Animal Attack 3 - Half Brother


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  • 7/29/2019 Animal Attack 3 - Half Brother



    At least twenty Salthlex stood around her. She grimaced and kept fighting. She

    knew the others were still fighting more of them somewhere and she was

    determined to get to them before they lost their fight. If she did not She hated to

    think what would happen.

    Youve lost girl. Give up. A voice from the crowd of Salthlex yelled.

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    And before she knew it, every voice was yelling and screaming things like *your

    friends are dead!*, *you will die!* and *youve lost, give up!*.

    No! she screamed. No! I will win. I wont die!

    And one by one, the Salthlex piled up on her until it was hard to breathe. A sharp

    pain in her lungs told her she was holding her breath. It hurt! There was a sudden

    pain in her middle now. She needed air! She was going to die!

    Alex woke screaming in pain as Lexie Ragret stood over her, crooning her to lie still

    while she put a patch of herb on her bloody wound.

    The pain subsided a little when the herb touched her skin but burned as it healed

    her flesh wound.

    Alex groaned in pain as she laid her head back on the pillow. Now that the pain

    had subsided enough for her to think, he opened her eyes to see that she was

    back at the school, in the infirmary. Five people stood over her, staring anxiously

    at her. Aunt Rain, Selina, Mrs. Ragret, Nanaka, who was holding Alexs hand and

    crying, the tears falling silently down her cheeks, and to her surprise, Mr. Anlet.

    She opened her mouth to speak but closed almost immediately because she feltshe would throw up if she did.

    Mrs. Ragret smiled kindly.

    Dont try to talk child. You need some rest before you can speak.

    Ignoring her, Alex opened her mouth again and, trying not to notice the way her

    stomach heaved when she did, spoke. The words came out hoarsely and rough

    with effort but she managed a weak,

    How did I get here?

    Mr. Anlet answered her.

    I brought you here.

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    Alex stared at him for a moment and then asked,


    He smiled at her.

    By teleportation of course, and it nearly killed you in the process.

    Thank you. she managed.

    Speaking was getting harder now.

    He nodded and Alex turned to the others. Nanaka was still crying.

    Dont cry.

    Nanaka sniffed as Alex brushed away a tear running down her face.

    She was getting dizzy now, but she had to find out.

    Did Tylor get the others out? It was barely a whisper, but Selina understood.

    Yes and theyre okay.


    And that word was the last thing she remembered doing until she woke the next

    morning, her stomach growling.

    She looked down to see that her whole torso was bare except for bandages

    covering her chest. Below that was a scar, slanted slightly to the right. It started

    from the corner of her clan symbol and was about six inches long or longer. It

    gleamed white in the sunlight shining through the window.

    Luckily the bandages were tight and she still had her shorts on from last night. She

    got out of the bed to find a pair of feet a foot away from her own. She looked up.

    Aunt Rain stood a foot away, carrying a tray of food. She smiled, looked down at

    her scared stomach and shook her head.

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    By this time next year you will have so many scars on you, the boys will think you

    are ugly.

    Alex smiled at her attempt at humor. She stood up and stretched her muscles. She

    stretched her arms, legs and neck but when she reached her torso, she dropped to

    one knee, groaning in pain.

    Aunt Rain came to help. She put the tray next to the bed and helped Alex sit up on

    the bed.

    Your flesh is healed but the inside is still injured. It will t ake a few hours to heal

    that. she said as she handed Alex some tea. Drink plenty of this. It is made from

    the herbs.

    She handed Alex a cup and she sipped gratefully, smiling at the sweet taste.

    Thank you. Where are the others?

    The woman smiled wickedly.

    Telling the story to anyone who will listen.

    Alex giggled. That would be Nanaka and Shelder.

    Aunt Rain smiled once more at Alex and stood up.

    Eat your food and put this on. She tossed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt at her.

    Then you can come and tellyour side of the story.

    Alex said *thank you* once more and ate, then she went to the bathroom and

    changed. The T-shirt was just short enough to show her scar.

    No one was outside the infirmary so Alex decided to look outside. Maybe they

    were on the field.

    And as she had suspected, a group of people were huddled on the benches. Alex

    stood watching them until Nanaka glanced her way and screamed very loudly,

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    Alex! Youre alive!

    She wriggled out of her mothers arms and ran to meet Alex. She started pick the

    small girl up but she had seen the pained look an Alexs face and shook her head.

    You dont have to. I know you still hurt.

    Alex smiled and crouched so she could see the girl eye to eye.

    You are a very good girl, Nanaka. Ill give you a piggyback ride when Im better,


    The little girl nodded and hugged Alex tightly before leading her over to the

    others. She recognized Leo, Shelder, Tylor and Selina but there were two other

    men she did not recognize. One was a grey haired man that looked a lot like

    Shelder and the other was a very young man, about twenty, looking very happy.

    Selina hurried over to hug her and looked at her in concern when Alex gave out a

    small groan that signaled she could not contain her pain any longer.

    Are you truly alright? she asked.

    Alex gave her a weak smile.

    Im alright Selina, just a bit bruised.

    Selina frowned in the direction of the others.

    Just a bit bruised?! she said loudly. With that SCAR, she emphasized the word

    a lot and Alex thought she saw Leo grimace. I would say you are not just


    Selina continued with a quick glance at the others again.

    And look at you, youre practically screaming in pain like last night!

    Looking towards the others, Selina smiled in approval at what she saw and finally

    led Alex toward the group.

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    The young man she saw at first glance turned out to be at least eighteen years old

    with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a charming smile and looked a little familiar.

    When she was sitting down comfortably next to Aunt Rain and Selina, the man

    that looked like Shelder introduced himself.

    My name is Harland Nack. He smiled kindly and pointed to the young man next

    to him. And this is Night Honner.

    He glanced at her exposed stomach for less than a second and smiled again.

    I want to thank you for saving me and my friend here, Im sorry for what

    happened to you.

    At his words, Leos face of depression turned into dejection.

    Alex quickly took charge.

    It wasnt anyones fault except mine, the enemy distracted me. If it werent for

    Leo and Shelder, she looked quickly from one to the other. Id be dead.

    But her words had the exact opposite effect on Leo. While Shelder looked a bit

    more cheerful, Leo looked like he wanted to commit suicide.

    Night spoke for the first time.

    Um Actually, there is something I have to tell you Alex.

    Alex stared at him, surprised, what would some stranger have to tell her?

    There was a pause, and then Harland spoke.

    Actually, me too.

    Everyone stared at him now, even Leo, who had been hanging his head.

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    Harland looked at Alex seriously for a moment and went on.

    I knew your parents. They were really good friend to our family. You see, your

    family was Royal in half wolf standards. He paused and looked at her for

    permission to continue.

    Though Alex was shocked, she nodded ever so slightly for him to continue.

    Your family was rich and well known. You see, they were the descendants of

    Talamath himself. But the Salthlex figured out that if they destroyed your family,

    the half wolves would be devastated. Of course, you mother and father planned

    an escape while the others distracted the Salthlex. It worked but the only Spiral

    clan members left alive were you and your parents.

    He looked at her and smiled slightly.

    They were so relieved they had had a girl, they nearly cried in relief. After the

    attack, the Cuatro clan had accepted to aid them in protecting you. Thats our

    clan, he pointed to himself, and his two sons. The leaders of the Cuatro clan only

    agreed to protect you because your parents agreed to marry you off to one of the

    clans men some day. They never decided which though. He added quickly at the

    look of horrified surprise on her face.

    But, he continued. A month after that, the Salthlex found the hiding place we

    made for you and your parents because we had a traitor. He grimaced. The man

    was your father and mines best friend. His name was Galeor Snich. I have been

    searching for the man for years, but I have never been able to find him.

    Alex stirred in her chair. She had heard that name before. But where? Then it


    Hes dead. she said, to much surprise

    I heard my dad talking about him a few days before he died. She explained.

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    I see. said Harland. Thats good. And he sighed the biggest sigh the world

    could ever have known.

    But there is one thing he forgot to mention. It was Night. He appeared very


    He glanced sideways at Harland and from his nod, he continued, somewhat


    Your father was with another woman before he met your mother, Alex. That

    woman was my mother.

    Alex was speechless. What could she say? At the surprised look on her face

    though, Night looked satisfied and continued more calmly.

    Your father was also my father at one time so that makes us half siblings. Im

    your brother, Alex. Well, half brother.

    Alexs jaw dropped. She had never been this surprised in her life. She had a

    brother. A half brother, but still, a brother. What was it like to have a brother?

    Umm Selina interrupted the silence. Im sorry to intrude but Alex and I need

    to have a chat. It might be very important for all of us. Then she gestured to Leo.

    You come too Leo.

    He looked surprised at being addressed but got up to follow her behind Alex. She

    led them out of sight of the group on the benches and into a small patch of trees.

    All that walking was starting to make Alex a bit tired. She still must need a little

    rest. After a few more steps though, the theory of being only tired seemed funny.

    She was getting dizzy now.

    And it must have shown because Leo stopped her and called to Selina to stop.

    Are you alright? he asked. His voice came out so gentile that Alex had to look at

    him to reply. His eyes held genuine concern.

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    Im okay. Im just a bit tired.

    Leo guided her to a rock where it was high enough for her to sit on and sat down

    next to her.

    Selina looked worried. Are you sure youre okay? Ill get you some water. And

    before either of them could stop her, she ran off in the direction from where they


    They both waited a few minutes. Five minutes passed but Selina still had not

    returned. Alex Glanced worriedly at the spot where Selina had disappeared. Had

    she gotten lost?

    Is she okay? she asked Leo.

    He looked at her with a knowing look on his face.

    What? she asked.

    She left you and me alone. He said in a low voice.

    But Alex looked at the expression on Leos face and all protests faded into


    He was looking at her with an expression of uncontrollable shame.

    She smiled kindly at him and asked,

    Whats wrong?

    He lowered his head and spoke.

    I could have prevented the attack. I could have stopped him from hurting you.

    Alex stared at him in surprise. He thought it was his fault she got slashed. She


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    It is NOTyour fault. She had said it so sternly that he looked up in apparent


    I said it was not your fault. If anything its mine. I let the enemy distract me. So

    dont get all depressed on me now! She was standing up now.

    He got to his feet and smiled. And to Alexs bewilderment, he took her in his arms

    and hugged her as if she would disappear from right in front of him if he let go.

    It must have killed him thinking it was his entire fault. He deserved a little


    Alex put her arms around him. He stiffened but did not let go. The top of Alexs

    head only came to his chin so all she could do was lay it against his chest.

    He was warm and his arms were firm. She felt as if she could loose herself in the

    depths of his eyes as he looked down at her. He lowered his head to whisper in

    her ear.

    I will protect you. I swear it. With my life if necessary.

    If Alex was blushing before, it was nothing compared to now. His grip tightened as

    he lifted his head to look at her. She was sure he could see her blushing but for

    some strange reason, she did not care.

    He lowered his head again but before either of them could do anything; a rustling

    sound broke the silence. Leos head snapped up to look around, but he did not

    relax his grip on her. If anything, his grip got tighter.

    But it was just Nut. He came running over to them, jumping in his excitement. He

    climbed up to Alexs shoulder and squeaked in an urgent way.

    Whats wrong Nut?

    His squeak to on a higher pitch she recognized as a warning to incoming enemies.

    She gave Leo a meaningful look and they broke apart, ready for battle.

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    Night came running into sight with five or six Salthlex after him. He stopped dead

    at the sight of the two of them but started running again as soon as he stopped.They too started running and he caught up with them.

    Whats going on? asked Alex.

    Salthlex have attacked the school! Then he gestured. Ill lead them this way,

    you go that way!

    They nodded and they went off in the total opposite direction. Four Salthlex

    followed them as two Salthlex followed Night. They must have thought theywouldnt need many for just three half wolves.

    Leo gestured and Alex nodded. They were to split up. Again, they went in the

    opposite directions. The Salthlex gave out roars of outrage and separated into


    Not two minutes out, Alex felt herself fall. Something was wrapped around her

    legs. It was a Salthlex. His scaly arms wrapped more tightly around her legs as his

    partner grabbed her arms, which had been flailing madly to get free, and pined

    them to the ground. She could not move. She was helpless.

    Suddenly and idea occurred. She could scream, and maybe Leo would hear her.

    She did not like the idea of being helpless and having the need to be saved but she

    had no choice. If she did not take this chance, she would be dead in ten seconds.

    Leo! Help me Leo! she screamed.

    The Salthlex holding Alexs arms let out a strangled cry and his grip relaxed on her.

    The one holding her legs looked up in confusion, but what he saw must have

    scared him, he could not move. Alex took this chance and punched him in the

    face. He fell on her legs though, so it made it hard to move.

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    Alex looked around to see her savior and saw a gigantic bear standing on its hind

    legs. Its mouth foaming, its eyes on her; she let out a genuine scream.

    The bear answered hers with a roar of its own and swiped. She ducked just in

    time. She pulled free of the Salthlex on her legs and tried to get up. Then she

    heard a distant voice calling her name.

    It was Night. He came running out of a dark patch of trees with Leo at his heels.

    But by her moments distraction, the bear had taken this as an advantage and

    swiped again. Its claws met the small of her back between the shoulder blades

    and she screamed in pain.

    The bear advanced on her, snarling with its foaming jaws, but it did not even getthe chance to lick her as Night and Leo both attacked it with all their might. After a

    moment the bears lifeless body fell to the ground.

    With the bear dead at her feet, she looked up to thank her saviors but her vision

    was obscured by a broad chest. Leo picked her up and carried her to a fallen trunk.

    Are you alright? he asked.

    Yes. Thank you both.

    Night was examining her back.

    This isnt very deep so you should be able walk but try to keep it from touching


    Alex smiled weakly. Thanks. She said.

    I managed to shake off the two that were following Me., said Night. I left them

    about two miles off when I met Leo. His two were already dead. I asked where you

    were and he said you had gone in the other direction. Then we heard your cry for

    help. He nodded towards Leo. Then not thirty seconds later, we heard you

    scream again but by then we had you in our sight.

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    Do you think the others are alright? asked Alex.

    Leo nodded.

    They had Mr. Anlet with them. Besides, after what the Salthlex did to you, He

    grinned. Nanaka and Selina will go all out on them.

    Alex laughed and for the first time, she felt really good. Her back stung but her

    stomach wound had healed inside thanks to the herb drink Aunt Rain had given

    her. She felt almost happy. But the feeling did not last long, more Salthlex were

    running towards them, shouting.

    Alex moved as if to get up but a big hand came to rest on her shoulder, keeping

    her down. It was Leo. He grinned down at her and pointed to the trees.

    The schools defenses are finally kicking in.

    And to Alexs surprise, the group of Salthlex was divided in half by a rapidly

    growing hedge in the middle of the path. One half fell in a hole and was covered

    up by the same dirt around the hole while the other half was being shoved into

    the deepest part of the forest, where, no doubt, there were animals waiting to

    have their dinner.

    Alex laughed again. That would have come in handy when I was being chased.

    Leo nodded, still grinning. Yeah, but the defenses are only activated if the trees

    sense something is attacking the whole school. Then he continued at Alexs

    confused look. You see, the school has three forests surrounding it. The dark

    forest, the light forest, aka, this one, and the forest we went in for the herbs. That

    one doesnt have a name. The dark forest is so dark and mysterious that anyone

    who enters hardly ever comes back so no one ever goes near it. The light forest

    however, is alive.

    Alex snorted.

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    Its true. grinned Leo. The light forest protects the school when it thinks it is in

    harms way and does its best to protect anyone or anything from the school.

    Oh I see. So if I need help, the forest will help. asked Alex.

    Only if youre really in need. said Leo.

    Before she could reply smartly, Alex heard something that made her stomach do a

    back flip and her heart leap to her throat.



    Alex was sure Nanaka must be dead. Selina would never scream like that if she

    were merely injured. No! It cant be!

    However, no matter how many times Alex tried to reassure herself; pictures of the

    little girls body lying on the ground, broken and bloody kept creeping there way

    into her mind. The two boys had to run with everything they had to keep up with

    her. Every pain and every thought of rest and being tired flew out of her mind as

    she raced towards the sound of fighting.

    As she burst onto the track field, she saw Mr. Anlet, fighting six or seven Salthlex

    at once, Harland, Aunt Rain, and Shelder, all fighting two Salthlex at once, and

    Selina fighting her way through at least four Salthlex to Nanaka, who lay

    unconscious in the arms of a small Salthlex. Blood was trickling down from a cut

    on her forehead.

    Leo and Night ran to help Selina as Alex ran to save Nanaka from her captor. Butjust as she caught the little girl in her arms and kicked away the body of the small

    Salthlex, more Salthlex swooped in on her. It was just like her dream. Only she had

    the unconscious body of Nanaka in her arms. She had to get her out of there, no

    matter what.

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    Alex hiked Nanaka into a more secure position and with one hand, fought her way

    out of the crowd. It was not very easy but Alex did not care. She fought with every

    last ounce of power that she had. Leo, Night and Selina joined the fight very soon,

    but there was just too many of them.

    Finally, Alex dropped to the ground and curled into a protective ball around

    Nanaka. The Salthlex hacked and pulled at her but she would not let them at the

    little girl. She felt some of the claws of the Salthlex fade away and looked up. Leo

    was fighting madly alongside Selina, Night and now Tylor. Alex had not seen him

    since now. He was holding his left arm gingerly but fought just as madly as the


    Alex turned her attention to Leo. He had blood spattered across his face and torso

    from the Salthlex; a dark gash in his thigh was visible through her blurry vision of

    the tears spilling from her eyes. Everyone was risking their lives today because of

    the horrible Salthlex and they would probably end up dead anyway.

    Stop it Alex! She told herself. Get a hold of yourself! You need to concentrate on

    Nanaka. Is she okay?

    Alex moved her arm a little to see the little girls face to see that she was awake.Her eyes were open and she was staring at a point beyond Alexs shoulder.

    She turned just in time to see a particularly ugly Salthlex with its big, scaled arm

    raised just before everything went dark and Alex knew no more.

    Alex woke by the sounds of someone crying. She was lying on something soft,

    probably a blanket. But when she really felt it, it was hard in some places and she

    noticed someone stroking her hair. The hand was too hard to be female and way

    too big.

    She opened her eyes.

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    Selina, Tylor and Nanaka were over in a corner of a room that looked dark and

    damp. Nanaka was the one who was crying. Shelder and Night were sitting near

    her talking in low tones and Mr. Anlet, Harland and Aunt Rain were standing next

    to the bars, talking very fast.

    Bars? This wasnt a room. This was a sell! Were in prison!

    Alex sat up so suddenly, her head went in circles. She moaned and lay back down

    and at the same time Leo said,

    Whoa! Stay still. You took a blow to the head.

    Then Alex understood. The moment she must have been knocked out, the Salthlex

    took them and imprisoned them. It was Leo she was laying on and he was the one

    stroking her hair. He had her in a sitting position, with her back to him and her

    head resting on his shoulder.

    She laid her head back on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and asked quietly,

    Is everyone alright?

    He started stroking her hair again and whispered in her her.

    Tylor has a broken arm, Harland and Shelder both have severe cuts but everyone

    else is alright.

    Alex laughed dryly.

    You left out yourself, dummy. What about you?

    Alex thought she felt, rather than saw him smile.

    Im fine.

    Liar. I saw your leg.

    That wasnt mine. It was just blood from a Salthlex.

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    Alex still didnt believe him so she felt her way to his right leg and felt for any

    injuries, though she did not find any. He was telling the truth. Just in case, she felt

    the other leg and still, there was no gash.

    Alright, she said. You got me.

    He chuckled and blew in her ear.

    She aimed a weak swipe at him which he dodged then heard a,

    Mommy! Alex is awake. I saw her swat at Leo!

    Alex opened her eyes and saw everyones eyes on her while Nanaka came running

    to her side.

    Selina helped Tylor get up and they both came over to her too as Nanaka hugged

    her tightly.

    I thought you were dead! Even though Leo said you were alive, I thought you

    were dead!

    Alex lifted her head from Leos shoulder and wrapped her arms around the little

    girl but did no more because she still felt pretty weak.

    Thank you Alex. said Tylor. Without you, Nanaka would be dead.

    Alex looked up to see tears in both Tylors and Selinas eyes. She smiled at them

    and closed her eyes.

    Im sure anyone would have done the same.

    The next second, a Salthlex opened the door to the sell and through in a large

    patch of herbs.

    The Master wants you in top shape for the questioning. He said in a loud,

    pompous voice. Get healed, youll need it. He sneered and shut the door with a

    slam that hurt Alexs head.

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    Alright, said Mr. Anlet. Everyone who is injured severely will get a portion. The

    ones who are not will take the rest and heal your scrapes and bruises.

    Selina handed Leo a portion of herb which he split in two and put on Alexs back

    while the other he told her to put on her head.

    What about you? she asked.

    Knowing him, he would probably give every last bit to her without taking any for


    I told you Im fine.

    Alex started to protest but Selina stopped her.

    Its alright Alex. Nanaka and I arent that hurt. We can share with him.

    Alex smiled at her and gave her a look to convey her thanks. Selina smiled back

    and turned back to helping Tylor with popping his bone back into place. She

    moved so quickly, he could only grunt in pain.

    A while later, when everyone was healed and feeling better, the Salthlex who had

    delivered the herbs was back. He opened the door again and gestured.

    Only two at a time may be questioned. You will be healed again afterwards but

    only because we like to have our prisoners looking presentable for their


    He pointed to Tylor and Selina first.

    You two, follow me. He pushed them out of the door and shut it with another

    earsplitting slam. He turned to the rest of them and said, The master herself will

    be questioning you so watch you language.

    Then they were gone.

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    Nanaka started crying again and Aunt Rain took her in her arms and comforted

    her. Then they heard a heartbreaking scream. Selina was screaming in pain.

    Alex cursed silently and paced the sell. Aunt Rain also had silent tears running

    down her cheeks, while the men disused what they were going to be asked and

    how the Salthlex were going to get it out of them.

    Another scream. This time from Tylor. Alex had never heard a man scream like

    that and wished never to hear it again.

    But her wish went unheard of as both Selina and Tylor screamed more times than

    Alex would have liked. Then it stopped and she heard footsteps. They were

    coming back.

    The Salthlex that had come for them threw them back into the sell and said as

    Alex caught Selina from falling,

    You have five minutes until we come back for two more. Then he threw a bit of

    herb onto the floor.

    Selina had several broken fingers and toes while Tylor hand many knife slashes on

    his chest and back. They were in no fit state to talk.

    But once they were healed, they both said,

    If we tell you what they asked, they will kill you. But we said nothing.

    Finally, Alex said,

    No matter how much it hurts, dont say a word.

    She spoke to everyone when she said it and they all, even Nanaka, nodded.

    A few seconds later, the Salthlex messenger came back. This time he took Night

    and Shelder. Leo grasped his brothers shoulder before he left and Alex thought

    an unspoken apology went through that touch.

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    She gave Night and Shelder a *good luck*, watched them go, and then continued

    to pace the room again. The screams came like last time and then faded away

    again. They both came back with the same Salthlex but another came carrying

    Shelder. Two broken legs and arms while Night had cuts everywhere. Another five

    minutes to heal and hope then the Salthlex messenger came back.

    The Master aint going to question the man one that aint a half wolf so well

    have to take one of you alone. He grinned horribly, revealing yellow teeth. But

    in the mean time, the girl and the woman.

    Alex ran up to him and blocked his way.

    You cant! Shes just a child!

    The Salthlex caught her hair in one hand and her throat in the other, so fast that

    she had no time to react. He put his face close to hers and said,

    Masters orders. And I think, just for your attitude, you will be the one who goes

    alone. And he threw her to the ground. Hard.

    She gave Aunt Rain a meaningful look and smiled at Nanaka.

    Be a good girl. She said.

    With tears rolling down her cheeks, she nodded and gave a brave little smile.

    Alex dropped her head and cried for Nanakas sake.

    This time the screams never came. Twenty or more minutes passed without a

    sound except from Selinas sobbing.

    They came back with Nanaka and Aunt Rain both looking as pale as ghosts. They

    could not ask what had happened because of what Selina and Tylor said but

    Nanaka went straight into Selina and Tylors arms while Aunt Rain came to Alex

    and hugged her as if she had come back from the dead.

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    It was Leo and Harlands turn now. Alex gave Leo a quick kiss in the cheek and


    Please be careful. Good luck.

    He touched the spot on his cheek where she had kissed it and nodded.

    Their screams came like the others and this time Alex really did cry. She cried for

    everyone who had been injured and hurt. She cried for Leo and Harland. She cried

    because she feared what would happen to her and was terrified at what was


    When they came back, she did not look to see what had happened to them. She

    closed her eyes and went to the door, waiting for the Salthlex to call for her.

    When he did, she did not look back at the others, she did not want to see the fear

    in their faces. She did not ask any questions as they walked down a dark path and

    climbed up stairs. She just went.

    And when the Salthlex pushed her through a large door, she did not protest, she

    did not even stare in awe at the beautiful sight that hit her eyes.


    The room was an ugly, old fashioned room but the thing in front of her would

    have made it look like a five star hotel. A tall and beautiful Salthlex woman stood

    in front of her.

    Alex had never seen a Salthlex woman before. It was a horrible and beautiful

    sight. Even thought the room was ugly, the woman made everything around her

    look beautiful.

    My messenger tells me that you have cheek. She said. Even her voice was

    beautiful. It was like an angels.

    And is having Cheek against the law now? spat Alex.

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    And I see he is right. She added. Now, I will ask you a few questions. Will you

    answer me willingly?

    Never. said Alex. Her voice came out as coldly as she intended it to but inside

    she felt as if she could run and hide in a hole for the rest of her life.

    The Salthlex woman smiled. Well then, which shall it be? she asked pleasantly.

    Broken bones, bloodshed. There are many ways of torture, my dear.

    Im sure there are. said Alex. But I dont really care. I will never answer your

    questions. And Im not your *dear*.

    Well then, that makes things much more simple. She said with a chuckle.

    Bloodshed it is then.

    She drew a dagger from a small table nearby and came towards Alex.

    Now, answer this, where are the other half wolves hiding?

    Alex smiled. I have no idea. This was the truth. She really did have no idea.

    The Salthlex woman moved so fast, Alex didnt even see her move. Before she

    knew it, there was a cut on her cheek. It stung but Alex determinately did notmove.

    Then, answer this, how many of you are there?

    Alex held her emotionless expression. No clue.

    The next second, her arm was in the womans grasp and she was carving out

    Alexs own symbol out on her arm. Alex could not help but scream in pain. Her

    knees buckled and the woman fell with her, but kept carving. When she was done,

    she let Alex go and turned her back.

    Have you seen a half wolf with that symbol? she asked.

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    Alex decided at once to lie. From what Harland said, this woman wanted to kill

    her. She wiped blood from her arm onto her stomach while answering *No* in

    that same cold voice.

    Another slash, to her chest.

    What clan are you?

    Alex had not known many clans. She just hoped if she made on up, she would not


    The Tral clan. The symbol is a line. On your thigh.

    The woman did not slash this time but murmured something that sounded like*breed like rats*.

    Let me ask again, she said calmly. Where are the other half wolves?

    Downstairs. said Alex.

    The Salthlex woman slashed twice on each leg before saying,

    I will ask once more. Where are the rest of the half wolves?

    Alex spat in her face. GO TO HELL!!! she screamed.

    That ticked her off. The woman hit Alex to the ground and kicked her. Answer

    me! she yelled.

    Alex got to her feet and slashed her claws at the woman. She took it unexpectedly

    and got four claw marks on her face.


    The woman stumbled back. She was surprised. However, she quickly snapped out

    of it. She glared at Alex and without a sound, threw the dagger at her.

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    Alex had not expected it and was too slow for dodging. It hit her in the stomach

    and again, Alex sank to her knees. She coughed, and blood spattered the floor.

    The woman waved her arm and the messenger came running along with a guard.

    Give her herb but dont let her remove the dagger until you lock the door to the

    sell. She said calmly. I want her friends to see how she suffered to keep their


    The guard picked Alex up off the floor and carried her along the passage way

    towards the sell along with the messenger Salthlex.

    Almost everyone was at the gate when he walked into view.

    In the angle that the guard was carrying her, the dagger could not be seen, but

    when he dropped her on the floor, Nanaka screamed, Selina gasped, and Leo

    rushed over to help her.

    Both Salthlex laughed and the messenger tossed the herb on the floor. The

    Master wanted her friends to see how the little hero suffered to keep their


    When they were gone, Alex groaned in pain as she removed the dagger from her

    flesh. She was losing a lot of blood. She needed herb, fast. Aunt Rain snatched the

    herb from the floor as Leo pulled her head onto his lap.

    As Selina and Aunt Rain helped heal the cuts and stab wound, Night said,

    We could hear every word. You were really brave up there.

    Alex smiled weakly and Aunt Rain said,

    The dagger didnt pierce anything vital. It was just outside the organ area. But

    you are one lucky girl.

    I should say. said Shelder. The Tral clan? And she bought that? You really do

    want to die.

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    Shut up. said Alex. Though she was grinning like everyone else.


    After exchanging stories with each other, everyone started voicing thoughts of

    escape and running away.

    Mr. Anlet finally came up with the idea of transformation.

    The only ones who are small enough to transform and fit through the bars are

    Alex, Leo and Shelder.

    Alex stared at him in thought. You know, I had someone ask me if I could

    transform once. She said. She turned to Leo. Do you remember? My first day?

    Hr grinned. Yeah. That was Nathan. You told him you had never tried to.

    Alex nodded absently. How do you transform into a full wolf anyway?

    Well, said Aunt Rain. It takes a word. Only one word can trigger the

    transformation. Its different for everyone. However, she added with a frown.

    The word can only be triggered by a true feeling of wolf spirit.

    What does that mean? asked Shelder.

    For instance, said Tylor. My word happens to be *Patch*. But I can only

    transform if I feel the wolf inside me.

    Shelder sniggered. Patch?

    Yes, said Selina defiantly. The word can be something with meaning, or

    something completely stupid like bugger or pants.

    Alex giggled. I think Id be humiliated if my word was something like *Pants*.

    Selina reluctantly smiled.

    But you can get in touch with your inner wolf very easily. said Harland.

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    Alex stared at him. How?

    He smiled. You just need tofeelit. You need to connect with it. Many half wolves

    have different ways of discovering it but the best way is to think and act like a


    Alex sighed hopelessly and scratched her left ear. She felt something growl happily

    inside her when she touched that spot and stopped dead in her tracks. She sat

    there for a moment and thought.

    Then she jumped up and whooped. At the others curious and amused looks, she


    Ive got it! I dont have to act like a wolf, I know what to do! she said happily.

    She looked around at them, thinking hard and finally sat back down beside Night.

    She took his hand and placed it on top of her head, between her ears.

    She smiled. Go on. Scratch my ears like I was a dog.

    He stared at her for a moment, amused. Then comprehension donned his face and

    he caught on. He scratched the place behind her ears that had made the animal

    inside her growl, and Alex herself started to growl happily.

    Nanaka giggled, went over to Alex and scratched her under her chin. Alex whined

    happily, as a wolf would.

    After a few moments of rubbing her head against Night and Nanaka, Alex woke

    from her trance and smiled widely.

    Ive got it. She said. Ive got the word. But its not just one word. Its two.

    Nanaka squealed and threw herself into Alexs arms.

    Its not safe to transform just now. said Mr. Anlet. Leo, Shelder, do you have

    your words too?

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    The last words were aimed at the two boys who were sitting next to him, grinning.

    I found mine last year. said Shelder. What about you, little brother?

    Leo grinned at Shelder and looked at Alex in a strange way.

    I have mine. He said quietly.

    Well then, said Mr. Anlet. Whats the plan?

    Alex, Leo and Shelder all burst out laughing.

