Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza


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Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza

Andalucia EmprendeAndalucia Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza, is a non-profit public entity aimed at reinforcing the economic activity in the Andalusian region by means of supporting the start-up and development of small business as well as the enhancement of employability.


o To encourage business creation and economic growth in Andalusia

o To foster entrepreneurship through out the Andalusian territory

o To enhance employability in the region

Where are we?

What do we do?

2010 Achievements











10.127 13.108 1.501 2.615 104.559 78.519

Promoting entrepreneurshipActions, programs and projects aimed at:

Impelling the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, providing training for the improvement of business and innovation management, favouring socially excluded groups and some strategic sectors for the Andalusian region. In general terms, promoting business development for Andalusian SMEs, giving special attention to social economy enterprises and to employment’s growth.

• Entrepreneur’s recruitment campaigns, actions to raise awareness, dissemination and previous training: More than 500 activities aimed at the entrepreneur’s recruitment among different target groups, together with other activities to raise awareness on entrepreneurial values and employment growth encouragement are developed every year.

Promoting entrepreneurship

Programs for the promotion of entrepreneurship are divided into two main groups:

Dynamization: These schemes are aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial mindsets and culture either in strategic sectors and in the Andalusian population in general

Education and training for entrepreneurship: the educative schemes are aimed at promoting entrepreneurial skills for life by means of the self-acquisition of attitudes and competences. On the other hand, training for entrepreneurship is achieved by means of internships in companies, aimed at improving the qualification, professional development, knowledge-based innovation and entrepreneurship abilities of the andalusian young people.

Promoting entrepreneurship

Business and employment support scheme: Providing Professional Services

Business Support Territorial Net: offers tailor-made, specialized consultancy , advice and training, and provides free-rent business lodging (industrial and business premises) for business start-ups and business growing plans by means of:

o 215 Business Development Support Centers, distributed in 37 different territorial areas

o More than 1.000 professionals giving Local assistance for starting entrepreneurs

o 264 Industrial premises and 272 Office premises addressed to hold business projects.

Business Lodging: Our Network offers free-rent lodging to business projects at different stages: pre-incubation stage: 6 months in office premises up to the definition of the business plan, and formal constitution of the firm; and incubation stage: 3 years in industrial or office premises up to the consolidation of the firm, or to the implementation of growing strategies or innovative plans

Follow-up: our professionals offer a personalized face-to-face advice and support service according to the entrepreneurs’ profile, and sector of activity: constitution processing and fomalization, business plans, administrative processings, access to public and private funding….,

Business and employment support scheme: Providing Professional Services

Training: Projects entering the scheme are provided with initial training on business management taught directly by our professionals. Complementary training regarding each company’ specific needs or advanced training when the scheme has been fulfilled is also included in the program.

Business and employment support scheme: Providing Professional Services

Information and occasional advice: For projects not entering the scheme, the net offers occasional information and advice service under entrepreneurs’ personal demands.

Specific programs for business creation and consolidation

Specific programs for business creation and growing are divided into two main groups:

Business Growth: Programs directed to strengthen the andalusian small businesses by means of the specialized empowerment and the structuring of cooperation and collaboration networks

Sectoral Plans and Specific Target groups: programs intended to favor entrepreneurship and access to finance among certain target groups and minorities in risk of social exclusion, and in certain sectors strategically relevant for Andalusia.

Specific programs for business creation and consolidation

Coordination and Co-operation Actions: the Business Development Support Centres also facilitates to their users the access to services of other public and private devices related to the support to small business and the innovation, developing joint actions and participating actively in the development of programs in a collaborative frame.

Co-operation with other stakeholders

Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza
