Ancient India Buddhism & the Spread of Indian Culture 3.2 & 7.2


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Ancient IndiaAncient India

BuddhismBuddhism & the Spread of & the Spread of Indian CultureIndian Culture

3.2 & 7.23.2 & 7.2

What is Buddhism?What is Buddhism? 44thth Largest religion (or philosophy). Largest religion (or philosophy).

Founded in 5Founded in 5thth Century BC by Century BC by Siddhartha GautamaSiddhartha Gautama ““The BuddhaThe Buddha (or enlightened one).”(or enlightened one).”

Founded in India, but more Founded in India, but more common in South & East Asia.common in South & East Asia.

Buddhism’sBuddhism’s relationship to relationship to HinduismHinduism Buddha born into Buddha born into

a caste.a caste.

Began in IndiaBegan in India

Belief in …Belief in … KarmaKarma EnlightenmentEnlightenment ReincarnationReincarnation MeditationMeditation

Rejects the CastesRejects the Castes

More accepting of More accepting of women & poorwomen & poor

No GodsNo Gods

Not big in IndiaNot big in India

Spread South & EastSpread South & East

Prince SiddharthaPrince Siddhartha Born into nobility in Northern India Born into nobility in Northern India

Age 29: realized all life suffers, only a Age 29: realized all life suffers, only a life of life of meditationmeditation & & moderationmoderation can can offer peace.offer peace.

Became a wandering monk, searched Became a wandering monk, searched for cure to suffering for cure to suffering

Four Noble TruthsFour Noble TruthsCentral belief of BuddhismCentral belief of Buddhism

• All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrowAll life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow..

• Cause of suffering is selfish desire.Cause of suffering is selfish desire.

• Only cure is to overcome desire.Only cure is to overcome desire.

• To overcome desire, follow the To overcome desire, follow the Middle WayMiddle Way to to NirvanaNirvana (enlightenment). (enlightenment).

The Middle WayThe Middle Way (8 Fold Path) (8 Fold Path)

•The middle road The middle road between pleasure & between pleasure & self-denial.self-denial.

•Goal is Goal is Nirvana: Nirvana: union with the universe union with the universe & release from cycle of & release from cycle of rebirth.rebirth.

Buddha passed Buddha passed on his teachings on his teachings to 5 5 students.

They then They then founded schools founded schools & monasteries & monasteries for monks & for monks & nunsnuns

Nalanda University in North East IndiaNalanda University in North East India

Two Rafts to Cross the RiverTwo Rafts to Cross the RiverTheravada BuddhismTheravada Buddhism - focuses on the teachings of the Buddha rather than on the Buddha himself. Emphasizes meditation.

Mahayana BuddhismMahayana Buddhism - focuses on the Buddha himself, celebrating him as a divine savior.

The Spread of The Spread of BuddhismBuddhism

300 BC, Buddhism began to 300 BC, Buddhism began to spread east and south.spread east and south.

Silk RoadsSilk Roads provided routes of provided routes of diffusion.diffusion.

The Silk RoadsThe Silk Roads Goods & ideas spread from China - EuropeGoods & ideas spread from China - Europe Banking in India became highly profitableBanking in India became highly profitable

Indian CultureIndian Culture KalidasaKalidasa: India’s Shakespeare.: India’s Shakespeare.


AryabhataAryabhata: India’s greatest : India’s greatest mathematician. mathematician.

Indian Numerals, decimal system, zeroIndian Numerals, decimal system, zero 0, 0, 11, , 22, , 33, , 44, , 55, , 66, , 77, , 88, , 99 … …

Effect of Spread of Indian CultureEffect of Spread of Indian Culture

Greatest Effect = Spread of BuddhismGreatest Effect = Spread of Buddhism

Contact with Europe began with the Greeks Contact with Europe began with the Greeks through Alexander’s conqueststhrough Alexander’s conquests

Wealthy Romans were obsessed with Indian Wealthy Romans were obsessed with Indian & Chinese luxuries = contributed to Rome’s & Chinese luxuries = contributed to Rome’s bad economy.bad economy.

Greatest king in Indian Greatest king in Indian historyhistory

United India thru United India thru ConquestConquest

Renounced violence & Renounced violence & became Buddhistbecame Buddhist

Supported religious Supported religious tolerancetolerance

Ashoka the Great: 270 – 232 BCAshoka the Great: 270 – 232 BC
