APPENDIX 1 - Heronimus Sapta Aditya...


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APPENDIX 1 • Data 1 (Taken on March 19th, 2013)

Conversation from Administration Staffs to Students

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Iya dek. Ada apa ya?” 2. “Gitu aja dek, biar enggak miskomunikasi.” 3. “Iya, dek.” 4. “Kenapa, dek?”

- Joke

No. Sentence


Participant 2: “Hmm.. Semuanya lima juta ya biayanya.” (Laughing) Participant 1: “Sip. Tak bayar langsung, mas.” Participant 2: “Klo bisa uang pas. Susah ngasih kembaliannya.” Participant 1: “Tak transfer aja,mas? Nomer rekeningnya berapa?” Participant 2: “Tunai aja. Lebih aman.” Participant 1: “Ini ya mas lima jutanya.” (Laughing)


Participant 2: “Boleh.. Bayar dulu tapi.” Participant 1: “Loh, kok gitu?” Participant 2: “(Laughing) Kan bercanda..” Participant 1: “Owalah.. Kirain beneran. Mas Bayu tu sukanya bercanda

owk.” Participant 2: “(Laughing) Kan biar awet muda.”

- Offer No. Sentence

1. “Oke. Nitip berapa?” 2. “Yakin cuma dua?” 3. “Lha Bu Lia mintanya yang mana?”

- Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Oke. Besok bisa kamu ambil.” 2. “Njipuk-o dewe kuncine.” 3. “Bisa aku, udah dikantor malahan.”

- Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Ini ya. Jangan lupa nanti dikembalikan.” 2. “Oke, ambil empat lembar sekalian to, biar enggak bolak-balik.” 3. “Bentar tak ambilnya dulu ya.” 4. “Udah cuman itu aja,kok.” 5. “Ketinggalan di meja rumah.”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Sudah. Tapi sudah habis kemarin” 2. “Aduh.. Saya juga nggak tau.” 3. “Woo, jangan di kaca.”

4. “Hek-e. Nek wes rampung ojo lali dibalekke lho ya.” 5. “Soalnya ada banyak fotokopian soal, bingung jadinya.”

- Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Pak Bayu ada tugas ke Rektorat sebentar.”

- Offer and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Ya itu terserah kamu. Kalo menurutmu enggak apa-apa ya tak kasih yang folio biasa aja yang buat test itu, ya?”

- Be Optimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Kamu minta form-nya di BAAK, abis itu kamu isi terus dibawa kesini. Nanti biar tak liatnya dulu baru ikut prosedur.”

- Impersonalized S and H and Be Conventionally Indirect

No. Sentence

1. “Terus kalau udah selesai diisi, minta tolong diberikan ke Pak Bagus buat ditandatangani.”

- Be Optimistic and Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Asal kamu sabar nunggu Pak Bagus buat minta tanda tangan.”

- Give or Ask Reason and Be Pessimistic No. Sentence

1. “Wadoh.. Aku pas enggak bawa dompet. Ketinggalan di meja rumah.”

- Give or Ask Reason and Be Conventionally Indirect

No. Sentence


Participant 2: “Besok nggak bisa ketemu.” Participant 1: “Oh ya?” Participant 2: “Besok ada rapat.” Participant 1: “Oh gitu, rapat apa?” Participant 2: “Rapat pemberitahuan soal Universitas.” Participant 1: “Oh ya?” Participant 2: “Diundur aja.”

Conversation from Students to Administration Staffs

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Pagi Mas Bayu.” 

2. “Dua aja mas.” 3. “Iya mas.” 4. “Tak bayar langsung, mas.” 5. “Ini ya mas lima jutanya.” 6. “Iya, Mas Bayu.” 7. “Permisi Bu.” 8. “Kira-kira lama gag ya Bu?” 9. “Iya Bu. Saya tunggu.”

10. “Halo, Mas Bayu.”

11. “Permisi Bu.” 

12. “Mas Bayu.” 13. “Bener juga sih, Mas.” 14. “Sip.. Udah, Mas makasih banget ya.” 15. “Mas Bayu.” 16. “Aku mau pinjem staples,Mas.” 17. “Makasih, Mas.” 18. “Nggo latian Niki, Mas.” 19. “Yang mana, Mas?” 20. “Oke, yang ini kan Mas?” 21. “Oke mas. Maturnuwun.” 22. “Siap,Mas. Makasih ya.”

23. “Surat buat BEM Fakultas Sastra ndak udah ada,Bu?” 

24. “Gitu ya Bu?” 25. “Iya, Bu.” 26. “Permisi Bu.” 27. “Fotokopian soal dari Bu Siska itu Bu.” 28. “Iya Bu.” 29. “Bener, Bu. Enggak salah kok.” 30. “Mari, Bu. Makasih.” 31. “Mas Bayu.” 32. “Mungkin sih Mas.” 33. “Hu’um, Mas.”

34. “Kira-kira buat 15 anak, Mas.”

35. “Mau tanya soal SKL, Pak.” 36. “Kalo ngurus SKL itu gimana ya Pak?” 37. “Prosedur? Lama gag ya Pak?” 38. “Abis itu Pak?” 39. “Ya ada benernya itu Mas.” 40. “Oke Mas. Makasih infonya.” 41. “Halo Mas.” 42. “Mau nagih pulsa, Mas.” 43. “Sampai ketemu besok Kamis ya Mas.” 44. “Oke Mas. Makasih.”

- Offer

No. Sentence

1. “Lha po besok aku ke kampus lagi?” 

2. “Kalau lusa bisa?”

- Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Besok aku ambil.” 2. “Ya udah. Aku tak ambil selotip dulu ya.”

- Give or Ask Reason No. Sentence

1. “Satu buat aku, yg satunya buat temenku.” 

2. “Surat dari SEMU soal pemberitahuan gitu.”

- Be Conventionally Indirect

No. Sentence

1. “Jadwal kuliah semester genap ini udah keluar belum ya?”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Hemm, kirain ribet ngurusnya.”

- Apologize

No. Sentence

1. “Maaf ya Bu, enggak bermaksud,kok.”

- Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Anu, Pak Bayu-nya ada?” 

2. “Lha Bu Lia mintanya cuman kertas aja.” 3. “Ada pesen dari Bu Lia.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Offer No. Sentence

1. “Kertasnya pake yang putih transparan atau folio yang biasa buat test ya Mas?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Be Optimistic No. Sentence

1. “Pengumumannya aku tempel di kaca ini ya Mas Bayu.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Owh. Ya aku nitip difotokopiin ya mas, aku enggak sempet fotokopi soale.” 2. “Owh, ini Bu Tata, saya minta absensinya kelas Intro to Literature.” 3. “Iya Bu. Nanti saya kembalikan ke Ibu setelah kelas selesai.”

- Be Optimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Soalnya buru-buru biar dapet soal terus mau tak kerjain biar kerjaannya enggak numpuk-numpuk.”

2. “Kayaknya yang folio, kan buat small test.”

3. Brarti klo enggak yang transparan ya yang folio biasanya juga enggak masalah, kan?”

- Be Pessimistic and Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Minta clip-nya boleh?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Be Conventionally Indirect

No. Sentence

1. Participant 1: “Mas Bayu, minta tolong diambilin staplesnya. Enggak enak mau

masuk.” Participant 2: “Oke. Ini ya.” Participant 1: “Sama isinya sekalian.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Nyileh kunci Ruang Serbaguna, ada Mas?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Minimize the Imposition

No. Sentence

1. “Minta kertasnya dikit, Mas.”

- Give or Ask Reason and Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Aku disuruh Bu Lia buat ngurusin undangan buat acara Sastra besok.”

2. “Kemarin kan udah dikasih ama Universitas, lha mungkin belum nyampe ke Fakutas, coba dicek dulu.”

3. “Saya minta fotokopiannya lagi, masih kurang soalnya.” 4. “Bu Lia minta buat small test.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker, Give or Ask Reason and Be

Conventionally Indirect

No. Sentence

1. “Mas Bayu tolong diketikin laporannya soalnya besok dikumpulin.”

• Data 2 (Taken on March 21st, 2013)

Conversation from Administration Staffs to Students

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Ada apa ya dek?” 

2. “Kenapa, dek?” 3. “Sudah semua kok Dek.” 4. “Iya, bener dek.” 5. “Iya dek.” 6. “Kenapa ya dek?” 7. “Sama-sama, dik.”

- Joke

No. Sentence


Participant 2: “Siap. Susuk-e nggo aku lho ya.” (Laughing) Participant 1: “Lah.. Ojo to Mas. Pikirku tak nggo tuku gomom. Kurang afdol

soale nek bar mangan rag nggo ngudud.” Participant 2: “Walah.. Gayamu ki lho.” (Laughing)

- Offer

No. Sentence

1. “Mie goreng opo?”

- Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Mumpung di kantor.” 2. “Boleh aja, daripada kamu ambil di Bu Lia.”

- Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Hek-e, arep golek mangan aku.”

2. “Ini ya. Kamu nanti minta tanda tangannya Pak Bagus dulu baru kesini buat tak cap.”

3. “Iya. Udah prosedurnya gitu.”

4. “Lah, kok diapain? Ya dibuat dulu terus minta tandatangan Dosen Kemahasiswaan.”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Yowes, tak metu sek. Selak jam makan siang-e rampung.” 

2. “Lha kebiasaan kamu tu. Pelupa namanya.” 3. “Aduh, kurang tahu aku.”

- Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Yo wes, gek njaluk tandatangane Pak Bagus dulu sana.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Iya aja, dek. Coba ditanyain sekalian.”

- Be Optimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Abis dari Pak Bagus, klo udah ditanda tangani terus kesini ya biar tak kasih cap biar valid.”

- Give or Ask Reason and Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Wah, harus kamu sendiri. Aku enggak mau.” 

2. “Bu Ayu lagi pergi. Ada rapat Senat.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “O iya, nanti minta tanda tangannya Bu Lia, Dek.”

- Apologize, Be Pessimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Maaf ya, harus orangnya langsung. Nanti Bu Ayu marah sama aku. Ribet urusannya.”

Conversation from Students to Administration Staffs

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Halo Mas.” 

2. “Buat SKL, Mas.” 3. “Oke, Mas.” 4. “Siang Mas.” 5. “Ndak njenengan arep metu, Mas?” 6. “Mas aku njaluk mie goreng.” 7. “Aku tulung tukokke, Mas.” 8. “O iyo. Lali aku Mas.” 9. “Tak gawani sepuluh ewu yo Mas.”

10. “Tulung tukokke es teh sisan soale aku ngelak banget, Mas.”

11. “Oke, Mas. Ati-ati wae yo.” 

12. “Permisi Bu Tata.” 13. “Bu, sini coba.” 14. “Nanti minta tanda tangannya siapa ya Bu?”

15. “Ya udah bu, saya tak ketemu dulu dengan beliau biar bisa ditandatangani segera.”

16. “Makasih ya Bu.” 17. “Siang Mas Bayu.” 18. “Mbok aku ditulungi, Mas.” 19. “Iya Mas. Aku tu lupa klo besok aku tu harus ngumpulin berkas berkasnya.” 20. “Iya sih Mas. Lha tugas-tugas juga banyak kok. Jadinya lupa semua.”

21. “Iya, Mas.”

22. “Harus gitu ya Mas?” 

23. “Oke. Tak nunggu Pak Bagus dulu ya Mas.” 24. “Mas Bayu.” 25. “Ndak udah ketemu sama Bu Lia,Mas?” 26. “Oke, Mas. Makasih.” 27. ”Siang Pak Bayu.” 28. “Bu Ayu-nya ada, Mas?” 29. “Kira-kira lama gak ya Pak?” 30. “Mbok aku minta tolong, Pak.” 31. “Ya udah, Mas.” 32. “Mau tanya, Mas.” 33. “Lha nanti terus tak apain, Mas?” 34. “Iya, Mas. Makasih.” 35. “Oke Bu. Makasih infonya.” 36. “Siang, Bu.”

37. “Sudah, Bu. Tapi mepet tanggal deadline buat bayarnya.” 

38. “Apa saya harus ngecek ke BAK ya Bu?” 39. “Iya, Mas. Makasih.”

- Presuppose / Raise / Assert Common Ground

No. Sentence


Participant 1: “Pak Joko enggak masuk ya Pak?” Participant 2: ”Pak Joko?” Participant 1: “Iya, Pak Joko. Siang ini kan ada kelas Grammar.” Participant 2: “O iya, tadi pagi beliau telpon kalo nanti kelas ditiadakan.” Participant 1: “Oke Pak. Trimakasih.”

- Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Mas, aku tulung diprint-in transkrip nilai punyaku. Aku butuh buat daftar beasiswa Djarum besok Jumat.”

2. “Oke. Paham aku sekarang.”

- Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Buat ngomongin soal data-data anak yang mau ikut lomba besok.” 

2. “Kemaren kita kan abis bikin acara di Fakultas. Pasti harus bikin laporan kegiatan buat BEM.”

3. “Ya udah, brarti abis tak buat trus tak kasihke ke Pak Bagus buat ditandatanganin.”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Kalau boleh, data anak anaknya tak bawa sekarang ya Mas.”

- Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Mau minta tanda tangannya Pak Bagus.” 

2. “Kasihke laporanku ke ruangannya Bu Ayu.”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Offer

No. Sentence

1. “Dicek dulu, Mas Bayu.”

- Be Optimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Kan udah aku isi formnya, tinggal tanda tangannya Pak Bagus.” 2. “Sembarang,mas. Penting mie goreng. Indomie yo rak popo.”

3. “Saya mau tanya soal pendaftaran RM 2. Setelah saya isi semua, lalu apa yang harus saya lakukan?”

- Give or Ask Reason and Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Mau tanya. Kok nama saya ada di daftar anak yang belum bayar SKS ya Bu?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Lha klo udah ditandatangani ama Pak Bagus brarti udah selesai, Mas?”

• Data 3 (Taken on March 26th , 2013)

Conversation from Administration Staffs to Students

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Apaan, dek?” 

2. “Iya dek. Ati-ati ya.”

- Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Hek-e. Golek makan siang.” 

2. “Brarti kembali tiga ribu ya.” 3. “Paling enggak harus satu bulan sebelumnya sudah lulus. Baru bisa wisuda.” 4. “Kamu harus beli. Enggak gratis soalnya.” 5. “Nasi rames wae sing murah meriah.”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Tak pikirnya dulu ya.” 2. “Aku juga ya, tak pikirnya dulu aja.” 3. “Duite mbok talangi sek ya.” 4. “Mengko nek wes tekan gek tak ganti.”

- Impersonalized S and H

No. Sentence

1. “Kuncinya jangan lupa dibawa.”

- Be Optimistic and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Kosong, kok. Dipake aja gak apa-apa.”

- Give or Ask Reason and Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Rak sah. Aku ngombe banyu putih wae ben sehat.”

Conversation from Students to Administration Staffs

- Use in Group Identity Marker

No. Sentence

1. “Pak Bayu!” 

2. “Oke, Mas. Makasih.” 3. “O iya, Mas. Lupa aku malahan.” 4. “Seplastiknya lima ribu rupiah, Mas.” 5. “Murah banget, Mas.” 6. “Keripik singkong, Bu.” 7. “Silahkan, Bu.” 8. “Iya Bu. Jangan kelamaan ya Bu. Mas Bayu gimana?” 9. “Iya gak papa. Besok tak tanyain lagi ya Mas, Bu.”

10. “Mari Mas Bayu, Bu Tata.” 11. “Berapa ya Mas?” 12. “Bentar. Ini ya Mas.” 13. “Oke mas.” 14. “Yok, mas duluan.” 15. “Aku mau tanya Mas Bayu.” 16. “Kenapa, Mas?” 17. “Oww, makasih ya Mas Bayu buat infonya.” 18. “Loh, Pak Bayu arep metu?” 19. “Neng nggone tante bule palingan Mas.” 20. “Oke, Mas.” 21. “Hek-e Mas, rak popo.” 22. “Oww.. Yowes mas. Tak tinggal sek.”

- Presuppose / Raise / Assert Common Ground

No. Sentence


Participant 1: “Bu Siska enggak masuk ya Mas?” Participant 2: “Enggak masuk. Masih sakit.” Participant 1: “Ada tugas apa enggak ya Mas?” Participant 2: “Enggak ada, tapi kalian disuruh isi absen buat hari ini.” Participant 1: “Boleh tak ambil,mas absennya?” Participant 2: “Biar disini aja. Nanti kalian tandatangan disini.” Participant 1: “Ya udah, yak kasih tau temen-temen yang laen dulu.”

- Offer

No. Sentence

1. “Jam stengah 10 nanti Ruang Mississippi kosong atau enggak ya Pak?”

2. “Mas Bayu mau keripik kentang?”

3. “Ada. Ibu mau juga nyobain?” 

4. “Aku arep metu, sih. Lha opo nitip mangan karo aku?” 5. “Arep pesen opo?”

- Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Buat kelasnya Pak Bagus. Kalo kosong ya tak pakenya aja, cuman stengah jam, kok.”

- Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Iya. Aku jualan soalnya.” 

2. “Lima ribuan per kemasan.”

- Be Pessimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Kalo baru sidang skripsi besok April, wisudanya ndak bisa ikut bulan April juga?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Be Optimistic

No. Sentence

1. “Brarti klo aku sidangnya bulan April, wisudanya ikut Agustus ya Mas?”

- Use in Group Identity Marker and Give or Ask Reason

No. Sentence

1. “Mau minta kertas kuning buat bimbingan skripsi, Mas, punyaku hilang.”

Administration Staffs to Students No. Kinds of Strategies Strategies Frequency Percentage




Use in Group Identity

Marker 13 19 %

2. Presuppose / Raise /

Assert Common Ground - -

3. Joke 3 5 %

4. Offer 4 6 %

5. Be Optimistic 5 8 %

6. Give or Ask Reason 14 21 %





Use in Group Identity

Marker and Offer - -

8. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


- -

9. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Give or Ask


1 1 %

10. Offer and Give or Ask

Reason 1 1 %

11. Be Optimistic and Give

or Ask Reason 3 5 %

12. Negative


Be Conventionally

Indirect - -

13. Be Pessimistic 12 18 %

14. Apologize - -

15. Impersonalized S and H 3 5 %

16. Double



Be Pessimistic and

Impersonalized S and H - -

17. Impersonalized S and H

and Be Conventionally


1 1 %





Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be

Conventionally Indirect

- -

19. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


- -

20. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Minimize

the Imposition

- -

21. Be Optimistic and

Impersonalized S and H 1 1 %

22. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Pessimistic 4 6 %

23. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Conventionally


1 1 %

24. Give or Ask Reason and

Impersonalized S and H - -


Use in Group Identity

Marker, Give or Ask

Reason and Be

Conventionally Indirect

- -

26. Use in Group Identity

Marker and

Impersonalized S and H

1 1 %

27. Apologize, Be

Pessimistic and Give or

Ask Reason

1 1 %

TOTAL 68 100 %

Students to Administration Staffs No. Kinds of Strategies Strategies Frequency Percentage




Use in Group Identity

Marker 105 65 %

2. Presuppose / Raise /

Assert Common Ground 2 1 %

3. Joke - -

4. Offer 7 5 %

5. Be Optimistic 5 2.5 %

6. Give or Ask Reason 7 5 %





Use in Group Identity

Marker and Offer 2 1 %

8. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


2 1 %

9. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Give or Ask


4 3 %

10. Offer and Give or Ask

Reason - -

11. Be Optimistic and Give

or Ask Reason 6 4 %

12. Negative


Be Conventionally

Indirect 1 0.5 %

13. Be Pessimistic 3 2 %

14. Apologize 1 0.5 %

15. Impersonalized S and H 5 3 %

16. Double



Be Pessimistic and

Impersonalized S and H 1 0.5 %

17. Impersonalized S and H

and Be Conventionally


- -





Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be

Conventionally Indirect

1 0.5 %

19. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


1 0.5 %

20. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Minimize

the Imposition

1 0.5 %

21. Be Optimistic and

Impersonalized S and H - -

22. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Pessimistic 1 0.5 %

23. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Conventionally


- -

24. Give or Ask Reason and

Impersonalized S and H 4 3 %


Use in Group Identity

Marker, Give or Ask

Reason and Be

Conventionally Indirect

1 0.5 %

26. Use in Group Identity

Marker and

Impersonalized S and H

1 0.5 %

27. Apologize, Be

Pessimistic and Give or

Ask Reason

- -

TOTAL 161 100 %

Comparison Between Conversation Among Administration Staffs to Students and Students to Administration Staffs

No. Kinds of Strategies Strategies

Administration Staffs to


Students to

Administration Staffs

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage




Use in Group Identity

Marker 13 19 % 105 65 %

2. Presuppose / Raise /

Assert Common Ground - - 2 1 %

3. Joke 3 5 % - -

4. Offer 4 6 % 7 5 %

5. Be Optimistic 5 8 % 5 2.5 %

6. Give or Ask Reason 14 21 % 7 5 %





Use in Group Identity

Marker and Offer - - 2 1 %

8. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


- - 2 1 %

9. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Give or Ask


1 1 % 4 3 %

10. Offer and Give or Ask

Reason 1 1 % - -

11. Be Optimistic and Give

or Ask Reason 3 5 % 6 4 %




Be Conventionally

Indirect - - 1 0.5 %

13. Be Pessimistic 12 18 % 3 2 %

14. Apologize - - 1 0.5 %

15. Impersonalized S and H 3 5 % 5 3 %

16. Double



Be Pessimistic and

Impersonalized S and H - - 1 0.5 %

17. Impersonalized S and H

and Be Conventionally


1 1 % - -

18. Mixed



Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be

Conventionally Indirect

- - 1 0.5 %

19. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Be


- - 1 0.5 %

20. Use in Group Identity

Marker and Minimize

the Imposition

- - 1 0.5 %

21. Be Optimistic and

Impersonalized S and H 1 1 % - -

22. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Pessimistic 4 6 % 1 0.5 %

23. Give or Ask Reason and

Be Conventionally


1 1 % - -

24. Give or Ask Reason and

Impersonalized S and H - - 4 3 %


Use in Group Identity

Marker, Give or Ask

Reason and Be

Conventionally Indirect

- - 1 0.5 %

26. Use in Group Identity

Marker and

Impersonalized S and H

1 1 % 1 0.5 %

27. Apologize, Be

Pessimistic and Give or

Ask Reason

1 1 % - -

TOTAL 68 100 % 161 100 %
