Angela Yang, Jenny Yang 3rd period – Mrs. Nguyen


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Angela Yang, Jenny YangAngela Yang, Jenny Yang

33rdrd period – Mrs. Nguyen period – Mrs. Nguyen

Basic Definition of PKU

Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder where the body’s enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), is missing or malfunctioning so that it cannot properly break down the amino acid, phenylalanine (phe).

Basic Definition of PKU

Phe is found in food containing proteins, but without PAH, consumption of such foods would lead up to a build-up of phe. The high level of phe affects the nervous system and other physical features.

Mental Retardation Seizures Microcephaly (small head size) Skin rashes Stunted growth Hyperactivity “Musty” body odor from the excess phenylalanline Fair skin, hair, and eyes (phenylalanine is linked to

melanin production)


People living with PKU must adhere

strictly to a low phenylalanine diet for life, although it may be relaxed later in life

Sweeteners containing aspartame (which contains phenylalanine) are to be avoided

High protein foods such as meat, milk, and eggs are avoided

PKU patients drink a special formula to compensate for the crucial vitamins and minerals in high protein foods

Life of a PKU patient

Women with PKU who are on a

normal diet must resume the low-phenylalanine diet, as the high levels of phenylalanine in their bodies would hurt a fetus

PKU patients are monitored closely by their doctors to determine exactly how much phenylalanine the patient needs and can tolerate

In conclusion, PKU patients must be extremely careful about what they eat, but otherwise live a relatively normal life

Life of a PKU patient

PKU is usually diagnosed after birth with a

blood test taken from the infant’s heel or the crook of their arm. If there are abnormal amounts of phe, then

further tests (blood and urine) are taken to ensure that the child has PKU.

Another option of diagnosis is through the chorionic villus sampling (CVS) process.

Treatment & Prevention

TreatmentOnce diagnosed, babies are fed diets containing protein without phenylalanine for the first 7-10 days.

Special infant formula called LofenalacRecently, there’s been a special medical (pill) formula discovered for PKU patients called Kuvan.It’s possible to have a wide range of PKU, from mild to severe, but it’s suggested to stick to a diet regiment for life.

Treatment & Prevention

There’s usually a general list of foods that

should not be consumed for PKU patients like: Dairy

Milk, eggs, Cheese Nuts Beans Peas Meat (Poultry, beef, pork, duck etc.) Chocolate

Treatment & Prevention

Prevention:Unfortunately, if PKU is already diagnosed in an infant, there are no preventive measures one can take for their child to not have PKU.If a pregnant individual has PKU, then she’s able to prevent her child from PKU symptoms if she follows a diet low in protein.

Treatment & Prevention

PKU can be traced to a recessive trait

on chromosome 12 PKU results when the recessive form

of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) producing gene is inherited from both the mother and father

For someone to have PKU, they must be homozygous recessive for the trait

Carriers show no outer symptoms

How do you get PKU?

1934: Dr. Folling of Norway discovers PKU, calling

it “imbecillitas phenylpyruvica.” 1935: Dr. Penrose, a British medical geneticist,

renames “imbecillitas phenylpyruciva” to what we now know as “Phenylketonuria”

1937: Dr. Jervis discovers PKU is caused by the malfunctioning of the enzyme PAH.

1951: Dr. Hickmans and Dr. Bickel develops the first diet treatment. This also made their discovery that early treatment of PKU is crucial in their first steps to mental retardation

PKU History

1957: Maternal PKU is identified. When women

with high levels of phe in their blood gives birth to babies with PKU symptoms Dr. Centerwall develops the “Wet Diaper” Test

where the excretion of phenylpyruvic acid allows diagnosis of PKU in infants.

1958: Lofenalac, a formula made from hydrolyzed milk protein, is approved by the FDA to be low in phe and a treatment for PKU.

PKU History

1960: Dr. Guthrie develops the Guthrie Test, a

filter paper screening test for PKU, which makes detection of PKU possible at birth.

1967: 37 states have mandatory newborn screening laws for PKU.

2007: Kuvan, a synthetic version of the missing PAH enzyme, is the first drug (pill) approved by the FDA to lower blood phe levels in some people with PKU. Though it hasn’t been specified for pregnant women yet.

PKU History

"Chest Pain And Central Nervous System." Elderly Care: Senior

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Lee, Kimberly G., and David Zieve. "Phenylketonuria - PubMed Health." PubMed Health. A.D.A.M., Inc., 17 June 2011. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. <>.

"PAH - Phenylalanine Hydroxylase - Genetics Home Reference." Genetics Home Reference - Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions. 7 Nov. 2011. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. <>.


Swidorski, Dawn. "Defeat Diabetes Foundation." Defeat Diabetes

Foundation - Awareness Action = Prevention. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Rewrite : Dairy Products For Human Diet « Myamazinglifee’s Blog."Myamazinglifee’s Blog. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

Global Meat Poultry Exporter Frozen Beef Pork Lamb Chicken Trader. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Gourmet Chocolate Gifts from" Flowers Delivered - Send Flowers Online, ProFlowers Flower Delivery. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.


Swidorski, Dawn. "Defeat Diabetes Foundation." Defeat Diabetes

Foundation - Awareness Action = Prevention. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Rewrite : Dairy Products For Human Diet « Myamazinglifee’s Blog."Myamazinglifee’s Blog. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

Global Meat Poultry Exporter Frozen Beef Pork Lamb Chicken Trader. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Gourmet Chocolate Gifts from" Flowers Delivered - Send Flowers Online, ProFlowers Flower Delivery. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.


Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Phenylketonuria -" Mayo

Clinic. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Phenylketonuria -" Mayo Clinic. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"PAH." Biology @ Davidson. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Smart Muscle." Global Bodyweight Training (All Muscle, No Weights). Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>.


National PKU News. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.









