Animal Farm Jeopardy CharactersPlotQuotesQuotes 2Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400...


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Animal Farm Jeopardy

Characters Plot Quotes Quotes 2 Misc.






$100 $100$100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Characters

A hardworking and loyal animal who always says, “I must work harder.”

$100 Characters

Who is Boxer?

$200 Characters

An animal who always speaks of “Sugarcandy Mountain.”

$200 Characters

Who is Moses the Raven?

$300 Characters

The cynical animal on the farm

$300 Characters

Who is Benjamin the Donkey?

$400 Characters

This animal likes whiskey so much he used the money he received from killing his best worker to buy more of it.

$400 Characters

Who is Napoleon the Pig?

$500 Characters

An animal that cares more about herself than any of the other animals on the farm.

$500 Characters

Who is Mollie the Mare?

$100 Themes

We see this theme in Chapter 4 when Napoleon begins to take over the farm.

$100 Themes

What is “power corrupts”?

$200 Themes

The sheep listen to whatever is said.

$200 Themes

What is the uneducated are easily manipulated?

$300 Themes

The animals forget most of the “original” Commandments.

$300 Themes

What is those who have a poor memory are easily manipulated?

$400 Themes

Napoleon takes all the money for himself and the rest of the pigs.

$400 Themes

What is power corrupts?

$500 Themes

Snowball was lobbying for this; with his absence, it was used against the animals.

$500 Themes

What is those who are uneducated are easily manipulated by those in power?

$100 Allegories

The Russian Civil War

$100 Allegories

What is the Battle of the Cowshed?

$200 Allegories

Stalin’s propaganda machine

$200 Allegories

Who is Squealer?

$300 Allegories

Old Major

$300 Allegories

Who is Karl Marx?

$400 Allegories

The hard-working and obedient people of Russia

$400 Allegories

Who is Boxer the Horse?

$500 Allegories

The dogs

$500 Allegories

Who is Stalin’s secret police or the KGB?

$100 Memorable Events

Mollie is lured away from the farm by this.

$100 Memorable Events

What are sugar lumps?

$200 Memorable Events

The song that is sung by the animals

$200 Memorable Events

What is “Beasts of England”?

$300 Memorable Events

The first commandment that is changed by Napoleon

$300 Memorable Events

What is the 4th Commandment? (No animal will sleep in a bed with sheets.)

$400 Memorable Events

The individual that every bad thing that happen on the farm is blamed on

$400 Memorable Events

Who is Snowball?

$500 Memorable Events

Napoleon’s accountant

$500 Memorable Events

Who is Mr. Whymper?

$100 Potpourri

The novel is this type of literary genre

$100 Potpourri

What is a fable or an allegory?

$200 Potpourri

Napoleon uses this type of propaganda throughout the novel.

$200 Potpourri

What is fear?

$300 Potpourri

The owner of the idea for the windmill

$300 Potpourri

What is Snowball?

$400 Potpourri

The name of the farm at the end of the novel

$400 Potpourri

What is Manor Farm?

$500 Potpourri

A type of novel that ridicules society

$500 Potpourri

What is a satire?

Final Jeopardy Topic


Final Jeopardy

What is the name of the tenets that animals take for themselves?

Final Jeopardy Answer

