Ancient history week 6a




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Week Six

The old kingdom in Egypt was also called

the Age of the Pyramids.  

King Khufu built the great pyramids at

Giza. 2700-2200 BC

The Middle Kingdom would have been when Joseph was Prime Minister during the famine in Egypt. 2050-1800 BC

The Early Kingdom was during Amenhotep &

King Tut’s reign. 1570-1300 BC

The Golden Age followed the Early Kingdom. It was

from 1300-1090 BC.

Ramses II is also believed to be the Pharoah that lived during Moses’ time.

Ramses the great came to the throne at a young age and served for a time with his father.

He fought a powerful people in Asia called the Hittites and the Philistines who we read about in the Bible.

Ramses started a great building called the “Great Hall” whose

columns were 78 feet high.

He built many buildings during this time.

The kingdom dwindled after his


A mummy is a body of a person who has been preserved after death. There is a process to embalm the body and protect it from decay.

Egyptians believed the body had to be preserved to be okay in the


We know that to be absent from the body, you are present with the Lord if you are a Christian.  Egyptians did not

believe in God.

It was almost an art to mummify an Egyptian. The body was washed &


The next step was to remove

the person’s organs.  

The organs were individually wrapped with long strips of linen and placed in


The body cavity was then stuffed with natron. The brain was

removed through the nose using a long hook.

Since the ancient Egyptians thought the brain was unimportant, it was probably thrown away.

The body was then left to dry out for 40 days with a special chemical, then it was prepared for bandaging.

The body was then adorned with Gold, jewels—even the fingers and toes were covered with special gold


The last layer of bandages went on & one last coat of resin.

They wrapped the head with a mummy mask.

Once the body was prepared, it was time for the funeral.  

People were hired to cry over the body.

The Egyptians had many ceremonies for the dead to be ready for the afterlife. They practiced this

for over 3,000 years.

Many mummies were plundered and the gold was stolen off their bodies.
