



Citation preview

















ts5 President's Intro


8 CSR Bridge

9 CSR Bridge 2.0

10 AIESEC University

Emerging markets 2008

11 Emerging Markets Project12 Sustainability Week

13 Summer School 2007

Technology Project

14 Leadership Talks 2008

15 CD - Seed Differently

The Leader Within

16 BIG 5

18 One Step Forward

Living Library

19 Discover Finance

Heading for the future

20 Autumn Recruitment

Summer Recruitment

21 Spring Recruitment

22 International Trainers' Congress

23 Local Training Seminar


24 Bucharest Planning Meeting

Local Committee Conference

25 National Congress

26 Finance

27 Communication

28-29 Outgoing Exchange

30-31 External Relations

32-33 Incoming Exchange

34-35 Talent Management

AIESEC Bucharest 5

AIESEC is the the biggest youth run organization in the world. Gathering 32.000 members from a 106 country network, AIESEC enables them to create an unique life-changing experience. AIE-SEC ROMANIA is part of this global network since 1990. Nowa-days, AIESEC is present in 13 important cities of Romania, having activities that engage students, members and companies in the youth development.

Every year, AIESEC in Romania runs 18 national confer-ences , and over 40 local ones . Also, more than 78 leaders emerge from the Local Committees in order to run AIESEC in our country. Last year we offered opportunities to work abroad worldwide through our exchange program to 205 students and also helped over 500 Romanian students to get employed at different companies we worked with on dif-ferent projects we ran.

AIESEC in Romania has developed a lot, getting to be in Top 3 in CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) and 2006 was the year that brought us the Global Excellence Award at the International Congress in Poland, an award which is given for performance and achievement.

The starting point for AIESEC ROMANIA was AIESEC Bucharest founded in the year 1990 when we first started as an extension of AIESEC Austria through the vision that they had of our fu-ture generations and the potential of our young students. A few names from the pioneers from which it all started: Ani Dicea, Aura Botorog,Dan Ciobanu, Vlad Bog, Oana Farcas and many others worked day and night to create the foundation on which we are standing today.

To fully comprehend their motivation is to understand the difficult period through which Romania was passing through after the Communist Era, the changes that had to be made not only in society but most of all in our image and that of the people.

One of our first projects was Study Tour that took place in the summer of 1990 covering key points from our culture and giving a new perspective of Romania to almost 40 foreign delegates promot-ing thus our culture and moreover our friendly way of being.

The second project was How to Invest in Romania that happened in the winter of 2001 in Sinaia and it was the first project that worked like a clock and managed to get exactly the wanted results.

Projects such as Twin gave us yet another possibility of connect-ing different ways of living, exchanging experiences and ensuring a better communication with the other states such as Germany. The purpose of this event was to establish new relationships with other countries through welcoming them to work in our firms as well as Romanian employees would go there learning new ways of handling problems. In the winter of 1991 and in the spring of 1992 the first local conferences were organized and also in November 1991 the first exchange was realized with Vienna.

In 1993 the first Career Days took place in spring organized in Sala Palatului and the reason for which this project was so impor-tant was because it stimulated competition which in turn developed bit by bit our economy. Another event that took place in 1993 was The Organizational Development Seminar (21-27.11.1993) which attracted the attention of the media: TVR 1 was there to record and to broadcast across the country our real first steps.

Starting with 1994 we managed to bring our first foreigners through the Exchange Process: Ragnar Horn (6 weeks), Sara Recenti (3 months), Dan Welch, Caroline Vienot (6 weeks) and the list goes on. We may consider them to be the ones that destroyed the walls of ignorance and connected with us. We connect young people globally to help our world become a better place through realizing these international exchanges as they are the core of any learning experience.


6 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC Bucharest 7

Future in AIESEC Bucharest“The future is always beginning now”

We ensure the quality of all our activities through the creation of integrated learning processes around our traineeships. The first Romanians to leave for an internship in another country were: Alexandra Balanescu (Austria), Laura Stinghe (Germany), Gabi Mocanu (Slovenia).In a few words they managed to develop their characteristics and competencies by connecting around common interests through opportunities provided by AIESEC.

The first international project was called Global Think Project which was meant to create a dynamic environment by active and enthusiastic participation of the Local Committees each different in approaching a certain problem and the result was taken into consideration by ONU as the Youth Action Guide.

AIESEC Bucharest became in a short time renowned in the global network (created in 1948) for the quality of the people it has. As a proof of that stand the former AIESEC Bucharest members we now have around the world in leadership teams.

We started as an organization of students with economical background but now we have a diverse range of members with different backgrounds and interests and different wishes from AIESEC, both regarding daily activities and Global Internships, included students from the University of Bu-charest, ASE Bucharest (Economical Studies), Polytechnics University and The Constructions and Engineering University.

Currently, the projects managed by AIESEC Bucharest mem-bers have a real impact on the lives of students that decide to take matters into their own hands. Also, along this 18 years of experience, AIESEC has gained through seriousness and responsibility the trust and support of world renown part-ners and companies, such as ING Bank, BRD Group Societe Generale, Ursus Breweries, RBS Bank, Price Water House Coopers, Microsoft, Hellenic, Prais, Human Invest, A&D Pharma, Avon, Sanoma Hearst, Xerox, Hec Montreal, White Image and many others.

The future of AIESEC Bucharest is in our hands for one year from now. Each of the members that are here today has the power and the potential to create the future. Being here for 19 years, AIESEC Bucharest showed that it can make from impossible, possible. That with dreams, hard work and commitment to fulfill them, we will achieve the results that are proportional with our potential as organization.

Growing our numbers in exchange, offering a great experience for the people in the society, proudly say that we bring an impact in the environment we are living through the events and projects that we do along the year.

Challenge ourselves, our way of thinking, our ideas and overcome our performances until now and ourselves as persons.

Increase our visibility among our stakeholders and give quality in all our activities that represent ourselves as organization at the national and global AIESEC environment and also in the external market.

Achieve excellence in everything we do.

“The future is not a result of choices among alterna-tives paths offered by the present, but a place that is created first in our mind and will, created next in activ-ity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating.”( John Schaar)

Raluca Samsonov - Local Committee President - 2009-2010




8 Annual Report 2008

The CSR Birdge project had 3 main parts: Social Responsability Seminar, Bucharest Whistles Fault and international intern-ships for students.

Social Responsability Seminar was the first CSR school in Romania or-

ganised for students between the 22nd and 24th of February 2008, in Olanesti. The student interest was high, as in the last day of applications more than 230 ap-plicants subscribed to take part

in. The conference had 60 partici-pants, selected by their personal motivation and their interest in the issue. Moreover, every participant had the opportunity to dis-cover the tools necessary to build a responsible business environ-ment from important people like: Luminita Oprea- the author of the first CSR book in Romania, Mona Nicolici-CSR Communication Manager Petrom, Georgeta Bora from ABN Amro, Teia Catana- President of Viitor Plus, Dragos Tuta- Manager Selenis and Hans Dietrich- Coordinator of the project „Sighisoara Durabila”. During the 3-day conference accommodation, meals, transportation and trainings were covered with the financial support of Youth in Action.

PETROM believed in this project and in its added value that we could bring together for the next generation of managers, therefore they decided to offer AIESEC the needed support in delivering trainings about sustainable development in Social Responsibility Seminar.

Bucharest Whistles Fault

The second part of the project, BWF , had taken place between the 13th and the 14th of March 2008 and brought together 600 participants: both volunteers and important personalities from Bu-charest. The event raised awareness about three big suistainable development directions in Bucharest:

• green spaces vs concrete in Bucharest

• the responsibility of every citizen to keep Bucharest clean- the fight against the litter thrown away randomly

• sustainable transportation- the promo of byciles as means of transport

The event aimed to make the Bucharest citizens more responsible in order to

create and maintain a cleaner and healthier environment. In the first day over 70 volunteers (AIESEC Mem-bers, employees of Carrefour, Rebu

and the City Hall) had planted 100 trees in the Tineretului Park, making the green spaces fresher and more attractive.

In the second day, the BWF participants marched on the

streets of Bucharest, wearing special

T-shirts with messages about social responsibility in Bucharest and whistles. Afterwards, several activities in the Cismigiu Garden (EcoPet, EcoArtist, EcoQuiz, Map of Bucharest , „Bucharest I’m sorry for...”, Search and Find, NGO Fair and a Survey) were de-veloped in order to change citizens’ perception and attitudes about their involvement in city problems.

The Global Internships Program

The third part of the project involved internships organised glob-ally on corporate social responsibilty offered by the romanian NGOs to the students from the international AIESEC network. The partner NGOs were: Caritas, Heath Aid, PACT, Children in Distress and Ateliers Sans Frontières.

To conclude with, the CSR Bridge 1.0 project had a huge impact among youth, the community, companies and NGOs by raising awarenes and giving solutions to our daily environmental prob-lems, creating, in addition, a link between companies interested in social growth and students.

“A project of social responsibility will have a consistent impact in society if it implies not only companies, but also NGOs, students and internationalism. This was the basic idea of CSR Bridge. We are 9 people, passionate about CSR, who create a link between the main actors in implementing this concept in society in Bucha-rest”.

Catalina Simion, Project Manager

CSR Bridge –

AIESEC Bucuresti

CSR Bridge

Highlights500 Applicants

230 Participants100 Trees planted

AIESEC Bucharest 9

CSR Bridge 2.0 represents the second edition of the successful CSR Bridge 2008 project. This year we intend to continue raising awareness in our community upon social responsibility. With the help of our actions and supporters we believe that we can create a group of responsible citizens that will bring further on a positive impact in society.

CSR Bridge 2.0 has three main parts: Sustainability Week – CSR Day, international internships for stu-dents and “Bucharest Whistles Fault AGAIN”. From each part

we desire to come out with young people who adopt positive attitudes towards

the social problems existing in Romania now.

Through the unique product of our organization, the Global Intern-ships Program, we are able to support the sustainable develop-ment of the Romanian NGOs and companies with international know-how, provided by traineeships on CSR. CSR Bridge 2.0 will bring 5 trainees in Bucharest starting with 1st of March, for minimum 3 months of contribution to the results of company’s environmental departments and to the final result of NGOs’ CSR projects. Thus, we are responding to the society problems and we are bringing new perspectives and innovative solutions.

In the 4-day event Sustainability Week, companies will contribute to student development on topics like Finance, Emerging Markets, IT and CSR through interactive trainings. Each day will be re-served for a different area of interest. As a consequence, the CSR Day will provide students fresh information and practical knowl-edge on corporate social responsibility. The CSR event is planned to take place on the 10th of April.

Bucharest Whistles Fault AGAIN

The main purpose of “Bucharest Whistles Fault AGAIN” is to raise awareness towards Bucharest’s citizens about the environment in which we live today. With the help of over 600 participants, AIESEC members, students, pupils, NGOs and companies repre-sentatives, Bucharest will make a step forward in becoming a true, responsible European capital.

On the 4th and 5th of April, CSR Bridge 2.0 will have its second big event: Bucharest Whistles Fault AGAIN. In the first day, 600 volunteers will march in Bucharest wearing different messages on their t-shirts or on billboards, waking towards a park in Bucharest, where we will have a “freeze moment” (for 5 minutes everybody participating at the event will stand still) followed by a tree planta-tion.

The second day of the event is reserved for 200 volunteers that will take a tour of the city, organised by AIESEC Bucharest. Dif-ferent affected areas of Bucharest will be visited and taken into consideration by all the participants. At the end of the whole event, a Gala will be organised to evaluate the project’s impact at a social level.

CSR Bridge 2.0 it is also a strong learning environment for the AIESEC Bucharest members. The project will challenge members’ mentalities and perspectives through organised learning circles and children donation events.

CSR Bridge 2.0 encourages sustainable actions of our stake-holders. The project challenges the community to response to the quotidian social problems and to raise people’s aware-ness. Through CSR Bridge 2.0 we promise to create a learn-ing environment favorable for sustainability and its continu-ance.

CSR Bridge 2.0

Highlights1000 Young people

6 Hours of training10 partnering companies

4 NGO’s

150 new planted tree




10 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC UniversityAIESEC UNIVERSITY changed the normal perspective of a sum-mer school into an interactive University, offering its participants 3 days full of discussions with people from Business, Finance and Media. During the 3 days the participants took part in selling simulations, communication sessions and financial analysis, from people with experience in the domain.

Main goals of AIESEC University were to offer: professional development for AIESEC members and students on sales, finance and communication; non-formal education contribution; company student contact and also offer different perspectives on the current reality in Romania on the topics addressed.

The communication school - In the first day students learned about how to build a company and about the importance of brand-ing. The training sessions were held by Raluca Iacob - McCann Erikson and Liviu Gales - Coca Cola HBC concerning the All About Communication Plan class and for the Uniqueness and Impor-tance of Branding the speaker was Costin Radu form

The second day the sessions were mainly about public relations, students learned how to develop their skills in the offline and online field of the subject. The speakers were Constantin Ferseta – Neogen and Alexandru Icodin – the creator of “Ziua Barbatului”.

In the last day students had to demonstrate what they learned by building an actual campaign and compete with other teams. After all presentations were over, students received feedback from professionals.

The Sales school - During the 3 days sales students had train-ings on subjects like pre-selling, selling, negotiation and post-selling. Partner companies: Coca Cola HBC, ING Asigurari de viata, A&D Pharma, Inbev Romania and Microsoft.

The Finance school - In the first day of training students partici-pated at sessions about financial management and budgeting. Next day students learned about Financial Analysis and Strategy. During the third day participants learned about Grants and Audit also they had a talk about Developing his/hers career. Partner companies for the Finance school were: Coca Cola HBC, TMF, Quintus and AMA Consulting

AIESEC University offered a unique opportunity for students to develop their skills in a pleasant atmosphere and learn how to put in practice what they learned at classes in university. All in all there were 140 students that benefited from the trainings.

On behalf of the AIESEC University 2008 - Communication Track team run in AIESEC Bucharest in 2009, we want to thank Liviu Gales, our dear alumnus, who helped us with feedback on the agenda and with connecting us with all the speakers that took part in the track. What’s more, we would like to thank Raluca Iacob – McCann Erikson, Costin Radu -, Constantin Ferseta – Neogen and Alexandru Icodin - Ziua Barbatului - Bergenbier for their support and impact they had on the participants.

Emerging Markets 2008The project was called Emerging Markets and it was designed as an extension of the PART project, from the previous year. It started in March 2008 until June 2008 and had 3 team members and a project manager.

The project aimed to widely transmit the AIESEC image to new stakeholders and to help meet the needs of the companies who plan to extend their business to the Austrian market. We can aid the development of these companies by bringing graduates who can provide an international know-how to the company and come up with innovative solutions.

The reaction of the Bucharest market was very positive in spite of the fact that no exchanges were raised. The CEOs were thrilled because they had a much better opinion of Austrian Student than of Romanian student. Austrian student, they said, were better prepared, more professional. This was something we heard from powerful companies ex: Axima Suez, OSB Consulting. The salary, they said, was too big for the Romanian Market. Here, a salary such as 500€ is generally offered to seniors

Most of the companies we contacted were too little and could not support another employee.

Numbers: aprox. 200 companies contacted, around 30 meetings, but no results concerning Exchange. We had a target of 3 Train-ees which were not realized.

Re-imagine is a conference that reunites once a year the Roma-nian and Austrian students. In 2008 it was held in Bad- Ausse, Austria. There the two teams finally met face- to –face and had the chance to discuss the cultural and economic problems they faced during the project.

Also, we compared means of doing things and found out that while the Romanian team was more focused on sales, the Austrian team was working on changing the mentality of the Austrian employers towards the Romanian trainees.

Highlights4th Edition

200 companies contacted30 meetings

AIESEC Bucharest 11

Through a strong cooperation between AIESEC Vienna and AIE-SEC Bucharest we aim to intensify student exchange, to increase cultural understanding, to promote business relations and to foster intercultural experiences.

Started in August 2008, this project aims to fight pre-conceptions about Romania and Austria and enhance the understanding of investments in Emerging Markets.

How we are achieving the above?

A big help to the team was the Alumni Advisory Team that was always eager to assist us in what we needed.

We have one realized exchange. Stefan Sch-neider is working at Capgemini in an internship of 9 months that started in October 2008. He is from AIESEC Vienna and was previously here in a CEED together with Franzi the project manager of the team in Vi-enna, working with AIESEC Bucharest for 2 months over the sum-mer. His internship in Capgemini is a Management Traineeship.

Also, we raised an Educational Traineeship that is right now in the matching process at Fundatia INS.

Besides Stefan and Franzi that came to Bucharest we also had tho persons from AIESEC Bucharest, Ioana and Florin that went in a CEED in Vienna and helped AIESEC Vienna with their recruitment.

Another thing worth mentioning is the Experience Romania Week-end. It was a weekend in which 8 persons from AIESEC Vienna that wanted to see Bucharest and that want to come soon in an internship in our city, had the opportunity to visit companies from Bucharest, to meet the AIESEC members here, to go one day to Sinaia where they visited the Peles Castle and to have a study tour around the center of Bucharest. They had the opportunity to see Billa Romania and they also had a workshop at Action Global Communications, both very interesting for our visitors that cannot wait to come again at ReImagine in May.

ReImagine is the yearly conference that AIESEC Bucharest has with AIESEC Vienna. This year will be in Romania. Until now we have one company that will have a workshop in one of the days of the conference – Action Global Communications. Some members of AIESEC Vienna already know the company from Experience Romania Weekend and also a lot of AIESEC members.

Part of the project, Sustainability Week is a 4 days conference addressing the issues of Emerging Markets, Finance, Technology and CSR.

Our team is in charge with the first 2 days of the conference. The first day will focus on investments in Romania and how these are affecting our economy. We will have a panel with officials from the Embassies of the top 5 investing countries in Romania (The Netherlands, Germany, France, UK and Austria) that will start the conference and one person from ARIS wrapping up the day.

In the finance day the focus will be in getting the students informed on the practical and theoretical of financial management, auditing & consultancy, grants, banking or brokerage.

The conference is at its 4th edition. This year it will end with a gala with the partner companies, officials from the Embassies and ARIS and also carefully selected participants at the workshops.

All in all, we are excited to be living a changing experi-ence that allows us to contribute to the development of others, both AIESEC members and students from Bucharest, by enjoying working in an international team.

The Emerging Markets team

Elena Filip, Teodora Rada, Ioana Vrabie, Teodora Cadar, Georgiana Plesu si Cristian Ionescu

Emerging Markets




12 Annual Report 2008

Sustainability Week aims to be the educational platform for students to inform themselves about the latest trends in CSR,

Technology, Entrepreneurship and Finance from top company representatives that had expertise in the fields mentioned above.

2007 edition: 8th - 13th of November in ASE

With Danone, Interamerican, InBev, ABN Amro, Allianz Tiriac, Impact, Deloitte, TMF, Oracle, ING, Xerox, Hostway, Elmec and Synovate.

The discussed issues (CSR, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Finance) gathered over 200 students who needed to keep in touch with the business reality and inform themselves on topics that are not debated at school. It was also the opportunity to meet business and civil society models.

In 2009 Sustainability Week will be a four day event taking place during the 7th and 11th of April 2009. The event is already at its 4th edition and it will consist of trainings and workshops held by company representatives on the highly discussed issues of Emerging Markets, Finance, Technology and CSR.

High profile companies will contribute to the development of 250 students from The Academy of Economical Studies (ASE), The

Polytechnic University (UPB), The National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), The University of Bucharest (UB) and The Technical University of Construction (TUCB). Each training will be held for 50 - 60 carefully selected, high potential students.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to expand their horizons and get in touch with the latest trends in the most debated issues.” (Oana Sirbu)

Sustainability Week

Highlights4th Edition

250 Students

AIESEC Bucharest 13

Approaching themes like Human Resources, Communication, Sales and Finance, AIESEC Summer School has been the place where around 150 students have had the chance to encounter a real down to earth perspective from professionals on the market. Build in a consistent way, the 3 days agenda, consisting of more than 10 trainings, has given them not only a glimpse but knowl-edge and information they can use further on their career. For a part of the participants this meant completing their academical knowledge with a market connected one and for others a place to test of this would become their future career. It was all supported, both financially and as knowledge, by AIESEC Bucharest and our partners and alumni.

As part of the Training Center Program, AIESEC Summer School 2007 aimed to focus on developing several professional skills required for students in order to acquire better access in the busi-ness environment.

AIESEC Summer School was an event organized by AIESEC Bucharest for the high potential young people. Through this project we wanted that students in their final years of study to get a deeper understanding in the fields like: sales and negotiation,

marketing and PR and human resources. The event took place in two periods, 7-9th September 2007 the sales and negotiation track and 17-19th September 2007 the human resources and marketing and PR track, in the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest.

The agenda of the project consisted in trainings delivered by com-panies, alumni AIESEC and trainers of AIESEC Bucharest. The program started at 10:00 and ended at approximately 19:00.

320 students applied for participating at AIESEC Summer School trainings and we selected for the “Sales and Negotiation” track 100, for the “Marketing and PR” 80 and for the “Human Resourc-es” track 45.

Summer School 2007

Technology The issue of technology turned into the first IT Project in AIESEC Bucharest in 2004.

In 2008 we talk about two “Technology” projects: one from Febru-ary to June 2008 and another one started in September 2008 and due in April 2009. We aim to involve the students from technical faculty from Bucharest in the AIESEC experience by creating op-portunities of both exchange and organization and participation to learning events conceived by AIESEC Bucharest and encouraged by partner companies.

The “Technology” project from spring had as a main purpose raising jobs for international AIESEC members in companies from the technological field. The objective was to raise 5 TN’s (jobs) and the achievement: a partnership signed with Total Soft who became an Exchange Partner of AIESEC Bucharest and raised 8 TNs (all technical traineeships). Some of the contacted companies (approximately 180 companies, 80% of the target) were: Senior Group, Lyngsoe Systems, Itc Networks, Bearing Point, Avira, Start Bit, Infineon, Natek, Webstyler, WSI, Euroweb, Genesys Software, DNL Web Design, Avantaj Net, Total Soft, Dial Telecom.

The assessment carried out among students in technical facul-ties showed that they are not very aware of the link between their studies and their career perspectives. All the participants at the survey were, on the other hand, receptive to any initiative that will contribute to their better understanding of both the needs and re-quirements of the market they will be activating on in a few years.

Therefore, the new Technology added to the objective of 10 Exchanges(TNs), the organizing of an event that will bring together the students in Polytechnics and 4 of the biggest companies on the issue, to discuss the sustainable development of students in-terested in a technical career : The Technology Day in Sustainabil-ity Week. The event will take place on the 3rd day of Sustainability Week (the 9th of April) and will consist of a series of workshops and a contest on themes such as: Ultra Specialization , Entrepre-neurship , Auto evaluation , Employee/er Markets on IT, Economi-cal context etc. By the end of 2008, Omnilogic has announced its participation to the event with an workshop held by the General Manager, Mr. Gabriel Marin.

On the exchange side, the new project approached not only companies from the IT segment of the market, but also companies activating in Constructions , Electronics and Mechanical Engineer-ing. One TN was raised in 2008 for Zamil Steel, that will bring the firs intern on civil engineering in AIESEC Bucharest

Highlights180 Contacted companies

8 TN’s raised in the spring10 objective of TN’s in the current project1st intern on civil engineering in AIESEC Bucharest

Highlights320 students applied3 tracks3 days10 trainings




14 Annual Report 200814 Annual Report 2008

Celebrating 60 years of Activating Leadership at a global level, AIESEC Bucharest organized “Leadership Talks”, a student lead-ership conference that took place on the 4th, 5th and 6th of No-vember in the Aula of the Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest.

“Leadership talks”, an event empowered by AIESEC Bucharest, had the final purpose to enable youth interaction with experienced professionals from different areas of interest and also to create a practical context of education that will be the basis of future career decisions for all the participants.

Over 200 participants per day had the opportunity to interact with business specialists like Mr. Steven van Groningen (President Raiffesien Bank Romania), Mr. Paul Nuber (CEO Nestle Roma-nia), Mr. Bogdan Putinica (CEO IP Devel), Mr. Marius Ghenea (President of PC Fun); media specialists like Mr. Radu Moraru (“Nasul” moderator, B1 TV) and Mr. Catalin Stefanescu; sport specialists like Mr. Octavian Bellu and art specialists like Mrs. Maia Morgenstern (stage and movie actress) and Adrian Horobet (stage director and actor).

On the third day of the event 50 selected students gained impor-tant market knowledge through a series of leadership workshops held by our events participants: TPA Horwath Quintus, Capgemini and Euroglobal Audit & Advisory.

Leadership Talks 2008

HighlightsA 3-day leadership event

Speakers: Bogdan Putinica, Marius Ghenea, Catalin Stefanescu, Radu Moraru, Octavian Bellu, Steven van Groningen, Paul Nu-ber, Maia Morgenstern, Adrian HorobetOver 450 participants

50 participants for each company workshop Event partners: TPA Horwath Quintus, Capgemini, Euroglobal Audit & Advisory, InBev

AIESEC Bucharest 15

CD - See DifferentlyAIESEC Bucharest , through its Education Project CD-See Differ-ently aims to become the main provider of trainings for youngsters on innovative concepts that are based on the interaction with the international environment.

The aim of the program is to help the high school students learn how to put in practice all the knowledge they gather during the high school classes.

The project is at its third edition and it has proved to be a very successful initiative. Since 3 years ago, more then 700 hundred children from over 20 highschools have lived a truly unique experi-ence and this year, the project is going on at the same time in 12 cities in Romania.

The project will take place in mid March and it will last for 6 weeks, there will be around 300 participants and 12 international trainers. Until now, there are 3 signed internships within high schools and over 70 participants.

The participants will be delivered different trainings concerning important issues for one’s development by internationals. The top-ics approached are 16. Some examples are: Team Work(Branding your team, Team building, Proactivity, Time management, Motiva-tion, Conflict management), Project Management (Goal setting/vision building, Project management, Project building I, Project building II, Wrap up/Taking CD home).

By associating the knowledge about efficient team work and proj-ect management, by understanding the steps that are necessary in

building a project, the importance if goal setting and the adequate use of the human resources in a team, the CD- See Differently will offer the students a wider image about their future and their pos-sibilities.

The course can be applied immediately and directly, as at its end, the students will make a project through which they will promote the image of Romania around the world. Moreover, they will re-ceive a certification for their active participation.

The CD-See Differently Education project of AIESEC Bucha-rest , spring 2009 , would not have made it weren’t for you.So,a very big thank you and gratitude for the project’s Alumni Advisory Team composed of Silvia Toma , Florin Ghinda,Mihal Musat ,for your support and advices.Also ,we need to thank the other alumnis that helped in this project : Oana Calin , Laura Nedelcu ,Elena Sevastianov . Thank you all for making this project come to life :) “

The Leader Within“The Leader Within” had as main purpose to train high-school students so that they can become leaders and create their own organizations, either profit or non-profit. Therefore, the project was planned to have a clear impact on society and its sustainable development.

The project materialized during July 2007 and March 2008. The trainings took place in four high-schools from Bucharest : Ion Creanga, Virgil Madgearu, Lazar and Benjamin Franklin. Students were divided in 2 groups of maximum 20 persons. In every high-school there were two study groups.

Because of the inflexible Romanian learning system, students feel the need to implement what they learn in school. “The leader within” gave students the opportunity to gain practical knowledge. Besides this fact, pupils are also interested in internationalism so with the help of this project high-school students got the chance to interact with 4 international trainees and learn not only what the agenda proposed but also about different countries and cultures.

The trainings were thought of as interlinked, aiming to offer stu-dents with both artistic and pragmatic skills the basis they need for an entrepreneurial way of thinking and for making the best in their future career. Discussing issues as Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Career Planning, with the development of Soft Skills and Non-verbal Communication, the project provided high-school students with a more opened perspective on life as an entrepreneur.

The main purpose of this project, as previous mentioned, was to offer personal and professional development to high-school students and access to internationalism. The secondary purpose of the project was to facilitate intercultural communication and cooperation in order to have a continuous flow of experiences and innovative ideas between the pupils and the international trainers.

Highlights4 high-schools150 students4 interational trainees




16 Annual Report 2008

Oldest LC is Vienna, established 1952, youngest LC is Bucharest established by LC Vienna in 1990. Altogether they account for around 500 members and they plan to achieve 444 exchanges in the upcoming term.

The purpose of the cooperation is mul-tilateral, focusing not only on numeric results growth, but also on intercul-tural learning and providing support

ant preparation within the 5 leadership teams of the offices involved in the Big

5 cooperation. Whilst the foundations of this cooperation were based on

Good Case Practices: The Recruitment from Bucha-

rest, The Trainee matching systems from Vienna, The Career

Days in Prague, members from all the local offices took part in conferences or-

ganised within the connection(Solution, Local Induction, Future) in order to strengthen the

bond also at local level.

The beginning is traced back to 2007, when the local office presidents from Bratislava, Budapest, Prague and Vienna went through a meeting in Euro Co (one of the European conferences)

and decided to create a network of growth. In 2008 - Re-Imagine conference brought together MC VP from Switzerland Jih-Ming Chen, as well as LCP from Graz and the current and elect LCPs from Budapest BCE to establish new cooperation grounds. As an outcome, the interconnection of cooperation between Bucharest and the founding 4 resulted in Big5Connection.

One of the biggest achievements of the cooperation is Big5We-CanD 1.-3.8.08 in Csobanka, Budapest. Designed as a three day conference, focused on three directions: Define the cooperation as such, what are the main objectives and what is the vision, Next steps which will be undertaken in a whole as well as in its function-al parts and skills building. All the Executive Boards participated in trainings on skills which are vital for their work in the upcoming term.

Big 5 connectionConnected for Growth

AIESEC Bucharest 17




One step forward, the 4-day training event promoted and orga-nized by AIESEC Bucharest, had the aim of creating a bridge be-tween Romanian top companies and ambitious, visionary students that were willing to start or develop their careers.

One step forward had two main focus points. On the 16th and 17th of April students participated to interactive presentations and trainings, held by the top companies in Romania, on topics like Negotiating & Branding or Leadership in Business. Consequently, on the19th and 20th of April students participated in trainings held by Yiannis Lagos from People First and AIESEC alumni, on marketing, sales and management issues.

Over 70 people participated at each company training offered by our event partners: InBev, Brennan, Wilson Learning, BDO, Danone.

Participants testimonials:

InBev . “As far as the presentation skills are concerned the trainer lived up to the expectations. I think each participant remained with key words about InBev.” (Stefanescu Roxana – participant)

Brennan “Very open minded and well prepared trainers, they came with explanations in the field and great own experience arguments. Before I had no idea how to make a survey and this training offered me a good explanation about what working with many persons actually means.” (Balan Oana)

Wilson Learning offered students two hours of training about “So-cial styles”. We had a total of 70 participants from which 60 were students in Bucharest and 10 AIESEC members. “The trainer was a professional, well prepared and opened to our questions. I think that this training was very useful and the test we made can help us in our future job.” (Miuncu Cristina)

BDO “The trainers had a proactive and dynamic attitude that they passed on to the public. A complex training that covered a large interest area; an ideal mix for a training.”

Danone. “As far as marketing is concerned, the information was very interesting and useful, especially about how to choose a good strategy in a multinational company. “

All in all the participants, around 100, gained important information and skills that became the step forward in their career

“One Step Forward team wants to thank to Vali Haicu for his work and for the Negotiation Skills training”

One Step Forward

HighlightsTraining Event promoted and organized by AIESEC Bucharest

Objectives: to connect top company representatives and stu-dents2 main focus points: company trainings and AIESEC alumni trainings70 students present/trainingEvent partners: InBev, Brennan, Wilson Learning, BDO, Danone, People First,

“Powerful people, who have succeeded to make a lifestyle from their passion, are ready to have a free discussion about what means to fulfill your dreams”. This is the description of what was going to happen along 2 days, at Carturesti Library.

An event that had impressed every time through the simplicity of the concept and had succeeded to perfectly transmit the AIESEC values, attracts, in the summer of 2007, over 100 youth. Being interested in finding out the “key of success” and the paid price, they had the chance to “skim”, in a famous library, different books. Books alive, able to satisfy the most hidden questions of the “read-ers”, thirsty for knowledge.

The “books” have carried the names of people with great life experiences, but with a common theme: courage, strong values, perseverance and success.

A really impressive event, through the learning atmosphere we have created: life experiences shared with unknown people, in

front of a cup of tee, among book shelves.

“An original project, a simple but profound concept! It’s contagious the energy, positivism and the created learning atmosphere”. This is the opinion of a “living book”, Cristian Hossu(alumni).

The Living Library Concept was perfect for the interaction with the AIESEC alumni. This is the reason why 5 of the 12 present “living books” have been alumni. On this occasion we would like to thank the ones who helped us sustain the project: Stefan Palarie, Cris-tian Hossu, Oana Paun, Andreia Dumitrescu and Sorin Kertesz.

Living Library

Highlights2 days of “reading”

12 “opened books”, 5 alumni

Around 100 “readers”

18 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC Bucharest 19

An ambitious project, on one of the least addressed issues in the NGO projects market, Discover Finance was a nine months long project which started in August 2007 and ended in April 2008. Its purpose was to facilitate the interchange of ideas regarding the issue of finance, throughout a series of events.

Firstly, Finance Insights was a four-day event that took place at Bursa de Valori Bucureşti, from the 25th until the 28th of March. It was an event comprised of 10 reknown speakers with financial working background and 6 partners which addressed, on the one hand, the themes od financial and stock exchange sector and, on the other hand, the consultancy and audit field. The discussions were of great interest to the students in the universities of Bucha-rest, more than 100 persons being present on each day of the event.

Carmen Oprea, Discover Finance Project Manager: “We believe that Finance Insights managed to offer the 400 participants a clearer image on the financial domain and of the opportunities enclosed in it. Our objective was to connect the students with the reality on the financial market in Romania and present them with solutions and development opportunities in this area. It was a valu-able experience, both for the the participants and the organizing team.”

The partners of Finance Insights were Bursa de Valori Bucureşti, Intercapital Invest, PricewaterhouseCoopers , Euroglobal , Deloitte and TPA-Horwath Quintus, and among the speakers invited we can name Wilhelm Simons, Partner Head of Assurance Services PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jan Glas, Managing Partner TPA Horwath Quintus, Antonis Ioannides, Financial Advisory Director Deloitte and Dan Paul, President of the Broker Association.

The event will have its second edition during Sustainability Week

event in 2009.

Secondly, another important event organized by the Discover Finance team was Sustainable Finance in Youth NGOs, an inter-national conference which took place in Moeciu de Sus from the 10th until the 15th of April. Comprised of 45 delegates coming from Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Austria, the conference addressed the need of sharing a common ground of knowledge in the finan-cial and economic sector by young people in the EU countries.

Mihaela Pănoiu, who attended the conference as a Romanian del-egate, recalls: „Apart from the financial planning simulations and the know-how that I gained, I believe that the main success of the conference was the fact that it gathered people with very different perspectives who managed to reach a common gound regarding economic and financial issues.”

Discover Finance

Heading for the future (H4TF) is going to be a three-day event between the 25th and the 27th of February 2009, that will support high quality volunteering experiences through networking, career planning, path building, discovering values and interests. This will enable the companies to get in touch with pre-selected volunteers from NGO’s who are in their last year of studies.

There will be trainings that will help the students reflect on their volunteering experiences and understand how important these are for the companies that are recruiting young people. They will find out which are the trends on the labor market and where they are at that point, and about the professional values companies are in search for. They will create visions and take career assess-ment tests and they will find out about the process of interviews. In the last day, they will make career planning and envisioning their future.

There will also be a day that is especially designed for the AIESE-Cers who are ready to go in their “Heading for the future” stage, at the end of their AIESEC experience.

“H4TF is an event through which we would like to bring together the volunteers from NGOs. We will offer them perspectives from

the companies in order to discover the importance of the volun-teering experience and how this will be helpful in the future.”

Denisa Bernevig- OCP H4TF

“Heading for the future was the first conference that had as target of participants NGO’s volunteers. I would like to thank the following alumni for their support and involvement, because without them this event wouldn’t have been the same: Florin Ghinda, Marius Sigheti, Alexandra Dinu, Bogdan Pode, Corina Velicu, Mihail Mu-sat, Tibi Borza and Teia Catana”.

Heading for the future

Highlights3 dayscareer planning and envisioning their futurediscover the important of the volunteering experience





20 Annual Report 2008

The 2008 fall recruitment „Choose your own experience” was a great accomplishment for AIESEC Bucharest, because of the 516 students that applied willing to make a difference. This recruit-ment proved that students are not always indifferent to issues that matter and that some of them participated because they wanted to know they can become better, that they can evolve and trully change something in the world they live in. The 83 applicants that were selected after the trial period are now active members in the departments and projects they were allocated in.

The applicants had to pass a complex selection process consisting in a group interview, an individual interview and a trial period – that included trainings provided by AIESEC members or alumni.

In the begging of October, after these 3 phased based on our global competency model of change agents, 170 were selected to join the Induction Period, were the ones who want to be part of AIESEC have access to personal development trainings. The Pe-riod offers the applicants the opportunity to meet new people, build new friendships and experience internationalism. They form teams where they face challenges in solving certain tasks and bond with the other team members when finding a group identity, and also gain more understanding of what AIESEC is and whether that fits their future.

The three weeks probation period ended with a two days team-building experience that we call Outdoor Weekend. Ther they found out more about team experiences, team management and their future development, through a series of simulations, designed to reveal their role and contribution to their team effort.

After the Outdoor Weekend, the applicants had a final meeting with AIESEC members. After a few days the team coordinators announced the results.

We connected the students with our environment and members and we offered them the opportunity to discover and develop their potential to the fullest extent, and they due so every day in AIESEC. Part of them are now in the team developing this annual report.

The autumn 2008 Recruitment“Choose your own experience” with AIESEC Bucharest

Highlights516 online applicants170 members in the Induction Period8 days of interviewsOver 150 people in the week-end outdoor88 new members in AIESEC Bucharest

Summer recruitment 2008The 2008 Summer Recruitment was another confirmation of an increased level of awareness of our “Global Internships Program” brand among students.

At its second edition, the Summer Recruitment Campaign set its own record. Between 23rd of June-29th of July, 300 recent gradu-ates applied for the Global Internships Program, transforming it into a good case practice for our network.

The 2008 Summer Recruitment was basically focused on the online communication channel. The “Global Internships Channel” was mainly communicated to students in final years of study and recent graduates through direct mailing, promotion on our online partners, press releases, live radio interviews on news editions as well as brochures that were distributed to students in universities.

The recruitment followed mainly the same structure as in autumn and spring, but without the “group interviews” step. 300 students

were interviewed and around 100 entered the one week induction period in which they got the chance to better understand AIESEC and the program they applied for. At the end of it, 29 students be-came members of AIESEC Bucharest, being eager to create their own life changing experience in one of the 106 cultures all over the world.

HighlightsOver 300 online applicants100 participants in the Induction Period29 new AIESEC members willing to go in a global internship

AIESEC Bucharest 21

The 2008 Spring Recruitment had as main focus recruiting students interested in experiencing an international traineeship through the Global Internships Program, and European Youth in Motion and Business Contact projects.

AIESEC Bucharest in partnership with 5 other AIESEC local committees from Poland, Czech Republic and Turkey developed European Youth in Motion, an international project which offered fully financed internships in the countries mentioned above. Its main purpose was to bring a major contribution in youth social, cul-tural and professional development together with individual growth. As a result, after the recruitment, 13 students had beneficiated by this opportunity.

Business Contact was a project realised by AIESEC Bucharest in collaboration with AIESEC Stuttgart and Bremen and was focused on the cultural exchange between Eastern/ Middle Europe and Germany. The target of this program was to contribute as a sup-port experience for the development of young students.

586 students chose to take a step for-ward in their professional and personal development and applied online to the AIESEC Spring Recruitment. After the selection process composed by group and individual interviews and a 2-week induction period, 95 selected students became AIESEC members, ready to challenge their world-wide views, interna-tionally.

The Spring Recruitment 2008

HighlightsObjectives: recruitment of students willing to experience interna-tionalismResults: 586 online applicants95 new selected membersPartnership programs: European Youth in Motion and Business Contact




22 Annual Report 2008

Under the slogan of “Learn to train your future”, the Interna-tional Trainers’ Congress was the highlight of the 2007 projects developed by youth.

The fact that the events were considered worthy of entering under the patronage of the Presidency, the City Hall, the Ministry of Education, and 36 embassies , and the media reach of the proj-ect* proves the relevance and uniqueness of the fact that AIESEC annual congress of trainers was organized in Romania at such a large scale.

This uniqueness is created also by the strong international char-acteristic of the participants and them, sharing their cultures, foods and dances in the opening culture fair of the 6 day conference: Global Village, under the slogan “ Inconjurul lumii in 0 km”, to around 5000 visitors.

Aiming to develop the training and the self-driven learning capac-ity of this student generation, ITC put in contact 400 students with 150 trainers coming from more than 45 countries from our global network, being the people that manage within the organization the development and competencies of our members worldwide. We were honored to have as speakers mister president Traian Bas-escu and Gabriela Albescu, the president of AIESEC International at that time, a 23 year old Romanian.

International Trainers Congress 2007 took place between 16th – 23rd of April in Bucharest and Mamaia, and it was the 3rd Global Conference in the AIESEC network organized in Bucharest, in the last 6 years.The conference itself and the 3 connected external events were organized by a team with an average age of 21 under the coordination of Alexandru Gal (Project Manager)

International Trainer’s Congress

Highlights45 countries

Biggest student training event : 400 students , 150 trainers, 20 trainings in parallel for 4 hoursReach: 5000 visitors at the Global Village

Partners: Presidency, City Hall, Ministry of Education, 35 embassiesCoverage : more than 500 media appearances, 20 media partners, 6000 visitors/month on the website.AIESEC International had a Romanian president that managed the conference: Gabriela AlbescuMr. Traian Basescu speech at the official ceremony

AIESEC Bucharest 23

Local Training Seminar, the first conference for the new mem-bers and the preparation seminar for the future executive board of AIESEC Bucharest, took place in Bran, between 14th and the 17th November 2008.

This event brought together for the first time the old and new generation of AIESEC members in a unique learning environment meant to create a holistic organizational vision.

The 4-day conference was divided in 2 separate tracks that would cover the specific needs of each type of delegates. The AIESEC new members had the opportunity to get a more profound glimpse towards the organization’s past, present and future but also to receive a series of soft skills trainings on effective communication, innovation and creativity, teamwork, proactivity, time management and presentation skills. Secondly, the old members’ preparation involved a goal-setting session, and also a developed leadership simulation meant to prepare the future executive board of AIESEC Bucharest.

The last day was reserved to functional areas preparation and planning of the final quarter.

“What made this conference special is the connection of around 40 new members with AIESEC Bucharest; 40 people full of energy and willingness to learn as much as they could, 40 people waiting to discover AIESEC and also to be discov-ered.” (Alin Stoianovici, AIESEC Bucharest member)

Local Training Seminar 2008

Re-ImagineRe-Imagine, the international motivational conference, is orga-nized annually by AIESEC Bucharest in collaboration with AIESEC Vienna. Each year the conference is hosted by one of the coun-tries involved and in 2008 the event took place from the 9th to 13th of May, in Bad Aussee, Austria.

Re-imagine’s main objective is to enable international experiences that will make participants understand better and accept differ-ences between Romania and Austria. This youth exchange will erase nationality preconceptions and raise awareness upon the advantages of international collaborations, of working with people with different educational backgrounds, opinions and views.

AIESEC encourages diversity. Hence, the conference agenda involved: a teambuilding between the two county rep-resentatives where the participants interact in order to create team synergy, a global village, where each country represents its traditional food, music, objects and art; workshops, round table discussions, experience exchanges, open talks on issues like fighting preconceptions, working in an international environment, possibilities of collaboration; interactive spaces where participants are involved in debates in order to find innovative solutions to matters such as: diversity, international leadership, management innovations and regional issues. All in all, concrete results of this conference are seen in the Emerging Markets project that brought until now a trainee from Vienna, at Capgemini in Bucharest.

Re-Imagine 2009 - In 2009, AIESEC Bucharest has the pleasure to organize Re-Imagine and to forward the tradition, celebrating 19 years of cooperation. The conference will take place in mid May and 100 delegates are waited.

HighlightsA 4-day training conference for all the AIESEC Bucharest mem-bersObjectives: to raise members’ awareness of their future oppor-tunities within the organizationOver 70 delegates

2 training tracks: soft skills preparation and leadership simula-tions Event partners: TPA Horwath Quintus, Capgemini, Euroglobal Audit & Advisory, InBev

HighlightsThe annual motivational conference in collaboration with AIE-SEC ViennaRole: delegates discover different international perspectives

Date: 9-13 May 2008

Venue: Bad Aussee, Austria100 participantsOver 50 Romanian delegates




The Bucharest Planning Meeting 2008 (BPM) is a 6 days confer-ence that reunites all our members in order to define the projects and functional areas activities that AIESEC Bucharest will have in the year to come. BPM is not only the moment in which we collec-tively define our ambitions and strategies, but also the moment to establish the responsible for them, as we elect the Project Manag-ers and the Team Leaders for the next half a year.

Between 23rd and 29th of July in Moeciu de Sus, 50 members of AIESEC Bucharest, trainees and alumni gathered for the most important conference of the year. It makes stronger links, it helps them reflect upon their AIESEC experience so far. In ad-dition, it motivates them to want more and to make a difference in the next year, creating new development opportunities like leader-ship positions, team management, organization of a national or international conference, planning and adapting the national and international trends within our network. Moreover, the delegates earned theoretical and practical experience on issues like: Project Management, Business Planning, Emerging Markets, Technology, Corporate Social Responsibility, Education, Human Resources Al-location, Recruitment, Sales, PR Campaigns, Budgets and Grants, Event Management and Fund Raising which were further on ap-plied in their work in AIESEC.

We also analyzed our organizational culture with the help of Hu-man Synergistic diagnosis instruments, and even if we are close to the ideal one, we defined clear improvements that we want to see in our internal attitudes and behaviors in order to create an even more stimulating environment.

Even if the conference had a very demanding 10 hours a day agenda it was a memorable experience as we felt as one team with a common direction and purpose .The teambuilding that started the conference contributed a lot to that, thanks to Ascendis, our education partner, that offered us the necessary know-how and logistics.

“The energy was very high as the delegates were willing to dedicate 100% on the projects they worked on, and the time-frame (the middle of the summer vacation) and the location (in the mountains) were perfect. It was a bit exhausting but all in all it was a confeence to remember for all the participants.“ Alin

Bucharest Planning Meeting 2008Designing both the future of the organization, and the way to get there, through the par-ticipation of all our members

HighlightsThe annual project planning conference

The first objective is to envision new suitable projects for the next term in AIESEC BucharestThe second objective is to elect the new middle management team50 delegatesASCENDIS partnership on training

Organized in Buşteni, for three days, in December 2007, the role of Local Committee Congress is crucial in the life of the organiza-tion. Each year, during this conference, the new generation of AIESEC Bucharest executive team is elected by the gathering of full members in the organization.

Being a cornerstone of the entire chain of AIESEC events through-out the year, LCC symbolizes the commitment that the members have for accomplishing AIESEC’s mission in the year to come.

The usual participants at this conference, besides the candidates for the executive team, are the members and the alumni of AIE-SEC. In LCC 2008-2009, there were 36 participants whose role was either to actively contribute to the conference – organizing,

competing in the elections, voting or interviewing the candidates – or to witness the election process.

One of the members who contributed to organizing the confer-ence, Elena Filip, recalls: “For the members that witnessed for the first time the election process, it was a meaningful experience, helping us better understand the activity of each department and interconnect their roles, in order to be able to have a holistic pic-ture of the entire organization and of the way it functions.”

Local Committee Conference Executive Board 2008-2009

HighlightsThe birth of a new generation of leaders

Cornerstone of the conference chain in AIESEC, not for its mag-nitude but for its importance in the life of the organization

24 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC Bucharest 25 AIESEC Bucharest 25

AIESEC National Congress 2008 took place in Mamaia, Con-stanta at Hotel Aurora, between the 30th of April and the 4th of May. During this congress, the new leading teams of the 13 Local Commitees, that start their mandate in the spring, as well as the old and new board members of AIESEC Romania, that follows the same principles, meet to share new ideas and ways of ac-complishing objectives and to set a common strategy for AIESEC Romania.

At the National Congress 2008 participated 120 delegates from the 13 Local Committees in Romania (Braşov, Bucureşti, Cluj, Craiova, Constanţa, Galaţi, Iaşi, Oradea, Ploieşti, Piteşti, Sibiu, Timişoara, Târgu Mureş), Local Committee Presidents, their team of Vice Presidents and AIESEC alumni. National Congress is an annual planning meeting in AIESEC Romania and every year the responsibility for it is assigned to a different Local Committee and this year we were proud to be the ones selected.

All endorsements from the participants show that the National Congress 2008 organized by AIESEC Bucharest was a real suc-cess, as all the participants were involved in the planning activities. The delegates were offered a proper environment for an experi-ence they will not soon forget. The team had a great responsibility in organizing this Congress, because they had to overcome certain obstacles, as finding the perfect location or creating schedules- in order to do that they really had to work as a team, to communi-cate and overcome their own limits. The participants mentioned, amongst others, that the Congress organized better their ideas concerning the organization’s development as well as their owns.

Also, the cozy environment from the coffee breaks helped all those that participated at the National Congress to be more produc-tive, offering them a unique learing experience. The companies that supported the 5 days of planning were Inbev, Nestle, Colop, RoStar

The objectives and key performance indicators established in this national conference and put into practice after the conference led Romania to be at the end of 2008 on the 9th place globally , performance wise, among our 106 country network.

The National Congress 2008

HighlightsOrganized by AIESEC Bucharest

120 delegates from the 13 AIESEC local committees

5 days of strategic planning activities

Event partners: Bergenbier, Nestle, Colop and RoStar




26 Annual Report 2008

I. Incomes

In 2008 the largest amount of money came in AIESEC Bucharest from the corporate sector (more than 50%), while the least amount of money came from the 2% law (1% of the total income).

II. Expenses

The biggest part of the 2008 budget was invested in development costs out of which more than 90% were spent for sending the AIESEC members to local, national and international conferences such as:

• The Local Training Seminar

• The National Preparation Seminar

• The Bucharest Planning Meeting

• The National Congress

• SpringCo

• Rock Me

• Re-imagine (AIESEC Bucharest cooperation with AIESEC Vienna)

III. Legislation

AIESEC Bucharest has a separate legal personality, as a non-governmental and apolitical organization without patrimonial purpose, which is constituted and operates under the GO 26/2000 on associations and foundations, as amended and supplemented by GO 37/2003.

IV. Grants

In 2008 AIESEC Bucharest had 4 projects supported by grants. CSR Bridge 1.0 and Discover Finance received in total 25.000Euro from Youth in Action for “Social Responsibility Semi-nar” and “Financial Sustainability in Youth NGOs”. In addition, the National Congress received 800 Euro from “Agentia pentru Sprijinirea Studentilor”.

In 2008 AIESEC Bucharest organized the project: “European Youth in Motion” which was financed by “Leonardo da Vinci” with 45.000Euro.

V. 2%

Furthermore, AIESEC Bucharest received 1000 Euro from the 2% law.

We thank all those who chose to support the development of AIESEC Bucharest members in such a way and in 2009 our goal is to increase the amount obtained with at least 50%.

The Financial department

In today’s constant changing environment, the financial depart-ment’s role is to bring greater value to AIESEC Bucharest by providing internal financial information. Hence, to achieve this goal the department uses various instruments such as: budgets, cash flow, reports and financial analysis. As a consequence, our projects are developed by the AIESEC members more effectively.

The financial focus on 2009 is to enhance both the revenue diver-sification ( 2%, Grants) and also the cost cutting measures. We are expecting favorable results from grant applications for CSR Bridge 2.0 and Re-Imagine conference, an annually cooperation with Vienna.


AIESEC Bucharest 27

CommunicationThe Communication Department in 2008 had one of its greatest years in term of flow of activity, results on campaigns and visibility in the student market. We have strived all throughout the year to communicate with our stakeholders through all the main channels: online and offline, with a high focus on online promotion (websites and direct mailing). The 10 Communication Campaigns, including three recruitments, further strengthened the top youth NGO image that we have been working on for the past 18 years.

The first campaign of the year, Social Responsibility Seminar, the first CSR intensive course for 60 students, had an application rate of 250 people and over 2000 unique visitors on the website.

The second part of the CSR Bridge project, “Bucurestiul Fluiera Fault”, a march with 300 volunteers throughout the centre of Bu-charest, gathered over 340 applicants and with a web exposure of over 1500 visits on the website.

In March, we had two major events unfolding, the Finance Insights conference in the Bucharest Stock Exchange Building, with over 400 people applying for the 3 day conference, and also the spring recruitment, with 600 applicants, being the most successful AIESEC Spring Recruitment Globally in 2008. During this period we had over 5000 unique visitors on our websites in less than 3 weeks.

One Step Forward was the flag event in April, with 170 applicants and 40 participants to the workshops related to leadership, market-ing and management. It also brought over 2000 unique visitors on our website.

During the summer we focused our efforts on two main cam-paigns, the Summer Recruitment, with 300 applicants, the biggest number of applicants in summer and also AIESEC University – a summer school on Finance, Sales and Communication, with 470 applicants and 60 participants/workshop. Overall we had traffic of 7500 unique visitors on the two websites.

As autumn came, we started October with Autumn Recruitment, this year going on a new concept: “Choose your own experience”. It was a success, having 516 applicants with the characteristics we previously set and the campaign also brought 4000 students in 2 and half weeks of promotion.

The main event of the year in terms of exposure and participants was by far Leadership Talks! Designed to celebrate 60 Years of Activating Youth Leadership, the event brought together 12 amaz-ing speakers like: Octavian Bellu, Maia Morgenstern, Steven van Groningen, Paul Nuber and 250 students in the Academy Library Aula.

2008 also meant 200 Media appearances in,,, 9am, Wall-Street, The Investor, Manage this, InfoPoli,,,, We signed 8 new media partnerships in 2008 most of them are on the online segment.

Regarding internal communication, our members started using, the international communication platform, more intensively in terms of international connections.

On Costumer Care and Delight, we ensured the creation and deliv-ery of Christmas Cards, 1st and 8th of March cards and Easter online cards for our stakeholders.

AIESEC Bucharest 18 Years was celebrated at an alumni and members event during the Executive Board takeover, event for which we created an 18 years brand and logo.

Highlights200 Media appearances in 2008

8 new media partnerships signed

10 communication campaigns




28 Annual Report 2008

An AIESEC internship is a practical working and learning experi-ence for the intern to develop academic knowledge and profes-sional skills. Every internship should aim to provide the intern with the following:

a) A positive learning experience;

b) Practical skills and knowledge in a foreign environment to complement the

intern’s higher educational background or field of career aspi-rations;

c) Interaction with a different social and cultural environment with a view to gaining

intercultural competencies;

d) Development of theoretical and practical leadership skills;

e) Opportunity to apply personal and professional skills, knowledge, attitudes and

values to work for the organisation as well as the host communi-ties;

f) Develop awareness and knowledge of social issues and different practices of the

sending and hosting country;

g) Opportunity to contribute to personal and professional life goals.

h) Opportunity to work with organizations outside of AIESEC.

There are 4 types of internships: development, education, man-agement and technical.

Development Internships

A Development internship (also known as DT: Development Train-eeship) is one in which the intern has a direct interaction or work-ing on the development of an unprivileged group of persons or community. Majority of the work in a Development internship has to be based on areas related to community development issues.

1. Education Internships

An Education internship (a.k.a. ET: Education Traineeship) is one in which the job description involves the majority of time being spent either teaching a language, teaching a subject, or another aspect of education including curriculum development, character education, cultural interaction and perspective promotion in aca-demic fields and sectors. The intern must have the academic and working backgrounds in the field of education or training.

2.Management Internships

A Management internship (a.k.a. MT: Management Traineeship) is one in which the intern spends the majority of their time working in areas related to management. These areas may include business, administration, finance, accounting, marketing, project manage-ment, organizational management or human resources

3. Technical Internships

A Technical internship (a.k.a. TT: Technical Traineeship) has to based on work in areas

related to information technology or engineering. The intern

spends majority of his/her time in one or more of these areas: web development and management, software development and programming, system analysis and design, network management, database management and engineering.

In 2008, globally, 5558 exchanges where realized. 5558 unique experiences where created.

Romania was number 9 in top performing AIESEC countries, with 270 exchanges realized. Top 3 was formed of: India, Mainland of China and Poland.

AIESEC Bucharest, had in 2008 its best performance on OutGoing exchange: 37 members went on internships during the past year.

As for the Outgoing exchange department in the year 2008, we can proudly say that it has achieved its best performance: 37 members from AIESEC Bucharest went on an internship. Also, another thing that made us proud was the project that ran during the months: August-December named European Youth in Motion.

In what concerns the team we suffered some changes: from 7 members in the beginning of 2008 to 8 members in December. We share the same passion and vision:

“We are a strong, united team that fosters the realization of a GREAT number of HIGH quality exchanges through a good integration of our EPs in the LC and the development of cultural sensitivity.”

European Youth in Motion is a project realized with the support of “Leonardo da Vinci” funds and as an objective it had to offer internship opportunities in European Union for graduated students. There were 13 internship realized in: Istanbul (3), Prague (5), Krakow (3), Nowy Sacz(2), from August till December. In this 4

Outgoing exchange

AIESEC Bucharest 29 AIESEC Bucharest 29

months the 13 participants, graduates from different faculties (e.g.: ASE, University of Bucharest), worked in companies (e.g.: Messe Frankfurt in Istanbul, Imige Czech Republic in Prague, Infogenia Marketing in Poland).

In what concerns our results, the following chart is relevant for the evolvement of our department:

All in all, these results mean nothing but extraordinary stories of courageous people that took the change of a global internship. Here are some confessions:

“I took a step into the unknown” Alexandra Gheorghe

“It is not always possible to do what you believe in, but any job is senseless unless you believe in it.” Raluca Clapon

“The choices you make, not the chances you take, make up your destiny!” Mugurel Florea

“I am living my dream now in everyway I imagined it and have only reasons to see that exciting days are still to come.” Cezar Neaga

The destinations of the internships were varied: Austria, Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Singa-pore and many others.




30 Annual Report 2008

The External Relations department handles corporate sales in AIE-SEC Bucharest, having more that 20 members working towards its objectives...

Its members benefited this year of a continuous, intense cycle of preparation, having two trainings in the first part of the year, a sales track in the event AIESEC University and two more trainings after the new members joined the team. This autumn recruitment brought to the ER department 15 new members.

For the first time, we are implementing CRM to manage all our processes better.

We have had a year filled with challenges, hard work, but also rewarding moments, working close to our partners on the events that we organized for the AIESEC members and the students from Bucharest.

Over the summer, for more than one month we have worked on a complex assessment in which we came up with the projects for the next year, taking into consideration both the external context and direction of the market, and the specific needs of all our stake-holders. On the assessment, we worked on teams for each issue that AIESEC Bucharest addresses: Finance, Education, Technol-ogy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Emerging Markets and an Innovation team that focused on coming with new ideas and new concepts. The Innovation team focused this year on PR & Adver-tising, Outsourcing and Human Resources.

Our sales process became a consultative one, discussing in the companies’ meetings all the opportunities of involvement and all the possible partnerships with us, focusing this way more on the specific needs of each company.

For our partners, we worked towards long-term partnerships and closer relationships. We focused on knowing each other better and on developing concepts together... We want to involve them in more and more activities of AIESEC Bucharest and for them to get to know more members of the organization every day.

Taking it chronologically, the events and the financial partnerships this year have been:

Discover Finance brought together students from Bucharest to find out more on finance from representatives of companies from our city... Our partners for the event have been:

o Intercapital Invest – 4000 euro

o Euroglobal Audit & Advisory – 1500 euro

o TPS Horwath Quintus – 1500 euro

o Price Waterhouse Coopers – 1500 euro

o Deloitte – 750 euro

Bucharest Whistles Fault (Bucurestiul Fluiera Fault) and Social Responsibility School provided knowledge on the issue to stu-dents interested in social responsibility by specialists in the field and gave them the opportunity to make a statement in Bucharest

regarding the impact that we have in the environment... The com-panies that provided the workshops for them were:

o Petrom – 7000 euro

o Careefour – 3000 euro

o Farmexim – 3000 euro

o Rebu – 3000 euro

One Step Forward brought companies and students closer, with training that gave the latter knowledge on several issues such as finance and sales... The companies that were present were

o InBev – 1000 euro

o Brennan – 1000 euro

o BDO Contti – 1000 euro

o Danone – 1000 euro

AIESEC University was structured this year on 4 tracks – Human Resources, Sales, Finance and Communication. The conference brought AIESEC members and students from Bucharest passion-ate about each issue together with company representatives, get-ting an overview of the topic over 3 days of conference trainings.

o TPA Horwath Quintus – 1000 euro

o TMF – 1000 euro

o InBev – 1000 euro

Leadership Talks. The companies that enabled students to get insights on leadership from both their representatives and leaders from diverse fields, from theatre to business, were:

o Euroglobal Audit & Advisory – 1500 euro

o Capgemini – 1500 euro

o TPA Horwath Quintus – 1500 euro

o InBev – 1500 euro

15 000 euro came from exchange fees

For internal AIESEC conferences:

InBev – 2000 euro for the National Congress

InBev – 1500 euro for the Bucharest Planning Meeting

Capgemini – 500 euro for Local Training Seminar

Other partnerships, for events that are going to happen next year signed in 2008:

Capgemini – 2000 euro and Action Global Communications - 2000 euro for Heading for the Future

Action Global Communications – 1000 euro for ReImagine (the yearly conference that we have with AIESEC Vienna)

External Relations

AIESEC Bucharest 31 AIESEC Bucharest 31

All our events received a very good feedback from the students, the information delivered being useful and interesting for the par-ticipants.

In the year to come we are looking forward towards working closely with our partners, getting to know them better and bringing them closer to the members of our Local Committee.

In the end, we would like to thank our partners for the success-ful year that we had together, eagerly waiting for the challenges to come in 2009! We would like to thank for the knowledge and opportunities that they enabled for the AIESEC members in our network and for the students in Bucharest!

HighlightsThe biggest number of corporate Exchanges raised ever – 22

First Exchange Partner of AIESEC Bucharest – Total Soft (for 8 exchanges)Biggest number of partners in our LGP ever, growing from 9 partners in the beginning of the year to 19 partners in the end of 2008Biggest value of the financial contracts that were signed ever – 65000 euroFirst Advisory Partner of AIESEC Bucharest – Action Global Communications (will be working closely for the next year with the Communication Department, providing trainings for the de-partment members and feedback on our materials)




The Exchange Program is a tailored and reliable turnkey recruit-ment and community integration process for high quality interna-tional internships. Companies of all sizes have used the Exchange Program to build their leadership pipeline, increase their competi-tiveness, and fuel their innovation.

With over 3000 partners annually, sourcing AIESEC interns is a proven solution for both short-term and project based human resources needs.

Participating in AIESEC’s Exchange Program can di-rectly benefit your company’s bottom line. Through the Exchange Program, your company can…

Recruit the best and brightest

Simplify hiring with our customized turnkey solution

Globalize your workforce

AIESEC Exchange Program Services

As an overall image of Exchange in all 106 countries in which AIESEC exists there were 5558 opportunities that took place, this meaning 5558 organizations having an international intern who brought added value to their environment and 5558 students that had an unique life changing international experience.

This chart shows how many internships were run through the

Exchange program in all AIESEC countries. It is divided in types of traineeships, and it can show that the most internships were run in companies, through the management and technical internships, these having almost 60% of the total traineeships. On the other side, the development and education traineeships which are run mostly in organizations other than companies pay an important role as well.

In the chart above it can be seen the repatriation of numbers of Exchanges realized in all AIESEC network divided on Continents.

Taking into consideration Romania, as an AIESEC country, in the year 2008, we had the best perfor-mance on Exchange ever. This means that this year, all the 13 Local Committees from Romania achieved good results and through hard work brought AIESEC in Romania on 9th place out of 106 in the AIESEC network.

Incoming Exchange

32 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC Bucharest 33

In 2008 in AIESEC Bucharest there were 18 trainees, and you can find below some of them and with some short details about their internships and about their past experience and competencies:

In past 5 years, AIESEC Bucharest had in total a number of 66 trainees , who came from all continents of the world (as an exam-ple, they came from Austria, China, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Brazil, Honk Kong, Poland, Germany, UK, USA, Canada, Turkey, Taiwan, and a lot more). You can find in the table below, a short list with some of the organizations that had trainees, during the past years.

Organizations which were partners with AIESEC Bucharest on Exchange in 2008:

TPA Horwath Quintus, Schultz Consulting SRL, SOPOLEC Busi-ness Advisory Services, MICROSOFT Romania SRL, Ateliers Sans Frontieres, TREND Consult, Archway Romania, Sfanta Ana Association, CHILDREN IN DISTRESS, Clarmon Romania SRL, NOBEL Romania, SECOND DISTRICT CITY HALL, Atlantic Tour, SOFTWIN, International Foundation for Child and Family, Total-Soft, SOFTWIN, Atlantic Tour, SC 4E Software SRL ,City Hall of District 1

Through our Incoming Exchange projects that were run in 2008, we approached 4 issues, CSR, Emerging Markets, Technology and Education. We desired to make a difference in these issues by bringing international AIESEC members, who would bring an

added value and an international perspective to the organizations in which they worked. These issues were chosen after a process of assessment, which consisted of meetings for feedback from companies, collecting relevant data about the status of the market

in Romania so that we could know that our projects would have been appropri-ate for the markets we wanted to target.

All the trainees that come to work in companies or other types of organiza-tions have all the legal documents in good order, meaning that all the trainees who come from non-EU countries have received the authorization of work from the competent entities. They also have a working contract with the companies as all the Romanian employees have. The trainees which come in NGO’s come with visa for voluntary purpose. In conclusion, every trainee that enters the country has all the legal aspects in place in order that the company/organization should have

no problems with the competent legal authorities.

In the department of Incoming Exchange worked in 2008 around 13 - 15 people, they were working also in some of the projects that we run, they were also team leaders of projects, but what char-acterized our department as values were: respect, commitment, responsibility, integrity and unity.




This year, AIESEC Bucharest was present at national, interna-tional and local conferences, where the delegates gathered a lot of professional information but also got to know people from other countries and other cities and also different perspectives and how things are done somewhere else than AIESEC Bucharest.

We had a number of four local conferences: Spring Kick Off 2008( when we planned the spring activities: spring recruitment, 3 proj-ects based on exchange, one students event and the Leonardo Da Vinci project), Re-Imagine 2008( in Vienna this year with the objectives to discover different perspectives, to create connections and to build the future with AIESEC Vienna), Bucharest Planning Meeting 2008( elections of the middle management and the plan-ning of the objectives and activities for almost one year), Local Training Seminar 2008( EB simulations, setting goals for the next year, preparation on departments and planning the final quarter of the year).

As national conferences we participated at: National Congress, where we planned objective for the next year, SpringCo, Summer Functional Meeting( preparation for the recruitment), Rock Me 2008, National Preparation Seminar( first national conference for new members and the experienced members created the 2011 vision for AIESEC in Romania).

In 2008, we had 9 international conferences where we had del-egates representing AIESEC Bucharest:

Starting form spring and finishing with winter: Solution in Aus-tria, where we had 2 delegates, CEEMOS in Tunisia, where we had 4 delegates, EuroExpro in Russia with one delegate, Big 5 I conference with 4 delegates in Austria, Big 5 II with 5 delegates in Budapest,IC with one delegate in Brazil, DO IT in Switzerland with 2 delegates, NaLDS in Germany with 2 delegates, EuroCo in Slovakia with 1 delegate and IC in Brazil with one delegate.

Besides that, we had facilitators representatives at international conference: Iolanda Trandafir, at DO IT in Switzerland, Raluca Samsonov at Fallco in Czech Republic, Emil Huzu at Ceemos, in Tunisia and Oana Toiu in Prague.

Each year we have approximately 40 leadership positions opened, with an average of 2 applicants per position. Right now we have 25 leadership positions in AIESEC Bucharest. Each team had between 3 members and 7 members but also you can have team with 20 members, such as the EuroExpro team that is one of the biggest teams right now in AIESEC Bucharest.

@Bu members in MC and international opportunities:

Each year, AIESEC Bucharest has members that are present in the international network, through conferences as delegates, orga-nizing committee and facilitators. Also, the international opportuni-ties in other MCs in the country is an attractive opportunity.

Right now we have 4 people that are present in the international MCs:Vlad Isac, current MCP of AIESEC Austria, Alexandra Ve-lescu, MCVPICX in AIESEC Norway, Alexandru Ragalie, MCVPER Dominican Republic, AIESEC International Director for CEE, Monica Costea.

The Talent Management department is working with the following


Talent Planning; Talent Marketing; Talent Selection; Talent Induc-tion; Talent Goal Setting & Orientation (including Career Planning); Talent Allocation; Talent Education & Training; Talent Coaching; Talent Tracking & Pipeline Management; Transition; Talent Perfor-mance Assessment;

Talent motivation - Rewards & Recognition and Talent Develop-ment programs: Managing the learning environment and setting up and managing leadership development programs (managing and delivering partnerships related to the talent development area - learning and/or content partnerships)

The role that the TM department has in AIESEC is ensuring hu-man capacity management in the organization through the devel-opment and support of processes used to enhance competencies development, motivation, and leadership of members throughout the opportunities they take in AIESEC.

A conscious, deliberate approach undertaken to attract, develop and retain people with the aptitude and abilities to meet current and future organizational needs.

Performance Manager – Manages the goal setting, coaching and performance evaluation processes assuring members’ enhanced performance.

LTT Coordinator – Ensuring training and education through: local trainers’ team management, trainers’ preparation, local preparation seminars management, training resources center development.

Recruitment Coordinator – Manages the team to set up the recruitment process from promotion to selection and induction.

Description of how we work with the competency model

The competency model that is used in AIESEC is made of 11 competencies that, together and at maximum level of development are defining the characteristics that we want to reach at our mem-bers, the change agent characteristics: social responsible, active learner, cultural sensitive and entrepreneurial.

The competency model is used at each stage of AIESEC Experi-ence, to encourage members to develop themselves on each com-petency, and to achieve at the end of the experience the change

Talent Management

34 Annual Report 2008

AIESEC Bucharest 35

agent characteristics. It’s about personal and professional devel-opment and to bring excellence in each opportunity you will take.

Retention rate per generation, average life cycle of a member (include also information about international life cycle of members if known)

Right now, AIESEC Bucharest has a total of 112 members that are having responsibilities in a project or area. Most of the students present in the organization are from the Academy of Economical Faculty but in the last two years, we encouraged and increased our numbers in members from other faculties also such as Poly-technics, SNSPA and University.

We have members from the 1st year until the last year of study with involvement in all the activities we do.

In each spring, we recruit members with professional experience in order to offer them an international and cultural experience in one of the 110 countries where AIESEC exists.

Each year, the average retention rate that we have is 60% for the members that have one year in the organization. Each member is developing in the organization during one, two or three years. The experienced that we offer are complex, consistent and at the end of the experience each member can say that they had a personal and professional development.

Each year we have a preparation for the future trainers of AIESEC Bucharest. This year, it took place in September where we had 15 members present at a three days conference, where they learned about what it means to held a training, about body language and besides the information received on the theoretical part, in the last day we had the practical experience.

During the year we had training delivered by: Gabi Radu from TMI, Iuliana Stan from Human Synergistics, Tiberiu Borza, Mugur Florea, Alexandru Ciungu, Iulian Olariu, Armina Cerbu, Emil Huzu, Janina Mirea, Diana Popescu, Victor Georgescu, Raluca Clapon and also a preparation from Action Global Communication for the Communication department.

And besides this trainings, we had also trainings held by AIESEC Bucharest members during the recruitment periods, soft skills trainings or functional areas.

During 2009/2010 I envison Talent Management to show the ex-cellence we as an organization should have (Attract,Select, Retain Top Talent) like for example Excellence in the way we recruit our people, the excellent opportunities we give our people.

We can consolidate this culture through a better learning environ-ment management in implementation, through giving the members a better contact with external environment by colaboration with our education partners.

Consolidation of our cultural environment should come through supporting people in their entire AIESEC XP by providing the ad-equate knowledge, attitude, skills and desire. We as a department can reinforce the power of its role in the LC by focus on managing talent (through a better systems implementation) rather that an area responsible of motivation of members and general develop-

ment. Talent Management should inspire its members to take responsability over their own individual learning by participating actively in AIESEC and their community.

A short description of the AIESEC Learning Environment with con-crete examples of how I was implemented this year in AIESEC Bu

This year, we didn’t had a special focus on implementing Learning Environment on all the projects, because the focus was more on developing members in each project team and area.

But the activities we had this year, regarding learning environment, was through the learning circles that we had and if i would mention one of them, would be the Christmas Learning Circle where we had all the trainees talking about the customs in their country.

Through using the virtual spaces for all of the projects and events and having one project that is developing the members in the team through mentoring, having mentors for each member, from the alumni that AIESEC Bucharest has.

And of course the team experiences that each member in AIE-SEC Bucharest has, because it offers a complete experience as a member and a complex development.