जन जागरूकता ई-संवाद प -...


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  • ��य पाठक�,

    कुडनकुलम न् य�ूक्लयर पॉवर �ोजेक् ट म� अगस् त 2018 के दौरान केके स् थल म�

    स् वच् छता �ाप् त करने एवं ह�र त �वकास के उ�ेश् य से स् वच् छता पखवाड़ा

    मनाया गया। पढ़कर आन�ंदत ह�…

    अध् यक्ष, जन जागरूकता सिमित

    कुल उत् पा�दत �व�ुत इकाई 27,934 िमिलयन यूिनट

    केकेएनपीपी �ारा कुल CO2 उत् सजर्न म� कमी23,994,945


    नोट: कोयल ेएवं नािभक�य ऊजार् के औसत जीवन च� �ीन हाउस गैस उत् सजर्न �मश: 888 एव ं29 (टन/गीगावाट घंटा) है।

    जलवाय ु प�रवतर्न आज व�ै�क पयार्वरण म�ु� म� सवार्िधक महत् वपणूर् है। नािभक�य �व�तु न् यनूतम काबर्न �ौ�ोिग�कय� म� से एक है जो बढ़ती हुई आबाद� एवं सामा�जक-आिथर्क �वकास के िलए �व�तु उत् पादन करते हुए �ीन हाउस गैस� (जीएचजी) के उत् सजर्न (अिधकतर CO2) म� कमी लाती है।CO2 के उत् सजर्न म� कमी लाने म� केकेएनपीपी का योगदान (�दनांक 31 अगस् त 2018 को) अब तक इस �कार है।

    अगस् त 2018 के �विशष् ट �बंदु

    केकेएनपीपी का जलवायु प�रवतर्न के न् यूनकरण म� योगदान



    20, 443 जन जागरूकता �काशन �वत�रत �कए गए।3


    1556 घंट� का जन संपकर् , 3,242 लोग� से संपकर् ।

    केकेएनपीपी स् थल पर 20 और स् थल के बाहर 7 जन सपंकर् कायर्�म आयो�जत �कए गए।

    4 1157 जन जागरूकता टो�पयां �वत�रत क� गई।

    तयैारकतार् एव ंसपंादक:

    के.बी. जाशी, �भार� अिधकार�, ट�एलड� �योगशाला kbjashi@kknpp.com

    पनुर�क्षणकतार् :

    पी. पण् डारम, सदस् य सिचव, जन जागरूकता सिमितppandaram@kknpp.com

    आर.एस. सावंत, �िशक्षण अधीक्षक एव ंअध् यक्ष, जन जागरूकता सिमित rssawant@kknpp.com


    सरेुश कुमार �पल् ल,ै केन् � िनदेशक, केकेएनपीपी स् थल

    जन जागरूकता ई-सवंाद प�कुडनकुलम न् यू�क्लयर पॉवर �ोजेक् ट

    अगस् त 2018 अकं – 74

    इस अंक म�:

    नािभक�य समाचार

    नािभक�य नारे

    माह के दौरान पीए गित�विधयां

    �वशेष आलेख

    नािभक�य सामान् य ज्ञान

    तकनीक� स�

    नािभक�य आकंड़ा कोश

    शब् दकोश

    जनता का �वचार

  • Public Awareness e-NewsletterKudankulam Nuclear Power Project

    August 2018 Issue – 74

    Dear Readers,Swachhta Pakhwada was observed during August 2018at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project with the aim ofachieving cleanliness and green development at KK site.Happy read on…

    Source: en.wikipedia.org

    -Chairm an, PA Com m it tee

    Scientific classificationKingdom: Animalia Phylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrder: CoraciiformesFamily: Meropidae

    Genus: Merops

    Species: M. persicus

    Binomial name:Merops persicus

    In this issue:

    Photography by Mr Kvasha A.V.Former Deputy Head of Russian

    Specialist at KKNPP Site

    Public voiceTechnical session

    Nuclear Database

    Nuclear NewsNuclear Slogan

    PA activity during the month

    Feature article

    Nuclear Trivia


    No.of units of electricity generated

    27,934Million Units

    Total CO2 emissions avoided by KKNPP


    Note: Average lifecycle GHG emissions for Coal &Nuclear is 888 & 29 (tonnes/GWh) respectively.

    Climate change is the foremost globalenvironmental issue today. Nuclear power isone of the low carbon technologies that cancontribute to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions (mostly CO2) while generatingelectricity for growing populations andsocioeconomic development. KKNPPscontribution in preventing the CO2 emissions tillnow (As on Aug 31, 2018) is given below.

    Spotlight of August 2018

    KKNPP ‘s contribution to climate change mitigation

    A glimpse of Blue-cheeked Bee-eater atAnu vijayTownship, Chettikulam



    20,443 PA Publications distributed3


    1556 hours of PublicOutreach, reaching 3242 people

    20 on-site & 7 Off-site outreachprogramme organised

    2017 "exceptional" for India Department

    of Atomic Energy

    "Nuclear generatorNuclear PowerCorporation of IndiaLtd's (NPCIL's) 2017profit of INR3367crore (USD482million) was itshighest ever;UraniumCorporation of IndiaLtd (UCIL) achievedits highest everproduction; and fuelcycle companyNuclear FuelComplex (NFC)achieved 115% of itstarget productionfor the year”

    Dr Sekhar BasuChairman AEC and

    Secretary DAE

    (Excerpts from the Independence Day 2018

    Address by the Secretary, DAE at DAE Headquarters in


    4 1,157 PA Caps distributed

    Source: www.world-nuclear-news.org,


  • Page 2 of 18

    Site visit commences witha structured lectureprogramme for about twohours on nuclear energy &safety features of KKNPPwith relevance to theevents at Fukushima andalso addresses the queriesmainly related toprotection of marineorganism and handling ofwaste. They are then takento Model room forfamiliarization of sitelayout, simulator facility tovisualize the functioningof safety systems andhealth physics trainingfacility to understand theconcept of radiation safetyduring normal operation& abnormal situation.Subsequently they aretaken to the Intakestructure and Desalinationplant. This programmeconcludes with a feedbacksession. Two of thefeedback received fromthe visitors are given inthis section.

    Public Voice

  • Page 3 of 18

    NPCIL Mission:To develop nuclear powertechnology and to produceNuclear Power as asafe, environmentally benignand economically viablesource of electrical energy tomeet the increasing needs ofcountry.

    Technical session - VVER Technology

    “Climate impacts are

    intensifying by the day and

    the global nuclear sector

    must do more to position

    itself as a part of a larger

    coalition of technologies

    that are being mobilised in

    the climate fight.”

    Continued …

    Source: S.K. Agrawal et al. (The VVERs at KudanKulam) www.sciencedirect.com,mytechlogy.com, biarri.com, executivesystems.com.au, timeuq.org

    Josh Freed Vice president for the Clean

    Energy Program at the Washington, DC-based

    Centrist think tank Third Way(source: www.world-nuclear-news.org

    The project management strategy for the KudanKulam Project

    was planned well in advance keeping the following prime

    objectives in view:

    Clean energy policieskey to meetingHarmony goals

    Reasonable and comparableproject cost, with a tariffcompetitive enough toensure the salability of theproduced power.

    Optimum utilization of theavailable nationalinfrastructure andexperienced manpower.

    Optimum utilization of theRussian state creditextended for the Project.

    Optimum gestation period.


  • Page 4 of 18

    Regional Distribution of Nuclear Power Plants:

    New connections to the grid: (Year 2018)

    Source: https://www.iaea.orgUpdated as on Sep 04, 2018

    Current Status:


    399 808 MWe





    Country No. of Reactors MWe

    ARGENTINA 3 1633ARMENIA 1 375BELGIUM 7 5918BRAZIL 2 1884BULGARIA 2 1926CANADA 19 13554CHINA 44 40488CZECH REPUBLIC 6 3930FINLAND 4 2769FRANCE 58 63130GERMANY 7 9515HUNGARY 4 1889INDIA 22 6255IRAN 1 915JAPAN 42 39752KOREA 24 22494MEXICO 2 1552NETHERLANDS 1 482PAKISTAN 5 1318ROMANIA 2 1300RUSSIA 37 28264SLOVAKIA 4 1814SLOVENIA 1 688SOUTH AFRICA 2 1860SPAIN 7 7121SWEDEN 8 8620SWITZERLAND 5 3333TAIWAN 6 5052UKRAINE 15 13107UK 15 8918USA 99 99952Total 455 399808


    Nuclear Database


    ROSTOV-4 (1011 MW(e), PWR, RUSSIA) on 2 February

    LENINGRAD 2-1 (1085 MW(e), PWR, RUSSIA) on 9 March

    YANGJIANG-5 (1000 MW(e), PWR, CHINA) on 23 May

    TAISHAN-1 (1660 MW(e), PWR, CHINA) on 29 June

    SANMEN-1 (1000 MW(e), PWR, CHINA) on 30 June

    SANMEN-2 (1000 MW(e), PWR, CHINA) on 24 August

    HAIYANG-1 (1000 MW(e), PWR, CHINA) on 17 August


  • Page 5 of 18

    Pickering relicensed to 2028 Aug 09

    Nuclear News

    Core catcher installation under way at Rooppur 1 Aug 20

    French, British regions unite for nuclear growth Aug 07

    Source: nuclearstreet.com

    The Canadian Nuclear SafetyCommission (CNSC) yesterdayannounced its decision togrant a new ten-yearoperating licence for OntarioPower Generation's (OPG)Pickering plant. The plant isscheduled to operate until theend of 2024. Ontario's 18nuclear units - eight at Bruce, four at Darlington and six at Pickering -provide over 60% of the province's electricity. The four Darlington unitsare undergoing a multi-year CAD12.8 billion refurbishment with the firstunit, Darlington 2, scheduled for completion in 2026. Six of the eightCandu units at Bruce are also to undergo refurbishment in a CAD13billion programme beginning in 2020.

    Second Sanmen AP1000 connected to grid Aug 24

    Unit 2 of the Sanmen nuclearpower plant in China's Zhejiangprovince has been connected tothe electricity grid and has begunsupplying power. In late-June, Sanmen 1 became theworld's first AP1000 to achieve gridconnection and power generation.The unit will now undergo gradualpower

    Source: www.world-nuclear-news.org

    installation has begun of the corecatcher - a passive safety system -for unit 1 of the Rooppur nuclearpower plant inBangladesh, Russian state nuclearcorporation Rosatom announced.Two 1200 MWe VVER-1200 unitsare being built at Rooppur, whichis on theeastern bank of the river Ganges at Rooppur, 160 km from Dhaka. First

    concrete for unit 1 was poured in November 2017, while that at unit 2was poured last month. Rooppur unit 1 is scheduled to begin operationin 2023, with unit 2 following in 2024.

    Economic developmentorganisations in the South Westof England and Normandy innorthern France have agreed tocollaborate in the creation ofjobs, unlocking opportunitiesand attracting new investmentin the nuclear sector withinboth regions.

    Source: http://vestnikkavkaza.net

    Pickering (Image: OPG)

    Source: www.world-nuclear-news.org

    Tests that simulate thetemperatures and pressureswhich the reactor systems willbe subjected to during normaloperation have been completedat unit 2 of Barakah nuclearpower plant in the United ArabEmirates. During the tests -which took place over severalweeks - almost 200 individualand integrated tests wereperformed on major systems tocheck their performance undernormal operationalconditions, without thepresence of nuclear fuel in thereactor.

    Barakah 2 completes hotfunctional tests Aug 06

    Source: www.world-nuclear-news.org

    Sanmen units 1 and 2 (Image: SNPTC)

    The signing of the MoU by SergeBouffard (left) of Normandie Energieand Andy Bates (right) of NuclearSouth West

    ascension testing until all testing is safely and successfully completedat 100% power. On completion of these tests, CNNC will then seekapproval for commercial operation of the unit. Unit 1 of the Haiyangplant attained first criticality on 8 August and was grid connected on17 August. Haiyang 2 is expected to start up in 2019.

  • Page 6 of 18

    As a part of Public Awareness programme, Students and staff ofSchools and Colleges and public from Tirunelveli, Tuticorin andKanyakumari districts and also from Kerala state visited KKNPP Site.They were familiarized with the nuclear power plant and Safetyfeatures of KKNPP in particular reference to the events at Fukhushima(Japan) and radiation safety during normal and abnormal operation ofNuclear power plant.

    Steady growth in nuclear generation continues

    Nuclear Slogan

    PA activity conducted at KKNPP SiteAt


    Source: http://www.world-nuclear-


    Source: www.energy-reporters.com

    Global nuclear powergeneration in 2017increased for the fifthconsecutive year, reaching2506 TWh, according to anew World NuclearAssociation report.

    At the end of 2017 theglobal nuclear capacity ofthe 448 operable reactorsstood at 392 GWe, up 2GWe compared with theend of 2016. Four newreactors were connectedto the grid, with acombined capacity of3373 MWe..

    The melting of Arctic ice

    Global nuclear generation andcapacity under construction(Image: World NuclearAssociation)



    5 4



















    Engineering College

    Polytechnic College

    Public School Science College

  • Page 7 of 18

    Kongunadu College of

    Engineering, Trichy


    At site

    Few glimpses from Site Visit

    Govt. Hr.Sec School, Chenbagaramanputhur, Kanyakumari

    Atomic Energy Central School, Tirunelveli

    C.S.I. Insittute of Technology,Thovalai,


    Aug 01, 2018

    Vethamonikam memorial C.S.I. Polytechnic

    college, Marthandam, Kanyakumari(07.08.2018)

    VHNSN Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar

    Aug 03, 2018

    Aug 10, 2018

    Pastor Lenssen Polytechnic

    College, Kuthankuly, Tirunelv



    Govt. College of Engineering, Tirunelveli

    Aug 04, 2018

  • Page 8 of 18


    College, Pala, Kerala


    At site

    Few glimpses from Site Visit

    St. Xaviers Catholic College, Kanyakumari

    SACS MAVMM Engineering College, Madurai

    Aug 13, 2018

    Staffs from TNEB,



    St. Tresa's Matric




    Aug 20, 2018

    Aug 18, 2018

    Standard Fireworks Raja Rathnam college for Women, Sivakas, Virudhunagar

    Sankar Nagar Polytechnic

    college, Sankara

    Nagar, Tirunelveli


  • Page 9 of 18 At site

    Few glimpses from Site Visit

    Students and staff from Govt. Higher Secondary School, Pazhavoor, Tirunelveli

    Students and staff from

    SPJ Matric Hr.sec.

    School, Madurai


    AVS Arts & Science

    College, Salem


    Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar

    Govt. Higher Secondary

    School, Pazhavoor,

    Tirunelveli (23.08.2018)

    Aug 28, 2018

    Aug 23, 2018

    The Institution of Engineers (India) KK Local Centre, Kanyakumari

    Aug 29, 2018

  • Page 10 of 18

    Daughter and grandchild nuclidesNuclear


    More on Daughter nuclides


    Radioactive decay occurs in unstable atomic nuclei – thatis, ones that don’t have enough binding energy to hold thenucleus together due to an excess of either protons orneutrons. It comes in three main types – named alpha, betaand gamma for the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.

    Source: Wikipedia, https://eesc.columbia.edu, http://nuceng.ca

    Marie Skłodowska CurieMarie Skłodowska Curie

    When an isotope emits analpha particle, the resultantdaughter product has an atomicnumber two units less than itsparent's atomic number, and anatomic weight four units lessthan its parent's atomic weight.When an isotope emits a betaparticle, it decays to a daughterwith an atomic number oneunit greater and an essentiallyunchanged atomic weight. Wemust not forget that whenradium was discovered no oneknew that it would prove usefulin hospitals. Scientist believe inthings, not in person Radium isnot to enrich any one. It is anelement; it is for all people.

    Some isotopes decay andimmediately produce a stabledaughter product. Forexample, one-step decays tostable daughters are completedby the radiogenic isotopes 14C(decaying to 14N by the betaprocess), and 87Rb (decayingto 87Sr by the beta process).

    Others decay and produceunstable daughters, which thenbecome the parent products oftheir own daughters. Unstableisotopes producing unstabledaughters form a radioactivedecay chain. Forexample, the 235U decaychain eventuallyproduces 207Pb, a stabledaughter.

    In a decay chain ofradioactive substances,the daughter nuclidefollowed by the grandchildnuclide are the decayproducts of a parentnuclide. Example: iodine-137 (parent nuclide)decays via xenon-137(daughter), caesium-137(grandchild), barium-137m(great-grandchild) into thestable barium-137 (great-great grand child).

    Some isotopes releasean alpha particle duringnuclear disintegration; analpha particle consists oftwo protons and twoneutrons (equivalent tothe nucleus of an atom ofhelium).

    Others release a betaparticle, which is anelectron, or negativelycharged nuclear particle.Beta particles originate inthe nucleus, presumablyby breakdown of a neutroninto its proton-electroncomponents. Gamma raysare released during bothtypes of radioactive decay.


  • Page 11 of 18

    Date Organisation No of participantsPublications distributed

    Aug 03 St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil 150 2

    Aug 10 Sankar Nagar Polytechnic College, Sankar Nagar 1300 11240

    Aug 21 St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil 150 -

    Aug 27 PSN Engineering College, Melathediyoor, Palayamkottai 250 -

    Aug 28-30 Observance of Swachhta Pakhwada 150 -

    Aug 29Manonmaniam SundaranarUniversity College, Cheranmahadevi

    75 -

    Aug 31 Vivekananda Polytechnic College 200 -

    Total 2275 11242

    Outside KKNPP

    PA outreach programme conducted outside KKNPP:

    Shri Abraham Jacob J, ACE(INFRA E&I), KKNPPparticipated as Chief Guestduring the inauguralceremony on the associationof M.C.A. department at St.Xaviers Catholic College ofEngineering, Nagercoil

    He delivered an inspiringspeech on the importanceon Nuclear Energy to thestudents. About 150students participated duringthe function.

    PA lecture at St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil on Aug 03, 2018

    PA lecture at St. Xaviers Catholic

    College of Engineering,


    Few glimpses

    Date: Aug 03, 2018

    As a part of PA outreachactivity, Seminars, Workshop, Lectures andexhibitions wereconducted atEducational Institutionsand Organizations.

  • Page 12 of 18Few glimpses

    PA lecture & exhibition at Sankar Nagar Polytechnic College, Sankar Nagar on Aug 10, 2018

    Outside KKNPP

    One day regional level

    technical seminar was

    organised at Sankar Nagar

    Polytechnic College, Sankar

    Nagar, Tirunelveli.

    Shri S Anandan, Scientific

    Officer-E, KKNPP delivered

    a talk on “Role of Nuclear

    Power for the sustainable

    growth of our country“.

    PA lecture & exhibition atSankar Nagar Polytechnic

    College, Sankar Nagar

    Date: Aug 10, 2018

  • Page 13 of 18

    Few glimpses from Independence day celebrationsShri Suresh KumarPillai, Station Director, KKNPP1&2 unfurled the nationalflag, said the first and thesecond reactors ofKudankulam Nuclear PowerProject have collectivelygenerated 27,934 million unitsof electricity sincecommissioning. Both thereactors were functioningexceptionally well.

    Independence day celebrations

    “Under KKNPP’s Corporate SocialResponsibility schemes, Rs. 5.2crore had been spent last year foreducation, sanitation, healthcareand infrastructure development inthe neighbourhood. Under theNeighborhood DevelopmentProgramme (NDP), Rs. 200crores had been earmarked forvarious infrastructural projects in13 village panchayats ofRadhapuram taluk.The public awareness team’sefforts is laudable in demystifyingthe apprehensions of generalpublic about nuclear power andalso enhance the awareness onthe importance of nuclear poweras a clean, benign and reliablesource of electric energy. Untilnow, the PA team has reachedout more than 6 lakh peoplethrough various communicationprogrammes like sitevisits, exhibition and awarenesslectures”

    Suresh Kumar Pillai Station Director, KKNPP 1&2Source: http://www.thehindu.com

    At Plant Site

    At Township


  • Page 14 of 18

    PA Lecture at St.Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil on Aug 21, 2018

    Few glimpsesOutside KKNPP

    PA Lecture at PSN Engineering college, Palayamkottai, Tirunelvelion Aug 27, 20187th graduation day was

    organised at PSN Engineeringcollege, Tirunelveli on 27thAugust 2018. Sh K.A. Raman,ACE (QA), KKNPP who wasthe Chief guest gave away thecertificates to the students.He told the students the needof hard work, setting targetsin life, skill additions,developing soft skills for anew engineer entering theindustries for career growth.He also emphasised theenergy requirements of ourcountry, challenges to meetthe per capita future energyneeds and role of Nuclearenergy for the futuredemands.

    One Day Technical Seminaron “Nuclear EnergyTechnologies and its SafetyAspects” was conducted on21-08-2018 at St.XaviersCatholic College ofEngineering,Sunkankadai, Nagercoil.Mr.B.Ramanathan, SeniorHealth Physicist, KKNPPdelivered a lecture duringthe seminar. About 150students participated in theprogramme.

    PA Lecture at St.Xaviers

    Catholic College of Engineering, Sunkankadai,


    PA Lecture at PSN Engineering college,

    Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli

  • Page 15 of 18

    PA Lecture at PA Lecture at M.S. University College,Cheranmahadevi , Tirunelveli on Aug 29, 2018

    Few glimpsesOutside KKNPP

    ShriB.Vijayakumar, OIC, ESL, KKNPP delivered alecture on “NuclearEnergy & Environments”during a three dayseminar held atVivekanandaPolytechniccollege, Agasteeswaram, KK district. About 200students participatedduring the lecture.

    Sh P. Pandaram,Scientific Officer-G,TLDLab, KKNPP participatedas Chief guest during theinauguration of Physicsassociation at M.S.University College,Cheranmahadevi anddelivered a talk on “Roleof Physics in Powergeneration”. About 75students participatedduring the function.

    PA Lecture at M.S. University



    PA Seminat at Vivekananda

    Polytechnic college, Agasteeswaram,

    KK dist

    PA Seminat at Vivekananda Polytechnic college, Agasteeswaram, KK dist on Aug 31, 2018

  • Page 16 of 18

    Observance of Swachhta Pakhwada at KK Site

    Few glimpses

    As part of Celebration of'Swachh Bharat Mission,'Swachhta Pakhwada wasobserved during August2018 at KudankulamNuclear Power Project.Various programme such astree plantation, cleanlinessdrive, slogan & essaywriting competition werealso organised as part of thecelebration.

    Observance of Swachhta

    Pakhwadaat KK Site

    Swachhta Pledge being administered

  • Page 17 of 18

    Did you know? Source: World Nuclear Association

    'Clean Coal' Technologies

    Source: https://www.skepticalscience.com

    Feature article

    Renewables on the rise, but not fast


    To be continued …


    Global carbon emissions rose1.6 per cent in 2017 despitethe fact renewable electricitygeneration increasedsignificantly.

    Here are some other notablefindings from the BP report:

    Energy consumption roseby 3.1% in China. China wasthe largest growth market forenergy for the 17thconsecutive year.

    World coal production grewby 3.2%, the fastest rate ofgrowth since 2011.

    Global nuclear generationgrew by 1.1%.

    Power generation rose by2.8% with practically allgrowth coming from emergingeconomies (94%).

    Further development of the IGCC process will add a shiftreactor to oxidise the CO with water so that the gas stream isbasically just hydrogen and carbon dioxide, with somenitrogen. The CO2 with some H2S & Hg impurities areseparated before combustion (with about 85% CO2 recovery)and the hydrogen alone becomes the fuel for electricitygeneration (or other uses) while the concentrated pressurisedcarbon dioxide is readily disposed of. (The H2S is oxidised towater and sulfur, which is saleable.) No commercial-scalepower plants are operating with this process yet but seedemonstration project sections below.

    Currently IGCC plants typically have a 45% thermalefficiency. Capture of carbon dioxide from coal gasification isalready achieved at low marginal cost in some plants. One(albeit where the high capital cost has been largely writtenoff) is the Great Plains Synfuels Plant in North Dakota, where 6million tonnes of lignite is gasified each year to produce cleansynthetic natural gas.

    Oxy-fuel technology has potential for retrofit to existingpulverised coal plants, which are the backbone of electricitygeneration in many countries.In China, the major utility ChinaDatang Corp is teaming with Alstom to build twodemonstration CCS projects. A 350 MWe coal-fired plant atDaqing, Heilongjiang province, will be equipped with Alstom'soxy-firing technology, and a 1000 MWe coal-fired plant atDongying, Shandong province, will use an Alstom's post-combustion capture technology, either chilled ammonia oradvanced amines. The two projects are expected to beoperational in 2015 and each capture over one million tonnesof CO2 per year, which would be about 40% of output fromDaqing and 15% from Dongying, though Alstom says that theactual levels of capture and storage have not yet been definedand will be in the scope of the first feasibility studies of therespective projects. Adjacent oilfields will be used forsequestration, enabling enhanced oil recovery.

    Pre-combustion capture:

    Source: https://cna.ca


  • Prepared & Edited by:

    K.B.Jashi, OIC, TLD Lab kbjashi@npcil.co.in

    Reviewed by:

    P.Pandaram, Member Secretary, PA Committeeppandaram@npcil.co.in

    R.S.SawantTraining Superintendent & Chairman, PA Committee rssawant@npcil.co.in

    Issued by:

    Suresh Kumar Pillai Station Director, KKNPP Site

    Contact details:

    Public Awareness Committee Kudankulam Nuclear Power ProjectKudankulam-627106 E-Mail: paawarenesskk@npcil.co.in

    Page 18 of 18

    How nuclear science helps to haltillegal trade in Ivory?


    The trade of threatened or endangeredspecies is of increasing global concern, andmonitoring it could include using scientificmeasures. By measuring stable isotopes inwildlife products such as ivory fromendangered elephants, scientists can identifywhere the animal lived.

    Stable isotopes could play an important role inthe protection of endangered species andthreatened habitats. The isotopic compositionof ivory provides information about what anelephant ate and drank, providing scientistswith information on the environment in whichthe animal lived. The stable isotopes ofhydrogen and oxygen in water have acharacteristic global pattern: when anelephant drinks, the isotopic signature of thatwater is preserved in its tusks. By analysingthe isotopic composition of ivory, scientistscan determine the probable geographicalorigin of an elephant, which in turn could helpenforcement agencies identify regions wherepoaching is taking place and enable them toallocate resources in the right areas to cut offthe ivory trade at its root. Certain isotopes canalso provide information on the age of ivoryand could help assess whether the animalwas killed before the ban on trade wasimplemented.

    Nuclear Trivia

    Sourcing traded ivoryusing isotope analysis:

    Isotope analysis hasbeen applied tounderstand currentdistributions ofelephants acrossAfrica, as well ashistoric diet patternsand contemporaryfeeding ecology. Multi-isotope approach isused in forensic wildlifepurposes to trace ivoryacross sub-SaharanAfrica. Isotope analysishelps to track thehistoric trade thatchanged thedistribution ofelephants on thelandscape. Isotoperatios preserved in thetissues of elephantsreveal several aspectsof the ecological historyof the animal, includingits diet and habitat.Thus, each isotopeanalysis conducted(13C/12C, 15N/14N,18O/16O and 87Sr/86Sr)informs about where ahistoric elephantroamed within EastAfrica.

    Source: IAEA

    Source: http://journals.plos.org


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