Angiosperms/Gymnospe rms Katie O'Neal. Angiosperm Angiosperms are known as flowering plants,...


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Katie O'Neal


Angiosperms are known as flowering plants, produce seeds within a protective fruit.

Ex.) apple and orange trees


Gymnosperms, which include pine trees, produce seeds that are not enclosed in fruits.

Transporting Vascular tissue- transports water and dissolved substances from one part of the plant to another.

Xylem- carries water and inorganic nutrients in one direction.

Phloem- carries organic compounds in any direction, depending on the plants needs.

Ex.) carbohydrates

Alternating Life Cycles

All plants have a life cycle that involves two phases.

First phase consists of a diploid (2n) sporophyte

Second phase consists of a haploid (1n) gametophyte plant that produces eggs and sperm.

Vascular tissue

transports __________ and ___________ from one part of the plant to another

True or False?

All plants have a life cycle that involves four phases.

Other gymnosperm plants include..

A. Pines, ferns

B. Maples, elms

C. Tulips, roses

True or False?

An orange tree is an example of an angiosperm.


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