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By Likhila abraham



Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes swollen, inflamed, and filled with pus. The appendix is a small pouch shaped like a small finger. It is on the right side of the abdomen, connected to the colon. (MED ENCYCLOPEDIA)



Clinical manifestations



FeverRebound tenderness Mc burniys point

OTHER SYMPTOMS•Progressively worsening pain•Coughing or sneezing is painful•NauseaVomiting•Diarrhoea•Inability to pass gas (break wind, fart)•Fever

Diagnostic measuresObturator sign If an inflamed appendix is in contact with the obturator internus, spasm of the muscle (called the obturator sign) can be demonstrated by flexing and internal rotation of the hip. This maneuver will cause pain in the hypogastrium.

Rovsing's sign Continuous deep palpation starting from the left iliac fossa upwards (counterclockwise along the colon) may cause pain in the right iliac fossa, by pushing bowel contents towards the ileocaecal valve and thus increasing pressure around the appendix

Psoas sign Psoas sign or "Obraztsova's sign" is right lower-quadrant pain that is produced with either the passive extension of the patient's right hip (patient lying on left side, with knee in flexion) or by the patient's active flexion of the right hip while supine.

Aure-Rozanova signDunphy's signKocher's (Kosher's) signBartomier-Michelson's sign

MANAGEMENTPHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT uncomplicated cases antibiotics are used to treat the patientSURGICALMANAGEMENT Appendectomy (sometimes called appendisectomy or appendicectomy


.1. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to preoperative vomiting.

2. Acute pain related to distention of the intestinal tissue by inflammation.

3. Anxiety related to change in health status