1992)Gallo et al. (1993) Gallo and Scutella (1998a)Gallo and Scutella (1998b) Ozturan (2004)

Cutting stock problemsPoltroniere et al. (2008)


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Agrawal, N., & Smith, S. (2003). Optimal retail assortments for substitutable items purchased insets. Naval Research Logistics, 50(7), 793–822.

Aissaoui, N., Haouari, M., & Hassini, E. (2007). Supplier selection and order lot sizing modeling:A review. Computers & Operations Research, 34(12), 3516–3540.

Akartunalı, K., & Miller, A. (2009). A heuristic approach for big bucket multi-level productionplanning problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 193(2), 396–411.

Alfieri, A., Brandimarte, P., & D’Orazio, S. (2002). LP-based heuristics for the capacitated lot-sizing problem: The interaction of model formulation and solution algorithm. InternationalJournal of Production Research, 40(2), 441–458.

Almada-Lobo, B., Klabjan, D., Carravilla, M., & Oliveira, J. (2007). Single machine multi-productcapacitated lot sizing with sequence-dependent setups. International Journal of ProductionResearch, 45(20), 4873–4894.

Almada-Lobo, B., Oliveira, J., & Carravilla, M. A. (2008). A note on “the capacitated lot-sizingand scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup costs and setup times”. Computers &Operations Research, 35(4), 1374–1376.

Andradóttir, S. (1998). A review of simulation optimization techniques. In Proceedings of the 1998Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 151–158).

Anily, S., Tzur, M., & Wolsey, L. (2005). Multi-item lot-sizing with a joint set-up cost (WorkingPaper 2005/70). Louvain, Belgium: Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE),Université Catholique de Louvain.

April, J., Better, M., Glover, F., & Kelly, J. (2004). New advances and applications for marry-ing simulation and optimization. In Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference(pp. 80–86).

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Apte, U., & Viswanathan, S. (2007). A proactive demand management model for controllinge-retailer inventory. In U. Apte & U. S. Karmarkar (Eds.), Annals of Information Systems.Managing in the information economy (Chap. 15, pp. 355–384). Berlin: Springer.

Archibald, T. W. (2007). Modelling replenishment and transshipment decisions in periodic reviewmultilocation inventory systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58(7), 948–956.

Arslan, H., Graves, S., & Roemer, T. (2007). A single-product inventory model for multipledemand classes. Management Science, 53(9), 1486–1500.


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abstract product, 89Advanced Planning System (APS), 1, 9, 124aggregation, 13algorithm

exact, 52heuristic, 52

alternative recipe, 19alternative-selling, 82AND-XOR graph, 91, 187, 189approximate extended formulation, 57assemble-to-order (ATO), 122assembly, 89assortment problem, 111available-to-promise (ATP), 9, 123

backlogging, 24, 30backorders, see backloggingbill-of-materials (BOM)

fixed, 19flexible, 2, 3, 19, 25, 94, 122

blending, 85model, 85

blood bank inventory management, 6, 211blood group, 209blood transfusion, 6, 82, 121blood type, see blood groupbonus, 28branch&bound (B&B), 53branch&cut (B&C), 53branch&cut&price (B&C&P), 53branch&price (B&P), 53build-to-order (BTO), 122by-product, 85, 94

campaign, see lotcannibalization, 109capable-to-promise (CTP), 9, 123car wiring harness (CWH), 82changeover, 22

co-product, see by-productcommon random numbers (CRN), 75compatibility

downward, 86material, 93matrix, 93

component, 89component commonality, 122conversion, 3, 24, 87

costs, 6, 32, 103critical level, 65, 212

policy, 65crossmatch-release period, 210crossmatch-to-transfusion ratio, 210crossmatching

computer, 211serological, 210

cut, 54cutting plane, 54cutting stock problems, 123

decomposition, 16, 52, 60process-oriented, 60product-oriented, 60resource-oriented, 60

delivery time windows, 24demand class, 86

internal, 89Demand Fulfillment, 9, 123direct search, 77disassembly, 23, 93

graph, 93discounted cash flow (DCF), 32down-selling, 82downgrade, 101

e-grocery, see online grocery store, 207echelon, 63


256 Index

echelon stocks, 191economic order quantity (EOQ), 113electronic control unit (ECU), 2, 112emergency order, 3, 122end-of-horizon effect, 28exogenous resource downtime, 21, 52

final inventory, 28final order, 23fix-and-optimize (F&O), 59fix-and-relax (F&R), 58flexibility, 2

instrument, 3flexible product, 123

generalized pattern search (GPS), 78Gozinto factor, 90, 191, 198

maximal value, 199minimal value, 191, 199

heuristic, 52LP-based rounding, 60MIP-based, 58separation, 54

hierarchical production planning, 16holding costs, 31, 105

calculation of, 105hyperedge, 89hypergraph, 89, 124

directed, 89substitution, 89

infeasibility, 30initial inventories, 4, 21, 125inventory

assigned, 210rationing, 123unassigned, 210

inventory control with multiple demandclasses, 123

inventory managementblood, 6, 82spare part, 82

large time bucket (LTB), 27lead time, 22, 43linked lot-sizes, see setup carry-overlinked substitutes, 93

locationvirtual, 206

locationproduct, 124loss function, see objective functionlost sales, 24, 30lot, 21lot-sizing, 10

multi-level, 19, 42, 44single-level, 19stochastic, 29

make-or-buy, 26, 102make-to-order (MTO), 18make-to-stock (MTS), 5, 18meta-heuristic, 53mismatching, 208mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), 52mixed-integer programming (MIP), 52

objective function, 31, 71online grocery store, 83order fulfillment

all-or-nothing, 24partial, 24

overtime, 30

parallel machines, 20heterogeneous, 20identical, 20

pattern, 215pattern search (PS), 77, 215performance measure, see objective functionperiod, 27

fictional, 30perishability, 21, 121planning

horizon, 11pooling

complete, 65no, 65partial, 65

postponement, 122predecessor

direct, 198indirect, 198potential, 199

productalternative, see substitutecontinuous, 17design, 122

family, 122

Index 257

line, 122portfolio, 26, 122variant, 122

discrete, 17dummy, 38, 42, 48, 154flexible, 98interchangeability, 124perishable, 21, 121, 209preferred, 3substitutable, 24substitution, 3virtual, 124, 205

production function, 124production planning, 10production quantity splitting, 45, 48, 192, 196production sequences

alternative, 19flexible, 19

random number, 71generator, 71synchronization, 76

reformulation, 52, 55regional blood center (RBC), 208relax-and-fix (R&F), 58relaxation, 30remanufacturing, 23replenishment, 63resource, 19, 96resource-task network (RTN), 95revenue management, 123risk pooling, 2robust optimization (RO), 78robustness, 77, 79rolling horizon, 28

salvage value, 28sample objective function, 71sample performance measure, see sample

objective functionscenario, 71scheduling, 10search direction, 215service level constraint, 24service-oriented architecture (SOA), 83setup

carry-over, 29common resource, 23cost, 21joint, 22sequence-dependent, 5, 21, 36, 61, 153state

loss, 22preservation, 22

time, 21time splitting, 45, 49, 192

simple plant location (SPL), 55, 128simulation

discrete-event, 68model, 68run, 71

simulation-based optimization (SBO), 68, 215small time bucket (STB), 27software component, 83sourcing

multi-, 26, 122single-, 26

spare part, 82state, 17, 94state change, 26

endogenous, 26exogenous, 26

state-task network (STN), 94, 117step size, 215stochastic inventory control, 62

with substitutions, 121stochastic optimization, 68subassembly, 89substitute, 3, 24

perfect, 124preference order, 103, 213

substitution, 2, 3, 24, 205acceptance, 100

deterministic, 100stochastic, 101

customer-driven, 3, 122empty container, 207exclusive, 103firm-driven, 3graph, 85

downward, 86general, 86

interacting, 93operational, 102option, 3

demand class-specific, 86intransitive, 87transitive, 87

partial, 103preventive, 205product, 3ratio, 85, 88, 125reactive, 205resource, 3, 122strategical, 102tactical, 102

258 Index

substitutions, 94successor

direct, 198indirect, 198potential, 199

supplier selection, 25, 102, 122supply chain, 1

optimization, 25Supply Chain Management (SCM), 1Supply Chain Planning (SCP) matrix, 9

task, 94dummy, 196

time bucket, 27time horizon, 26time structure

endogenous, 27exogenous, 27fixed, 27flexible, 27multi-level, 27, 39, 44single-level, 27

tool management, 23transfusion, see blood transfusion, 208

transshipment, 3, 5, 63, 205preventive, 205problem, 62reactive, 205

triangle inequality, 21substitution, 89

up-selling, 82upgrade, 86, 101, 109utility function, see objective function

valid inequality, 52, 54variance reduction techniques (VRT), 75vehicle routing, 65vendor managed inventory (VMI), 211

windshield interlayer, 83work-in-progress (WIP) buffer, 21

yield, 106random, 106, 121
