“ILLINOIS IRISARIAN”€¦ · ILLINOIS IRISARIAN SPRING 2013 Greetings to all Irisarians within...


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REGION 9 Issue 2013-001 Spring 2013

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Greetings to all Irisarians within

the “Land of Lincoln”

‘Emma’s Laughter’ (Steve Poole 2008) TB


“The Garden has two very important purposes: 1. It produces vegetables for the body, and 2.

It produces flowers for the Soul.” Steve Poole

Garden photo by Ginny Spoon,

Winterberry Gardens,

Cross Junction, Va.

Garden photo by Ginny Spoon,

Winterberry Gardens,

Cross Junction, Va.




Table of Contents 3

Photo Credits 3

RVP Comments 4

Region 9 Officers 5

Region 9 Committees 6

Mail Pouch Tobacco, Steve Poole 7-8

Master Gardener’s Day, Crawford

County-Steve Poole 9-10

Region 9 Spring Meeting 11

Book Review, “A Guide to Bearded

Irises” 12

Region 9 Affiliate Calendars 13-14

Region 9 Training Opportunities 15

Region 9 July 28, 2012 Meeting

Minutes 16-19


Front Cover-Steve Poole

Inside front cover—Ginny Spoon

Page 3—Anita Moran

Page 3—AIS Encyclopedia

Page 4-Dave Kelly

Page 8-Steve Poole

Pages 9-10—Dave Miller

Back Cover—Steve Poole


April 15-20, 2013, Dallas, Texas

April 5-10, 2014, Dallas, Texas

May 25-30, 2015, Portland, Oregon

You can find out more about these up-

coming AIS National Conventions by vis-

iting the AIS Website. You can also refer

to the latest edition of the AIS Newsletter

(Irises). If you can fit them into your

schedule, plan to attend a National AIS


‘Sheer Excitement’ (Tasco 2012)

BB ‘Little Drummer Boy’ (A & D Willott 1997)

MDB Caparne-Welch Medal 2005


This is the first written article I have prepared

since being elected AIS Region 9 Vice President

last fall. I will give just a little background about

myself. I live In Pekin, Illinois and am married to

Margaret Kelly, past RVP of Region 9. I am a

native of Erie, Pennsylvania and am retired from

Caterpillar Tractor Company in Peoria, IL.

I am a member of Grace Methodist Church in

Pekin and am one of two cameramen who video

our Sunday services. We then spend Monday

mornings editing the video from our two video

cameras. These services are shown on the local

cable channel three times a week. I enjoy taking

still pictures as well.

I am a member of the Prairie Iris Society. I have

had the opportunity to attend the National Iris

Conventions in Madison Wisconsin and Ontario,

California and plan to attend the National AIS

Convention in Dallas, Texas, April 15-20, 2013.

I invite you to take the opportunity to participate

in the many activities sponsored by our local so-

cieties as well as activities sponsored by Region 9

of the American Iris Society. As web master, I

challenge you check out our web site

www.aisregion9.com, to get all the information

on coming events for both the local societies and

the region and to enjoy pictures of past events.

Let’s begin with our AIS Region 9 Spring meeting

which will be held on Saturday April 6 in Roches-

ter, Illinois. Our day will start with fellowship

and coffee, continue with a business meeting;

plant auction (each member brings a plant to auc-

tion); potluck lunch; and end with a book signing

“A Guide to Bearded Irises” Cultivating the Rain-

bow for beginning and enthusiasts by Kelly Nor-

ris. Kelly is the editor for our national bulletin of

the American Iris Society “Irises”. He is the first

horticulture manager at the Greater Des Moines

Botanical Garden, a new botanical garden forming

around a former municipal facility in Des Moines,

Iowa. Following the book signing, Kelly will

give the program "Borderline Crazy - Sorting

Out Intermediate and Border Bearded Irises.”

All are invited to this presentation. Judges will

receive two hours of credit toward judge certifica-


Our local societies have planned programs around

iris education plus iris shows and public iris sales.

There will be two different in the garden judging

programs; again; all are invited to attend. The

first garden will be Brian and Carol Davis’s in

Champaign – specializing in median irises. The

second garden will be Steve Poole’s in Eldorado –

specializing in Louisiana Irises.

Next, comes our AIS Region 9 Fall Meeting Sat-

urday August 10 at the Washington Park Botani-

cal Garden of the Springfield Park District. We

will need help with set up on Friday afternoon at

the Botanical Garden. Then, all are encouraged to

join us for dinner at the Golden Corral in Spring-

field and a get together in the evening sharing Iris

experiences, pictures, and slides. Starting Satur-

day morning at 8AM, irises will be arriving at the

garden for the public iris sale, 10AM is the busi-

ness meeting, silent auction of new introductions

will take place all morning, lunch at noon, and our

public iris sale begins at 1PM and runs through


I hope you will take the opportunity to attend

some of the planned activities we have discussed.

Over the next three years, I hope to make a visit to

each of the affiliated societies in Region 9,

whether it is to a meeting, sale, or picnic. Please

feel free to contact me at (309) 347-8561 home,

cell 309 840 2468, or e mail at kelly@grics.net.

Have a great bloom season! Dave


From your Regional Vice


Dave Kelly


Region 9, American Iris Society Officers

Region 9 RVP: David Kelly Asst RVP: Margaret Kelly

1708 Holiday Drive 1708 Holiday Drive

Pekin, Illinois 61554 Pekin, Illinois 61554

309-347-8561 309-347-8561

Kelly@grics.net Kelly@grics.net

Secretary: Debra Miller Treasurer: John Bilski

61 Laconwood 9127 Wedgewood Drive

Springfield, Illinois 62712 Fairview Heights, Illinois 62208

217-529-8014 618-398-1029

Miller42@aol.com jlbilski@aol.com


Mid-Illinois Iris Society Ernie Henson

6401 Cedar Road

Iuka, Illinois 62849



Northern Illinois Iris Society Diana Anshakov

2928 North 4425th Road

Newark, Illinois 60541


Prairie Iris Society: Jerry Wilhoit

2282 N. 350th Street

Kansas, Illinois 61933



Sangamon Valley Iris Society Debra Miller

61 Laconwood

Springfield, Illinois 62712



Southern Illinois Iris Society Gail Devilbiss

1253 Moonglow Road

Centralia, Illinois 62818

618-533-4705 vegaddict1@aol.com



By Laws: Steve Poole

775 Kaid Road

Eldorado, Illinois 62930



Iris Auction and Sale: Chuck Simon

10S122 Lorraine Drive

Willowbrook, Illinois 60527


Judges Training: Becky Simon

10S122 Lorraine Drive

Willowbrook, Illinois 60527


Membership: Pat Hayden

604 Eller Road

Belleville, Illinois 62223



Youth: Brian and Carol Davis

1405 Mayfair Drive

Champaign, Illinois 61821



Webmaster: Dave Kelly

1708 Holiday Drive

Pekin, Illinois 61554



Illinois Irisarian Editor: Dave Miller

61 Laconwood

Springfield, Illinois 62712



Nominating: Jerry Wilhoit

2282 N. 350th Street

Kansas, Illinois 61933



Immediate Past RVP: Margaret Kelly

1708 Holiday Drive

Pekin, Illinois 61554




MAIL POUCH TOBACCO A Gardener's Journey (First in a Series)


Steve Poole

I come from a family of gardeners. On my Daddy’s side of the family, gardeners grew

both vegetables and flowers. Vegetables to feed the body and flowers to feed the soul. As

farmers and gardeners, they prided themselves on the fact their pumpkins and squashes

were bigger and more productive than their neighbor's; their tomatoes were juicier and

more flavorful; their zinnias were the most exotic; and they had the largest and most

spectacular collections of irises of anybody in the county. It seems Daddy's side of the

family had a love affair with irises.

Some of my most impressionable memories as a child of five or six years old (I was born in

1949) was of visiting Daddy's relatives during the month of May, which also happens to be

peak bloom for tall bearded irises here in Southern Illinois. During the spring time, the

children were allowed to wander throughout the yard under the watchful eye of parents,

between the rows of tall blooming irises, looking eyeball to beard at some of the most enig-

matic plants in their gardens. These were plants we had never seen, and which were

highly valued by the adults. Yes, tomato plants, the topic of adult's conversations must

have been interesting to adults, but it was the flowers that the child saw, not the future

tomatoes on the bough, that impressed a child of five or six. Wanting to have my own iris

garden, I asked Daddy to help me get one started. I received my first irises as a gift for

my eighth birthday.

Enter Helen and Rose Jordan, two sisters who were Daddy's cousins on his mother's side

(gardener's side) of the family, and incidentally who had never married. From their

Daddy, they inherited a gas station on old Illinois Route 13 located on Dead Man's Curve

(also known as Jordan's Curve), the only gas station on that highway between Harrisburg

and Marion, Illinois. It was called Dead Man's Curve because the normally straight east/

west highway made an abrupt ninety degree turn to the south on a hillside, almost directly

in front of the Jordan's store. More than one night driver lost their life on that curve.

To supplement their income the Jordan sisters stocked their little store with various craft

items which they themselves had created, such as crocheted doilies, figurines which they

had painted, oil paintings, and other items. Daddy was very fond of those cousins and we

visited them often throughout the year.

As an additional supplement to their income, Helen, being the iris lover of the two sisters,

had learned to hybridize irises from a woman who lived in Marion, Illinois, by the name

of Georgia Hinkle. Being an enterprising pair of sisters, Helen evolved the idea that they

could create vast numbers of "new" irises which no one but they possessed, and then sell

starts of those "new and different" iris seedlings to prospective customers driving by their

store, who naturally had to slow down to negotiate the curve, and frequently stopped to

view the irises during bloom season.


To that end, the Jordan sisters began to plant their iris seedlings around their old barn,

down the hill slope east of their store and in the rich soil around the barn. The barn was

only a couple of hundred feet from the north side of the highway. Their endeavor proved

very fruitful. They never threw away a single iris seedling. In time, the old barn became

surrounded by thousands of iris seedlings covering some three to four acres around the

barn. As a result of the Jordan sisters' iris marketing strategy, it's probably safe to say

that they blanketed Southern Illinois with irises.

In the 1950's, before highway billboards were invented, the roofs of barns near major

highways were often rented by big companies to advertise products. The barn roof facing

the major highway was painted with the companies' advertisement. The sisters, Helen and

Rose Jordan, had rented the roof of their barn to a tobacco company. The roof of the

barn facing the highway was painted with the advertisement "Mail Pouch Tobacco". All

of my life I will remember that old barn surrounded by thousands of iris seedlings with

Mail Pouch Tobacco painted on the roof facing the highway.

In 1964, my cousin Helen went with me to Marion, Illinois, to introduce me to Georgia

Hinkle, a nationally recognized iris hybridizer and judge of the American Iris Society.

Georgia had been working a line of blue irises since the 1940's and a line of pink irises

since the mid 1950's. Because of my introduction to, and subsequent association with

Georgia Hinkle, in 1969 I became a member of the American Iris Society and the South-

ern Illinois Iris Society. In 1970, I founded my blue line of irises using the Hinkle intro-

duction of Brave Viking with her Kentucky Hills, Lazy River, Tempo, and Marion Maid.

In 1972, I founded my pink line of irises using Hinkle seedling V-3-2 and Carletta (C.

Brown, 1971). Carletta was a pink iris developed by another hybridizer in Marion, Illi-

nois, using Hinkle breeding stock. Through Georgia, I became acquainted with many of

the other AIS members and iris hybridizers across the state of Illinois.

‘Kaelin’s Lipstick’

(Steve Poole, 2009) TB

‘Abby’s Fire’

(Steve Poole 2009) TB


(above and below)

Crawford County (Robinson, Il) Master Gardeners Day, January 26, 2013.

Steve Poole at his table and presenting to the Master Gardeners.


(above and below) Crawford County (Robinson, Il) Master Gardeners Day, January 26, 2013

Steve Poole presenting to the Master Gardeners.


Region 9 Spring Meeting—Judges Training, Judges updates,

And other Specialized Training

Region 9 Spring Membership Meeting

Saturday April 6, 2013

Rochester Community Center, Rochester, IL

9:30 AM—Continental Breakfast

10:00 AM—Business Meeting

11:15 AM to 12:00 Noon—Potluck

12:00 PM to 12:30 PM—Plant Auction

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM—Kelly Norris Book Signing

1:30 PM—Judges Training by Kelly Norris, 2.0 hrs Credit, “Borderline

Crazy—Sorting out Intermediates and Border Bearded Irises”


A Guide to Bearded Irises:

Cultivating the Rainbow for Beginners and Enthusiasts A book by Kelly D. Norris, 2012 Timber Press Books

Review submitted by Eleanor Hutchison (Reprinted with permission from the Autumn 2012 CWIS Newsletter)

How do you choose a new gardening book? Do you read the reviews, get suggestions from

friends, know the author? How about all of these? I learned a new iris book was being written

by Kelly because of the various online garden groups I belong to, so it seemed like a longer

wait than usual for the book to be published. When it was finally new off the presses, a friend

brought it along when he came to visit my garden last spring. For just a moment, I felt my face

change, much like Bilbo when he wanted the ring back! I managed to restrain myself from

snatching the book and running off with it for a few private moments! When BJ asked me to

review the book shortly after that near incident, I jumped up and down with glee! Fanning

quickly through the pages, just looking at the many lovely photos, I was reminded how very

much I do love irises, both mine and everyone else’s. And who knew the term isarian meant

‘crazier about irises than a normal person would think healthy’. I’m sooo beyond there!

An easy read, the book covers many topics, from the myths, where irises originated, how to

grow them well, and how to grow your own from seed. It has chapters of the many bearded

classes that we can grow here on the prairies, from miniature dwarf bearded, standard dwarf

bearded and up to the tall bearded irises, including recommendations on which irises to try.

I was so pleased to see many of my favourite irises were included in the book, and many more

on my ‘gasp’ list. I enjoyed reading how Kelly and his family started Rainbow Iris Farm when

he was only 15 years old. Well written in an enthusiastic, easy to read style, I could hardly put

the book down, and took so many notes that I almost wrote out the entire book! Come along for

a colourful journey, whether you’re looking for your very first iris book or you have a large col-

lection of iris books already. I highly recommend Kelly’s book. It’s on my Christmas list. I’m

hoping to get the signed copy.


Kelly D. Norris is a horticulturist, plant breeder, and plantsman from Iowa. He currently is the Horticulture Man-

ager for the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens. Kelly is the award-winning author of Iowa Gardener's Travel

Guide, the first travel guide to Iowa's public gardens and nurseries, as well as A Guide to Bearded Irises: Cultivat-

ing the Rainbow for Beginners and Enthusiasts. As a speaker, he has garnered national acclaim for his high-

energy, zealous presentations, leading many to name him as one of the rising stars of American horticulture.

He manages Rainbow Iris Farm (a seven-acre nursery owned by his family), edits Irises: The Bulletin of the Ameri-

can Iris Society, and serves in several leadership capacities throughout the horticulture industry. Kelly is the

youngest person to receive the Iowa State Horticultural Society's Presidential Citation, Award of Merit, and Honor

Award in the organization's 150-year history — awards that exemplify service and contributions to horticulture in


In 2011, he was also honored by the Perennial Plant Association with the Young Professional Award, recognizing

early contributions to the advancement of herbaceous perennials in American horticulture. Kelly's unique 10 years

of experience in the industry began at age 14 when he talked his parents into buying a nursery. In that time he's

become one of the few go-to experts on marketing horticulture to Gen Xs and Ys.

Kelly holds a bachelor's and master's degree in horticulture from Iowa State University. In his M.S. program he

studied Dirca, a genus of rare shrubs commonly known as leatherwoods. You may also be interested in the author's

own Web site, KellyDNorris.com.


REGION 9 Affiliate Calendar Dates for 2013

Prairie Iris Society (PIS)

April 13, 2013 Spring Meeting-location TBA

April 13, 2013 Prairie Judges Training-Brian and Carol Davis Garden

May 25, 2013 Annual Iris Show-Lincoln Square Village-8:00 AM—Noon

August 3, 2013 Iris sale-Lincoln Square Village—9:00 AM—noon

September 21, 2013 Fall meeting-location TBA

Sangamon Valley Iris Society (SVIS)

February 22, 2013 Potluck & Planning Meeting

March 22, 2013 Siberian Iris-Chuck Simon

April 26, 2013 Selecting & Grooming Iris for Iris Show

May 11, 2013 Iris Show-Springfield Botanical Gardens

July 27, 2013 Iris Auction for members & Iris Sale for public-Springfield

Botanical Gardens

September 27, 2013 To be determined

October 25, 2013 To be determined

Northern Illinois Iris Society (NIIS)

January 20, 2013 Judges Training, “Like a Kid in a Candy Store: How to Select

the Best Tall Bearded Irises for Your Garden” Westmont Public

Library, Westmont, Il, 2:00 PM

March 17, 2013 Meeting and Program, Westmont Public Library, 2:00 PM

June 1-2, 2013 Annual Iris Show, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Il

July 14, 2013 Iris Sale, Elmhurst Garden Walk Faire Boutique, Wilder Park,

Elmhurst, Il, 10:00 AM—4:00 PM

August 18, 2013 Summer Potluck and Plant Exchange, Ty Warner Park,

Westmont, Il, Noon.

November 17, 2013 Year end get together, location and time TBA.

Please Keep the “Illinois Irisarian” Editor and the Region 9 Webmaster

aware of all your meeting dates/changes and other pertinent information.

We are working to ensure everyone is aware of your local affiliate activities.


REGION 9 Affiliate Calendar Dates for 2013

Southern Illinois Iris Society (SIIS)

April 14, 2013 Spring Meeting and Potluck, 12:30 PM, U of I Extension, Salem, Il

May 4, 2013 Combined Show with Mid-Illinois Iris Society, location and time


May 18, 2013 Garden Judges Training-Steve Poole’s Garden, El Dorado, Il

July 27, 2013 Fall Meeting and Public Sale, U of I Extension, Salem, Il

Sale—8:00 AM –12:00 Noon

Potluck—noon—bring a dish to share

Business meeting followed by members auction-1:00 PM

Mid-Illinois Iris Society (MIIS)

February 25, 2013 Meeting, 7:00 PM, Casey Township Community Center

March 25, 2013 Meeting, 7:00 PM, Casey Township Community Center

April 22, 2013 Meeting, Preparation for Show, 7:00 PM, Casey Township

Community Center

May 4, 2013 Iris Show, Time and Place TBA

August 3, 2013 Public Sale, 8:00 AM-12:00 noon, after noon Club Auction.

September 23, 2013 Meeting and Club Beardless Iris Sale, 7:00 PM, Casey

Township Community Center

October 28, 2013 Meeting, 7:00 PM, Casey Township Community Center

December 7, 2013 Christmas Party, TBA, Casey Township Community Center

Region 9, 2013 Meetings

Spring 2013 meeting, April 6, 2013, Rochester Community Center, Community Meet-

ing Room

Fall 2013 meeting, August 9-10, 2013, Washington Park Botanical Gardens, Spring-

field, Illinois


April 15-20, 2013 Dallas, Texas

April 5-10, 2014 Dallas, Texas

May 25-30, 2015 Portland, Oregon


Region 9 Special Events—Judges Training, Judges updates,

And other Specialized Training

Region 9 Judges Training:


Intermediate, Miniature Dwarf, Standard Dwarf and Border Bearded

Saturday April 13th, 2013, 1:30-3:30PM

Prairie Iris will be sponsoring “IN THE GARDEN” Judges’ training

In the garden of Brian and Carol Davis

1406 Mayfield, Champaign, IL

Training will be conducted by Brian and Carol Davis

Two hours of training for 2 hours of education credit

Per Becky Simon, if you are not able to attend this training and need garden Judges’ train-

ing, Becky can arrange for you to get garden training. Please contact her directly at 630-323-5070.

Garden Judging-Louisiana Iris

Saturday May 18, 2013, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM

Steve Poole’s Gardens, El Dorado, Illinois

Three hours of Garden Judging of Louisiana Irises

Lunch will be Provided

Garden location:

Steve Poole’s

895 Grayson Road

El Dorado, Illinois 62930

Contact Steve at: Cell: 618-841-9670

Logan County Master Gardener

“Garden Education Day” March 9, 2013

9:00 AM—1:00 PM

Lincoln College

Lincoln, Illinois


Minutes, Region 9, American Iris Society (AIS) Meeting

July 28, 2012

Call to Order: Regional Vice President (RVP) Margaret Kelly called the meeting to order at

10:02 am. She recognized the prior RVPs – Chuck Simon, Steve Poole, Orville Dickhaut, Mel-

ody Wilhoit, Jerry Wilhoit, and Ernie Henson.

Secretary’s Report: Margaret reported the minutes were published in the newsletter and asked

for any additions or corrections. There were none. The minutes were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report: John Bilski provided the Treasurer’s report. See attached. Chuck Simon

made a motion to approve the report. Steve Poole seconded the motion. Motion approved and

Treasurer’s report filed for audit.

Committee Reports:

Membership: Margaret reported for Patrick Hayden. There are currently 126 members in Re-

gion 9. Nine of the 126 are youth members and four are e-memberships.

Web Master: Dave Kelly asked for the activities for next year. The attendees were pleased

with the job Dave Kelly is doing.

Youth Chairman: No report.

Judge’s Training: Becky Simon reported activity reports are due August 1. There are 27

judges in Region 9 and as of today, July 28, 2012, she only had 11 reports.

Iris Sale: Chuck Simon reminded everyone of the silent auction in the back of the room. He

acknowledged and thanked those who helped advertise the public sale: Renee Burns – Illinois

Times, Dickhauts – State Journal Register, Dave Miller – State Journal Register – Who, What,

When, Chuck and Becky mailed 106 post cards. Margaret Kelly helped by contacting Master

Gardener’s in Fulton, Peoria, Mason, and Tazwell County,: Peoria Paper: and Pekin Paper.

Washington Park emailed to 300 plus. Chuck Simon said they will get addresses off of the

checks that will be written.

Nominations: Nominations for Region 9 officers are:

RVP Dave Kelly

Assistant RVP Margaret Kelly

Secretary Debra Miller

Treasurer John Bilski

Margaret asked for nominations from the floor. There were none. Ernie Henson made a mo-

tion to accept the slate of officers. Steve Poole seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Reports by Affiliate Presidents:

Northern Illinois: Chuck Simon reported they went ahead with their iris show at the Morton

Arboretum even though their irises were 5 weeks early with bloom before March 27. They had

28 arrangements, 24 stalks of iris, and three laptops showing iris pictures.

Southern Illinois: Ernie Henson reported on their sale. They did not have the traffic and sold

about one fourth of what they normally sell. They made about $300.

Mid Illinois: Ernie Henson reported they will have their public sale and club auction next

week. He asked for donations for their sale.

He also reported they sponsored Garden Judge’s Training on Louisiana iris at Steve Poole’s.

They had lunch in the tent, a spectacular view, and a great program. Steve Poole will have Gar-

den Judge’s Training next year.

Prairie: Jerry Wilhoit reported they cancelled their spring iris show. He also reported their

sale was not as good as normal – about $500. Their next meeting is September 22 at Silver

Creek restaurant.

Sanagamon Valley: Debra Miller reported they cancelled their iris show in February (before

the early bloom season) because a number of members were unable to participate this year.

They are planning to resume their iris shows next year. They did well at their sale – approxi-

mately $1,000. Debra also reported Chuck Simon will be presenting a program on Siberian

Iris in October.

Old Business:

Washington Park Botanical Gardens Membership

Margaret reminded us that membership to Washington Park Botanical Gardens is $9 for a sin-

gle membership and $12 for a couple. Membership is good for admission to participating gar-

dens throughout the United States.

Approved Judges

Margaret reported the list of approved judges for 2012 is on the AIS website.


Margaret reported the following people attended the AIS Convention in Ontario, California:

Dale and Ann Hamblin, Patrick Hemmer and his daughter, /Dave and Debra Miller, Chuck and

Becky Simon, and she and her husband, Dave. She reported that the tour gardens were spread

over miles and that the bloom season was two weeks behind.

Jerry and Melody Wilhoit attended the Louisiana Iris Convention.


Judges Training

Steve Poole went ahead and hosted Louisiana Iris judging in May - earlier than scheduled be-

cause of the early bloom. The training that was scheduled for this year will be held next year

in May.

New Business:

Spring 2013 Meeting

The Spring 2013 meeting will be held Saturday April 6, 2012 at Rochester Community Center,

Rochester Illinois. We will have a potluck. Judges Training will be “Borderline Crazy – Sort-

ing Out Intermediate Bearded and Border Bearded Iris” by Kelly Norris, editor of the AIS pub-

lication “Irises”. There will also be a book signing. Since we are offering a booksigning, there

will be no speaker fee – just mileage. Des Moines to Rochester is 340 miles – round trip 680

miles at 55 cents a mile is $374. Other Regions that could possibly attend are: Region 6, 7, and


Fall 2013 Meeting

Next year’s fall meeting will be August 10, 2013. The Washington Park Botanical Garden has

been reserved for that date. Margaret made the arrangement April 3rd with Alexa Potts and has

received a 2012 schedule this past week and an e-mail confirming this event.

The Hampton has given us special room rate $109.00, normally $129.00.

The agenda is:

Friday – August 9 set up silent auction and public sale

Washington Park Botanical Garden

Saturday before 10:00 am set up public sale – Washington Park Botanical Garden

10:00 am Saturday meeting at Washington Park Botanical Garden

after meeting potluck

1:00 pm Saturday public sale

Chuck Simon made a motion to approve the August 10 date. Dave Miller seconded the motion.

Motion approved.

Symposium Ballot

Margaret reminded everyone the Symposium Ballot is due September 1. Margaret told us she

had ballots if anyone needed them. The paper ballots need to be returned to her. She also in-

formed us that we could vote on-line at the AIS website.


AIS Affiliation

Margaret reported AIS Affiliation reporting will begin October and is due by November 15th.

Affiliation forms are to be completed by each President. Every Affiliate will owe the AIS $25.

2013 National AIS Convention and Louisiana Iris Convention

Next year’s National AIS Convention will be in Addison, Texas (near Dallas) April 15 – 20,

2013. There will be five gardens – one is the Dallas arboretum. The Louisiana Iris Convention

will be the two days after the National Convention.

2013 Siberian Iris Convention

Chuck Simon, President of the Siberian Iris Society reported the Siberian Iris Convention post-

poned from 2012 will be June 7, 8, and 9, 2013 .in Lansing, Michigan, Gardens that will be

participating are: Hollingsworth, Kaufman, Ensata, and Copeland. Jim Copeland will host a

fish fry.


Chuck Simon thanked Margaret for her service as RVP and presented her a retired RVP pin.

Jeannette reported that she had “Basic Iris Culture” for sale for $3.00 each.

Dave Miller made a motion to give Washington Park Botanical Garden $200. Anita Stephens

seconded the motion. After discussion, Steve Poole amended the motion to $250. Anita sec-

onded the motion. Motion carried. .

Motion for Adjournment

Chuck Simon made a motion to adjourn the meeting. John Bilski seconded the motion. Motion


Respectfully submitted by Debra Miller, Region 9 Secretary, February 19, 2013



Editor 61 Laconwood Drive Springfield, Illinois 62712-8727

‘Seedling JJ-17-1’ (Steve Poole 2013) Spuria

(Future name could be ‘Old Abe’)

Visit our website at:


Hope all of you have a GREAT Bloom Season this year!!

I am sure 2013 will be a better year.
