“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Gandhi · AnnuAl report 2010 1 Chair's...


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“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Gandhi

AnnuAl report 2010


Chair's letter.......................................................................................................................................................... 2-3

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 4About Us................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5Vision...................................................................................................................................................................... 6-7Mission.................................................................................................................................................................... 6-7Core Values........................................................................................................................................................... 6-7Our Commitment................................................................................................................................................. 6-7Our Proposal.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-7

2. portugal.............................................................................................................................................................. 8-92.1 Social and Community Intervention ............................................................................................................ 8-9Social Integration of Immigrants......................................................................................................................... 8-9Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.................................................................................. 8-9Cooperation with Canadian NGO PLAN CANADA...................................................................................... 10-11 Fundraising.........................................................................................................................................................11-12National Volunteering.......................................................................................................................................12-132.2 Human Rights Awareness........................................................................................................................... 14-15Citizens of the World Program: Education for HR and Global Citizenship ..................................................14-15Established Partnerships....................................................................................................................................16-17ADDHU Newsletter / Website...........................................................................................................................16-17 ADDHU in the Media.........................................................................................................................................16-17

3. Cooperation for Development..........................................................................................................................183.1 Kenya............................................................................................................................................................ 18-19Wanalea Children's Home................................................................................................................................18-19Foster Parents Program.................................................................................................................................... 20-21Gifts of Hope Program..................................................................................................................................... 20-21Distribution of Food and Other Essential Goods........................................................................................... 20-21Emergency Humanitarian Assistance.................................................................................................................. 22International Volunteering Program..................................................................................................................... 22Development of New Partnerships................................................................................................................. 22-233.2 Nepal................................................................................................................................................................. 23House Rehabilitation Program.............................................................................................................................. 23Gifts of Hope Program........................................................................................................................................... 23International Volunteering Program..................................................................................................................... 23

4. 2011 Activities plan............................................................................................................................................ 25Human Rights Awareness...................................................................................................................................... 25 Cooperation for Development....................................................................................................................... 25-27

5. Financial Statements..................................................................................................................................... 28-35

6. Sponsors and partners.................................................................................................................................. 36-37

Table of Contents


Chair's LetterIn its fourth year of existence, ADDHU has grown and gotten even stronger as an NGOD. In spite of the numerous financial difficulties, that increased throughout the year with a decrease in the num-ber of donors and limited capacity of its human re-sources, ADDHU has achieved, through a spirit of sacrifice that characterizes associations like ours, all the goals set out for 2010.

In Portugal, we developed programs of Hu-man Rights Awareness through lectures in schools;

we started the Citizens of the World Program and established partnerships with three secondary schools of the Lisbon and North regions; we contin-ued our exchange program between Portuguese students and our children in Kenya, as well as part-nerships with town councils, support to foreigner in-tegration, street campaigns and support to actions denouncing the violation of human rights.

In Kenya, we were able to carry out several ren-ovations at the Wanalea Children’s Home, that


has welcomed two more children, with a total of 26 children to this date, that have found there a home, family values, education (with 23 of our children now being able to attend a private school), medical assistance and all the care necessary for their healthy development and a brighter future. We have successfully developed our volunteering program, with a growing number of 14 volunteers that helped the Wanalea Children’s Home and its children throughout the year.

In Nepal, we established a partnership with a small local organization and have followed up on our volunteering program, with a total of 9 volunteers that helped build a house for a widow and her two children.

We also launched our Gifts of Hope Program, allowing us to send hope and development opportunities to Kenya as well as Nepal.

To achieve these actions, ADDHU has spent 134,909 Euros. We raised 128,179 Euros, of which 11,185 came from governmental support for the in-terns working at ADDHU and 116,994 from donations. The number of members has kept on increasing, as well as the number of individual donors, although the number of donor companies has decreased.

Our Foster Parent program has also grown and helped to consolidate the sustainability of our action. All these indicators reveal the success of ADDHU actions and the support of the common citizen and some companies.

All this work was made possible thanks to the gen-erosity of all those who supported and trusted us! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

We have done much and intend to do much more. Despite the many difficulties and the difficult times we are living, our determination gives us the strength to continue fighting for a better world. In order to make this happen, we are counting on your help.

Laura VasconcellosChair and Founder of ADDHU


TransparencyWe report to our

members, partners, donors and the gen-

eral population.

responsibility Our projects are eco-nomically viable and

socially fair.

JusticeWe guarantee the

protection of Human Rights to our benefi-


Political and religious Independence

We take action with or without the sup-

port and sympathy of political and religious


solidarityWe provide as-

sistance in Nepal, Kenya and to the

Portuguese people, without regard to


respect for Human rights and

Human DignityOur actions know

neither borders nor discriminations, we

reach out to all in an equal manner.


ABout uSADDHU - Association for the Defense of Human Rights - is a Non-Governmental Organization for Development, of international status and with no political or religious orientation. We de-velop projects of Education for Human Rights, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance, both at national and international level, namely in Kenya and Nepal, where we support orphan and vulnerable children, families and disadvantaged communities that live in extreme poverty, by improving their living conditions and promoting their development.

ADHHU was founded in 2006 by Laura Vasconcellos, a writer and university teacher who, after a trip to Burma, decided to answer the ap-peal of the local population: "be our voice out-side". We believe that development cooperation and humanitarian assistance are the first step, of

vital importance, in the defense of human rights and human dignity. All our actions and interventions are planned not in a merely assistencialist perspective, but in a perspective of empowerment of the populations we assist, creating the conditions for a sustainable and lasting development. In order to achieve this, we work in close partnership with the communities we help, always aware of their needs, for we believe the best solutions lie within the people and their communities and that these partnerships are fundamental for the success of our projects as well as to create solutions that will allow, in an effective way, a positive long-term change. This partnership approach allows us to reach our main goal: to teach communities to be self-reliant and make it on their own.


1. Introduction

our MISSIonTo provide assistance to children and families in need, while promoting the sustainable develop-ment of the communities we assist, as well as to develop and promote global citizenship aware-ness within the Portuguese population, namely the youth.

our VISIonOur vision is a world where every human being, without regard to race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other views, national or social origin, wealth, birth or any other situation, fully enjoys the rights set forth in the Universal Declara-tion of Human Rights.

our CoMMItMentTo ensure that the funds received are duly applied to the ADDHU projects and activities, according to

the values guiding our Actions. To plan all our field interventions not in a merely assistencialist perspective, but in a perspective of empower-ment of local populations, thus promoting the sustainable development of these populations, in respect of the Millennium Development Goals established by the UN.

our propoSAlTo continue the consolidation of ADDHU as an NGDO. To consolidate the ongoing projects and implement new ones. To continue to favor the partnership approach.


1. Introduction





• 2nd Fundraising seminar of Call to Action, on March

17th 2010

• Training session in Project Cycle Management

organized by the Portuguese NGDO

Platform, between June 14th and July 8th

• Training session in Project Evaluation

organized by the Portuguese NGDO

Platform, September 20th to 24th

2. Portugal2.1 SoCIAl AnD CoMMunIty InterVentIon

social Integration of ImmigrantsThe immigrants’ inclusion process in Portugal is still a concern for ADDHU, whose goal is to raise awareness in the host population towards the issues affecting this group.

Through a partnership with the Association of Portugal Nepal Friendship (AAPN),ADDHU was able to offer its volunteers travelling to Nepal Nepalese language and culture classes, given by members of the AAPN, inorder to allow them to better adapt to the new culture they were about to encounter.

In 2010, ADDHU pursued another goal, allow-ing access to Portuguese classes to the Nepal-ese population, but with a new goal, yet to be achieved: the possibility for the students to re-ceive a certification at the end of the course.

Participation in Conferences, seminars and workshopsIn 2010, ADDHU participated in conferences, semi-nars and workshops related both to Cooperation for Development and Education for Development.

Through these initiatives, ADDHU not only wishes to obtain more theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience through contact with oth-er NGDO's and institutions with similar goals. The participation to such events is also fundamental for the education of ADDHU experts, allowing them to further develop their professional abilities.



2. PortugalCooperation with Canadian ngO PLAn CAnADAIn 2010, ADDHU maintained the cooperation with the Canadian NGO Plan Canada, through the sponsoring of children, in the framework of the Foster Parents Plan of this institution.

FundraisingADDHU still bets and believes in a fundraising plan associated to a full transparency regarding its work and the way these funds are used.

In this framework, constant attention is given to allow, particularly to people who help ADDHU's work in many different ways, a proximity and follow-up of their actions in the field.

• ADDHU SoliDArity lineThe Solidarity Line is still part of the ADDHU fundrais-ing plan. In 2010, ADDHU invested in an advertising campaign that increased the number of phone

calls made by supporters. Through one phone call to the number 760 300

130, priced at 0,60€ plus VAT, the ADDHU support-ers and followers can, in a simple way, help the Association carry out its goals and projects.

• CAmpAign to reCrUit new memberS ADDHU has always believed that the "ordinary citizen" must play a fundamental role in the actions carried out by the association. Gathering more members and foster parents was thus a constant concern of ADDHU throughout 2010.

By the end of the year, ADDHU had approximately 265 actual members, 65 more than in 2009. A page was created on the ADDHU website, which allows anyone to subscribe to a membership online, as well as the payment of membership fees through the Easypay online payment method.


donated to ADDHU by ELEC3CiTY.

• reggAe UniteD 2010 meeting On September 25th, 2010, a national meeting of reggae culture took place in Portugal, in the old military barracks of Linda-a-Velha. Besides live music and other initiatives, this event allowed some associations to be present and show their work.

ADDHU had a booth at the event where it divulged its work and organized a fundraising cam-paign.

- el Corte ingléS In 2010, the availability shown by El Corte Inglés in Lisbon, allowing ADDHU to carry out fundraising campaigns in its space, was fundamental.

This year, a fundraising campaign was org-


• FUnDrAiSing CAmpAignSThrough the fundraising campaigns, not only does ADDHU wish to raise more means to carry out its projects, but also to use these moments to divulge its projects and develop human rights awareness.

Campaigns carried on

• bob mArley 65tH b-DAy CelebrAtionOn February 6th, 2010, at the Sá da Bandeira Theater, in the city of Oporto, a big reggae concert was organized in tribute to Bob Marley.

Part of the profits of the concert was allocated for ADDHU projects.

• moStrArteS 2010 On June 19th, 2010, ADDHU promoted a fundraising campaign within the Mostrartes 2010 Initiative, first art and culture exhibition, that took place at the LX Factory in Lisbon.

During such initiatives, ADDHU has exhibited craftwork from Nepal and Kenya, where it has ongoing projects, which visitors may buy for a certain donation, previously agreed on.

• love bellieSADDHU was present at the 4th edition of Love Bellies, that took place in the Parque dos Poetas, in Oeiras, on July 1st.

During the event, ADDHU had an exhibition of craftwork from Kenya and Nepal, as well as some pictures and images of its projects.

Together with the organization of the event, ADDHU also promoted a small contest, through which each winner received a baby stroller. In to-tal, ADDHU gave away 4 strollers from the 74 strollers

Linha SoLidária addhU

ADDHUAssociação de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos

760 300 130(Custo de cada chamada: 0,60€ + IVA dos quais 0,48€ revertem directamente em favor da ADDHU e das crianças do Quénia)


Ajude as nossas crianças a sorrir! Ligue já e contribua! Porque um pequeno gesto pode fazer toda a diferença!

2. Portugalanized at this location during the month of July. This campaign also helped raise a few goods, namely hygiene products, to be given to the Association Mother Help (Ajuda de Mãe).

national VolunteeringIn 2010, ADDHU invested in building a team of national volunteers that can support ADDHU in several areas, such as design, computing or fundraising.

By the end of 2010, ADDHU had more than 30 volunteers in its database, from which 7 are actually helping the association, namely in areas such as secretarial work, design, video editing and translation.



ADDHU wAs PresenT AT THe FOLLOwIng COnFerenCes AnD


• Presentation of the education for

Development national strategy, carried out by the

Portuguese Institute for Support to

Development (IPAD) on April 22nd

• Conference "refugees and

Health", organized by the Immigration and Health Group (GIS), on May 25th

at the ISCTE

• International Conference

on social responsibility of Companies, organized by the European Commission in

Portugal, on May 28th at the Belém

Cultural Centre

• Participative Assembly

(Participatory Budget 2009/2010)

organized by the Lisbon Town Council on June 16th, at the

Social Services Auditorium of the

Lisbon Town Council

• Conference "today the Children,

tomorrow the World", organized by AIDGlobal on

June 29th




• Conference about Volunteering at the

Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon, on

February 25th

• Work lunch of the European Commission in Lisbon, on March 3rd

•Conference "Human Rights, poverty and

politics" organized by Secondary School Dr. Mário Sacramento, on

May 17th

• Conference "Gender Equality in Society and Work"

organized by Kriscer Igualdade on May 28th, 2010, at the

Portugal Pavilion in Coimbra

2. Portugal2.2 HuMAn rIGHtS AWAreneSS

Human Rights Awareness is still one of the major areas of action for ADDHU, namely with the youth.

ADDHU believes that starting with the education of younger people is the best way to reap the best "fruits", thus creating citizens that are informed, tolerant, aware, solidary and responsible.

ADDHU's regular Newsletter service, together with social networks, namely Facebook, were essential to divulge news on Human Rights as well as all the work carried out by ADDHU this year.

The launch of ADDHU's new website, more modern and updated, and with a new organization, was also essential to enable a better information service for all who like to follow up on ADDHU's work.

Citizens of the World Program: Education for Human rights and global Citizenship

2010 was the year that saw the consolidation of the project "Citizens of the World", created in 2009.

Through this project, ADDHU intends to be closer to the younger population, visiting schools to work continuously throughout the school year with the students and teachers on the Defense of Human Rights.

Partnership protocols were signed with a few schools, namely with the Secondary School Profes-sor Reynaldo dos Santos, in Vila Franca de Xira, and with the Secondary Schools of Lixa and Amarante.

ADDHU also launched a challenge to some schools that participated with enthusiasm, related to a campaign aiming to collect sanitary pads.


2. PortugalSome schools also took the initiative to organize events to support ADDHU, in order to raise funds and divulge its projects. Among these initiatives, we would like to point out the Secondary School Dr. Augusto da Silva Ferreira, in Rio Maior: the students spontaneously organized a fundraising ending with a ceremony where those funds were given to ADDHU after the students presented ADDHU's work to the participants.

Schools that cooperated with ADDHU in 2010• Secondary School professor reynaldo dos Santos• Amarante Secondary School • lixa Secondary School• Secondary School Dr. Augusto César da Silva Ferreira, rio Maior • School Infante D. pedro de penela• Castêlo da Maia Secondary School• Secondary School Dr. Mário Sacramento, Aveiro• Mangualde Secondary School


established Partnerships

• projeCt 1 eUro mAkeS tHe DiFFerenCeThrough this project, ADDHU is, once again, trying to appeal to the social responsibility of civil society.

This project is based on a cooperation agreement between ADDHU and a determined service-giving business, that determines that the latter agrees to include 1 Euro on each bill (with previous consent of its clients), that reverts to ADDHU's projects.

At the end of each month, the business delivers the total dontion to ADDHU.In 2010, the main businesses to participate to the initiative were restaurants.

• ngDo portUgUeSe plAtFormADDHU became a member of the Platform in August 2009, and has taken up its responsibilities as a member, namely by participating in the General As-semblies and initiatives carried on by the Platform.

• ASSoCiAtion oF portUgAl nepAl FrienDSHipIn the framework of the Social Integration of Immigrants project, ADDHU has established since 2009 a partner-ship with the Association of Portugal Nepal Friendship. This partnership's main goal is to offer to a class made up by elements of the Lisbon Nepalese community the possibility to attend Portuguese classes that will make their integration easier.

In 2010, members of this association gave Nep-alese classes to ADDHU volunteers before their departure to Nepal on a mission.

• motHer Help (AjUDA De mãe)In 2010, ADDHU established a partnership with the Association Mother Help (Ajuda de Mãe). The partnership set off with ADDHU's gift of several strollers to the mothers and children supported by this association. In total, ADDHU gave to Moth-er Help (Ajuda de Mãe) approximately 35 of the 74 strollers donated to ADDHU by ELEC3CiTY.

ADDHU also delivered to Mother Help Association some hygiene products for mothers and babies, collected during a fundraising campaign at El Corte Inglés, as well as some medicine, namely Vitamin C, donated to ADDHU by a pharmacy.

• City CoUnCil oF oeirASOf the 74 strollers donated to ADDHU by ELEC3CiTY, 35 strollers were offered to the City Council of Oeiras, to be distrib-uted to mothers of the area in vulnerable situations.

• internAtionAl internSHipSSince the beginning, ADDHU has integrated interns, both curricular and professional, in its team. ADDHU considers that these internships are a valuable as-set not only for the interns themselves but also for the ADDHU team, by offering an exchange of experiences.

ADDHU has worked with Portuguese interns as well as many interns from other countries. In order to make these international internships happen, the partnerships established by ADDHU with inter-national entities are fundamental. In 2010, ADDHU welcomed three International Interns thanks to these partnerships. Entities:• university of Bologna;• university of Antwerp;• euroyoutH portugal;• ConFeBASK - Basque entreprises Confederation

ADDHU Newsletter / WebsiteIn order to maintain the transparency that char-acterizes us, we continue to make the information about the activities developed by the Association available through our website (www.addhu.org) and our Newsletter.

Through the new ADDHU website, we seek to give better information about us, our goals and our phi-losophy to the interested parties. All activities de-veloped in the past or still to be developed are also included on the website. The main goal of this web-

site is to promote the association and share informa-tion. The Newsletter is released on a monthly basis and is an essential mean to alert all the subscribers about all issues involving Human Rights: violations, progresses, investigations and other news related to this subject matter.

ADDHU in the mediaDuring 2010, ADDHU had some exposure in the media, namely:• Interview on Antena 1 about the situation in Burma • participation to a radio show about the celebration of the abolition of slavery• praça da Alegria rtp1• portugal no Coração rtp1• tv Show etnias rtp2


3. Cooperation for Development3.1 In KenyA

In 2010, ADDHU's action in Kenya was, once again, focused on the orphanage, now with a new name: Wanalea Children's Home - Foster Home for Orphan and Abandoned Children.

ADDHU travelled to Kenya on 3 occasions, to coordinate the orphanage's functioning as well as other ADDHU projects in the country, and to launch new cooperation for development programs and to analyze the field for new projects.

During these trips to Kenya, ADDHU distributed food and essential goods, such as sanitary pads, namely in the Kitui Ndogo slum and the rural area of Kisii.

ADDHU also continued to provide support to the orphan children of the Wanalea Centre and the slums, through its Foster Parents Program.

wanalea Children's Home 2010 saw great improvements at the Wanalea Children's Home, with even higher quality standards in the services offered to the resident children. This project has been met with great success.

After 2 years of waiting, ADDHU has finally managed to obtain recognition and the orphanage's certification as a Charitable Children’s Institution, delivered by the Kenyan Government authorities (Social Services department, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development). This document accredits the Foster Home as an institution that respects and complies with all the quality standards demanded by the Government, and recommends it for eventual financing from other organizations. ADDHU now also benefits from the support of the Kenyan Ministry of Health, which



has been supplying medicines and vaccines to the Children of the Wanalea Centre.

In 2010, the number of fostered children went from 24 to 26, with the arrival of Hilda Ongera in March 2010 and of Bessy Gakii in October 2010. This last girl was entrusted to us by the Social Services Depart-ment of the Kenyan Government. This shows a sign of trust and the recognition of the fine work that is developed for the children.

Important progress was also made regarding human resources. We reinforced and consolidated our team of local employees, hiring a new director with training in management and accounting, and a social worker to give the psycho-social support these children need. We also welcomed 2 Portuguese interns at the Centre, who were placed there through the Inov Mundus Internship program, and stayed

until end of November 2010.ADDHU also focused on training for the

Wanalea Centre employees, in order to allow a better management of the Centre, a better support for the children that live there and to decrease project monitoring and supervisionexpenses, giving greater autonomy to the local employees and thus reducing the need for the ADDHU team to work in the field and the costs of project monitoring and evaluation.

New project evaluation procedures were also introduced, based on participative and inclusive methods that allow all Wanalea employees and children to intervene and participate actively in the management of the centre and the decision-making process. A procedures manual for the Centre was also created.

2010 was also marked by important and sig-nificant improvements regarding the resident children's physical conditions of housing and ac-commodation. New bathrooms were built and renewed, a water-cistern was installed to bridge the frequent lack of water in the main system, the house was painted and a new fridge bought, etc. The improvement work carried out during 2010 amounted to approximately 6,000 Euros. These funds came mainly from donations made by volunteers that travel to Kenya. A new weekly menu was also introduced, providing a healthy and bal-anced diet to the children, and 5 daily meals.

Regarding schooling, the decision was made to send the Wanalea Children to a school outside of the Centre from September 2010, allowing them to have access to a high quality education and to socialize with other children, which we consider essential for their healthy development. In September 2010, 18 of the 26 children of the Wanalea Home started attending the Thorn Tree School in Ongata Rongai. In December 2010, 6 more children were enrolled, with only 3 children of the 26 left to attend classes at the Centre. ADDHU decided to keep a teacher at the Centre to give classes to these 3 little girls, as well as to provide school support to those who attend the school outside the Centre, helping them with their homework.

Foster Parents ProgramIn 2010, the Foster Parent Program was maintained, and now supports children of the Kitui Ndogo and Soweto slums, the children of Kisii rural area as well as the children from the Wanalea Foster Home.


3. Cooperation for DevelopmentIn 2010, ADDHU supported 8 children from the Kitui

Ndogo slum through the Foster Parents Program. As for the children of the Wanalea Centre, by the end of 2010 ADDHU had registered 94 Foster processes - 8 from FOC and 86 at the Wanalea Centre.

The Foster Parents Program, of vital importance for the orphanage's sustainability, allowed us to raise approximately 50,000 Euros in one year. The program is slowly expanding, with the number of foster processes going from 66 in 2009 to 94 in 2010.

This project is still the main source of stable and regular income that allows the Wanalea Children's Home to function and further develop.

Distribution of Food and Other essential goodsIn 2010, approximately 2,500 packs of sanitary pads, collected by ADDHU volunteers during awareness campaigns and donated by the company Renova, were distributed to young girls and women of the

Nairobi slums and other disadvantaged areas. Renova has played an active role each year

through the donation of packs of sanitary pads. Pfizer donated 25 bottles of Centrum Junior to

ADDHU, to help the children's growth and to compensate previous nutritional weaknesses. Clothes, school material and medicine have also been regularly donated to ADDHU by individuals.

Colgate also donated around 70 oral hygiene kits for children, including a toothbrush and toothpaste. These kits were delivered to the children of the Wanalea Centre.

Throughout the year 2010, food was distributed in the Kitui Ndogo and Soweto slums on several occasions. In total, approximately 100 liters of milk, 100 kg of maize flour and 50 kg of beans were distributed in the Kitui Ndogo slum and deliv-ered to approximately 50 families in need, and 180 liters of milk and more than 100 kg of oat-


meal were delivered to around 100 children of the Soweto slum.

emergency Humanitarian AssistanceThroughout 2010, ADDHU intervened once again in cases of humanitarian emergency, namely health-care situations, by financing a C-section for a young mother of the Kitutu Community in Kisii, whose life was in danger and who needed a surgical interven-tion to safely deliver her child.

International Volunteering ProgramTwo years after the start of the International Volun-teering program in Kenya, we can assert that it has been very successful and of vital importance for the development and success of ADDHU's projects in Kenya. In 2010, a total of 14 volunteers were sent to Kenya, 3 more than in 2009.

The volunteers were accommodated at the

carry out an evaluation of the already implement-ed projects and of their impact on the supported community, as well as to reinforce and create new partnerships with local institutions.

House rehabilitation Program The Nepalese House Rehabilitation Program, which began in 2007 in the rural area of Chitwan, still has 8 families on the waiting list, one less than in 2009.

In 2010, we were able to restart the House Reha-bilitation Program in Nepal, with the construction of one more house belonging to a family of the village of Sharampur, in the Chitwan region.

This family has 3 members - the widowed mother and her two small children - that used to live in ex-treme poverty conditions, in an extremely rundown small shack, that did not shelter them from bad weather, the reason why the children were often sick.



At the end of October 2010, the Gifts of Hope Program was launched in Kenya, with the first gifts delivered to their beneficiaries in November and December 2010. The program has been very successful and the follow-ing gifts were delivered in Kenya in 2010:

• 2 cows • 7 mosquito nets • 74 packs of sanitary pads• 1 vaccine for typhoid fever and 6 vaccines for hepa-titis B• 1 School kit• School fees for 4 children, 3 from pre-school and 1 from secondary school• 1 children vitamins jar• 10 bath kits (soaps and towels)• 8 oral hygiene kits• 1 school uniform• 2 happy child kits (coloring pencils and book and a toy)

In total, around 1,500 Euros were raised for Kenya through this program, which were used to buy these Gifts of Hope and to divulge the program, namely by printing catalogues and recognition certificates.

Thanks to the implementation of this program in the Kitutu community in Kisii, together with actions and in-terventions against Female Genital Mutilation, ADDHU was able to significantly reduce the number of little girls submitted each year to this practice: in 2009, 8 in every 10 girls were "cut"; in 2010, only 6 in every 10 girls were subjected to genital mutilation.

3. Cooperation for Development


Wanalea Centre, and were actively involved in the centre's programs. Their everyday life was spent in the company of the children, in order to offer them the necessary emotional and psychological support, and to teach them various arts and crafts, as well as Portuguese language and culture, thus strengthen-ing the affective bond between them.

Development of new PartnershipsIn December 2010, ADDHU signed a partnership agreement with a Kenyan NGO working in the Soweto slum in Nairobi, A God's Vision for Africa, thus achieving one of ADDHU's main goals: to work in close partnership with the communities we support, so as to make our help more efficient and pertinent and to teach the communities to make it on their own. More than 20 children were enrolled in the Wanalea Foster Parents Program and approximately 15 beneficiaries were selected for the Gifts of Hope Program.

3.2 In nepAl

ADDHU works in the rural areas of Chitwan and the Kathmandu Valley, in Nepal, with the goal of sup-porting the communities of these areas, living in extreme poverty. Through the volunteer missions and the sponsor and assistance for development programs, our action is aimed at the following main goals: to improve the living conditions of the disadvantaged populations of the Chitwan re-gion, namely women and children; to promote the development of rural areas; to contribute to the decrease of poverty and food insecurity.

The local coordinator provides assistance with the same transparency as in any other project, and members of the ADDHU team usually travel to Nepal on a yearly basis so as to control directly the assistance given and the application of funds.

In June 2010, the ADDHU teal travelled to Nepal to

The construction was finalized in November 2010 and was carried out with the help of ADDHU's international volunteers, who also gathered to generously buy some furniture for the house.

In total, the expenses of this program amounted to approximately 2,000 Euros, through donations made by the volunteers going on a mission to Nepal.

International Volunteering ProgramThe International Volunteering Project in Nepal has been active for two years and, as in Kenya, has been quite successful. In 2010, 14 volunteers were sent to Nepal, whereas only 9 volunteers participated in the program in 2009.

The volunteers were accommodated by local families of the Sharampur community in the Chitwan region, and provided direct assistance to the local school and community, as well as participated in the construction of houses.



The Gifts of Hope Program was also launched in Nepal, with the first gifts delivered to their beneficiaries in November and December 2010. Here too the program was very successful and the following gifts were delivered in 2010:

• 2 goats • 9 hens and 3 roosters•1 farming kit (agricultural implements, seeds and fertilizer)• 2 school kits

In total, around 500 Euros were raised for Nepal through this program, which were used to buy these Gifts of Hope and to divulge the program, namely by printing catalogues and recognition certificates.


4. 2011 Activities PlanHuMAn rIGHtS AWAreneSS

• Continuation of the Newsletter service and com-munication through the ADDHU website and social networks such as Facebook. • Creation of a page on the ADDHU website containing articles on Human Rights.• Revival of the play "Innocent Silence".• Organization of a small Human Rights Film Festival, in partnership with Inatel and Amnesty International.• Reinforcement of partnerships with schools, in the framework of the Citizens of the World Program, as well as with Universities and other Institutions, with the main goal of raising awareness on issues related to Human Rights as well as promoting the participation and civic involvement. • Follow-up and development of the Citizens of the World Project and of the work already in place

with several Secondary Schools in Lisbon.• Information campaigns directed to the general public, in public locations and in the streets.• Further training for the ADDHU team.• Continuation and reinforcement of Fundraising campaigns, namely the ADDHU Solidarity Line with institutional publicity adverts.• Continuation and reinforcement of national volunteering.

CooperAtIon For DeVelopMent KenyA

• Continuation and further development of the Wanalea Children's Home, further improving the children's living conditions, namely on an educational level, and welcoming 4 more orphan children.


4. 2011 Activities Plan• Guaranteeing Wanalea Children's Home sustainability through the implementation of profit generating activities that revert directly to the Centre.• Continuation and development of the Wanalea Foster Parents Program, gathering more foster parents, namely for the slum children.• Promoting contact between foster parents and foster children through the internet. • Continuation and development of the Gifts of Hope Program through regular campaigns such as “Gift of the Month”.• Continuation and reinforcement of local partnerships with AID Kenya Foundation, FOC and GVA.• Completion and presentation to several Offi-cial Portuguese and Foreign Organisms, as well as Foundations, of the following projects:

Creation, in partnership with AID Kenya Foundation and the Kitutu Community Development Association, of a training centre for teenage mothers.

Creation, in partnership with GVA, of a school food program for the Soweto slum children.

• Execution of 3 annual distributions of food in the Soweto and Kitui Ndogo slums. • Continuation of the collection and donation of sanitary pads.• Implementation of a program to collect and send school materials. • Continuation and development of the International Volunteering Program in Kenya, focused on the work at the Wanalea Centre, with a priority given to the teaching of Portuguese Language and Culture.


CooperAtIon For DeVelopMent nepAl

• Continuation of fundraising campaign for the House Rehabilitation Program for families living in extreme poverty.• Implementation of the Nepalese children spon-soring SAHAYAK program. • Remodeling and continuation of the Interna-tional Volunteering Program in Nepal, now with a fixed calendar for groups of 7 volunteers at a time, whose work will be focused on the construction of houses and classrooms. • Continuation and reinforcement of the partner-ship with the association Ahead Nepal.• Continuation and development of the Gifts of Hope Program.• Creation of a community farm for the Sharam-pur Community, which will benefit more than 16 families.


5. Financial Statements


ADDHU  –  Associação  Defesa  dos  Direitos  Humanos      


 AT  31/12/2010  

(All  amounts  in  Euros)   2010   2009  

Notes   ASSETS          

3   Bank  deposits   11.688   17.625  

    Total  cash  and  banks   11.688   17.625  

         Accounts  receivable  Fixed  assets,  net  


64  5.000  128  

    Total  assets   11.752   22.753  

   LIABILITIES        Creditors      4.712      6.914    

    Total  Liabilities     4.712   6.914  

2,3   NET  ASSETS          

  Net  assets   7.039   15.839  

    Total  Net  Assets   7.039   15.839  

2,3   Total  Liabilities  and  Net  Assets   11.752   22.753        

The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  this  statement


 ADDHU  –  Associação  Defesa  dos  Direitos  Humanos  



FOR  THE  PERIOD  ENDED  AT  31/12/2010  

(All  amounts  in  Euros)   2010   2009  

Notes:   Operational:          

   Received  from:          Contributions  and  Donations   121.995   84.596  


       Subsidies          Other  


21.496          1.725  

    Total       133.179   107.817  

           Paid  to:          

    Suppliers  of  Goods  and  Services   (102.243)   (64.309)  

    Payroll      (35.650)   (32.486)  

  Total     (137.893)   (96.795)         Financial   (1.223)   (2.237)  

    Changes  in  Cash  and  Banks   (5.937)   8.786  


Cash  and  Banks:              Initial  balance            Final  balance  

 17.625  11.688  

 8.839  17.625  

 3   Restricted  deposits   0   0  

  Unrestricted  cash  and  banks   11.688   17.625        

The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  this  statement    

5. Financial Statements


 ADDHU  –  Associação  Defesa  dos  Direitos  Humanos  



(All  amounts  in  Euros)   2010   2009  



1,2   Donations,  contributions  and  subsidies   128.179   121.363  

    Total   128.179   121.363  


3   Payroll   35.650   32.486  

    Goods  and  Services   99.529   70.209  

    Depreciation   64   430  

    Taxes     83  

    Financial   1.223   2.154  

    Other   513   162  

    Total   136.979   105.524  

    Net  Assets  for  the  year   (8.800)   15.839  

                 Opening  balance   15.839   0  

                 Ending  balance   7.039   15.839      

 The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  this  statement


 ADDHU  –  Associação  Defesa  dos  Direitos  Humanos  


(All  amounts  in  Euros)   2010   2009  NEPAL              

Construction  material       4.237   1.135  Travel,  accommodation  and  project  control       100   1.240  

Total   4.337   2.375  KENYA              

Transportation  of  materials       575   505  Material  for  orphanage       69.727   53.483  Public  Health  Material       4.332      Travel,  accommodation  and  project  control       4.784   4.401  Payroll       9.537      Other       1.800   147  

Total   90.755   58.536  CITIZENS  OF  THE  WORLD  CAMPAIGN            

Travel  and  accomodation     1.725   0  Payroll     10.053   0  

Total   11.778   0  HUMAM  RIGHTS  INITIATIVES            

Black  and  White         511  Art  for  Human  Rights         1.524  

Total   0   2.035  CHILDREN  SPONSORING            

Sponsoring     2   728  Total   2   728  

FUNDRAISING  ACTIVITIES            Advertising       179      Payroll       9.580      

Total   9.759   0  GENERAL  AND  ADMINISTRATION            

Payroll     6.480   32.486  Office  material     4.100   2.079  Communications     384   1.745  Travel  and  accommodations     438   2.366  Depreciation     64   430  Bank  charges     3.674   2.156  Fees     2.900   311  Publicity     2.200   0  Other     108   280  

Total   20.348   41.853  TOTAL   136.979   105.527  


The  accompanying  notes  are  an  integral  part  of  this  statement    

5. Financial Statements



5. Financial Statements


1 - Bases de PreparationThe financial statements were prepared in accor-dance with Portuguese Legislation (Decree-Law 158/2009 of July 13) and amendments defined in the Declaração de Rectificação nº 67-B/2009 from September 11 and Lwa nº 20/2010 from August 23, using generally accepted accounting principles for profit organizations as defined in the Sistema de normalização Contabilistica - SnC. There are no rules defined for non-profit organizations.

In order to present the information more co- rrectly, this set of financial statements were adjust-ed based on the principles specified by “FASB 116 - Accounting for Contributions Received and Con-tribuitions Made”, “FASB 117 - Financial Statements of Non-for-Provit Organizations” (established by the “Financial Accounting Statements Board” and SOP 98-2 “Accounting for Costs of Activities of Not-for-Profit Organizations and State and Local Govern-mental Entities That Include Fund-Raising” (estab-lished by the AICPA - “American Institute of Certified Public Accountants”).

2 - Changes in accounting principlesIn 2010, as a result of the adoption of IFRS in the Portuguese framework (SNC), some important changes in accounting principles were introduced, of which the following are the main differences: - Extraordinary results: this category no longer exists and expenses are recorded based on their nature. - Deferred assets: research and development ex-penses are not deferred as assets. The changes introduced had no effect on the 2009 financial statements.

3 - Revenue recognitionDonations and contributions are recorded when re-

ceived. In-kind donations are recorded based on the invoice cost procided by the donors. There are no donations or contributions whose use is restricted by the donors.

4- Payroll expenses and subsidiesIn accordance with ADDHU statutes, direction per-sonnel are not entitled to renumeration. ADDHU and IEFP (the Portuguese Institute for Training and Employ-ment) established an agreement under which IEFP supports part of the renumeration of ADDHU's staff.

During 2010, ADDHU received a total subsidies amounting to 1.202.280 KES (2.310.820 KES in 2009).

5- Taxes On the 7 of January 2010, in the sequence of the request made taking into consideration the statute of Non Governemental Development Organization(NGDO), ADDHU was granted tax ex-emption since the year of 2007.

noteS to tHe FinAnCiAl StAtementS For tHe yeAr enDeD 31 oF DeCember oF 2010

Salaries and wagesProfessional InternshipsInsuranceMeal allowancesTrainingTotalLess - IEFP subsidies











6. Sponsors


Durante the year of 2010, ADDHU was supported by several companies and institutions that contributed for the continuity and development of our projects, whether by giving cash or in-kind donations, by pro-

viding services or equipments, or by giving their time to help our NGO. To our sponsors and partners, thank you for giving the precious gift oh hope to those who are most in need!


